How to clean a pork stomach. How to cook pork belly with buckwheat. How to cook pork belly. From the history of the dish

Rennet, flask, offal. What other names do pork stomach have? People who breed these funny animals with a snout know how to prepare pork stomach so that even the most picky gourmet will experience gastronomic pleasure. Today you will learn these innermost culinary secrets.

Making a home menu

Tired of monotonous food? Or maybe you want to surprise your family or guests with your culinary skills? We will tell you what can be prepared from pork stomachs. In order to use this by-product, you do not have to be a hereditary farmer. Fortunately, processed pork belly can be purchased at the market.

Most often, two types of dishes are prepared from this offal:

  • saltison;
  • brawn

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Agree - an excellent alternative to sausage products. We would like to warn you right away that this spectacle is not for the faint of heart, since raw pork offal looks, to put it mildly, unattractive. But the taste of the dish will pleasantly surprise you in the end.

Secrets of working with offal

Pork stomach is mainly used in the form of a casing, which is filled with almost any ingredients:

  • boiled cereals;
  • vegetables;
  • liver;
  • minced meat;
  • meat;
  • mushrooms.

In order not to spoil the taste of the dish, but to earn another star for your culinary epaulette, pay attention to the following tricks:

  • purchased offal is half processed;
  • you need to rinse it thoroughly with boiling water, scrape off the top film;
  • for deep cleaning, you can use coarse salt as an abrasive material;
  • before heat treatment, the pork stomach is soaked in water or vinegar solution;
  • the stomach must be carefully processed inside so that you do not find out what the pig ate for breakfast;
  • The calorie content of the offal is 16 Kcal, this information is extremely useful for losing weight ladies and gentlemen;
  • boiled stomach is cooked for 2-3 hours;
  • During cooking, boiling water is changed two or three times;
  • The readiness of the offal is easily determined with a knife, fork or skewer;
  • a regular bay leaf will eliminate the unpleasant smell of offal, if any.

Let's assemble a picture from puzzles?

How to cook pork belly at home? This is exactly what we are in a hurry to tell you about. Let's turn the culinary process into an exciting game. From individual parts of the pork carcass, or rather, the stomach, ears, kidneys and tongue, we will assemble a whole picture - saltison. In everyday life, this dish is also called rennet. Although if you look at Wikipedia, you will find out that this is only the mucous part of the digestive organ. We will cook the entire stomach.


  • 1 pork stomach;
  • 2 ears;
  • pork kidneys;
  • 1 language;
  • bay leaf and salt;
  • allspice;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 0.3 kg minced meat;
  • garlic to taste.


  • You are already familiar with the rules of the culinary game. Let's get started. Let's treat the stomach taking into account all the above rules.
  • Now let's take care of the ears. If necessary, we will singe them and scrape them with a brush.
  • The same fate awaits the pork tongue.
  • About the kidneys. No, not about those that bloom on trees in the spring. We wash the pork kidneys and cut them lengthwise approximately to the middle.
  • Now soak the offal in cold water and then cook.
  • Boil the kidneys according to the following scheme: 15 minutes - and change the water, 2-3 hours - and rinse them with cold water.
  • The pig's tongue and ears can be boiled in one container, adding peeled onions and carrots.
  • 1.5-2 hours will be enough to prepare the tongue and ears.
  • A little trick: quickly transfer the hot pork tongue under running cold water. Voila - the top dense film has never been cleaned so quickly.
  • So we have prepared the necessary set of products.

  • To avoid burning your hands, let the prepared offal cool thoroughly.
  • Now let's cut the ears, kidneys and tongue into pieces.
  • To completely fill the stomach, you will have to add minced meat to this mixture.
  • Here, for flavor, we will add salt, allspice and, of course, garlic, passed through a press.

  • Let’s not be lazy and start actively mixing the filling for a great saltison.
  • Now it's time to tackle the stomach.
  • We begin to stuff it, compacting the filling into all the bins.
  • It turns out to be a kind of bag.

  • Then we arm ourselves with a needle and thread and begin to create. No, this is not a cutting and sewing course, we just need to fix the open edge of the pork stomach.

  • Oh yes, we don’t pour out the broth in which the ears and tongue were boiled, but we will cook saltison in it.
  • Simmer the stuffed pork belly over low heat, slowly, for 2 hours.

  • Do not rush to taste the prepared delicacy, give it time to brew.
  • But after 8-10 hours, you can cut the saltison and serve it to the table, serving the meat dish with herbs or toast.

Oh, this is actually easier to do. The most time-consuming part of the culinary ballet is preparing, cleaning and soaking the pork offal. You already know how to do it correctly. Let's add a new recipe to the cookbook.


  • 0.5 kg pork stomach;
  • 150-200 ml wine;
  • ginger root and leek - to taste;
  • spices and salt - to taste;
  • 1 tsp. table starch.


  1. Let's not focus on processing the stomach; you have already prepared it and chopped it into strips.
  2. Pour a lot of vegetable oil into the frying pan and add the pork offal there.
  3. Our goal is to imitate deep frying. Fry the stomach until completely softened.
  4. In a separate bowl, mix chopped leeks and ginger root.
  5. Add all the spices and pour wine.
  6. Pour refined oil into a frying pan and lightly fry the onion and ginger.
  7. Add fried pieces of pork offal to this spicy blend, simmer a little and serve.

Pork stomach – 1 pc.;

Pork kidneys – 2 pcs.;

Pork tongue – 1 pc.;

Pork ears – 2 pcs.;

Minced pork – 200-300g;

Onion – 1 pc.;;

Carrots – 1 pc.;

Black peppercorns;

Ground black pepper;

Bay leaf;

Prepare in advance, thoroughly clean and rinse the pork stomach. Soak it in cold, salted and slightly acidified water for 3 hours. (for 2 liters of water - 1 tablespoon each of salt and vinegar.).

Clean the ears and tongue thoroughly with a knife (if there is any stubble left on the ears, we will first singe it).

Cut the buds to half on one side and soak in water acidified with vinegar for 1–2 hours, changing the water very often. Boil the kidneys in a large amount of water for about 15 minutes after boiling and rinse in running cold water. Again, fill the kidneys with cold water and cook for about an hour. Then rinse the finished kidneys again with cold running water.

Boil the ears and tongue for 1.5 hours in salted water with bay leaves, peppercorns, carrots and onions (previously baked in the oven).

Hold the finished tongue under cold water for 1-2 minutes and clean the tongue from the thick white skin.

Let everything cool, cut the ears into long, thin slices, and the tongue and kidneys into larger pieces. Mix everything in a bowl and add minced meat to the volume of the stomach, pour in a couple of cups of broth, salt, add crushed black pepper, allspice and crushed garlic to taste.

Fill the prepared stomach with this mixture.

Let's sew it up from the ends

and cook over low heat for about 2 hours in the remaining broth (from the ears and tongue).

When the stuffed stomach is ready

Before cooking, washed stomachs can be rubbed with salt and left for 12-14 hours. After this procedure, rinse with cold water and cook the stomachs for only 1 hour.

If the pork stomach has a strong odor, you can marinate it in water with the addition of 2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar and 1 bay leaf, or in pickled cucumber or tomato brine. The smell will go away in 4-6 hours.

When cooked, the pork stomach contracts 3-5 times.

Pork stomach is an ideal casing for preparing saltison because it is medium in size, has a strong structure and elasticity. In addition, pork stomach has original taste and will complement saltison.

Pork stomach is one of the cheapest by-products, but it is quite rare in supermarkets. You can find pork stomach at the market or ask in advance at the butcher shop. When choosing, pay attention to the size of the stomach: it can affect the amount of filling if the stomach is needed for use as a casing. Also check the stomach for integrity: if the stomach is torn, there will be painstaking work to stitch it up.

Pork stomach is a pouch-shaped muscular organ that can be stuffed with a variety of foods, creating incredibly delicious dishes. In different countries, people cook stuffed stomach in their own way and call it differently, for example, in Russia it is brawn or saltison, in Ukraine it is kendyukh, in Belarus it is vantrobyanka. Meat and offal, various cereals, mushrooms, vegetables are used as filling...

I suggest preparing stuffed pork belly using pork head, onion, garlic, carrots, bay leaf, salt and spices.

Prepare the necessary ingredients.

In preparing a stuffed stomach, the most difficult first step is cutting the pork head. Here you will need a hatchet, since the head will have to be cut into 6 parts. But before that, you will need to wash it thoroughly, scrape the skin, removing any remaining stubble. After cutting, cut off and wash the ears thoroughly, cutting out the inner part of the auricle. Remove the eyes, as they will begin to release bitterness during cooking.

Place all the meat, along with lard and bones, tongue and ears, in a large saucepan. Fill to the top with water and bring to a boil. Then drain this water and fill it again to the top with clean cold water.

Place peeled onions, coarsely chopped peeled carrots, and bay leaves into a saucepan.

Continue cooking over moderate heat for 4-5 hours.

After the time has passed, carefully remove all the contents from the pan (no need for onions and carrots!) and cool.

Then cut into small pieces the meat, the lard, the ears, along with the cartilage, and the tongue (it needs to be cleaned before cutting).

Grind the peeled garlic with a press and place in a bowl. Also add salt and spices to taste. To stir thoroughly.

Before you start stuffing the stomach, you need to carefully prepare it: first rinse it, changing the water several times. Then cover with corn grits and, using massage movements, pressing, mash. This will help get rid of both stomach mucus and the specific odor. You can leave it in corn grits for several hours, and only then wash it off.

Turn the stomach inside out and start stuffing it. Place all the prepared filling inside, distributing it evenly. It should not be very stuffed, otherwise it will burst during cooking.

Sew up the hole with thread. Use a needle to make 5-10 punctures on each side to allow excess air to escape.

Bring the broth in which the meat was cooked to a boil and place the stuffed stomach in it. Cook for 1 hour over low heat.

Then carefully remove it from the pan and bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees. Before baking, you need to once again make pins with a needle over the entire surface of the shell.

Carefully remove from the oven.

Immediately place a weight on the stuffed stomach and leave in this position for 6-8 hours.

And it is advisable that it stand in a cool place - in the refrigerator or basement.

After which you can cut and serve.

Appetizing, satisfying, meaty, with crispy inclusions, crispy and edible shell, stuffed pork belly will appeal to many. To complete the picture, serve mustard, horseradish or tomato hot sauce.

Bon appetit. Cook with love.

First you need to process the pork stomach - the taste of the finished dish depends on how well it is processed. We take the stomach and cut off all the fat from the outside. Then turn it inside out and scrape off the mucus with a knife. It won't all be removed the first time. In order to remove all the mucus, place the stomach in a bowl and pour boiling water over it. The water should cover the entire stomach. We wait 5-7 minutes, take out the stomach and clean it again. Already the cleaning process is greatly facilitated. If there is still a lot of mucus, then you should pour boiling water over the stomach again and then scrape it. Then rub the inverted stomach with plenty of salt. Turn it inside out and rub the outside of the stomach. Place in a bowl and refrigerate for one hour.

While the stomach is being filled with salt, let's start filling. To do this, cook one glass of buckwheat: first fry it in a frying pan in a small amount of vegetable oil for about 5 minutes. Boil one glass of water in a saucepan, that is, the ratio of buckwheat and water should be 1:1. Throw the fried buckwheat into boiling water, skim off the foam, add salt to taste and cook for about 5 minutes. After the time is up, transfer the buckwheat to a deep bowl.

Peel the onions and carrots and fry them in a frying pan with vegetable oil. Add to buckwheat.

We chop the lard and meat finely, add salt and pepper to taste and also fry in a frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil. We send it to buckwheat. In the ingredients I indicated the quantity of 200 grams. This is approximately, you can put more or less depending on your taste. You can also take bacon or lard with meat.

Add spices to the filling (I only added pepper and khmeli-suneli for myself). Mix gently with a spoon. The filling is ready.

Let's continue working on the stomach: take it out of the refrigerator and rinse it thoroughly with running water. We return it back to the bowl and fill it with vinegar solution at the rate of 1 tablespoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water. The water must be boiled. (usually a liter of water is enough). Let the stomach lie in this solution for about 5 minutes, but no more. Remove from the solution and rinse again in running water. The stomach is completely processed.

We take the dish in which the dish will be baked, put the stomach there and spoon the filling into it. She will all come in. Using a thread and a needle, we sew up the stomach so that it does not fall apart during baking. Pour about a glass of water into the bottom of the dish and cover the top of the stomach with foil. Place in the oven over medium or low heat and bake for 2.5-3 hours. 20-30 minutes before the end of time, remove the foil and let it brown. Water needs to be added periodically if it boils away.

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