Volynians main city. Reasons for the name. Tribes of the forest zone of the Dnieper right bank

United the Volynians, Drevlyans, Polyans and Dregovichi in the so-called. “Duleb group”, which represented the southwestern branch of the Eastern Slavs. A similar point of view was held by I. P. Rusanova, G. N. Matyushin, as well as V. V. Boguslavsky and E. I. Kuksina. Another name used by other specialists was “Duleb tribal union.”



Archaeological sources

Archaeological research indicates that the Volynians developed agriculture and numerous crafts, including forging, casting and pottery.

Written sources

The Volynians are mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years in the nominal list of tribes of Rus' at the beginning of the story, where there is no chronology yet, in the period (before Rurik) between the death of the brothers, the founders of Kyiv, and the beginning of inter-tribal clashes that followed the death of the brothers:

The Arab geographer al-Masudi reported in the second half of the 10th century. about the “Valinana” and “Dulaba” tribes, which in historical literature are considered to be Volynians and Dulebs. This is what he says about the Volanians:

Of these tribes, one previously had power over them in ancient times; its king was called Majak, and the tribe itself was called Valinana. In ancient times, all other Slavic tribes were subordinate to this tribe; for he had (supreme) power, and the other kings obeyed him... We have already talked above about the king, whom the rest of their kings obeyed in the past, that is, Majak, king of the Valinans, which tribe is one of the indigenous Slavic tribes, it revered among their tribes and had superiority among them. Subsequently, discord arose between their tribes, their order was disrupted, they were divided into separate tribes and each tribe chose a king for itself.

United the Volynians, Drevlyans, Polyans and Dregovichi in the so-called. “Duleb group”, which represented the southwestern branch of the Eastern Slavs. A similar point of view was held by I. P. Rusanova, G. N. Matyushin, as well as V. V. Boguslavsky and E. I. Kuksina. Another name used by other specialists was “Duleb tribal union.”



Archaeological sources

Archaeological research indicates that the Volynians developed agriculture and numerous crafts, including forging, casting and pottery.

Written sources

The Volynians are mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years in the nominal list of tribes of Rus' at the beginning of the story, where there is no chronology yet, in the period (before Rurik) between the death of the brothers, the founders of Kyiv, and the beginning of inter-tribal clashes that followed the death of the brothers:

The Arab geographer al-Masudi reported in the second half of the 10th century. about the “Valinana” and “Dulaba” tribes, which in historical literature are considered to be Volynians and Dulebs. This is what he says about the Volanians:

Of these tribes, one previously had power over them in ancient times; its king was called Majak, and the tribe itself was called Valinana. In ancient times, all other Slavic tribes were subordinate to this tribe; for he had (supreme) power, and the other kings obeyed him... We have already talked above about the king, whom the rest of their kings obeyed in the past, that is, Majak, king of the Valinans, which tribe is one of the indigenous Slavic tribes, it revered among their tribes and had superiority among them. Subsequently, discord arose between their tribes, their order was disrupted, they were divided into separate tribes and each tribe chose a king for itself.

Tribal unions of the Eastern Slavs and their settlement.

It’s better (since it’s realistic) to learn this topic from the Handbook on the History of Russia since Ancient Times by L.M. Pyatetsky, Moscow Lyceum Publishing House: M. - 1994:

“Along the middle reaches of the Dnieper, that is, in the area of ​​the city of Kyiv, lived the glades; south of the clearings - streets; to the north of the glades, along the left bank of the Dnieper and along the Desna - northerners; along the upper reaches of the Dnieper and along the Western Dvina - Krivichi; along the banks of Pripyat - the Drevlyans; to the North from Pripyat to the Western Dvina - Dregovichi; along the Oka and Moscow rivers - Vyatichi; in the area between the Dnieper and Desna rivers - Radimichi; around Lake Ilmen - Ilmen Slavs (Slovenians)"

But it is useful to know the following information (Starikov N.V., History of Russia. Student’s Handbook - M.: Prior, 200, - 464 pp.):

Buzhans the name of a group of tribes of Eastern Slavs who lived in the upper reaches of the Western Bug. From the end X V. were part of the Old Russian state.

Volynians - one of the East Slavic associations that arose on the territory of the Dulebs. There were up to 70 “grads” (cities). The center is Volyn (mentioned in the chronicle from 1018). In 907 - an ally of Kyiv.

Vyatichi - a union of East Slavic tribes of the upper and middle reaches of the river. Okie. As part of Kievan Rus from the middle. X century From XII V. the territory of the Vyatichi was part of the Chernigov, Rostov-Suzdal and Ryazan principalities.

Drevlyans - a tribal association that occupied VI - X centuries territory of Polesie, Right Bank Ukraine along the current. pp. Grouse, Snake, Harvest, Stviga. They bordered on the Volynians, Buzhans, and Dregovichs. The main city is Iskorosten. For a long time they resisted inclusion into Kievan Rus. They were imposed with tribute by Oleg in 883.

Dregovichi - tribal association of Slavs. Habitat: northern regions of the Dnieper right bank. In ancient times they had their own reign with the main city of Turov on Pripyat. As part of the Kievan Rusis of the 10th century. They became the basis of the Principality of Turov.

Duleby - tribal association on the territory of Western Volyn. IN VII V. were subjected to devastating raids by the Avars. In 907, the Duleb squad took part in Oleg’s campaign against Constantinople. Under the name Buzhan and Volynyan in X V. became part of Kievan Rus.

Ilmenskie Slovenes - one of the most numerous Slavic associations located near Fr. Ilmen, along the river. Volkhov, Lovat, Msta, Molocha. Neighbors are the Finno-Ugric tribes Chud and Merya. In the beginning. IX V. together with the Krivichi and Chud, they created the Slavia association, which became the core of the Novgorod land.

Krivichi - union of East Slavic tribes in VI–X centuries It was located on the watershed of the Western Dvina, Dnieper and Volga. The main cities are Smolensk, Polotsk and Izborsk. WITH IX V. as part of Kievan Rus. IN XI – XII centuries the territory of the Krivichi is in the Smolensk and Polotsk principalities, the northwestern part is in the Novgorod possessions.

Glade - East Slavic tribal union VI - IX centuries along the middle reaches of the Dnieper from Pripyat to Ros. They formed the core of the ancient Russian state.

Radimichi - a tribal association located in the eastern part of the upper Dnieper region, along the river. Sozh and its tributaries. Just like Vyatichi, they are possibly associated with the Western Slavs. From ser. IX V. paid tribute to the Khazars. In 885 they were annexed by Oleg, and finally lost their political independence in 984, when their army was defeated by the Wolf Tail, the commander of Prince Vladimir.

Northerners – union of tribes in VII – IX centuries, located along the river. Desna, Seim, Sule. They paid tribute to the Khazars. From about 865 they were part of Rus'.

Tivertsy - a tribal association that lived along the Dniester to the Black Sea and the mouth of the Danube. In 907 and 944 they took part in the campaign against Constantinople. S sir X V. as part of Kievan Rus. Under the blows of the Pechenegs and Polovtsians, XII V. moved to the north, where they gradually mixed with other tribes.

Ulichi - one of the tribal associations of the Eastern Slavs who lived, according to the PVL, in the Lower Dnieper region, the Bug region and on the shores of the Black Sea. They waged a stubborn struggle with Kyiv for independence. For three years, their main city Peresechen was besieged by the Kyiv governor Sveneld. Under the pressure of nomadic tribes they retreated to the North. From ser. X V. as part of the Old Russian state.

Volynians and Buzhanians

They lived in the territory where the Duleb tribe previously lived. Volynians settled on both banks of the Western Bug and in the upper reaches of Pripyat. Their main city was Cherven, and after Volyn was conquered by the Kyiv princes, a new city was built on the Luga River in 988 - Vladimir-Volynsky, which gave the name to the Vladimir-Volyn principality formed around it

In the south, the Volynians lived side by side with the Ulichs and Tivertians, and in the north with the Lithuanians and Yatvingians.

Some historians believe that the Volynians and Buzhanians (who lived there) are descendants of the Dulebs.

Archaeological excavations show that the Volynians developed agriculture and numerous crafts, including forging, casting and pottery. The Arab geographer al-Masudi reported in the second half of the 10th century. about the Valinana and Dulaba tribes,

which in historical literature are considered to be Volynians and Dulebs.

In 981, Vladimir the Holy subjugated the Volynians, and they became part of Kievan Rus.

The tribal association that arose in the habitat of the Dulebs included, in addition to the Volynians, the Buzhans who lived on the banks of the Southern Bug. There is an opinion that the Volynians and Buzhans were one tribe, and their names reflect only their habitats. According to medieval Western authors, the Buzhans had 230 “cities” (fortified settlements), and the Volynians had 70.

The epics about Duke Stepanovich and Churilo Plenkovich are told about the Volynians.

From the book Slavic Antiquities by Niderle Lubor

Dulebs, Volynians, Buzhans, Luchans The mutual connection between these names of tribes is unclear, but they all apparently originate from one large, westernmost Russian tribe that lived between the Western and Southern Bug, primarily in historical Volyn.


Buzhans One of the chronicle tribes, which during the 8th-10th centuries. lived on the territory of Western Ukrainian lands. “...the Buzhans who sat along the Bug...” (“The Tale of Bygone Years”). From the name of the river and the name of the tribe. From the 9th century foreign historical sources indicate

From the book Encyclopedia of Slavic culture, writing and mythology author Kononenko Alexey Anatolievich

Volynians One of the chronicle tribes (tribal union), mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years. Known since the end of the 1st – beginning of the 2nd millennium on the lands of Western Ukraine and Belarus in the historical region of Volyn (the Bug River basin, the upper reaches of the Pripyat River). Arabic sources

From the book What happened before Rurik author Pleshanov-Ostaya A. V.

Volynians Volynians lived at the end of the 10th - beginning of the 11th centuries in the basin of the upper reaches of the Western Bug and near the sources of Pripyat. Archaeologists note that the Volynians were mainly engaged in agriculture and crafts, but it is known that the tribes owned more than 70 fortresses.Volynians

Ancient Rus'! How long ago the events described by Nestor in the Tale of Bygone Years took place! Then, back in 882, a state began to form, which in the future turned into a strong power - Russia.

Many tribes lived on the territory of Ancient Rus'. Each had its own name. Why did the tribes have this or that name? What explains this? What is the history of the names of the tribes of the ancient Slavs? Let's figure it out.

History of the names of the tribes of the ancient Slavs

  • Many tribes got their name by area where they lived.

Buzhans - lived along the banks of the Western Bug River

Volynians – local name – Volyn

Drevlyans - lived in a forest area (northwest of Kyiv)

Dregovichi - inhabitants of swamps (dregva is a swamp in ancient Russian). They lived on the left bank of the Pripyat

Ilmen tribes or Slovenes - lived on the shore of Lake Ilmen, their center was Novgorod.

Polotsk (group of Krivichi) - lived on the Polota River - a tributary of the Dvina

Glade - occupied flat terrain, Kyiv will begin from here.

Tivertsy - lived on the banks of the Dnieper (previously it was called Tiras, that is, fast)

Ulichi - from the word “angle”, they lived on the Black Sea coast along the Dnieper and Bug, which made up the “angle”. They lived in the Dniester region.

  • Another group of tribes was called according to the founder of the clan

Vyatichi - named after the ancestor of the family - Vyatko (Vyata). They lived in the area of ​​the Oka and Moskva rivers.

Radimichi - the founder of the clan is Radim or Radimir. They lived between the Dnieper and Sozh.

Krivichi - according to the founder of the family, Kriva, in the future Moscow will arise on this territory. They lived in the upper reaches of the Volga, Dnieper and Dvina.

  • There is a group of Slavic tribes whose names are still controversial.

Northerners - some believe that the name comes from the name of the Huns tribe - Savirs, with which this tribe merged. Other researchers suggest that the name is related to the Old Russian word meaning “relative.” But this tribe is in no way connected with the north, since it lived in the center of Rus'. Lived on the left bank of the Dnieper

White Croats - lived on the San River, in the vicinity of the city of Przemysl. The word “Croats” causes the most doubt among scientists. But the most common explanation of the origin of this word is “separated”, “selected”, “piece, part of something”.

Settlement of ancient Slavic tribes

Material prepared by: Melnikova Vera Aleksandrovna

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