Recipe for pilaf with mushrooms. Mushroom pilaf. The cooking method is simple

Of course, real pilaf is prepared with lamb, but a dish with mushrooms is a non-traditional option. But such pilaf is a good vegetarian substitute for the usual meat in this dish...


  • 100 g rice__NEWL__
  • 1 carrot__NEWL__
  • 1 onion__NEWL__
  • 300 g champignons__NEWL__
  • 30 ml vegetable oil__NEWL__
  • 3 cloves garlic__NEWL__
  • Salt__NEWL__
  • Pepper__NEWL__


Cut the onion into half rings.

Cut the carrots into strips. Carrots for pilaf are never grated - only cut into strips. During cooking, grated carrots fall apart into a “porridge”, but the sticks remain intact and beautiful.

Cut the champignons into slices approximately 5 mm thick. If dried mushrooms are used, they must first be softened. To do this, boil the mushrooms in salted water for 20 minutes after boiling, at low heat.

Fry onions and carrots in vegetable oil until slightly softened.

Now add mushrooms to the fried vegetables. Fry until excess moisture evaporates. Salt and pepper. The frying should taste a little salty, since the rice itself is bland and actively absorbs salt.

Place the roast in a thick-walled pan or casserole dish. Pour the fat from the frying pan into the pan as well.

Place rice on top and smooth it out. First, soak the rice in cold salted water. Before putting it in the pan, rinse it again.

Pour in cold water so that it covers the rice by 5-8 mm.

Cook until the rice absorbs the liquid.

Stick garlic cloves with skins into the rice. Wash the garlic first and remove the top husk. Cook on low heat until the rice is completely cooked. You cannot stir the rice during this time.

When the rice is ready, turn off the heat, remove the garlic and let the pilaf stand covered for another 10-15 minutes. Stir the pilaf just before serving.

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Mushroom pilaf is an unusual version of a familiar dish.

It will please not only vegetarians, but also meat eaters.

After all, mushrooms go well with any version of the popular dish.

Let's indulge in unusual pilaf?

Pilaf with mushrooms - general cooking principles

Rice is the basis of any pilaf, including mushroom pilaf. You should not skimp on cereals and it is advisable to use selected grains. The variety does not matter, and the choice depends only on personal preference. The cereal is thoroughly washed several times.

Mushrooms for pilaf are always fried. This can be done in a separate bowl, but more often they put everything in a cauldron at once. Mushrooms are fried with vegetables or alternately, sometimes in different dishes. As in traditional pilaf, these are carrots and onions.

What else can you add to mushroom pilaf:

Meat, poultry;

Raisins, nuts;

Tomato or tomatoes.

Sometimes other grains are added to pilaf. They can complement rice or replace it completely. Often prepared with the addition of seasonal vegetables: eggplant, peppers, zucchini. Or in an oriental way: with dried fruits and a lot of spices.

Recipe 1: Lenten pilaf with mushrooms

Recipe for lean pilaf with mushrooms for a delicious menu during times of restrictions. Fresh champignons are used for preparation. It is better not to take frozen mushrooms, as they contain a lot of water.


Water 1.5 cups;

1 cup rice;

0.3 kg champignons;

2 cloves of garlic;

0.1 kg carrots;

0.1 kg of onion;

3 tablespoons of oil;


1. Add vegetable oil to the cauldron. Warm up well.

2. Add diced onion. After it, throw in the carrots and cut them into strips.

3. Wash the champignons. It is advisable to take dense and young mushrooms with closed caps. Cut each into four parts. Small ones can simply be halved.

4. Add the mushrooms to the vegetables and fry together until golden brown.

5. For now, rinse the cereal until it is clean with water. We express all the liquid well.

6. Add spices. You can use special mixtures for cooking classic pilaf.

7. Add rice, throw in garlic cloves, and level the layer with a spoon.

8. Pour in boiling water. We use water according to the recipe.

9. Evaporate the water for five minutes, then cover the cauldron, reduce the heat to low and cook for a quarter of an hour. Let the lean pilaf brew for half an hour.

Recipe 2: Pilaf with mushrooms and chicken

To prepare such pilaf with mushrooms, you are allowed to take any parts of the chicken: with bone or fillet. We also use any mushrooms, either greenhouse or forest ones.


Chicken 0.3 kg;

3 carrots;

0.3 kg of mushrooms;

2 onions;

3 cloves of garlic;

1.5 cups rice;

60 grams of butter.


1. Cut the carrots into even strips, as well as the onions. We put everything in a cauldron and fry.

2. Add chicken. The bird needs to be washed and cut. If pieces with bone are used, then at the joints. If it’s fillet, you can turn it into cubes of about 2 cm.

3. Mushrooms are added next. We wash them first and cut them into not very large pieces. Fry until half cooked.

4. Season with spices. In addition to salt and pepper, you can add saffron, paprika, and turmeric to the cauldron. You can immediately add the garlic cloves.

5. Add washed rice and fill with water. The liquid should cover one finger of food. There is no need to add more, since the mushrooms have a lot of moisture and the cereal will take its toll.

6. Let it boil and evaporate the water to a level equal to the food.

7. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Then turn it off and leave it to stand.

Recipe 3: Pilaf with mushrooms and meat

For a meat dish you will need dried mushrooms. They will give the pilaf an incomparable forest aroma and amazing taste. We take any meat: pork, beef or lamb.


0.3 kg of meat;

0.3 kg rice;

50 g dried mushrooms;

0.3 kg carrots;

0.2 kg of onion;

0.3 cups of oil.


1. Soak dry mushrooms in water and let stand for a couple of hours. Then rinse, add new water and boil for 20 minutes. Drain and cut into pieces.

2. Pour oil into the cauldron, but not all of it. We leave one spoon for mushrooms. We put it on the stove.

3. Fry the vegetables.

4. Add the chopped meat to the cauldron and fry together until golden brown. If you use beef, it is better to put it before the vegetables and simmer under the lid, and then add the onions and carrots.

5. In a frying pan, fry the boiled mushrooms in the remaining spoon of oil. We set the heat to maximum and brown well so that they reveal all the flavor.

6. Transfer the mushrooms to the fried meat and vegetables. Season the contents of the cauldron with spices.

7. Place washed rice in it, followed by a glass of mushroom broth and water. The liquid should be poured two fingers above the ingredients.

8. Cover and simmer for about half an hour.

Recipe 4: Pilaf with mushrooms and buckwheat

The recipe for an unusual pilaf, to which buckwheat is added along with mushrooms. The dish tastes very interesting. We use champignons, preferably fresh.


1.5 cups buckwheat;

2 glasses of water;

3 cloves of garlic;

3 carrots;

0.3 kg of mushrooms;


1. Pour half a centimeter of oil into the cauldron.

2. Add chopped carrots and onions, lightly brown over high heat.

3. Cut the champignons into cubes, add to the vegetables and fry until half cooked.

4. We sort out the buckwheat and rinse thoroughly with cold water. Pour into a cauldron.

5. Add spices, salt, garlic and pepper.

6. Pour in water; you can use boiling water right away. Buckwheat is not as capricious as rice. Therefore, pilaf always turns out crumbly, if you do not overdo it with liquid.

7. Close and cook for about 12 minutes, then leave the dish for another 15 minutes to let it sit.

Recipe 5: Pilaf with mushrooms in pots

To prepare pilaf with mushrooms according to this recipe, you will need clay pots. You can use portioned containers or one large container. Any mushrooms, but if you use wild ones, that is, not greenhouse ones, then you first need to boil them in water for about twenty minutes.


0.3 kg of mushrooms;

0.3 kg rice;

0.3 kg carrots;

0.07 kg butter;

0.2 kg onions;

Bay leaf.


1. Wash the mushrooms and cut them into large pieces, preferably at least 1.5 centimeters, since the product will lose volume when fried.

2. Peel the onion, like the carrots, and chop them into strips together.

3. Pour oil into a frying pan, heat until smoking and fry the vegetables. You need to heat them high so that they brown well and don’t begin to stew.

5. Wash the rice several times. For pots it is better to use long grain; you can take steamed cereal.

6. Place mushrooms and vegetables in pots, add rice so that the cereal is slightly above the middle. Stick a clove of garlic into the center.

7. Take water and season with spices, salt well, since the rice is completely bland. You can use any broth, for example, meat or mushroom.

8. Fill the pots so that the water is 1.5 centimeters higher than the contents.

9. Throw a third of the bay leaf on top. You shouldn’t put a whole one, the aroma will be too intrusive.

10. Close the pots and put them in the oven. Cook pilaf for 40 minutes at 180 °C.

Recipe 6: Pilaf with mushrooms and raisins

You can cook this pilaf with or without meat. Here is an example of a vegetarian option, but if necessary, dilute the taste with beef or lamb.


0.4 kg rice;

0.3 kg of mushrooms;

0.2 kg of onion;

0.1 kg raisins;

0.07 kg butter;

0.3 kg carrots;

0.05 kg of nuts;


1. If wild mushrooms, then boil until half cooked, drain the liquid. If you are using champignons, simply wash them and cut them into pieces.

2. Heat the oil, pour everything into the cauldron at once. Add mushrooms and fry.

3. After the moisture has evaporated, add the chopped vegetables. First the onions and then the carrots. Fry until golden brown.

5. Add washed raisins and rice. Mix everything well.

6. Pour in water. The level should be two centimeters higher than the remaining ingredients.

7. Evaporate to the level of the products, then cover and simmer for half an hour. Turn off the fire.

Recipe 7: Pilaf with mushrooms and tomatoes

To prepare mushroom pilaf with tomatoes, you need fresh tomatoes. Choose ripe but firm vegetables that can be cut into slices. There is no need to remove the skin; it will hold the pieces and help maintain their shape.


0.25 kg rice;

0.25 kg of mushrooms;

0.15 kg of tomatoes;

0.2 kg carrots;

0.1 kg of onion;

40 ml oil;



1. Cut the onion into strips, also peeled carrots. Throw into a cauldron with hot oil and fry.

2. Chop the mushrooms into slices and add them to the onion. Fry until the water evaporates.

3. Tomatoes need to be cut into slices; they should not be small so that they are clearly visible in the pilaf.

4. Rinse the rice with ice water.

5. Place spices in a cauldron with mushrooms and add salt. You can add garlic.

6. Add rice and fresh tomatoes, stir. For a rich tomato taste, you can add a spoonful of paste, or even better, fry it. But simply with tomatoes it turns out decent.

7. Fill with water one and a half centimeters above the level of the food. Cover and cook until done. This pilaf takes about half an hour to cook.

Recipe 8: Pilaf with barley mushrooms

For pearl barley pilaf with mushrooms, it is advisable to soak the cereal the day before so that it swells well and reduces the cooking time.


2 carrots;

0.07 kg butter;

0.3 kg champignons;

0.2 kg pearl barley;

1 onion;

0.07 kg paste;


1. Boil pearl barley until soft in a regular saucepan. Drain.

2. Chop the mushrooms and fry in a cauldron until almost done.

3. Add onion cut into small cubes, and then grated carrots, fry with mushrooms.

4. Dilute the tomato with 100 ml of water and place in a cauldron. Simmer for a couple of minutes.

5. Add spices and add pearl barley, stir.

6. Cover, set low heat and simmer for ten minutes.

Real pilaf is never stirred during the cooking process, even if it is cooked with mushrooms.

Don't have a cauldron for pilaf? You can use a frying pan or a large saucepan. But in this case, after cooking, it is advisable to wrap the dishes in a blanket and leave them like that for an hour. The rice will reach the desired state.

The pilaf will be more flavorful if you add the broth in which the mushrooms were cooked.

It is better to fry frozen mushrooms in a frying pan separately, as they contain a lot of moisture.

The pilaf will acquire a beautiful color if you fry the vegetables well. Turmeric, paprika, and tomato paste will also add brightness to the dish.

The dish will be much healthier if it is prepared from unpolished rice. Also, for variety, you can use varieties of different colors, for example, delicious and unusual pilaf can be cooked from red rice.

The pilaf will turn out tastier if you use several types of oil to prepare it, for example, mix sunflower and olive oil. You can add ghee or butter.

Mushroom pilaf is one of my family's favorite dishes. It's quite simple to prepare. You can use any mushrooms - fresh or dried, depending on who you like. Be sure to try this delicious dish!


To prepare mushroom pilaf you will need:

400 g rice;
1 onion;

1 carrot;

300 g of mushrooms (I cooked with champignons);
pepper, salt;

turmeric, spices for pilaf - to taste;
vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking steps

Peel and wash the vegetables. Heat vegetable oil in a saucepan, add grated carrots and finely chopped onion, fry, stirring occasionally, until golden brown.

Add peeled and sliced ​​champignons to the pan with the vegetables that have turned golden brown. Stir and continue cooking, stirring occasionally, until the liquid released when frying the mushrooms evaporates.

Add rice to carrots, onions and mushrooms, salt and pepper, you can add turmeric and other pilaf seasonings to taste for color.

Pour in boiling water so that the water is about 1.5 cm above the level of the contents of the frying pan, cover with a lid, reduce the heat to low and cook for 30-35 minutes.

During Lent, many people are forced to give up their favorite foods, and for some this becomes a real challenge! This recipe is suitable for those who want to please their family and guests with an unusual dish.

Connoisseurs and lovers of pilaf know that the best one is prepared with lamb. But this does not mean that all other cooking options have no right to exist. Delicious aromatic pilaf can be prepared not only with different types of meat, but also without it at all, for example, with vegetables and/or mushrooms. We offer you one of the most successful ways to prepare pilaf without meat - pilaf with mushrooms. The recipe is simple and quick. The cooking technology is not much different from the traditional one. And the result is simply amazing! Delicious, aromatic, crumbly and not at all greasy pilaf! It will definitely be appreciated not only by mushroom lovers, but also by avid meat eaters. Lenten pilaf with champignons for your attention!


  • rice (preferably long grain) – 1 tbsp.;
  • carrots – 200 g;
  • onion – 1 medium-sized (100-150 g);
  • mushrooms (champignons, fresh or frozen) – 400 g;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • seasoning for pilaf – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt and other seasonings/spices - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - for frying mushrooms and vegetables;
  • a bunch of greenery.

How to cook lean pilaf with champignons

First, let's prepare the mushrooms. Frozen - defrost, fresh - cut into small slices and rinse under warm water. Place the washed mushrooms in a colander, shake off the water thoroughly and place them in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil for frying. For such pilaf, in addition to champignons, you can use boletus, boletus, chanterelle and russula, but keep in mind that they are terribly fragile.

Add pilaf spices and selected seasonings to the mushrooms (it is recommended to use barberry, dogwood or thyme, but you need to choose one), add some salt, and fry the champignons without covering with a lid for 5-7 minutes.

Next, while the mushrooms are frying, prepare the vegetables for frying - onions and carrots. We peel them, wash them, dry them and cut them: onions into cubes (very small), carrots into strips on a coarse grater or by hand. If you want the carrots to stand out more in the dish, you can cut them into small slices. In order to diversify the flavor as much as possible, you can add tomato paste or finely chopped tomatoes to the frying. They will add a pleasant sour taste.

Add the fried onions and carrots to the mushrooms, mix everything and fry until the vegetables become soft. It’s better not to close the lid, this process won’t take much time, but you can’t overlook the readiness.

Rinse the rice thoroughly under cold running water and place in a sieve to remove as much liquid from the grain as possible. As soon as the vegetables become soft, add rice to them.

Without stirring the contents of the pan, level the rice, add some salt and fill it with water so that the water level is 1.5 cm above the level of the cereal. Be careful, if you pour too much, you will end up with mushroom rice porridge with vegetables.

Now we close the frying pan with a lid and cook the pilaf with mushrooms on medium heat for about 20-25 minutes. During this time, the cereal should completely absorb the top layer of water, and a little moisture will remain below. Turn off the stove, but do not remove the pan from it yet. We peel the head of garlic from the top layer of husk, wash it and dry it. Finely chop a couple of sprigs of greenery. Using the blunt side of a knife (spoon or fork), make holes all over the surface of the rice for steam to escape. Place peeled garlic in the middle, sprinkle the rice with herbs, and add bay leaf. Close the pan and leave the pilaf to simmer on the switched off stove for 15 minutes.

After this, take out the garlic and bay leaf, mix and our delicious, crumbly, aromatic pilaf with mushrooms is completely ready to serve!

Now carefully serve on plates. For beauty, you can put a vegetable salad on the edge or decorate the dish on top with a lush sprig of parsley. Bon appetit!

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