Hungarian crosswords. Philwords (Hungarian crosswords) based on fairy tales for literary reading lessons for primary school students

No wonder that Hungarian crossword, which is also called a fillword, is a field of cells where the letters of possible answers are written. A chain of these cells makes up each answer, and neighboring cells can touch sides. In this option, words that are answers should not intersect; they do not have any common cells with other answer words. The Hungarian puzzle is much easier to solve than the traditional type of crossword, and that is why it is published in children's publications, and instead of definitions, pictures, puzzles, and riddles are used.

Hungarian crossword online sometimes used as part of another puzzle, for example, instead of definitions for a classic, even Scandinavian crossword puzzle. When a Hungarian crossword has been solved, “empty” letters remain in the grid; they are used to compose a keyword according to the anagram rule, which you can familiarize yourself with.

But you can also create a fascinating crossword puzzle about Hungary itself, which will appeal to schoolchildren who are interested in geography. Questions may include both those related to basic knowledge from history, and about the characteristics of the Hungarian people, which only real experts can answer.

1. The capital of which state, located in Central Europe, is the city of Budapest. (Answer - Hungary)

2. Capital of Hungary. (Answer - Budapest)

3. What type of government system is in Hungary. (Answer - Republic)

4. Hungarian administrative-territorial unit. (Answer - Medye)

5. How many regions is Hungary divided into? (Answer - Twenty)

6. In what part of Europe is the Republic of Hungary located? (Answer - Central)

7. Which state does Hungary border on the east? (Answer - Ukraine)

8. Which country does Hungary border with? (Serbia)

9. Religion of the majority of the population of the state of Hungary. (Catholicism)

10. In Hungary, the monetary unit. (Answer - forint)

11. Eastern part of Hungary. (Answer - Alfeld)

12. Plain western part. (Answer - Dunantul)

13. Lowland in northwestern Hungary. (Answer - Kishalföld)

14. Hungarian foothills of the Alps. (Answer - Alpokalya)

15. Highest point. (Answer - Kekesh)

16. Karst caves on the border with Slovenia, which have the largest network of underground lakes and rivers. (Answer - Agtelek)

17. Where do the rivers of Hungary flow? (Answer - Danube)

18. The largest lake. (Answer - Balaton)

19. A lake of thermal origin, which is the largest in Europe. (Answer - Heviz)

20. Soil in Hungary. (Answer - Chernozem)

Such questions can be used when creating a Hungarian-type crossword puzzle, or if you have been assigned to do a test work about the state of Hungary.

No wonder that Hungarian math crossword- the most popular in the world, because those who know everything about Rubik’s puzzles know that this engineer created his famous puzzle in Hungary.

This type of puzzle was invented at the beginning of our era. And they became widespread in the 19th century, after many newspapers and magazines began to be published. But it reached Russia only in 1925, appearing in the Leningrad magazine “Rezec”. Now these puzzles are published in various publications, as well as as independent collections. The rules of the classic crossword are simple - it consists of a grid of cells intersecting with each other. The task consists of fairly detailed questions and definitions. Crossword puzzles in, or are common as variations.
In St. Petersburg there is an International Club of Russian Crosswords “Krestoslovitsa”.

Scandinavian crossword

This view is a continuous field of cells, some of which have questions written in them. The directions of the answers are indicated in the form of arrows. Because of the small space in which the writing must fit, the questions are short definitions, associations, or even abbreviations. In general, scanwords are more popular than classic crosswords. The density of intersection of words in them is much greater, so choosing the right answers becomes easier. However, there are also more complex varieties of Scandinavian crosswords. For example, in “capacious scanwords” more than one letter fits into some cells, and in “hexagonal” words fit in 6 directions at once.

Hungarian crossword

This variety is also called "fillword". The Hungarian crossword is a square box with letters already written in, which make up the answers. However, words can be written in different directions and bend at right angles without intersecting. In simple answer words, hints are given for the answers - definitions or pictures. In more complex ones, only the number of words and their topics are indicated. A variation of the Hungarian crossword is English. In it, words can only go in a straight line, but their intersection is acceptable.
Specialized crossword publications appeared in the 1990s.

Line crossword

In this type of crossword, also called “chinword,” the words follow a chain, one after another. Answers may have one or more letters in common. Sometimes the chain of a linear crossword puzzle can intersect itself - this type of puzzle is called a cross-chain puzzle.


A keyword, or keyword, consists of a field filled with numbers. Each number has its own letter. It is necessary to restore the crossword by filling it with words. As a rule, the task contains a keyword, the letters of which are numbered with corresponding numbers. By matching the key, you need to guess which words are encrypted in the crossword puzzle.

Among the many different puzzles, the crossword puzzle is the most popular. To create a crossword puzzle, it is not at all necessary to use special programs and you do not need to have any special experience. There are ways that are suitable for those who like to solve crossword puzzles and those who want to learn how to compose them. To do this, you will need basic knowledge of Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word.

At the first stage, it is necessary to correctly formulate the question, the answer to which must be clear, short, without the presence of a hyphen or other signs, and must be in the nominative case. Answers need to be divided into vertical and horizontal.

At the second stage, design talent will come in handy. By launching Microsoft Excel, you need to write down the answers in . Next, the entire area of ​​the crossword puzzle must be selected and surrounded in a frame. For this purpose, the following is highlighted: range – boundaries – external boundaries. Now, alternately select rows and columns with the answers: borders - all borders. The result is fields with spaces for answers that are highlighted. You can diversify cells without answers with different fills.

At the third stage, set the same size to the cells of the selected range. To change the line size, you need to go to the format - line - line width. Choose the size you need. To change a column, you need to go to the column width section and select the required size.

The fourth stage is the final one. The cells must be numbered. The title of the answer must match the number of this question. It is recommended to choose a font size 8 Calibri.

There are certain subtleties when composing a crossword puzzle. The correct way to develop answers for a crossword puzzle is to select the intended grid and fill it in. A more complex option - first, and then the grid. To begin with, you can take a grid from a crossword puzzle of some printed publication; an ordinary classic grid of different configurations will do.

The simplest intersection is when the words intersect in no more than two places. A larger number of intersections is much more difficult, especially towards the end of the crossword puzzle. It is desirable that the intersection be vowels. Hissing letters, a soft-hard sign, as well as “e yu ya” in the intersection cells are an unnecessary headache.

It is advisable to first come up with and connect long words with each other, then fit them into short ones.

The most difficult thing to do is create a thematic crossword. It is quite difficult to remember the maximum number of words on a certain topic.

Video on the topic


  • how to make your own crossword puzzle

You will need

  • Thematic encyclopedias.


Read first, paying attention to more questions, but on topics familiar to you. If the answer is “twirling around” in your head, you are already close to the solution. Open the encyclopedia and refresh your memory of the events that relate to the current question. This may lead you to the right decision.

Move on to the most difficult questions, by topic. By this time, most of the crossword puzzle should already be solved by you. Strangers can be guessed with the help of others, taking advantage of their knowledge. Lovers of crossword puzzles communicate on thematic forums. Ask your question there and get an answer with the help of collective intelligence.


Helpful advice


  • Fundamental electronic library "Russian literature and folklore" in 2019

Solving crossword puzzles is a creative and useful form of recreation. A fully solved crossword puzzle brings a lot of satisfaction associated with many sudden mental insights. To solve a crossword puzzle, you can proceed in a certain order.

You will need

  • Thematic encyclopedias.


Read first, paying attention to more complex questions, but those that are familiar to you. If the answer is “twirling around” in your head, you are already close to the solution. Open the encyclopedia and refresh your memory of the events that relate to the current question. This may lead you to the right decision.

Move to the most difficult questions, on unfamiliar topics. By this time, you should have already solved part of the crossword puzzle. Strangers can be guessed with the help of people around you, taking advantage of their knowledge. Lovers of crossword puzzles communicate on thematic forums. Ask your question there and get an answer with the help of collective intelligence.
If you have enough time and motivation, study new topics in encyclopedias. This will broaden your horizons and gradually move on to more complex crossword puzzles.

To solve the crossword puzzle yourself, you can use special online services. Enter an unfamiliar word into the search form, which contains question marks instead of unknown letters, for example, ??m?a. After clicking on the "Search" button, different variants of words will appear with an explanation of their meanings.


Don't try crossword puzzles that are too difficult, especially if you're starting to solve them for the first time. Otherwise, you may quickly get bored with this task. Find easier crossword puzzles to start with so you can enjoy the whole process.

Helpful advice

Collect all solved crossword puzzles. Previous achievements will motivate you to further efforts. Over time, your level will increase.


  • Fundamental electronic library "Russian literature and folklore"

Solving crossword puzzles is a great way to spend time productively. They help broaden your horizons and expand your vocabulary. Composing an interesting crossword puzzle is not an easy task; to solve it you need to act step by step.

Crossword grid

The first thing you will need to do is crossword grids. Select a rectangular or square area divided into cells. Determine the number of cells horizontally and vertically. If you create by hand and on paper, you can choose any size area. If you use special software, certain restrictions may be imposed on the grid size.

List of words

Make a list of words that will be contained in the crossword puzzle. To make it simple, you can take a topic for your crossword (for example, sports, movies, celebrities, etc.) and create words based on it.

Place the invented words in the prepared grid. To do this, prepare a crossword puzzle from the existing grid, determining where and in what size the words will be located. Paint over the remaining cells as unnecessary. Then arrange the words from your list into this template. Please note that with this method of creating a crossword, not all of your words can be used, so try to come up with as many words as possible. An easier way to overlay words is to enter them into the grid in advance, arranging them as you see fit. After all the words are located, color in the empty cells.

You can also use special software that allows you to automate the process of creating a template and entering words into it.

First letters

Once you're done filling out the grid, identify the first words of each and number them, starting from the top left corner. When using programs, this process is performed automatically. If you do everything yourself, do not forget that you will have two numbering lists, for vertical and for horizontal words.


Make a list of questions for the words you have prepared. This is the creative part of composing a crossword puzzle, you can come up with questions in any form. Be sure to number the questions and divide them into two lists, one for vertical and one for horizontal words.

Mesh copy

Create another crossword grid with an exact copy of the first grid's template. Number it in the same way, but leave the lines themselves empty, without entering words in them. Set the first grid aside, it will serve as answers to your questions, and the second one can be used as a ready-made crossword puzzle.

“Fairy-tale” fillwords for literary reading lessons for primary school students

Ryabichenko Nadezhda Vladimirovna, primary school teacher of the MKOU "Mikhailovskaya secondary school" of the Kikvidzensky district of the Volgograd region
Description of material: I bring to your attention “fairytale” fillwords.
This material is intended for elementary school students. It can be used by a teacher in literary reading lessons to consolidate and generalize knowledge on studied Russian folk tales, as well as in extracurricular activities.
Target: consolidation of knowledge about the studied works, formation of interest in Russian folk tales.
- test students’ knowledge of the studied works;
- develop logical thinking, intelligence, intellectual and cognitive abilities of students;
- cultivate interest in reading.
Philword (Hungarian crossword) is a kind of crossword puzzle in which you need to find words among the written letters. Unlike ordinary crosswords, in which you need to write down the solved word according to its definition horizontally and vertically, a fillword is a field of cells in which letters have already been written. Words in a fillword can be placed in any direction, but cannot intersect anywhere, and cannot be placed diagonally. Sometimes in a fillword, after all the words have been found, there may be letters left from which they form a new word - the general answer to a given puzzle. Philwords for students can be compiled on any topic and in any subject.
My students enjoy solving the puzzles that I create for lessons in PowerPoint. They are a grid of squares (6x6) with letters written down. Students find words related to the lesson topic by clicking on the squares (when clicked, the squares are highlighted in a different color). For weak students, you can use hint questions, and also indicate the number of words in the fillword grid or even the number of letters in each word.

Philword No. 1 for the Russian folk tale “Fear has big eyes”

Questions - hints (indicating the number of letters in each word):
- This fairy tale heroine took water from the well. - 7 letters (grandmother)
- In the fairy tale they call her Laughter. - 6 letters (granddaughter)
“She was so scared that when she ran home, she said: “The fox snuck up on me and almost grabbed me!” - 7 letters (hen)
- Someone ran into the forest out of fear, lay down under a bush and thought: “That’s passion!” Four hunters were chasing me, all with dogs; as soon as my legs carried me away! - 5 letters (bunny)
- This fairy tale hero had buckets the size of thimbles. – 5 letters (mouse)
- What fell from the tree under which one of the fairy tale heroes was sitting and hit this hero right in the forehead? - 6 letters (apple)

Philword No. 2 for the Russian folk tale “Fear has big eyes”

Questions and tips:
- What animal did the grandmother “see” in fright? (bear)
- It seemed to my granddaughter that it was... (wolf)
- She crept up to the chicken and almost grabbed it. (fox)
- He seemed big, scary, and mustachioed to the mouse. (cat)
- Who did the hare think was chasing him? Find 2 words in the fineword. Each word names one, not many objects. (hunter, dog)

Philword for the Russian folk tale “Kroshechka - Khavroshechka”

Questions and tips:
- What were the names of the owner’s three daughters? (One-Eyed, Two-Eyed, Three-Eyed)
- What should Tiny - Khavroshechka have collected, tied in a scarf, buried in the garden and watered every morning? (bones)

Philword for the Russian folk tale “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”

Questions and tips:
- What tree with golden fruits did Tsar Berendey have? (Apple tree)
- Who first ate the horse that belonged to Ivan Tsarevich, and then served him faithfully? (wolf)
- What should Ivan Tsarevich not have touched with his hands when he got to the kingdom of King Afron and took the bird? (cell)
- What Ivan Tsarevich touched when he climbed over the wall of the fortress, went into the stable and caught the golden-maned horse. (bridle)
- What was the name of the king who had a daughter, Elena the Beautiful. (Dalmat)
- Where did Tsar Berendey grow a tree with golden fruits? (garden)
- What was left in the hands of Ivan the Tsarevich when he caught the Firebird, but could not hold it, because the bird started up and flew away? (feather)
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