What does the expression live smoking room mean? “Shabby look”, “Sharashkina’s office”, “The smoking room is alive”: the secret meaning of familiar expressions. Shout to the entire Ivanovskaya

How! Is the Kurilka journalist still alive?
- Lively! still dry and boring
And rude, and stupid, and tormented by envy,
Everything squeezes into its obscene sheet -
Both old nonsense and new nonsense.
- Ugh! tired of the smoking-room journalist!
How to extinguish a stinking splinter?
How to kill my Smoking Room?
Give me advice. - Yes... spit on him.

Pushkin, 1825

In a letter dated March 3, 1825, Pletnev wrote to Pushkin: “ Kachenovsky is always fussing about the “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, but he, poor man, is no longer in the shops».

Pletnev was referring to a note published in Vestnik Evropy, 1825: “ A true writer will not dare to publish works from which you learn nothing more than that someone was taken prisoner; that some young girl fell in love with a prisoner who could not love her mutually, having lost the voluptuousness of life, and finally, that the same girl freed him and drowned herself».

The note was signed with a pseudonym Yust Veridikov, behind which was not the editor-publisher of the magazine Kachenovsky, as Pletnev and Pushkin thought, but probably M. A. Dmitriev.

On March 14, Pushkin wrote to his brother: “ Kachenovsky rebelled against me. Write to me whether his critic’s tone is decent - if not, I’ll send an epigram" Lev Pushkin’s answer, unknown to us, caused Pushkin to write the epigram “ The smoking room is alive, alive!».

The text of the epigram is based on a song known at one time, which was sung during fortune telling (it was included in the collection of Russian folk songs with notes, published by Prach in the 18th century, and was also in use at the end of the 19th century):

The smoking room is alive, alive,
Alive, alive, but not dead.
At our smoking room
The legs are thin,
The soul is short.

Divination: they conceive a wish, light a torch, you need to sing a song while the torch is burning - then your plan will come true.

The Smoking Room is alive!
An expression from the ancient Russian folk children's game "Smoking Room". The rules are as follows: the players sit in a circle and pass a burning splinter to each other, while singing the corresponding saying song. The one in whose hands the torch goes out is considered a loser, and in this case he must perform some comic task: sing a song, dance, etc.
A version of this song about the Smoking Room, which was popular in the Penza province, was published in 1847 in the St. Petersburg newspaper “Northern Bee” (No. 215):
Once upon a time there was a Smoking Room, Once upon a time there was a Smoking Room, but he did not die. Like our Smoking Room, the legs are thin, the soul is short. Don't make me cry, young me. Don't make me jump, pretty good one.
Variants of this children's song were known in Russian urban culture before. Thus, back in 1806, the Russian composer of Czech origin Ivan (Johann) Prach, who taught music to the girls of the Smolny Institute, wrote the song “The smoking room is alive, alive, alive, but not dead” (St. Petersburg, type Shnor), based on a folk text. became quite popular.
Even in Pushkin’s time, the expression began to be used in relation to people who, in the opinion of others, stopped their activities, disappeared somewhere, and here they are, alive, healthy, busy with the same business, etc. A. S. Pushkin (epigram to critic, journalist and translator Mikhail Kachenovsky, 1825):
How! Is the Kurilka journalist still alive?
Lively! still dry and boring, and rude, and stupid, and tormented by envy, he squeezes everything into his obscene sheet, both old nonsense and the absurd new thing.
Ugh! tired of the smoking-room journalist! How to extinguish a stinking splinter? How to kill my smoking room?
Give me advice. - Yes... spit on him.
In modern speech, the expression is used both ironically and in a positive sense - to express the joy of meeting someone, when receiving information about someone, etc.

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  • - An expression from the ancient Russian folk children's game “Smoking Room”...

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"The Smoking Room is Alive!" in books


From the book Air Crash and Adventures author Shutkin Nikolay Petrovich

THE SMOKING ROOM IS ALIVE Early in October morning, the helicopter flight commander Vyacheslav Mulin persistently called from the village of Nelkan to the Nikolaevsk-on-Amur airport: he urgently demanded that the detachment commander Anatoly Samsonov be called to the phone. Neither the dispatcher nor the duty commander Mulin

The Smoking Room is alive!

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of Catchwords and Expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

The Smoking Room is alive! An expression from the ancient Russian folk children's game "Smoking Room". The rules are as follows: the players sit in a circle and pass a burning splinter to each other, while singing the corresponding saying song. The one in whose hands the torch goes out is considered a loser, and he


From the book The Lay of Igor's Campaign - a fake of the millennium author Kostin Alexander Georgievich


From the book World of Aviation 2002 01 author author unknown

SMOKING ROOM History fourteen from Alexey SHKLYAEV Here is an IL-14 Polar somehow flying across the North. And the task is simple - deliver the cargo to the chilly station and leave it there using the suffering method of dropping without a parachute. This is a bale, about two hundredweight. They fly up and contact us on the radio. And those with

SMOKING ROOM History twenty-one

From the book World of Aviation 2005 02 author author unknown

SMOKING ROOM History twenty-one from Leonid KRYLOVAS they killed the Saber in Korea. He landed on a forced landing, and they rushed to the landing site from both sides: the Americans - to save the pilot, and ours and the Koreans - to capture the pilot. They managed to do it ahead, but left ours only with a crippled


From the book World of Aviation 2004 01 author author unknown

SMOKING ROOM History twentieth from Vladislav MARTIANOVA Previously, the hottest time in agricultural aviation was in the summer. Orders from collective farms kept pouring in. What kind of work does it do at the point? Fly away from your bosses, and make sure that the locals don’t unscrew something from the plane. And then there was an An-2

SMOKING ROOM History sixteenth

From the book World of Aviation 2003 01 author author unknown

SMOKING ROOM History sixteenth from Vladislav MARTIANOVA, not a moon, not a star. The night is thick, pitch black... like a black man's... But the authorities were eager to carry out the plan for night training flights. Not only that, but they want to check the group cohesion. A pair of Mi-8s are getting together:


From the book World of Aviation 2003 04 author author unknown

SMOKING ROOM Another story from Nikolai DAVYDOV. At one of the training airfields, second-year students were mastering the Czech L-29. As jet fighters, they were entitled to chocolate in addition to their flight rations. The tiles are so small - 25 grams each. Flights are underway. The southern sun scorches and does not spare. Who's not in


author author unknown

SMOKING ROOM Dear reader! In the airfield smoking rooms, for decades, from generation to generation, the non-fictional (well, maybe just a little embellished) History of Aviation has been passed on from mouth to mouth - stories are “told” in the smoking rooms. So we invite you to “poison” and


From the book World of Aviation 1999 02 author author unknown

SMOKING ROOM Third story As you know, our heavyweight, the Mi-6 helicopter, was also created for installation work. That's why the designers worked hard and introduced an excellent stabilization system into the automatic control system. It happened that the car would freeze in one place and freeze like that

Smoking room

From the book World of Aviation 2003 02 author author unknown

Smoking room History seventeenth from Vladislav MARTIANOV When you fly for the first time, it’s interesting. When it's the hundredth time it's boring. It’s good in the North - sometimes there are mirages in the sky there, worse than those in the Sahara. It's all a bit of fun. One day an An-26 comes in to land, and the dispatcher says:


From the book World of Aviation 2000 01 author author unknown

SMOKING ROOM History Ninth Fresh year. 1999 Preparation for the European Aerobatics Championship on sports aircraft. It will take place in Spain. Ukraine is preparing two aircraft. One flies and at low altitude its engine cuts out. The plane is in the swamp, pilot, thank God,

SMOKING ROOM History four

From the book World of Aviation 1999 03 author author unknown

SMOKING ROOM History Four Americans are kind. During the war they sent us all sorts of useful things - planes, ships, stewed meat. And among this stuff there were planes like these - “Air Cobras”. An interesting plane, original. Its engine is behind the pilot’s back, and the propeller, like


From the book World of Aviation 2006 02 author author unknown

SMOKING ROOM Story twenty-two from Vladimir DOBROKHOTOV Well, they say, all sorts of celebrities, tall and distant, just like celestial beings, it seems they don’t even pee or poop. And I’ll tell you this - they do. Both...After the war, our heroes often traveled throughout the country as honorary

The smoking room is alive - words from a children's game, during which the children sat in a circle and with the refrain “Like our Smoking Room, thin legs, short soul” passed a burning splinter to each other, the one whose splinter went out left the circle and had to “as punishment” as the loser perform some kind of task some humorous task: sing, dance, etc. Why Smoking Room? Apparently, that was the name of the splinter itself, which smoked as if “smoking”

According to another version, the word “smoking room is alive” comes from a fortune-telling procedure. During fortune telling, a song was sung:

“The smoking room is alive, alive,
Alive, alive, but not dead.
At our smoking room
The legs are thin,
The soul is short"

You need to think of a wish, light a torch and sing a song. If the torch does not go out, your plan will come true.

    Today, the phraseology “the smoking room is alive” is used in meetings of those (news about those) about whom nothing has been known for a long time

Smoking room and A. S. Pushkin

In 1825, in the third issue of the journal “Bulletin of Europe”, signed by Yust Veridikov, there was a review of Pushkin’s poem “Prisoner of the Caucasus” (finished in 1821, published a year later): “A true writer will not dare to publish works from which nothing more you will not know except that someone was taken prisoner; that some young girl fell in love with a prisoner who could not love her mutually, having lost the voluptuousness of life, and finally, that the same girl freed him and drowned herself.” Pushkin was offended and wrote an epigram in response

"How! Is the Kurilka journalist still alive?
- Lively! still dry and boring
And rude, and stupid, and tormented by envy,
Everything squeezes into its obscene sheet -
Both old nonsense and new nonsense.
- Ugh! tired of the smoking-room journalist!
How to extinguish a stinking splinter?
How to kill my Smoking Room?
Give me advice. - Yes... spit on him"

The epigram was addressed to the editor-publisher of the magazine “Bulletin of Europe” M.T. Kachenovsky, although under the pseudonym Yust Veridikov the poet, critic, translator and memoirist M.A. was most likely hiding. Dmitriev. By the way, Pushkin did not publish the epigram. It became public knowledge only in 1857 after the publication in the Sovremennik magazine of “Pushkin’s Unpublished Epigrams. (1825)"

The use of the expression “smoking room is alive” in literature

- « I have only one joy left: a desk, pen, paper and ink. While all this is at hand, I sit and sing: the smoking room is alive, the smoking room is alive, not dead! But who can guarantee that this joy will not suddenly disappear?? (Saltykov-Shchedrin “Letters to Auntie”)
- « Bah, the Smoking Room is alive! – the governor laughed. - Gentlemen, look, our mayor is coming» (A.P. Chekhov “Frost”) »
- « The smoking room is alive! It’s hard for people and our party to live. And yet they live"(Lenin "Letters to I. F. Armand")

Alive Smoking Room

Alive Smoking Room

An expression from a folk children's song sung when playing "Smoking Room". The players sit in a circle and pass each other a burning torch with the refrain: “The Smoking Room is alive, alive, thin legs, short soul.” The one in whose hands the torch goes out leaves the circle. This is where the expression “the Smoking Room is alive” came from, used as a playful exclamation when referring to the ongoing activity of insignificant people, as well as the continuous activity of someone in difficult conditions.

Dictionary of catch words. Plutex. 2004.


See what “Alive Smoking Room” is in other dictionaries:

    The smoking room is alive! an expression that has been used for a long time in relation to people who, by general opinion, have stopped their activities, disappeared somewhere, disappeared, died, but in fact are alive and busy with the same business. Contents 1 Origin ... ... Wikipedia

    An expression from the ancient Russian folk children's game "Smoking Room". The rules are as follows: the players sit in a circle and pass a burning splinter to each other, while singing the corresponding song and saying. The one in whose hands the torch goes out is considered... ... Dictionary of popular words and expressions

    ◘ alive smoking room- ◘ ALIVE ALIVE SMOKING ROOM About a person living in conditions of incredible difficulties; about something that exists for a long time and acts. How! Is the smoking-room journalist still alive? Lively! still dry and boring, and rude and stupid, and tormented by envy. // Pushkin.… … Dictionary of forgotten and difficult words from works of Russian literature of the 18th-19th centuries

    Adverb, number of synonyms: 1 live (85) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    Alive smoking room- Just kidding. Someone who has already begun to be forgotten lives and acts, showing his capabilities in something. Bah, the smoking room is alive! the governor laughed. Gentlemen, look, our mayor is coming (Chekhov. Frost). From an ancient folk game in which... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    Alive Smoking Room- wing. sl. An expression from a folk children's song sung when playing "Smoking Room". The players sit in a circle and pass each other a burning torch with the refrain: “The Smoking Room is alive, alive, thin legs, short soul.” The one in whose hands the torch goes out... ... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    alive, smoking room!- joking. , iron. or approved an exclamation when mentioning someone’s continued activity, his existence, despite difficult conditions. The phrase goes back to an ancient game with a lit torch, which was passed from hand to hand, accompanied by... ... Phraseology Guide

    Razg. Joking. Who l. exists, acts, manifests itself despite difficult conditions. FSRY, 217; BTS, 481; SHZF 2001, 75; ZS 1996, 315; DP, 54; BMS 1998, 323 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    the smoking room is alive!- About someone who did not disappear, despite life’s failures, or about someone who was in obscurity for a long time and suddenly showed up... Dictionary of many expressions

    Alive, alive Churilka (or: Smoking-room). The Smoking Room is alive, not dead. See PATIENCE HOPE... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people


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