Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos when to read. Prayers before reading the akathist. How to correctly read the akathist in front of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon at home

Turning to the Lord through prayer, a solemn song of praise is an ancient Orthodox tradition. An akathist is one of many different types of church hymns. The word that came to us from Greece “ Ο Ακάθιστος Ύμνος ” comes from the local word “akathistos”, where a is negation and kathizo is sit. It is also called the “non-saddle anthem” because it is customary to perform it while standing.

History of Akathist: origin, history of development

In Greek literature of the Middle Ages we can often find mention of an akathist. This genre has been known since early Byzantine times. Later, from Greece, the tradition of singing this prayer passed to the countries of Eastern Europe. This was reflected in literature and historical works. The very first hymn that has reached modern times was the great akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos; it was written after the miraculous liberation Constantinople from enemy attacks. This great akathist presumably dates back to 626 (during the reign of Emperor Heraclius). Many hymnographers also name earlier dates. It is believed that several hymnographers worked on the prayer at once. In those days, Patriarch Sergius carried in his hands the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos along the city walls, and begged God for protection from the troops of the Persians and Scythians who were besieging Constantinople. People asked the Lord for intercession in churches, begging them to save their homes and hometown.

The Emperor considered the Virgin Mary Patroness and intercessor of the capital after the miraculous salvation of the city. At first, the Akathist holiday was celebrated in Constantinople it was in that temple (Blachernae Temple) where the shrines were kept: the miraculous icon of the Mother of God and Her robe, as well as the belt. Later, the holiday began to be celebrated by the entire Eastern Church.

Christian poets have composed imitations of this akathist, and in the Russian tradition of Orthodoxy it is customary to write such hymns to every saint whom the Church begins to glorify. In the story by A.P. Chekhov’s “Holy Night” you can find an artistic story about how people composed an akathist to the Virgin Mary. Such prayers continued the tradition of the genre.

The Great Akathist to the Mother of God became a model of a song of praise. Usually a song of praise is written by an akathistographer - an Orthodox Christian poet. Nowadays there are not only classical akathists that we could meet in ancient times, so the akathist has become a separate special genre of a song of praise to Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, a saint, and sometimes a church holiday.

In Russia, the akathist, a special type of prayer, appeared around 916. The first Russian anthem was dedicated to St. Sergius of Radonezh.

During the times of persecution of the Church, the genre of solemn prayer was in its heyday. It was at this time that many new akathists were written, because the church choir did not participate in the singing of the akathist; it was read privately, without a priest. Believers could pray at home. New akathists are still being written. There are about 1,800 songs of praise in different languages ​​of the world. The authors of the Akathist music often remain unknown, since many chants were born among the people.

Akathist to the Blessed Virgin Mary

The song of praise to the Most Holy Theotokos, which is called the “great akathist” and is considered an example of a song of praise, consists of 25 stanzas. These are 13 kontakia and 12 ikos. It is customary to start Ikos with Greek letters. This akathist is sung during the liturgical service of Matins. The text of the akathist is contained in several books, but it is believed that it originally appeared in the Lenten Triodion. It is sung only once a year. This is why Saturday of the fifth week of Great Lent is called “Praise to the Mother of God” or “Saturday of the Akathist.”

There are about 30 different editions of the Akathist. In our country, it is not the Athonite version of the Akathist of the early 14th century (an elder named John), but the Kiev version of 1627 that is widely known. This version of the prayer was compiled by Archimandrite Pletenetsky (Elisha), the author of the translation of “The Lenten Triodion.” The book “Canon” by Kirill Belozersky, which was published in 1407, says that Greek hymns were known to Russian monks of the 15th century.

The synxar of Saturday of the 5th week of Great Lent notes that the holiday was established in honor of the retreat of the invaders from Constantinople, which took place through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos. Residents Constantinople They considered the Mother of God their intercessor. But the content and structure of the solemn service is not tied to this or that victory in the military field. The leitmotif of the akathist is the important holidays for believers: the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Incarnation of the Son of God.

The Orthodox Church reads this akathist to confirm the penitents in the hope of the Heavenly Intercessor. The Mother of God delivered people from visible enemies during the time of Emperor Heraclius, and believers hope for help in getting rid of the invisible enemy, therefore there is no contradiction in the history of the creation of the akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos and its modern understanding.

Structure of the Akathist: Kontakia and Ikos

The akathist necessarily consists of kontakia and ikos. These are 25 songs, they correspond to the order of the letters of the Greek alphabet. The prayer consists of thirteen songs of praise, kontakia and twelve lengthy songs called “ikos”. Each group of works explains the meaning of the holiday to which the akathist is dedicated.

It is customary to end ikos with the word “Rejoice” and kontakia with the chanting of “Hallelujah,” which means “praise God.” Ikos, which is read after kontakion, is usually divided into two parts. It is not customary to read ikos without kontakia.

The Akathist resembles the classical kontakion in its composition. Such kontakia necessarily have twenty stanzas: twelve of them are shorter, with the praise of “hallelujah,” and twelve long ones, which correspond to the first chorus of the kontakion. But, unlike the kontakion of the classical type, the akathist sets itself, as a primary task, the task of praise. Akathists also distinguish khairetisms from ancient kontakia. Higherisms are praises that begin with the word “Rejoice!” . The first word in the short introductory phrase of ikos is also “Rejoice.” The thirteenth kontakion is read three times with an address to the one to whom it is dedicated, after it the first ikos is necessarily repeated, then the first kontakion is read again.

The akathist can be read immediately after the morning or evening rules. In this case, the initial prayers are usually not read, you can read the akathist after reading the prayers until the final prayer “It is worthy to eat.” Most often, the akathist is read privately, when a person is left alone with God. Both cell and cathedral prayer are mentioned in the Bible. But even when praying at home, it is important to observe the liturgical regulations. The song of praise has a clear structure, because even in private prayer, it can be difficult for a believer, especially one who has recently come to Church, to formulate an appeal to the Lord. Many turn to God and His saints in everyday needs, but not every request is pleasing to God and not every everyday request contributes to the salvation of the soul. Therefore, there are akathists dedicated to everyday problems that believers face.

What akathists to read for everyday needs

They ask the Most Holy Theotokos for protection in difficult situations. Read Akathist taken on Saturday, the fifth week of Lent.

Akathist read in remembrance of the Passion of the Savior and the memory of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Akathist to St. Catherine the Great Martyr read by girls who want to get married.

Akathist to the Holy Supreme Apostles Peter and Paul read with a request for an increase in faith.

Akathist to Saint Mitrofan, Voronezh Wonderworker read about the life structure of children.

Akathist to the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker read for liberation from addictions and captivity.

Akathist to the Holy Wonderworker John the Warrior read in search of protection from offenders.


It is recommended to read the akathist in the morning, before eating. Usually this is done out loud, the believer passes the words of praise through his heart. The text of the prayer will be better remembered if you read it every day. You can turn to the Lord not only after morning or evening prayer, akathists are read at any moment when the soul requires it ( Pray without ceasing– 1 Thess. 5:17). Through the prayers of the Mother of God and the saints, miracles happened more than once, and the Lord sent consolation to the suffering. Many new akathists are being written, not all of them managed to receive a church blessing and are canonical texts. They are considered by a specially created liturgical commission. If a believer wants to read such an akathist in home prayer, you can turn to your confessor for a blessing.

Solemn songs of praise are also read in gratitude to the Lord and the saints, our intercessors in Heaven. We have also put together for you a small video collection of akathists and our best materials about church hymns.

Listen to akathists:


An akathist is a song of praise in honor of the Mother of God, the Savior or other saints. Like many religious traditions, reading the akathist has its own characteristics and strict traditions. Let's figure out how to read the akathist.

Akathist structure

Any akathist consists of 25 songs, which are arranged in accordance with the Greek alphabet. Thirteen of them are called kontakia (songs of praise), and twelve are called ikoses (extensive songs), which explain the essence of the festive event. It is because of this that ikos is never read independently, but only after reading the kontakion. All ikos end with the word “rejoice,” and at the end of the kodak you can always hear “hallelujah,” which means “praise God.” After the reading of the kontakion there is always an ikos, which, as a rule, is divided into two parts. The last line of the kontakion is considered an appeal to the one to whom the song is dedicated. By tradition, it is repeated three times in a row. The akathist is always followed by reading a prayer.

An interesting fact is that the akathist is not a biography of the saint, but only an expression of praise in the form of a poetic hymn.

Rules for reading the akathist

Which akathist to read can be chosen by the person himself. Often, akathists are always dedicated to the one whose help the believer currently needs. However, the most popular is the akathist to the Blessed Virgin Mary, which has not changed since the distant year 620. It is sung only once a year, on Saturday of the fifth week of Lent. This day is usually called “Saturday of Akathist”.

Akathist translated from ancient Greek means “unsaddled singing.” And, indeed, it is not permissible to listen or read an akathist while sitting, an exception is made only for sick people. When reading the akathist, you need to stand facing the icon of the saint to whom the chant is dedicated. If this is not possible, then reading the akathist is permissible while standing facing the window.

In addition, reading the akathist refers to cell prayers, in other words, home prayers. Therefore, you can read the akathist at home, without receiving the blessing of a priest for this. Before reading, you should read the intended prayer (morning or evening), and only then move on to the song itself. After you finish the akathist, you should read a prayer to the Guardian Angel. Remember that an akathist is, first of all, a song of praise, so the most important thing is not how well you read it, but what will be in your soul and thoughts during this reading.

So, I hope now you know how to read the akathist correctly. But remember that even if you break some reading rules, this is not the worst thing. Only bad deeds and thoughts of a person are terrible.

Number of entries: 64

God bless you! Tell me, is it possible, when reading the Akathist before the Icon of the Queen of Heaven “The Inexhaustible Chalice,” to name the names of not only those suffering from the disease of drunkenness, but also people suffering from other ailments? God bless you.


Yes, you can, you pray to the Queen of Heaven, and in front of which icon is not so important.

Deacon Ilya Kokin

Hello, please tell me, according to a legend prevailing among the Orthodox people, the akathist “Quick to Hear” should be read 40 times for a cancer patient - is this true?


Dear Ksenia, it is true that through fervent prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos, miraculous healings of the sick occur. But to think that this happens depending on the number of akathists read is wrong. It is very good to take on such a spiritual feat as prayer, reading an akathist for a loved one. This is an active manifestation of our love, and it is this love that opens the way to God’s mercy. “Ask and it will be given to you,” said the Lord. So we will ask, without wondering how much we need to pray. May God help you!

Priest Sergius Osipov

Hello, father! I have a very difficult situation in my family with loan repayments. I always go to church, pray, light candles. I was advised to read a prayer to Spyridon of Trimifutsky and the Akathist, I started reading, they say it helps. Tell me, please, was it necessary to take a blessing from the priest in order to read the akathist? Now it’s very difficult and difficult for me. I don’t have the opportunity to go and venerate his relics.


Natasha, personally, I am generally opposed to loans. I believe that you need to live with what you have, and then there will be no such problems. You always want more in life, but you need to learn to live within your means and not into debt. A blessing is not required to read the akathist; pray for the Lord to help. In the future, I would advise you to refrain from loans.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello, father! I had such a problem - in August my head and neck began to tremble violently. Hospitals didn't work! Now I read morning prayers, then the akathist to St. PANTELEMON. In the evening - prayers for the coming sleep. I didn’t take the priest’s blessing because I didn’t know it was necessary! I read every day. Am I doing the right thing and what akathists should I still read?


Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello, father. Tell me how to correctly read the akathist to Saint Spyridon, how many days the akathist is read, and is it necessary to take a blessing from the priest?


Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello! After a trip to the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon in the Serpukhov Monastery, I began to read an akathist to this icon. I learned that you need to read for 40 days. In my prayer I mentioned several names of those suffering from the disease of drunkenness, including the name of my friend’s husband. Now he has begun to drink even more, the situation in the family is tense. What should I do, continue reading the akathist? Is it possible to receive a priest’s blessing to read this akathist in absentia?


Irina, to read the akathist you had to take a blessing right away, in the temple. In this case, you would pray not relying only on your own strength, but with God’s help. The priest is the conductor of God's grace. Therefore, when they take a blessing, they apply it not to the hand of the priest, but to the Hand of the Lord. Let's say we want to receive God's blessing, but how will we know whether He blessed or not? For this, the Lord left a priest on earth, gave him special power, and the grace of God descends on believers through the priest. In addition, during personal communication, you will be able to ask the priest all your questions about what you are taking the blessing for. And the priest will advise what will be useful for you. Through the Internet you can only give general advice, but you can receive grace, as well as hear something specific from the priest, only in church.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello, father. On the Internet there is an Akathist to St. Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg performed by a church choir. How should you listen to him correctly, what should you do before him? I read the correspondence below: “Hello, Sergey! If you have completed the prayer rule for a Christian before going to bed, then why not listen to the church choir before going to bed.” What does it mean “they have completed the prayer rule prescribed for a Christian for the coming sleep”? Thank you.


Svetlana, the correspondence refers to “Prayers for those who are coming to bed,” which can be found in any Orthodox Prayer Book. Morning prayers and Prayers for bedtime are mandatory for every Christian. As for church hymns, they can be listened to in a pious atmosphere, with reverent attention. Although, it is best, of course, to read the Akathist to St. blzh. Ksenia on her own.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)


Galina, if you are going to read the akathist loudly and publicly in church, then the blessing of the abbot is, of course, mandatory. The fact is that such a reading is no longer entirely private, not yours personally, but rather a public service, and it may somehow not be consistent with the rules or schedule of the church, with other subtleties of parish life.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello, father! I have a question. Is it possible to read an Akathist for a person who died every day if he died seven months ago?

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Tatyana, Valery

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello! I would like to read the akathists of St. Ksenia of St. Petersburg, Peter and Fevronia, Vera, Nadezhda Love and their mother Sophia, and “Softening Evil Hearts”, in the hope that prayers will help me maintain a relationship with my loved one. But I doubt it, I found out that reading akathists requires a blessing! Tell me, is this true? Do you think I have a chance to maintain a relationship with my loved one and melt his heart, which has become a little clouded and cooled towards me? And with the help of what prayers can you help your loved one get rid of past memories that weigh on his soul, heart, thoughts and mind? I see how hard it is for him. Give me strength God! Forgive me, save you, Lord!


Natasha, dear! Why do you turn akathists into a love spell, do you expect such a return from them?! Shouldn’t you tell us about real problems with your loved one, “about memories”, etc.? Maybe it's better to start with problem analysis? By the way, I understand that you had cohabitation and not a legal marriage?

Archpriest Maxim Khizhiy

Good afternoon My question is a little strange. Why do akathists end with kontakion 13, no more and no less? Just wondering. Thank you!


Georgy, a very good article about akathists is posted on the Orthodox Encyclopedia website http://azbyka.ru/dictionary/01/akafist-all.shtml. Read it, you will learn a lot of new things; by the way, it says that the number of ikos and kontakia is determined historically and is associated with the way of musical performance of akathists in ancient times.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello, father! A year ago my mother died. When she was buried, an icon of the martyr Tatiana was placed in her hands, although she is Valentina. Why? And the second question: I am very much in love with a man who is 12 years younger than me. I broke up with him on my own initiative, because I don’t see in him the desire to build a family with me, and I don’t want to live in sin with him. Did I do the right thing, and what akathist should I read in order to forget this person and find peace and peace of mind (six months have passed since we broke up, and it hurts a lot). Thanks in advance.


Alexandra, women usually put an icon of the Mother of God in their coffins. It’s hard for me to say why they did it differently. Perhaps they got mixed up. The fact that you broke up with this person is very correct. It’s better to be alone than to build your “happiness” in sin. Fornicators will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, always remember this, and your soul will be calmer and easier.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello! Is it possible to pray and read the Akathist at home without an icon, because the Saints will hear it anyway? I can’t find the icon of the 9 Martyrs of Kizi in our city. Few people know about them. And I really want their intercession and help! For a long time I have not been able to find a suitable job, but it is so needed, I have prayed to many, but it seems to me that they do not hear me or that I am praying incorrectly... I try to confess and receive communion. Thank you for your reply! Save me, God!


Anastasia, the Gospel says: “Ask and you will receive.” It's always good to pray. Even if there is no icon in front of which we want to pray, then, of course, we still need to pray - the saints will definitely hear us. Without any doubt, you can pray to these Saints, even if you do not have their icon. God help you.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Please tell me, is there a special rule for how many days to read the akathist?


Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Dear priests! I read 3 akathists: Ksenyushka, Spiridon and Tryphon. These are my favorite saints. I started it myself out of ignorance, without blessing. Now I have a lot of problems (my grandfather is very sick, difficulties at work, the issue of a mortgage, etc.), so my soul asked, and my hand reached out to the akathist. Today I read on your website that you need to take a blessing on this site. I can only go to church on weekends - there is a lot of work. And I want to continue with blessings. Please bless me to continue reading.


Hello, Ksenia! You've got something wrong. The blessing for reading akathists should be taken not on the website, but from the priest in the temple. You can recommend something through the Internet, but the Grace of God can only be received in church. Therefore, you can be blessed when you come to church. God help you!

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello! I decided that I would read the akathist to Spyridon of Trimythous for 40 days. I read it for 3 days, on day 4 I didn’t have the opportunity to do it, I missed one day. I'm very worried about this. What should I do now? Is it possible to continue, or should I start over?

Akathist is the name given to a genre in Orthodox church chants, but initially this was the name of the only work of this style that was written in honor of the Mother of God - “The Great Akathist.” This akathist is sung without fail at the service, which is held every year in Orthodox monasteries on Saturday morning on the fifth. Of course, this is not the only day when akathists are read at services in Orthodox churches, but this genre is more likely attributed to cell prayers, and it is not included in the daily cycle of worship.

When to read an Orthodox akathist

Each person decides for himself when to read the akathist. It happens that people start reading due to a certain need or at the call of the heart, and sometimes the priest gives instructions. It also happens that inexperienced parishioners begin to read, completely unaware of how to read the akathist correctly. Of course, a priest can answer all your questions, but many believe that it is more convenient to find the necessary information on the Internet. In turn, the Orthodox Church has long and actively used Christian sites, which make it possible to disseminate a large amount of information. Orthodox websites contain texts of prayers, akathists, and absolutely everything that relates to the Orthodox Church.

It is very useful to listen to choral church singing, which can be found on Orthodox websites. Listening to the akathist in the recording, you will better understand the placement of stresses and the meaning of the work, which means you will learn how to read the akathist correctly. Works of this genre are widespread on the Internet and you can find absolutely anything that interests you.

How to read the akathist yourself

An akathist in its sense is similar to a hymn. Therefore, when they read the akathist, they do not sit down. An exception is made for frail old people and sick people who are unable to rise. It is better to read the akathist in front of the icon of the Saint to whom it is addressed. Read about the life of this Saint to better understand when to read the akathist and in what need. As you begin reading, say the prayers: “Through the prayers of the holy Fathers...”, “Glory to Thee, our God...”, “O Heavenly King...”, “The Trisagion” according to the “Our Father”, and finishing: “It is worthy...”, “Glory even now.” , Lord have mercy (say three times), “Through the prayers of the holy Fathers...”. When reading the akathist, your head should be fresh and not burdened with other thoughts, which means the morning hours are ideal for chanting this genre.

If you have free time, you can read

Text of Orthodox prayer for birthday

Lord God, Ruler of the whole world, visible and invisible. All the days and years of my life depend on Your holy will. I thank You, most merciful Father, that You allowed me to live another year; I know that due to my sins I am unworthy of this mercy, but You show it to me out of Your ineffable love for mankind. Extend Your mercies to me, a sinner; continue my life in virtue, tranquility, health, peace with all relatives and in harmony with all neighbors. Give me an abundance of the fruits of the earth and everything that is necessary to satisfy my needs. Most of all, cleanse my conscience, strengthen me on the path of salvation, so that, following it, after many years of life in this world, having passed into eternal life, I will be worthy to be the heir of Your Heavenly Kingdom. Lord Himself, bless the year I am beginning and all the days of my life. Amen.

How to read the akathist correctly? After the akathist, a prayer is read. How to read akathists - out loud or silently, in a chant, in what order? Then the akathist itself is read, three times the thirteenth kontakion, the first ikos and the first kontakion. Tell me, please, is it possible to just read akathists to different saints every day or every other day?

An akathist is a song of praise in honor of the Savior, the Mother of God, saints or any holidays (events). Any akathist consists of 25 songs (in accordance with the Greek alphabet). It is because of this that ikos is never read independently, but only after reading the kontakion. Akathists in honor of holidays are sometimes read at Matins of a festive service or at a prayer service on the very day of the holiday.

This is how the order of reading the Paraklisis of the Mother of God developed, where at the prayer service after the sixth song of the canon, an akathist to the Mother of God (or to her icons) is read. But a rule can be deduced from general church practice: during the period of Great Lent it is not customary to read akathists, except for the Akathist to the Mother of God on the 5th week (on Saturday) and the Akathist to the Passion of Christ.

The akathist itself has a special sequence. At the end of the akathist, a prayer is read. Akathist to the Intercession of the Most Holy TheotokosThe icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos depicts an event that took place at the end of the 10th century in Constantinople. Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of Her icon “Quench My Sorrows” On the icon, the Mother of God seems to listen to the prayers of believers who resort to Her in their needs, sorrows and sorrows.

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of Her icon “Softening Evil Hearts” Read to soften evil hearts and pacify those at war. Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of Her “Healer” icon. The image comes from Georgia and received its name from the miraculous healing given to a seriously ill person when the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to him.

Reading akathists during the week

Akathist to the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Daniel, the Moscow Wonderworker With covetousness, love and brotherly love, he elevated Moscow and laid the foundation for the unification of Rus' into a single powerful power. Akathist to the Righteous Saint John of Kronstadt In childhood, the saint is right. John had trouble reading and writing, and after fervent prayer, it was as if a veil fell from the boy’s eyes, and he began to read. Akathist to the Holy Wonderworker John the WarriorSaint John the Warrior, sent to persecute and kill Christians, provided great help to the persecuted.

Akathist to Saint Nicholas Saint Nicholas, one of the most revered saints in Rus', was glorified by God for the gift of miracles and healings. Akathist to the holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon He dedicated his entire life to the suffering, sick and wretched. Akathist to the Holy Great Martyr BarbaraThe saint asked the Lord that everyone repent and receive communion before their death.

Akathist to the holy righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna. These saints bore bitter barrenness until their old age, then, with the blessing of God, they gave birth to the Most Holy Theotokos. Come, let us bow down and bow down to Christ our King God (bow). And he rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures.

When reading an akathist or canon in private (at home), the usual beginning and end of prayers are used. The same usual beginning and ending are found in morning prayers. Hello, please tell me, according to a legend prevailing among the Orthodox people, the akathist “Quick to Hear” should be read 40 times for a cancer patient - is this true? But to think that this happens depending on the number of akathists read is wrong.

Akathists to the icons of the Mother of God

I was advised to read a prayer to Spyridon of Trimifutsky and the Akathist, I started reading, they say it helps. I didn’t take the priest’s blessing because I didn’t know it was necessary! I read every day. Am I doing the right thing and what akathists should I still read? Victor, you can read these prayers boldly and without blessing; there is nothing special or impermissible for a Christian here. Olga, akathists can be read an unlimited number of days, as much as you wish.

Is it possible to receive a priest’s blessing to read this akathist in absentia? Irina, to read the akathist you had to take a blessing right away, in the temple. In this case, you would pray not relying only on your own strength, but with God’s help. On the Internet there is an Akathist to St. Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg performed by a church choir. How should you listen to him correctly, what should you do before him?

After all, reading the akathist belongs to cell prayers, that is, home prayers

Although, it is best, of course, to read the Akathist to St. blzh. Ksenia on her own. Galina, if you are going to read the akathist loudly and publicly in church, then the blessing of the abbot is, of course, mandatory.

Valery, the akathist can be read at any time of the day, whenever you want. First, the opening prayers are read, then the akathist itself. But I doubt it, I found out that reading akathists requires a blessing! Why do you turn akathists into a love spell, do you expect such a return from them?! Why do akathists end with kontakion 13, no more and no less? Read it, you will learn a lot of new things; by the way, it says that the number of ikos and kontakia is determined historically and is associated with the way of musical performance of akathists in ancient times.

Before reading the akathist, you must read all the initial prayers

Why? And the second question: I am very much in love with a man who is 12 years younger than me. Anastasia, the Gospel says: “Ask and you will receive.” Without any doubt, you can pray to these Saints, even if you do not have their icon. God help you.

An akathist is the same prayer book, and you can read it as much as you like, whenever you want. It often happens that a person takes on an unbearable burden, and as a result he has spiritual problems. If you pray obediently and with blessings, then such problems can be avoided. If at the moment you do not have the opportunity to get to the temple, you can read the akathist, and when you are in the temple, tell the priest about it and take the blessing.

Sometimes, just like that, looking at an icon of a saint, you want to read an akathist. Hello, Allah! You can read akathists if you wish, but it is still better to take a blessing for this so as not to act arbitrarily. You can read the Psalter for the departed, litia for the laity, there is a prayer for the departed in the morning rule in the prayer book. And, of course, the main thing is prayer in church during the Liturgy, commemoration of the baptized departed at Proskomedia. An akathist is a very complex chant that glorifies Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos, a specific saint, or some Christian holiday.

There are no special instructions in the Charter for reading akathists in church and during cell (home) prayer. Is it possible to read the akathist at home? Certainly. What should I do, continue reading the akathist? On all other days of the year, reading akathists is permitted. Tell me, please, was it necessary to take a blessing from the priest in order to read the akathist? Tell me how to correctly read the akathist to Saint Spyridon, how many days the akathist is read, and is it necessary to take a blessing from the priest?

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