4 tariff category of military personnel. Tariff categories of military personnel. Salary for a military position. There may be other allowances throughout the year.

In most cases, military personnel serve in those positions that are provided for by the unit’s staffing table, military departments and organizations. There are cases when a military man is assigned to serve in a government organization. In this situation, the position will not be military, but civilian.

A military person can only be involved in one military position. Each such position has a corresponding military rank. Let's look at the tariff schedule for military personnel in the article.

Note that it is the president of the country who approves the unified register of army positions that can be filled by senior officers.

The registers of all other positions in the military sphere are approved by the heads of those federal executive authorities that require military service. The approval procedure is determined by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Such registers indicate military positions that can be filled by female military personnel or civilians. Substitution on a competitive basis is also possible.

Position assignments

Only a presidential decree can regulate appointments to those positions that are provided for in the staffing table for senior officers. The head of the federal executive body has the right to appoint military personnel with the ranks of captain of the first rank and colonel to the following positions:

The tariff schedule for military personnel is approved by the president.

Conditions of appointment

The military has the right to appoint and dismiss military personnel under its command. There are some conditions for appointment to a military post:

Let's find out what else the tariff schedule for military personnel implies.

Highest military position

A military position is considered the highest, for which the staffing table provides for a military rank higher than the previous position. If military ranks are equal according to the staffing table, then the serviceman is entitled to a salary increase depending on the position he occupies. We will consider the salaries of military personnel below.

Appointments to senior army positions are made in the following cases:

  1. For those serving under a contract, their consent is required, for all others - in order of career advancement.
  2. On a competitive basis, and this applies to those who serve under a contract.

In some cases, appointment to a senior military position occurs based on the results of the certification commission of the military unit where the serviceman serves. This happens when a soldier demonstrated extraordinary professional skills or organizational skills during military service, or was previously appointed to a lower position that does not correspond to his army rank.

Equal military post

Equal is a position for which the staffing table provides for a military rank equivalent to the previous position with the corresponding monthly salary (for example, senior warrant officer). Appointment to an equivalent position occurs for the following reasons:

  • when a business need arises;
  • during various regular organizational events;
  • if serving in a new position is more appropriate;
  • at the personal request of a contract soldier due to family circumstances;
  • due to deterioration of health or injury incompatible with the position held;
  • on a competitive basis (for contract employees).

It should be noted that the salaries of military personnel in Russia today are quite decent.

Lowest army post

A position for which the staffing table provides for a rank lower than that held in the previous position or a lower salary is considered a lower position. Appointment to a lower military position occurs in the following cases:

  • when it is not possible to appoint a serviceman to a senior or equivalent position in the course of regular organizational activities;
  • due to family circumstances;
  • due to the state of health of the person performing military service;
  • by personal request (for military personnel serving under a contract);
  • when a disciplinary sanction is applied to a military personnel.

Let’s figure it out further how much an ordinary conscript earns.

How to get my position back?

A serviceman demoted due to disciplinary action can regain his top position only after the punishment is annulled.
If a serviceman is under arrest, it is not possible to obtain a top position. As a rule, restriction of military service as a result of a crime committed leads to transfer to another unit. This decision is made by the court that heard the case. The tariff schedule for contract military personnel is somewhat different.

Military allowances

Being a military man in our country is certainly prestigious. This nuance became especially noticeable with the increase in salaries for military personnel, which happened a couple of years ago. The profession is gaining increasing respect from citizens and the state as a whole. More and more people are coming into military affairs and their number is growing steadily.

To ensure that this process does not slow down, much less stop, the state is required to provide decent social and material support for the military sphere. Military personnel serving under contract do not receive so-called monetary allowances. Obtaining the latter is regulated by federal law.

What does it consist of?

The monetary allowance consists of three parts:

  1. Fixed military salary, depending on the position held and military rank.
  2. A bonus received every month as a reward for quality service. It is about 25 percent of the fixed salary.
  3. Salary bonuses for services to the fatherland and for service in dangerous conditions. They can be up to 40 percent of the basic salary.

Salaries are currently determined by a law adopted in 2011. Thus, minimum salaries were established for citizens who had not previously served in the army and amounted to 17 thousand rubles for privates and 20 thousand rubles for previously trained (sergeants). As the rank increases, the salary also increases, the maximum of which is considered to be 50 thousand rubles. Many people say that the unit commander earns quite well.

How is the tariff schedule compiled?

The military tariff schedule is compiled based on the following factors: length of service, annual financial assistance, allowance for service in “hot spots”, as well as for difficult conditions related to climate (if we are talking about service in the Far North).

Calculation of monetary allowance is made using a special calculator. Moreover, the calculator is publicly available. Anyone can calculate their future salary; it is enough just to know the salary for the military position of a serviceman (the table is presented).

Indexation of military pay

The state indexes military pay annually. At least that's how it should have been. However, due to the economic crisis in the country in 2016, indexation was not carried out. Funds for the military are allocated exclusively from the state budget and cannot be increased at the expense of regional funds.

For 2017, indexation was predicted to be at least at the level of official inflation. However, these intentions were not realized and military salaries were not indexed. We can only hope that annual indexations will be resumed in the future. The President has repeatedly spoken about the state's interest in a strong and powerful army and qualified military personnel. Therefore, most likely, the salary of the military will continue to increase, as will the opportunities for obtaining higher qualifications.

Social benefits

However, the allowance of the military is not limited only to cash. They are also provided with social benefits that are closed to other categories of citizens. The state provides the military with food, clothing and housing. The retirement age for military personnel is significantly lower than for everyone else. There are other benefits:

  • military mortgages provided to military families at very low interest rates;
  • free treatment in military medical hospitals;
  • compensation for travel by rail during vacation;
  • Contract employees receive life insurance for the entire period of service. The family will receive compensation.

Thus, the military profession is not only prestigious, but also stable, which is important today in our country. So, we examined the tariff schedule for military personnel in as much detail as possible. We wish you success in your military career!

Monetary support for military personnel consists of a salary according to the military position they occupy in direct accordance with the assigned rank, and, in addition, from monthly and other payments. What does this all mean? Let's learn more about the tariff categories of military personnel.

Who is owed and how much?

This kind of monetary stratification does not give reason to make a mistake in such a sensitive monetary issue for everyone. For example, the 6th tariff category of military personnel - a paramedic, the head of a training ground will receive 16,500 rubles, and the foremen of battalions, divisions, companies, batteries, as well as senior technicians will receive a little more. What determines the amount of money received, what it can be, we’ll talk about this below.

Salaries for military positions

Military personnel who carry out their activities under a contract are paid salaries for positions in an amount that depends on the serviceman’s salary category. Persons who entered the service are paid salaries from the date of entry by virtue of the contract announced by order. Salary depending on the tariff category of the serviceman under the contract:

Where is information about the salary amount and tariffication indicated?

So, the serviceman takes office and receives a salary in a set amount. From this moment on, in order to carry out their duties, military personnel are paid a salary for a military position in accordance with the tariff rating of categories, which is indicated in the states of military units. Tariff stratification is intended to answer the question of which position will receive what amount of salary. For example, the 2nd tariff category of contract military personnel is machine gunners, snipers; salary in accordance with the position held - 11,000 rubles, everything is simple and clear. As part of the appointment of military personnel to other positions, salaries are paid from the moment they take on their direct duties. This applies to all military personnel serving under a contract; the tariff categories of military personnel of the internal troops also directly depend on the position.

Salaries for female military personnel

The information applies to all pregnant women who are military personnel, as well as those who have children under the age of one year and six months. They are paid a salary according to their military position until the day they begin performing their duties. But such payment is made only until the child reaches the specified age.

Monthly salaries in accordance with previously held position

The decision to maintain monthly salaries in accordance with the previously held position when appointing military personnel to levels with lower monthly pay is formalized within the framework of the order of the commander or superior who is authorized to take these actions. Copies of orders must be attached to the personal files of military personnel.

Until when will the salary amount for a previously held position be paid?

Payment of monthly salaries in accordance with previously held positions is made on the day the cases are handed over, in connection with the release of military personnel from duties in the prescribed manner.

Established monthly and other payments are made based on the financial salary of military personnel for previously occupied military positions for the entire period for which such transfers were provided.

Salary financial content

The salary for the financial support of military personnel must be paid for the entire period up to the day of exclusion from the list of the military unit due to dismissal.

What to do with those fired?

Military personnel who are subject to dismissal upon reaching the age limit for remaining in the unit or at the end of the contract period are paid salaries for their positions according to the tariff schedule. What does this mean? Tariff categories of military personnel are established on the day of reaching the extreme age or completion of the contract period.

Does local management decide on salary increases?

For military personnel who have the right to increase monthly payments and other additional transfers, the calculation is made based on increased payments for military positions unless otherwise provided by regulations. The increase in payments is formalized in accordance with acts of the President and Government of Russia.

Additional cash payments for military personnel

In addition to the basic payments, persons in military positions are provided with additional transfers for the following merits:

Tariff categories for military personnel

Let's consider the list of tariff categories of persons performing military service.

Military positions to be filled: sailors, soldiers, sergeants, midshipmen, and, in addition, foremen and warrant officers who serve under a contract. This may include:

  1. Basic military positions: riflemen, camouflage soldiers, road workers - 10,000 rubles.
  2. Machine gunners, snipers - 11,000.
  3. Senior sappers and grenade launchers - 12,000.
  4. Tank commanders, heads of racing tracks and pass offices - 13,500.
  5. Squad commanders in motorized rifle tank platoons - 15,000.
  6. Paramedics and site managers - 16,500.
  7. Deputy platoon commanders - 17,500.
  8. Interpreters and assistants on duty at the command post - 17,500 rubles.
  9. Foreman of battalions, divisions, companies, batteries, as well as senior technicians - 18,500 rubles.

Military positions to be filled by officers:

  1. Commanders of motorized rifle and tank platoons - 20,000.
  2. Engineers in the management of motorized rifle tank battalions - 20,500.
  3. Deputy commanders of tank motorized rifle companies - 21,000.
  4. Senior officers in the management of tank motorized rifle regiments - 21,500.
  5. Commanders of motorized rifle tank companies, anti-aircraft missile batteries - 22,500.
  6. Officers in the management of motorized rifle tank corps - 22,500.
  7. Deputy commanders of tank motorized rifle battalions - 23,000 rubles.
  8. Chiefs of intelligence in the management of motorized rifle tank brigades - 23,500.
  9. Commanders of motorized rifle tank battalions, as well as rocket artillery battalions - 24,000.
  10. Officers in the management of combined arms armies - 24,000.

  11. Officers in the directorate of the strategic joint commands of the military district, and, in addition, deputy commanders of tank motorized rifle regiments - 25,000.
  12. Senior officers in the management of combined arms armies - 25,000.
  13. Senior officers in the directorate of strategic joint commands of military districts, deputy chiefs of staff of motorized rifle divisions - 26,500.
  14. Commanders of motorized rifle regiments, officers in the department of the Ministry of Defense - 26,000.
  15. Heads of departments in the management of the strategic joint commands of military districts - 27,000.
  16. Deputy commanders of motorized rifle brigades and heads of departments in the management of combined arms armies - 27,000.
  17. Senior officers in the department of the Ministry of Defense, deputy heads of departments of the strategic command of military districts, ship commanders - 28,000.
  18. Senior inspector-navigators in the air force control department along with air defense - 28,500.
  19. Commanders of motorized rifle tank brigades, heads of departments in the management of combined arms armies, group chiefs in the Ministry of Defense - 29,500.
  20. Heads of departments in the directorate of strategic joint commands of military districts, deputy commanders of tank motorized rifle divisions - 29,000.
  21. Deputy heads in departments of the Ministry of Defense, heads of arsenals of the first category - 30,500.
  22. Commanders of motorized rifle tank divisions - 30,000.
  23. Commanders of surface ship brigades - 31,500.
  24. Heads of departments of the main directorate of the Ministry of Defense, deputy heads of departments of strategic joint commands of military districts - 31,500.
  25. Commanders of first-class aviation bases, deputy chiefs in departments of the Ministry of Defense - 32,500.
  26. Commanders of motorized rifle tank corps, heads of departments of strategic joint commands of military districts, commanders of divisions of surface ships - 32,000.
  27. Deputy heads of educational, methodological and military scientific centers - 33,000.
  28. Deputy commanders of combined arms armies, heads of departments in departments of the Ministry of Defense - 33,000.
  29. Deputy heads of the department of the base department of the ministry, deputy heads of the cosmodrome - 34,500.
  30. Commanders of a squadron of ships - 34,000.
  31. First deputy commanders of combined arms armies - 35,000.
  32. Deputy commanders of district troops in the field of logistics - 35,500.
  33. Heads of departments of the main department of the War Ministry, as well as heads of the cosmodrome - 36,500.
  34. Deputy heads of military inspections of the Ministry of Defense - 36,000.
  35. Commanders of combined arms armies, deputy heads of main departments, heads and directors of departments of the Ministry of Defense - 37,500.
  36. Heads of military training and scientific centers, first deputy commanders of military district troops - 37,000.
  37. Deputy commanders-in-chief of the armed forces - 38,500.
  38. Commanders of military district troops, army commanders of the armed forces, heads of main departments, heads and directors of departments of the Ministry of Defense - 40,500.
  39. Commanders-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Deputy Chiefs of the General Staff of the Armed Forces - 42,500.
  40. Deputy Ministers of Defense of the Russian Federation - 44,500.
  41. First Deputy Minister of National Defense - 45,000 rubles.

We looked at the basic salaries of military personnel.

    Appendix No. 1. Salaries for typical military positions in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops and military formations subject to replacement by military personnel serving under contract. Appendix No. 2. Salaries for typical military positions in the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and the Main Directorate of Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation, subject to replacement by military personnel undergoing military service under a contract. Appendix No. 3. Salaries by military rank for military personnel serving under a contract.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 5, 2011 N 992
"On the establishment of salaries for military personnel performing military service under a contract"

With changes and additions from:

April 15, 2014, March 6, August 6, 2015, November 18, December 29, 2016, May 17, 2017, April 28, June 14, 2018

salary amounts for standard military positions in the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and the Main Directorate of Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation, subject to replacement by military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, in accordance with Appendix No. 2;

salary amounts for military ranks of military personnel performing military service under a contract, in accordance with Appendix No. 3.

2. The heads of federal executive authorities in which military service is provided for by federal law shall establish, before January 1, 2012, the salary amounts for non-standard military positions of the relevant categories of military personnel in relation to the salary amounts for standard military positions of military personnel established by paragraph 1 of this resolution.

3. Apply salaries for military positions and salaries for military ranks established in accordance with paragraphs 1 and this resolution:

when revising the amount of pensions assigned to citizens before January 1, 2012 in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, and their families";

when assigning pensions in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, and their families" for military personnel discharged from military service and family members of military personnel in cases provided for by this Law, starting from January 1, 2012;

while maintaining, in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 23 of the Federal Law "On the Status of Military Personnel" (as amended by the Federal Law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and Recognizing Certain Provisions of Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation as Invalid in Connection with the Adoption of the Federal Law "On Monetary allowances for military personnel and providing them with individual payments" and the Federal Law "On social guarantees for employees of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation") payment of salary according to military rank within 1 year after dismissal from military service to military personnel - citizens, who served under a contract, had a total duration of military service of less than 20 years and were dismissed from military service without the right to a pension upon reaching the age limit for military service, health conditions or in connection with organizational and staffing measures.

4. If the amount of the pension, calculated using the salaries established by this resolution, has not reached the level of pension provision for citizens discharged from military service and members of their families, established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in force before January 1, 2012, the specified level of pension provision is maintained until the right to a larger pension is acquired.

5. Financial support for expenses associated with the implementation of this resolution is carried out within the limits of budgetary allocations provided for in the federal budget for federal executive authorities (federal state bodies), in which military service is provided for by federal law, for the monetary allowance of military personnel and the pension provision of citizens who served military service, and members of their families.

6. This resolution comes into force on January 1, 2012, and in relation to the persons specified in part 2 of article 7

In connection with the introduction of a new system of military salaries, salaries for military positions and ranks of persons serving under contract have been revised.

Thus, in the SVR of Russia, the FSB of Russia, the FSO of Russia and the Special Objects Service under the President of the Russian Federation, the salary for primary military positions of officers is 24 thousand rubles. per month; soldiers and sailors - 12 thousand. Cadets of these departments can count on 8,400 rubles. per month.

In the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops and military formations, the monthly salary for primary military positions of soldiers and sailors is 10 thousand rubles; officer in the department of a combined arms army - 24,500 rubles; cadet - 7 thousand rubles.

The salary of a marshal of Russia is set at 30 thousand rubles, an army general, a fleet admiral - 27 thousand rubles, a colonel, captain 1st rank - 13 thousand rubles, a lieutenant - 10 thousand rubles, a warrant officer, a midshipman - 8 thousand rubles, private, sailor - 5 thousand rubles.

In general, military pay should increase by 2.5-3 times, and military pensions by 1.5-1.7 times.

The resolution comes into force on January 1, 2012, with some exceptions. From this date, the salaries of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will increase, and from January 1, 2013 - the rest.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 5, 2011 N 992 “On the establishment of salaries for military personnel serving under contract”

This resolution comes into force on January 1, 2012, and in relation to the persons specified in Part 2 of Article 7 of the Federal Law “On the Monetary Allowance of Military Personnel and the Provision of Separate Payments to Them” - from January 1, 2013.

This document is amended by the following documents:

The changes come into force on June 26, 2018 and apply to legal relations arising from May 1, 2018.

The legendary and invincible Russian army, which has known the joys of victory, feeds the fighting spirit of more than half of Russian citizens, who are confident that a patriotic mood will strengthen the country’s position at the global level. Recently, capital investments have been made in defense, military salaries are increasing, and the attractiveness of the service has increased significantly. The events in Ukraine that unfolded in 2014 also caused a surge of patriotic excitement.

Our army is armed quite well, considering the fact that Russia has the most weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons, in the world. Such maintenance requires a lot of expenses, which grow by 1.2-2% every year. About a third of the total national budget goes to general military needs. So what are the figures for calculating the current level of military salaries?

What does the salary consist of?

The military salary consists of a salary and various types of additional payments, and there are a number of indicators that influence the minimum level of monetary allowance:

  • military position held;
  • personal achievements and merits;
  • length of service;
  • duration and conditions of military service;
  • place and time of passage (peacetime, “hot spot”);
  • qualifications and assigned tasks;
  • existing military ranks.

In many post-Soviet countries, it is the list of these main factors that influences the size of military salaries. Additional monetary rewards may be awarded for knowledge of foreign languages, a high level of physical fitness, higher education, absence or competent handling of emergency situations.

By the way, the welfare of people in uniform today is at a decent level. The average salary of the Russian military last year was 62,000 rubles, which is 2 times more than the Russian salary.

You can roughly understand the monetary allowance using the table below. Conditionally, because the earnings of each serviceman are influenced by several indicators.

Salary table by military rank and position
Military rank, positionSalary according to military positionSalary according to military rankAverage monthly accrual including all additional payments
Lieutenant (platoon commander)7000 12 442 50 000
Captain (company commander)7 900 13 970 52 000
Major (deputy battalion commander)8 490 14 760 55 600
Lieutenant Colonel (battalion commander)9 100 15 529 60 281
Colonel (regiment commander)9670 17 500 70 320
Major General (Brigade Commander)10 896 18 630 74 000
Lieutenant General (Army Commander)11 500 29 354 117 000

According to the new law, a lieutenant's salary without additional charges should be 50,000 rubles, with allowances - 80,000 rubles. To many, these figures will seem quite modest for people with such responsibility on their shoulders - to defend their homeland. But if you consider that until 2012 the average salary of a lieutenant was 14,000, then you can notice a significant improvement in the situation.

What does the future hold?

Every state understands the importance of having a well-equipped and motivated army, increasing its combat effectiveness and the level of professionalism of its employees, as well as the importance of creating good conditions for them. All efforts and resources are urgently being invested in the development of the production of defense equipment in order to replace previously carried out supplies from other states that have applied sanctions to Russia.

Due to the current economic situation, there is no talk of prospects for an increase in military salaries, but despite this, indexation is carried out annually for the level of inflation for soldiers, officers and general personnel.

What salary do military personnel receive in Russia and other countries?

In the USA, the average monthly income of a general is 1.3 million rubles. The maximum salary of a Russian colleague is 200,000 rubles. It turns out that Russia spends up to 140 million rubles a month on its generals, which is 8.5 times less than in America. An American private receives 120,000 rubles a month, taking into account all allowances. German soldier - 141,000 rubles, English - 125,000 rubles.

In the CIS countries, things are even sadder than in Russia. So, in Belarus, a lieutenant receives 6,550 rubles per month translated into Russian money, a Ukrainian colleague - 15,000.

Military training. Salary

Participants receive not only a monetary reward, but also full food and clothing support. All income (salary, scholarship, benefits, etc.) that could have been received during the training camp is compensated.

The fees apply to those who are in the reserve and have already completed military service. Participants in the training camp are also adult citizens who have completed training at the military department.

Allowances and additional payments

Initially, it may seem that the salary of a military man in Russia is absolutely nothing, but this does not take into account allowances. And these are quite serious additional payments, which can ultimately amount to 50% of the salary. Financiers monthly “add” bonuses to the salary of people in uniform, which can seriously differ from each other in amount. For example, a private will receive a bonus of 100 rubles for qualifications, and the commander of a submarine missile carrier, by order of the Defense Ministry No. 400, will receive 200,000 rubles.

A serving in the army receives good housing bonuses; in case of conscientious service, the contract soldier is given the right to purchase permanent housing using the savings-mortgage system. If after 7-10 years a situation arises that the state will have to pay the balance of the mortgage in full.

Military contractor. Salary

Contract service in the Russian army is quite a popular phenomenon. Contract soldiers are voluntary participants in the Armed Forces who carry out their activities on the basis of an agreement. The main conditions are age restrictions and conscientious performance of official duties. The first contract is concluded under the conditions that the citizen is at least 18 and not more than 40 years old. It is expected that from 2017 fighters under 30 years of age will be recruited into service.

In 2016, the amount of salary for contract workers was established according to two laws:

  1. dated 07.11.2011 N 306-FZ dated 06.04.2015 “On monetary allowances for military personnel and provision of individual payments to them.”
  2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 5, 2011 N 992 (dated August 6, 2015) “On the establishment of salaries for contract military personnel.”

According to these legislative documents, military salaries are made up of salary based on military position and salary based on military rank. Bonuses and additional financial assistance paid annually for good service are added to the total amount.

Average size of DD (monetary allowance)

  • Ordinary contract soldier - 30,000 rubles.
  • Sergeant and sergeant major - 40,000 rubles.
  • lieutenant - 55,000 rubles.

When entering military service under a contract, a soldier’s salary is:

  • in the ground forces - from 19,000 rubles;
  • in the navy - from 22,000 rubles;
  • in military air services - from 20,000 rubles;
  • in the navy on submarines - from 40,000 rubles.

In 2016, these data were presented by Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Tatyana Shevtsova. Contract servicemen also receive decent benefits:

  • Compensation for the costs of rented housing if a service apartment was not provided. The amount of payments depends on the region and averages 50%.
  • When moving to a new duty station, allowances are paid for all family members.
  • With more than 20 years of service, a contract soldier receives a cash benefit in the amount of 7 monthly salaries. If the total length of service is less than 20 years, lump sum payments are equal to 2 salaries.

Contract service in the army is a prestigious profession, and the number of contract soldiers increases every year, so the question always remains relevant: what is the salary of the military? For the period 2015-2016, this number is 200,000 people. By 2017, the figure is planned to double.

Regardless of the salary and position held, contract workers receive paid leave every year, taking into account 30 days or more.

Profession: military aviation pilot

The work of a military pilot is very difficult and dangerous. Moreover, as a rule, during military conflicts, pilots are not left in captivity, but destroyed. The profession is considered harmful to health due to emotional overload. Military aviation in Russia pays special attention, including material support and housing. Fast advancement up the career ladder and an equally quick retirement.

The salary of a military pilot is not less than 100,000 rubles, this is in peacetime. In addition, employees are provided with food and are first on the list to receive housing. According to the latest data, the size of the pension of military pilots is on average 1.7 times greater than that of civilians. Pension payments are accrued at the rate of 55%, but not more than 80%.

Salary for medical staff

There is such a profession as the military, where doctors are seriously different from other specialists. A military doctor is one of the most respected professions. This is a person exclusively with a higher medical education. Only a junior officer can become a doctor in the army; warrant officers are paramedics, privates are orderlies, and sergeants are instructors. But, unfortunately, this respect is not evident in the salaries of military doctors.

Colonels, heads of departments, receive from 20,000 rubles. The average salary for lieutenants is 10,000 rubles per month.

Should we expect a salary increase in 2017?

Will military salaries be increased and will there be indexation? Federal Law No. 306 of 2011 states the need for annual indexation of wages, bonus payments and allowances. In 2017, indexation is expected to occur in February, based on price increases in 2016. But it is too early to talk about increasing wages, even despite the current law, especially in conditions of economic instability.

Indexation and crisis

The crisis in our country today is truly serious, and every resident of Russia has felt it. This could not but affect the income of the population, which decreased by 20%. The increase in military salaries depends, as already mentioned, on the length of service, position held, and military rank.

Not so long ago, everyone who was called up without fail was paid an insignificant amount - 500 rubles, today the figure has increased to 2000. Considering that the soldiers are provided with food and housing, we can say that the amount is quite bearable to begin with. An increase in monetary allowance can only be made through indexation.

Indexation for employees in the Armed Forces is planned for 2017 due to the increased level of inflation. Today, the average military salary is 30,000 rubles, but the government believes that it should rise to at least 50,000 rubles. Indexation was also expected in 2016, but was never carried out.

Military pension

Military personnel, as a rule, retire early. Already at the age of 40, you can count on pension payments, but on the condition that the military man continues to serve further. At the moment, a bill has already been prepared to increase payments to pensioners by 7%. This indicates the state's desire to strengthen its army. It is extremely important for Russia to have a powerful Armed structure.

It is also planned to index pension payments by 3% for employees on vacation.

Summing up your resume

The annual increase in military salaries and improved conditions are due to the fact that Russia has recently needed to strengthen its combat positions. And, as you know, for a long time, service in the ranks of the Russian army was unpromising and completely unprestigious. To attract people, monthly salaries are also increased and issues of improving living conditions are resolved.

The main task of the state in the military sector is to replenish the army ranks of officers.

In general, military salaries in the country today are decent, especially in comparison with civilian incomes. Although it is quite difficult to earn money for your own housing. For many conscripts living in the outback, the prospects of working in the Russian Air Force are very tempting, given the conditions of the current crisis and complete unemployment in rural areas. High patriotic feelings are, of course, good, but whether or not to serve under a contract is something everyone decides for themselves.

The work, albeit lucrative, is hard, harmful, sometimes thankless and dangerous, and the risk to life is already included in the salary from the very beginning. Military service allows you to receive a stable income now and confidence in a secure future.

Economist. Experience in management positions in the manufacturing sector. Date of: September 18, 2018. Reading time 8 min.

People who ensure the country's military security earn an average of 45,300 rubles. In 2018, military salaries increased by 4%. The average pay for a private reached 25,000 rubles, for non-commissioned officers - 45,000 rubles. Salaries for military positions reached 10,400 rubles for a rifleman and 46,800 rubles for the First Deputy Minister of Defense. The level of income of the Russian military is lower than the remuneration of American, German and French military personnel, but significantly exceeds the salaries of soldiers in the countries of the former Union.

According to Rosstat, the average salary in the field of ensuring the country's military security is 43,500 rubles.

Table 1. Average salary of military personnel

Source: Rosstat

  1. Military personnel serving under contract.
  2. Conscripts for military service.
  3. Cadets before signing a contract.

Reference! Contract servicemen are professional defenders of the Motherland who consciously and voluntarily choose to work.

The responsibilities of the military include solving problems to ensure the country's defense capability, including those involving risk to life. The status of a military personnel imposes certain restrictions on the conduct of any business and other paid activities. As compensation for the special nature of the work, benefits and additional payments are provided to the basic salary.

Note! The Armed Forces include 1.9 million people, of which 1.03 million are military personnel.

What does the military salary consist of?

Military salaries are one of the most difficult in terms of formation, as they depend on many factors. Only officers and privates receive two salaries: for the position they hold and for the assigned rank.

In addition to the salary, the following are provided:

  • additional payments;
  • social package.

How much military personnel earn depends on length of service, access to military secrets, region of service, complexity of tasks, etc. All the features of calculating salaries and allowances are prescribed in legislative acts:

  1. Federal Law No. 306 of November 7, 2011 “On monetary allowances for military personnel and the provision of individual payments to them.”
  2. Government Decree No. 992, as amended on August 6, 2015, “On the establishment of salaries for contract military personnel.”
  3. Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 2700 of December 30, 2011 “On approval of the Procedure for providing monetary allowances to military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.”

Military salary

The salary structure includes salary for rank and position.

Table 1. Salary amount in accordance with the assigned rank from January 2018

Rank Salary, rub.
Sailor Private 5 200
Senior sailor Corporal 5 720
Petty Officers of the second article Junior Sergeant 6 240
Petty Officers of the first article Sergeant 6 760
Chief Petty Officer Senior Sergeant 7 280
Chief petty officer Petty Officers 7 800
Midshipman Ensign 8 320
Senior midshipman Senior warrant officer 8 840

Junior Lieutenant

9 880


10 400

Senior Lieutenant

10 920
Lieutenant Commander Captain 11 440
Captain 3rd rank Major 11 960
Captain 2nd rank Lieutenant Colonel 12 480
Captain 1st rank Colonel 13 520
Rear Admiral Major General 20 800
Vice Admiral Lieutenant General 22 880
Admiral Colonel General 26 000
Fleet Admiral Army General 28 080

Marshal of the Russian Federation

31 200

Contract workers also receive a second salary in accordance with their position.

Table 2. Salary for the position held (selected) from January 2018

Tariff category Military position Salary, rub.
1 Arrow 10 400
2 Sniper 11 400
3 Minesweeper 12 480
4 Tank commander 13 520
5 Squad commander 15 600
6 Paramedic 16 640
7 Deputy platoon commander 17 680
8 Translator 18 200

Officer positions

10 Platoon commander 20 800
18 Battalion commander 24 960
22 Deputy Chief of Staff of the Division 26 000
23 Commander of a motorized rifle (tank) regiment 27 040
27 Senior inspector-navigator in the Air Force Command Directorate 29 640
34 Air base commander (1st category), 33 280
44 Commander of the Combined Arms Army 38 480
47 Commander of the military district troops 41 600
50 First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation 46 800

Source: Ministry of Defense website

For reference! Salaries for military positions military personnel undergoing conscription service range from 1,000 to 1,800 rubles.

Additional payments

The package of additional payments for contract employees provides for various allowances.

Table 3. Allowances for military contractors

Type of allowance Size Calculation basis Frequency of payments
Length of service 10-40% Cash allowance Monthly
Qualification category 5-30% Official military salary
Access to state secrets Up to 25%
Special conditions of service Up to 100% During the period of work
Performing tasks associated with risks to health and life Up to 100%
Special Achievements Up to 100% Monthly
Conscientious service Up to 25% Cash allowance
Material aid 1 Monthly salary Annually
Service in the Far North, remote, mountainous, empty, waterless areas, etc. 15–100% Coefficient to cash allowance Monthly

In total, the amount of additional payments can range from 50 to 200% of the basic salary.

Social package for a military man

The state guarantees social protection to military personnel and their families. During service, military personnel are provided with:

  1. Free travel when moving and on business trips, as well as transportation of personal property up to 20 tons.
  2. Food and clothing supply.
  3. Insurance provided by the state.
  4. Housing provision.
  5. Free treatment, examination, rehabilitation and provision of medicines.
  6. Payment of allowances when moving in the amount of allowance for a military personnel and 25% for each family member.
  7. Dismissal benefits – from 2 to 7 salaries.

Additional benefits and payments are received by military personnel who serve in military conflicts or emergency situations.

How much do the military receive in 2018?

According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the average salary for contract soldiers entering service is: for ordinary personnel - 25,000 rubles, for non-commissioned personnel - from 45,000 rubles. In the future, the salary increases as the job level increases, rank increases, length of service, and professional skill.

Table 4. Salary of a military contractor in 2018

Category of military personnel
Job title Shooter Senior sapper Part-commander Deputy Platoon Leader Platoon commander
Rank Private Corporal Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Major
Qualification 3rd grade 3rd grade 2nd grade 1 class Master
Length of service Up to 2 years 2-5 years 2-5 years 10-15 years 20-25
Official salary
Salary by rank 5 200 5 720 6 760 7 280 7 800
Official salary 10 400 12 480 15 600 17 680 18 720
Length of service 1 820 3 354 4 992 7 956
Cool qualification 520 624 1 560 3 536 5 616
Special conditions of service 6 240 10 920 12 376 13 104
For risking your life 520 624 780 884 936
Special Achievements 1 560 1 872 4 680 5 304 5 616
Material aid 1 300 1 517 1 863 2 080 2 210
Award for conscientious work 3 900 4 550 5 590 6 240 6 630
Total per month 23 400 35 447 51 107 60 372 68 588
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