Why does the android system eat a lot of xiaomi batteries. Android is eating up battery. What to do if your smartphone battery drains quickly? Increased consumption after firmware

Google annually adds many settings and functions to the Android operating system, many of which are hidden from the eyes of ordinary users. This was done on purpose, but with good intentions. The American corporation believes that if an inexperienced owner of an inexpensive Android smartphone accidentally activates certain important settings, then his device may start to work slower or discharge much faster, so right out of the box all smartphones based on Google's OS have only Basic activated functionality, but it is very easy to fix.

Although every year all smartphones work longer on a single battery charge, largely due to better software optimization for hardware, a hidden setting in all Android smartphones significantly increases battery life, and can now be activated absolutely anyone, since it is definitely available in any custom firmware and in all models of mobile devices.

All smartphones based on the Android operating system have an incredibly large reserve of power, which is simply excessive for solving simple everyday screens. It's like driving a car, sometimes pressing the gas to the floor, and then slowing down again. In the case of smartphones, it’s not the gasoline that drains faster, but the battery charge. In order to increase the battery life of your mobile device, you need to launch “Settings”, and then go to the “Battery” section.

In the “Battery” section, three vertically located dots should be visible in the upper right corner, which you need to click on. In the menu that appears, you will need to select “Power Saving Mode” and then activate it. As a result, processor performance will be reduced, which will allow up to 50% increase in battery life on a single battery charge. This feature is available in all smartphones and tablets running Android 5.0 Lollipop and higher.

To achieve an even greater effect, the editors of the site recommend installing the “Doze-energy-saving” application, which significantly increases the battery life of all Android smartphones, since a lot of charging is “eaten up” by processes running in the background, which the user does not even see. After installing it, you need to select from the list only those programs and services that should continue to function normally.

It is worth choosing the most basic instant messengers, email clients and other basic programs that should receive notifications in real time, and not with a delay. This program works in such a way that all processes that are running in the background and consuming battery power are automatically frozen. This does not cause any harm to them or the data stored in them, and using this application can significantly increase battery life by up to 40% of the standard. This is especially noticeable at night, when without this program the smartphone’s battery will be discharged by 10-12%, and with it only by 5-6%.

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Reduce screen brightness. Remember: the higher the screen brightness, the faster the battery drains. If you set the brightness level to 100%, the information on the screen will be clearly visible, but the battery will drain very quickly. Therefore, lower the screen brightness and reduce the time it takes for the screen to turn off.

  • Open the Settings app and select Display.
  • Tap Brightness and move the slider to adjust the brightness level. This slider is also available in the notification panel (on some Android device models).
  • Turn on automatic brightness to have the system automatically dim the brightness level in low light levels. This will reduce the screen brightness and reduce the battery drain rate.
  • Switch to battery saving mode. When various apps and services use the geolocation feature, it consumes some power. Maximum geolocation accuracy is necessary when, for example, you need to determine a route, but if you switch to battery saving mode, you will increase battery life.

    • Open the Settings app and select Geolocation.
    • Click Mode.
    • Select GPS Only or Wireless to reduce the power consumption of Geolocation. In this case, the location will be determined using WLAN and mobile networks or using the device's GPS receiver.
  • Disable Google Now to prevent your device from always being ready to accept voice commands.

    • When Google Now is turned on, your Android device is ready to accept the “OK Google” command. And this leads to faster battery discharge.
    • Open the Google app on your device.
    • Click the ☰ button in the top left corner.
    • Tap Settings > Voice Search.
  • Click “OK Google Recognition,” and then move the slider next to “Always On” to the “Off” position. In this case, you can use the Google Now service if you first open the Google application. Activate power saving mode.

    • This can be done in Android 5.0+ to limit certain services when the battery is close to being drained. This way you can use the last energy for more important purposes.
    • Open the Settings app and select Battery.
    • Move the slider next to the “Energy Saving” option to the “Enable” position.
  • Click the "..." icon (next to the slider) to set the battery charge level at which this mode will be activated. For example, the power saving mode may turn on when the battery charge drops to 15% or 5%; This mode can also be enabled permanently. Turn off vibration.

    • Vibrating your device uses a significant amount of power, so if you are using a ringtone and don't need vibration, turn it off:
    • Open the Settings app and select Ringtones & Notifications;
  • Move the slider next to the “Melody with vibration” option to the “Off” position.

    But what if you bought a Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 and soon noticed that the battery is draining very quickly? This is a clear cause for concern, but it may well be easier to solve the problem than you think. Before resorting to drastic measures and buying a new battery, you can try software optimization of your smartphone so that it starts to discharge more slowly. Today we will tell you how to do this.

    Why does the battery drain quickly on Xiaomi Redmi Note 4?

    The main reasons that a Xiaomi smartphone consumes too much energy and its battery runs out quickly can be:

    1. Using a non-original charger.
    2. Non-original battery in a smartphone.
    3. Bad firmware.
    4. System failure.
    5. Poor network quality, forcing the smartphone to spend more energy to maintain the ability to carry out conversations.

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    Battery saving settings

    1. Disable widgets located on the desktop of your mobile device.
    2. Turn off GPS and alternative programs that help determine the location of your phone. They consume a lot of energy. Go to settings, find the item there "Location in background" and uncheck the boxes next to each application that you do not allow to detect your location automatically.
    3. Remove desktop animations.
    4. Go to your battery statistics and see which apps drain your battery the most. If you see that there is some application that you do not use and it is running in the background, disable it or delete it so that your mobile device does not discharge so quickly.
    5. Set the screen brightness to low automatically.

    1. Turn off the network search option when Wi-Fi is turned off. There is an option in the gadget settings "Always look for networks", and it should be deactivated.
    2. Don't leave power-hungry apps open in the background. Acceptable programs include instant messengers that consume minimal energy. Internet browsers and music players running in the background are the most harmful.
    3. Enable battery saving mode in security settings.

    We hope our recommendations helped increase the autonomy of your Xiaomi Redmi 4. Well, if you have done everything described in our article, but the battery still continues to drain as quickly as possible, we recommend contacting a service center.

    The battery in your mobile device is probably just the thing you need to worry about. It’s unlikely that anyone likes to put their gadget on charge every night or, even worse, in the middle of the working day. Of course, you can disable various functions and services in order to prevent rapid discharge, but often the reason lies far from this. If you have a lot of applications installed on your smartphone, then most likely there will be a couple of them that waste energy. But there's no need to worry. Next we will tell you what to do in this case.

    Looking for an application

    Some programs that we consider useful and which we use every day, at one point (for example, after an update) may begin to consume battery resources like crazy. If your smartphone is from a top line of devices, this may not affect performance in any way, but in terms of battery, or rather battery life, problems will definitely arise.

    There's no need to panic. First you need to find out which application consumes the most. Just go to Settings, then Battery. You will see a list of active applications. The percentage will indicate how much energy they use.

    In some cases, this menu does not work entirely correctly, that is, it does not register the activity of some applications. In this case, we recommend downloading one of the special utilities, for example Battery Doctor, which will help you find the most energy-consuming program.

    What to do after?

    It would seem that they found the application and deleted it, but in reality everything is not so simple. The program may turn out to be very necessary, and even without this there is no need to rush to remove it. First, try clearing the cache or, as a last resort, wiping the data in the hope that this will solve the problem. We can also advise you to force shutdown and start it again. All this is done in “Settings” - “Applications”.

    If none of the applications showed themselves in any way from the worst side, then it is worth checking parameters such as screen brightness and auto-lock. It's no secret that the display is the main consumer of battery power, so you shouldn't leave it on pointlessly.

    The problem may also be that the smartphone does not go into deep sleep. To check it out, download the app

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