Belgorod Industrial College. Belgorod Industrial College. Present: development and improvement

Admission to an educational institution

In accordance with Part 4 of Article 68 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012. No. 273FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, admission of citizens to study in educational programs of secondary vocational education is publicly available, including persons with disabilities.

When accepting documents, applicants with disabilities and persons with limited health capabilities are provided with the necessary technical assistance, taking into account their individual characteristics of psychophysical development, capabilities and health status. You can get acquainted with the barrier-free environment of the college at the following link.

Admission to an educational organization for training in educational programs for training secondary specialists is carried out taking into account basic education:

Persons with basic general or secondary general education are admitted to professional educational programs of secondary vocational education, unless otherwise established by Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”;

Additional professional education programs accept persons who have secondary vocational and (or) higher education or who are receiving secondary vocational and (or) higher education.

OGAPOU "Belgorod Industrial College" admits citizens to study in educational programs of secondary vocational education in the following specialties:

Duration of training for disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities

The duration of training for disabled people and citizens with disabilities is established by federal state educational standards for secondary vocational education in the specialty, educational programs for vocational training and additional vocational education, developed by the educational institution and approved by the director of the college.

Restrictions are allowed based on indications of professional suitability, determined in accordance with the established procedure by healthcare institutions.


  • state document on education (original or copy);
  • identification document;
  • four 3x4 photographs,
  • medical certificate 086/U,
  • vaccination certificate,


Applicants entering the specialty 02/19/10 “Technology of Catering Products” undergo mandatory preliminary medical examinations (examinations) in the manner established when concluding an employment contract or service contract.

Detailed information about the conditions for admission of applicants is presented on the official website in the “Applicants” tab

Applicants submit an application in the prescribed form.

The following are attached to the application:

  • education documents,
  • identity document,
  • four 3x4 photographs,
  • medical certificate 086/U,
  • vaccination certificate,
  • photocopy of health insurance policy.

To move into the dormitory, the following documents are required:

1. A copy of the student’s passport with the original.
2. A copy of the medical insurance policy with the original.
3. Photos 3 x 4 – 4 pcs.
4. Certificate from the skin and venereal disease clinic
(Address: Belgorod, Belgorodsky Ave., 97, near the Central Market)
5. Certificate from the disinfection station
(Address: Belgorod, Voroshilov St., 2-B,
travel from the “Stadium” by minibuses No. 102, No. 36 to the “Krinitsa” stop, ask “Dezstation”)

The certificates specified in clauses 4 and 5 can be obtained from the relevant institutions at the place of registration. The certificate is valid for 3 days.
Note: Minor students move in with their parents or legal representatives.

Payment for accommodation
in a hostel – 490 rubles monthly.

Upon arrival, payment is made:
September 2019 - June 2020

Due to major renovations in the dormitory, check-in will only be for 1st and 2nd year students.
1st course – August 31
2nd year – September 1

For information on moving in and living in a hostel, please contact by phone or email:

All students say what prestigious institution they study at, referring to its name. I beg you, no matter who you tell it, no one has heard of any RANEPA.
Everything inside is well equipped and cozy. The toilets are a bit dirty, there is almost never any paper, and there is no soap either. The dryers on some floors barely work. A huge minus is that sometimes there are no trash cans in the women's cubicles... well, you know why they are needed, in this case women's accessories are lying around somewhere behind the push - not surprising. It happens that they post on doors some offers to work as a pawnbroker, well, that’s not surprising either.
Teachers love to lie and scare. If you do, don’t trust anyone, doubt everything and check everything. Think with your head, don't be naive.
The director at the meeting said that they would expel all truants who had more than 120 hours per semester (60 classes, approximately 15 days). I could be wrong in the numbers, I may be wrong, but something like this. This is one example of their lies and intimidation. For each absenteeism, you had to write an explanatory note and personally explain the reason for the absenteeism, and have it signed by three people. “I went to the hospital” won’t do. Need help? As a result, a person who went to college 40 times over 3 years of study received a diploma! And the person who lost the entry card is excluded, although the session is closed and went daily. Fair enough, right?
Adults are treated like children. Not on a couple? The curator calls the parents.
The locker rooms are full of trash. At the beginning of the year you will have to stand for 25 minutes. It’s good that they thought of making sure that everyone picked up their item on their own.
There is no place to sit in the dining room. (by the way, it’s better to take food with you, because you can go broke there) The corridors are worse than in the subway, the crowd is terrible. We wanted to remove the set after 11th grade, maybe it will dissipate a little. I think they shouldn't have done it. It may be good for the college, but for the people? Everyone is trying to make learning more mobile and convenient, but this solution will not work.
Everyone is accepted for paid training. I remember the enrollment was 25 people, in the end there were 31 in the group. So don’t worry.
Physical education is absolutely brutal. If you have no preparation or simply hate this business, do something to avoid going there.
Whoever got to Anna Petrovna, don’t worry, you’ll hand over everything. Not in a month, but in six months. How much nerves did this teacher waste on me... “God knows if I’m a 5, I’m a 4, you’re a 3.” For 3 you need to learn 8 topics by heart, ideal. Do you want a red diploma? Learn everything at once, especially the subject, don’t put it off, don’t think it will pass, don’t think you’ll write it off. It was probably easier to write off the Unified State Exam.
Regarding knowledge. 4/10. Some teachers just wanted to chat and sit on the phone. Eh, I wish I knew accounting. I tried to somehow figure it out myself, but with this discipline as with mathematics. We need explanations. A good teacher was fired because she swore, she was a good woman, albeit with her cockroaches, she taught the subject as it should have been taught. It would be better if they fired accounting teachers)))
Some teachers simply dictated 10 sheets of paper and nothing was clear, but as course and dissertation supervisors, they were ideal and caring.
About coursework and diplomas. Get ready to fuss with the design and retype everything 40 times. For some reason, each teacher has his own vision of design. By the way, no one allows you to print anywhere. It’s better to chip in with the whole group for the printer, THIS WILL BE MAXIMUM USEFUL.
About the atmosphere. There are a lot of non-Russians who like to sort things out, a lot of rednecks. Those who smoke may not smoke anymore. Just leave the college campus, breathe a little and that's it - you're already high for the whole day.
Overall, the college is not bad. If this is your choice, go for it.

Why more than 15 positive ratings for 2015? Because they are fake. In IT college they study things that were relevant 10 years ago. Then graduates get a job for 20 - 25 thousand or not in their specialty. There are no teachers with specialized higher education in programming. At best, programmers are taught by a mathematician.

I usually don’t leave reviews anywhere, but I just can’t pass it up here. I'm happy with the college! I am in my last year and will be graduating very soon. I will say this, they prepare you very well for exams here and answer all your questions. In general, it’s easy to learn, the information is basically accessible. The teachers know their stuff, the canteen, the dormitory, everything is there!

A quality education opens up many opportunities for its owner. With deep knowledge and useful skills, you can work in prestigious organizations, occupy well-paid positions, and move forward along the career ladder. The Belgorod Industrial College (BIK) invites you to receive such an education within its walls.

Reputation of the college

In the Belgorod region, everyone has heard about the industrial college. This educational organization is currently the largest secondary school in the named subject of Russia. The college has 3 buildings and trains more than a thousand people.

But the educational institution is famous not only for the number of buildings and students. Several times it became a laureate in the “100 Best Colleges of Russia” competition and received an award for its contribution to education. All this speaks of effective educational activities and the desire to produce qualified specialists.

Past: transformations and achievements

Belgorod Industrial College dates back its history to October 8, 1957. At that time, a technical school was created to train personnel in technical specialties. It was a very modest educational institution. For classes, we rented 4 classrooms at a local school, and invited 8 teachers to work. The first students were workers of the Belgorod cement plant who did not have the necessary professional skills and did not have enough knowledge for fruitful work.

In 1992, the secondary school began a new life. It was converted from a technical school to a college. New goals have appeared for the educational institution, and interesting prospects have opened up. Today the college is more than 60 years old. During this period, the college has come a long way in its development, graduating more than 35 thousand specialists.

Present: development and improvement

Belgorod Industrial College has achieved a lot over the years of work, but this is not the limit of its capabilities. New technologies are emerging in the world. In accordance with them, the college also changes. In 2016, the industrial college opened a resource center for new production facilities and it is equipped with 5 laboratories in which students receive basic practical knowledge.

The resource center has a lot of useful and interesting equipment. For example, there are 3D pens. With their help, students learn to create complex three-dimensional objects. These pens look like toys, but in fact they are used in many modern industries. The cabinet of hydraulic and pneumatic drives, mechatronics and automation deserves attention. It is well equipped and allows students to study the technological processes of various industries, simulate emergency situations and take the necessary measures.


Belgorod Industrial College in Belgorod trains students in 12 different areas. The main ones are “Welding production”, “Heat supply and heating equipment”, “Technical operation and maintenance of electromechanical and electrical equipment”. The college is also a powerful source of personnel in the field of information technology, and insurance specialists also emerge from its walls,

The educational institution is trying to keep up with the times, so it is planned to open new specialties. At the Belgorod Industrial College, these plans began to be implemented already in 2017. The first new and very relevant direction has emerged - “Additive Technologies”. In the future, applicants will be given the opportunity to enroll in Robotics and Mechatronics and other IT specialties.

About admission and passing grade

Graduates of 9th and 11th grades who want to become students of the college in question should think about preparing documents with the start of the admissions campaign. To enter Belgorod Industrial College you must submit:

  • certificate or diploma;
  • passport;
  • 4 photo cards 3x4 cm;
  • medical certificate confirming the examination;
  • a copy of the health insurance policy;
  • vaccination certificate.

There are no entrance exams at the college, because admission to all specialties is based on the average score of the certificate. It is worth noting that it is desirable to have good grades in the document. Competition in college is high, so not everyone manages to get into budget-funded, and sometimes even paid, places. In 2016, the lowest score on the budget was 4 (in the specialties “Radio communications, radio broadcasting and television” and “Heat supply and heating equipment”), and on the extra-budget it was 3.47 (in the specialty “Technology of public catering products”).

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Belgorod Industrial College
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