Capoeira is an amazing workout for strong people. What is capoeira? Organization of the capoeirista movement

Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian national martial art, a synthesis of dance, acrobatics and games, all accompanied by national Brazilian music. According to the generally accepted version, capoeira originated in South America in the 17th and 18th centuries.

But experts still argue about the homeland and time of origin of such a unique art. No one knows exactly where it came from, who was the founder of the ancient skill and, like capoeira, it has achieved rapid popularity from century to century. There are several main hypotheses for its occurrence.

1. The prototype of warlike movements was the African zebra dance, which was common among local tribes.

2. Capoeira - a fusion of ancient cultures - Latin American and African dances.

3. Dance of slaves, which gradually developed into a martial art. Connected with the landing of Europeans on the continent and the origin of the slave trade.

In any case, the origins of capoeira must be sought in the depths of centuries.

The history of capoeira

The last theory is considered to be the most likely. Slaves brought from Africa from backbreaking labor on plantations were forced to flee into the Amazon jungle and create their own communities “Quilombush” - free settlements or join those Indian tribes that had not yet been conquered by the colonialists of the Old World. Fugitive slaves had to defend Quilombush with all available methods. Due to the lack of weapons, training in hand-to-hand combat was introduced. At this time, as historians suggest, the art of defense - capoeira - appeared.

The word capoeira does not have an exact translation. According to some assumptions, it means a type of jungle thicket - capoeiras. According to other sources, a place with short grass is a site where it is convenient to conduct militant training.

Practical mastery of the art of capoeira

With the abolition of serfdom in 1888, all slaves became free, but this fact had little effect on the well-being of African slaves. Most of them took the path of crime. The number of murders, robberies, and assaults has increased in cities. Since then, the words capoeira - capoeirista began to bear unsightly synonyms: bandit, thief, robber. And the authorities had to officially ban capoeira. There is even a documented police report that mentions a certain Besouro or Bizoru. He alone, without outside help, for his own amusement, using the art of capoeira to “punch” a squad of police officers, took all the weapons and took them to the police station to laugh at the weakness of the law enforcement officers. Among capoeiristas he became a legend.

However, despite all the prohibitions, capoeira continued to exist as a dance and as a martial art. Capoeirista masters recruited students, gave them a middle name (nickname) and taught them combat techniques. The nickname was needed for secrecy and was also used during the training process.

The first capoeira schools in Brazil

If the police became aware of the location of the capoeira dances, and they wanted to take everyone by surprise, nothing worked. The sounds of the berimbao, a percussion musical instrument, were heard and then the musicians tapped out a special cavalaria rhythm. It served as a danger signal. The capoeiristas and spectators ran away, but the musicians continued to entertain themselves - playing and dancing.

After the revolution in Brazil in 1930 and the subsequent recognition of capoeira, in 1937, the first school of this martial art was registered in the city of Salvador. The regional physical education center was headed by capoeira teacher Bimba. Subsequently, training with Bimba developed into one of the areas of combat. Another style of capoeira art was developed by teacher Pastinha in 1941 and became known as Angola. The name came from the sports center he organized.

Worldwide distribution

Since the early 50s, people in Europe have become interested in capoeira. The first acquaintance with Latin American dance is associated with the figure of Camiz Rocha, but Martinho Fiuza is still considered to be the pioneer of European capoeira. In the United States, the founder of capoeira was Jelon Vieira, a master of the Senzala school.

This martial art cannot be clearly called a means of achieving a goal by force, although for centuries most strikes were practiced by street gangs, bodyguards, and mercenaries. Such individuals have nothing in common with capoeira. Real capoeira is hidden from prying eyes. Masters of the ancient art and devoted students gather at “roda” in secret places to support ancient traditions. Capoeira contains not only the strength of combat, but also a philosophical meaning and physical development. Such performances are accompanied by songs and music of simple musical instruments. The traditions have been preserved to this day.

What is capoeira

Capoeira is a Brazilian national art that combines dance, acting and acrobatics. The art of battle, spiritual unity with higher powers and communication are subtly intertwined here. Capoeira has its own unique philosophy, characteristics, directions and styles. The striking technique of capoeira is in many ways similar to that of other martial arts. And the beauty is added by power racks and acrobatic elements.

Nowadays, the combat aspect of capoeira training has receded a little into the background, and modern technique is more of a dance game. Rhythm and music are embodied in the movements of the fighters, and it seems that they are talking to each other in the language of dance, and the winner is the one who managed to confuse the enemy with his cunning and skill.

During the so-called fight, participants gather in a circle, play musical instruments, sing and clap. Two players go to the center and an improvisation begins, consisting of complex movements, rotations, headstands and handstands. Participants take turns entering the circle, gradually replacing each other.

There are many most controversial hypotheses and guesses regarding the history of the emergence of capoeira as a martial art. Some researchers say that the prototype was a dance common among African tribes, others argue that capoeira originated from the fusion of various cultures of the Brazilian Indians. And even the word “capoeira” itself does not have an unambiguous interpretation. But many masters translate this word as “low vegetation,” or rather, a place with short grass where it is convenient to practice classes.

Capoeira appeared in Russia less than 10 years ago and was not immediately understood. We perceived the combination of acrobatics and dance elements as a new direction in fitness and went to training with the goal of losing weight. But gradually people realized that capoeira is more than fitness. And, despite the fact that all the blows miss the enemy, in real life they are quite effective. Therefore, self-defense enthusiasts will not be disappointed.

Today, many fitness centers invite you to take up capoeira and fully immerse yourself in Brazilian culture. You can come alone or with a group of friends - rest assured that everyone will find something for themselves. And promotions at fitness clubs will allow you to purchase a subscription for several classes at a discount.

Where to begin

Anyone can practice capoeira, regardless of age and physical fitness. To get started, you can go to a trial lesson and observe. The classes themselves have two varieties: training and Rhoda, so before signing up, it is better to clarify where you will go. The workouts consist of stretching, endurance and flexibility exercises, complemented by acrobatic elements.

Rhoda is the most interesting and spectacular part. To the accompaniment of Brazilian music, capoeiristas come out in pairs in a circle, and a dance dialogue begins. Strikes are delivered mostly with the legs, and the hands are used for defense, throwing and sweeping. Roda, as a rule, takes place without physical contact, and the blows are given at a distance. The fighters work closely with each other and strive to make capoeira beautiful.

Clothing for classes, first of all, should be comfortable. The color of capoeira is white, but nothing bad will happen if you come in dark. Shoes are not required during the classes as they are barefoot. Girls should wear their hair in a ponytail, otherwise how will you stand on your head?

It is not necessary to perceive capoeira as the path of the warrior. For some it helps them relax after a hard day, for others it is to lift their spirits or make friends, and for others it is a fun and unusual sport.

Capoeira is not just a dance, but a real art. And everyone can master it, if, of course, they try and make an effort.

What it is?

Capoeira is the national martial art of Brazil, which combines elements of play, wrestling, dance and even acrobatics. All movements are performed to rhythmic Brazilian music, and the result is an amazing energetic mix!

It is worth noting that although elements of combat are present, contacts between partners are reduced to nothing, since low positions, simulated kicks, acrobatic techniques, as well as all kinds of sweeps predominate. But when one dancer supposedly attacks, the other dodges in every possible way, resulting in a stunningly beautiful duel. But to achieve this, all techniques must be harmonious and coordinated.

How did it appear?

The history of the appearance and development of capoeira dates back to the 18th century, but it is believed that it arose much earlier. If you believe the most widespread and generally accepted version, then this art originated in South America, thanks to black slaves brought by the Portuguese from the colonies of Guinea, Congo, Mozambique and Angola.

At that time they were treated extremely cruelly and were forced to flee. The fugitives organized entire free cities (quilombush), in which the vibrant and original African culture often collided with the more measured Indian one. And for fun and to keep fit, they danced. This is how capoeira was born.

There are different information about the origin of the first dances. So, some believe that they belong to the subculture of national African dances. Initially, there were no combat techniques in capoeira. Others believe that the basis of the art was the African national martial dance “ngolo”, which was an integral part of the initiation rite in the southern regions of Angola.

The young warriors who entered into battle with each other portrayed zebras. One way or another, the origins of capoeira have always been associated with the name of the legendary hero Zumbi, who became a symbol of resistance for the Brazilian people.

As for the name, there are also several versions. According to one of them, from the Tupi Indian language it is translated as “a field overgrown with bushes and cleared by cutting down or burning.” The interpretation is probably relevant, because dance floors were needed, and they probably had to be cleared.

According to another version, in Portuguese “capoeira” means “chicken cage”. But there is a third version, and its adherents believe that the name is a distorted pronunciation of the words “kipula” and “kipura”, which can be translated from the Kikongo language as “fight” and “flutter from place to place.”

By the way, there was a time when capoeira was prohibited by law, and therefore for some time it went underground.


After the military coup that took place in Brazil in 1930 and completely changed the political situation, capoeira was recognized by law and began to develop more actively. And therefore, several branches appeared, each of which can be considered an independent direction.

So, the main known styles of capoeira:

  • Capoeira Regional. In 1932, the first officially recognized capoeira school in history appeared, founded by Mestre Bimba (Manuel dos Reis Michado). And he created a new style, giving it the name “Luta Regional Baiana” or briefly “Capoeira Regional”. He managed to systematize the experience of previously existing illegal schools and improve teaching techniques. As a result, a special technique was developed. Whole sets of movements, attacks and counterattacks with legs also appeared.
  • Capoeira Angola. The second important person in the history of the development of art was Mestre Pastinha (Vicente Ferreira Pastinha). He opened his school in 1941. And his style was named “Angola” in honor of the place from which the slaves who invented the dance were brought. Although this direction appeared later than Regional, it involved the use of the basics of art, that is, ligaments and movements characteristic of national African dances.
  • Capoeira Contemporanea is a so-called mixed or universal style that combines elements of both Angola and Regional.

It is worth noting that it is very, very difficult to distinguish between styles, even for an experienced master, because some movements and elements are inherent in all directions, while others are constantly being improved.


What are the benefits of training? Capoeira has many undeniable advantages:

  • Exercising will help you get rid of excess weight and make your body more sculpted and attractive.
  • Classes are useful for everyone: men, women and even children. And although some movements are difficult, capoeira is suitable even for people with virtually no physical training.
  • Your body will become flexible, because capoeira contains stretching exercises.
  • Exercise is good for health; it improves the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems.
  • Coordination improves, memory and logical thinking are trained, because every movement must be thoughtful and planned.
  • It's just fun and enjoyable! You will see, after class you will feel a surge of energy, and your mood will improve.
  • It's not very expensive. Lessons cost about the same as other sports.
  • No additional devices are required, no equipment is needed. You can exercise anywhere at any time.
  • Capoeira means new and interesting acquaintances!

There are very few cons. These include a small number of vocational schools, as well as the danger of some movements.

How are the training sessions going?

It’s worth noting right away that all lessons are held very energetically, at a fairly fast pace. The movements are performed to the accompaniment of national Brazilian music; sometimes musicians playing national musical instruments are invited (although rhythmic modern compositions can also be selected).

The training includes many wrestling techniques, dance steps and even acrobatic tricks (these can only be performed by experienced capoeiristas). The game, which is played remotely and excludes any direct and close contact between the dancers, includes a whole arsenal of movements, such as various supports, sweeps, throws, jumps, and elements of defense.

When one partner attacks, the other defends. As a result, the dance should look harmonious and at the same time dynamic, so that all elements are performed quite quickly.

First, the coach helps you master the basic elements; they are the basis of capoeira. Then they are connected into whole bundles and chains. Then the game with a partner, interaction with him in dynamics is worked out.

What do you need to start classes?

To start studying fully, you should first find a suitable school and enroll in it. Unfortunately, there are not many professional and experienced trainers, and capoeira is often taught in fitness centers and presented as a fitness direction.

You will need little for training. Firstly, it's your attitude. Be prepared to give it your all and work hard. Secondly, these are clothes. It is not necessary to purchase a special uniform; any loose items will do. And you can give up shoes altogether; it’s much more convenient to exercise without them.

Start training and master this art!

Capoeira is a mixture of martial art and dance, performed in a playful way. If you don't understand, let's try to explain it differently. Imagine 2 people fighting. But at the same time, they do not hit each other with their fists, but make graceful, complex jumps and sweeps. All this action is accompanied by a kind of music, to which the rivals insert

Are you afraid of pain? In vain! After all, capoeira is only an imitation of a fight with non-contact blows. In some ways it is similar to breakdancing. In this article we will briefly talk about it

Capoeira - what is it?

Let's try to answer this question. Still, this is more of a martial art than a dance. There are many guesses, hypotheses and opinions about the origins of capoeira, which are mostly contradictory. They are based on both romantic stories and real facts. The most common version is that capoeira was invented by African slaves who were taken to Brazil. The word itself has no specific meaning. But researchers and craftsmen translate it as “low vegetation.” That is, this is a place with short grass where it is convenient to practice capoeira.

The first reliable information about this martial arts dates back to the 18th century. It was then that written sources appeared. But in reality, capoeira is much older.

In 1500 the Portuguese arrived in Brazil. Having begun colonization, they began to use local Indians as slaves. But they either ran away or quickly died. To replenish the Portuguese decided to bring slaves from their colonies - Congo, Guinea, Mozambique and Angola. The slaves brought their own culture, religion and traditions, which later formed the basis of capoeira. For example, the series had an initiation rite called the Zebra Dance. This action developed into a ritual battle between young wars. in combination with others and formed the basis of martial arts. Now you know the short answer to the question: “Capoeira - what is it?” Let's move on.


Of course, the skills you gain in training will be useful for self-defense. But that's not why most people take classes. The main advantage of this martial art is that it makes the body graceful and beautiful, allowing you to achieve optimal physical shape. And all this is exciting - in the form of battle, dance and games. Beginners often ask the question: “Capoeira - what is it in terms of training?” We answer: “Creativity and freedom.”

During exercise, a lot of energy is consumed, and almost all muscle groups are involved. This helps reduce excess weight and tone the skin. First of all, the buttocks and hips are tightened, since the main load falls on the legs.

Capoeira also helps get rid of belly fat, because various turns and inclines constantly tone the abdominal muscles. You will have to work extra on the relief, but a toned, flat stomach is definitely guaranteed.

In addition, flexibility and coordination of the body develops. Your body becomes strong and controlled, and your movements become refined.

How are classes conducted?

First, you should take care of your clothes. You can buy a special suit or wear what is comfortable. The only thing is that loose T-shirts will not work, as you will have to stand on your head. No shoes are needed - training takes place barefoot.

Any capoeira school divides the lesson into three stages:

  • Warm up. These can be fitness exercises or standard dance moves;
  • Practicing basic movements and techniques;
  • The dance itself. At first, beginners can only watch from the sidelines. But after acquiring the appropriate skills, they are allowed to participate on an equal basis with others.

Beginners need to remember that even though the fight is non-contact, some injuries are still possible. It is not always possible to predict your opponent’s movements and dodge. Also, serious stress is placed on the joints. Therefore, if you have any related diseases, you should consult your doctor.


Brazilian capoeira includes two main styles - regional and angola. Regional is sharpness, speed, jumping and Here all blows are delivered with full force, so it is not always possible to dodge. Thanks to this, regional is the most spectacular style. Angola is characterized by smooth and slow movements. This is not very beautiful capoeira. This style is ideal for beginners. It will help you learn basic movements well.

Most often, during a dance duel, participants use both styles. But the main factor in choosing a fighting style is music, which has always been an integral part of performance and training. Moreover, ordinary music is not suitable for capoeira. They use exclusively folklore motifs and songs, accompanied by playing ancient instruments. Such music acts as a background, and also provides inspiration, energizes the fighters and sets the mood of the game.


Now you know the answer to the question: “Capoeira - what is it?” If you are bored with simulators and begin to irritate the same type of exercises, then try this martial arts. There has never been a single person who has been left indifferent by this fashionable and exciting dance-fight.

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