Homemade ham recipe in a ham maker. Homemade pork ham in a ham maker with mushrooms, prunes and nuts. Baked and boiled pork ham in a ham maker Recipes for a ham maker at home

With the arrival of a child in the house, you begin to think about healthy and, most importantly, tasty food.

The Redmond ham maker is not an electrical appliance, but simply an additional accessory for preparing homemade sausage in a slow cooker.

It’s clear that you won’t be able to make boiled sausage like you get in a store, but you are guaranteed a tasty product.

The vessel is easy to use, and the sausage recipes in the Redmond ham maker are simple!

To use this ham maker, you don’t need to have a slow cooker. You can take a regular saucepan.

Then put on a small fire, approximately the same one on which the soup is cooked, and cook for an hour and a half.

You can use this recipe for Doctor’s sausage as a basis:

  • 1200 g minced meat (in any combination)
  • 1 medium egg
  • powdered milk - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • spices, salt, sugar to taste

1. Mix until smooth, preferably with a blender, take a metal flask, insert the bottom bottom.

The springs need to be secured to the holes with hooks to tighten both bottoms.

3. And put it in a large saucepan with water (at least 5.5 liters) so that the water covers the device. Cook for 1-1.5 hours over low heat, and the sausage in the ham maker is ready.

The flask must be removed and allowed to cool indoors. Then put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

The finished sausage can be rolled in spices.

Baked pork and meat rolls are prepared using the same principle.

It’s good to make a combined filling: chicken breast, pieces of pork. The meat can be pre-marinated in any barbecue marinade.

Some housewives use the following recipe when making homemade ham in this way:

  • pork - 1 kg
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  • paprika - to taste
  • garlic - 10 g

1. Cut the meat into 1 cm cubes, add salt and all the spices, let it sit for half an hour.

2. Insert the bottom into the ham maker and put in a baking bag. Place pieces of meat tightly into it.

The more meat, the better and denser the sausage will be.

3. The baking bag must be tied at the top and, having placed the top bottom, secured on all sides with springs.

It is better to do the last step on a cutting board, since the bottom of the ham maker can damage the countertop - it is quite sharp. The springs are very strong, they compact the meat and give shape to the future sausage.

4. We send the ham to cook for an hour and a half.

The device must be completely covered with water so that the springs heat evenly. The heating temperature should be low so that the bag does not burst prematurely.

5. Take the ham out of the water and place it vertically on a plate to cool.

The springs will immediately begin to crackle and retract to the bottom. Sometimes, the finished product turns out to be only half the volume of meat supplied.

6. At this stage, it is better to help the oven bag burst if it does not burst on its own. Otherwise, the excess liquid and fat evaporated from the meat will prevent the pieces of meat from sticking together. The ham will fall apart.

7. At night, put the ham and sausage in the refrigerator to ripen. In the morning, remove the springs and remove the sausage from the cylinder.

From 1 kg of meat you get 0.7-0.8 ham sausage. In any case, it turns out to be more profitable than store-bought sausage.

Moreover, the sausage is made exclusively from well-known products and its cost is one and a half times lower than the store price.

To prepare sausage in a ham maker, it is better to use meat that is not pumped with liquid, that is, homemade or purchased at the market. The sausage yield is much greater; it is not boiled down as much.

For sausage, the minced meat must not only be thoroughly passed through the finest grate of your meat grinder 2 times, but also mixed with all the additives, preferably in a food processor with a chopping knife at high speed.

Under this condition, the minced meat turns out fluffy, without large stringy fibers.

Not everyone has heard of such an invention as a ham maker. This machine is an excellent helper in the kitchen; it can be used to make many types of delicious sausages and hams, not only from pork, beef or chicken, but also from fish. During the cooking process, you can add a variety of seasonings and herbs to make the appetizer tasty.

In addition to sausage, you can prepare delicious rolls and even boiled pork at home. Of course, it’s easier to just buy a ready-made product in a store, but a natural one will turn out much tastier and healthier. During the cooking process, the meat is strongly pressed, due to which the ham is dense and does not fall into pieces during slicing. Recipes for ham makers have flooded the Internet, but now we will look at one of the most basic ones, this is the classic version of making homemade ham.

A classic version of homemade ham


  • 390 gr. pork meat
  • 390 gr. beef meat
  • 300 gr. any other minced meat, preferably mixed beef and pork
  • 10 gr. natural milk powder
  • 1 chicken egg
  • 3 small cloves of garlic
  • 14 gr. gelatin
  • seasoning for meat
  • salt, ground black pepper, herbs to taste


  1. Cut the pork and beef into small pieces, rinse thoroughly and place on a waffle or paper towel to dry slightly.
  2. Add all the spices, finely grate the garlic and mix. Cover the container with cling film and refrigerate for a couple of hours so that the meat is saturated with the aromas of the spices.
  3. Lightly beat the chicken egg until it increases in volume, then add it to the meat along with gelatin, minced meat and milk powder, mix thoroughly.
  4. Place the baking sleeve in the ham maker, fill it with prepared minced meat and tamp it down very carefully so as not to tear the edges of the sleeve.
  5. Close the opposite side with a clip or tie with thread, close the ham maker according to all the rules and place in the slow cooker. Cook on soup mode. Not all multicookers have this mode, so the easiest option is to put a pan of water on the stove, bring to a boil and put the ham pan in the water. It is important to remember that when using a stove, you cannot turn on high heat, otherwise the inside of the roll will not be baked, and the meat that is closer to the edge will become very tough. Before you put the ham in cooking, you need to compact the contents properly; the density of the finished product directly depends on this. When there is no air in the sleeve, the roll will not crumble when slicing.

Ham with mushrooms and vegetables

This version of a tender meatloaf will not only be incredibly tasty, but also bright and will look great on the holiday table.


  • 690 gr. chicken meat
  • 300 gr. mushrooms, preferably canned champignons
  • 190 gr. fresh carrots
  • 190 gr. sweet bell pepper
  • greens, salt, pepper, spices to taste


  1. First you need to prepare the meat base. You can choose whether to leave the pieces large or turn them into minced meat. If you decide to chop, you will need to do the same with the rest of the products.
  2. Grate the carrots on a coarse Korean carrot grater, add chopped garlic cloves, spices and salt. Put a little apple cider vinegar on the fire, bring to a boil and pour into the carrots, stir, cover with cling film and put in the refrigerator to marinate for 1 hour.
  3. At this time, peel the bell pepper, cut it into small cubes, and drain all the liquid from the mushrooms. Place the peppers and champignons in a frying pan with vegetable oil and fry until the peppers are golden brown and soft.
  4. Mix all the ingredients in a baking sleeve, transfer it to a ham maker and cook over low heat for about 90 minutes. The cooking time directly depends on how thick the ham pan is; if it is thicker, then you will need to cook it a little longer. Since you won’t be able to check for readiness, it’s better to keep it in the water a little longer. Before putting the minced meat into the sleeve, you must check it for salt, because after cooking it will no longer be possible to add salt. If you wish, you can also marinate pieces of chicken meat in a salty solution with spices. The chicken itself packs well into the baking sleeve, so it’s not necessary to add an egg, but if you’re in doubt, you can add it; it won’t make the taste any worse.

Homemade ham with prunes

This dish differs from the others in that it is prepared not from minced meat, but from a large piece of pork neck. Of course, you will have to tinker to get it right, but the result is definitely worth the effort.


  • 790 gr. Pork neck, preferably with less fat
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • a little salt, ground black pepper
  • 190 gr. prunes
  • 130 gr. walnuts
  • a little vegetable oil


  1. Cut the neck so that it is thin, about 2 centimeters, and then lightly beat it through the bag.
  2. Rub the meat with salt, ground black pepper, garlic, and arrange a couple of bay leaves to taste. Wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that the neck is saturated with spices and garlic.
  3. At this time, rinse the prunes, scald with boiling water, drain the water and cut into not very thin strips. Grind walnuts in a blender or using a grater.
  4. When the meat is properly marinated, place it on the table, sprinkle with walnuts and prunes, wrap the neck in a roll and tamp it into the ham maker as carefully as possible. Cook until fully cooked. During cooking, the prunes will become soft, so you don’t need to scald them with boiling water. It happens that you cannot compact the roll into the ham maker. To correct such a mistake, you can roll it at a slight angle or cut off a piece of meat.

Hot fish appetizer

We have already looked at how to cook ham and rolls from chicken, pork and beef, now it’s the turn of fish. An excellent option for true seafood connoisseurs.


  • 790 gr. fillets of different types of fish
  • 190 g white onions
  • 190 gr. squid rings
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 10 gr. lemon zest
  • 10 gr. gelatin
  • a little basil, salt and pepper to taste


  1. Be sure to clean the fish from bones, this is very important, cut into small pieces. First place the baking sleeve in the ham maker.
  2. If the squid was bought in the form of carcasses, then you need to clean them of all excess and cut them into not very thick rings and send them to the fish.
  3. Add a packet of gelatin, lemon zest, lightly beaten chicken eggs and other spices to taste.
  4. Mix the fish mass and transfer it to a baking bag. Since fish cooks much faster than any meat, 50-60 minutes of cooking over low heat is enough. Before eating this delicious fish roll, you need to let it cool, as it can immediately crumble when hot. Preparing such a snack is not at all difficult, it does not take much time, and you only need to mix the ingredients, the ham maker will do the rest. Recipes can be modified to suit your taste preferences.

Do you love sausage, but do you know that the product is fatty, harmful, and there is practically no meat in it? But you buy it anyway and tell yourself that it’s time to end this, switch to proper nutrition and, in general, it’s time to lose weight.

Sound familiar? For sure. What then should you eat for breakfast instead of sausages and hot sausage sandwiches? Homemade ham. The most authentic, made from 100% meat.

And there is nothing complicated about it. The recipes for preparing it are very simple, you just need to get a ham maker - a mechanical device for shaping and pressing the ham during its preparation.

This device looks like a regular tin can, only a little larger. Its height is 17 cm, width - 11. The covers on both sides are easily removed and just as easily inserted. There are 3 levels for the bottom. This is required for different filling capacities of the ham pan. The fewer products are placed inside, the higher the level should be selected.

When installing, the top lid should always be at the very top of the jar. In this case, the spring pressure on it will be maximum, which means the ham will be pressed well.

Outside, on the sides of the can, 3 springs are stretched at equal distances from each other. With small hooks they cling to the rim of the ham pan from below, and to the holes in the top lid from above. At the same time, they must be stretched very strongly.

During cooking, the meat loses its original volume, and the springs are compressed, constantly pressing it with the top lid. To make this possible, 3 slits were made from the top edge of the jar, approximately 0.5 cm wide and 7 cm long. So the springs crawl along them, trying to compress. After cooking the chicken ham, the top lid dropped 4.5 cm.

The process of preparing this homemade delicacy is very simple. You need to take any meat that you want to see on your table, wash it, cut it into pieces, some of it can be ground into minced meat, seasoned with a variety of spices and herbs, mix well and put it inside, having first inserted a baking sleeve or foil into the ham maker. You can, of course, not insert it, but then some of the deliciousness will be boiled into the water, and the jar will be much more difficult to wash.

The meat can be diluted with a variety of additives - carrots, sweet peppers, mushrooms, dried fruits, cheese and whatever you want. And you can cook ham not only on the stove in a saucepan or pressure cooker. It can also be baked in the oven or air fryer. A multicooker-pressure cooker will also work to speed up the process. Only its bottom should first be covered with a non-stick mat. This will take 1-2 hours, depending on the type of meat chosen and the cooking method.

Homemade chicken ham recipe

So, I decided to conduct my first experiment on chicken fillet.

  • 1 kg chicken fillet
  • 1 raw egg
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon sweet paprika
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 0.5 large head of garlic
  • 1 nutmeg
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of potato starch
  • 2 handfuls of dried apricots

I washed the fillet, cut it into small pieces, added all the spices and spices, after grating the nut on a fine grater and passing the garlic through a press. Add starch and beat in an egg. Dried apricots were thoroughly washed and cut into small pieces.

I mixed everything very well with my hands and put it in a baking sleeve, which I placed inside the ham maker.

I closed it with an assistant, since it turned out to be a bit difficult to do it alone. The springs need to be stretched from three centimeters to seventeen, and they are so thick.

I placed the jar in already boiling water and left it to gurgle quietly for an hour. Then she took it out, cooled it on the table and put it in the refrigerator.

And in the morning I took out the resulting meat cylinder, which exuded a very pleasant fragrance, cut it into generous slices and sent it to my family for tasting.

Next up is now veal and pork and all the other options, which, as always, I will share with you.

A little trick on how to place foil in a ham maker

Take a regular glass liter jar and turn it upside down. Cut a piece of foil and fold it into 4 layers. Wrap this piece around the bottom of the jar from the outside and insert it into the ham maker.

Remove the liter jar, and carefully spread the remaining foil inside the ham maker along its bottom and side walls.

Carefully spread the inside of the foil along the sides and walls of the ham pan.

Place the meat inside and fold the edges of the foil over the top.

Now close the lid and tighten the springs.

Pork ham (recipes for ham maker)

Delicious homemade ham from the ham maker!

I recently bought such an interesting thing - it’s called Belobok’s ham maker.

Everyone here rushed to cook in it. So, I also gave in and today I tried to cook pork ham in it. Essentially, this homemade ham is pressed meat. There are many ham recipes for the Belobok ham maker; for this recipe, you can take assorted meats and try different combinations. It turned out really well!

First, watch the video on how ham is prepared in general, how to use the Belobok ham maker - here is a video instruction for you.

What you need for pork ham (pressed meat)

  • Meat (pork or assorted meat - for example, pork and chicken breast) - 1.3 kg;
  • Carrots – 1 piece;
  • Garlic – 1 head or less (as you like);
  • Salt – 1 tablespoon;
  • Pepper mixture (or black pepper) – 1 teaspoon;
  • Regular gelatin - 1 tablespoon.

Everything you need to cook ham in a ham maker

How to cook ham in a ham maker

  • Cut the meat into fairly small pieces. You can stuff each piece with carrots and garlic. I just finely chopped a large carrot and a few cloves of garlic.

Slicing meat for ham in a ham maker

  • Then make a curing mixture: mix salt, pepper and gelatin. Mix everything with the meat (and the curing mixture, and the carrots and garlic).
  • Place the ham inside with either foil or a sleeve (bag) for baking. Place meat in it. Cover with a lid (so that the metal cylinder is closed on all sides) and secure the springs. Everything is written in detail in the booklet - instructions for Belobok.

This is what a device for cooking ham looks like - a ham maker. The meat is inside, the springs are secured.

  • The shell with the future ham can be baked in the oven, in an air fryer, pressure cooker, or simply boiled in a large saucepan. The process of boiling or baking ham in a ham maker takes about 1 hour 20 minutes.
  • Then the dishes with meat cool down. You can't open it until it's cooled down. Once it has cooled down, remove the springs and cover. Remove the ham (turn the ham rack upside down).

And this is how you get homemade ham.

We open the foil, and there is a delicious and aromatic homemade ham made from real meat!

You can make chicken ham and fish roll using the same method.

This homemade pork ham looks like a roll. The taste is quite spicy. If you don’t have a ham maker, then you can (from milk or kefir), it’s very simple and accessible to any housewife. It is not so pressed and strong, but also very tasty.

You can only cut homemade ham when it has cooled down (otherwise it will fall apart).

How should you cook a meat product like ham? The recipe, implemented in a ham maker, as well as a photo of this dish will be presented in this article.

General information

Homemade ham in a ham maker, the recipes of which all housewives should know, turns out much tastier and healthier than what is sold in regular supermarkets. To make such a dish with your own hands, you should know not only step-by-step recommendations for preparing a meat product, but also have a special device available.

Details about what ham is

A mold is called a vetichinnitsa, which consists of the following elements:

  • flask-shaped body with holes (it can be metal or plastic);
  • two removable lids, between which the raw materials (for example, minced meat) are placed;
  • springs (their number may vary depending on the brand of the device).

So how is ham cooked in a ham maker? The recipe for such a product is often described in a collection that comes with the kitchen appliance. Manufacturers also add a thermometer, baking bags and operating instructions to this device.

Design Features

The ham in the ham maker necessarily indicates the required volume of the device. The required weight for almost all models of this device is 1.5-2 kg. In this case, the yield of the finished dish is 1-1.5 kg.

An exception to the rule is the Biowin ham maker. As you know, it is designed for 3 kg of meat product.


What needs to be done to make a very tasty homemade ham? The recipe implemented in the ham maker requires strict adherence to the following algorithm:

  • choose a cooking method;
  • purchase all the necessary components (if desired, the meat product can be pre-marinated);
  • load the prepared raw materials into a bag or wrap it in foil;
  • fill the body of the kitchen device with the semi-finished product, and then install all the covers and tension the springs;
  • expose (for example, in a convection oven, slow cooker, oven or regular saucepan).

Follow this algorithm, and you will definitely get tasty and aromatic homemade ham in the ham maker.

Meat recipes (at home)

Dishes prepared with your own hands are much more nutritious and tastier than those sold in stores and various cafes. This also applies to products such as ham. We’ll tell you right now how to prepare it at home using a special device.

So what ingredients will you need to make a delicious and flavorful ham?

The recipe implemented in the ham maker requires the use of the following products:

  • homemade minced meat made from beef, bacon and pork - approximately 900 g;
  • minced broiler poultry (preferably breasts) - about 500 g;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • instant gelatin - approximately 20 g;
  • aromatic spices - use according to your taste (you can take ground black pepper, ground coriander and paprika, dried garlic);
  • sea ​​salt - at your discretion.

Preparation of meat base (minced meat)

How is ham made in a ham maker? Recipes with photos require the use of only mixed homemade minced meat. Only in this case will you receive a tasty and tender meat product that will be appreciated by all invited guests.

To prepare the dish in question, you need to make a base. A mixture of pork and beef is combined with chicken, then finely chopped bacon is added to it. This ingredient is used to ensure that the final product is as juicy as possible.

Having prepared the aromatic base, finely chopped onion, sea salt, lightly beaten chicken eggs and various spices are added to it one by one. Next, instant gelatin is dissolved in a small amount of warm water. After this, the resulting mass is heated over low heat (without boiling) and added to the prepared minced meat.

All of the listed components are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous and fairly viscous mass is obtained.

The process of properly forming a ham

How is a ham formed? The recipe implemented in the ham maker requires compliance with all the recommendations presented in the operating instructions. Despite the apparent complexity, this dish is made quite quickly and easily.

As soon as the meat base is prepared, they immediately begin to assemble the kitchen device.

The bowl of the device used is carefully covered with a baking sleeve. Next, pre-prepared minced meat is placed in it and compacted thoroughly (by hand or with a special masher).

After the described steps, the sleeve is tightly tied with threads. Several small punctures are also made in it. In the future, all the steam will escape through these holes.

At the very end, the filled ham pot is covered with a lid, after which the springs are tightened.

Heat treatment of meat products (on the stove)

You can cook homemade ham in a device such as a ham maker in the oven, in a slow cooker, or on the stove. We decided to use the latter option. To do this, place the filled device in a saucepan with cold water and then place it on medium heat. If the liquid covers only half of the ham, then after 60 minutes it should be turned over to the other side so that the product is completely cooked.

Thus, homemade ham in a pan of boiling water should be cooked for about two hours (at least).

How to serve it correctly at the dinner table?

After preparing the flavorful ham at home using a device such as a ham maker, it is carefully removed from the boiling water and then set aside to cool.

After some time, the device is opened. A culinary sleeve with a cooked meat product is removed from it. Next, the dish is placed in the refrigerator. After the ham has hardened, the sleeve is removed, and the product itself is cut into not very thick circles and served for dinner along with a slice of bread.

Turkey ham in a ham maker: recipe

Above we described how to prepare homemade ham using a kitchen device - a ham maker. It should be especially noted that using the same algorithm you can make a dish using minced turkey. As you know, such meat is especially tender and has low calorie content. Therefore, it can be used to prepare dietary ham.

You should cook not for two hours, as mentioned above, but for 60-75 minutes. This time should be enough for the poultry meat to fully cook and set in the ham maker, forming a tasty and nutritious snack product.

Let's sum it up

Now you know that homemade ham in such a device as a ham maker is very easy and simple to prepare. Follow all the recommendations and requirements of the presented recipes, and you will definitely get a fragrant and tasty product. By the way, it can be used not only as an excellent snack, but also, for example, as a meat dish for some side dish.

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