Dream Interpretation dreams of the beginning of a war. The war begins, interpretation of the dream book. In the Italian dream book, if you dream of War

Dreams about war always bring anxiety.

The shooting, tanks, and explosions that we saw evoke very unpleasant feelings. But it often happens that dreams about military operations become harbingers of pleasant events in life.

To determine the meaning of such dreams, you need to know why you dream about war in a particular case.

Take part in the war

If you saw a dream in which you take part in battles, it means that a journey awaits you soon.

  • Enemy planes flying overhead are a sign of a business trip.
  • The bombing of your home means an outing into nature.
  • If you dream that you blew up a tank, this means that in real life you will go to a very interesting place.
  • And when you dream of Germans wearing helmets, it means that you need to take a break from hard work and devote a few days to your hobby.

According to the dream book, war and participation in it signal that your body needs rest.

If a girl dreams of shooting, during which she experiences fear, it means that she is not happy with her boyfriend.

Often what you dream of about war is your unexpressed desires. For example, if in a dream your enemies cannot defeat you, it means that in real life you want change.

And when you dream of bombing and shooting, under which you die, this speaks of your secret desire to start a relationship with a married man.

  • Experiencing fear in a battle with the Germans is a sign of useful advice from friends.
  • Digging trenches means personal experiences.
  • Cleaning the machine is an easy solution to the problem.
  • Cooking in a field kitchen is a sign of interesting events in the family.
  • Giving shells means support from influential people.
  • Shooting from a cannon means an unexpected outcome.
  • Flying on a military plane means success in difficult matters.

War from afar

If you figure out what you dream about war when you see it from the outside, you can determine how others treat you.

If you dreamed of a war that started in another country, beware of the envy of your work colleagues. And when fighting takes place in your city, it means that your loved one is proud of you.

War in the countryside indicates that your relatives miss you. Enemy planes flying over vegetable gardens warn of gossip from former classmates. And the bombing, under which wooden houses collapse, means the desire of your loved one to take a break in your relationship.

Fights on the water dream of joy and a pleasant pastime. If in a dream you saw a ship with ancient cannons, then long-awaited guests will soon come to you.

And if you dreamed that all military equipment drowned, then soon you will be able to overcome your long-standing fear. An enemy submarine dreams of fulfilling long-standing desires.

Who has won?

The outcome of the dreamed military operations is of great importance. If your side wins, then get ready for fun and carefreeness. And when the enemy wins, then expect problems at work.

As the dream book says, a war with large losses means uncertainty in your personal life. But if these losses were suffered by the enemy army, then the unpleasant situation in your family will be resolved in the near future.

Meaning according to Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book explains the war in a dream as problems and misunderstandings in family life. If a girl saw her boyfriend being taken to war, it means that he will show his hidden qualities.

A dream in which the war brought many victims prepares for psychological experiences. And if among them there are your friends or relatives, then you cannot avoid disagreements with them.

Miller’s dream book also says that terrible fear during war is evidence of your lack of self-confidence. But if you saw planes or helicopters, you will soon be able to overcome this feeling. And shooting from a pistol or machine gun means that your loved ones will help you regain faith in yourself.

To understand why you dream about war, you need to take into account all the events happening in your life. Do not be upset under any circumstances if you see something unpleasant. The main thing is not to take it too seriously, and remember that you have the power to influence your own destiny. Author: Vera Drobnaya

Is it for good or for evil that a person dreams that a war is starting? Unfortunately, a dream book capable of giving a universal answer has not yet been written. To understand what such a dream warns about, the person who sees it must remember all the details, as well as find out the opinions of different predictors. So, what awaits a person who has dreamed about the beginning of an armed conflict? Should he be afraid?

Is the dream prophetic?

Dreams in which the sleeper sees a war beginning cannot but inspire anxiety. The dream book will not help you find the answer to the question of whether a dream is a prediction of a real armed conflict that may break out in the future. If prophetic dreams have not bothered a person before, he should not regard what he saw as a prophecy.

Most likely, night dreams with a similar plot cause internal experiences that cause anxiety to the dreamer. It is possible that he has encountered or is about to encounter problems in his work and personal life. This has nothing to do with the political situation in the world.

The war begins: Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller - American psychologist. He compiled a popular dream book. The beginning of the war, according to the words of this specialist, is more often dreamed of by male representatives. The dream should be regarded as a prediction of future troubles that are about to befall a man. It is possible that he will lose a large sum of money, conflicts with colleagues or household members.

Of course, a girl can also see the beginning of hostilities in her night dreams. If a lover goes to the front in a dream, the dreamer will soon have to identify the unpleasant traits of his character and learn about his unseemly actions. If a woman simply hears in her nightmare about an armed clash between two armies, she will also expect quarrels.

Fight or hide

How does a person behave if a war breaks out in a dream? The dream book, authored by psychologist Sigmund Freud, states that the behavior of the sleeping person depends on his sexual satisfaction. The determination to join the battle, according to the scientist, communicates a desire to have group sex. If a person stays away and observes, he hides his sexual fantasies even from himself.

The sorceress Medea is convinced that the behavior of the dreamer, who learns about the upcoming armed conflict, determines his resilience. If he is willing to join the fight, his ability to withstand the blows of fate in real life is beyond doubt. If a person hides from mobilization and does not intend to defend his country, he will have to be punished for his own cowardice in reality.

About health

Why else might a sleeping person dream that a war is starting? Ivanov’s dream book considers such a nightmare as a signal of health troubles. If the dreamer only hears about the upcoming collision, but does not see it, this is a bad sign. In real life, a dangerous disease awaits him, which may cause an increase in temperature.

If a person in a dream watches the battle as an outside observer, such a nightmare can predict both internal experiences and physical suffering. It’s great if the dreamer takes part in the war, being active, this predicts successful overcoming of the crisis, no matter in what area it happens.

Victory in a collision indicates that the owner of the dream will successfully cope with his illness thanks to the body’s resources. Defeat is a negative sign, promising a nervous breakdown and a severe course of the disease.

Warning from Vanga

Perhaps the war written by Vanga characterizes such dreams most negatively, if we rely on the opinion of the famous fortuneteller, whose prophecies have repeatedly come true? She argues that such a nightmare could promise a crisis on a planetary scale. In real life, dangerous epidemics, famine, and armed clashes are possible.

Seer Vanga does not agree that seeing oneself fighting in a dream can be good. If you believe her words, such a picture can serve as a warning that upcoming disasters pose a serious threat to the health and life of the dreamer, his friends and relatives.

About shooting

What else will the dream book tell the dreamer who dreamed about the beginning of an armed conflict? War, as already said, does not bode well. However, a person who sees himself shooting in his dreams should not be afraid; such a vision promises success in one area or another. People in their dreams can not only shoot, but also hear shots. In this case, they will soon learn incredible news related to one of their relatives or friends.

Anyone who comes under fire in a nightmare should worry. In real life, a serious problem awaits him, the successful resolution of which is hardly possible. Cannon fire seen in a dream also indicates that you will soon find yourself in a dangerous situation, from which only the mobilization of all forces will help you get out. If a person in his night dreams is injured as a result of a shooting, in the real world he has treacherous enemies who are trying to defeat him using dishonest tactics.

Warlord or soldier

What else does any dream book advise you to pay attention to? The war begins is a dream, the meaning of which also depends on the role that the sleeper plays in the battle. If a man fights as a common soldier, he will have a long campaign ahead of him. Having managed to deal with opponents in a dream as a soldier, you can count on a lucrative offer related to professional activities or business.

A man in his dreams can also act as a military leader, commander of a regiment or army. Such a vision may indicate that soon everyone around him will know about the dreamer’s hidden talents. If the person sleeping as a military commander gives the order to start shelling, success in love awaits him.

It does not matter whether a woman sees herself in her night dreams as a military leader or a soldier. Her participation in the battle predicts insurmountable obstacles in future important matters.

What the esoteric dream book warns about

An esoteric dream book will help you find out why you dream about the beginning of an armed conflict. War is coming - such a plot, according to its compilers, predicts problems associated with the professional activities of the sleeper. The most likely conflicts are those that will occur or are already occurring in the work team.

If a person sees himself in a dream being captured or killed, quarrels with colleagues in real life can end badly for him. If the sleeper manages to escape and hide, the tension in relationships in the workplace will disappear only temporarily. Triumph foreshadows the defeat of opponents in night vision.

Atomic threat

This topic is not touched upon by a rare modern dream book. “There will be a war that could lead to the destruction of humanity,” - this is the news a sleeper may receive in his nightmare. The worst thing is if the dreamer watches the atomic mushroom rise. This suggests that only evil lives in a person’s heart, that he cannot cope with evil thoughts. The dream also predicts misfortune that will befall the family of its owner. We should also be wary of natural disasters, in the face of which people will find themselves helpless.

If the dreamer does not see a nuclear attack with his own eyes, but only learns about its commission, this is also not good. It is possible that he will soon learn about the illness or even death of one of his dear people. If the sleeper is worried about problems at work, the dream may predict an unpleasant conversation with his superiors in real life.

Battle site

If armies in a dream fight each other under normal conditions, that is, on the ground, it is worth paying attention to other details of the dream. However, any popular dream book also considers other scary stories. The war begins, the sea, the water - if all this is present in the nightmare you see, you should start to worry seriously. Most likely, the dreamer has powerful enemies, in battle with whom he will suffer a crushing defeat.

Of course, it is worth assessing the state of the sea, which became involved in hostilities. The worst thing is if it is restless, raging, and a storm begins. This suggests that the dreamer needs to deal with his internal conflict before it consumes him. A war at sea in a calm environment is not such a bad dream; it is possible that the sleeper in real life is trying to get rid of boredom by getting involved in empty conflicts with others.

Dreams and pregnancy

Many expectant mothers take their dreams seriously and look for a possible threat to the child in them. What does a dream about the beginning of a war mean for a woman preparing to become a mother? It is possible that a pregnant woman who has seen such a nightmare is very concerned about the health of her unborn child. Some dream books regard such a dream as an excellent sign. If you believe them, it means that the baby will grow healthy and strong, and have a fighting character.

To summarize, we can say that a dream about the beginning of a war is almost always a warning about some important event. Whether to prepare for the best or for the worst is a decision that can only be made by a person who has dreamed of the outbreak of an armed conflict.

What does fighting mean in a dream? Anxious and scary dreams can signal approaching danger? Or symbolize the onset of a difficult period in a relationship?

If you don’t know why you dream about war, try to understand the interpretations of dreams from the best dream books. Let's find out what the experts think.

What does war mean in dreams?

Dreams about military operations somehow excite our consciousness. Military equipment, tanks, shooting, explosions always cause unpleasant feelings.

Despite this, dreams about military conflicts are often harbingers of positive changes in life or, at a minimum, do not pose a real danger to a person.

To determine the meaning of a dream, you need to figure out why you dreamed about war in each specific case. Each dream book defines the meanings of different dreams in its own way.

Why does a woman dream of war?

If you dream about war in a dream for a woman with her participation, this means, according to the dream book, that she may soon meet a military man.

If you dream pregnant woman interpretation in the dream book, this may mean that a woman will have a son.

If you dreamed of a military situation, it means the time has come for a big change in life. If in a dream there are enemies I can’t don't beat you, then it’s time to change something in yourself and your environment.

Why does a girl dream about war?

When young the girl dreams that her lover the military man leaves fight, in reality she will see shortcomings in his characters.

According to other sources, going to the front t a loved one can be a harbinger of the fact that the girl she loves in reality will learn something unpleasant about her boyfriend that may upset her.

If the girl dreamed of combat action, which scares her very much, means that in reality she will be very dissatisfied with her chosen one.

If a man dreams of war in a dream

If man dreamed of world war A trip with his participation is expected soon. Depending on the details of the dream, there are several interpretations of different dream books given by Miller in his dream book:

  • Seeing enemy planes flying overhead is a sign of a business trip;
  • Bombing of a home or city - a trip to nature;
  • Blowing up a tank means visiting in the near future an interesting place that you have long wanted to visit.

I dream about the beginning of a war, what does it mean?

If you dreamed that it started bombing in another country That is, the dream book states that you need to be as careful as possible in the workplace. Probably, the envy of colleagues can do a lot of harm.

An unpleasant dream in which hostilities begin In your city. This suggests that your loved one is very proud of you. If the war caused the death of relatives or if the family died, disagreements with relatives are possible in reality, a quarrel is possible, etc.

Deserves special attention interpretation of Vanga's dreams. The famous soothsayer believed that fighting warned of the beginning of difficult times, possibly famine and certain deprivations.

In addition, according to Vanga's dream book, if the dreamer fails to escape the attack, serious grief awaits him.

Why do you dream about bombing and explosions?

Shooting and bombs falling on the house may indicate that in reality you secretly want to start a relationship with an unfree person.

If under bombs wooden buildings are collapsing, it means your significant other wants to take a break in the relationship. It is believed that a strong feeling of fear in a dream indicates lack of self-confidence.

If you dreamed of war or another military event, you should think about your position in society, change your own views on life.

Why do you dream about war with the Germans?

Fight with German soldiers in a dream most often speaks of accumulated fatigue and the need for proper rest.

If you dreamed Germans in helmets, it is best to take a real break from your work and set aside a few days for rest. It is best to take up your favorite hobby.

If in the battle with the Germans you are an observer and you are very afraid of what is happening, in life you need to listen to the useful advice of close friends.

The psychoanalyst holds the same opinion Freud. His dream book says that be killed or captured- means losing the fight for a place in the sun or losing career prospects.

And vice versa: kill an enemy in a dream- means defeating competitors.

I dreamed of a nuclear war, dream interpretation

Of great importance is who wins the dreamed battle. More often enemy victory indicates impending problems at work.

And here victory friendly forces means that you can safely prepare for carefree and fun. If the fighting ends in your favor, there is really nothing to fear.

If it started nuclear war with numerous dead people, this means that in your personal life you need to prepare for a period of uncertainty.

If they are big losses suffered by the enemy side and, probably, conflicts in the family will be resolved very soon, and new ones will not begin.

Thus, military operations in a dream do not always foreshadow negative changes in life or future problems.

In some cases, such a dream in which a nuclear disaster began may indicate the need to make adjustments to immediate plans and the need to take a break from business.

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing war in a dream is a sign of a difficult state of affairs, as well as disorder and strife in the house. If a young woman dreams that her lover is going to war, this means that she will hear something unpleasant about his character. To dream that your country was defeated in a war is a sign that there will be suffering for the people from the revolution, from major changes in business and political life. If you dream of victory, then in reality there will be a revival of business activity, and harmony will come in family relationships.

Why do you dream about war?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

argument; breaking ties in the family; love experiences; great damage to reputation (your own or a loved one).

Why do you have a dream about war?

according to Vanga's dream book

Seeing war in a dream is a very bad omen, which promises pestilence and famine, difficult times for adults and children, and especially for young people - they will have to fight and die. If you are participating in a war, then such a dream means that troubles will affect you or your loved ones, and if you do not have time to hide, you are destined to experience your own and common grief.

Why do you dream about fighting?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

(to win) - luck, chance; with a stranger - danger, illness; changes (depending on the outcome).

Why do you dream about a shield?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

friend (depending on type); ancient - news from an old friend or a long-forgotten one.

Why do you dream of fighting?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

(with a weapon) - to a successful marriage, changes; (on a horse or machine) - get rich.

Why do you dream of competing?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

with someone - the more successful you are, the more difficulties you have with money.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

If you dreamed that you were participating in a battle, this means that you may have disputes and disagreements on serious issues with neighbors or friends.

I dreamed of a battle

according to Miller's dream book

Fighting in a dream means struggling against difficulties and winning in the end. If you are defeated in battle, it means that the bad deeds committed by others will interfere with the implementation of your good intentions.

I dreamed of a fight

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself as a participant in a battle means that you will strive to win love and enter the life of a person who, as you know, does not belong to you. You will be at great risk of losing your good reputation in commercial matters. This dream foreshadows the struggle to maintain your position in life. For a young woman to see combatants in a dream means that she will have a choice between suitors, both of whom love her and would die for her.

War is one of the most terrifying things, when all living things die and the normal course of life is disrupted. Therefore, dreams associated with war do not bring anything good.

What could a dream about war mean?

You should not immediately be frightened by the dream you see - this does not mean the real development of unpleasant events. If you saw a war in a dream, this does not mean it is approaching in reality. A dream is not a prophecy or a prediction. If you dream about such things, you may be very worried, nervous and thinking about things that are not what you really need. As with other dreams, a dream about war can mean completely different things that can happen in reality. The opinions of people speaking on this topic are vague and may not be similar to each other.

In a dream, you need to pay attention to all the details to determine whether the dream is related to real life. A dream about war can predict a meeting with a new person and can tell you whether you will overcome your difficulties or not. Maybe from a dream you will find out whether a loved one will betray you.

Dream interpreters can tell a lot about one vision, relying on minor details that you have time to remember.

Miller's dream book, family, modern dream book

Miller's Dream Book. According to this interpreter, a dream about war is more often seen by male representatives and is a prediction of future troubles, such as the loss of a large sum of money or a conflict with work colleagues and family members. It is possible that a girl could have such a dream. For example, you dream that your lover is going to the front - this means that soon the girl will see the bad character traits of her man and learn about his actions, both good and bad.

Vanga's dream book. The seer spoke extremely negatively about such dreams; she believed that such a nightmare entailed a catastrophe on a global scale - epidemics, famine and war.

Family dream book. The interpretation given in it says that the beginning of a war seen in a dream foreshadows a sharp surge of emotions in the family circle; perhaps a conflict is brewing in the family, which will turn into a scandal. If in a dream you come out victorious, then in reality you will be able to win.

Dream book of Ivanov. Any events related to war can mean a breakdown of the body and a slowdown in physical processes. Therefore, having seen a dream about war, you should think about maintaining your health. Watching a battle between two sides in a dream means experiencing mental or physical torment in reality; if in a dream you watched yourself preparing for battle, this means your speedy recovery from an illness.

Modern dream book. You are at risk of envy from your colleagues if the battle started away from you. In a dream, you heard a call for combat alert in your city - your family and friends are proud of you. In a dream, danger threatens your home - you need to be more attentive to your family.

Psychoanalytic dream book. You dream of fear of the outbreak of war - you are very unsure of yourself and your abilities. Perhaps something is bothering you, so much so that the situation will soon develop into an internal conflict. You are calm when a war starts in a dream - something will happen that will disturb your peace of mind.

Dream book of Denise Lynn. A dream about war is a significant symbol of aggression and internal conflicts. It is worth delving into the study of yourself and those around you, paying attention to your actions and the reasons for them.

Dream Interpretation. You saw a battlefield in a dream - a number of certain events will happen soon. They have the power to change your life, but exactly how it changes is up to you.

An old English dream book. War means an undesirable turn of fate, an event will happen that will disturb your peace of mind, there may be problems with finances, envy from colleagues. If a woman dreams about war, a person will appear who will influence the dreamer's life.

Modern combined dream book. A business trip is possible if enemy planes fly over you in a dream. In a dream, your house was bombed - this is a sign that you will soon be able to find yourself in nature. Digging ditches and trenches means that future experiences await you in your soul. Prepare for the start of war - you will definitely find a solution to the problems. A girl who sees herself escorting her lover to the front in a dream will experience a change in her relationship with her husband.

Chinese dream book of Zhou Hung.

  • If you saw a battle in a dream, empty glory awaits you.
  • Kill enemies, deal with rebels - be sure to achieve your goal.
  • In a dream you found yourself in the ranks of the army - a symbol that happiness and good luck await you.
  • Warriors are going on a campaign - failure in your business awaits you.
  • If you watch in a dream how an army returns from battle, there is a chance that you will get sick.
  • You see military men who have been defeated - this means misfortune.
  • If you shoot at a person in a dream, a long trip awaits you.
  • You were shot at in a dream - a traveler will arrive soon. Hold your bow and arrows - great happiness awaits you.
  • You are trying to shoot an arrow, but the bowstring breaks - failures and troubles are likely to await you.
  • In a dream, an animal was wounded and killed - this means that you will waste a lot of money and you will not have the amount spent for a long time.

Modern family dream book. If you dream of war, there will be disorder and discord in the house or probably an unimportant state of affairs. A young girl saw in a dream how her lover was going to war; she was about to learn unpleasant things about his character. If in a dream you saw a victorious army, your affairs will certainly improve, and there will be order and harmony in the family.