Spelling of the particle "not" with different parts of speech. Continuous and separate spelling of particles not and neither with different parts of speech

Writing Not With different parts speech depends on whether Not part of a word (prefix) or single word is a negative particle. Console Not- is written together with the part of the word following it, particle Not written separately with the word following it. Compare, for example: Not the execution is terrible - your disgrace is terrible(P.); A difficult lot, not gratifying / Was taken out for you by fate, / And early with a merciless life / You entered into an unequal battle(Tyutch.).

The difficulty for the writer is to distinguish between particle and prefix. The rules are designed to help the writer distinguish between the prefix Not- and particle Not and on the basis of this, choose a continuous or separate spelling.

Particle Not expresses negation without creating a new word, whereas with the prefix Not- a word is created, compare: Not experience is the reason, but prudence And Inexperience leads to trouble(P.).

With words of some grammatical categories Not can only be written separately, with words of other categories - both together and separately. In addition, there are conditions that determine only continuous spelling Not regardless of the grammatical category of words. Only negative is written separately Not , pertaining to the whole phrase.

Consolidated spelling NOT

Regardless of the grammatical affiliation of the word negation Not it is written together in the following cases.

1. If after not, which has a negative meaning, there follows a part of the word, which does not exist separately (without not) as an independent word, For example:

Nouns fable, tumbler, ignorance, ignoramus, adversity, unseen, invisible, slave, scoundrel, touchy, ailment, forget-me-not, hatred, bad weather, malfunctions, fidget, slob, foolish, loser, non-Christ;

Adjectives (as well as adverbs formed from them in O ): negligent, inconspicuous, irrevocable, unharmed, inevitable, unchanging, absurd, necessary, invincible, incessant, inseparable, ineffable, unending, incessant, undoubted, incomparable, absurd, unfortunate, clumsy, unbearable, unshakable, indisputable, indomitable; carelessly, absurdly, necessary, undoubtedly;

Verbs: to dislike, to dislike, to be indignant, to be unwell, to be unwell, to hate, to be unwell;

Adverbs and other invariable words: unbearable, unbearable, unbearable, unknowingly, by chance, unwittingly, impossible, inadvertently, really.

2. If a part of the word without not in independent use has a different meaning not related to the given word , For example: ignorance('ignorance'; conducting means ‘field of activity’, compare: he was in charge of...); flaw('flaw'; prosperity means ‘prosperity, lack of need’); misfortune(‘trouble’, not ‘lack of happiness’), unimportant('bad'; important means ‘proud’ and ‘significant’); narrow-minded('not very smart'; far means ‘at a great distance’); lack(meaning ‘not enough’), enemy('enemy'). Compare also: unprecedented chance, wrong light, incredible event, impossible character, involuntary lie, useless boy, immediate response, immediate reaction; unevenness(meaning ‘uneven place on the surface’); not without reason(meaning ‘not in vain’).

3. As part of the prefixes under- and nebez- (heaven-):

under- with the value of incompleteness, insufficiency compared to the norm, for example: underweight, imperfection, underweight, underestimation, shortcoming; unripe, underdeveloped; to underdo, to underdo, to underestimate, to underestimate, to underestimate, to underestimate, to undersalt;

From verbs with a prefix under- distinguish between verbs with a prefix before- and the preceding particle Not(such verbs with particle Not denotes an action that has not been completed). Compare: overlooked the child And Didn't finish the play; They are chronically malnourished And He usually doesn't finish his portion..

not without- (heaven-) with the value of a moderate, but sufficiently significant degree of the attribute, for example: notorious(‘quite famous’), unreasonable, useless(‘pretty useful’), fruitless('pretty effective').

Separate spelling NOT

Negative is not written separately in the following cases.

1. With all forms of verbs :

a) with the infinitive and conjugated forms, for example: don't know, don't know, don't know, didn't know, didn't know, take your time, take your time, take your time, don't like it, out of luck;

b) with short forms of participles, for example: not used, not starched, not uncorked, not developed, not closed, not busy, not drunk;

c) with gerunds, for example: not wanting, not being distracted, not hurrying, not joking, not having time, not having met.

From gerunds with a particle Not should be distinguished:

a) adverb immediately(‘immediately, immediately’), compare: Got down to business immediately And Without delay in answering, he sat down to write;

b) complex prepositions in spite of, in spite of, compare: Came despite the difficulties And Went without looking around; c) union although.

2. With numerals and countable nouns , For example: not one, not two, not five, not both, not a sixth, not a hundred, not a thousand, not a million.

3. with pronouns , For example: not me, not me, not you, not you, not him, not that, not mine, not ours, not theirs, not anyone, not like that, not everyone, not everyone, not so much, not like this, not always, not everywhere, not in my own voice, not in my own.

4. With adjectives used only in short form : not happy, should not, not much.

5. With adverbs (except for those formed from adjectives with the suffix -O ), and with invariable words used as a predicate , For example: not near, not on time, not quite, not right, not for the future, not seriously, not in passing, not yesterday, not enough, not tomorrow, not in vain, not otherwise, not forever, not forever, not on purpose, not really, not behind , not completely, not today, not too much, not from above, not immediately; not sorry, not married, not shameful, not necessary.

There are a few exceptions to this rule: adverbs not far away, inopportunely, shortly, not for long, not much can be written both together and separately.

6. With any words written with a hyphen, For example: not commercial and industrial, not research, not a conference hall, not a social democrat, not in a comradely way, not in Russian, not in our way.

7. With any combination of words :

a) with combinations consisting of significant words (in these cases, the negation does not refer to the word that follows Not , but to the whole phrase), for example: not a candidate of science, not a citizen of Russia, not a researcher, not a specialist in the field of philology, not directly proportional;

b) with prepositional combinations, for example: not for children, not for glory, not with them, not along the way, not without reason, not under power, not according to conscience, not from timid, not about war, not in the spirit, not able, not in his mind, not to the face, beyond the power.

Merged / separate spelling NOT

With nouns, adjectives (full and short forms and forms comparative degree), with adverbs in -O , full participle forms Not can be written both together and separately.

-O negation Not written separately in the following cases.

1. As part of constructions with opposition : not ... but, not ... but, ... but not ... In such structures Not can only be a negative particle, for example:

Not happiness, but just luck; He didn't tell the truth, but a half-truth(compare: Told a lie); Not love, but infatuation(compare: His dislike for animals);

Not good man but rather stupid(compare: He is a bad person); The title is quirky, not original(compare: Non-original title); Not a simple egg, but a golden one(compare: Tough question); It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick; He is resourceful, not cunning; The new sentence is not fairer, but only more severe ;

You did not act badly, but horribly; Understanding this is not easy, but very simple..

Particle is written in the same way Not in constructions with opposition and in the absence of union A , For example: This is not entertainment, this is a lesson; Not pleasant - a spectacular sight; A gift is not expensive - love is expensive; He does not act more energetically - more fussy.

Such constructions should be distinguished from oppositions of a different kind, in which conjunctions A And But close in value to though, still, nevertheless, For example: The river was not wide, but full-flowing; He is ugly but smart; She is short but slender; Inexpensive gift, but nice; Ugly, but cute; Silly but boring. Here it is not denied that the river was wide, that it was beautiful, etc., but it is asserted that the river is not wide, that it is ugly, etc.

2. As part of structures that reinforce denial:

A) with words not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all , For example: This is not true at all; This case is by no means unique; This is by no means obvious; She is far from brave; He is by no means stupid; It's no fun to talk about it; Not in the least embarrassed; She is not more educated than her husband;

b) with negative pronouns: not at all, not at all, no one, no one, no one, never, nowhere, not at all, nothing, nothing, nothing etc., for example: The case is in no way suitable; A worthless project; He is no friend of mine; not at all envious, not needed by anyone, in no way useless, good for nothing, incapable of anything, not interesting in anything; He is no prettier than his sister;

V) with union no no, For example: Neither the hosts nor the guests know a man; Not needed by me or you.

Constructions that reinforce the negative should be distinguished from constructions that emphasize the affirmative meaning.

3. In combinations almost…, almost…, isn’t…, no further than…, not later than…, not earlier than…

With nouns, adjectives, adverbs in -O negation is NOT written together in the following cases X

1. If the word with cannot be replaced by a word that is close in meaning without not. This possibility means that Not - a prefix that forms a special word, for example: non-intervention(neutrality), not true(lie); frivolous(frivolous), unhealthy(painful), shallow knowledge(surface), unfriendly(hostile); quietly(quiet), often(often), not easy(difficult), not close(far), quite a few(a lot of).

2. If nouns and adjectives in combination with do not indicate non-belonging to any category of persons or phenomena , For example: non-doctors, non-phraniuses, non-Marxists, non-Christians, non-specialists, non-Muscovites, non-Russians, non-democrats, non-poets, non-terms, non-metals, non-spirits; A non-Russian will look without love / At this pale, bloody, / Whip-slashed Muse(Nekr.); The non-doctor will not understand this; Non-specialists liked the report; A non-Egyptologist will not understand him; A non-mathematician cannot solve this problem; A non-linguist would not write such a dictation; non-academic institutions, non-food additives, non-military industries .

3. If there is no definition or preposition before the noun c. The presence of these words is a sign that Not with the given noun forms a single word, for example: Fired for absenteeism; It's all my eternal bad luck; To his rashness was added his usual indecisiveness; Everyone knows about her bad manners; I doze off at balls, / Before them, a mortal reluctant(Gr.).

4. If with an adjective, as well as with an adverb on -O there are words very, extremely, quite, extremely, clearly, rather (enough), enough, egregiously, exceptionally, eminently- words with the meaning of the degree of manifestation of the feature, emphasizing the statement, For example: very dishonest work, slept very restlessly, became extremely inactive and slow, answered extremely unintelligibly and unsatisfactorily, very extraordinary, very thoughtlessly, extremely unresponsive person, extremely unpleasant, clearly inexpedient undertaking, rather unfortunate ending, fairly consistent, blatantly illiterate, exceptionally unfavorable circumstances , highly indecent.

However, words like absolutely, absolutely, can also be used in combinations of this type (emphasizing the statement), and with words that are not written with separately. Compare, for example: absolutely(totally) bad performance And he is absolutely human(totally) not old(Possibly a synonym not old at all).

5. If there are qualifying adverbs in the form of the comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs , For example: even more uninteresting, much uglier, much more unpleasant, more and more inaccessible, a little more incomprehensible, and also if the form of the comparative degree is used in negative constructions like: there is nothing worse than... or in constructions with unions than... the, For example: the simpler the better; the further, the more disappointing.

From a number of adjectives with a prefix Not- and the corresponding adverbs of the form of the comparative degree are not formed. These include education Not- from words that have forms with a suffix -e And -she (For example: not rich, uneasy, not loud, not thin, not far), with stressed suffix -her (For example: weak, obscure, uncomplicated, dull). Therefore, it is common to write not richer, not simpler, not louder, not farther, not stronger, not clearer, not funnier.

However, very rarely forms of the comparative degree from such formations with Not- occur, for example: The floating ghost has become even more obscure(P.); It’s not easier, more secretive than it was small in all Izvala(Boon.).

In all other cases, in the absence of words in the context that help to recognize the negation or affirmation and, therefore, to distinguish the particle Not from prefix Not- , the writer must check which words - reinforcing the negation or emphasizing the assertion - are possible in meaning in this context.

If it is possible to substitute words expressing opposition or reinforcing negation ( at all, by no means etc.), is not written separately, for example: way there(not at all) not far; the weather was(not at all) not hot; He(far) not calm; They(not at all) not guilty; They live(at all) not rich; Confess your mistake(at all) not humiliating; left, but(not at all) not for long; May be,(at all) and it's not bad that he didn't get there; Understand these rules(not at all) not easy.

With the possibility of substitution of words emphasizing the statement ( very, enough and etc.), Not spelled as follows, for example: way there(Very) narrow-minded; They live(quite) not rich; the weather was(enough) not hot; He(Very) restless; They(obviously) innocent; left, but(Very) briefly; May be,(Very) and it's good that he didn't get there; Understand these rules(quite) not easy.

Unlike participles, with any dependent words (except for words that reinforce negation), the spelling of such adjectives with Not remains merged, for example: a role unusual for her, a person unknown to me, previously unknown poems, a boy unlike his sister, not prone to boasting, in places inaccessible to children, the island has long been uninhabited.

Thus, the writer must be aware of what he wants to express: the negation of the sign - and then write Not apart from the next word(For example: he is not healthy, not important, not rare, not accidental, not significant, not surprising, not democratically) or assertion of the sign - and then write Not merged (compare: he is unhealthy, cases are not uncommon, unimportant, not accidental, insignificant, not surprising, in an undemocratic way). The choice of spelling will also determine the understanding of what is written by readers.

With full forms of participles, negation is not written separately:

A) if they have dependent words , For example: a person who does not shun any means; not knowing what he is doing; not caring about food; friends who have not seen each other for many years; version not supported by facts; a genius not recognized by his contemporaries; object not identified by ground services; not bound by obligations; not obligated to obey; unmoved by her tears; a dress that has not been washed for a long time; unpainted roof since spring;

b) as part of constructions with opposition or constructions that reinforce negation, For example: this is not a finished work, but some kind of sketches; not knowing, but only guessing; not warring, but peacefully neighboring countries; not respected - beloved; by no means calmed, not at all embarrassed, not at all pleased, not noticed by anyone, never discouraged, not loved by anyone.

With full forms of participles, negation is not written together:

A) in the absence of dependent words , For example: unarmed soldiers, unopened letter, unreturned valuables, non-working pensioners, non-combatants, unopened flower, unrealized advantage, unproven theorem, unfinished novel, unrecognized genius, unidentified object, open door, unwatered plants;

b) as part of constructions emphasizing the statement, for example: highly undeserved censure, highly thoughtless act, manifestly unreasonable demands.

§ 88. Not spelled together:

1. In all cases where the word is not used without a negative particle, for example: ignoramus, inevitable, unfortunate, indignant, unwell, unwell, lacking(meaning "not enough") impossible, impossible, really, unbearable, unshakable, unharmed.

2. With nouns, if negation gives the word a new, opposite meaning, for example: enemy, misfortune if negation gives a word that does not have this particle the meaning of opposition, negation, for example: non-specialist, non-Marxist, non-Russian, For example: disagreements between Marxists and non-Marxists; all non-specialists liked the report; a non-Russian will look without love at this pale, bloody, whipped muse(Nekrasov).

3. With full and short adjectives and with adverbs in -o (-e), if their combination with does not serve not to deny any concept, but to express a new, opposite concept, for example: unhealthy look (i.e. painful ), impossible character(i.e. heavy), the sea is restless (i.e. worried), the matter is unclean (i.e. suspicious), come immediately(i.e. immediately, without delay), acted badly(i.e. bad).

4. With full participles, in which there are no explanatory words, for example: unfinished (labor), unblown(flower), stainless (steel), unloved (child), undisguised (malice), uncompressed (strip) (in such cases, the participle is close to the adjective); But: work not completed on time, a flower that did not bloom because of the cold, a child not loved by the mother, students who have not yet been examined(in such cases, the participle is close in meaning to the verb).

Note. With explanatory words denoting the degree of quality, it is not written together with the participle (in these cases, the participles with are not close to the adjective), for example: an extremely rash decision, a completely inappropriate example, But: completely inappropriate example(not written separately due to the presence of an explanatory word to the rule).

5. In pronouns, when not separated from the subsequent pronoun by a preposition, for example: someone, something, nobody, nothing(But: no one, nothing, no one, nothing, nothing).

In pronominal adverbs, for example: once, nowhere, nowhere, nowhere.

6. In adverbs, there is no need (in the meaning of “aimless”, for example: there is no need to go there), reluctantly; in prepositional combinations in spite of; in spite of; in an interrogative particle.

Writing adverbs and adverbial combinations that include a negation, a preposition, and a noun or adjective (for example, inadvertently, inadvertently, inadvertently, inadvertently), is determined by the rules set out in § 83, paragraphs 5 and 6.

7. In the verb prefix under-, denoting non-compliance with the required norm, for example: under fulfillment (perform below the required norm), under watch (not enough, look badly, miss something), under sleep (sleep less than normal).

Note. From verbs with a prefix, it is not necessary to distinguish verbs with a prefix do-, which have the negation of not in front of them and denote an action that has not been completed, for example: not to read a book, not to drink tea, not to watch a play.

§ 89. Not written separately:

1. With verbs, including with adverbial forms, for example: she does not drink, does not eat, does not speak; cannot see; without looking, without looking, without haste.

About continuous writing despite, despite and verbs with the prefix mis- see § 88, paragraphs 6 and 7.

Note. Commonly used verb forms does not go, itching, itching are written fluently.

2. In participles: a) in short form, for example: the debt is not paid, the house is not completed, the coat is not sewn b) in full form, when there are explanatory words during the sacrament (see § 88, paragraph 4), and also when there is or is implied opposition during the sacrament, for example: he brought not a finished work, but only separate sketches.

3. With nouns, adjectives and adverbs, if there is or is implied opposition, for example: it was not luck that led us to success, but endurance and composure; not death is terrible - your disfavor is terrible(Pushkin); the morning came not clear, but foggy; the train is not going fast and not slow(meaning: “from some average speed»); not tomorrow (here there can be no opposition).

Note. Attention should be paid to some cases of separate writing of the particle not. The particle is not written separately: a) if with an adjective, participle or adverb, as an explanatory word, there is a pronoun starting with neither, for example: no one (for anyone, etc.) needs a thing, nor when occurring error, no one it is profitable to undertake it; b) if it is not part of amplifying negations far from, not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all, etc., preceding a noun, adjective or adverb, for example: he is not at all a friend to us, far from the only desire by no means fair decision, not at all the best solution, far from enough.

4. With pronouns and pronominal adverbs, for example: not me, not this, not another, not like this, not otherwise, not like that. For cases of continuous spelling not with pronouns and pronominal adverbs, see § 88, paragraph 5.

Note. The philosophical term not-self is hyphenated.

5. With amplifying adverbs, as well as with prepositions and conjunctions, for example: not really, not quite, not quite, not from ..., not under ..., not that ... not that.

The expression is written separately more than once, for example: More than once he accused himself of being overly cautious.(Fadeev).

6. With immutable words that are not formed from adjectives and act as a predicate in a sentence, for example: don't, don't mind, don't be sorry.

7. With all words written with a hyphen, for example: all non-commercial and industrial enterprises; said not in Russian; sing not in the old way.

§ 90. Neither is written together:

1. In pronouns, if the particle is not separated from the subsequent pronoun by a preposition, for example: no one, nothing, no one, nothing, no one, no one, no one, no one, But: no one, no one and so on.

The particle neither is used mainly for amplification (sometimes to convey a negative meaning) and is usually written separately.
  1. The particle neither is used in negative sentences to reinforce this negation. For example: Neither the moon nor the stars are visible. A negative predicate can only be implied: There is not a soul on the street.
  2. The particle is used to strengthen the affirmation in concessive turns whoever, wherever, no matter how many yaps, etc. For example: Wherever I look, the grass is green everywhere (in the sense of everywhere, everywhere).
Notes. 1.0t of these turns it is necessary to distinguish independent exclamatory sentences with the words just not: What did he just not read \ 2. In sentences close in construction, the particle does not differ from the particle in meaning. For example: Whoever met him, everyone was surprised at his erudition - Whoever did not meet him did not know about his erudition. 3. Particles differ in meaning not and not in revolutions none other than - none other .... For example: None other than Ivanov did this work (with a predicate, there is no denial) - No one else could do this work (with a predicate, there is a denial).
  1. The particle is used in stable expressions with the meaning of uncertainty: neither this nor that, neither fish nor meat, nor become nor sit down, etc.
  2. The particle is always written separately, except for the following cases:
a) in negative pronouns without prepositions: nobody, nothing (if the stress falls on a particle, then it is not written: someone, something); cf .: no one, nothing;
b) in negative adverbs: nowhere, never, nowhere, nowhere, not at all, etc.
Exercise 443
1. Lisa knew what kind of hatred existed between their fathers (P.). 2. But they say you are unsociable: in the wilderness, in the village, everything is boring for you (P.). 3. The main thing was for her: to get rid of a hated marriage (P.). 4. I will leave Rome for a century: I hate slavery (P.). 5. A wandering neighbor to me, catching unexpectedly behind the floor, the soul of a tragedy in the corner (P.). 6. To the east, it adjoins wild, uninhabited places, an impenetrable swamp (P.). 7. I visited Perovsky, who showed me the unfinished paintings of Bryullov (P.). 8. For civilian service, the young man felt completely incapable (P.). 9. Little aspens defeat even grass and grow up, no matter what (Prishv.).
Exercise 444 Do not write the particle together or separately.
  1. In the event of a meeting with a (not) friend, I enter into battle with him, (not) despite his superiority (Step.). 2. I am (not) satisfied with (not) my friend, but with his brother: he offended me. 3. I have. . . their homeland, their native air, friends and (not) friends (Gonch.). 4. He said bitterly: “You are (not) my friend anymore!” 5. The (un)favorable environment also affected the health of the patient. 6. My opinion was accepted by officials with obvious (not) favor (P.). 7. After that night, I seemed to have died on for a long time: these were the years of (not) being (Gladk.).
  1. He stuck to the impostor not out of (not) ignorance and gullibility (P.).
  2. He was noticeably distinguished from those around him by (un)politeness, but above all by natural intelligence and quick wits. 10. (Not) fame already (not) was, everything was already clear to me (Ch.). I. She took as a personal insult (not) sincerity, evasiveness and duplicity (Gladk.). 12. She was bribed (not) by the sincerity of the girl, but by the fact that she was (un)usually kind and affectionate. 13. Convinced of the (not) benefits of a wandering life, Morgach returned himself (T.). 14. (Not) luck or, as we say, (not) my task continued ... (T.). 15. The end of the war in Korea was a serious (not) success for the instigators of the war (Erenb.).
Exercise 4-4-5. Rewrite with parentheses open. Particles do not stump write together or separately. Explain spelling.
1. Morgach is an experienced person, in his own mind, (not) evil and (not) kind, but more prudent (T.). 2. Asya's upbringing was strange, (not) usual, (not) having (no) anything in common with the upbringing of Gagin (T.) himself. 3. Lukerya led her story almost cheerfully, (not) complaining and (not) asking for participation (T.). 4. Days and nights a (not) strong, but (not) loose wind roamed (M. G.). 5. The (not) strong, but transparent voice of Dunyashn sounded (not) exhaustible (M. G.). 6. Pain in the cheek was (not) strong, but spread throughout the body (M. G.). 7. In the corner of the sofa, a pointed-nosed man cowered, (by no means) interesting (M. G.). 8. Misha copied (not) quickly, but clearly, without errors (M. G.). 9. Samghin was (not) pleasantly shaken, he (did not) get enough sleep and was (not) satisfied with the trip (M. G.). 10. It was a man (not) over forty years old (M. G.).
  1. Everything was powdered as if (not) visible, but caustic dust (M.G.).
  2. His eyes looked straight, (not) moving, (not) blinking (M.G.). 13. The little woman screamed joyfully, but (not) loudly (M. G.). 14. Palmate leaves fell from the chestnut trees, but the wind was almost (not) palpable (M. G.). 15. Everything was (not) big, but there were a lot of fish in it.
Exercise 446
  1. In his shed lay (n ...) to whom (n ...) the necessary blockage. 2. He went to his room and fell asleep, like (n ...) what (n ...) a guilty child (Ch.). 3. Sonya felt exhausted, (n ...) capable of what (n ...) - even cry! (Ketl.). 4. Everyone saw that this is a person who is completely (n ...) capable of being a scientist. 5. Surkov frowned in annoyance, (n ...) until EOLpyp by the fact that the spa speaks for so long (Fad.). 6. They refused him, like a chelsek, (p ...) for what job (n ...) fit (T.).
  1. He was completely (n...) obedient in his requirements for the car, and after a three-hour test, how (. .) what (n...) happened
everything started over. 8. It was a guy far (n...) cowardly, but also (n...) brave. 9. Our conversation will seem to you by no means (n ​​...) interesting.
Exercise 447 Rewrite with parentheses open. *
1. Am I dearer to heaven than all (not) noticed by you? (L.). 2. (Not) had time to complete one mystery of death before his eyes, which remained (not) unraveled, how another arose (L.T.). 3. A cold cover of (not) sunlit dew (L.T.) lay on everything. 4. Everything was clothed in silence (not) indignant, which (not) was awakened even by the echoes of aerial singers that barely reached the ear, disappearing in space (Ch.). 5. Over the (not) dry chalk capes of the mountain, the ringing went rolling (Shol.). 6. Among the gray, yet (not) dressed trees, the bird cherry was green (Prishv.). 7. And he [Snowstorm] went forward faster and more freely with a light, bestial, (not) gravitating to the ground step (Fad.). 8. It turned out to be a rare, yet (by no one) studied mineral. 9. It is unlikely that you should have relied on (un)studied material. 10. The young man looked sadly at the bare walls of the (not) cleaned room. I. The hay lay (not) harvested. 12. Scientists had to work hard on the still (not) unraveled mystery of this cave. 13. Long (not) ceasing applause thundered in the hall.
  1. From the (un)ceasing crackling of wood and the muttering of motors, it was possible to conclude what a lot of iron was placed there for the night (Leon.).
Exercise 448 Underline participles with one line, adjectives with two.
  1. A photograph that is (not) perfect in execution. 2. An act conceived by him, but (not) committed. 3. The child came to the (un)described delight. 4. Everyone was interested in the (not yet) described operation. 5. A diamond (not) valued by a jeweler. 6. Children are an (un)appreciated treasure. 7. The (un)heard and (un)seen flowering of science in the world. 8. Material, (not) suitable for us in quality. 9. Train (not) approaching the station. 10. (Not) defined by sound.
  1. (Ie) determined to work. 12. (Not) a thoughtful act for an adult. 13. (Not) a seriously considered act. 14. (Not) a report prepared by a comrade. 15. (Not) trained in Russian language student. 16. (Not) having time to visit everyone. 17. (Not) a student who does well in Russian. 18. (Not) a comrade sustained in a dispute. 19. Child, (not) sustained in quarantine. 20. (Not) a person with limited means. 21. Project, (not) limited by material costs. 22. The pressure of the fighters, (not) restrained by the enemy. 23. (Not) restrained in relations with comrades. 24. A person who is completely (not) educated and (not) educated in addressing others.
1. Stepping into life, we quickly dispersed: but (do not) take a country road, we met and hugged brotherly (P.). 2. About Walter Scott and his novels in the right place and (not) in the right place, we have said enough (P.). 3. “I would say a word, but the wolf is (not) far away,” said Gavrila Afanasyevich (P.) with a frown. 4. To burden historical characters with fictitious details is both (not) tricky and (not) generous (P.). 5. Where will my prankster go? Who will he start with? It doesn’t matter: it’s (not) surprising to be in time everywhere (P.). 6. It is (not) good to be known as (not) vezhey, (not) pleasant to seem like an upstart (P.). 7. (Not) seen to eat one bread without seasoning (Erenb.). 8. To illustrate a poet like Pushkin is not at all (not) easy (Kramskoy). 9. Andrei grew up (not) far from the sea (Erenb.). 10. Life was (not) easy for him, but he (did not) lose heart.
Exercise 450
1. He lived as if (. . .) noticed whom around him (. . .) and (. . .) whom (. . .) needed (T.). 2. Vasilisa Egorovna kept her promise and (...) to whom (. . .) she said (. . .) one word, except ... hit (P.). 3. (. . .) whom so (. . .) you know as yourself (P.).
  1. (. . .) who (. . .) will give us these books. 5. Lived (. . .) who is Mr. Dolgov with his wife and daughter Nadia (N.). 6. I am afraid and ashamed of (. . .) whom and (. . .) what! (Gonch.). 7. Chub (. . .) kal (. . .) could forget Solokha's perfidy and, sleepy, (. . .) stopped scolding her (G.).
  1. It seemed that from birth (. . .) he had been in such empty places: (. . .) where (. . .) a light flickered, (. . .) heard (. . .) what sound (T.).
  2. In the forest, how (...) in what (. . .) used to continue spring life(Prishv,).
Exercise 451
1. (...) one (. . .) sways on birch trees White list(P.).
  1. (. . .) one hour (. . .) he had to stay at home (G.).
  2. (. . .) once, out of boredom, he confided his dreams to me (L.). 4. All these days I (. . .) never deviated from my system (L.). 5. The guy told me (. . .) once about you (N. Ostr.). 6. The old man (...) once in his life (. . .) scolded and (. . .) punished children (Ch.). 7. So reasoned (. . .) he alone, of course (M. G.). 8. Klim pushed away these thoughts, thought out (. . .) one dozen times (M. G.). 9. I ... ( . ) once (. . .) was at the artillery range (Ign.). 10. Friends after a quarrel (. . .) met once, but (. . .) once and (. . .) managed to talk heart to heart. And. (. . .) one of the fighters (. . .) started off, although everyone knew that death (. . .) was inevitable.
Exercise 452
Exercise 453. Write out 5 words from the spelling dictionary - negative and indefinite pronouns and adverbs with not and neither.
Exercise 454
1. (...) the sweetness of pink rays, the forerunner of the morning Phoebus, (. . .) the meek glare of the azure sky, (. . .) the smell blowing from the fields, (. . .) the swift years of the zealous horse ... - ( . . .) that the soul (. . .) rejoices (Bat.). 2. In the wilderness (. . .) one could hear (. . .) souls (P.). 3. But Kochubey is rich and proud of (. . .) long-maned horses, (. . .) gold, a tribute to the Crimean hordes, (. . .) family farms (P.). 4. Despondency of my (. . .) that (. . .) torments, (. . .) worries, and the heart burns again and loves because (. . .) love it (. . .) can (P.) . 5. Houses are new, but prejudices are old. Rejoice - (...) their years will destroy (. . .), (. . .) fashions, (. . .) fires (Gr.). 6. (. . .) there was a face on which (. . .) pleasure was expressed. . . (G.). 7. (. . .) the wind is raging over the forest, (. . .) streams ran from the mountains - Frost-voivode patrols his possessions (P.). 8. A person must work, work in the sweat of his brow, whoever he (. . .) was (Ch.).
Abolishment 455. Rewrite, opening the brackets and inserting the particle not or neither.
1. It turned out in fact that the “man” (. . .) is someone other than a retired clerk (S.-Shch.). 2. The commander knew perfectly well that (. . .) someone else (. . .) would be better than these two fighters to fulfill his order. 3. (. . .) who else, namely the father, brought these books. 4. (. . .) who else and (. . .) could bring them. 5. (. . .) what else (. . .) could have influenced him more than a letter from a friend. 6. Welfare consisted (...) in something other than in a calm order (Pumbled.). 7. It was (...) nothing but a call from the institute.
Exercise 456
1. [Nedopyuskin-father) fought like a fish on ice, (did not) eat up, (did not) fill up (T.). 2. In the morning, he (not) rarely jumped up (not) much later than usual, and therefore (did not) finish breakfast and (did not) finish drinking tea. 3. The proofreader (not) saw the typo in the text. 4. (Not) got only a man with a gun (Ch.). 5. The grandson still (did not) get to the table, and the dishes were still safe with us. 6. Something always (did not) get in his house (G.). 7. Milk is clearly (not) fermented. 8. Blood oozed from (not) fried chickens (Ch.). 9. On the lips, the begun verse (not) read subsided (P.). 10. The novel (not) finished by the father was left on the table. I. Fields - (not) finalized, crops - (not) sown, there is no trace of order (N.). 12. This section needs to be (not) finalized, but redone. 13. . . . He made an extra fifteen trips at the expense of the norm (not) completed yesterday (B. Paul). 14. And the captive from the mountain height, alone behind the thunder cloud, was waiting for the return of the sun, (not) reachable by a thunderstorm (P.). 15. On the table is a thimble, a spool of thread, a stocking (not) knitted by an old woman (Ch.). 16. Who is in a hurry to compress what is still (not) squeezed, who is to mow down what is still (not) beveled (Prishv.).
Exercise 457
Nobody (not) tolerant person. Far (un)bearable inconvenience. Totally (un)tolerant behavior.
At all (not) extinguished enthusiasm of builders. (Un)extinguishable rise in our country creative energy. Completely (un)quenchable thirst for knowledge. (Not) factorizable and (not) divisible by three.
Never (not) divisible (not) derivative basis. Always (un)winning team. A team that is (un)beaten in a match. Champion, never (never) defeated. (Un) silenced day and night city noise. Not at all (not) silenced sea surf. Not at all (not) silent howl of the wind. (Not) water-permeable shell. (Non) bendable leg. Completely (un)flexible leg. Nothing (not) bent will. (Not) imitated in the performance of this role. (In)distinguishable objects in the fog. Almost (in)distinguishable shades of colors. Nothing (in) distinguishable products. (Un)audible whisper in the crowd. Almost (not) audible rustle. Never (not) audible from afar stomp. through (not) visible to the world tears. (Not) visible to (not) naked eye bacteria. Absolutely (not) visible losses. No one (not) visible tears. Nothing (irreplaceable) loss. An (un)travelable item. A completely (not) replaceable worker. (Not) an impossible task for a traveler. A multiplier that is (not) bracketed. His (un)bearable egoism for everyone. By no means (not) curable disease. Still (not) curable disease. Almost (not) curable disease.
Exercise 458
These unloved items. Our invincible troops. Some sounds not pronounced in rapid speech. Many foreign words, not inflected in our language. Many herbs are not used as medicines. Inseparable peace and happiness of children. A language inexhaustible in the combination of words. Foreign policy USSR, inalienable from the cause of world peace. Unacceptable proposals of the capitalist powers. This kind of behavior is completely intolerable. Unbearable and unbearable toothache. These are still insurmountable difficulties. His personal opinion is quite independent. These forests are almost impenetrable. Such an unrecoverable mistake. Unfulfilled agreements of the capitalist countries.

Exercise 459 Underline adjectives with suffixes -im em- with one line, and passive participles with two.
1. Dubrovsky thanked him [Troekurov] and remained poor and (in) dependent (P.). 2. Voltaire's talent (not) repeat, (not) imitate (P.). 3. His honesty and incorruptibility were (un)surmountable (G.).

  1. All her orders had to be changed, since they were always (not) executable (L.T.). 5. [Ocean] is boundless, gloomy, gloomy, boundless, (not) measurable and (not) tame (Hound). 6. All familiarities with (not) acquaintances are (not) tolerant (Gonch.). 7. You are (not) permeable to me now ... (Beagle). 8. Turkevich was (not) exhausted in jokes and witticisms (Kor.). 9. I assure you, we will remain intact and (not) harmed (Ch.). 10. Yes, everyone tells me that I am (not) tolerant (A. Ostr.). I. Everything seems possible, but complete happiness is (not) achievable (M. G.). 12. The stock of his memory was (not) exhaustible (M. G.). 13. It seemed to him that the war for Austria was no longer (not) conceivable (S.-Tsensk.). 14. Uvaliev was especially (not) tolerant of management employees (Leon.). 15. In a word, the luck inherent in Lesha in all matters was in no way (in) comprehensible to my mind (Lavr.). 16. The calmness of this person is completely (not) shaken (Cover.). 17. The house was (not) replaceable for street battles (Cat.). 18. Chibirev was, as usual, (not) indignant (Cossack.). 19. Noisily rejoicing at his luck, Matvey Yurgin was (not) recognizable (Bub.). 20. These forests were (not) separable from his thoughts ... (Paust.). 21. The icy expanse of the strait was now (not) distinguishable (Azh.). 22. The hammer and sickle, the earth and the ear, and the star (March) are (not) separable. 23. Bacteria are (not) visible (not) to the naked eye.
  1. Eternal and (not) fading human truth and beauty (Gladk.).
  2. The groans of the patient are almost (not) audible.

As practice shows, the particle NOT causes the greatest number of questions. Its continuous and separate spelling with all parts of speech is studied throughout the school course. Let's consider some cases.


The most "mobile" part of speech is considered to be the verb. Practical every our action we describe with its help. Continuous and separate writing begin to be studied as early as primary school. This is due to the fact that this rule is considered the simplest among other parts of speech. The main thing to remember is that the verb will be written with NOT together only in exceptional cases. As a rule, only separate spelling is peculiar to it.

In order not to be mistaken, it is necessary to distinguish the verb from other groups of speech. Remember, he answers questions (inf.) what to do? (do?).

The particle is NOT used separately: DO NOT see, DO NOT inform, DO NOT speak.

In cases where a word cannot exist without this negative particle, we must turn it into a prefix and write it together.

For example: The boss was indignant about being late.

The weather has been raging since the evening.

There are few such words, they are considered exceptions to this simple rule.


This part of speech is sometimes called the verb form. But it is worth noting that continuous and separate spelling is very different.

When the word we need with NOT is included in the turnover, in this case we will write it separately.

It is worth recalling the meaning of this term. Participle turnover in Russian is called isolated definition expressed by the participle with words dependent on it.

For example: A wind that does not stop for a minute would be very cold.

IN this case“not subsiding” (adj.) has with him the words that obey him: “not for a minute.” We can say that in this

Now we can be sure that this word will be written with the particle NOT only separately.

Let's take another sentence as an example: "The unread magazine lay on the table."

In this case, the participle does not have any dependent words. It is a definition that obeys the word "magazine". There is no turnover here, so we will write the participle together with the NOT particle.

Consolidated and separate writing, therefore, depends on its presence or absence.


Quite often, speaking about our main action and using a verb for this purpose, we also talk about another, secondary one. In this case, we will refer to the participle. This is precisely the function it has: to talk about an additional action with the main one.

This part of speech also causes difficulty with the use of the NOT particle. In this case, continuous and separate spelling will be similar to the verb. That is, the participle is written with NOT in most cases separately: without drawing, without writing, without having fun.

However, here too we will encounter exceptions. Firstly, these are the words that cannot be written without a particle: indignant, furious.

Secondly, when two prefixes are combined in a word.

For example: unloving, unfinished, unfinished.

True, some linguists believe that this is one whole NEDO morpheme.


One of the most used and necessary parts of speech in our language. The noun helps us to call objects by their proper names, makes our speech diverse. It is thanks to him that the lexical composition of the entire Russian language is replenished. Continuous and separate writing is regulated by several aspects.

Example: The enemy will never defeat us.

In this sentence, the word with NOT can be replaced by a similar synonymous word "enemy". In this situation, the noun with the particle must be written together.

If the word cannot be used without NOT, let's write them together: ignoramus, dunno, fable.

In order for a noun with this particle to be written separately, two conditions are necessary.

The first is the presence of opposition, which is carried out with the help of unions ah, but and others.

For example: The boy told his parents a lie.

It is necessary to be more careful when the opposition is not explicit, but only implied: It was not my mother who called on the phone. (And someone else). This is the second condition for separate writing.

The use of the particle NOT (continuous and separate spelling) for nouns, adjectives and adverbs is very similar.


In this article, we examined the cases of spelling the particle NOT with some parts of speech. As we could see, there is no single rule in this regard. Continuous and separate spelling not with participles, as well as verbs, gerunds and other parts of speech is different. In order to use this particle correctly, it is necessary to ask a question to the word. This will help determine which part of speech is currently being used. After that, we can easily apply the right rule for each case. The main thing to remember is that there are a number of exceptions to every rule.

Spelling NOT and NOR with various parts speech.

ParticleNOT - a particle of denial (I don’t say, sad, injustice, shallow)

ParticleNO – a particle of amplification (No matter how much I said, they still didn’t believe me)

Particle spelling NOT with nouns

First, what you need to pay attention to, whether this noun is used

Second, if a noun without this particle is not used, it is written together with it: Bad weather, forget-me-not, hatred, inability, indignation, ignoramus.

Third, if we establish that a noun without a particle NOT is used, we pay attention to the signs of opposition.

A sign of a clear opposition is the union a.

Signs of implied opposition are amplifying denials

far from

By no means

Not at all

Not no

For example:

It's not true, it's a lie

It's far from true

This is by no means true

No that's not true

It's not true at all

It is not true.

In chemistry, metals and non-metals are studied.

The conference was attended by writers and non-literators.


In proverbs and aphorisms, NOT with nouns is written separately:

To live life is not a field to cross.

Poverty is not a vice.

Spelling is NOT with adjectives.

See rules above!

Always flush:

Relentless noise. Ridiculous story. Careless handwriting. Clumsy little bear. The island is impregnable.

Not the right, but the wrong decision. Far from the right decision. No, this is not the right decision. This decision is not correct at all. This decision is wrong. A very difficult task. Completely useless book. Completely uninteresting movie. An extremely unfortunate incident.

Note #1

The presence of explanatory words does not affect the spelling of the particleNOT , with the exception of those in which there is a particleNO . Such words require a separate spelling of the particleNOT, For example:

An unnecessary meeting. Nobody the right meeting. Difficult task for students. Not at all an interesting movie. Not an interesting story at all.

Let's check ourselves again:

Not necessary, but an extra meeting. A far from necessary meeting. An unnecessary meeting. No, this meeting is not necessary. A completely unnecessary meeting with friends. A completely useless meeting.

Note #2

Short adjectives that have a full form are written withNOT just like the full ones:

The question is not clear. The question is far from clear. No, this question is not clear. The question is completely obscure. This question is not clear to anyone. This question is unclear to students. The grandson is not at all sensitive to his grandmother. He is not sensitive, but rude to his grandmother. The river is shallow.

Note #3:

In proverbs and aphorisms NOT adjectives are written separately, for example:

Collecting mushrooms is not an easy task.

Life, alas, is not an eternal gift! (Pushkin)

Spelling NOT with adverbs

See rules above!

He acted carelessly. I don't have fun at all. It is not easy for him now, but difficult. It's easy to calculate. It's not deep here. It's not deep here. No, he's not serious. I'm not bored.

Remember adverbs:

not everywhere not sorry not really

not there not soon not immediately

not here not quite not so

not always not in vain not joking

not for the first time not otherwise not from there

not too not by chance

not away slowly

not very not only not on the shoulder

Spelling NOT with verbs and gerunds.

Always flush:

perplexed perplexed

dislike dislike

hate hating

resent resent

In all other cases, verbs and gerunds are usually written with the particle NOT separately, for example:

I don’t know, I didn’t see, I won’t come, I won’t come, there wasn’t, I didn’t count, I didn’t understand, I didn’t meet, I didn’t receive, etc.

Justify the expression "usually".

NOT- particle

(action not completed)

Console under

(action below normal)

He didn't eat his porridge.

Didn't watch the movie to the end.

Didn't listen to the song and left.

Leningraders were malnourished, lacked sleep.

The child was neglected.

The old man did not hear.

Spelling NOT with participles.

Always flush:






The particle NOT with the participle is written together if it is single, and is written separately if the participle is with dependent words, i.e. as part of participial turnover, for example:

unverified works

work not checked by the teacher

unwritten fairy tale

fairy tale not yet written

Let's write some more examples:

Unseen battalion; a battalion not noticed by the opponents; a girl who did not care about her friends; wheat, not yet ripe; unripe wheat; dew not illuminated by the sun; silence undisturbed; believer and non-believer in God.

Note #1

Not with participles, it is written separately if there is a contrast with the unionA,For example:

not corrected, but underlined errors

not read, but viewed books.

not sent, but left on the table a letter.

Note 2

NOT written separately with short participles, for example:

The work is not finished; the letter was not sent; the book has not been read; the field is not measured, the sheep are not counted; rice in pies undercooked.

Note 3

Words with suffixesEAT , THEM can be verbal adjectives and participles. If there is an explanatory word inetc., then it will be participle , and in the presence of such an explanatory word will be written withNOT apart.

If there is no explanatory word inT.p. ., then this is an adjective, and it must be considered based on the spelling ruleNOT with adjectives, for example:

unloved child

child not loved by parents

unloved child

not a favorite child

No, this is not a favorite child.

Let's write some more examples:

Invariable parts of speech; by no means invariable parts of speech; intangible results; completely intangible results; unbearable multiplier; an indispensable employee in this job; element insoluble in water; stars not visible to the naked eye; these methods of work are inapplicable in present conditions; element insoluble in any liquid; incomparable beauty; a shell impervious to neither water nor air; details indistinguishable in anything; these difficulties cannot be eliminated under any conditions; this residue is insoluble in anything.

Spelling NOT and NOR with pronouns and adverbs

In negative pronouns and adverbs, it is NOT written under stress, but NOT in an unstressed position, for example:

nobody - nobody anywhere - nowhere

nothing - nothing never - never

nobody - no one

nothing - nothing anywhere - nowhere

nothing - something from nowhere - nowhere

If a pronoun or adverb is broken by a preposition, then everything is written separately, i.e. at three o'clok words and principles stress is preserved, for example:

for nothing - for no one

to no one - not to anyone

with no one - with nothing

about no one - about no one

about nothing - about nothing


none - in the meaning of "no one"

not once - in the meaning of "many"

more than once - in the meaning of "never"

a lot - in the meaning of "many"

does not care at all - in the meaning of "not at all"

Spelling particle NI

Particle NI is written :

1. with a verb to enhance its meaning, For example:

No matter how much you say, we still won't believe it.

No matter how fast she was, the conversation dragged on.

Wherever we swim, we always remember our native shores.

2. in a negative sentence to strengthen the negation when listing, For example:

Ah, I don't believe in anything: not dreams, not sweet assurances, not even your heart.

The brilliance of nature did not arouse in the chest of the barren exile either new feelings or new forces.

Not a rustle, not a sound came from the sleeping hall

3. in fixed terms , for example: neither fish nor meat, neither light nor dawn, neither late nor early, neither more nor less, nor two nor one and a half, neither this nor that, neither give nor take


1. Exclamation mark or question marks at the end of the sentence "change" the particleNO on NOT, For example:

Why didn't he get letters?

Where he has not been, on what roads he has not walked!

And who didn't offend them?

2. In the expressions "no one else", "nothing else"NOT is a particle and is written separately if there is a unionHOW,For example:

2. The teacher was none other than Dubrovsky.

Ambition is nothing but the lust for power.

Nobody other than Anton Pafnutevich knew about it.



I traveled a lot around the world, wandered the steppe for a long time, not meeting anyone; but no matter how much I drove, no matter how dark the moonless nights were, I never happened to lose my way. Somehow it turned out that I always got to my apartment on time. Whether chance rescued me or my own precaution, be that as it may, but for a number of years I more than once successfully avoided danger.

And yet one day a blizzard caught me in the steppe, and I recognized all its horrors. Local residents persuaded me, they promised me nothing in case of a snowstorm: “Wait, spend the night, you can’t go at night!” But I was young, imprudent, in a hurry, and no one's arguments made any impression on me.

Despite the warnings, we left and got into trouble. To understand what a blizzard is, you have to experience it yourself just as I experienced it.

The heart involuntarily stops at the strongest, most courageous person; the blood freezes, and not from the cold, because the cold during a snowstorm is never very strong, but you look ahead: there is no way back or forward, no light, no sound. It seems that huge, disheveled snowdrifts, like terrible monsters, have surrounded you and you will never leave their cold kingdom.

Vocabulary dictation

Bad taste; shortly; unmarried; no need to ask; nothing to hide from the wind; not malicious, but picky; does not come to mind; does not go to study; out of place; not less; no more; no less; no wonder to notice; not philosophizing wickedly; not forever; No need; tirelessly; bad luck; spoke without looking at anyone; despite the heat, not salty slurping, is there really not enough space; not enough money; not bright but pale tone; cloudy but warm day; no more, no less; for nothing; no end, no edge, neither to himself nor to people, for no reason at all; neither here nor there, I saw no one else but a classmate, I saw no one else; reported to none other than the dean; no one else can be reported; the building was nothing more than a university; impossible; nothing to do; a small but bright cloud; the face is not evil, but impassive; it was not motivated by anything else; nothing to him everything; nothing; I have nothing to do with it; invincible by anyone; the village is as if it had never happened; I couldn't help being there; as if nothing had happened; not one comrade thought so; not one thought of it; through thick and thin; she runs, that neither is the spirit; without a second's hesitation.

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