How to cook and fry pasta. Fried pasta in a frying pan without cooking

Cook the pasta. Heat a frying pan, pour oil, add pasta and fry over medium heat without a lid.

Cook raw pasta in a frying pan.

How to fry pasta

1. Heat a frying pan.
2. Pour 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
3. Place boiled pasta in a frying pan.
4. Fry the pasta for 5 minutes, then place on a plate.
Your pasta is fried! Serve with ketchup and grated cheese.

Fried raw pasta

Pasta - 100 grams (1/5 standard pack)
Boiling water - half a glass
Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
Soy sauce - 3 tablespoons
Onions - 1 head
Garlic - 3 cloves
Salt and seasonings - to taste

How to fry raw pasta
1. Peel the onions and garlic.
2. Finely chop the onion, grate the garlic on a fine grater or chop finely.
3. Turn on medium heat.
4. Place a frying pan on the fire.
5. Wait 1 minute and pour 3 tablespoons of oil into the pan.
6. Immediately add onion and garlic to the frying pan and smooth over the entire surface of the frying pan using a spatula.
7. Fry onion and garlic for 5 minutes, stirring.
8. Place raw pasta in a frying pan - if it is long, break it first.
9. Mix the pasta and onion thoroughly.
10. Pour in 3 tablespoons of soy sauce.
11. Pour in 1 cup of boiling water.
12. Sprinkle pasta with salt and seasonings.
13. Mix pasta with salt and seasonings.
14. Cover the frying pan with a lid.
15. Simmer the pasta for another 7 minutes.
Once cooking is complete, place the pasta on plates and serve with ketchup or sauce.

Of course, fried foods, according to nutritionists, are not very beneficial for the body. But if there is demand, then supply will not be long in coming either. Pasta fried in a frying pan turns out much tastier than pasta cooked using the more familiar cooking method.

Usually boiled pasta is fried. But lovers of golden-brown pasta are upset if the pasta, instead of frying, sticks together into a shapeless mass. This happens if the pasta is made from soft wheat. For such cases, a different way of frying pasta was invented.
Frying pasta (horns, noodles) without pre-cooking reduces cooking time and allows you to get crumbly pasta even from not very high-quality products.

Pasta fried without cooking differs from boiled pasta not only in taste, but also in structure. They turn out denser and a little dry.
If fried, they will acquire piquancy and an unusual taste.

Fried pasta recipe

penne – 150 g;
cheese that melts - 100 g;
sunflower oil – 25 g;
cumin - a pinch;

Cooking process:

Prepare the penne. By the way, you can use cones, shells, spirals and other pasta products instead.

Place them in a frying pan heated with oil.

Stirring, fry the pasta over moderate heat until a golden brown crust appears on the sides.

Place the lid on the pan, leaving a small gap on the side. This must be done so that when adding water you are not burned by steam and hot splashes. Carefully pour hot water into the hole - approximately 150 ml.

Stirring the penne occasionally, cook for 20-25 minutes. About 5-8 minutes after adding water, salt the pasta and sprinkle with caraway seeds. As soon as you notice that the water has begun to evaporate, add a little more hot water. Cook the pasta, covered, over moderate heat until it is cooked to your liking.

Cut soft cheese or suluguni into small slices or cubes.

Sprinkle it over the penne.


Fried pasta- a dish cooked in a frying pan without cooking. This is a dish of Armenian cuisine, and it has absolutely nothing in common with naval pasta. Fried pasta is very tasty and very easy to prepare. We offer a detailed step-by-step recipe with photos that will make cooking a joy.

The proposed recipe does not involve cooking as such. But, if you are more accustomed to boiling the pasta first, you can do this. Of course, the pasta will taste a little different, but it will be just as satisfying and flavorful. The recipe uses feather pasta, but you can give preference to horns or spider webs if that’s more to your household’s taste.

Advice! This recipe uses only pasta and sauce, but if you want to make the dish more filling, you can add other ingredients. For example, pork, beef, chicken or any other meat, fish, shrimp, mushrooms, cheese, minced meat, eggs, stew, sausages, lard, cottage cheese, ham, sausages, onions, liver, carrots, tomatoes and other vegetables, crab sticks and even potatoes. By the way, fried pasta can be not only an independent dish, but also an ingredient for soup or salad.

If desired, you can make sweet fried pasta with sugar. Remember that such a dish, both sweet and salty, can harm your figure due to its high calorie content. There are quite a lot of calories (kcal) in the dish, and the exact amount depends on the ingredients.


  • (feathers, 300 g)

  • (1 tbsp.)

  • (taste)

  • (2 tbsp.)

  • (1 tbsp.)

  • (taste)

  • (taste)

Cooking steps

    A step-by-step recipe with photos of preparing fried pasta begins with frying “raw”, that is, dry pasta. To do this, you need to put the frying pan on the fire, pour a little vegetable oil and heat it well. When the oil is hot, you can pour the pasta into the pan. After this, you need to immediately start mixing them.

    You need to fry the pasta until it turns golden brown. At the same time, constantly stir the dish so that it does not burn.

    After almost all the water has evaporated, you can add ketchup to the swollen pasta. If desired, it can be replaced with tomato paste. The pasta must be mixed well to distribute the ketchup evenly throughout the pan.

    Now you need to add adjika to the pasta and mix well again.

    You need to add a little seasoning too. The pasta is mixed well again.

    If necessary, you can add a little water to the pasta, reduce the heat and cover with a lid. At this time you need to cut the greens. Onions and dill are enough, but if desired, you can add garlic and parsley.

    The greens should be added to the pasta after about five minutes and stirred to ensure even distribution.

    Armenian fried pasta is ready without cooking. All that remains is to arrange them on plates and serve them warm.

    Bon appetit!

Cooking pasta at home is an easy way to provide yourself with a delicious breakfast or lunch if you don’t have time for a longer cooking process. Not only avid bachelors, but also the most experienced housewives should know how to fry pasta in a frying pan, because even from such a simple product you can create a real culinary masterpiece if you prepare it correctly.

You can make a pasta dish in different ways: with cheese, minced meat, spices, etc., it depends only on your preferences how your dish turns out.

A quick recipe for frying pasta without cooking

This express recipe allows you to cook pasta in just 15 minutes. Ready-made aromatic dough products with garlic and a bouillon cube will amaze you with their ease of preparation and excellent taste.

And, despite its calorie content, such a dish will be popular in your family. After all, is it possible to refuse a delicious homemade dish, which with each new preparation can easily change its flavor tones beyond recognition?!


  • Raw pasta – 200 g;
  • Garlic – 3 cloves;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Sunflower oil – 50 ml;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Bouillon cube – 1 pc.

Cooking pasta in a frying pan

  1. Heat sunflower oil in a frying pan and place raw pasta in it.
  2. Fry them over medium heat for 3-5 minutes until browned. It is very important that during the frying process each pasta is soaked in oil; to do this, stir the product all the time.
  3. Grind the peeled garlic on a fine grater, add it to the pan with the pasta, then crumble the bouillon cube into the dish. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Fill the fried pasta with water until the water completely covers it.
  5. Cover the pan with a lid and cook the dish over medium heat for 5-7 minutes.

Serve ready-fried pasta in a frying pan hot with any sauce, tomato paste, fish, meat or raw vegetables. You can make your dish taste completely different: delicate, spicy and even spicy. You can adjust the taste with the help of dressings or spices, all you need is your desire.

How to fry pasta in a frying pan with eggs

The recipes for making pasta are all simple and affordable. You can prepare a dish with a set of different ingredients, but it always turns out delicious and, most importantly, not expensive. This recipe for pasta with eggs allows you to make a delicious snack in just a few minutes, so you don’t have to stand at the stove for a long time to create a culinary masterpiece.


  • Pasta (raw) – 100 g;
  • Butter - to taste;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • Salt - to taste.

How to cook delicious pasta with eggs

  1. Pour the pasta into salted boiling water and cook until tender.
  2. After cooking, drain the pasta in a colander, then rinse it with cool water.
  3. Melt a piece of butter in a frying pan and fry the boiled pasta in it for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Beat raw chicken eggs into the fried pasta, mix everything well, fry the product over low heat for another 5-6 minutes.

After this, we serve the finished steamed appetizer to the table. If desired, you can add paprika, ground black pepper, dill, curry and other spices to your taste.


  • — 250 g + -
  • - taste + -
  • + -
  • + -
  • Horns - 400 g + -
  • - taste + -
  • - 4 things. + -
  • Spices - to taste + -

How to fry pasta in a frying pan with cheese

Another interesting option for preparing pasta is frying it with cheese. This dish is easy to prepare, but it turns out quite refined and unusual. If you want to surprise someone with a hearty, tasty and original lunch, then the pasta cheese recipe is for you.

  1. Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the boiled pasta in it until browned.
  2. Grate the hard cheese and cut the tomatoes into cubes.
  3. In a separate frying pan, simmer the chopped tomatoes for about 5 minutes, then mix the stewed vegetable with salt, spices, and pepper.
  4. Combine fried pasta with stewed tomatoes in a frying pan, sprinkle the dish with grated cheese, stir with a spoon (or wooden spatula), simmer the product under a closed lid over low heat for 5 minutes.

This completes the simple preparation. Instead of cones, you can use any other type of pasta: spaghetti, vermicelli, shells, etc.

If the pasta is raw and not boiled, add 0.5 liters of boiling water to the frying pan and when the pasta is cooked, continue cooking as described in the recipe.

To make the dish more original, you can fry pasta (boiled or raw):

  • with boiled chicken;
  • stew;
  • minced meat;
  • ham;
  • cream;
  • tomato paste;
  • home canned food (pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms, zucchini, etc.) and many other products.

Adding additional ingredients will not complicate the frying process, but will improve and diversify the taste of the dish. If you didn’t know how to fry pasta in a frying pan correctly, and most importantly, tasty, then now you can give advice to your friends. Add something new to your menu - and your household will undoubtedly appreciate your desire to make your favorite dish even better.

Bon appetit!

There is no dish more familiar and loved by everyone than pasta. What makes pasta so popular is its unique taste and speed of preparation.
Few people know that pasta can be cooked directly in a frying pan without prior boiling. Moreover, the recipes for such preparation are different and several are known.
This method cooks pasta very quickly. Despite the fact that classic pasta belongs to the national cuisine of Italy, pasta in a frying pan without pre-cooking belongs to Russian folk cooking.

Classic recipe

List of necessary products for a large “family” portion.

  • Pasta variety “Feathers” - 450 g
  • Any favorite spices, but be sure to include salt and black peppercorns - to your taste
  • Olive oil – 75 g
  • Ketchup or tomato adjika – 75 g
  • Sweet red onion in turnip – 80 g
  • Fresh hot chili pepper - 40 g
  • Fresh carrots – 40 g
  • Sharp cheese with a pronounced creamy taste – 100 g
  • .Carbonated mineral water – 250 g
  • Fresh large chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Raw smoked bacon or leftover boiled sausage with fat – 400 g

Detailed cooking algorithm.

  1. Place a frying pan over medium heat and heat the olive oil in it.
  2. Peel the onion, wash it and chop it finely. Pour it into heated olive oil in a frying pan.
  3. After stirring the onion for the first time, add all the selected spices, including salt and black peppercorns. Fry for 3 minutes.
  4. Peel the carrots, wash and grate coarsely. Add to onions.
  5. Wash fresh hot chili peppers, cut off the tail and cut into small pieces. There is no need to peel the seeds from the pepper. Add to the pan with the seasoned onions.
  6. Cut raw smoked bacon or the remains of boiled sausage with fat into small cubes and add to the frying at the bottom of the frying pan. Mix.
  7. A minute after the bacon/sausage, add feather pasta (straight from the bowl or bag) into the frying pan. After a minute, stir. You will immediately notice that they are softening and soaking in the sauce, which is being prepared in a frying pan.
  8. Pour sparkling mineral water into the cooking pasta. Mix the contents of the frying pan. Cover with a lid, reduce heat to low and leave to simmer for twenty minutes.
  9. Add ketchup or tomato adjika to the almost finished dish.
  10. Coarsely grate the cheese, mix with the contents of fresh large chicken eggs and throw into the dish. The egg-cheese mixture should completely cover the entire surface of the pasta.

Cover with a lid and turn off the heat. Let stand for a couple of minutes. The cheese should melt. You can eat and enjoy.

The essential kitchen utensil used to cook pasta without pre-cooking it is a large sauté pan that has a tight-fitting lid and a non-stick coating on the bottom.

  • If desired, you can add fresh bell peppers, zucchini/eggplant, fresh herbs, spinach and arugula to the dish.
  • Instead of Feather pasta, you can use any type of pasta, even vermicelli, to prepare this recipe.

How to quickly cook pasta (without boiling) with stew in a frying pan

In order to quickly cook pasta (without boiling) with stewed meat in a frying pan, you should use the above recipe, only instead of raw smoked bacon or leftover boiled sausage with fat, you should use stewed meat (beef or pork). Depending on your individual preferences.

Pasta without boiling, cooked with stew, is a very nourishing and tasty, complete dish, an almost lightning-fast and original dinner option, always helpful in an emergency.

Cooking them is very easy and simple, elementary. Anyone can handle it, even the most inexperienced in the culinary arts. The result will be amazing in any case.

How to quickly cook pasta in a frying pan (without boiling) with cream

This creamy pasta recipe is similar to the Italian creamy pasta that is so beloved in Italy. It can be prepared with any ingredients that give the dish a unique and refined taste. But it tastes best with boiled royal shrimp.

This dish is very quick to prepare. The preparation time from start to “serving” takes no more than half an hour.

List of necessary ingredients for 4 large servings of the dish.

  • .Pasta of any kind – 400 g
  • Pre-boiled royal shrimp – 300 g
  • Heavy cream from 20% fresh, from the store - 450 g
  • Parmesan cheese – 100 g
  • Spicy onion – 200 g
  • Sweet cream butter – 90 g
  • Vegetable or olive oil – 50 g
  • Salt with ground black pepper and dried Italian herb powder - to your taste

Essential kitchen utensils used to prepare pasta without pre-cooking.
1. A large frying pan that has a tight-fitting lid and a thick non-stick coating on the bottom.
2. A saucepan for boiling shrimp.

A detailed plan for step-by-step preparation of pasta (without boiling) with cream in a frying pan.

1. Remove the shell from pre-boiled and cooled shrimp. Cut the freed shrimp meat into small pieces of arbitrary shape. Place in a bowl.
2. Peel and chop the onion.
3.In a frying pan, combine both types of oil (sweet cream with vegetable/olive), transferring them to the bottom and warming up.
4.Pour the prepared onion into the heated oil and simmer it in a frying pan over low heat until it becomes completely transparent.
5. Throw the prepared shrimp meat into the onion and mix.
6.Almost immediately add the pasta to the onion with the shrimp and cover with a lid and simmer for no more than three minutes.
7.Add salt with ground black pepper and dried Italian herb powder to the dish. Mix.
8.Pour cream into the frying pan for the dish being prepared. Leave to simmer on the lowest heat for about a quarter of an hour or a little more.
9. Coarsely grate Parmesan.
10.Place freshly cooked pasta in a frying pan (without boiling) with cream and shrimp on a dish and sprinkle with Parmesan.

You can eat and enjoy. You can serve this dish with a glass of dry red Italian wine.

1. In this dish, you can use any seafood canned in oil, purchased in advance at any store or supermarket. This option will not speed up the preparation of the dish, but the taste will noticeably deteriorate. Nevertheless, the taste of the dish will also be very interesting, unique, and unlike anything else.
2.Instead of shrimp, you can use any type of fatty fish or meat.

Recipe without boiling with minced meat

This dish is the most familiar and favorite of all the options for cooking pasta in a frying pan without pre-boiling. It is popularly called “Navy Pasta”. They are prepared with lightning speed, which is why they have earned such incredible popularity in modern society, when people do not have time “for themselves” and take a long time to prepare all sorts of incredible delicacies.

In addition, this dish is incredibly inexpensive, the ingredients for which are always available to any housewife.

In order to “not bother,” you should cook pasta according to this recipe in a large frying pan or wok that has a tight-fitting lid and a thickening at the bottom in the form of a non-stick coating.

Ingredients needed in this navy-style pasta recipe.

  • Pre-prepared homemade mixed minced meat from equal amounts of pork and beef, you can buy a ready-made version in the store - 600 g
  • Onions in turnips with a spicy taste – 120 g
  • Large garlic cloves – 4 pcs.
  • Sweet cream flavored butter – 90 g
  • Corn or sunflower oil – 80 g
  • Salt with finely ground red/black pepper - to your taste
  • Sparkling mineral water – 300 g

Step-by-step detailed preparation of pasta (without boiling) with minced meat in a frying pan.

1. Peel the onions and garlic and chop them coarsely.
2. Place a frying pan with a non-stick thickening on the bottom over medium heat.
3.Place both types of oil on the bottom of the frying pan to mix while it warms up.
4. Throw the pieces of garlic and onion into the heated oil, and, reducing the heat to the lowest setting, simmer for about five minutes. During this time, the products will become transparent and release all their unique aroma into the oil.
5. Stir the onion and garlic and add salt and pepper.
6. It’s time to add minced meat to the prepared spices. Stir and fry for about 7-8 minutes.
7.Add pasta to the frying pan and at the same time pour in sparkling mineral water. Do not stir. Cover with a lid and do not touch for about a quarter of an hour. Do not increase the fire. He must stay slow.
8.Remove the lid and stir the dish. The minced meat and onions should be evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of the pasta.
9. The finished dish can be served “as a meal”, adding any sauce/ketchup if desired.

You can cook pasta in a frying pan without pre-cooking with sausage, poultry (chicken, duck, turkey), with various sauces (soy sauce, for example), using any of the above recipes as an algorithm.

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