We are preparing cherry plum compote for the winter. Delicious recipes for cherry plum compote with and without seeds for the winter, with and without sterilization How to roll cherry plum compote

I recommend everyone who loves sour compotes to make cherry plum compote for the winter. This plum itself is sour, so to “tame” it you need the maximum amount of granulated sugar. But I do it differently: I pour an average amount into the jar, and then - in the winter, when opening the jar, everyone pours as much sugar into their cup of compote as they see fit.

For example, I don’t like sweet compote, and for me the optimal amount of sugar in a 2-liter jar is 300-350 g. But this is a matter of taste, and you can add from 300 to 500 g per 2 liters of tasty compote.

Before cooking cherry plum compote with pits for the winter, rinse the cherry plum and tear off its tails.

Place the berries in a clean, steamed jar.

Then boil 1.5-1.6 liters of water and pour this boiling water over the cherry plum in the jar. It is not necessary to fill the jar with water to the top. The main thing is that all the fruits are covered with it.

Leave for 10-15 minutes so that all the air is gone. You can notice this by small bubbles rising to the surface of the water.

After the specified time has passed, pour the boiling water back into the pan and boil again.

Pour granulated sugar into a jar. It is not necessary to add citric acid - cherry plum will already give the compote a sour note.

Fill the jar with hot juice and seal using a seaming wrench.

Turn the jar of compote upside down and let it cool in this position.

And then hide the cherry plum compote prepared for the winter in the cellar or pantry so that in cold times you can enjoy the excellent fruity taste of summer!

Cherry plum, being a type of plum, is similar in shape, but the taste and color are slightly different. Therefore, such an unusual and pleasant taste should be enjoyed not only in the summer, but also to prepare cherry plum compote for the winter. The resulting set of vitamins will support your body throughout the cold season. One glass every morning is enough to feel energetic and purposeful all day.

Why is cherry plum useful?

The fruit of the cherry plum tree does not contain a lot of sugars, but contains a sufficient amount of citric, ascorbic and malic acid, vitamins A, B, E, PP, pectin, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, calcium. The listed vitamins improve the condition of the skin, slowing down the aging process, and also prevent the influence of negative external factors on the body.

Freshly picked cherry plum treats vitamin deficiency, stomach problems, and stimulates intestinal activity. Cherry plum juice and compote, preserved for the winter, are used for colds, because it efficiently removes radionuclides from the body. Thanks to the potassium in the fruit, it is possible to prevent arrhythmia and strengthen the heart muscle. The relaxing and soothing components of cherry plum help restore the nervous system.

Even the seeds of this delicious fruit have a positive effect. The pith of the cherry plum is processed into oil for cosmetics, such as soap. And the shell is used as the basis for activated carbon.

How to close cherry plum compote?

All of the above substances that have a beneficial effect on the body simply need to be preserved for the winter. After all, the ripening season for the fruit in question begins in June, in some places even in August. And I really want to enjoy the aromatic, sour-sweet taste even in winter. To make cherry plum compote at home, you need to boil it or treat it with boiling water several times. After this hot temperature treatment, you should immediately roll it into jars. This is a simple recipe for cherry plum compote for the winter.

To prepare such a drink, all you need from kitchen utensils is a pan in which the syrup or cherry plum will be boiled. Before starting work, wash the jars with soda. If there is no soda, then mustard can replace its properties. You cannot use typical detergents; poorly washed containers with their residues can turn canned food into poison. Then, be sure to sterilize the jars and lids to prevent the provisions from breaking during storage. This procedure is necessary to neutralize microorganisms on the walls of glass containers and lids. The failure of canned jars can also result in an insufficiently tight fit of the lid to the neck.

Always after rolling the jar, you need to turn it over, checking whether the liquid leaks out through possible unclosed holes.

There are several other options for cooking compote. For example, instead of a regular saucepan, a multicooker comes to the rescue. But canning compote from this type of plum is so simple and easy that you don’t need to take out any additional kitchen equipment and then bother with cleaning them if you can get by with just one pan.

How to cook cherry plum compote?

This recipe involves cooking compote and its subsequent use without long-term storage. For the winter, boiled cherry plum can also be stored in sealed jars.

Cooking process – 30 minutes:

Cherry plum compote for the winter without sterilization

Canning process – 20 minutes:

A three-liter jar holds 2.4 kg of medium-sized cherry plum to the top.

Cherry plum compote for the winter with sterilization

Before canning, the collected fruits are washed and dried. The bone is not removed.

Sterilize glass containers for provisions.

Place the cherry plum on 1/3 of the jar, and prick each one individually onto a fork. This procedure is necessary to further saturate the compote with cherry plum juice.

Prepare cold water, add sugar to taste and fill the jars with the mixture. Or add sugar directly to the jar and fill the jar with the ingredients with water.

The jars are placed in a pan of water, and the process of sterilizing the compote begins. Its duration depends on the size of the cans.

At the end of sterilization, the provisions are taken out, screwed on with lids and set aside until cool. Compote of cherry plum for the winter with a pit is ready for use.

Sterilization of jars with contents is as follows: 10 minutes are spent on processing 0.5 liter jars, 15 minutes are spent on liter containers, and so on in increasing order.

Red cherry plum compote

Canning process:

Cherry plum compote for the winter can be cooked not only in its pure form. You can add other gifts of nature to the drink, for example, pumpkin, berries. Also, this variety of plum is popular not only as an ingredient in compote. You can make jam, jam, tkemali, jelly, marmalade, adjika and a lot of other tasty things from it.

Wishing you quick preparations and a warm winter!

Delicious preparations for the winter from cherry plum - video

Compotes for the winter - recipes with photos

A popular and easy-to-prepare cherry plum preparation is compote. He will not leave anyone indifferent. How to close cherry plum compote for the winter?

3 l

1 hour

35 kcal

5/5 (1)

The fruits of the cherry plum are not only appetizing in appearance and their beauty makes you want to eat them, but they also have an incomparable, unusual taste. A particularly popular and easy-to-prepare cherry plum preparation is compote. He will have luxurious smell and refined taste, leaving no one indifferent. How to close cherry plum compote?

The recipe is extremely simple. The classic method of making cherry plum compote is practically no different from how such a drink is prepared from other berries. How to cook it, with or without seeds, is at the discretion of the housewife. However, care should be taken to the berries were soft and ripe, if they are hard, it means they are not yet ripe and are only suitable for a sour drink. Worth considering. that cherry plum compote it tastes better if it's sweet.

If you want to use whole berries, since they look more beautiful in a jar, they should be pierce with a toothpick before placing them in a container so that they do not break during heat treatment.

It is better to take larger containers, that is, 3-liter jars, but liter jars are not prohibited. It is better to sterilize jars before use. To improve taste you can add cinnamon or orange to the compote, many people like a mixture of fruits and berries, for example, cherry plum and apples. Any fruit that can be combined with plums can be combined with cherry plum.

Classic cherry plum compote recipe

This is one of the fastest and easiest cooking methods. We will need the following ingredients:

Method for preparing cherry plum compote

  1. We select the berries and wash them with cold water; this must be done carefully, without crushing the fruits. Take pre-prepared jars and place the berries in them. If you don’t have time for long sterilization, you can simply pour boiling water over them and then dry them.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil, pour it into jars with cherry plums and close with a plastic lid for 20 minutes. Then remove the lid and return the water from the jar to the pan.
  3. We begin to boil it again and add sugar. The more sugar, the sweeter, but you shouldn’t pour it too much, otherwise it won’t be a compote, but a syrup with cherry plum. When the sugar has completely dissolved, pour the prepared syrup again into our berries to the very top of the jar and roll them up with metal lids.
  4. Then there is the last step in preparation, this is wrapping the cans in warm things.


There is hardly a person who does not like cherry plum compote; almost every housewife tries to prepare such preserves for the winter, and the recipe differs from kitchen to kitchen. But it is not only incredibly tasty, but also very healthy for many. Let's try to join the ranks of lovers of this berry.

Cherry plum has long been famous for its excellent taste and medicinal properties, because its berries ideally combine organic acids, a set of vitamins and pectin substances. This plant is a variety of ordinary fruit plum and has been known to man for a very long time. Due to its unpretentiousness, it is in great demand among gardeners, acting as a rootstock for plums, peaches and apricots. True, the delicious sweet and sour fruits cannot be compared with any other fruit. The sizes of berries of different varieties differ, some are no larger than cherries, while others reach several centimeters. The color range varies from yellow to almost black.

In what cases can and should you eat cherry plum? It should be noted that the fruits of this miracle plant are recommended for consumption by almost everyone - children, old people, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. The only exceptions are people with stomach disease and those suffering from ulcerative lesions of the gastroduodenal area. In general, if there are any serious violations, you should always be careful when choosing food, but these are individual cases.

So, cherry plum contains vitamins B, E, PP and provitamin A. Therefore, it is used for vitamin deficiency, scurvy, night blindness and many other diseases. It also stimulates intestinal activity. In addition to vitamins, berries contain ascorbic, malic and citric acid. The high content of pectin and fiber promotes the removal of radionuclides from the body. Cherry plum juice not only perfectly removes thirst and tones, but is also an effective medicine for colds, hypovitaminosis, stomach diseases and coughs.

In addition, cherry plum contains a number of minerals - phosphorus, potassium, sodium, iron, magnesium and calcium. Thanks to them, it is recommended to use it to prevent heart disease. For example, potassium has a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart muscle and prevents arrhythmia. And the low sugar content allows even overweight people to enjoy this product.

The beneficial properties of cherry plum can be listed endlessly. However, it is not enough to enjoy it only during the fruiting period, so let’s look at how to extend the pleasure and benefits all year round. You can make almost anything from cherry plum - jam, jam, compote, and even tkemali sauce. By the way, the latter is served with meat for a reason; this product promotes optimal absorption of “heavy” dishes.

If you are going to preserve cherry plum for the winter, you should familiarize yourself with some of the features of the berry itself and the cooking technology. Only ripe fruits are chosen for compote. But be careful, if the berries are soft, then there is a high probability that they are wormy, and during sterilization they will become flabby and simply fall apart. In this case, the syrup will become cloudy, and the fruits themselves will not have an aesthetically pleasing appearance.

For jam, jam and sauce, cherry plum does not undergo such a thorough selection, the main thing is that it is ripe and not spoiled.

You still need to prepare the container. For compotes, it is more advisable to use three-liter bottles, but jam can also be rolled up in half-liter jars. Containers and lids are subject to careful visual inspection; the presence of chips, cracks and other defects is undesirable. The selected container is thoroughly washed and then sterilized. Otherwise the contents will be damaged.

It should be noted that cherry plum decoctions and compotes are incredibly useful; they are recommended for gastritis, to improve digestion and increase appetite. You can find a lot of different recipes on the Internet, and the ideal ratio of ingredients is determined only by trial, but the technology is approximately the same. To prepare the syrup, you need to dilute 1 glass of sugar in 2 liters of water and boil for several minutes until it completely dissolves.

Place clean fruits in a colander, cover with a lid and keep in boiling sweet water for several minutes. To prevent juicy berries from bursting, they should be pierced with a fork or toothpick.. In addition, such a trick allows water to penetrate under the dense skin of the fruit, otherwise the compote may ferment and the jars will explode. The containers are filled with berries about a third, then syrup is poured in, and you can roll up the compote with pre-sterilized lids. Next, turn the jars upside down and leave for 6 hours. After this, the preservation is ready for long-term storage.

There is another technology for preparing compotes, which is found quite often, let’s talk about it. The difference lies in the preparation of the syrup. Fill the containers with cherry plum, meanwhile bring clean water to a boil. Then pour the liquid in a thin stream into the jars of berries and leave for 10 minutes. Pour into a saucepan, boil and repeat this procedure. Return the water to the pan and prepare the sugar syrup. For the last time, pour in the cherry plum and cork it.

You will have to tinker a little with jam and jam, as you need to remove the seeds. Of course, you will have to significantly increase your sugar consumption. On average, for 1 kg of berries you need 1.2 kg of sweet sand and 400 ml of water, but these proportions differ in different recipes. This syrup is prepared separately. Then place the cherry plum in an enamel basin, add a little water (150 ml) and boil for 15 minutes. Next, the syrup is poured in and the mass is simmered over low heat until fully cooked.

Jam is usually prepared in several stages. Selected berries are steamed, poured with hot syrup and left for 4 hours, after which the procedure is repeated. Then the berries are poured in one last time, the burner is turned on to minimum heat and boiled. If necessary, the foam is removed. You can combine cherry plum with other fruits, such as apples.

Cherry plum is a close relative of plum, but against its background the small berry looks “wild”. Fresh cherry plum is a product for everyone: there is little pulp, large seeds, and a thick peel. But the compote made from its fruits is superior to plum in all respects. There is no astringency and cheekbone-creeping acid in it.

Beautiful compotes are made from red and pink cherry plums; yellow fruits should be rolled together with some berries. Sour varieties perform best in drinks; sweet fruits can be used for jam.

The average calorie content of 100 ml of compote is 53 kcal. This figure may be slightly higher or lower depending on the amount of sugar.

A quick and simple recipe for cherry plum compote for the winter - photo recipe

The refreshing effect of the cherry plum drink is so captivating that you want to continuously drink full glasses of it.

Cooking time: 40 minutes

Quantity: 1 serving


  • Cherry plum: 450 g
  • Sugar: 270 g
  • Water: 3 l
  • Lemon acid: 6 g

Cooking instructions

Options for blanks made from red, yellow or white cherry plum

Cherry plum has many varieties, the fruits are round, elongated, drop-shaped. They range in color from green to pale yellow and yellow, from red to almost black.

Green, light yellow and yellow varieties contain a minimal amount of pectin compounds, but slightly more citric acid. Although the total content of organic acids in all types of cherry plum is quite high.

The main difference between crops of various colors is the content of natural pigments. Dark ones contain a large amount of anthocyanins - substances that give red or purple color. Cherry plum of yellow shades contains carotenoid pigments.

In compote, preference is given to large-fruited cultivated cherry plum, regardless of color. Considering that even cultivated varieties and hybrids have a somewhat tart taste, you should not skimp on granulated sugar when preparing canned food for the winter.

In most varieties of this crop, the pit is difficult to separate and it is more convenient to prepare compote from whole fruits.

For 3 liters you need:

  • large-fruited fruits of red or burgundy variety 0.5 - 0.6 kg;
  • 1.7 liters of clean water or as needed;
  • sugar 300 g.

What to do:

  1. Select ripe, but not overripe cherry plums. Wash it and dry it.
  2. Before pouring the fruit into the container, you need to pierce it with a fork. This technique will preserve their integrity, and make the drink itself healthy and rich.
  3. Heat water in a saucepan or kettle until boiling. Fill the jar.
  4. Cover the top with a lid. Leave the container on the table and let sit for about a quarter of an hour.
  5. Pour all the water into a saucepan, add sugar there and boil for about 5 minutes until the grains are completely dissolved.
  6. Carefully pour the syrup into a container with cherry plum, roll the lid with a machine, turn it over and wrap it in a blanket. After a few hours, return to normal position.

Original compote of cherry plum and zucchini

Zucchini is good because it takes on the taste of the foods with which it is cooked. For a three-liter jar you need:

  • zucchini, preferably young, not very large in diameter, 300 g;
  • yellow cherry plum, large-fruited 300 g;
  • sugar 320 - 350 g;
  • how much water will it take?

How to cook:

  1. Wash the zucchini. If the skin is thin, then there is no need to peel; the rough skin will have to be cut off. Cut into thin circles, about 5-6 mm thick, and cut out the centers, imitating pineapple rings.
  2. Place them in a jar.
  3. Sort and wash the cherry plum, prick with a toothpick.
  4. Transfer to a container with zucchini. Add granulated sugar.
  5. Pour boiling water over the contents and leave covered for 12-15 minutes.
  6. Pour the cooled syrup into a saucepan, heat to a boil and cook for five minutes.
  7. Pour the boiling syrup into a jar and immediately screw the lid on. Keep it upside down under a folded blanket until it cools.

Preparation of compote from cherry plum and apples

For 3 liters you need to take:

  • apples 400 g;
  • cherry plum 300 g;
  • lemon 1/2 fruit;
  • sugar 320 g;
  • How long will the water go?

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Peel the apples, cut into 4 or 6 slices, cut out the seeds and sprinkle with fresh lemon juice. Transfer them to a jar.
  2. Prick the washed cherry plum with a fork and also place it in the prepared container.
  3. Pour boiling water over everything and leave covered for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Then pour the water into a saucepan of a suitable size, add sugar there, heat everything to a boil and cook the contents until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  5. Immediately pour the boiling syrup over the main ingredients. Then roll the lid with a special machine.
  6. Turn the jar upside down, wrap it in a blanket and keep it there until it cools completely.

Recipe with apricots

For compote of apricots with cherry plum, you need to select fruits of approximately the same size. For three liters you need:

  • apricots 200 g;
  • red or burgundy cherry plum 200 g;
  • yellow 200 g;
  • water;
  • sugar 300 g.

What to do:

  1. Wash the apricots and cherry plums, dry them and put them in a jar.
  2. Heat water to a boil and pour it into a container with the main ingredients. Close the lid. Keep this for about a quarter of an hour.
  3. Pour the liquid into a saucepan and add sugar. Cook the syrup from the moment it boils for about 5 minutes.
  4. Pour it into a jar, roll on the lid. Turn over and cover with a blanket until cool.

With cherry

Small yellow or red cherry plum, for example, “Gift to St. Petersburg,” is suitable for this compote. Such a blank will look beautiful and be stored well.

For a liter jar take:

  • cherry plum 200 g;
  • cherries 200 g;
  • sugar 140 g.


  1. Sort out the cherries and cherry plums, wash and dry.
  2. Pour the berries into a sterile liter container and add sugar there.
  3. Carefully and immediately pour boiling water over the contents.
  4. Cover with a lid and leave for 10 minutes.
  5. Also carefully pour the syrup into the pan and boil it again.
  6. Fill the jar with boiling sweet water. Seal the container with a special lid.
  7. Keep upside down until the contents have cooled to room temperature.

The cherry plum drink will taste better if:

  1. When cooking the syrup, add several cherry plum fruits to it.
  2. To get a pleasant taste, add 2-3 cloves per liter of liquid to the syrup.
  3. For harvesting, it is advisable to use varieties with large fruits, weighing approximately 25-40 g. They can be preserved with or without seeds. These varieties include “Chuk”, “Shater”, “Yarilo”, “Nesmeyana”, “Purple Dessert”, “Cleopatra”.
  4. Considering that cherry plum is beneficial for diabetics, compotes can be prepared with or without the addition of a sweetener, for example, xylitol or sorbitol.
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