How are related words different? Related words

The concept of related words is identical to the concept of cognate words. Such words are derived from one initial form and have a single root. This circumstance determines that all related words have a similar meaning. At the same time, their forms can change greatly and be supplemented with prepositions, suffixes, and endings.

Examples of related words

To understand the concept of related words and learn to distinguish them from other words, it is necessary to give several examples:

  • the words “lace, whirl, circle” are related to each other. They all contain the basic "circle, circle" shape. IN in this case the letters “zh, g” change, but the meaning and meaning of the words remains unchanged. In this case, the word “circle” is the initial word that denotes shape. This is actually a circle. Therefore, the word “mug” will also be related, since it is formed from the word “circle” due to its round shape;
  • the words “wall, wall, dungeon, wall” are also related. Their main part is the shape of the “walls”. That is, the initial word will be the word “wall”, which denotes the main concept, the object itself. All other words are derived from it. Prefixes and endings were added to them, due to which new forms of words were created;
  • “movement, latch, move, move.” In this case we are talking about performing actions, that is, about “movement”. This is the main word that means basic concept. Then, derivative forms are formed. For example, the word “valve” means a locking device that can move. Due to this, it locks the door. Therefore, all of the words listed are related to each other.

Thus, all related words have the same root. It is he who makes them related. Therefore, it is important to identify such a root and understand its semantic meaning.

Related words and synonyms

Related words have the same root and are derived forms from initial word. Synonyms are words that have similar meanings. But the root of the synonyms will be different. Thus, the words “bright” and “brilliant” are synonymous. But they are not related to each other.

(lexemes) having the same root, but related to various parts speech (white - whiteness - turn white).

To choose a word with the same root, it is not necessary to have a good knowledge of word formation, especially since basic information on this section of the Russian language is taught back in primary school. However, it will not be amiss to remember that related words consist of a certain set of postfixes (prefixes) and postfixes (suffixes only). Words that have the same root, but differ only in inflections (endings), are not related words; they are forms of the same word: river-a, river-u.

Explain to children the words with the same root. To do this, they need to remember the following parts: words, as a prefix and . Ask the guys to use these morphemes cognate words with some kind of root. For example, with the root "run". They should come up with similar words: - running - run - running - defector, etc.

Students’ work on the formation of cognate words is important. This skill makes it easy to select test words and avoid mistakes in writing.

word formation, everyone knows, in fact. At least, speakers of a particular language engage in this process automatically, without thinking that the spoken lexical units are the result of word formation. What's happened word formation?


To understand, you must first understand the morphological subtleties inherent in each word. It's no secret that it is a set, each of which performs its own function. Root, suffix, ending, base, prefix. All of them are morphemes and, one way or another, participate in word formation. However, the main means of ensuring the word formation process are prefixes. It's them

Cognates are words that have the same root. Moreover, they belong to different particles of speech. So, for example, the words “white”, “whiteness”, “whiten” can be called related. Continuing the conversation about what related words are, it should be noted that when defining them, a number of features must be taken into account. We'll talk about this further.

How are related words formed?

Related words are formed by a certain set of prefixes and suffixes (postfixes). If words, having the same root, differ only in endings (inflections), they cannot be considered related. For example, “rek-a” and “rek-u” are not related words, but forms of the same word.

In the Russian language, the most common methods of word formation, as is known, are prefixal, suffixal, prefix-suffixal. In the first case, the word is formed solely by adding a prefix, in the second - a suffix. As for the prefix-suffix method, a symbiosis of the two above-mentioned methods is used. The prefix method is not very suitable for creating related words. Indeed, the words “to-run”, “to-run” and “to run” do not have much semantic difference.

What words are not related?

Continuing the topic of which words are related, we must also say about the need to remember about homonymous roots. That is, the words “vod-it” and “vod-yanoy” cannot be considered related, because the meanings of these, at first glance, identical roots are different.

In addition to all of the above, you need to remember about historically related words, which in the modern Russian language have ceased to be related. For example, in the past the words “victory” and “trouble” were related. Today they are not considered as such. Therefore, the term “historically related” is applied to them.

How do related words differ from similar words?

    Related words are words that have the same root, which can be said about the same root words. However, the difference is that related words must necessarily be related in meaning, which cannot always be said about simply words with the same root. Example: water, water are related, but water and water are simply the same root.

    When they give homework, find related words, then you get a little confused, related words - what are they?.

    These are cognates, words that have the same root, therefore

    homeland - native - to be born are related.

    The differences can be found in the fact that words can be in different parts speech.

    Related words, as if not to repeat myself, but without this it will not work:

    for example: snow, snowball, snowy.

    For example: mountain, humpbacked, hill, forge, miner.

    These are words that have the same root, but at the same time they belong to different parts of speech.

    The Russian language is beautiful, powerful and rich. You can't help but love such beauty. But beauty requires, as they say, sacrifices. Therefore, taking the time to study the Russian language and its rules is always tiring, but it’s worth it.

    At school they didn’t put much emphasis on this topic. Or maybe I graduated from school a long time ago and remember almost nothing. And because of my nationality, it was very difficult for me to learn Russian. Even if he is powerful.

    Related words are words that have the same root or are similar in meaning. Cognate words are also words that have the same root, but with different suffixes and prefixes. For example, Les-lesa-lesok; house-house-house.

    Cognates are words that have the same root, but they belong to different parts of speech. For example: pine, pine, pine forest.

    The words lead and water cannot be considered related, since these words have different meanings. These are words with the same root.

    The words window, Windows, under the window are also not related, they are different shapes the same word.

    Related words are words with the same root and the same meaning, sometimes slightly different in meaning.

    Words with the same root have the same root, but completely different meanings.

    The root is a common part words, at the root, the whole meaning of words.

    Related words and words of the same root are, to some extent, no different. Literally, then

    The difference between related words is that they must also be close in meaning. For example, mountain and gorka are two words that are not only the same root, but also related.

    This is exactly what is written here.

    In the Russian language textbook for 2nd grade the following is written about related words:

    Other textbooks say that distinctive feature related words from cognate words can be considered to have the same semantic meaning. To make it clearer, I will explain. It seems to me, for example, that the words bird and bird will not be related, but only the same root. Why? Because the meaning of the word bird differs from the meaning of the word bird, in the first case it is a diminutive. I think it is the semantic differences that are key to the way we define the differences between these two concepts.

    I will describe in more detail the meaning of the concept of related words. These words are simultaneously cognate, have the same root, are identical in meaning, but different in meaning.

    Let me immediately give examples of such words:

    1. mountains, mountains, mountains, mountains.
    2. puddle, puddle, puddle (although they don’t say that, but a child may well express himself that way).
    3. nog, knife, knife.

    Cognates play with the meaning of the word itself, making something that we're talking about, sometimes large, sometimes ordinary, sometimes small, sometimes tiny.

    This happens with the help of various suffixes, diminutive or magnifying.. Example: puddle (there is now one), puddles (there were many of them), puddle (one puddle and something happens, let’s say there is something lying in the puddle). A change in the word form of a word is when the root is the same, the meaning is the same (we are talking about the same puddle), but the duration of action and the number of these puddles changes.

    Pay attention to this answer, everything is stated very sensibly.


    In order to change a word in relation to related ones, you need to change the suffixes.

    In order to change a word in form, word form, the endings are changed.

    In order to change a word according to the same-root principle, everything except the root is changed.

    The same meaning remains only for the root, and not for the entire word as a whole. Example: run-u, run-un, run-run, run-running, run-run-ali. The root has only one meaning, run, run, run, but the words have different meanings, different actions, different subtext.

    Related words have the same root. But, unlike similar roots words, related words are also close in meaning. So, for example, battle, combative, warhead, militant are related words.

    But, at the same time, the words half a hundred years will only be of the same root, not related in any way, since they reflect different concepts, do not have any general meaning.

    There is also the concept of historically related words, these are words that have ceased to be related over time. For example, victory and trouble were previously related.

Words that have the same root and are close in meaning are called related. Etymons that have the same root but differ in prefixes and scaffixes are called cognate. They can be different parts of speech or one. In their general essence, related words are always very similar to each other: house, house, home, home, homebody, homely.

What are we taught?

From the first years of school, children are taught to select words with the same root. In this science, several basic rules can be identified, which we describe below:

Words must have the same root (the root is the main part of the word, carrying the main lexical meaning);

The form of the same speech and related words are completely different things, for example: gardener, garden, garden - related; gardener, gardeners, gardener - one word in different forms;

A mechanical selection of similar sayings should not be allowed, because the sounds can be fundamentally combined, but the words will be unrelated, for example, driver and waterman;

Words with the same root are not always a noun, for example, driver (noun), drive (verb), driver's (adjective) - they have the same base, but they are different parts of speech;

It is worth using selections of related words by searching for suffixes and prefixes - running, running, running;

Related words are the basis for selecting verification etymons, which allows for a minimum of errors.

Let's look at the basics of Russian grammar

In studying the procedure for selecting sayings that are similar to each other, there are several important rules:

Etymons derived from the same word, the explanation of which allows the use of the same term, for example, fungus - a small mushroom, mycelium - the place where the mushroom grows, and so on;

Such expressions must have a clearly defined connection in meaning;

Sometimes statements may be close in meaning, but not have a common part - they are not related;

It is necessary to select related words using prefixes;

Modified etymons (door, doors, door) are not related;

The role of the vowel sound in test words with the same root is important - it must be stressed.

Before you start choosing related words, you must first think, then double-check, and finally write. If you train this process brain activity, words with the same root will be automatically formed in the head, due to which the risk of making a mistake will tend to zero. In any speech, words complement each other, helping a person express them in speech or on paper. Therefore, it is worth helping the brain by asking some questioning commands. Thanks to this, words are formed - hints that help determine the required letter in the spelling of a word.

Some features of related words

There is a science of etymology that allows you to find family ties between words, and explains their origin. Etymologically related words are words that have undergone phonetic and semantic changes in the process of their development. You can take a simple example: the word “carnation” is written with the letter “o” due to the fact that it was named because the flowers of the plant resemble nails. It is precisely these processes of word formation that etymology deals with.