Language camps in Finland for the holidays. Language camp in Finland Language camp in Finland

< 1000 слов.

"Initial" level of language proficiency. Lexicon< 1000 слов.

Getting to know the English language: learning the alphabet, basic grammar, training pronunciation and listening comprehension, using basic vocabulary.

Having command of the language at the Beginner level, you will be able to maintain communication during the initial acquaintance - introduce yourself, ask simple questions on personal topics, answer them. You will also learn to read and understand individual words, sign postcards, and fill out basic forms, such as migration cards.


"Elementary" level of language proficiency. Vocabulary 1000 – 1500 words.

Vocabulary 1000 - 1500 words.

Learning simple tenses in English; increasing vocabulary on topics such as study, work, family, friends, hobbies. Studying constructions and expressions that may be needed in everyday situations, for example: clarifying the route, information from hotel staff or the waiter, etc.

Having command of the language at the Elementary level, you will be able to understand individual phrases and expressions within the framework of the topics studied, and maintain, but not conduct, a conversation. Read and understand simple texts, find predictable information, write simple personal letters.



Language proficiency level is below average. Vocabulary 1500 – 2000 words.


Language proficiency level is below average. Vocabulary 1500 – 2000 words.

Studying more complex verb tenses and grammatical constructions, modal verbs, comparative adjectives. A serious increase in vocabulary, a leap in the use of material studied at this and previous levels.

Having command of the language at the Pre-Intermediate level, you understand spoken language more easily, and even if not all words are familiar to you, relying on familiar vocabulary, you understand the general meaning of what is said. If you can't remember a word, you can explain its meaning in your own words. You can read literature appropriate to your level and write letters on general topics.


"Intermediate" level of language proficiency. Vocabulary 2000 – 2500 words.

"Intermediate" level of language proficiency. Vocabulary 2000 - 2500 words.

Studying all tenses of the English language, more complex grammatical rules, comparative degrees of adjectives, etc. Mastering the basics of business vocabulary, becoming familiar with some idioms and phraseological units. Having command of the language at the Intermediate level, you will be able to communicate quite fluently in English on professional and everyday topics, using complex constructions, however, periodically choosing words. Use all popular tenses in your speech, but if you encounter more complex grammar, you will feel insecure. It is easy to hear the speech of your interlocutor with good pronunciation. Read adapted texts, simple literature in the original.



Language proficiency level is "above average". Vocabulary 2500 – 3500 words


Language proficiency level is “above average”. Vocabulary 2500 - 3500 words. Consolidating material from previous levels, filling gaps in knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. Studying more complex cases of using modal verbs, conditional sentences, tenses, etc. Systematizing knowledge, if desired, preparing for the international TOEFL or IELTS exams.

Having command of the language at the Upper-Intermediate level, you can speak fluently on any topic (there is a possibility of making minor grammatical errors), and answer diverse questions in detail using complex structures. Read and understand articles on the Internet, literature in the original. Watch movies in English with subtitles, practically without referring to them.

After successfully completing the level, you can take the IELTS exam with a score of 5.5 points or higher, the TOEFL exam with a score of 70 points or higher, and also begin preparing for the Cambridge FCE and BEC Vantage exams.


"Advanced" level of language proficiency. Vocabulary 3000 – 4500 words.

"Advanced" level of language proficiency. Vocabulary 3,000 - 4,500 words.

Learning the principles of "live" speech: at this level you will speak fluently and spontaneously, using truly complex grammar.

Having command of the language at the Advanced level, you will be able to maintain a conversation on any topic using various figures of speech (idioms, set expressions, phrasal verbs, etc.). Fluently use business English, read and understand some technical and academic texts, articles in popular science magazines. Understand any English speech, regardless of pronunciation or accent. Write essays and compositions, expressing your thoughts without difficulty in English.

After successfully completing the level, you can take the IELTS exam with a score of 7 points or higher, the TOEFL exam with a score of 90 points or higher, and also begin preparing for the Cambridge CAE and BEC Higher exams.

General program:

Malina is a language camp in Finland with native speakers.
We divide shifts into children's 7-12 year olds (one summer shift) and shifts for teenagers 12-17 years old.

If necessary, we meet and accompany children to railway and air stations. The bus provides meals and the services of an accompanying person, who is fully responsible for the safety of the child’s documents.
Any voucher for the summer shift can be purchased in installments until May 2019. Down payment 30%


Theme: "American Idol"
Date: March 24 – March 31, 2019 (8 days)

Age: for teenagers (12 - 17 years)
English on shift: at least 21 hours
Venue: Punkaharju

Short description:
Spring! Time to put warm clothes in the closet. Time to move.
The shift is dedicated to the world famous show “American Idol”. During the shift, the counselors will act as celebrities who will recruit children into their teams to participate in the project. Together we will perform in three stages of the show: video clip, dance and song change.
Malinovites will learn to work in a team, discover their talents and learn the secrets of creating interesting projects.
Homework- think about the idea of ​​a dance, a video clip and write a couple of lines for the song (find the minus of this song)

The purpose of the shift programs:
- Studying of English language

Included in cost:
— 4-5 person accommodation
- 5 meals a day
— round-the-clock work of counselors and animators (for a group of 40 people 4 counselors, 2 teachers, 1 carrier)

— New Year's program and all master classes included in it
— memorable New Year souvenirs from the camp
— daily photo reports
The price does not include:
– excursion program – 70 euros per shift
– transfer – 4000 rubles

1st Shift for Summer 2019: June 5 – 19, 2019 (15 days)
Entertainment + English
Theme: "Spy Kids"
Age: Shift for children (7 - 12 years old)
English on shift: at least 42 hours

Counselors, educators and doctors work on shift, who will pay very close attention to each child and make the rest as comfortable as possible for both children and parents. Lots of outdoor activities, proper nutrition, reading books in the evenings and comfortable learning of English will make this shift very soulful and warm!

We will plunge into the world of espionage intrigues and investigations of high-profile crimes.
Do you want to check what you are capable of? Are you ready to work in a team?
Search for passwords and secret combinations. Who, if not our Malinovsky spy agency, can save the world... We are looking forward to meeting you so that we can go through an exciting adventure together, 15 days long.
— Take sunglasses and an element from the spy wardrobe.
— Bring things in khaki color (camouflage)
Main events:
. Saving Private Junie
. Quest “Spy Network”
The purpose of the shift programs:
- Studying of English language
— Instill a child’s desire to learn English
— Formation of a healthy lifestyle and active life position
Included in cost:
— 4-5 person accommodation
- 5 meals a day
— round-the-clock work of counselors, animators and educators (for a group of 40 people, 4 counselors, 1 teacher, 1 doctor, 3 English teachers)
- English language

— daily photo reports
The price does not include:

– transfer – 4000 rubles

2 Shift for Summer 2018: June 19 - July 3, 2019 (15 days)

Topic: “filling soon”

Shift with immersion in learning English.
If you love to be creative, learn English and have long dreamed of starting to create, then this shift is for you!
Detailed description coming soon
Shift description:
filling soon, but we promise - It will be great!)

Homework: filling soon

Main events:
filling soon
The purpose of the shift programs:
— Removing the language barrier

— Formation of a healthy lifestyle and active life position
Included in cost:

- 5 meals a day

— thematic cultural and entertainment program and all master classes included in it
- memorable souvenirs from the camp
— daily photo reports

The price does not include:
– excursion program – 150 euros per shift
– transfer – 4000 rubles

3 Shift for Summer 2018: July 3 – 14, 2018 (12 days)

Topic: "Bollywood"

Description of the topic:
Dances and songs, the emotions of the actors and the beauty of the costumes, all this is united by one of the directions of the Indian film industry - Bollywood.
In Bollywood, they believe that music and dance numbers are best able to convey the emotionality of life. They are rich in imagination and invention, and original outfits only enhance the emotional aspect. Dances and songs, first of all, show the feelings of the characters. Together we will create a short film in Bollywood style, unique thematic master classes on design, weaving of Indian mandala, jewelry, yoga (meditation), dancing, henna tattoos, Holly festival of colors.
Bollywood in Malin. Not a day without filming!
Homework: bring Indian costume.
Main event of the shift: festival of colors Holi
The purpose of the shift programs:
— Removing the language barrier
— Learn to actively use the acquired knowledge of the English language in practice
— Formation of a healthy lifestyle and active life position
Included in cost:
— 4-5 person accommodation
- 5 meals a day
— round-the-clock work of counselors and animators (for a group of 40 people, 4 counselors and 3 English teachers)
– English 3 hours daily
— thematic cultural and entertainment program and all master classes included in it
- memorable souvenirs from the camp
— daily photo reports

The price does not include:

– transfer – 4000 rubles

4 Shift for Summer 2018:14 – July 25, 2018 (12 days)
Entertainment + English!
Topic: “Malina fm”
Age: Shift for teenagers (12 - 17 years old)
English on shift: at least 30 hours
Description of the topic:

3-2-1 we are on the air! ... Every radio presenter is worried before going on air, whether he is the first or well over a thousand! Each issue and section undergoes careful preparation! All presenters are trained in public speaking, they are creative and active! Just like you, young radio host of Malina fm. How to hold the microphone and the attention of the audience correctly, what song to play at a disco so that everyone lights up even brighter, how do the working days of real radio presenters go, how is a song created and broadcast, what generally happens in the studio? You will get answers to these and many other questions on our radio - a shift dedicated to music, songs and fiery dances. We will work on creating a radio room, conduct a master class in public speaking and other creative master classes, organize team building for the team of presenters, and every day we will go on the air and delight you, our radio listeners! Tune in to Malina fm.
Homework: Come up with a radio section.
The purpose of the shift programs:
— Removing the language barrier
— Learn to actively use the acquired knowledge of the English language in practice
— Formation of a healthy lifestyle and active life position
Included in cost:
— 4-5 person accommodation
- 5 meals a day
— round-the-clock work of counselors and animators (4 counselors for a group of 40 people)
– English 3 hours daily
— thematic cultural and entertainment program and all master classes included in it
- memorable souvenirs from the camp
— daily photo reports

The price does not include:
– excursion program – 110 euros per shift
– transfer – 4000 rubles

5 Shift for Summer 2018: July 25 – August 5, 2018 (12 days)
Entertainment + English!
Theme: "Jumanji"
Age: Shift for teenagers (12 - 17 years old)
English on shift: at least 30 hours
Description of the topic:

A chest was discovered on the camp grounds. Everyone hopes that this is a treasure and opens it! But this is not a treasure, but the famous game “Jumanji”.
There are no rules, the dice are thrown... The entire camp is transferred to the jungle. We're in the game!
There is no turning back, you need to complete the game to the end! Overcome unimaginable obstacles and defeat the mighty power of the game!
Every day is a new move! Traps, labyrinths, fighting the elements of water, camouflage lessons, creative master classes, tactical games, a complex obstacle course.
Homework: Bring suitable shoes and clothing for hikes and obstacle courses.
The purpose of the shift programs:
— Removing the language barrier
— Learn to actively use the acquired knowledge of the English language in practice
— Formation of a healthy lifestyle and active life position
Included in cost:
— 4-5 person accommodation
- 5 meals a day
— round-the-clock work of counselors and animators (for a group of 40 people, 4 counselors and 3 English language teachers)
– English 3 hours daily
— thematic cultural and entertainment program and all master classes included in it
- memorable souvenirs from the camp
— daily photo reports
The price does not include:
– excursion program – 110 euros per shift
– transfer – 4000 rubles

Entertainment program + English with NATIVE SPEAKERS!
Topic: “The World of Cosplay”
Age: Shift for teenagers (12 - 17 years old)
English on shift: at least 80 hours

The longest and most intense shift with immersion in learning English.
If you love to be creative, learn English and have long dreamed of starting to create, then join us!
Shift description:
The world of Cosplay is waiting for you! Everyone has a favorite character from a computer game, movie, TV series, cartoon, or comic book. Has anyone ever wondered how this hero is created, why he has such a costume? Let's figure it out together and plunge into this world! We'll try to play the character in acting lessons, as well as jute role-playing games, master classes on creating costumes, action quests, show programs and a unique Cosplay Party!
We invite children to fully unleash their creative potential, feel endless inspiration, get a huge boost of energy and improve their level of English before the start of the new school year.

Homework: prepare a costume for a character in a computer game, film, TV series, cartoon, comic book.

Main events:
— Cosplay Party!
— a bright festival of colors and music
- according to tradition - a drawing of free trips for Summer 2020
The purpose of the shift programs:

— Removing the language barrier
— Learn to actively use the acquired knowledge of the English language in practice
— Formation of a healthy lifestyle and active life position Included in cost:
— 4-5 persons accommodation in a room with private facilities
- 5 meals a day
— round-the-clock work of counselors and animators (for a group of 40 people, 4 counselors and 3 teachers)
– English with NATIVE SPEAKERS
— thematic cultural and entertainment program and all master classes included in it
- memorable souvenirs from the camp
— daily photo reports
The price does not include:
– excursion program – 180 euros per shift
– transfer – 4000 rubles

We invite children from all regions of Russia and beyond!
We meet and escort you from the railway stations and St. Petersburg airport.

Our company has been in the children's recreation market for 10 years.
We love our job!


Why us?

  • Individual approach something that is especially important both in childhood and adolescence
  • Guarantee: You can refuse to participate in the program, We will refund the full cost if you apply 15 days before the start.
  • High class of service — from program design to support after its completion. We meet and see off children from different regions!
  • Comfortable stay for children in a group of peers (40 people per session).
  • Our program allows you to teach your child new useful skills.
  • Excellent living conditions. Developed infrastructure.
  • Parents can visit the child and stay overnight (subject to availability).
  • Delicious 5 meals a day!
  • During the day we keep a photo report on VK.
  • Our company has been in the children's recreation market for 10 years.
  • We love our job!

Today one cannot do without knowledge of foreign languages, especially English, which is rightfully considered international. That is why parents, trying to give their children a good language base, rely not only on special schools and tutors, but also on alternative forms of immersion in a language environment. One of them is language camps, which not only provide an excellent energy boost, but also ensure harmonious development in the learning process, allowing you to combine study and good rest.

In Finland, where English is compulsory in schools and is spoken by about 70% of residents, such camps are very common and popular among Russians, for whom the quality of education, proximity, the highest level of security and order, and also favorable environmental conditions.

Camp Aurinko settled in the college of the city of Punkaharju, in a unique, ecologically clean place, on an island surrounded by greenery, where a picturesque road leads between two lakes.

What children are taught

First of all, they take language learning seriously here, and despite the fact that it is impossible to learn English thoroughly during a camp shift, it still has a huge impact on the very attitude towards the process.

An intensive program, long-term classes with native speakers specially invited from the USA and Great Britain, and a variety of training formats transform it from a familiar routine into a direct need, helping to fully immerse yourself in the language environment.

Here, children easily overcome communication barriers, since active communication in a foreign language promotes emancipation and replenishment of vocabulary. Caring counselors provide an individual approach to each child, and the rest of the staff are true professionals with pedagogical and sports education. Classes are held every day, and children are usually divided into groups according to their language level to make it easier for them to learn it at a suitable pace.

What are the types of language camps?

In general, they can be divided into two main categories - camps with a focus on creativity and camps with a focus on sports, although mainly these approaches are combined, and everything depends only on the ratio of certain additional activities. In creative language camps, the learning process takes place in a non-standard way: a creative gaming environment allows you to comprehend the language much faster, and under the guidance of teachers, children learn new words during numerous competitions, read stories, fairy tales and even comics, learn songs, poems, English proverbs, and develop creative inclinations . Interactive and role-playing games, quizzes, skits and plays are staged here.

At the Dream Team camp there are no textbooks or boring lessons - children learn to develop their imagination, speech and plastic abilities by studying according to the author's method of acting school. They liberate themselves by improvising and getting into character, working with dialogues and monologues, developing intonation skills, learning to imitate and analyze, interact with a partner and sense space.

In turn, in sports language camps special attention is paid to physical development, outdoor games, outdoor competitions and classes in professionally equipped gyms. Under the guidance of coaches, regular sports and physical education events are held, for which at least three hours a day are allocated. In addition, teenagers are taught the basics of safety and repelling aggression.

What else are they doing here?

In addition to a foreign language, children can expect many other interesting things: swimming and modern dancing, orienteering and rock climbing, tourism and fishing, baseball and floorball, table tennis and badminton, and in winter, many camps actively practice snowboarding, skating and skiing. Children get an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with Finnish culture and life, with various museums and new cities, going there on excursions. They go on hikes, including boat trips; some camps include visits to a water park, zoo, planetarium, and botanical garden.

At the Tanhuvaara sports and language center, located near Savonlinna, children can ride horses with an instructor, visit the pool daily, and in the warm season, swim in the lake.

Most camps have wireless Internet access, as well as computer labs, where children can contact their parents via Skype at any time.

Animation and entertainment programs provide extremely rich leisure time - discos and concerts are held here, master classes in a variety of areas and personal growth trainings, intellectual games and cooking lessons, joint viewing of videos in English and gatherings around the fire with a barbecue.

Conditions of stay

The average age range of students is from 7 to 17 years. The duration of training depends on the time of year and in the summer months it is about two weeks, although often the camp season lasts about a week - however, this is an incredibly busy week, during which children manage to gain a lot of different skills. They live in separate rooms for 2-3 people, with all household amenities of the European standard, including a refrigerator and the ability to use a kitchen.

The camps provide multiple meals, mainly in a buffet format, which includes meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, cereals, baked goods, and sometimes a special menu is provided for children with allergies.

Of course, 24-hour medical care is guaranteed here - a medical worker is constantly present on the camp grounds, and counselors usually also have special training. The camp schedule mainly looks like this: after breakfast there are language or sports classes, then lunch, more classes, dinner, various leisure activities and evening tea.

In addition to the fact that some camps issue European-style certificates upon completion, children here receive incredibly valuable experience and the opportunity to reveal their potential, new knowledge and skills, make new acquaintances, and communicate with interesting and positive people.

They learn to interact with a team and make decisions independently in different situations. Children's language camps in Finland are not only a huge benefit for health and intellectual development, but also a vacation in stunningly beautiful places where a warm, truly friendly atmosphere reigns.

detailed information


The camp invites children from 7 to 18 years old.

It has been operating since 2000, offering classes with native speakers of English and Finnish, seminars, trainings, competitions, games, excursions, and hikes.

Comfortable environment, beautiful nature, two saunas and a beach on the shores of Lake Saimaa, a picturesque park that turns into a forest.

Accommodation in spacious rooms for 3 people, 5 meals a day, special menu for children with allergies.

The cost of a weekly shift is 489 €, a two-week shift is 845 € + organizational and transportation costs

Address: Ita-karjalan Kansanopisto, Valoniementie 32, 58450 Punkaharju, Finland

Phones: + 7 911 2269242; +7 812 9098395



We offer 18 hours of English classes using the methods of Professor Z.Ya. Korogodsky, acting trainings, sports games, quests, workshops, excursions.

The hotel with the necessary infrastructure is located in a pine forest, there is an indoor pool and sauna overlooking Lake Pielinen, sports grounds, and a games room.

Accommodation in comfortable rooms for 3-4 people, 4 balanced meals a day.

Address: Lapikäytäväntie 54, 81590 Vuonislahti, Finland

Phones: +7 921 9731416; +7 812 4182120



The camp invites children from 7 to 15 years old.

It has been operating since 2008, offering daily three-hour classes with native speakers, sports activities, snowboarding, alpine skiing, excursions, and dance master classes.

It operates on the basis of the Tanuvaara sports and language center, which is located 20 km from Savonlinna, there is a gym, stables, and a disco hall.

Accommodation in rooms for 2-3 people, 4 meals a day in a buffet format.

The cost of a weekly shift is 620 €, a two-week shift is 920 € + transfer costs.

Phones: +7 812 6276988; +7 951 6779744



The camp invites children from 8 to 17 years old.

Classes with native speakers, a European certificate upon completion of the course, dancing, swimming, snowboarding, rock climbing, and excursions are offered.

It operates on the basis of various Finnish colleges located in Porvoo, Espoo, Karjaa.

Accommodation in rooms for 2-3 people, 5 meals a day.

The cost of a weekly shift is 490-520 € + organizational and transportation costs.

Phones: +7 812 9094873; +7 921 9569448



The camp invites children from 7 to 17 years old.

It has been operating since 2000, offering many creative creative sessions - “Cosmos”, “Star Camp”, “Nordic World”, “Nordic Holidays”, “Koski’s Kitchen”, “Superheroes”, “Your Voice”.

The camps are located in Mikkeli, Savonlinna, Kitea, Kisakallio, Anjalankoski.

Accommodation in rooms for 2 people, 5 meals a day.

The cost of a weekly shift is 640 €; two-week shift - 890-990 € + organizational and transportation costs and excursions.

Telephone: +7 812 3038696


Language camp in Finland for schoolchildren from 10 to 17 years old. In each shift, you will find exciting excursions, a trip to a water park, themed classes and interesting English lessons with teachers from the UK, USA, France, who will be able to develop your child’s potential.

Region: Finland, Ita-Suomen laani (fi)
Nearest city: Mikkeli, 20 km
Age: for children 10 - 17 years old
Address: Pyöryläntie 9, 50300 Mikkeli ()
Escorted travel: from Petrozavodsk
Number of participants: 25
Start year: 2012
Required documents:
  • valid foreign passport,
  • Schengen visa (we provide an invitation for a visa),
  • medical insurance,
  • birth certificate,
  • notarized consent from both parents for the child to travel abroad.
Organizer: CROODO "Center "Initiative"
Taxpayer Identification Number: 1001047155
Certificates and awards:

The camp is located 20 km from the center of Mikkeli. The center is located on the territory of a former rural school, in wooden, warm buildings. No more than 25 children stay in the camp at a time. The camp is located next to a forest and a picturesque lake. Fresh air and living in environmentally friendly houses help improve children's health.


beach, playground, gym, football field, as well as a trampoline, barbecue area.

Security and medical care:

All teachers undergo training in providing medical care. help, there is a first aid kit in the camp. For each child, medical insurance is issued, through which you can receive medical care in a medical facility. institutions in Finland.

General program:

The camp program consists of 3 parts.

In the first half of the day passes thematic program, according to the topic of the selected shift.

After lunch they pass English classes with native speaking teachers.

And in the evening he is waiting for the guys entertainment, where they will be offered classes in a dance studio, sports games in the hall and on the street, bicycle rides, group tasks, the organization of theatrical mini-productions, board games, gatherings around the fire, discos, and culinary master classes.


09.00 - Breakfast

10.00 - Thematic program.

13.00 - Lunch, free time

14.30 - Language classes in a playful way (English)

16.00 - Free time

16.30 - Outdoor games

17.30 - Preparing for a creative group task

19.00 - Dinner

19.30 - Presentation of the group task

20.00 - Discussion of the day's results

21.30 - Evening tea

Video about the camp:

Payment method:After booking The following payment options are available to you on our website:
  • by bank receipt to the account organizer
  • cash in the office organizer
Included in the price:
  • accommodation
  • nutrition
  • English lessons with native speaking teachers
  • master classes, thematic program
  • all necessary materials for classes
  • excursions, entrance tickets
  • escort of counselors
The price does not include:
  • travel from Petrozavodsk to Mikkeli by bus with escort (about 60 Euro in both directions)

Upon request, departure can be organized from St. Petersburg.

The importance of knowing foreign languages, primarily English, today is difficult to overestimate. This explains the desire of many parents to send their child to a special school with expanded language programs or to hire a tutor.

English language camp in Finland “Northern Gardarika”

Assimilation of information and overcoming the language barrier occurs more effectively if study is combined with outdoor recreation, and educational activities alternate with entertainment and getting to know new places. Therefore, if you want your child to spend his holidays not only fun, but also usefully, we advise you to pay attention to children's language camps located in Finland. Due to their proximity to the border with Russia and low prices, many of them are very popular among our compatriots.

One of the camps of the Northern Gardarika educational center, which has existed for more than 20 years, is located near the small ancient town of Huittinen. This ecologically clean place on the banks of the Loimijoki River is located just south of the Puurijärvi-Isosuo National Park, between the cities of Turku and Tampere. Immersion in the language environment here is accompanied by such bonuses as fresh air, crystal clear water, a friendly atmosphere and a unique leisure program that allows you to open up and discover new talents.

The best teachers for in-depth study of English

The two-week course includes 50 academic hours of English with native speaking teachers from the USA, Great Britain, Ireland and Australia. The curriculum on which classes are taught is developed in advance by a methodologist and includes a grammar section, listening, new vocabulary and, most importantly, conversational topics.

Training is carried out using a communicative method; during classes, the teacher engages children in dialogue and tries to create situations in which the child himself wants to speak out. Thus, the main task is realized - overcoming the language barrier. This technique is suitable for those who already speak English at a basic level, since all interaction takes place exclusively in English. It is important that the language camp in Huittinen is ready to accept children of a very wide age range - from 8 to 18 years.

On the first day, testing takes place, based on the results of which all children are divided into groups depending on their language proficiency level. Another test and a ceremonial presentation of a certificate of completion of the language course awaits them at the end of the shift.

As for the counselors, they are all young, bright, active, with specialized education and work experience, the majority are from St. Petersburg. Many of them, as children, themselves underwent training in the educational programs of “Northern Gardarika”, and when they grew up, they decided to become counselors.

“We create the kind of language courses that we ourselves would like to study at, the kind of vacation programs that we send our children to every year. The children of our employees grew up on shifts at Northern Gardarika. We do well because we do it for ourselves,” representatives of the educational center say with pride.

Comfortable stay in a children's language camp

As for the quality of accommodation and food, the English language camp in Guittinen pays special attention to these issues. Children live in comfortable double rooms in a student dormitory. You can choose rooms with amenities in the room or on the floor.

On the college grounds there are concert and sports halls, a library, a football and volleyball field, a stadium, a playground and, of course, a traditional Finnish sauna. Each group is accompanied by a qualified Russian doctor who monitors the health of the children throughout the shift.

Five meals a day are organized according to the buffet system, so everyone can certainly find food to suit their taste. The camp organizers do not try to save money on food - the food is not only high-quality and fresh, but also tasty and varied. Need a gluten-free or vegetarian diet? Please - this is also possible!

Photos of the hostel and rooms can be viewed at

Leisure program

In addition to an effective teaching system, the children's language camp in Huittinen will delight you with an extensive leisure program. Sports competitions, quests, competitions, master classes, art studios, psychological, intellectual and creative games - there will definitely be no time to be bored! At the same time, each shift is thematic, so a number of activities are united by a common theme.

There are also such traditional events as “Self-Government Day” or “Angel Day”. During “Self-Government Day,” children become counselors themselves for one day, create their own squad, invent and organize their own games and competitions. And “Angel Day” begins with everyone writing their names and each child pulling out one piece of paper, and then throughout the day quietly presenting all sorts of pleasant surprises to the one whose name was written on it.

Every evening, at 20-00, counselors conduct departments - various master classes, which also relate to the general theme of the shift. This could be the department of journalism, psychology, music, drawing or sports department. For example, at the journalism department, children themselves write articles and organize the publication of a newspaper.

The day ends with an event called “light”, when the entire squad gathers around a lit candle, and everyone shares their thoughts, impressions, asks questions and offers new ideas.

Outdoor entertainment

In addition to the leisure program taking place on the territory of the language camp, outdoor entertainment is also organized. So, on Wednesdays and Saturdays, children visit water parks: on Wednesday - the Vesihelmi water and recreation complex in Forss, on Saturday - a water park in the city of Turku.

And on Sunday they go to the Särkänniemi amusement park, which is located in Tampere. In the summer, the amusement park offers more than thirty different attractions. There is also a dolphinarium, a children's zoo, a planetarium, an Angry Birds park, an art museum and an observation tower with a panoramic restaurant. A storm of emotions and a sea of ​​impressions are guaranteed!

Prices for autumn holidays in a language camp for 2017

This year the autumn shift will take place from October 29 to November 5. A one-week training program with five meals a day and accommodation in a room with amenities will cost 40,000 rubles. And no additional fees! The price already includes a transfer from St. Petersburg - Guittinnen - St. Petersburg, a visit to the water and health complex in Forss and a trip to Turku.

According to a popular travel resource, one of the best ways to combat the end-of-summer blues is to plan a new trip! Instead of longing for the past bright summer holidays, we suggest you start planning for the autumn ones. It's time to book a place on the "Suitcase Mood" session and immerse yourself in exploring the countries and cities where you would like to visit. In just one week we will get acquainted with the most interesting traditions and cultures of different countries, take part in an air guitar championship (traditional Finnish entertainment), organize a night of fairy tales, develop our own unique travel route, and we will also be able to collect a whole collection of stickers on our yellow suitcase, which everyone will receive upon check-in for the flight.

If parents want not only to visit their child, but also to live on the camp grounds, they can buy a similar voucher for themselves. Then they will also have the opportunity to attend English classes and participate in the sports and entertainment program.

Payment can be made in cash at the Northern Gardariki office, by credit card or by bank transfer. When concluding a contract, you only pay for the transfer; the remaining amount will need to be paid two weeks before the start of the shift.

You will find more detailed information as well as all contacts

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