Fortune telling about the gender of a child for Christmas, how many children there will be. Fortune telling about the gender of the unborn child Accurate fortune telling about the gender of the child

Victoria Bonna

Specialization: Parapsychology, extrasensory perception
Education: Professional

Articles written

Expectant mothers are extremely curious. Determining the sex of a child is one of our favorite activities. Whoever says that this is not true will deceive himself. Boy or girl? Girl or boy?

Knowing in advance, you can decorate the nursery “to match.” And look at the stroller by color. Choose a name and call your baby by name - let him get used to it! Well, how? Do you want to determine the sex of your baby before he is born? Then read on.

Fortune telling about the gender of the child

Expert opinion

Practitioner of magic and occult rituals


There are a large number of signs about pregnant women and methods that will help you determine who will be born to you: a boy, a girl, or even twins or triplets.

Many people know the theory that women’s blood is renewed every three years, and men’s blood is renewed every 4 years. Therefore, in order to determine who will be born to you, you need to take the total number of years of the woman and divide this figure by 3, then divide the total number of years of the husband by 4. It is generally accepted that if the woman’s number is greater, a boy will be born in the family, and if it’s the other way around, then it’s a girl.

Signs for determining the sex of the unborn child

Of course, in the age of progress, many couples are trying to plan the sex of the child in advance, fortunately, many methods are now offered for this. But even these parents are concerned about the question of who will be born: a boy or a girl?

Today, the most reliable method for determining the sex of an unborn child is to study the mother’s blood, which already contains fetal DNA in the early stages. Identification of the Y chromosome allows us to say with confidence that a woman is expecting a boy, but if such a chromosome is not detected in the blood, a girl will be born into the family. But this method has a number of limitations; moreover, it is quite expensive and not available to every woman.

Therefore, most mothers use ultrasound to determine the sex of the child. But this method can be wrong, because the child is not always inclined to “show” his gender. Many people determine the gender of the child using special tables. There are also many signs among the people. True, there is an opinion that they all exist only so that the expectant mother and her family have something to do - guess what gender the child will be.

The effect of pregnancy on appearance

Most folk signs are associated with observations of changes in the appearance of pregnant women. From generation to generation, characteristic signs were noted, which eventually became signs.

The girl “eats” beauty

One of the most reliable signs that a girl will be born are negative changes in the mother’s appearance. Pigment spots appear on her face, and the condition of her skin and hair worsens. This observation is also confirmed by modern doctors: girls take away some of the hormones from their mother, the lack of which affects the appearance of pregnant women.

The boy takes care of his mother

Even in ancient times, people determined whether a boy or a girl would be born by the shape of the belly. A small, neat, sharp-shaped belly most often indicates the birth of a male child. The heiress hides in her large, round belly, clearly visible from the back.

The belly of a pregnant woman is always asymmetrical. A popular belief states that an enlarged belly on the right side appears in mothers of boys. Girls are shifted to the left side of the pregnant woman's abdomen.

Fortune telling methods

Preparing for fortune telling with a ring

Fortune telling on a ring is a simple process that does not require any special materials, conditions or abilities. But for it to be true, everything must be done correctly.

  1. You should not guess on Monday - this is a bad day for predictions when the information will be incorrect.
  2. The ritual is performed in the evening, after sunset, or at night.
  3. Before fortune telling, the girl must comb her hair and remove all jewelry and accessories - hairpins, belt, rings. There should be no cosmetics. It is best to tell fortunes in a simple nightgown.
  4. Electric light interferes with the mystical process, so you should only light candles, placing them on the floor near you.
  5. The ring must be gold or silver, without stones, relief, or pattern.
  6. It’s better to sit on the floor rather than guess at your desk.
  7. Unmarried girls can tell fortunes on the wedding rings of their mother or grandmother. A married woman only tells fortunes using her own wedding ring.

Fortune telling with a needle

Fortune telling the gender of a child using a needle can be called very effective and accurate. You need to thread a white or red thread into the needle, then grab the tip of the thread with your right hand, and place your left hand, palm up, under the point of the needle. The needle should not touch the palm, it should hang a couple of centimeters from it. At this time, you need to start thinking about the gender of the child, really want to know him.

The needle will begin to swing and by these swings you can find out what gender the child will be born. If the needle swings in a circular motion, then you should expect the birth of a girl, and if the needle moves in a pendulum type, then most likely a boy will be born.

Rituals with needle and food

Rituals with a needle and water are performed in winter, during Christmastide. For this you will need a ring and a glass of clean water. You need to take a smooth gold ring that belongs to a fortune-telling girl. It is placed in a glass filled with clean water and placed in a frosty place overnight. In the morning the result is assessed. Irregularities protruding above the surface of frozen water indicate the birth of the first male child. The appearance of holes and bubbles on the ice is a sign of the appearance of a little beauty.

Fortune telling by a needle is reminiscent of fortune telling by a ring, only a needle is used as a pendulum. To carry out the ceremony you will need an unused sewing needle, red or white thin thread.

Thread a thread into a needle and tie its ends. The fortune-telling girl holds the needle in her palm, filling it with her energy. The needle pendulum is held for several seconds over the center of the open palm, and then lowered three times between the thumb and index finger. Then the pendulum is moved again to the center of the palm and its movement is observed. Important! The fortune-telling girl's assistant should try not to move her hand so as not to affect the movements of the thread and needle. The results are evaluated in the same way as in fortune telling with a ring on a string.

Guessing the gender of a child by weight

As you know, in women, blood renewal occurs once every three years. For representatives of the stronger sex, this occurs once every 4 years.

  1. If you want to find out who will be born to you, you should divide the full age (digit) of the expectant mother by 3.
  2. Next, divide the full age of the future dad by 4.
  3. If the female number is higher, then the couple will have a son. If, on the contrary, the man’s number is greater, then a daughter will be born.

Fortune telling to determine the sex of a child by letter

This method of divination is probably the simplest of all existing ones. A woman should go into the yard at dawn and ask the first person she meets to name the letter of the alphabet.

  • If it turns out to be even, then a daughter will be born.
  • If the letter is odd, then a boy is likely to appear.

Ritual with fish

This method was previously popular in Siberia. A pregnant woman had to go into the river and try to catch a live fish with her hands. After the task was completed, it was necessary to see what the catch was.

If the name of the fish was female (pike, trout), this indicated that a daughter would be born. If a woman caught perch, crucian carp, and so on, it was believed that a son would be born.

At the moment, it is quite difficult to carry out such a ritual, but many people believe that when a woman becomes pregnant, she has a dream where she buys or catches fish. You must definitely remember what the name of the fish was in the dream.

On the stomach

Many fortune tellers determine the gender of the unborn child by the shape of the pregnant woman's belly. But this method can provide conditional truthful information. It is believed that if a pregnant woman’s belly is small and has a sharp shape, and if you look from the back, you can see the waist, then you should expect a boy. And if the belly is round and large and the waist is not visible, then most likely the baby will be a girl.

There are also many folk signs that allow one to determine the gender of the unborn child based on various external signs of a pregnant woman.

They claim the following:

  1. If during pregnancy you want to diversify the table with sweet dishes, then, most likely, a girl will be born.
  2. When you constantly want to taste sour and salty dishes, this foreshadows the birth of a boy.
  3. Boys have a slower heart rate in later pregnancy.
  4. It is believed that an unborn girl takes away beauty from her mother, so during pregnancy a woman’s appearance deteriorates, while a woman blossoms while carrying a baby boy.

By date of birth of parents

The sex of the unborn child can be predicted by the date of birth of the parents. This method of fortune telling is offered by numerology, which, in most cases, gives correct information. For fortune telling, you first need a blank sheet of paper and a pen. First, you should write your own date of birth and the date of birth of the father of the unborn child. Then you need to sum up all the numbers in the first and second cases. Such actions must be performed until a pair of single-digit numbers is obtained.

They are the code that can be deciphered to predict the gender of the unborn child:

  1. If the number obtained from adding the numbers in a woman's birthday is much greater than the same number obtained from a man's birthday, then the birth will be a boy. Otherwise, you should expect a girl.
  2. If the difference between the obtained numbers is small, then the error in predicting the gender of the unborn child increases.
  3. If, after adding the numbers, the numbers are the same, then problems during childbirth are possible. It may also indicate incompatibility between the couple, which is often the cause of infertility.

On playing cards

A very popular fortune-telling ritual using ordinary playing cards. An important condition is that the deck of cards has not previously been used in the game. When fortune telling, you can ask a variety of questions regarding pregnancy.

But the main ones, which are pronounced first, should be the following:

  1. When will conception occur?
  2. Who will be born to me?
  3. How will the pregnancy proceed?
  4. Will the child be desired by the father?

For each question, one card is laid out and thus a layout is formed.

When decoding it, you need to take into account the following features:

  • If, when asking the first question, a red card was laid out with a value from six to ten, then this indicates that pregnancy will not occur soon.
  • If the first question shows a red card with a picture, then this indicates conception in the near future. This meaning is reinforced by the ace drawn next.
  • If a black card comes up in response to the first question, then this is a warning that now is not the best period for conception, so it is better to wait a while.
  • If, when asking the second question, the answer is a lady, then this foreshadows the birth of a girl. If the king was drawn out, then you can prepare for the birth of a boy. Moreover, the color of the suit indicates the color of the hair. The queen or king of hearts or diamonds predicts the birth of a fair-haired and red-haired baby. The queen or king of spades or clubs predicts the birth of a child with dark hair.
  • If, when asking the third question, a red card was drawn, then the pregnancy will go smoothly and the birth will be easy. But a black card in this position warns of problems during pregnancy and difficult childbirth. A very bad card in this case is the ace of spades, which is a harbinger of the death of the mother or child during childbirth.
  • If a red card appears on the fourth question, this confirms that the child will be desired by his father. Conversely, black suit is a negative answer.

On the runes

Fortune telling for conception can also be performed using runes. The following runes are responsible for conception and pregnancy - Algiz, Dagaz, Berkana.

Their meanings are deciphered as follows:

  1. Algiz shows the protection of a pregnant woman by higher powers. This rune is a harbinger of an easy birth.
  2. Dagaz is direct evidence of pregnancy. That is, when such a rune appears, we can conclude that conception has already occurred.
  3. Berkana - symbolizes the feminine principle. This rune, along with predicting the onset of pregnancy, indicates its successful course.

Determining the sex of a child by blood

The first method is as follows: It is based on periodic renewal of blood in future parents. Male blood is capable of renewal every four years, and female blood is renewed every three years. By calculating who has younger blood, you can find out the gender of the unborn baby. If the mother's blood is younger, the child will be a girl, and if the father's blood is younger, the child will be a boy.

The following blood method is not effective enough, but some people also use it. It is based on a specially designed table. It can be found in specialized literature or on Internet sites. It compares the blood type of both parents and determines the sex of the unborn child.

Blood group comparison table
Blood typeFather

Fortune telling the gender of a child by urine and milk

The ritual is intended exclusively for pregnant women. Many women prefer to carry out the ritual when everyone in the household has gone to work: the required predictive actions are quite unusual and even somewhat intimate.

You will need:

  • a small old saucepan that you don’t mind;
  • milk;
  • own urine.

It is necessary to place the container on the fire, pouring both liquids into it. If the milk curdles, turning into a thick kefir-like mass, you should expect a girl. The absence of changes indicates the imminent birth of a boy. Fortune telling on the sex of the child using milk and urine is recommended to be carried out at 10-11 weeks of pregnancy: the results will be the most accurate. Some women note that the ritual turns out to be untrue, while others say it is 100% successful.

Winter fortune telling of a child's gender using a ring and a glass of water

The ritual can be performed by both pregnant women and girls who are just thinking about the possibility of having a child. You will need:

  • pure water;
  • voluminous glass without chips;
  • your own ring (if any, then an engagement ring).

You need to fill a glass with water, throw the decoration in there and leave the container in the cold. The results are seen in the morning. If there are more bumps and protrusions on the frozen surface, then the next child born to a woman will be male. And vice versa: notches and depressions indicate the appearance of a little heiress.

Any fortune telling about the sex of a child is just an attempt to lift the veil of secrecy over the miracle of childbirth. A new baby can always surprise its parents, disproving the results of not only predictive rituals, but even medical examinations.

Now, thanks to new technologies, you can easily and quickly find out who will be born into a family - a boy or a girl. In the old days, for this purpose, people used fortune telling on the sex of the child, and the result was no less accurate.

The most truthful prediction methods

Some of the ancient fortune-telling rituals were particularly accurate. It was also believed that the most truthful result can be easily achieved by combining several methods, incl. Many of them are still used today.

The most popular methods use household items at hand - wedding rings, buttons, threads. Sometimes more interesting attributes are used - the blood of the expectant mother or food.

With a needle

The most common method. Used by women who are having their first pregnancy. If someone has already had an abortion, this type of fortune telling about the sex of the child cannot be used. Manipulations are performed in the evening. Before divination, you should prepare a new needle and white thread. The essence of the process is as follows:

  • thread the thread through the eye;
  • tie the ends;
  • take by the knot;
  • hang the pendulum over the palm of your left hand;
  • lower it 3 times between it and your thumb;
  • bring it to the center of your palm.

The result of fortune telling is interpreted as follows:

  • the pendulum moves in a circle - to the birth of a girl;
  • back and forth - a boy will be born.

The steps can be repeated several times to find out the gender of future children, as well as their number. If at a certain moment the needle freezes over your hand, then you need to stop counting at the previous time.

On the ring

This method is used to determine the sex of a child by European peoples, among them. To implement it, perform the following manipulations:

  • take a woolen thread;
  • they thread it into a wedding ring - it turns out to be a kind of pendulum;
  • hold it over the belly of the expectant mother.

Fortune telling about the gender of a child using a wedding ring will tell you about the following:

  • movements from side to side - to the birth of a boy;
  • in a circle - you should expect a girl.

Fortune telling is performed in another way. The pendulum is moved over the woman's palm. But his movements are interpreted in the opposite way.

Fortune telling can also be performed on unmarried girls. The jewelry is taken from the mother, not necessarily a wedding one. This method can tell even a man what gender his children will be.

Fortune telling by ring to determine the sex of a child is also done in winter using water. To do this, fill a glass with it. They throw their own jewelry into the vessel - not necessarily a wedding one. Leave it out in the cold all night. In the morning, inspect the frozen surface. If it has tubercles, then a boy will be born, and if it has depressions, a girl will be born. The method is suitable not only for pregnant women, but also for representatives of the fairer sex.

On playing cards

When a woman has not performed layouts before, she needs to choose the simplest one. For half a child you will need a new deck. Before the process, concentrate thoughts on the question. Then they shuffle the cards and draw them out one by one until the first one comes up:

  • 8 diamonds or worms - for the birth of a girl;
  • 8 clubs or spades - speaks of a boy.

Fortune telling on the gender of a child using playing cards is also performed in this way:

  • shuffle the deck and place it face down;
  • shift the cards one by one;
  • The first to fall is the king - a boy will be born, the queen - a girl;
  • the cards come one after another - it’s worth waiting for twins.

The last option indicates babies of different sexes if a queen and a king fall in a row. Same-sex children will be born when 2 kings appear in the layout one after the other or 2 queens.

By blood

In women, blood renewal occurs every 3 years, in men - every 4. According to this fact, fortune telling about the sex of a child is performed as follows:

  • the age of the pregnant woman is divided by 3, and that of her husband by 4;
  • analyze the resulting numbers - if the first one is smaller, then a girl will be born; when it is larger, a boy should be expected.

Many people use the method of determining gender by blood even before conception. The probability of getting a reliable result is high. This is evidenced by numerous positive reviews.

There were suggestions that the blood type of the mother and father has an impact on the sex of the baby. But the theory can be easily refuted if we consider that children of different sexes are born in the same family.

By urine

Produced only by women expecting a baby. Fortune telling to determine the sex of a child is unusual, so it is better to stay alone. The gestation period should be approximately 10–11 weeks. The essence of the process lies in the following actions:

  • take an old pan;
  • milk and urine of a woman are poured in;
  • placed on fire.

The interpretation of the result is determined by the state of the liquid:

  • curled up - the gender of the unborn baby is female;
  • remains unchanged - a boy will be born.

When a child is about to be born, many people use fortune telling on its gender using pregnant woman’s urine, barley and wheat. Liquid is added to the grain. If the wheat sprouts faster, a girl will be born. If the barley hatches first, you should expect a representative of the stronger sex.

Using buttons

For divination, you need to sew a satin bag yourself, and also prepare:

  • 5 red buttons;
  • 5 blue;
  • 1 green;
  • 1 yellow.

They must be the same size. Fortune telling about the gender of the unborn child is performed as follows:

  • the buttons are mixed in a bag;
  • draw one at random;
  • put on the table;
  • the manipulations are repeated three times.

The result is interpreted as follows:

  • all the buttons are red - a girl will be born;
  • all blue - boy;
  • different colors - see which color predominates.

According to the appearance and well-being of the pregnant woman

There is also a special fortune-telling for the birth of an unborn child and its gender. By observing the expectant mother, you will learn the following:

  1. The condition of your skin and hair has worsened - you are expecting a girl. People believe that she takes away her mother’s beauty. If the pregnant woman looks better than before, then a boy will be born. This fact is confirmed by science.
  2. If the waist is visible, it means the birth of a girl. When the belly is very round and the waist is not visible, then you should expect a boy.

Toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy indicates the birth of a male representative. The rest of the time the woman should feel good.

Other methods of fortune telling

There are many methods to help determine the gender of the unborn child. You can tell fortunes by following these steps:

  • go outside in the morning;
  • when meeting a passerby, ask him to wish for one letter;
  • interpret the result - an even letter in the alphabet indicates the birth of a girl, an odd letter - a boy.

Once upon a time, fortune telling about the sex of a child was carried out using fish. The method was popular in Siberia. To carry it out, the pregnant woman caught fish with her hands in the water, the feminine name of which promised the birth of a representative of the fair sex. Masculine - foreshadowed the birth of a boy. Today they believe that the expectant mother should dream about fish. It's worth remembering its name. It will tell you about the sex of the fetus.

A popular method is one that requires the help of an older family member - the grandmother. She must take 15 woolen threads of 3 colors: red, blue and yellow. They are cut into 30 cm lengths and woven into a loose braid without securing the ends. The pregnant woman pulls one thread out of it with her eyes closed. The result of fortune telling to determine the sex of a child is interpreted as follows:

  • there is a red thread in your hands - a girl will be born;
  • blue - boy;
  • yellow - twins.

During pregnancy, many resort to unconventional methods of determination - fortune telling the sex of the child using various objects. Having learned about the long-awaited pregnancy, future parents cannot wait to find out the gender of the baby. Most often, such information is determined no earlier than 3-4 months of pregnancy and, unfortunately, even modern medical methods can give an incorrect result.

It is worth considering that folk methods of predicting the number of future children, gender and other characteristics have an error, so you should not completely rely on the result obtained. In addition, many believers consider it wrong to tell fortunes during pregnancy, since there is a belief that such actions are a sin and lead to punishment.

Rules for fortune telling for a child at Christmas

The best time to determine the number of children and their gender is considered to be fortune telling at Christmas. To obtain a more accurate result, during the ceremony you must follow some rules:

  1. Before the fortune-telling procedure, it is necessary to remove any jewelry, untie ties, belts, loosen and comb your hair, wash - eliminate any factors that could interfere with the energy movement.
  2. In order not to block the information flow, the fortuneteller should not cross his arms or legs during the ritual.
  3. Any actions are performed in complete calm and silence. There should be no extraneous sounds in the room: television, what is happening outside the window or in the next room. Therefore, the best time to perform rituals is considered to be closer to midnight.

The general rules of rituals for determining gender must be followed for any type of fortune telling, each of which also has its own characteristics of implementation.

Fortune telling for a child at Christmas using stones

One of the interesting types of fortune telling about the sex of a child is using stones. Before the ceremony, it is recommended to think about the names of future children; male and female names should be present. Take any stones and use a marker or ink to put the names you like on them.

Another way is to write names on sticky notes or regular pieces of paper and stick them to the stones. Take a bucket of water, immerse the stones in it and after a while observe them.

It is believed that the number of future children corresponds to the number of stones with preserved and not peeled off leaves. The sex of the baby is determined in the same way. If all the inscriptions were erased from the stones, it means that the name of the unborn child was not announced.
Many believe that the name that is erased last is true and correct, and gender is determined by it.

Fortune telling for a child at Christmas using a glass

To carry out the ritual on the sex of the unborn child, the presence of certain weather conditions is required, namely sub-zero temperature.

The ritual is carried out in stages:

  1. Pour water into the vessel.
  2. Take it outside or put it on the balcony.
  3. Water at sub-zero temperatures should freeze overnight.
  4. Take the glass home in the morning and examine it carefully.
  5. If there are holes in the ice, this indicates the birth of a female baby, while the presence of tubercles indicates a male child.

Together with gender, the number of tubercles or pits can be used to calculate the number of children born in the future.

This method of determining gender is suitable for rituals on Christmas night or in winter, which is not always suitable. Therefore, many resort to a trick - using a freezer. Most women using this method claimed the accuracy of the prediction.

Christmas fortune telling from a book

One of the frequently performed magical rituals half a child on Christmas night - according to the book. In order to find out the future, you need to ask a question, say the page and line number out loud, open the book and read the sentence that appears.

In a similar way, you can determine the gender of the baby. Only for this it is better to take a book with names. If there is not one, then only the page of the book should be named. Having opened it, you need to go through the eyes and find the name, if it is male, it will be a boy, if female, it will be a girl.

Christmas fortune telling with saucers

The ceremony for the gender of the baby is carried out in stages:

  1. Take empty saucers (at least 4 pieces) and clean pieces of paper.
  2. Write male and female names and place them on saucers.
  3. Take your pendant on a chain or any other hanging personal item.
  4. Place your hand between the saucers and begin to slowly swing the pendant.

Take a piece of paper from the saucer towards which the pendant swayed most; if the name is masculine, it will be a boy, if it is feminine, then it will be a girl.

Christmas fortune telling with wax

Christmas rituals, including fortune telling the baby's gender using wax, are one of the most reliable methods, according to many girls. For the ritual you need:

  1. Pour cool water into the bowl.
  2. In a separate bowl, melt the wax and pour it into the liquid.
  3. The wax instantly hardens, acquiring a certain shape, according to which the ceremony is carried out.

It is believed that if the figure has a round and convex shape, it indicates the female gender, if the figure contains elements of shoots and tails, the baby will be male.

Christmas fortune telling on cards

There are no strict rules for fortune telling to determine the gender of a child using cards - it all depends on the experience of the fortuneteller. If you have no experience in performing card rituals, you can use one of the simplest ones.

Stages of the ceremony for the baby’s gender:

  1. Stay in the room alone and focus on your question.
  2. Take the deck in your hands and turn over one card at a time until one of the required options appears.
  3. To find out the gender, you need to roll an eight, and the suit will indicate the gender: spades and clubs are male, hearts and diamonds are female.

After the ritual, many leave the fallen deck card on the baby’s floor as a talisman against the evil eye for the unborn baby.

Tarot cards can predict with incredible accuracy. Tested many times by the author of this site. Tarot cards have an inexplicable and fantastic gift of foresight.

Christmas fortune telling by shadows

Magic rituals for the baby’s gender using shadows can be performed in several ways:

  1. Using wax. Pour the melted wax into cold water poured into a plate without a pattern. The room should be dark and the windows should be closed to avoid drafts that could distort the results. Light a candle and begin examining the shadow that appears from the wax figure at the bottom of the plate. A round shape indicates a girl is expected, an oblong shape or with a shoot indicates a boy.
  2. Using paper and a candle. Turn off the light, take the paper, crumple it and place it in a saucer opposite the lit candle. Images will appear in reflection on a table or other surface, which are interpreted in a similar way as with wax shadows.

It is worth remembering that all of the specified sex determination rituals are not always accurate, and you should not completely trust the result obtained. In addition, everything depends on one’s own perception and faith; the same result can be interpreted by people differently. Therefore, this kind of ritual on the sex of a child should be treated as entertainment.

Christmas fortune telling under the pillow

This ritual to determine the sex of a child is performed on Christmas night. First, before going to bed, you should prepare: write male and female names on separate pieces of paper. Roll the notes into tubes, put them under your pillow and go to bed.

In the morning, without getting out of bed, take out one of the leaves and unfold it. If you pulled out a male name, it will be a boy, and a female name, it will be a girl, and the specified name does not mean that the future baby should be named by it.

Also, read the previous article about the unborn child.

In this article:

Fortune telling about the gender of an unborn child is an ancient divination that has been used by women for many years. Before the advent of technology that made it possible to accurately determine the gender of an unborn baby, only through fortune telling was it possible to find out who to expect, a boy or a girl.

Today, not every mother goes for an ultrasound to find out about her future baby; people still trust folk signs and all sorts of methods for determining gender.

How to determine the sex of the baby

All nations had various options for fortune telling, allowing one to find out the gender of the unborn baby. In ancient Egypt, this was done by taking the urine of a pregnant woman and pouring it onto grains of wheat and barley. It was believed that if wheat sprouted first, then the parents had to wait for a girl, but if barley sprouted first, then a boy would be born.

Some fortune tellers determined gender in the following way - they asked the pregnant woman to show them her hands. If a woman held out her hands with her palms up, it meant that she would soon give birth to a girl; if her palms were pointing down, then she should expect the birth of a boy.

Based on some signs and ancient beliefs, it was possible to determine the gender of the unborn child based on the state of health of the pregnant woman. For example, if a woman is very nauseous in the first three months, then she should give birth to a boy. The pigmentation that appears on the face is an omen that the girl is expecting a girl.

People even have a definition for this phenomenon; it is believed that if during pregnancy a woman becomes less attractive in any form, it means that her unborn daughter takes away her beauty. The most interesting thing is that even modern doctors are in no hurry to refute this ancient theory; in their opinion, a girl in the womb can really “take away” her hormones, which in turn negatively affects her appearance.

Some peoples were able to determine the sex of the unborn child by the shape of the pregnant woman’s belly. The so-called “acute” belly indicated that a boy would soon be born. A rounded and wide belly shape predicts the birth of a girl.

Fortune telling by wedding ring

This is an ancient form of fortune telling, which was very popular among various peoples of Europe, including the Slavs. To determine the sex of the unborn baby, you need to thread a thick woolen thread through the ring and hang it in the form of a pendulum over the pregnant woman’s belly.

If the pendulum oscillates back and forth, it means you are having a boy; the circular movements of the ring indicate that a girl is waiting for the birth in your stomach.

Another fortune-telling is carried out on the same principle, in which the pendulum must be held over the palm of the woman in labor, the only difference is that in this case the readings are interpreted exactly the opposite - circular movements indicate a boy, and from side to side - girls.

Fortune telling about the sex of a child is a very interesting way to work with your own intuition.

Fortune telling with a needle

For this fortune telling, you will need a new needle that has never been sewn before and a long white thread. Thread the thread into the needle, thus making a kind of pendulum. Grasp the thread with your right hand and raise your left hand with your palm facing up.

Now bring the needle over your left hand and lower and raise it three times so that it passes between your palm and thumb. After this, bring it to the center of your palm and watch the behavior of the pendulum. Circular movements mean that you need to wait for a girl, movements from side to side predict the birth of a boy.

This method should only be used if you have not yet given birth, are not pregnant or have had an abortion, as it shows the gender of your first child.
You can also repeat this procedure in order to find out the gender of the second, third, etc. children. If at any point the needle freezes and does not move over your hand, this means that the previous one was your last child.

How to find out the gender of a child by date of conception

It's no secret that a woman can become pregnant only during a certain period of her own menstrual cycle. Based on knowledge about your physiology and your internal clock, you can easily predict the gender of your unborn baby. Moreover, you can calculate male and female days, with their help you will not only predict, but also be able to independently decide what gender your baby will be.

Modern science knows that male sperm are carriers of XY chromosomes and have a shorter activity time than female ones. That is why during ovulation the probability of conceiving a male child is maximum.

After all the worries about pregnancy are left behind, the expectant mother begins to come to terms with her situation. Time passes and young parents begin to wonder who will be born. How to find out this in advance without resorting to ultrasound? In such a situation, fortune telling the gender of the child will help.

You can determine the sex of a child using fortune telling

Today, one of the most reliable methods for determining the sex of the fetus is determination by mother’s blood. However, this method is not always available and is not cheap. You can follow the path of our ancestors and find out who will be born using magic.

There are a huge number of effective fortune telling for the gender of children.

  • using a needle;
  • using mother's and father's birthday;
  • on a wedding ring;
  • determining the sex of a baby using playing cards, etc.

To determine the sex of a child, you can use fortune telling on a magic circle.

Some methods can be found on the Internet on sites where they offer to receive magical help online. For example, fortune telling the gender of a child and his birthday on a magic circle.

Other ways to find out information about the future baby are quite easy to do at home. You can independently tell your fortune on playing cards about the gender of your unborn child.

Expectant parents are always worried and wonder who they will have. They want to prepare the room in advance, choose a trousseau and stroller, and come up with a beautiful name for their baby. Practical white magic will help you find out whether the couple is expecting a boy or a girl.

Magic fortune telling will help you find out the gender of the child

Fortune telling about the sex of an unborn child has its roots in ancient times. However, even several centuries ago, pregnant women confidently chose names for their unborn children.

In ancient times, cereals, vegetables and even fish were used for fortune telling.

It is interesting to observe how methods for determining who a woman carries under her heart change over time. At first, the gender of the baby was found out in advance by guessing from cereals, vegetables, dreams, and fish.

Then they began to guess the gender of the children based on the wedding ring. After this, they began to guess the gender of the unborn child using playing cards. Nowadays, it has become possible to determine the sex of a baby based on the blood type of the parents.

There are also centuries-old folk signs that allow you to find out in advance what color stroller happy parents should choose.

Ceremony with a wedding ring

One of the most common ways to find out who will be born is to tell fortunes about the imminent birth of a child with a wedding ring. This method of obtaining information is very old. It also helps to determine how many children there will be in a given family.

One of the simplest fortune telling for the gender of a child is fortune telling for a wedding ring.

Fortune telling the gender of a child using a wedding ring is considered to be as truthful as possible. It can be done at home. To perform the ritual, you need to take the pregnant woman's engagement ring.

One of the relatives should hang the ring on a red woolen thread directly above the pregnant woman's belly. Then you need to carefully monitor in which direction and how it swings. If it only moves back and forth, like a swing, expect an heir. The decoration moves in a circular motion - choose a female name for the baby.

The wedding ring is also used to tell fortunes about the gender of subsequent children. This fortune telling is very simple. It is performed in a similar way. Ask a question about the second child, and whether it will be a son or a daughter. The movement of the decoration will indicate the gender of the second child, and possibly the third. If there is only one baby in the family, then the ring will “stand” in place without moving.

This ring fortune telling of the gender of the unborn child has been time-tested.

Fortune telling on a ring predicts all the children a woman will have

Prediction with a needle

Fortune telling can be done during all nine months of pregnancy. It doesn't matter what the deadline is. Sometimes some magical methods allow you to find out how many children a woman will have even before she gets married. Such fortune-telling includes prediction by needle.

For the ritual you will need a red woolen thread and a completely new needle. You need to hang the needle over the woman’s open palm. The needle will move in a circle or swing back and forth. The interpretation of the movement of the needle is the same as that of the ritual with a wedding ring.

This method of prediction is suitable not only for expectant mothers. He “works” perfectly, reading information from men’s destinies. Not only women, but also men can find out what kind of heirs to expect.

Fortune telling using a red thread with a needle can also be done for men

A deck of cards will help you find out the gender of your baby

Playing cards have been used for fortune telling for many centuries. In order to read information about a person using a special “clean” deck, you need to have considerable experience. Any fortune teller knows that "fortune cards" should never be used for gaming or in the hands of another person.

Fortune telling on the gender of a child using playing cards does not require such strict rules. You need to take any deck of cards and hold them in your clenched palms, thinking about your future baby. After this, the cards need to be thoroughly mixed. Turn them face down and draw one card at a time, paying attention to its meaning. You need to guess with playing cards about your unborn child until they fall out.

  • Eight of diamonds or hearts. They show that one should expect a girl to appear in the family.
  • Eight of spades or clubs. These cards indicate that a son will be born.

It is best to lay out three cards - they can show the birth of twins or even triplets.

Fortune telling with playing cards does not require strict adherence to the rules

Winter fortune telling

In the old days, this method of fortune telling was very popular. Particularly accurate fortune-telling during pregnancy was considered to be those performed at Christmas time. This simple ritual could also be used by young women who wanted to know in advance about their first-born. Fortune telling to determine the sex of the child was carried out even when the girl was just betrothed.

When there was Epiphany frost outside, it was necessary to choose the night of the full moon. A glass beaker was filled with water. They added a little Epiphany water there, then lowered the ring to the bottom. Any decoration could be used

  • wedding ring;
  • the ring that the groom gave for betrothal;
  • own ring.

A glass of water was taken outside at midnight and placed in the cold. A prerequisite was that the light of the moon should pass through it. In the morning, dishes with frozen water were taken away before sunrise.

During fortune telling using a glass, the gender of the child was determined by the shape of the ice surface

The pattern of the resulting ice was examined. If there were more tubercles and protruding parts on its surface, the firstborn will be a boy. If there were more holes and depressions, then this fortune-telling of the gender of the unborn child says that a girl will be born first.

How to find out the sex of a child by the blood of the parents

This is a very old Slavic way of determining the sex of a child by the blood of the parents. Fortune telling was performed only during advanced pregnancy.

Fortune telling about the gender of their child should be performed by the husband of a pregnant woman. The ritual required

  • thin needle;
  • red or white candle;
  • a woman's white nightgown in which she sleeps.

In the evening, when the full moon appeared in the sky, they began telling fortunes about the sex of the child. They lit a candle and heated the end of a needle in its flame. Then they let it cool. After this, with a quick movement, the man pricked the tip of his ring finger and his wife’s finger. The droplets of the parents' blood that came out were wiped off on the pregnant woman's nightgown, in which she had to go to bed.

Blood fortune telling has always been considered the most powerful

Over the course of three nights, a prophetic dream was to be had, by which one could find out who would be born - a girl or a boy. They turned to the witches for interpretation. Blood fortune telling has always been considered the most powerful.

Is it possible to find out the gender of the baby by the date of birth of the future parents?

You can find out what gender the baby will be using the birthdays of the future parents. On the Internet you can find many sites offering fortune telling online. To determine the gender of the child, they offer a special table in which the birthdays of the father and mother are entered. The result can be found out immediately.

Ancient signs

Age-old wisdom passed down from generation to generation is real magic. For those who have it in their blood, one glance at a woman’s belly is enough to determine the sex of the baby. There are also many other signs by which you can find out who will be born - a son or a daughter. Fortune telling about the birth of a child and his future gender is not all!

Taste preferences of a pregnant woman are considered signs to determine the sex of the child

  • The taste preferences of a pregnant woman are carefully studied. If she constantly wants pickles or meat food, she should wait for a boy. If the expectant mother is reaching for cakes, sweets or strawberries, you need to prepare pink bows.
  • A woman constantly sees animals or an unfamiliar man in her dreams - it will be a boy. You dream of beautiful flowers, jewelry, beautiful clothes - a girl will be born.
  • If a woman blossoms during pregnancy, it is worth meeting the heir. If her appearance has become less attractive, the daughter takes her beauty away from her mother.

Children are the most beautiful thing that life gives us. It doesn't matter whether your fortune telling came true or not. The main thing is that the child grows up healthy, happy and loved by his parents.

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