Lilac potatoes. Blue potatoes: benefits and harms

» Potato varieties

Not long ago, an exotic vegetable appeared on store shelves - purple potatoes. At first, consumers were wary of it, but when the beneficial properties became known, the situation immediately changed. Besides the exotic color of the pulp allows chefs to create culinary masterpieces, characterized by an original appearance. True, this variety of potatoes is not yet grown on an industrial scale in our country, but for your own summer cottage you can easily order seed from an online store.

A characteristic feature of this potato is not only the exotic color of the skin, but also the pulp. Wherein shades range from soft pink to dark purple. This unusual plant was obtained without the use of genetic modification methods: specialists used exclusively classical selection methods. They crossed the familiar potato with its wild relative from South America.

General differences between purple-fleshed varieties include the following:

  • tubers have oblong shape;
  • pulp does not lose its color even after heat treatment;
  • available a large number of useful microelements, helping to increase immunity;
  • stores very well thanks to the presence thick skin.

After cooking, the pulp has a characteristic nutty flavor, which also makes these varieties stand out and expands the possibilities of use in cooking.

What are the varieties of potatoes with purple flesh called?

Breeders have become seriously interested in breeding varieties with purple flesh, so now there are quite a lot of them. But domestic gardeners very often call this variety much simpler: blue potatoes. However, this does not change the essence.

Potatoes with purple flesh are still at the stage of breeding development, but now you can purchase some varieties with different color intensities for your summer cottage. The most popular include:

  • French purple truffle;
  • Black woman;
  • Chinese truffle;
  • Witelotte;
  • Gourmet;
  • Russian black.

There is no talk yet about volumes sufficient for industrial cultivation, but stores are happy to present to the attention of their customers the indicated varieties for growing in garden beds.

The benefits and harms of potatoes

Purple potatoes deserve attention not only due to their unusual appearance and bright color. It has a lot of useful and healing properties. For example, if you prepare a dish from it in any way, you can easily reduce blood pressure in the human body. At the same time, this potato can be harmful to people suffering from low blood pressure and should be avoided in the menu of colored potato dishes.

Thanks to the presence of antioxidants, purple potatoes can slow down the aging process. It contains a large amount of vitamins C, E and carotenoids. The product is not genetically modified, and its unusual color is the result of crossing with wild African and equatorial varieties.

Regular consumption of colored potatoes improves vision and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Thereby the risk of atherosclerosis is reduced. It also reduces the risk of developing certain types of cancer.

Use in cooking

In practice, the same dishes are prepared from purple potatoes as from white or cream ones. At the same time, they differ in their original appearance.

Tasters note that they have a characteristic nutty flavor, but this does not spoil the impression of the dish.

Colored potatoes are used in dietary nutrition, because it not only contains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements, but also with a high level of starch content does not lead to obesity. This is achieved through the metabolic activity of other substances.

Growing the variety

How to grow such potatoes in your summer cottage

Planting is carried out in two ways: traditional (tubers) and seeds. For the second option, you first need to germinate the seeds, then grow seedlings at home, and then transplant them into open ground. Seeds are planted in April, and seedlings are transplanted into open ground no earlier than in mid-May.

When planting tubers, the planting period is the same as for regular potatoes.

When choosing planting dates, the climatic and weather characteristics of the region are taken into account. You should definitely wait until the threat of night frosts has passed.

Soil preparation

They try to choose light soil for planting purple potatoes. Oxygen should easily penetrate into it and excess moisture should not stagnate. An excellent option would be neutral sandy loam, as well as floodplain and soddy-podzolic soils. Before the onset of the first frost, a rough initial digging of the selected area is carried out. During frosts, the pest larvae that were in the turned-out soil will die.

With the onset of warmth, when the minimum soil temperature reaches 5°C, planting begins. First, the soil is dug up again and holes are prepared with the addition of wood ash. The distance between rows should be at least half a meter, and between holes it should be maintained at 30 centimeters. The planting depth reaches 10 centimeters.

Planting and care

If the soil in the selected area is dry, then Watering must be done at least three times: immediately after emergence, during flowering and immediately after it. In conditions where there is no rain, plants need to be irrigated at least once a week. If there is a lot of moisture, fungal diseases will develop, and if there is not enough moisture, the plantings may dry out.

During planting, care should be taken to ensure that the plants have good access to air and light. To do this, you should not save space and plant bushes very close to each other, but maintain the recommended distances.

After the purple potatoes emerge it must be regularly weeded and weeds removed. When a crust appears on the soil, you should loosen it. The beds are regularly treated with preparations against the Colorado potato beetle, late blight and other common pests and diseases.

For now, purple potatoes are classified as delicacies. But thanks to the hard work of domestic breeders, it is quite possible that it will soon become available to any category of the population, as it brings benefits to the human body. This would be great because the beneficial properties of this product make you seriously think about industrial scale cultivation colored potatoes in our country.

It is called vitelote, negress, Chinese truffle and blue French truffle potato. Small tubers with dark purple pulp and almost black skin are highly valued in cooking due to their specific nutty taste and preservation of their unusual color after heat treatment. In many cuisines around the world, this vegetable is considered a delicacy. What is special about blue potatoes, how they are useful and harmful, what dishes they are suitable for - we will talk about this later in the article.

Potatoes with purple pulp: what a miracle it is

It is unknown where this wonderful variety of purple potatoes came from. It is believed that its homeland is the South American countries of Bolivia and Peru, where the nightshade vegetable is especially popular. According to some information, the first mention of the perennial vegetable crop of blue varieties dates back to the beginning of the 19th century and belongs to the French.

Did you know? The French word for blue potato, vitelote, is not at all related to vegetables in its etiology. According to linguists, it comes from "vit", which is an obsolete form of "verge" and translates as penis, and the suffix« -elotte» . Apparently, the tubers were so named because of their shape.

Externally, root vegetables look very inconspicuous. They are characterized by their small size, oblong shape and thick, dense skin, which ensures good preservation. Each tuber weighs on average about 70 grams and reaches a length of no more than 10 centimeters.

Inside there is a rich lilac starchy pulp, which becomes very soft during the cooking process, but does not lose its color. Like its classic counterpart, exotic tubers are used for boiling, frying, stewing and baking.

It is characteristic that purple potatoes are completely unsuitable for industrial cultivation. This is due to the low yield and late ripening of the variety. Basically, such varieties are cultivated in limited quantities in household plots. Consequently, the use of manual labor dictates much higher prices for goods in comparison with other varieties.

Calorie content and chemical composition

The rich purple color of the pulp is due to the huge amount of anthocyanins in the tubers. But, in addition to these substances, the vegetable is rich in vital vitamins, minerals and amino acids. It is characteristic that many of them in such a combination are not found in any other root crop.

Did you know? The famous French writer Alexandre Dumas loved purple potatoes, calling them in his book “Grand dictionnaire de cuisine” the best of all popular varieties..

A 100-gram serving of raw product contains:

  • proteins - 2 g;
  • fats - 0.4 g;
  • carbohydrates - 16 g;
  • ash - 1.4 g;
  • dietary fiber - 1.6 g;
  • organic acids - 0.1 g;
  • water - 80 g;
  • thiamine - 3 mcg;
  • riboflavin - 0.06 mg;
  • bioflavonoids - 3 mcg;
  • pantothenic acid - 0.3 mg;
  • pyridoxine - 0.3 mg;
  • folic acid - 8 mcg;
  • ascorbic acid - 18 mg;
  • tocopherol - 0.3 mg;
  • biotin - 0.1 mcg;
  • phylloquinone - 1.8 mg;
  • niacin - 1.3 mg;
  • potassium - 527 mg;
  • calcium - 10 mg;
  • magnesium - 31 mg;
  • sodium - 5 mg;
  • sulfur - 32 mg;
  • phosphorus - 58 mg;
  • chlorine - 46 mg;
  • aluminum - 860 mcg;

  • boron - 115 mcg;
  • iron - 1.5 mg;
  • iodine - 5 mcg;
  • cobalt - 7 mcg;
  • lithium - 71 mcg;
  • manganese - 0.17 mg;
  • copper - 140 mcg;
  • molybdenum - 8 mcg;
  • nickel - 5 mcg;
  • rubidium - 492 mcg;
  • selenium - 0.3 mcg;
  • fluorine - 26 mcg;
  • chromium - 9 mcg;
  • zinc - 0.36 mg;
  • amino acids (arginine, valine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, tyrosine, alanine, aspartic, glycine, glutamic, proline, serine, tyrosine, cysteine);
  • fatty acids (Omega-6, myristic, palmitic, stearic, palmitoleic, Omega-9, linoleic, linolenic);
  • starch - 15 g;
  • sucrose - 0.6 g;
  • fructose - 0.1 g;
  • glucose - 0.6 g.

With such a variety of components, the calorie content of purple tubers is only 72 kilocalories, which is equivalent to a similar serving of mussels, pollock or grapefruit juice without sugar. Nutritionists pay attention to the lack of vitamin content in the product and strongly recommend supplementing it with herbs.

Did you know? The homeland of potatoes is South America. It was there that the Indians cultivated wild varieties, which are the progenitors of vitelot. This vegetable came to Europe in 1580 during the travel of the monk Neronim Cordan. However, local residents considered the overseas gift inedible and for a long time believed that the product caused fatal diseases, including leprosy.

What is the benefit

Vitelot deserved attention not only due to its non-standard colors. It has been scientifically proven that the antioxidant components it contains are 3 times higher in quantity than blueberries and blueberries. And the amount of vitamin A is 5 times the daily requirement.

In addition, hybrid varieties practically do not absorb nitrates and nitrites that are hazardous to health. Some peoples even use the tops of the plant in cooking. These traditions are explained by a whole set of qualities beneficial to the human body. Let's take a closer look at them.

For digestion

The presence of dietary fiber in root vegetables ensures cleansing of the body from toxins and heavy metals. As a result, intestinal motility is improved and metabolic processes are normalized. The product is indicated for people suffering from flatulence, cramping abdominal pain, as well as those prone to constipation and diarrhea.

Potatoes have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce the risk of intoxication and, due to the enveloping starch components, protect the walls of the digestive organs from erosions and ulcers. Freshly squeezed tuber juice is very effective in the treatment and prevention of gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis, and enterocolitis.

Important! To preserve the unique color of the pulp of purple tubers, experienced housewives advise boiling them for no more than 20 minutes in salted water.

For immunity

The immunomodulatory properties of Chinese truffles are associated with the ascorbic acid contained, which in its amount in one tuber is equal to lemon. By interacting with other components of the product, this vitamin helps accelerate the absorption of iron, which is important for maintaining the vital tone of the body.

A large amount of minerals, fatty acids and amino acids nourishes the body, preventing the development of anemia and general loss of strength.

For the cardiovascular system

Studies have shown that daily consumption of blue potatoes helps improve heart function and strengthens the walls of blood arteries. The product, due to its antioxidants, which cleanse blood vessels and control cholesterol levels in the blood, helps in the fight against thrombophlebitis, and also reduces the risks of myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, and heart failure.

The minerals contained in the composition improve the blood formula. It circulates faster through cleansed and strengthened vessels, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle.

Did you know? The famous French agronomist Antoine-Auguste Parmentier convinced his fellow citizens of the beneficial qualities and excellent taste of potatoes through psychological trickery. He sowed the fields with root crops and assigned guards to them. But vigilant watchmen controlled the territory entrusted to them only during the day. And at night, the neighbors could not help but be curious about what the respected agronomist was growing behind the fence. Thus, the culture spread throughout France, and over time, beyond its borders.

For vision

Root vegetables provide invaluable benefits for myopia, cataracts and glaucoma, blocking the development of these ailments. Tubers are also useful for people who spend a lot of time in front of monitor screens. The high content of thiamine, antioxidants and zinc slows down age-related changes in the retina.

For weight loss

Despite the high carbohydrate content, tubers promote weight loss. This effect is possible due to cleansing the body of accumulated toxins, establishing metabolic processes and improving blood circulation. However, without physical activity and a properly balanced diet, the expected result cannot be achieved.

Use in cooking: what dishes is it suitable for?

When they see blackened small potatoes, many buyers consider them lost and avoid them. This variety can rarely be found in a supermarket or market. If you are lucky enough to come across an exotic item on the layout, then most likely it will be an overseas import.

Important! Potato tubers should not be stored in the light. In such conditions, the level of solanine, which is harmful to health, increases in them..

But you shouldn’t be afraid of vitelote, because you can prepare very exclusive dishes from it. Experienced chefs advise washing the product thoroughly and heat-treating it along with the peel, since it contains the largest amount of useful substances. Most often, tubers in this form are baked or boiled.

If you want to cook something more extravagant, you can use peeled purple potatoes. The peel is easily removed, despite its elasticity and thickness.

Root vegetables can make excellent vegetable pancakes, pancakes, casseroles, mashed potatoes, soups, zrazy, homemade chips, roasts, stews, various salads, as well as filling for dumplings and pies.

Meat, fish, vegetables, herbs and legumes go well with vitelote. In cooking, there are many recipes for first and second courses, side dishes and even desserts using potatoes. Moreover, it is easy to prepare. And, according to tasters, it is characterized by a pleasant nutty taste.

Important! You can speed up the process of cooking vitelote by adding a spoonful of butter to the water or holding the peeled root vegetable under an intense stream of cold water.

How it can harm

Various potato dishes are familiar to Slavic cuisine. It is difficult to imagine the daily diet of a healthy person without them. In this regard, purple varieties compare favorably with their classic counterparts in the smaller amount of starch they contain.

But such nutrition is not for everyone. And even more so in large quantities. Overeating causes heaviness in the stomach, flatulence, bloating and constipation. But these are the most terrible consequences of excessive passion for root vegetables.

Doctors advise to strictly control the number of servings eaten by the elderly, children and pregnant women. In general, vitelot should be abandoned for the following diagnoses:

  • obesity(the product is a source of carbohydrates that provoke the accumulation of fats);
  • diabetes(purple potatoes contain many mono- and disaccharides, as well as sucrose, glucose and fructose, which in total will worsen the patient’s condition);
  • gastritis(the restriction applies only to fried and baked fatty potato dishes);
  • hypotension(the product helps lower blood pressure);
  • individual intolerance;
  • constipation(light purees are allowed, which will not injure the intestinal walls).

Purple potatoes are a variety of potatoes with purple skin and flesh. They have a medium starchy texture and a milder, nuttier flavor than regular white potatoes. As scientists have found, such potatoes contain more antioxidant compounds that regular potatoes cannot compete with.

As you know, the essence of even an unusual vegetable does not actually change. Therefore, you don’t even need to avoid purple potatoes. After all, it will bring a non-standard look to familiar dishes, fill them with original taste and, in addition, leave a positive mark on human health. For example, it has been found to help lower blood pressure, accelerate weight loss, and prevent depression.

These potatoes can be fried, boiled, baked, mashed, added to soups and other dishes. Let's take a closer look at such an unusual potato and find out how it is useful for the human body, what beneficial properties it has and whether there are contraindications to its use.

Purple potato variety description

Among the wide variety of vegetable crops, it is worth noting the purple potato, which is new to domestic consumers. It belongs to the bindweed family and the nightshade genus.

It was first bred in South America, so it is most common in Peru. True, since 2007, gardeners in Tomsk and the Urals have also been planting blue potatoes. Therefore, you should not be afraid of its appearance on the shelves of markets and shops.

No one objects that this plant is the result of selective genetic work. But it will not bring any harm, because the classical method was used in the selection work.

The main distinctive characteristics of this vegetable crop are:

  • Oblong shape of tubers;
  • No loss of purple color even after prolonged heat treatment;
  • The presence of a thick peel;
  • Long-term storage of the product.

It is worth noting that today the most popular varieties of purple potatoes are:

  • French truffle potatoes;
  • Chinese truffle;
  • Black woman;
  • Gourmet;
  • Witelotte;
  • Russian black potatoes.

What are the benefits of purple potatoes?

Despite its “exotic” appearance, such potatoes are characterized by the presence of many substances necessary and important for human health.

Thus, this potato contains:

The total calorie content of 100 grams of purple potatoes is 72 kilocalories. As for its nutritional value, 100 grams contains:

15 grams of carbohydrates;

1 gram of fiber;

2 grams of protein.

Purple Potatoes Health Benefits

The nutritional value of purple potatoes is similar to regular potatoes. But there is one significant difference: antioxidant content. It contains 4 times more of them than the white potatoes we are used to.

Anthocyanins, which are antioxidant compounds, give the entire tuber its purple color.

It contains quite a lot of potassium, which brings certain benefits to people suffering from high blood pressure. Plus, more antioxidants.

Research conducted by the US Department of Agriculture has shown that eating six golf ball-sized tubers every day for a month can reduce blood pressure by an average of 4 percent. Agree, this is not so little.

In addition, thanks to the same antioxidants, it helps strengthen the immune system and can prevent and reduce the risk of heart disease and oncology.

In addition to potassium, which helps regulate cell fluid, and antioxidants, blue potatoes contain ample amounts of vitamin C. They are low in fat and have no cholesterol.

Although not by much, the content of starchy substances in it is still less than that of ordinary potatoes. This fact should be noticed by people watching their weight and dieting.

Purple potatoes benefits

Due to its characteristics, it is blue potatoes (microelements do not disappear after freezing or prolonged heat treatment) that can “boast” maximum benefits for the human body.

As a result, eating purple potatoes helps:

  • Bind toxins and waste;
  • Remove feces quickly;
  • Normalize intestinal motility;
  • Relieve inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes of the digestive system;
  • Prevent bowel dysfunction;
  • Prevent constipation and diarrhea;
  • Relieve symptoms of flatulence and associated abdominal pain;
  • Protect the gastric mucosa (potatoes seem to envelop it);
  • Reduce body weight (by cleansing the body of waste and toxins);
  • Accelerate metabolic processes;
  • Improve vision;
  • Prevent the development of glaucoma and cataracts;
  • Reduce the risk of myopia;
  • Reduce fatigue and stress when working at a computer monitor;
  • Clear the walls of blood vessels from various negative deposits;
  • Prevent the formation of blood clots;
  • Remove “bad” cholesterol;
  • Prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques;
  • Reduce the risk of myocardial infarction;
  • Prevent the development of atherosclerosis;
  • Reduce high blood pressure;
  • Strengthen vascular walls;
  • Improve general vascular microcirculation and blood flow;
  • Restore heart rhythm;
  • Improve the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • Prevent stroke;
  • Accelerate and improve the body's absorption of iron;
  • Prevent the occurrence of anemia (by promoting the rapid formation of red blood cells);
  • Increase the activity of the immune system in the fight against viruses (that is, strengthen the immune system);
  • Rejuvenate the body (thanks to natural antioxidants-polyphenols);
  • Protect cells from the negative effects of free radicals (that is, cancer is prevented);
  • Remove salts that are deposited in joints;
  • Reduce elevated temperature;
  • Remove the manifestations of tuberculosis and prevent the occurrence of this disease.

Purple potatoes used in cooking

Cooking classifies blue potatoes as an unusual category, but uses them as a common vegetable. Purple potatoes have a medium starchy texture, making them versatile and suitable for most recipes that call for potatoes.

Therefore, similar potatoes with a nutty taste are boiled, stewed, baked, casseroles and even potato pancakes are made from them. And all this happens without loss of available minerals and vitamins.

Use in salads will add brightness to a dull-looking dish, it retains its shape when baked and purees well when pureed.

To maximize nutrients and minimize calories, simply boil, puree, or bake it instead of frying it.

Simply boil the tubers (preferably with the peel), sprinkle with olive oil and sprinkle with finely chopped onion and crushed garlic.

It will be delicious baked with paprika and cut into slices, lightly seasoned with salt.

Here are some more ideas on how to cook purple potatoes.

Mix diced potatoes with shallots. Season with a little pepper and olive oil. Place in the oven. When half cooked, remove the lid, add the leeks and cook until finished. Sprinkle the finished dish with rosemary, parsley, and dill.

To prepare mashed potatoes, boil them and mash them. Use almond milk instead of butter and milk. Season the finished puree with fried garlic.

Bake whole, without peeling, in the oven or microwave, lightly drizzling with olive oil. Season the finished potatoes with Greek yogurt, fresh onions and herbs.

For potato salad, cut it into cubes. Mix mayonnaise with mustard, Greek yogurt and dress the salad.

Purple potatoes harm and contraindications

Some believe that the purple variety of potatoes is not much different from the usual ones. On the one hand, this is a correct judgment. But the consumption of such a food product should also be treated with caution. After all, blue potatoes, despite their lower starch content, are not recommended:

  • Pregnant women (bloating often occurs);
  • Elderly people and children (there are not enough enzymes for digestion);
  • In case of obesity (due to increased caloric content, high carbohydrate content, promoting the accumulation of fats in the body, slowing down the processes of cleansing the latter from slagging);
  • If you have diabetes mellitus (such potatoes contain a large amount of mono- and disaccharides, sucrose, fructose, glucose);
  • If you have constipation (in this case, you can only consume puree to avoid irritation of the intestinal mucosa and provoking exacerbations);
  • For gastritis (fried and baked potatoes are completely prohibited, only mashed potatoes and boiled potatoes in soup are allowed);
  • For low blood pressure or hypotension (due to the product's ability to lower blood pressure).

These are the purple potatoes that are still unusual for many. In addition to its nutritional value, health benefits, it can add bright color to your dishes and decorate the table.

What are purple potatoes, how are they useful, find out from the video of the “Dacha TV” program

Summer residents have long been accustomed to potato fruits with purple and pink skins, and successfully grow them on their plots. What about the tubers, which are intensely purple, not only on the outside, but also on the inside? Lilac mashed potatoes, purple chips, bluish-black fries... Unusual and interesting. Is it worth growing purple potatoes? How, besides coloring, does it differ from the usual one? What are the pros and cons of this extraordinary vegetable. List of the best varieties and their characteristics.

Yes, potato varieties that are distinguished by the intense purple color of their flesh are considered delicacy. Not only because of their non-standard appearance, but also because of their unusual taste.

It has a pronounced nutty flavor, which, according to fans of gardening experiments, does not spoil this root vegetable at all, on the contrary, it gives it a piquancy.

The unusual coloring of the flesh is not the result of the work of genetic engineers, as one might easily think. It is of natural origin. The pigment was obtained from vegetables growing on the equator and in Africa, and as a result of numerous crossings, it acquired the degree of a species characteristic.

Where did he come from?

It all started with the work of breeders to develop new diet varieties of this root vegetable. Interspecific hybrids were used in the formation of new varieties. The initial material was taken from the maternal forms of cultivated species growing in South America. The basis was the varieties bred by Ukrainian breeders.

The use of the classical method of sexual hybridization resulted in varieties whose flesh has varying degrees of color - from pale lilac to dark purple.

Today, about 120 intermediate samples are involved in the selection process, which is an excellent result and guarantees in the future the production of new fixed hybrids with purple flesh.

It is no secret that potatoes with a standard color of flesh can be classified as a dietary product with a big stretch, since they contain a large number of calories. But the colored one is not so dangerous in this regard; moreover, it has a lot of useful properties that are inherent in the standard white-yellow varieties to a lesser extent.

Color means health. Benefit!

According to research by nutritionists, colored foods have different effects on the human body. Of course, they could not ignore such a phenomenon as completely purple potato tubers, and, after carefully studying it, they came to the following conclusions.

This vegetable contains a lot of anthocyanins, which are powerful antioxidants. It turns out that by eating purple potatoes, we increase immunity, fight colds, lower blood sugar and lose weight, because they contain less starch than yellow or white ones.

A purple potato tuber absorbs three times less nitrates from the soil, and there is as much vitamin C in two such potatoes as in one lemon.

Features of cultivation

While some advantages can be noted in the properties, the same cannot be said about agricultural technology, since purple potatoes are much more demanding than their colorless “brother” and require special care.

  1. Firstly, it is more susceptible to scab and has a low degree of resistance to late blight.
  2. Secondly, the Colorado potato beetle - the scourge of all potato growers - primarily attacks plantings with purple-fleshed tubers ( In details: )
  3. Thirdly, if you propagate purple varieties with “eyes”, the tubers will inevitably and catastrophically become smaller, turning into a wild-growing form.

Work continues. Today, 30% of all existing varieties are already involved in the selection process. This will make it possible to soon develop a purple root crop that is not only resistant to pests, but also immune to diseases of the family.

Otherwise, the agricultural technology of colored potatoes does not differ from that generally accepted when growing this vegetable. It does not require special conditions.

  • Weeding and hilling.
  • Regular watering throughout the growing season.
  • Disease and pest control.
  • Productivity depends on the care and composition of the soil. The most unsuitable soil for purple potatoes is loam. And the best ones are fertile and breathable, with a light structure.

How to cook?

Cooking unusually colored potatoes is no different from regular ones.

Heat treatment, and all the beneficial properties remain in the vegetable, even if you boil it in salt water. Purple puree or chips look original. French fries, pancakes, stuffing, salad. The taste differs from the traditional one for the better. The nutty flavor is noticeable more or less in different varieties, but it is present.

Fried cauliflower potatoes

Variety "Vitelot"

In the original – Vitelotte – one of the most popular varieties with blue-violet pulp. It is also called “Negress”, “French truffle”. The tubers have an elongated shape. The core is intensely colored. The peel is dark. The mass of tubers is small - on average from 70 to 100 g. Late variety - ripening period up to 110 days. Potatoes store well and for a long time, retain their color under any heat treatment, and have a rich taste.

Variety "All Blue"

This is the direct name, translated from English All Blue, from which it immediately becomes clear what color the flesh of this vegetable is. Although, it is more blue-violet than blue, and the peel is dark purple. There is a light ring between the skin and the pulp.

The variety is mid-early, ripens in 80 days. The tubers are rather large - up to 200 g, but they are not stored for very long. This variety is widespread throughout Europe, it is just beginning to approach us, but it is quickly gaining popularity because it has an excellent taste. It is considered dietary in properties. It contains a lot of antioxidants. The interesting color is completely preserved during frying and baking and fades a little when boiled.

Variety "Explosion"

This variety is Explosion, so named for its early and rapid fruiting. Early ripening, which will delight you with a harvest within 65 days after planting, has pure purple pulp and the same peel.

The weight of the fruits varies - from 100 to 150 g. The shape is elongated. The difference between this variety and other purple varieties is its increased resistance to disease. It is also characterized by high productivity. You won’t be able to store the fruits for a long time, but you can cook anything from them. You can even eat the vegetable raw, for dietary salads.

Variety "Lilac"

This variety was bred in Russia by domestic breeders. Mid-season, ripens in 95 days. The fruit has purple flesh and skin. The shape is oval-round. Weight - up to 80 g. It has an average yield, good shelf life and resistance to scab and cancer. The taste is excellent, with a hint of almond. It is considered a valuable dietary product.

Variety "Peruvian purple"

Purple Peruvian is the original name of this variety, which arose as a result of two centuries of selection by potato growers living in the highlands of the Andes. Just think, for two hundred years people have been trying to develop these elongated eyes covered with many eyes for humanity. For what? So that people can enjoy a healthy and dietary product by replacing regular potatoes, which are called “second bread” in many CIS countries. Late variety. Ripens in 100-110 days. And it is no different in size - the average weight of a root crop is 80 g. The yield is also not the highest. But the taste is wonderful. Walnuts and hazelnuts are clearly visible. A very big difference from regular potatoes. Just a new look at the product.

The variety is stored very well and for a long time. It also transports well. And it retains all its beneficial dietary properties almost until spring. It does not lose them during heat treatment. Real food is medicine.

Variety "Adirondack Blue"

The name in its homeland is Adirondack Blue. Bred at Cornell University. It is distinguished by its highest yield and oval-rounded fruits, the average weight of which is about 100 g. The best purple chips can be obtained from the tubers of this variety. Ripening time is average - about 95 days. It is not resistant to diseases and has an average shelf life. But it contains enough antioxidants to make it preferable to traditional neutral-colored potatoes.

Should you grow purple potatoes? Definitely yes. And even if you don’t have room to roam around on your property, and no room for experiments, select a bed for a vegetable of a new color, displacing the good old potatoes. Select variety and ripening time. For example, if you traditionally grow a specific variety of winter potatoes, plant several rows of purple early ripening ones. And see what happens.

Already today there are private farms (not industrial ones) that have switched entirely to growing colored potatoes. It doesn't have to be purple. There are pink, blue, orange varieties. Each of them has its own exceptional beneficial properties. And the table and menu become more interesting, colorful and festive. Color is health. Why not grow a healthy product, even if it is an unusual purple color?!

Purple potatoes, cultivation, yield, taste of purple potatoes. Potatoes with purple flesh and purple skin. Features of growth. Review. Video

This spring, Neighbor bought 2 kg of purple potato tubers for planting at the Lorch Institute. I got five tubers to plant.

Growing purple potatoes, growth characteristics, yield.

The shoots of this potato were of an unknown color, but over time the color changed and the leaves turned green. The flowers of this potato are very large. I grew 2 different varieties. One variety bloomed with pink flowers, and there were very few such flowers, and the second variety bloomed with white flowers, and there were many such flowers. Most likely, out of five tubers, one tuber with purple flesh was planted, and four tubers had white flesh with purple streaks.

Purple potatoes. Different color of pulp .

The thickness of the stems of these potatoes greatly surprised me; the stems were very thick. And the tops survived their neighbors and gradually took over the entire accessible space. I mastered all the passages, climbed into the garlic bed, used the neighbor’s fence, and generally enjoyed life! And of course I bloomed with pleasure.

Caring for this potato was the same as for all the others.

By September 17, late blight had won and we harvested the crop. The potato tubers were not just large, but very large. Digging potatoes is very difficult; they are not visible in the ground. It is generally not realistic to select small nodules; most likely next year there will be thickets of potatoes in the garden bed, which will sprout from small, unfound nodules.

Purple potato tuber

Five tubers yielded 18 kg of very large potatoes.

Purple potatoes. Harvest with 5 tubers.

What do purple potatoes taste like?

Until you peel the potatoes, it is impossible to determine whether they are all purple or only partially. Cooked. The boiled potatoes did not look appetizing, the color turned gray, but the taste was good, which surprised us. Very edible.

The fried potatoes were also tasty, the color changes during frying, it is difficult to determine whether the potatoes are ready to eat.

Next year I will most likely plant purple potatoes from cut tubers to separate the two different varieties. “Growing potatoes from cut tubers” -

Video. Purple potatoes. Growing, yield, taste of purple potatoes - review

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