The first magic wand. The history of the magic wand. Glowing magic wand

To the question: Does a magic wand exist? given by the author stroke the best answer is A magic wand is an amazing magical artifact, with the help of which - and in most cases exclusively with the help of which - magicians manage to cast spells and realize their magical essence. This is a tool-conductor of its owner’s own magic. Other intelligent magical races - elves, goblins, veelas - do not need wands for their special magic, like magical animals and insects; they can focus their magic themselves, without tools. But sorcerers need a wand. A magic wand for a magician is like a crutch for a cripple, a hearing aid for a deaf person, glasses for a half-blind person. Without their help, a person cannot take advantage of the opportunity to move/see/hear. Likewise, a magician without a wand cannot bring out his inner magic or use it. Magicians jealously guard the secret of making magic wands from other magical races. In addition, the laws of the Ministry of Magic prohibit the possession of magic wands for creatures of non-human nature, that is, for representatives of all other magical races and for animals. Half-breeds and werewolves do not fall under this law, since werewolfism is just a human contagious disease. Although sorcerers have a monopoly on the making and ownership of wands, this is not as strict within the wizarding world. The Ministry didn’t even take the stick makers under its wing – in DMP, DT or something like that. There are several wand makers in England, the best of which are Ollivanders, who have been making wands since 382 BC. e. (that is, almost two and a half thousand years). In Europe, Gregorovich is considered the best; there are other manufacturers.
The procedure for owning magic wands is strictly regulated by the laws of magical England. Until the age of 11, a sorcerer cannot own or use a magic wand. From the moment of receiving a letter from Hogwarts School until adulthood (17 years of age), a wizard is prohibited from performing magic outside of Hogwarts (or the Hogwarts Express, which apparently falls under the jurisdiction of the school). The procedure for using a wand by minors inside Hogwarts is subject to school-wide regulations, the strictness of implementation of which depends on the director (for example, we know the ban on witchcraft in the school corridors during breaks between classes, but in the 90s, as we remember, this ban was not strictly observed).
The art of making wands is one of the most mysterious and complex branches of magic. Magic wands can be classified according to four characteristics: the type of wood, the magical core, the length and the quality of movement when it is waved. The most suitable wood for making magic wands is the wood of the tree on which the guardian of the forest, the bowtrakl, lives. A certain powerful magical substance is placed in the core of each magic wand. In the choice of substances, as well as wood, different stick makers have their own preferences, as well as their own techniques for making the sticks themselves. Having picked up a product from another master, the manufacturer easily recognizes the authorship, determines the wood, the core, and the character of the stick. Masters remember their own work for decades and recognize it instantly. Each magic wand is completely unique, because each magical animal, part of which was used for the core of the wand, and each tree, the wood of which was used in its manufacture, is always unique.
In fact, it is not the wizard who chooses the wand, but the wand who chooses the wizard. This is what Ollivander says repeatedly: “those of us who have studied the art of wand-making have always known this.” A person can use a wand even if it hasn't chosen him; however, the best results are obtained when a connection is formed between the magician and his wand. This process is very complicated. It consists of an initial attraction, mutual verification for the accumulation of experience, which the wand receives from the wizard, and he from her; Over time, the wand partly takes on the owner's character and partly retains its own.

The idea is not about a children's “toy” wand, which little mummered “princesses” carry with them to all kinds of New Year’s parties. We will talk about a real, real magic wand, which has the power to protect its owner from any danger emanating from all sorts of invisible entities that fill our world.

The wand can become the fulfiller of your deepest desires. However, you should not abuse the power with which you charge your wand. A magic wand, no matter how powerful it may be, is a tool in the hands of a person. Therefore, if it falls into the wrong and inept hands, it can harm even its owner!

If you still make up your mind and think that life is not life for you without a magic wand, then know that it will take you a whole year to make it. Doesn't such a long period stop it? Then - forward to your dream, show all your diligence and perseverance. In the process of creating a wand, you will have to teach it a lot, and also learn a lot yourself. You will study together with your wand throughout your entire life - it is during this period that your wand, endowed with your energies, will exhibit “magical” properties and will be able to cast spells.

In order to make your wand correctly (there are also not quite correct ones, we will talk about them later), you need to find YOUR tree, which will voluntarily agree (yes, yes, it will agree, you read that right!) to become your friend and helper for the rest of the year. life.

When searching for a suitable tree, you should turn off all extraneous thoughts, concentrate on the task, and listen to your intuition.

Please note - a tree is also a living creature! You can also talk and communicate with him. Some people have very well developed abilities with which they communicate with the surrounding nature! But if you do not have such abilities, do not despair! Intuition and perseverance have not been canceled!

So, for the CORRECT magic wand, a young tree is best suited. If a powerful tree responds to your call, then ask it for a twig.
Just “ask”! In order to “hear” YOUR tree, you need to wander in the park, in the forest, or take a walk in the garden for more than one day.

You can start looking for material for a stick at any time of the year; even winter and autumn are not an obstacle to communicating with wood. Yes, the Tree is sleeping, but it continues to hear, which means it can answer you.

When approaching each tree, address it respectfully with your request, ask the tree for a twig as your faithful friend and helper.
Listen to yourself, perhaps you will be drawn like a magnet to the tree you need.
Having chosen a suitable clearing, sit down among the trees, put all your thoughts in order, start meditation - it will help you concentrate, remove all unnecessary things and enter into harmony with nature.
When pre-selecting a tree, you can also be guided by the Celtic horoscope, in which you will find out which tree matches your character. But, again, I remind you that the tree must agree and voluntarily give you its branch.

By showing your imagination, you can find many more ways to unite with nature, which will be very useful to you in the future - you also need to communicate with a magic wand, mentally merge...

Some experts advise choosing sound tree species for a magic wand. Young plants have a softer core, while older plants have a harder, stronger base.
Sticks made from oak, pine, and bamboo will have interesting properties.

If your choice fell on bamboo wood, then you will simply need to go to the places where this tree grows. An even better option would be bamboo grown in a pot yourself - it is already half energetically connected to you.

Do you know that even in our time, priests of Ganesh and even some Indian Yogis use magic wands with great success! They certainly will not reveal to us their centuries-old secrets and methods of making sticks!

So, you set off for a walk in the forest (park, garden). While meditating, you felt that some tree was “calling” you. Another moment and you are already standing under it. Try to start a dialogue with the tree, listen... If you have the ability to communicate with nature, it will be easier for you to establish contact with the desired tree. If not, use your intuition.

Listen to your feelings carefully and don’t think about cutting off the first branch you come across. When you clearly hear the tree's response, explain to it why you need the stick. Explain that you will make a magical thing out of it that will be your friend and helper. Only after receiving consent from the tree to give you a branch, you can proceed to the next stage!

We received consent. Now you need to correctly cut off the desired branch. To do this, hit the base of the branch sharply, but not hard. Proof that you heard everything correctly and correctly understood the tree’s answer will be a branch that easily falls off.

And now begins the second important part of turning an ordinary branch into a magical tool of witchcraft.

Video on the topic: How to make a magic wand at home?!

How to make a magic wand to cast magic

A very important moment is coming! The branch has been obtained, now you need to correctly make the stick itself from it.

To begin with, the resulting branch must be rid of side shoots and buds, cleared of bark, given the intended shape and cleaned until smooth.

Take your branch in your hands, align the cut, cut the other end of the branch, determining the desired length for your stick;
Cut off all shoots on the branch;
Now put down the knife! In the future, when making a wand, you won’t need it anymore! All processes will need to be done manually!
Clean the workpiece from the bark using your nails and teeth. When the workpiece becomes completely white, you can stop - the bark has been successfully removed;
The cleaned stick must dry well within 10-15 days so that we can move on to the next operation. I draw your attention to the fact that the wand must be in constant contact with the owner;

The next stage is ironing. To do this, you need to take only natural tools, namely fine-grained pumice or stone. With their help, slowly and with all your heart, you should carefully process the wand. If desired, you can sharpen one end of the stick. Having sanded the stick in this way, achieve complete smoothness and level it along its entire length;
For convenience and for the purpose of constantly carrying the stick with you, make a small hole in it (again using your nails!) and thread a loop of braid into it.
Don’t be afraid that soon the smooth stick will become covered with small cracks - this is a normal and natural process. We continue to grind and ensure that the stick dries completely - then it will no longer crack, but will remain smooth forever. When such a result is achieved, know that it is yours. wand for witchcraft completely ready!

A prerequisite is the owner's constant contact with his future magic wand (from the moment of cutting)! Whether it’s in the shower, whether it’s in bed, at work, or on the street – the “candidate” stick preparation should be with you constantly and every second! Contacting the owner, she gains his energy and is born like a WAND! Being with the owner in various life situations, she, together with him, feels the emotions experienced by the owner, which allows the wand to tune in to the owner and come into contact with him. The most interesting thing is that over time, the owner will also feel the emotions that the wand experiences - the connection is two-way. Try to pick up the wand at every opportunity, talk to it, tell it about your desires, pass your thoughts through it. When performing magical rituals, the main participant in the action should be your magic wand.

Do not leave your “sorceress” even for a moment for a whole year - it is during this time that the wand will be saturated with YOUR energy. The contact will be so powerful that any of your desires, any of your slipped thoughts will be known to the magic wand. She will become a formidable weapon in your hands, protection and friend. You will never want to part with her!

At the very beginning, we mentioned that there is another type of sticks that is easier to make, simpler, but such a stick will not have a long-lasting effect.

A wand will turn out half magical if you do not have contact with it every second, if the time required for its production is significantly reduced, if when processing it you used sandpaper or a nail file instead of natural stones.

Such a wand will also contain some magical properties, but it will not last long at all.

Video on how to make a Harry Potter wand

Weren't you scared by everything you read? Aren't you afraid of being the owner of a Force of such power? Then search and create, but do not forget that you must be guided primarily by justice, objectivity and mercy. Otherwise, your own weapon in the wrong hands will be directed at you! Easing people's suffering, healing incurable diseases, getting rid of harmful entities - this is a worthy use for a magic wand!

Hello, friends!

Many of you probably remember the famous saga about Harry Potter and the moment when Harry acquired his magic wand, with the help of which he later performed real miracles.

His wand operated at a distance, could lift objects in the air, send a powerful fiery stream of energy, with its help he could perform many different actions and rituals. Magic and nothing more!

However, a fairy tale is a fairy tale, but what about things in real life? And does a magic wand really exist?

Yes or no

It turns out that such a wand really exists. True, in reality it is called a little differently - “magic wand” or “magic wand”.

Historically, this artifact originated from an instrument of power - a staff, which over time, for convenience, was shortened to a magic wand, and then to a more elegant and easy-to-use instrument - a magic wand.

It has become more convenient to carry such a tool with you, hiding it under a cloak or robe, and quickly take it out at any time as soon as you need it.

Currently, magicians most often use such wands in special rituals performed at home or in secluded corners of nature. In ordinary life, for example, on the street, you and I are unlikely to meet a person who, opening his jacket, takes out a magic wand and, waving it, shouts spells. Such fairy-tale characters have a place, as they say, in fairy tales.

You need to understand that a real magic wand is not limitless miracles and magic. It will not turn water into milk, and it will not make a poor man rich the next morning. And you are unlikely to use it to make objects move. Although, if you have the ability and with intensive training, you may be able to demonstrate certain elements to your surprised relatives.

However, the point of a magic item is not to perform tricks. Like any other artifact, a magic wand allows you to work with your consciousness and energy, self-improvement and development.

Magic wand capabilities

What can she do? The answer is simple: she can do everything...the same as you, only faster, more powerful, more accurate. The fact is that the wand in your hands is a conductor of your own energy.

She collects, concentrates it within herself, and then conducts it to the outside world, due to which the energy is directed more accurately and quickly, and it is easier to control. The material from which such an artifact is made (for example, wood) amplifies this energy several times with its vibrations.

The wand is a helper. The main magical instrument is yourself, your thoughts, your energy and will. If you are unable to perform this or that action without a wand, then it will not do it for you!

The same joke applies to it as to the camera - “there is no “good photographer” button.” But if you already know how to do something, then with the help of a wand you can materialize it faster and better. And how much better...depends on, as you know, its quality.

Therefore, the issue of purchasing this tool must be taken seriously.

How to buy a magic wand

If you now enter the query “buy a magic wand” into Yandex or Google search and start looking, the very first links will take you to the store of magic wands from, again, the famous Harry Potter, but these, of course, are souvenir products intended for replenishment collections of fans of books about a boy wizard.

Perhaps, with certain skills and knowledge, some of these sticks can be “sharpened” for yourself, turning them into a really working tool, but with the same success you can sharpen an ordinary pencil, or, in general, any elongated object with a pointed tip. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that its quality will be appropriate.

However, if you are not lazy and scroll further through the pages with links, then sooner or later you will come across more interesting and, most importantly, real offers. In fact, there are few such proposals, only two or three, but, in any case, this is already something.

In them, manufacturers offer magic wands (in particular, from India and Tibet), which for the most part are not exactly wands, but rather even wands.

The wand is usually thicker and larger in size (although there are, on the contrary, “shortened models” that fit in the hand), and their main difference is that they are encrusted with crystals on both (!) sides.

That is, both sides of it are working. One, as a rule, is charged at “minus”, the other - at “plus”. Most of them are intended for healing purposes, but there are wands with a wider range of effects.

Among the wands you can also find sticks - usually there are not many of them, one or two, but they still exist. These wands also have a crystal tip, and the main part is usually made of wood.

In my opinion, this is a more workable tool, however, without holding it in your hand, you are unlikely to understand how suitable it is for you. And the choice of tree species is quite scarce (this is understandable, since there are only a few sticks themselves).

In addition, the species that are offered there are usually not the best choice for a resident of Russia, because we are energetically much more powerfully connected with the trees of our strip. And they are the ones who are better able than other breeds to respond to our vibrations and give us their nourishment.

Therefore, I believe that if you want your magic wand to work, then you need to make it yourself. Choose the type of wood yourself, decorate it with crystals, runes or whatever you like (or not decorate it, if it’s intuitively closer), establish contact with it yourself, charging it with your energy.

It may not look as nice as store-bought, but that's not that important. Only if everything is done with your own hands, you can get not just a perfectly working tool, but, literally, an extension of yourself, which will ensure the accuracy and power of magical operations.

I will tell you how this happened in my life in one of the following articles.


In this article I talked about a magic wand and what they are like. The topic will be continued in one of the following posts, where I will share my experience and talk about how to make this magical artifact at home.

That's why I don't say goodbye

A magic wand is a very important item for any young magician who sincerely believes in goodness and dreams of defeating all his enemies. And, of course, answering the question of how to make a real magic wand, you must immediately say that you will have to put in a lot of effort and effort. Don't think that this is very simple.

Material for creating a magic wand

To create a magic wand, first of all, you will need wood, but not the most ordinary one. Take a walk through the park, forest and try to find a special branch for yourself. It is important not to cut it from a living tree, because you will hurt it. A wand like that can't help you. The type of wood doesn't matter much either. The main thing is that the future wand “calls” you, so that you feel its power. Only in this way will you understand how to make a real magic wand.

Trees unsuitable for its creation simply do not exist. Everyone’s feelings when meeting a wand are completely different, but we can certainly say that you will never miss the one that is destined for you by fate.

It is also impossible to give advice on what to say or do when meeting your magical assistant. All people, like all magic wands, have their own individuality. It is important that the appeal comes from the heart. It is worth thanking the tree that gave you the wand and greeting your new friend and helper.


Don't know how to make a magic wand? When you get home, immediately put it in salt water for a day. To prevent the stick from floating, it should be pressed down with a stone or other heavy natural object. This will help the branch to free itself from extraneous information. After this, it should be dried in air so that it is saturated with solar energy.

Making a magic wand

Are you interested in how to make a real magic wand with your own hands? After the twig dries, examine it carefully. An image of a future magical object will form in your head. It is not at all necessary for a magic wand to have a classic look, be long and thin. Your wand may well be uneven, knotty, and curved. The most important thing is that she is yours. To sharpen the twig, you can also use sandpaper. After finishing polishing, you need to wipe the stick well and coat it with varnish. Another important point in the guide on how to make a real magic wand is to replace the core. If you feel an urgent need, then you need to drill a small hole in the center of the stick and insert a feather, hair, stone, plant root or other substance into it.

It is important to note that the use of artificial materials should be avoided when creating. Chemical glue, plastic, glitter and rhinestones can only be used in the handle. The tip and body of the stick should be made only from natural materials.

In order for the wand to be filled with power, it is necessary to cast magical spells at exactly midnight on the full moon. Ask nature for magical powers, promise not to cause harm, not to disrupt the natural order of things.

In fact, as you can see, creating your own magic wand is not as difficult as it seems. But it is very important that the magical object brings only good to people. Therefore, think again before asking magic for help.

Class hour

Target setting:

Creating conditions for the development of communicative competence and correct social orientation of students.


    Instill a communicative culture in students.

    Create and maintain an atmosphere of mutual respect and tolerance in the process of joint activities and recreation.

    To promote the development of the ability to listen, hear and respond adequately to given social situations.

    Develop speech etiquette skills.

    To promote the development of motivation in students to perform kind and humane deeds.

1. Org. Moment

We will stand in a wide circle,

On the left is a friend and on the right is a friend.

Let today, as always,

A stick of goodness is walking.

I won't hurt you, I won't lie,

I will help and advise.

And I will find goodness everywhere.

Everything will work out for us

We guys are just awesome!

Epigraph for our class hour, I propose to take words from Sergei Pogorelovsky’s poem “How to become a wizard”

Become a good wizard

Come on, try it!

- Guys, who do you think a wizard is?

- Where can you clarify the meaning of the word? (in the explanatory dictionary)

The children of each group, preparing for the class hour, worked with Ozhegov’s dictionary. Let's listen to them.

Here is how it is interpreted in the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by S. Ozhegov:

1. Wizard - sorcerer, sorcerer;

2. A person who fascinates with something;

3. A person who has magical powers in life.

( song sounds about wizards on the slide)

Words by V. Lugovoy

Music Gen. Gladkova

Lyrics: Song about wizards

So that we can fly to Mars

People without fear

From childhood we learn to dream

We are at an old fairy tale.


Didn't have time to explain to us

Not a single textbook:

The one who is honest, kind and brave,

He is the wizard!

Why not say

Aloud to everyone together:

Don't be discouraged in difficult times

Songs help.

To everyone in the world, finally

We need to remind:

One Hundred Miracles Every Day

Friendship does it.

-Tell me, have you ever met wizards in your life? (in the circus, on TV, in fairy tales)

- Would you like to become wizards?

- What is needed for this? (Magic wand)

Class topic

"Do I need a magic wand?"

- Who knows fairy tales in which wizards and fairies use the extraordinary properties of a magic wand?

"Cinderella" by the Brothers Grimm, "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" by Joan Rowling)

- There is another fairy tale , which is called “Magic Wand” (read the excerpt)

Magic wand


The Blue Fairy's magic wand aroused great curiosity among forest dwellers.

What kind of miracles can this wand do? Big or small?

Dear fairy,” the rabbit turned to the Blue Fairy, “could you please make the fox and I exchange tails?”

Will Lisa agree to wear a bunny tail? – The Blue Fairy laughed.

Lisa herself dreams about this! – assured the Rabbit.

The blue fairy waved her magic wand. A fox's tail fluttered behind the Rabbit, and for a long time the Fox could not look at her new clothes.

And then it started. Everyone began to change: some with their ears, some with their shells, some with their clothes...

So good?! - the fairy was having fun.

It turned out even funnier with Pig. He was always jealous of his grandfather's fangs. He got the tusks of a young elephant. Now the boar was running like crazy through the forest, either scaring or making passers-by laugh.

But then troubles began.

But I can't jump! – the rabbit stamped his feet. “I keep stepping on the fox’s tail and flying head over heels!”

The whole world has gone topsy-turvy!

Only the Blue Fairy laughed. She knew how the transformations ended.

“The last magic for today,” said the fairy and raised her wand.

And instantly the gnomes and other forest dwellers became the same as before.

- Is it always good to have a magic wand?

- Guys, it turns out that you have already become a little wizards. Using a magic wand and your mind, you wrote such wonderful mini-essays that the main thoughts of your creations (with your permission) I would like read to everyone:

There are guys who believe that people don’t need a magic wand:

    A magic wand is needed in fairy tales to perform magic and miracles...

    If people are given magic wands, they will become lazy and stop doing anything, will not strive for anything...

- Most of the guys would be happy to accept a magic wand and, with its help, change their lives and the lives of loved ones:

    Your studies and behavior...

    May all your wishes come true...

    Someone would build a big house so that the whole family could live happily in it...

    And others would ask for a computer to find new friends on the Internet and communicate with them...

    There are guys who need a Mercedes, a Swiss watch, a slider, a piano, a helicopter and even a flying car...

There were also some kids in our class who believed that a magic wand should do good deeds:

    Help the poor to make them rich...

    Help the sick, the weak, grandparents...

    Make sure that no one drinks alcohol or smokes...

    There should be no evil and deception on the planet. The magic wand should help protect animals from poachers...

    People must become kinder to each other, love each other, so that there is no war, and there is peace on earth...

The most interesting thing is that with the help of a magic wand, the guys would turn the whole world upside down and make it magical, so that summer would never end, and people would be immortal, never get sick, and could do everything.

Are you interested in my opinion on this matter?

My most cherished desire since childhood is to find a magic wand. For what? - you ask, a magic wand for an adult? I think this: if she suddenly ends up in my hands, then all the wishes of my friends will come true. I will make sure that the sun always shines and there is no end of the world. So that the children are always happy. So that there are no hungry and poor people. I will turn the poor into the rich, and I will make all people equal in everything, but I will still punish the mischievous ones. How? I do not know yet.

I will give all people something beautiful and then they will be kind, they will not quarrel, and there will be PEACE on earth. But where can I get it, this magic wand?

- But it’s good to dream, but you and I live in the modern world, and not in a fairy tale.

- Do you think magic wands exist in the real world?

- But it turns out that there are people in the world who cannot do without wands that resemble magic ones.

- I suggest you solve the riddles and find out what kind of magic wands these are?

    This magic wand in the hands of a person controls a large team of creative people who delight everyone with the sound of beautiful works. (conductor's stick)

Why does a conductor need a baton?

Who has not seen the conductor of a symphony orchestra, “armed” with a small wooden stick? However, today not all conductors use it in their work. It turns out that she is not really needed. What magical effect does a wand have on musicians?

Now let’s imagine ourselves as a violinist sitting at the very edge of the orchestra. He, poor thing, hears nothing except violins. And here the trombone is playing so loudly. So our violinist has to keep an eye on the conductor and his baton.

Lie down on your desk and listen to a classic piece

Everyone is wondering what pictures you will draw in your imagination?


Now you are convinced that the conductor and his magic wand are no less important than the composer who composed the piece of music.

    I look like a fairy!

I can draw!

I'll wave my magic wand

And then, to the sound of a bird's whistle

Lawn with butterfly

Will flutter onto a white sheet

And everyone around will whisper:

"Enchantress! Enchantress!"

(artist's brush)

Look at what wonderful paintings artists paint with a brush...

- Do you want to become magical artists?

- I suggest you take your magic brushes, dip them in blue paint, and then apply them to a sheet of paper. We just do it quickly like artists. Magic happened. Let your paintings dry, set them aside in the middle.

Scene "Magic Wand"

One day a boy and a girl were sitting in a sandbox and building a castle. They tried very hard, and the castle turned out amazingly beautiful. Suddenly a man in a blue cloak appeared near the sandbox. The children did not know that he was a wizard.

He said:

What friendly guys you are and for this I give you a magic wand, it will fulfill any wish.

The guys thought for a long time about what wish they should make, but they couldn’t come up with one. Then they took paints and began to paint.

The girl said:

And I will draw a snowman because he is kind.

Then I will revive him,” the boy answered.

He touched the girl's drawing with his magic wand, and the snowman jumped from the picture.

"Why did you call me?" - asked the snowman.

“We really want winter to come soon. We love sledding and playing in the snow,” the children answered.

“Don’t be sad, winter will come. Yes, winter is a good time of year, you can ride not only sleds, but also ice skates. Here’s a gift from me - skates, they will remind you of me. And in winter I’ll be back.

That’s the wand, it really is magic,” the children exclaimed.

The girl said:

Let's try to revive something else.

They tried, and with the help of the magic wand the children made many new friends.

At this time the wizard appeared and said:

What a great fellow you are for using your magic wand not for sweets, but to make new friends.

    White River

It flowed into the cave.

Comes out along the stream

Removes microbes from cave walls .


- What is this magic wand for?

Plaque forms on the teeth from food debris. Every gram of plaque contains millions of microbes. Microbes destroy tooth tissue, causing caries.

Dental caries causes diseases of internal organs and decreases the body’s immunity. There is no way to do without brushing your teeth every day.

    Among the magic wands of our time, there is another one that helps people with good. A simple wooden stick with a comfortable handle. The stick looks like a stick, nothing special. Except it's brightly painted with black and white stripes. But this simple wand has such extraordinary power that it might seem magical to an inhabitant of another planet.

(traffic police inspector's wand)

Why does a traffic police inspector need a striped stick?

( This simple stick in the traffic controller's hand controls the movement. That’s why it’s called important – “rod”).



He stood on our pavement.

He quickly extended his hand

He deftly waved his wand.

Have you seen it? Have you seen? -

All the cars stopped at once,

Together we stood in 3 rows

And they don't go anywhere

People don't worry

Walking across the street

And stands on the pavement,

Like a wizard, a guard.

All cars to one

Submit to him.

- And now you have to work in groups.

- Imagine that you are wizards and your wands are magic.

The illustrations that I offer you are taken from life. Discuss in groups in which of the current situations will you use a magic wand to change, and where will you do without it?

What conclusion can be drawn?

Does each of you need a magic wand?

Don't stand aside indifferently

When someone is in trouble.

Need to rush to the rescue

Any minute, always.

And if it helps someone, someone

Your kindness, your smile.

Are you happy that the day was not lived in vain?

That you have not lived for years in vain!

I want everyone to laugh

May your dreams always come true.

So that children have joyful dreams,

May it be a good morning,

So that mom doesn't be sad,

So that there is no more war in the world.

Is it possible to become a wizard without a magic wand?

How to become such a wizard?

Become a good wizard

Come on, try it!

There are tricks here

You don't need anything special at all:

There is a flower in the flowerbed.

Its leaves drooped.

He's sad... About what?

Did you guess his thoughts?

He wants to get drunk.

Hey, rain, rain!

And the rain flows

From your watering can.

What about little sister?

Bored on the sidelines?

Something magical

Do it for your sister!

And you turned around

A zealous horse -

Galloping little sister

I raced on it!

At least mom is still

Didn't return from work;

It's not hard to find out

Her thoughts and concerns:

I'll be back-

Yes, we have to bother with cleaning again”

And you commit

Merry miracle:

The carpet sparkled

The dishes are shining!

And my mother gasped,

Returning home:

Yes, it's like in a fairy tale!

You are my wizard!

Become a good wizard

Come on, try it!

There are tricks here

You don't need anything special at all:

Understand and fulfill the desire of another -

A pleasure, honestly!

(And you can easily do without a magic wand)

Song "Where the Wizards Are"


Where are the Wizards?

Where are the Wizards?

Where are the Wizards?

In your fantasies.

Who do Wizards hang out with?

Who do Wizards hang out with?

Who do Wizards hang out with?

And with those who believe in them!

What doesn't happen in the world

What doesn't happen in the world

And people with wings meet

And people fly into the sky.

On the wings of faith in the impossible

They are flying to the land of dreams

Let the cautious ones smile

I'll fly there!

I'll fly there!

I'll fly there! And you?

Chorus: same

What doesn't happen in the world

Something that doesn't happen in the world.

Wizards meet along the way

Any child knows this.

Solves complex issues in the world

He builds bridges to tomorrow

Let the cautious ones smile

I believe in magic!

I believe in magic!

I believe in magic! And you?

Chorus: same

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