Bamboo sticks. For repeated use. What can you make from sushi sticks? Crafts and household uses How to bend bamboo stems

Fans of Japanese and Chinese cuisine know what we're talking about. Every time after visiting a restaurant with oriental cuisine, I return home tightly clutching a bunch of used bamboo sticks in my sweaty fist. Well, I can’t leave them, although they are considered uniquely disposable, but I can’t - that’s all! Because I know how to give them a second life, full of wonderful transformations. For example this one...

ABOUT! This is my favorite topic! How many of these hair clips have I made for myself in different colors and for all occasions, but I never got around to telling you about it in more detail. And then - once! The master class was found already ready, from meribesi

The idea is so simple it's even funny. We give a second life to used Chinese chopsticks, not as an addition to the work, but as an independent unit. Since the first photo should highlight the result of our work, you see hairpins for long hair.

Long flowing hair is very beautiful, but there are times when you just need to put it in your hair so as not to get in the way. I really love wooden hair clips. But I have a dog - I didn’t even know that she was a rodent, but she confirms this every time it comes to wooden sticks. And every time I carelessly leave them at a level accessible to her, they turn into something like this...

And so, having been exhausted with shopping, I came to... a cabinet with used and washed Chinese chopsticks. I took them in my hands... and... basically - hairpins in Japanese style ready! Look...

But you and I are creative people, so we won’t stop there. We will decorate so that no one will guess what our decoration is made of. I decided to show only a few options, decorated with what was at hand... You can take other materials - the master’s flight of imagination is inexhaustible, buttons, chains, beads, stones, shells, anything will do!

But first, we remove the length of the sticks, since the sticks are a bit long. But you don’t have to do this - I made three sets - the set decorated in paper art style is not shortened. I ask children not to do this without parental supervision, since a paper cutting knife is dangerous and traumatic (you will cut yourself, God forbid). We select even sticks, because they may be curved.

Place a couple of sticks on cutting board, align the ends and mark the cutting line. I decided to cut the ends off because I like the thick side on the other side and the thin side is easier to break. Of course, you can do this easier with a jigsaw, but I don’t have one and that’s why I’m showing you how to do it without any special tools.

This is how we marked the break line.

Then, in turn, on each of the sticks in a circle, we deepen the line of breaking the stick, which deeper topics Better break the stick. So we press and file as much as we can.

I don’t have much strength, so this is the line.

We begin to break, carefully away from ourselves, so as not to get hurt.

We broke the stick, if it doesn’t delaminate, then we continue. If it delaminates, set it aside - hair will get stuck in it.

We sharpen the edge as it was in pencil shape. Let me remind you that you can break off the other edge, then you just need to sharpen the broken area with sandpaper and that’s it.

And we finish it with a nail file (sandpaper). That is. We sharpen it to the sharpness we need.

Do not forget that there are also defects along the entire length of the stick; we remove them using the same nail file.

When everything is ready, don’t forget to carefully put the tools in their places and take everything you need to decorate our sticks.

Various stores provide us with huge selection stylish decorative items for the home, but many of them can be brought to life independently at home, which in the end will turn out to be much cheaper than possible purchase finished product. Today we decided to show how to make a mirror frame from bamboo sticks.

Mirror frame made of sticks (master class)

What you will need for work:

  • Round small mirror;
  • Bamboo sticks;
  • Glue gun;
  • Wooden round base;
  • Gold paint in a can;
  • Loop for hanging the finished mirror and carnation;
  • Hammer;
  • Wire cutters.

Steps to create a spectacular frame

We leave some of the sticks at their original length, and shorten some by 1-2 cm (nippers are suitable for these purposes). We paint the bamboo sticks with gold paint in a spray can and leave to dry.

We nail a loop to the round wooden base for hanging. Then glue the base to back side mirrors

Place the mirror on the table, face down. We glue bamboo sticks along the edges (north, west, east, south). Then between them we place the next batch of sticks shorter than the previous ones, between these sticks we fix longer skewers, and so on, until the result satisfies you.

Sushi chopsticks - universal material for crafts. You can make many useful things out of them. The main thing is to be careful and patient.

Before you start making a craft, make a sketch. Think about how you want it to look, draw the parts and make a drawing of their fastenings.

If you want sushi sticks, don't attach them with regular glue. Yes, super glue won't help. good craft, since even the calmest person will not have enough patience to hold the fragments tightly for several seconds so that they stick together. As a result, you will only have dirty hands and smeared and damaged parts. Apply hot glue, small nails or a special stapler.

Fruit saucer made from sushi sticks: what you need

If you love Asian food and put together the craft, it will cost you almost nothing (provided you have the tools, of course). There are many options for what you can make from sushi sticks. The crafts turn out beautiful and original.

Materials and tools:

  • wooden circle with a circumference of 30 cm in length;
  • 30 sticks;
  • nails, wood glue or hot glue;
  • measuring meter;
  • pencil;
  • hammer;
  • sandpaper.

Buy a wooden circle from a hardware store. If you live in the private sector or you have friends from rural areas, ask them to cut a circle from a thick tree branch. Sand it with sandpaper so that it is even and smooth and does not leave splinters on your hands.

Fruit saucer made from sushi sticks: creation process

Now take some nails and a hammer. Attach the sticks in a circle. It is better to pre-calculate the interval between them. It is better to develop crafts using sushi sticks in advance on paper.

Measure the circumference and width of the sticks, divide the first by the second. For example, if the circumference is 25 cm, and you have 30 sticks 0.5 cm wide, then the interval will be about 3 mm, that is (25 cm - 30 * 0.5 cm): 30 cm.

To make it easier to mark the location, use a meter, which is used when sewing.

tools and materials

It's easy to make crafts from sushi sticks with your own hands. Each of us made bird feeders as children, cutting them out of bottles or juice or milk boxes. What if you try to do something more complicated?


  • 3 soda cans or copper sheets (you can buy these at a hardware store);
  • 7 sticks;
  • metal scissors;
  • pencil and ruler;
  • drill and drill bits;
  • pushpins and nails;
  • pliers.

Bird feeder: how to make

Use tin snips to remove the necks and bases of three cans (if you are using them).

Make a cut along each side to create 3 flat rectangular sheets. Each should measure approximately 217 x 88 mm.

You need to flatten one sheet. Drill four holes the same diameter as sticks so you can stick them through. Cut two strips and make holes in them too.

Wrap the edges of the tin sheet tightly around two sticks. Trim anything that sticks out if it bothers you. Crafts made from sushi sticks are usually neat if the craftsman skillful hands. But if the sticks stick out crookedly, it is better to cut them off.

Take one of the remaining sheets and cut out two rectangles measuring 127mm x 39mm.

Fold each rectangle twice, folding 13mm in on each side to form a long, thin strip.

Drill holes through the ends of each strip about the diameter of a stick. Insert the strips at the ends in the same way as you did for the roof.

Let's start creating the bottom of the feeder. Take the last sheet and make a smooth rectangle out of it. Cut out of tin, like paper, a box with low walls. Mark the cut locations on the edges. When you run scissors over them, the boots can be bent so that you get a box. Then it is better to run hot glue or PVA along the edges, or bend them so that the birds do not get hurt when they feast on the treat.

Bend the corners with pliers to prevent the box from opening, or fasten it with a stapler. A regular stapler can pierce tin can— its thickness is small.

Drill holes in the walls so that a pushpin can be inserted through them.

When you made the strips for the roof frame you should have had some tin left over, use that to make fastenings for another stick for the birds to land on.

Household use

Crafts made from bamboo sushi sticks will decorate your home. In addition, sticks can be useful in everyday life. Neatly planed or unplaned, they will not spoil your interior.

Not enough skewers for your BBQ? Soak the chopsticks in water for 15 minutes and then use them to pierce meat and vegetables before placing them on the grill.

Prop the plants. It’s convenient to stick them into the ground and tie trunks to them small plants. Insert sushi sticks into the soil near the spindly seedlings to give them the support they need.

If the hole into which the screw is screwed is too wide, sushi chopsticks will be very helpful. Insert it into the hole and fill the remaining space with glue. When everything is dry, trim off the excess. Now you can drill a hole in this place again.

Sticks are convenient to use for mixing paint. Regular gouache in a small jar or paint for walls or floors. Crafts from Chinese sushi sticks are not the only way to use waste.

Clean hard to reach places? Wrap the stick in a napkin or rag and push it into areas that were difficult to reach to remove dust and dirt buildup. They are also convenient for washing bottles. Stick the stick into the sponge and you have a convenient tool for cleaning hard-to-reach places.

Sushi sticks are useful for marking plants. Make a flag with the name of the flower and briefly describe how to care for it. It is very comfortable. Or write it directly on a stick.

As you can see, you can make a lot of things out of sushi sticks. Crafts are a great option, but they are by no means the only option.

If you love sushi, then you are probably familiar with the situation when it’s a pity to throw away used utensils, but there’s nowhere to use them... They just sit there, just in case! Today we have put together a selection of several ideas for their use especially for you! Hurry up and see our creative article - crafts made from Chinese chopsticks!

Jewelry stand

If you have enough time, then pay attention to this simple and very simple idea!

In this example, we used Chinese sticks and a hot glue gun. You can very well use regular glue on wood or moment.

How to quickly transform your interior and put your decorations in order

Don't know where to start? Then take our advice! To begin with, connect three sticks into a triangle, and then connect your soul and imagination! How do you like these crafts made from Chinese chopsticks?

Update the design of a mirror made of Chinese chopsticks

For Chinese chopsticks you can find not only practical, but also decorative use! Using a large number of Chinese chopsticks, you can make a modern solar mirror with your own hands!

A short guide to decorating a mirror

The most problematic and painstaking work is to find the perfect symmetry. First, place long rays, and later work on small ones. By the way, you can lengthen a Chinese stick using two sticks using glue. After completing the work, paint the finished sun gold.

Original stand for dishes

The main thing is to remember that there must be a gap of 3-5 mm between the sticks.

Knitting needles and hooks

Have you decided to take up a new hobby? Then we advise you to save money on purchasing the necessary equipment! Making knitting needles and hooks is much easier than you think! First, sharpen the tip with a sharpener. And to give a softer tip, grind off the base sandpaper. We use the same principle to make a hook!

Source: German interior and decor magazine "Deavita"
Author of the translation: Chvanova Maria. Especially for the site

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