A pronounced tense pluto in the natal chart. The planet Pluto in astrology and its influence on the nature of the event. Pluto with the Moon's North Node

Pluto in the natal chart

Pluto completes the destruction of the boundaries of the human ego begun by Uranus and Neptune. Pluto’s function is transmutation, transformation, qualitative change, management and distribution of energy, energetic interaction with the outside world. In its highest manifestation, the inclusion of Pluto is the reign of the Holy Spirit and the complete destruction of the kingdom of matter with its laws. This is what in esotericism is called the second birth, the destruction of everything relative and temporary, symbolized by the Old Adam, and complete merging with the Absolute. Pluto completely and finally burns all the boundaries set by Saturn. Along with the boundaries, the personality structure they generate also disappears. Astrology attributes to Pluto the quality of cold fire in which everything is burned. The last human illusions, all the remnants of the human ego, its ideals, hopes and the most reliable structures of the human mind burn out in it.

In Freud's horoscope, Pluto does not form major aspects, being the so-called “planet in the mine.” The manifestations of such a Pluto are perfectly described by Freud himself in the concept of the Id, which he proposed in 1923 in his work “The Ego and the Id” 7 years before the discovery of Pluto.

The influence of Pluto, although called awakening and always sudden and unexpected in nature, is the result of long and persistent previous work. It is not a spontaneous impulse of the will, as is the case with Mars. And these are not isolated glimpses of intuition, as in the case of Uranus, and not immersion in another being, as in the case of Neptune. This is a new birth from which there is no turning back. Having awakened from sleep, a person no longer lives with the feelings and emotions of his dream, he has a different life. So a person baptized by Pluto no longer lives by past attachments, illusions and mental attitudes; he simply burns them in the cold fire of Pluto like old and unnecessary trash.

The changes brought about by Pluto are so strong and so concentrated that most people openly resist them, but this only increases internal pressure and tension. The only thing that can carry us through these periods without psychological trauma is a strong, unshakable belief in the wisdom and order of life itself.

In the Tree of Life diagram, Pluto corresponds to the sephira Kether (Crown). Here comes the realization that there are no differences between our world and the “higher” worlds and that all souls are one with the Divine Soul. The purpose of human life is to experience this fundamental fact of Being and thereby connect all creation to its Source.

In a sense, Pluto is merciless in its total destruction. This tendency of complete and fundamental destruction in the highest manifestations of Pluto leads to the destruction of illusions, lies, everything old, sinful, symbolized by the “Old Adam”. Unfortunately, at the lower levels of Pluto's manifestation, the tendency of destruction shifts to the physical plane - a dominant or strongly placed Pluto can be found not only in the horoscopes of great saints and mystics, but also in the horoscopes of murderers and sadists.

A person with a strong Pluto not afraid of change, ready to enter any situation, he does not like to declare himself, is secretive, prefers to manage processes, being in the background, without playing at the mystery. He does not hold on to his achievements and savings; psychological and energetic stress is much more important to him; he lives by it. It is almost impossible to intimidate such a person by the possibility that something might suddenly happen to him, that he might lose something. Very often, a strong Pluto can be found in people born from unequal or mixed marriages. Strong Pluto forces a person to look for connections in the outside world that would help him get closer to the secrets of the universe, to experience all sorts of so-called marginal states.

Problematic Pluto manifests itself in a demonstrative desire for self-affirmation, a desire to stand out. The appearance of such people bears the imprint of a struggle of energies, an internal conflict; they always try to look provocative and defiant - in clothing, behavior, communication. On a psychological level, such people have a unique ability to alienate others because of their desire to tie everyone to themselves. They have a very strong feeling of subconscious guilt; in communication they constantly try to make excuses for something. This style of behavior is often formed as a result of psychological trauma, betrayal, and tragedy. Sometimes problematic Pluto forms the belief that if I have experienced something, then there is nothing terrible in the fact that others will also experience it, as happened, for example, with I.V. Stalin. Pluto in astrological houses will show through what a person strives to control the outside world and manipulate others.

Weak Pluto present in people who do not know how to build relationships with society, they often try with all their might to hide this problem, but their actions in this direction are most often destructive. The sphere of the house in which Pluto is located is perceived by them as a source of danger and problems that they cannot cope with.

More about Pluto in sections,

Pluto is a planet of horror, and its power defies logical explanation; its sphere of influence is very difficult to comprehend and understand. Pluto was discovered in 1930, but it continues to be studied to this day.

Wherever Pluto is located in a person’s birth horoscope, the life of the individual completely changes and transforms. If a person suddenly felt that he needed to give up everything and radically change his own life, then this was probably provoked by the influence of Pluto. This planet can illuminate the subconscious, awaken dormant emotions and energies.

Pluto is a symbol of the ancient god and personifies the souls of the dead. The name was taken from a letter from one girl who wrote it in a letter. The planet and its color symbolize rebirth and death. It can restore powers, destroy them and destroy them, and also allows a person to experience transformation. Pluto has the power to eliminate everything that once existed.

The properties of Pluto are completely opposite. They allow you to destroy and create, but together they form a single whole.

In the natal chart, Pluto can affect the personality of a particular person. The planet allows you to start life over and end it. If a person decided to completely change his existence, abandoned his past goals and began to strive for the completely opposite, then he found himself precisely under the influence of Pluto.

People who are emigrants are also under the protection of this planet. Pluto forms a character that allows you to manage and influence others, to achieve power, which is why such people often occupy high positions. Politicians who have had a brilliant career, statesmen or famous researchers are often under the patronage of Pluto. This planet destroys the past and helps find a place for the future.

Properties of Pluto

Even the most educated and reserved person, falling under the influence of Pluto, feels a huge amount of energy that cannot be controlled. Sometimes people become very cruel and ruthless, they begin to commit crimes and betray loved ones. Pluto rules over brutal dictators and famous leaders who defend their own ideals.

During the action of Pluto, the personality completely begins to change. Astrologers are confident that Pluto has a very mysterious and mysterious influence that cannot be fully understood and correctly deciphered.

In ancient times, it was believed that Pluto controls the elements, he accumulates all the energies lost by people, and then causes natural disasters and catastrophes. But those people who spent their energy correctly can receive incredible power from Pluto and control their own destiny.

Since the moment Pluto was discovered, it has not yet had time to visit all the signs of the zodiac. He is currently in Capricorn, and thanks to his influence, people will completely change their beliefs and outlook on life.

Pluto rules the occult and magic, reincarnation and witchcraft. In a personal horoscope, the influence of a planet is felt if he is in an important position.

Pluto in the zodiac signs

Pluto stays in each sign for a very long time, so we can talk about those that will affect the future generation and the present.

a lion

This generation is capable of completely changing the familiar world, developing self-awareness and understanding the very existence of the universe, and thinking deeply. It was the generation of Pluto in Leo that allowed humanity to discover different trends in music and carry out protests. However, now these people have become real conservatives.


This generation allowed us to question the established system; it was these people who began to look for non-standard solutions to the situation. Some famous personalities were able to change the world, eliminate tyranny and oppression. They established a new order in the world.


This energy focuses on partnerships; a huge number of children of this generation saw their parents divorce. Such children are well aware of the mistakes of their own parents, so they are completely focused on their family life and try to prevent this from happening in their own lives. Often such people became creative, they devoted their lives to art and music. Since childhood, such people have become accustomed to relying only on themselves.


This generation has seen world conflicts very well, therefore they are very responsible individuals. Such people consider it necessary to destroy old foundations. People are very energetic and try to achieve what they want by any means, which can scare others.


This generation heralded the beginning of a new life. It is constantly in search of freedom and independence, trying to develop spiritually. Religions can be destroyed in the form in which they are, and the generation perceives spiritual values ​​differently, more deeply.


This generation can take evolution to the next level. Such people are capable of making changes in the existence of humanity. Children born during this period will completely change the world in adulthood and establish new orders in it. Moreover, they will find harmony in the material world and the Divine.

Pluto in the houses of the horoscope

1 house

A person experiences intense emotions, he constantly develops spiritually and physically, he has enormous willpower. Such people strive to show their personality in all its glory and try to be creative.

2nd house

People use money to achieve their goals and strive for power and control. They are trying to find happiness and get rid of negativity.

3rd house

A person studies himself, he tries to know his own self, change his own life, eliminate problems and hear his inner voice.

4th house

Such people are not confident in themselves; they are the shadow of the older generation, for example, their parents. They try to change themselves and understand the meaning of their existence.

5th house

Such people strive to win in everything. They are always ready to take risks, happily embark on various adventures and crave success.

6th house

A person completely devotes his life to a certain type of activity. He tries to do everything the way he wants, tries to understand his own mission.

7th house

People are influenced by stronger personalities. They strive to change and become stronger so that this does not happen again.

8th house

Such a person is very serious and uncompromising. He constantly strives to unravel all the secrets and riddles, to comprehend himself and others.

9th house

Such people are very inquisitive, they constantly ask a lot of questions, try to gain as much knowledge as possible, and love to travel. Such people want to take advantage of all the opportunities that life can give.

10th house

People feel strongly about everything that has to do with friendship. They often prefer high-ranking individuals in order to gain universal recognition and assert themselves.

11th house

Such a person strongly perceives the feelings of others, he longs to completely reshape the world for himself.

12th house

Such individuals are accustomed to going against generally accepted rules and norms; they frantically defend their beliefs, change personal boundaries and get rid of internal fears.

Symbol square 90

Pluto, in combination with other planets, can be in square if they are located at a distance of 90 from each other. This aspect can cause obstacles and difficulties. Stress and desire play a big role here. There may be a carrot and stick rule when everything is very changeable. The square brings results taking into account the character of the person, his aspirations and endurance. Pluto can cause fights and conflicts, or cause an accident or surgical intervention. In quadrature, it is imperative to take decisive action in order to get a positive result.

Pluto opposition 180

Two planets that are located at a given distance from each other are opposed to each other. The Pluto conjunction requires a lot of focus and determination. Pluto brings responsibility for one's actions, then it will bring the best possible result. When a person tries to be only under the influence of one of the two planets, then he necessarily turns out to be a victim of circumstances, because the other invariably influences him. Tensions and problems constantly arise when it comes to satisfying one of the planets. A person clearly feels internal contradictions, he constantly doubts the correctness of his decisions, tries to fight with part of himself.

Every opposition in which Pluto is present requires special attention. It is imperative to strive for your goals and take into account other planets in opposition.

Pluto sesquisquare 135

This distance between planets symbolizes disruptions. Things can unexpectedly break down, a person begins to sharply change his positions and do something else that he had not even thought about before. Here you should pay attention to the elements; if they are the same, then the result will not be so impressive and explosive.

Usually in the sesquiquadrate there are those individuals who love to travel, sail the oceans and make discoveries that are important for all of humanity. Sometimes unexpected breakdowns can occur; a person is able to abruptly change his field of activity, break off a stable relationship, or deviate from the planned plan of action. Very often the end result can surprise, because in most cases it turns out to be more than favorable.

Retrograde Pluto

Pluto's configuration is very important. For five months of the year he is in retrograde, and sometimes he stands still. If a person has Pluto in retrograde in his natal chart, then he must carefully control himself. Sometimes he may sense manipulation from the outside and feel as if he is trapped. The opposite can also happen. A person can have enormous power and constantly control those around him, and abuse of his position occurs.

Aspects of Pluto

Pluto is the planet that can transform everything that exists. In the horoscope, aspects of Pluto influence restoration and change. Pluto shows where a person feels his strength, where he can be cruel and how to protect himself from the tyranny of others.

Pluto conjunctions

Pluto aspects can be compared to certain lifelong vows. A person can be good and bad at the same time. Conjunctions have an impact on energy if Pluto occupies a dominant role in the natal chart. However, this rule is not so general. When Pluto moved into Sagittarius in 1995, some people changed their lives completely. They began to have health problems, a financial crisis, as well as divorces and separations. Crises occurred in labor activity, some went bankrupt or suffered psychological illnesses. But other people didn't notice any problems at all.

Pluto influences a person in the way that he himself allows it to do. The energy of the planet hits in an area of ​​​​life that needs to be changed so that people can develop their spiritual world and grow.

Pluto with the Moon's North Node

It is necessary to constantly think whether a person is making the right decisions. It is worth looking into the depths of the subconscious, trying not to believe anything, looking for hidden aspects of your life and striving to recognize the unknown.

Pluto with the South Node

A person prefers to work independently in order to change his life for the better. You can take part in public events. If a person feels that he is walking in a circle, he should stop and understand the reason for this.

Pluto with Ascendant

Any person can do both good and evil. Clear consciousness and intuition develop, a person can control energies and project them to improve life. Some people just give up early and don’t strive for anything anymore, so they don’t succeed.

Pluto with Midheaven

It’s as if a person is reinventing himself until she realizes why he is doing this. He can create both good and bad, it depends only on him.

Pluto with IC

A person is constantly trying to cope with changes in life and transform it for the better, but he will constantly return to his original positions.

Pluto with Part of Fortune

If a person constantly experiences changes in his life, then they always bring only good things. Well, if he tries to stay in place, then nothing positive should be expected.

Sextiles and Trines

If Pluto in a person’s natal chart is strong and its sphere of influence is significant, then it is best to have aspects on the positive side.

Pluto and the Nodes

A person’s intuition is well developed, he knows how to use it. People immediately see the real essence in any situation, and can also influence others. Public people achieve great success thanks to this.

Pluto and Ascendant

Willpower allows you to gain an advantage. Such people can help others realize unwritten truths and also achieve great power.

Pluto and the Midheaven or IC

A person's ability to work is quite high. He can achieve success in almost any field of activity and occupy a high position. Thanks to excellent intuition, a person easily copes with difficulties and obstacles.

Pluto and Part of Fortune

A person can easily change his life for the better, successful situations constantly happen to him, everything is easy for him.

Tense aspects

Aspects of Pluto that are restraining show where a person may have difficulties.

Pluto as Lord of Birth

Such people perceive the entire surrounding reality more globally. He can transform the surrounding reality and his own life. Such people can master the occult sciences to perfection.

Very often, mysterious and enigmatic factors can interfere in a person’s life that others do not understand. However, such people can become real dictators. They have a strong will and concentrate well, and have paranormal abilities.

Good Pluto appears very rarely in the natal chart. Well, if he is evil, then he is capable of giving an existence in which powerful forces rule and cannot be controlled. Such people are also often chosen as leaders, but then unexpectedly trampled into the mud. People may also die due to disasters or emergency situations.

Not long ago, astronomers deprived a small planet of its full planetary status, demoting it to dwarf planet. However, astrologers do not agree with this approach. Despite its modest size and distance from Earth, the planet Pluto remains as significant in modern astrology as it was in previous decades.

A discovery that amazed astrologers

Yes, we are not talking about centuries, as is the case with other astronomical bodies closer to the Earth, which astrologers used in horoscopes and calendars even before our era. The object was opened relatively recently, in the thirties of the twentieth century.

Around the same time, by an amazing coincidence, the works of today's famous psychologists were published: Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, Sigmund Freud. It was they who opened the concept of the subconscious to the general public and explained the mechanisms of its work. These discoveries clarified some of the questions that arose during the compilation and interpretation of cosmograms. Pluto in the natal chart clearly explained the reason for the shift in the balance of some natives towards instincts, the predominance of unconscious desires over the human will.

Global Impact

But the meaning of Pluto in astrology is important not only for individuals.

Unlike Mars, which is similar in a number of characteristics, it is capable of influencing global phenomena and the fate of entire generations. The period of revolution of the celestial body around the luminary is almost a quarter of a millennium, so it has enough time to set in motion significant forces.

The object has the greatest power in the Abode - in the sign of Scorpio. So, he was in it from 1983 to 1995 - at this time the heyday of mafia structures and the collapse of the Soviet Union occurred. On April 26, 1986, the object was in opposition to the Sun - and it was on this day that one of the worst disasters of the twentieth century occurred, the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Sphere of influence

Named after the Roman god of the underworld, in astrology Pluto is responsible for the dark side of the human personality - the Ego, the inner Self. The sphere of influence of the celestial body includes:

  • instincts, subconscious;
  • change, transformation;
  • death, resurrection;
  • physical love, sex;
  • secret knowledge, occultism, mysticism.

The planet rules the Eighth House. She patronizes the zodiac constellation Scorpio. The object has a unique characteristic: it combines all four elements. Occultists consider its color to be brown, which is formed by mixing several basic colors.

The image and its symbolism

The accepted designation for the planet Pluto in astronomy looks like this:

The graphic astrological symbol of Pluto includes a circle as a sign of rebirth, an arc symbolizing open possibilities, and a cross as a sign of purpose. This set is not accidental.

The planet Pluto in astrology is responsible for the destruction of everything unnecessary and outdated in the life of the native. Figuratively speaking, the function of the object is to burn the bridges connecting the native with the past from which he has already grown.

Not everyone likes it. Human qualities such as sentimentality and habits force the native to fight Plutonic influence. But the more effort a person puts into fighting the influence of an object, the more destructive the consequences. Coming to terms with the inevitable will bring peace and liberation.

Secrets of the subconscious

Another important property of the object is to provide a connection between the conscious and subconscious of the individual. The influence of the planet in the horoscope pushes the native to self-knowledge, acceptance of his basic needs and desires. Misunderstanding and rejection of this side of human nature can make a person unhappy. Having studied and realized the true motivation of his actions, a person will achieve harmony with himself.

Description of a typical Plutonian

Not everyone who has a noticeable Plutonian influence in their cosmogram is able to use its full potential. This requires a deep study of the personality. The influence of the object connects the native with large, significant public organizations: political, military, social. This could be, for example, the army, but it could also be a criminal group.

The beneficial aspects of an object in the native’s cosmogram endow the personality with charisma, good health, and physical strength. Negative ones push into conflicts, increase the risk of getting into an accident, becoming a victim of an accident. Lower Plutonians often choose for their implementation areas related to waste processing, mineral development, and funeral rites.

A native with a strong planet in the horoscope can be called a hidden leader. In ordinary life, these people are taciturn, reserved, prone to sarcasm and harshness in communication. The outstanding qualities of the native are manifested in extreme situations: during wars, disasters, revolutions.

Beneath the mask of external calm, the Plutonian hides passion and strength. When others are lost, he takes control of the situation. A person who has a strong planet Pluto in the cosmogram is able to go towards a goal despite the instinct of self-preservation.

Pluto in a horoscope (natal chart) affects not a specific person, but masses of people and entire generations. The planet controls mass events, accidents, the invention of the atomic bomb, various conflicts and fatal coincidences. In every individual birth chart, Pluto indicates a place of danger, fate, ill fate or even criminal activity.

Pluto is strongest in the sign of Scorpio and slightly weaker in Aries. In these signs, it enhances the energy of Mars. He feels uncomfortable in the signs of Taurus and Libra. Pluto's exaltation sign is Leo and its fall sign is Aquarius. Pluto is responsible for such qualities as fatal passion, sexuality, and the ability to change people's destinies.

Pluto is responsible for society, the interaction between different people and masses of people, conflicts over appearance, and evil fate. He is friends with planets such as Saturn and Mars, can influence the Moon, but will never show his qualities in a configuration with the Sun, Jupiter. In combination with Mercury it gives a sharp mind, ingenuity, and not the best direction - the so-called “evil genius”.

Pluto in a woman's natal chart

Women with a strong Pluto are distinguished by their independent character, developed intuition and sexuality, and the ability to influence not only fans, but also masses of people. Many of the women with a strong Pluto are endowed with witchcraft abilities and a very strong ability to influence others.

Most often, such women are not afraid of anything and can influence circumstances themselves, however, their influence can be very negative and lead to danger and even death of other people. Women with a pronounced influence of Pluto are strong, prone to risky actions and adventures.

Pluto in a man's natal chart

In the natal chart of men, this planet governs not only fatal events, operations and accidents, but also a person’s ability to be reborn from the ashes, show special abilities in the occult sciences and fearlessly engage in battle with circumstances and negative, evil people.

Usually Pluto in a man’s horoscope indicates a tough and even cruel character, a dangerous activity or profession, a desire to penetrate into the afterlife or work that is associated with danger or another world.

Strong Pluto

  • Courage and fearlessness;
  • An unusual profession, including those associated with danger, secret information, crime;
  • Tendency towards occult sciences;
  • Promotes the bright success of a man with women or a woman with men;
  • A strong Pluto indicates that danger is common in life and that a person can easily survive in extreme conditions.

Weak Pluto

  • It is human nature to be like everyone else, not to stand out;
  • People with weak Pluto are characterized by cowardice and goodwill;
  • It is difficult for such a person to agree to risky actions;
  • Weak Pluto helps a person get around a fatal set of circumstances.

Retrograde Pluto

Retrograde Pluto indicates that fate will have little influence on a person, and it is unlikely that he himself will suffer due to a fatal combination of circumstances. Pluto retrograde can indicate dangers not from the outside, but from within the person himself - operations, illnesses, etc.

Your personal compatibility horoscope

Improved, more accurate and deeper compatibility horoscope. Analysis of relationship expectations, degree of compliance and detailed description of compatibility. The horoscope is built according to the 4 main astrological parameters of a person.

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Pluto is the planet in astrology responsible for transformations in our lives. Pluto was discovered relatively recently, in 1930, but astrologers are still studying this mysterious and distant planet. Pluto was discovered 3 months after the stock market crash, which led to a global economic depression. After the discovery of Pluto, the mafia and gangster groups began to flourish. And this is not accidental - after all, Pluto’s spheres of influence extend to the economy, to banks, and at the same time to such a purely Plutonian phenomenon as the mafia.

The horoscope house in which Pluto is located in the natal chart will show the area of ​​life that will undergo maximum transformation. The energy of Pluto is most acutely felt in those moments when everything seems to be lost, but suddenly light appears at the end of the tunnel and the situation begins to be seen from a completely different angle. Pluto is destruction and rebirth, destruction and renewal. In addition, Pluto is responsible for stress resistance, our hidden strengths and energy potential.

Pluto is the god of the underworld in Ancient Rome. His sphere of influence includes everything that happens underground. Pluto also symbolizes huge associations and corporations. Pluto is responsible for natural phenomena such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. In society, he is responsible for destructive and terrible phenomena - terrorism, crime, mafia groups, mass riots.

Pluto in Zodiac Signs

Pluto in Signs personifies the characteristics of an entire generation, because... Pluto can stay in one Sign from 13 to 32 years due to its specific orbit of movement.

Pluto in Aries

(1822/1823 - 1851/1853)

This position of Pluto manifests itself in the adventurous spirit of discovery in its owner. During the period when Pluto was in Aries, a railroad was built for the first time in the United States, and people all over the world began to discover and conquer new territories, new countries. On a personal level, Pluto in Aries gives a person not only courage, self-confidence, and breakthrough abilities, but also selfishness, fearlessness, reaching the point of recklessness.

Pluto in Taurus

(1851/1853 - 1882/1884)

Taurus is the sign of wealth, material values ​​and property. During the period when Pluto was in the sign of Taurus, a terrible civil war broke out in the United States, the cause of which was disputes over slavery. All over the world, wealthy people exploited the labor of the poor, including poor children. The poor at this time had a very hard time, they suffered not only from a lack of food and amenities, but also from the ruthless exploitation of them as labor. K. Marx tried to introduce into society his revolutionary theories about the equal distribution of wealth between people and the abolition of class society. People born with Pluto in Taurus have enviable resilience and determination. They are haunted by the idea of ​​material well-being and try with all their might to achieve it.

Pluto in Gemini

(1882/1884 - 1912/1914)

Pluto in the sign of communication and media contributed to the development of journalism, newspapers, and photography. During this period, the most important of the arts was born - cinema (which later received its development later, when Neptune came into the sign of Leo). During the period when Pluto was in Gemini, the sign that patronizes radio, radio communications, telegraph, and telephone were created. In addition, new vehicles appeared - the car and the predecessor of the modern aircraft - the airplane. A person with Pluto in Gemini has an inventive mind that knows no rest day or night. This inquisitive mind always strives for everything new, trying at all costs to free itself from all sorts of restrictions.

Pluto in Cancer

(1912/1914 - 1937/1939)

The period when Pluto was in Cancer, the family sign, was characterized by a real revolution in the lives of ordinary American families. Many people decided to change their place of residence, and began to move from small villages to cities. During this period, the Second World War began, the Nazis glorified their Motherland, their nation. In addition, during this period there was a severe drought, which led to the deplorable situation of farmers and forced them to leave their lands and move to cities. Personally, a person with Pluto in Cancer endows its owner with creative abilities, rich imagination, and emotionality. A negative character trait is envy of successful people.

Pluto in Leo

(1937/1939 - 1956/1958)

During the period of Pluto's transit through the power sign of Leo, the United States decided to help its allies in World War II, and they won. After the War, America helped the affected countries restore their economies, and this is not surprising, because Pluto was in the most generous Sign of the Zodiac - Leo. On a personal level, Pluto in Leo endows its owner with vanity, lust for power, arrogance, pride, selfishness, the desire to dominate, and hedonism. Such people live in pursuit of pleasure.

Pluto in Virgo

(1956/1958 - 1971/1972)

During the years of Pluto's transit through the sign of service - the sign of Virgo, the US government paid a lot of attention to social programs. This period is remembered by everyone as a period of active struggle for civil rights. In addition, Virgo is a sign of concern for health, and the period of Pluto’s presence in this sign was marked by the resolution of issues of environmental protection, ecology, and attentive attitude to various food additives. In the natal chart, Pluto in Virgo emphasizes a person’s desire for a deep analysis of everything that happens, the pursuit of perfection, which in turn makes a person prone to self-criticism and searching for shortcomings in the world around him.

Pluto in Libra

(1971/1972 - 1983/1984)

Pluto is in the sign of harmony and diplomacy, and the period of Pluto's ingression into Libra marked the end of the Vietnam War. The United States and China have decided to take a step towards each other. Pluto in Libra gives respect for the law and observance of justice. During Pluto's transit through Libra, there was a high-profile revelation of corruption known as the Watergate era, which led to the restoration of proper relationships between Congress and the executive branch. Personally, Pluto in Libra gives its owner a desire to find harmony and a willingness to cooperate. But since Libra is still a sign of fall for Pluto, this position can be quite problematic - problems in communicating with loved ones and destruction of relationships are possible. Such people have very low stress tolerance. They need to protect themselves from stress.

Pluto in Scorpio

(1983/1984 - 1995)

Pluto's ingression into Scorpio coincided with a period of totalitarian rule. Scorpio is a sign of ownership for Pluto, so Pluto in Scorpio is very strong. During this period, radical changes and revolutions occur in the world. In addition, Scorpio is also a sign of spiritual rebirth, which means that during the passage of Pluto through the sign of Scorpio, people will direct all their efforts to scientific research, the invention of new medicines, space exploration, and the search for other civilizations. In the natal chart, Pluto in Scorpio endows a person with high stress resistance, insight, and willpower. These are passionate people, endowed with a rich imagination. They have intuition and they use it skillfully. However, in achieving their goal, these people can “go over their heads.”

Pluto in Sagittarius

Pluto passed through the sign of Sagittarius relatively quickly, in just 11 years. This period opened up new values ​​for humanity in religion, philosophy, and education. Changes have also occurred in other areas for which Sagittarius is responsible - international relations, science, travel. People of different nationalities became closer and felt spiritual unity. On a personal level, Pluto in Sagittarius offers hope for better and deeper understanding. At times such a person can be extremely impractical. But their optimistic character, good spirits and enthusiasm will never allow them to become despondent.

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