Ministry of Defense nurses killed in Syria. A Russian doctor dropped everything and went to Syria to save people. Thanks to the English surgeon

A nurse, as they said a hundred years ago, a sister of mercy, is the backbone of any hospital in any war. She is the one who provides first aid, bandages, cares and nurses. And, as a rule, it is nurses who are the first among the staff to fall under enemy bullets and shrapnel. About the inadequate reaction of the so-called democratic community - our correspondent Yulia Seferinkina:

The place where the mobile hospital of the Russian Ministry of Defense was stationed just yesterday is now ashes. There were two strikes - the first mine exploded next to the emergency department, the second hit right into the tent where our doctors were working at that moment.

Vladimir Savchenko, head of the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties in the Syrian Arab Republic, Lieutenant General:“The hospital was ready for work, the medical staff was in place. The first visitors have arrived, these are the residents of East Aleppo.”

One of the nurses died immediately, the other died a few hours later. Both of them came here from Birobidzhan to save people. Both had children in their homeland. Colleagues of the dead women are now trying to recover from the shock.

Ruslan Guzeev, head of the medical squad:“Men feel fine, but women are depressed. Moreover, the loss of friends always takes its toll.”

As a result of the vile attack, another doctor was seriously injured. Pediatrician Vadim Arsentiev, working at the Military Medical Academy in St. Petersburg. Two weeks ago we filmed it for a report about Syrian children who are being treated in the northern capital. Vadim Gennadievich personally brought them from Syria. This time I went to a hot spot again to treat children who have not received help for years because of the war.

Now Vadim Arsentyev is being taken to the main clinical hospital named after Burdenko. The doctor was transported to Moscow by a military transport aircraft equipped with a special medical module. The Ministry of Defense says his condition is stable.

A destroyed field hospital in eastern Aleppo barely had time to be stationed when militants struck it. From a bird's eye view you can see how accurate the attack was. Our military has no doubt that the militants knew the coordinates of the mobile hospital. The official representative of the Ministry of Defense Igor Konashenkov spoke about this the day before.

Igor Konashenkov, official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense:“We understand from whom the militants received the coordinates. All responsibility for the murder and injury of our doctors who provided assistance to the children of Aleppo lies not only with the direct perpetrators. That is, “opposition” militants. The blood of our servicemen lies on the hands of those who ordered this murder.”

We are, of course, talking about the United States and Western Europe, where they don’t like everything that Russia is doing in Syria and where, trying to get rid of the Assad regime, they are actually protecting terrorism.

The reaction of these countries to the destruction of our hospital looks rather duplicitous. They're just silent there. But every time a shell hit a Syrian hospital, no more than an hour passed, and Western authorities rushed to name the culprit. This, of course, always turned out to be Russia. But as soon as the matter touched our doctors and our hospital, eloquence disappeared somewhere.

Mark Toner, US State Department spokesman:“We condemn any shelling, no matter what side it comes from. From the opposition or regime forces. I think our official position on this issue is clear.”

All this very clearly shows how much the West really doesn’t care about the situation in Syria. Peace on earth, drowning in blood, is certainly not within the scope of their primary interests.

Sergei Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation:“It is sad that Western countries, which boast of their concern for human rights and the humanitarian situation in Aleppo and in Syria in general, continue their line of supporting radicals and extremists.”

The eastern district of Aleppo, where the hospital was located, was liberated from militants thanks to Russian help. Now the demining of roads and buildings there is in full swing so that people can return home. The USA, France and Great Britain are not providing any assistance.

Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation:“We very much regret that, in fact, the Russian side is now alone trying to provide humanitarian assistance to those residents who are leaving eastern Aleppo, escaping from the captivity of militants. We would welcome a more active position of our Western partners in this context.”

The Red Cross acted unexpectedly unpleasantly today. They called the attack on the hospital just a violation of international law. It sounds cynical, considering that people died, and the hospital cannot be restored - it was completely destroyed.

The Russian Ministry of Defense is outraged by the commentary of the press service of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) regarding Aleppo.

The official representative of the department, Major General Igor Konashenkov, said: “The death of any medical personnel who arrived to provide assistance to children suffering during any conflict has more than one dimension.” According to him, this is not only a violation of international law or a grave criminal offense - it is also a “moment of truth,” and in relation to such crimes you can understand who you are dealing with.

Earlier, in response to a request from a Russian news agency asking for comment on the death of Russian doctors in Aleppo, the International Committee of the Red Cross said: “The ongoing attacks on the medical and civilian infrastructure in Aleppo indicate that all parties to the conflict are failing to fulfill their responsibility to respect and protect healthcare workers, patients and hospitals..."

Major General Konashenkov emphasized that the International Committee of the Red Cross, whose president recently visited the Russian Ministry of Defense, is well aware of the assistance Russia provides to civilians in Aleppo, including medical assistance. In this case, we are not talking about a violation of international humanitarian law by the “parties to the conflict,” as stated in the ICRC report, but about a pre-prepared cold-blooded murder of doctors by militants.

An official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense emphasized that it was only by luck that at the time of the shelling, dozens of Syrian children with their mothers who had arrived from the eastern regions of Aleppo liberated from militants were not in the emergency department of the Russian military field hospital. Civilians avoided mass deaths in the emergency department due to a delay in the delivery of buses, the Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Russian Ministry of Defense reports. “We expected, at the very least, respect from the ICRC for the activities of our doctors in Aleppo and condemnation of the actions of the militants of the so-called “opposition,” but we received cynical comments that are not worthy of the high status of the International Committee of the Red Cross and testify not to the objectivity of the approaches, but to indifference to the murder of Russian doctors in Aleppo,” said Igor Konashenkov.

As reported, the day before, as a result of a direct hit by a mine fired by militants, a Russian military medic was killed in the emergency department of a Russian mobile military hospital deployed in Aleppo, and two more medical workers were seriously injured. One of the wounded soldiers subsequently died. Local residents who arrived to see doctors were also injured, recalls

SYRIA, December 6 Khmeimim-News. The Russian Ministry of Defense has named the names of medical personnel killed in a shelling of a mobile hospital near Aleppo. They turned out to be sergeant major Nadezhda Vladimirovna Durachenko and junior sergeant Galina Viktorovna Mikhailova. “Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu gave instructions to provide all necessary assistance to the families of medical personnel killed during the shelling of a hospital in Aleppo,” the Ministry of Defense said in a statement.

Professor of the Department of Childhood Diseases of the Military Medical Academy named after. On the night of December 6, Kirov Vadim Arsentyev was taken by helicopter to the Khmeimim airfield with serious injuries. At the medical detachment at the air base, he was provided with assistance and a complex operation was performed; the patient’s condition is stable, the ministry clarified.

Today a special BTA plane took off for him, which will take him to the Russian Ministry of Defense hospital.

Pediatrician Vadim Arsentyev, who was seriously wounded during the shelling of a Russian military hospital in Aleppo, was taken to the Khmeimim airfield, where he underwent surgery. His condition is stable, the Russian Ministry of Defense said.

As the report says, Arsentiev was evacuated from Aleppo at night by a helicopter with a special medical module. He was taken to Khmeimim airbase, where he underwent “high complexity surgery” at the medical unit. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu ordered assistance to the families of those killed and injured doctors during the shelling of a hospital in Aleppo.

The victims of a militant attack on a Russian mobile hospital in Syrian Aleppo were nurses from Birobidzhan, both of whom were survived by children.

“Two nurses of the military hospital in the city of Birobidzhan died,” said the head of the administrative department of this medical institution, Vitaly Krasovsky. He clarified that these women and two other people were sent to Syria on November 30. This group of doctors had already worked in Syria in 2016 and returned safely to their homeland after three months spent there. Krasovsky added that both women were quite young, they were about 40 years old, and both had children.

“The head of the hospital flew to Moscow to collect the bodies. On December 8-9, a funeral will be organized, the issue of the cemetery, funeral service, and honor guard is being resolved,” Krasovsky noted. He also said that two more doctors from the Birobidzhan hospital remained on a mission in Syria.

Nadezhda Durachenko and Galina Mikhailova are medical workers from Birobidzhan who were killed by militants at a hospital in Aleppo.

A Russian military mobile hospital was shelled in Aleppo on December 5. The shell hit the emergency department. Two Russian doctors were killed - Nadezhda Durachenko and Galina Mikhailova, and two more were injured.

The Russian Ministry of Defense said that the shelling was carried out by Syrian opposition fighters, and added that those responsible and those who ordered it would bear “proportionate” responsibility for their actions. The military department will also conduct an investigation into the incident, said official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense Igor Konashenkov

A militant attack on a Russian military mobile hospital deployed in Aleppo occurred on Monday. As a result of a direct hit in the emergency department by a mine fired by militants, a Russian soldier-medic was killed, two more medical workers were seriously injured, one of them subsequently died. Local residents who came to see doctors were also injured.

At the time of the shelling, dozens of Syrian children and their mothers from the eastern regions of Aleppo liberated from militants were not in the hospital. They didn't arrive because the buses were late.

The two nurses who died in the Russian mobile hospital in Aleppo served in Birobidzhan. The memorial service and funeral will take place in two days in his hometown, a representative of the city’s Military Hospital told RIA Novosti.

The day before it became known that militants of the so-called Syrian opposition attacked a mobile military hospital deployed in Aleppo, two Russian medical soldiers from Birobidzhan were killed and one was wounded. Local residents who arrived for the reception were also injured.

Nurses Galina Mikhailova and Nadezhda Durachenko who died in Syria were brought home to Birobidzhan. The plane with the bodies took off from Moscow to Khabarovsk on Thursday, December 8. 200 cargo was delivered from Khabarovsk by helicopter.

The fallen servicemen were greeted with military honors. Today, a farewell ceremony will take place at a club in one of the units of the Eastern Military District in the capital of the Jewish Autonomous Region. Anyone can say goodbye to women.

A farewell is planned for December 10 at the Annunciation Cathedral in Birobidzhan. After which there will be a funeral service and a funeral procession from the cathedral to Victory Square. The women will be buried in the central city cemetery.

By order of Russian President Vladimir Putin, nurses from Birobidzhan who died in a Russian mobile hospital in Aleppo will be presented with state awards.

“Risking their lives, Russian military personnel are doing everything to help the Syrian army in the fight against terrorists in order to save the lives of civilians. Let us honor their memory with a minute of silence,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said.

UPDATE 5:30 p.m.

Colleagues and colleagues of doctors who died in Syria are preparing to say goodbye to them. In the department of the military hospital in Birobidzhan, where the women worked, commemorative photographs were installed. They bring flowers to them.

Nadezhda Durachenko worked as an operating nurse, and Galina Mikhailova as an anesthetist. Together, the women performed more than one operation, said Tatyana Gagarinova, a nurse anesthetist.

The department is operating normally, however, doctors and medical staff still cannot recover from the shock. Many people cannot hold back their tears. Colleagues speak of women as highly qualified specialists, creative and cheerful people.

UPDATE 15:40

Residents of Birobidzhan Nadezhda Durachenko and Galina Mikhailova went to Syria for the second time on November 30, 2016 as nurses in the field hospital in Aleppo, which, in addition to regular doctors and nurses, was reinforced by doctors from hospitals, clinics and medical battalions of other military districts, as well as military medical units. educational institutions. Both women had previously been to Syria.

Mortar shells hit the emergency room with precision. Both Russian nurses died on the spot. Another domestic pediatrician, Vadim Arsentyev, was seriously injured. He was hospitalized in Moscow.

The deceased 39-year-old resident of Birobidzhan, Galina Mikhailova, left behind a 15-year-old son.

The Ministry of Defense is confident that the militants who shelled the hospital had the exact coordinates where the medical facility was located, which the killers received from the outside.

In September this year, two hospitals in eastern Aleppo were destroyed by airstrikes, killing several doctors, and in November the only children's hospital was destroyed.

Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu instructed to provide assistance to the families of the dead nurses and the wounded pediatrician.

The bodies of two doctors killed during shelling of a Russian mobile hospital in Aleppo will be delivered from Moscow to Khabarovsk on Thursday. The funeral of Nadezhda Durachenko and Galina Mikhailova will take place on December 8-9 with a guard of honor in Birobidzhan.

Two women served in our hospital; they left for Aleppo three days ago. They still have families,” the source said.

The Ministry of Defense called the attack on a Russian hospital a murder
According to him, a memorial service and funeral will be organized in two days, when the bodies are brought from Moscow.

Also, according to a hospital representative, two more military doctors from Birobidzhan remain in Aleppo - a man and a woman.

Let us remind you that the civil war in Syria began in the spring of 2011. The parties to the conflict are the Syrian Arab Army, the formation of the “moderate” Syrian opposition, the People’s Self-Defense Units, as well as various types of Islamist terrorist groups. Russia provides support to Syrian government forces. In total, according to the UN, 220 thousand military and civilians died during the conflict.

UPDATE 15:00

According to unofficial sources, Nadezhda Durachenko is the daughter of the representative of the press service of the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Jewish Autonomous Region, Tatyana Moshkina. This was indirectly confirmed by her colleague, who said that Tatyana Moshkina has so far refused to make official comments about what happened. The forty-year-old nurse from Birobidzhan is survived by her husband and 19-year-old daughter.

Not the best time for this. A terrible loss for all relatives and friends,” said an employee of the regional office of the Pension Fund.

UPDATE 1:10 p.m.

The government of the Jewish Autonomous Region will provide one-time financial assistance to the families of nurses who died in Syrian Aleppo when a mobile hospital was shelled, the press service department of the governor and the regional government reports.

— On behalf of the head of the region, all necessary support will be provided to the families of the victims, including social support measures, including psychological, legal and social assistance. Both nurses have children, one of them has a minor son. It was decided to provide one-time financial assistance to the families of the victims from the contingency fund of the Jewish Autonomous Region,” the statement said.

The bodies of two doctors killed during shelling of a Russian mobile hospital in Aleppo will be delivered from Moscow to Khabarovsk on Thursday.

Presumably, tomorrow a plane with bodies will arrive in Khabarovsk, from there they will be delivered to Birobidzhan. The funeral, according to preliminary data, will take place in a day,” the source said.

As a representative of the Birobidzhan mayor's office told RIA Novosti, the funeral service will most likely take place in the Cathedral.

Also earlier, a representative of regional authorities reported that the government of the Jewish Autonomous Region was considering measures to provide assistance to the families of deceased doctors. The women left behind children and elderly parents.

UPDATE 21:15

The dead women and two other people were sent to Aleppo on November 30. This group of doctors had already worked in Syria in 2016 and returned safely to their homeland after three months spent there.

The head of the administrative department of the Birobidzhan hospital, Vitaly Krasovsky, added that both women were quite young, they were about 40 years old, and both had children.

The head of the hospital flew to Moscow to collect the bodies. On December 8-9, a funeral will be organized, the issue of the cemetery, funeral service, and honor guard is being resolved, Krasovsky noted.

He also said that two more doctors from the Birobidzhan hospital remained on a mission in Syria.

As a result of artillery shelling of a hospital in Syrian Aleppo, a Russian medical soldier was killed and two other medical workers were injured. This was reported to the Russian Ministry of Defense.

“Today, from 12:21 to 12:30 Moscow time, while receiving local residents, the medical campus of the mobile hospital of the Ministry of Defense in Aleppo came under artillery fire from militants. As a result of a direct mine hit in the hospital’s emergency room, one Russian military medic was killed. Two medical workers were seriously injured. Local residents who arrived to see doctors were also injured,” TASS quoted official representative of the Ministry of Defense Igor Konashenkov as saying.

According to him, the blood of Russian military doctors in Aleppo lies in the hands of terrorist patrons from the USA, Great Britain and France. “Without any doubt, the shelling was carried out by “opposition” militants. We understand from whom the militants received the exact data and coordinates of the emergency department of the Russian hospital at the time it began operating,” Konashenkov said.

December 5, 19:15 The second soldier-medic died from her injuries. “Russian and Syrian doctors did everything in their power to save her. However, the severe injuries turned out to be incompatible with the life of the serviceman,” the Russian Ministry of Defense told

December 6, 09:40 The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said the attack shows the failure of parties to the conflict to fulfill their obligations to protect health workers. The official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Igor Konashenkov, commenting on this statement, called the attack on the hospital “cold-blooded murder.”

Konashenkov recalled that the president of the ICRC visited the Russian Ministry of Defense a week ago, and the international organization knows what kind of assistance Moscow is providing to civilians in Aleppo.

“Therefore, we are not talking about a violation of international humanitarian law by the “parties to the conflict,” as the ICRC statement says. But about a pre-prepared, cold-blooded murder of doctors by militants,” Konashenkov said.

He emphasized that the death of any medical staff who provide care to children has more than one dimension. According to Konashenkov, “this is not only a ‘violation of international law’ or a grave criminal offense.”

“This is always the ‘moment of truth’. In relation to such crimes, you understand who you are dealing with,” said a representative of the military department.

“By a lucky coincidence, at the time of the shelling, dozens of Syrian children with their mothers from the eastern regions of Aleppo liberated from militants were not with them in the emergency department of the Russian hospital. Due to a delay in the delivery of buses, they did not arrive, avoiding mass deaths in the emergency department of the Russian hospital,” - said the general.

According to Konashenkov, Russia hoped that the ICRC would respect the work of doctors in Aleppo and condemn the actions of radicals.

“But we received cynical comments that are not worthy of the high status of the International Committee of the Red Cross and testify not to the objectivity of the approaches, but to indifference to the murder of Russian doctors in Aleppo,” concluded the representative of the Ministry of Defense.

RIA News"

December 6, 10:09 Two nurses from a military hospital in the city of Birobidzhan were killed in the shelling of a hospital in Aleppo, the head of the administrative department of this medical institution, Vitaly Krasovsky, told Interfax. According to him, the deceased were about 40 years old, they both had children.

The group of doctors in which the deceased worked had already been to Syria in 2016 and safely returned to their homeland after three months spent there, Krasovsky said. On November 30, they were sent back to Syria, he added.

December 7, 10:56 Russian Colonel Ruslan Galitsky died during shelling of residential areas in the western part of Aleppo.

“Colonel Ruslan Galitsky died in hospital as a result of a serious wound. Russian military doctors fought for his life for several days. The officer was wounded during artillery shelling by “opposition” militants of one of the residential areas of the western part of Aleppo,” the report says.

As the Ministry of Defense clarified, in Syria Galitsky performed tasks as part of a group of Russian military advisers. “The command presented Colonel Ruslan Galitsky with a high state award posthumously,” the department added.

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