How to get rid of advertising in Odnoklassniki? We remove advertising in Odnoklassniki in different browsers

Advertising on the Internet is an actively developing area, thanks to which users can learn about new products and offers on certain sites. The advantage of online advertising is that it is “targeted”, that is, it is shown only to the user who meets certain criteria. The most common criterion for displaying advertising is search queries. Probably, many users have encountered the fact that after searching on Google for articles about lawn mowers, advertising on the sites also began inviting a person to purchase this, of course, useful item for the household.

With the advent and popularization of social networks, other targeting criteria have come into use. So, since on social networks (for example, in Odnoklassniki), users indicate their city of residence, their age and join interest groups, advertisers have a large set of tools to advertise aimed at young people, or vice versa, at older people. However, many users are simply annoyed by advertising in any form, but not everyone knows that you can remove advertising in Odnoklassniki in just a few steps. This is done by installing the appropriate component in the web browser, which will close advertising on all pages viewed on the Internet.

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Google Chrome

  • Run the program Google Chrome.
  • Click on the “Customize and manage Google Chrome” button in the upper right corner of the program window.
  • Select “Settings” from the drop-down menu.
  • Switch to the "Extensions" tab on the left side of the page.
  • Click on the “More extensions” link.
  • Wait until the app store page loads.
  • Enter the word “AdBlock” in the search bar on the left side of the screen.
  • Click on the name of the resolution of the same name in the search results.
  • Click on the “Add to Chrome” button and wait for the operation to complete.

After the application is installed, you can close all unnecessary tabs and continue working with Internet pages. Most of annoying advertising, including from the pages of Odnoklassniki, is guaranteed to disappear. It is worth saying that AdBlock in some cases also blocks advertising in videos, which can be called a pleasant side effect.


Another popular browser, Opera, also supports installing extensions, and the AdBlock program, in turn, also exists in a version for this browser. Despite the fact that in Opera, Chrome, and Firefox the procedure for installing extensions is very similar, the user is still recommended to read the instructions below.

So, to install an ad-blocking extension in Opera, you will need to launch the browser and wait for it to fully load. Then you need to click on the “Opera” button in the upper left corner of the window and select “Extensions”, and then “Extension Manager”. On the page that opens, you will need to click on the “Add extensions” link, which, as in the case of Chrome, leads to the catalog page with applications. Further – everything is by analogy. Using the search tool, the user searches for AdBlock in the directory and installs it in their browser. No additional settings are required.

Modern advertisers are so carried away with promoting their product that they completely forget about user comfort. Advertising can be displayed not only in static blocks, but also use auto playback of sound and video, dimming the main screen, pop-up windows, and much more. This article will discuss several methods for removing advertising in Odnoklassniki.

  • Standard advertising - banners located to the right or left of the main content are installed by the Odnoklassniki website itself. They are not too annoying and can be disabled using an ad blocker.
  • Viral advertising – shown to the user through an installed add-on in the browser. It pops up in inappropriate places, turns on itself, starts videos, and is capable of blocking access to a resource. You can remove advertising by removing the virus extension.

How to remove ads in Odnoklassniki

This software is capable of disabling various types links, protect against virus resources and the collection of unauthorized information.

Download Adguard for free from the official page at: Install the program, restart the browser - you're done.

An alternative option would be to install the AdBlock add-on. This extension can permanently disable audio ads, pop-ups, voice and other unwanted elements. Go to your browser extension store, enter the name into the search and install the extension, restart the browser. This method allows you to quickly disable advertising wherever it appears.

Removing Viral Ads

Dealing with such a nuisance is a little more difficult, but also quite simple. Go to the browser extensions page and start disabling them in order.

After turning off a certain add-on, reload the pages of web resources and check them for the absence of talking, pop-up and other advertisements. If it is not there, then a malicious add-on was found - remove it from the browser and the problem will be solved.

How to open the extensions page

The instructions for all browsers are almost identical, so there is no point in considering each one separately. On the top right, there is an icon, by clicking on which you should select the “Add-ons” item.

This will take you to a page with extensions, where you can start disabling or removing them.

The same operation is performed in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Internet Explorer. In Opera, on the left, at the top of the page, click on “Menu” and select “Extensions”, then “Manage extensions”.

Spending 5-10 minutes on installation software, you no longer have to jump up from a suddenly launched video at full volume or look for a cross to close a pop-up window. The social network will remain without politics or promoted products; nothing will interfere with your communication with friends and relatives.

Social networks have a multimillion-dollar audience, and therefore it is not surprising that they have become effective advertising platforms. Sellers and buyers find each other, and in a global context this is very good. But sooner or later, banners begin to get boring, and users try to decide how to remove advertising in Odnoklassniki. Fortunately, from annoying virtual billboards there is salvation. Read below to see what it looks like.

Types of advertising

Actually, you need to start with one small detail - the types of advertising existing in OK. From the user's point of view, there is no difference - it gets in the way and, it seems, always. However, if you intend to disable advertising on Odnoklassniki, you need to understand it.
So, you can see 4 types of advertising:

  • in the news feed;
  • at the top of the pages;
  • on the side of the pages;
  • pop-up

Unfortunately, universal method There is no way to disable all these messages at once. Therefore, you will have to remove ads one by one. You will have to use additional services that allow you to block annoying banners.

And now we will analyze these methods.

We clear pages from advertising

There is information that previously it was possible to remove advertising on Odnoklassniki in the feed directly on the social network itself. To do this, you just had to go to Settings and, by checking the appropriate box, turn off the posts that pop up among other news. However, now other ways out of the situation are required.

It all comes down to the so-called “adblockers”, i.e. special extensions that help get rid of advertising. And not only in OK, but also on sites in web browsers in general. How to download these extensions? To do this, you need to go to the extension store in your browser (in Opera or Google Chrome). Next, type “ad blocking” into the search bar and view all the results obtained. The option is even simpler - we immediately type in “AdBlock”, because this is the first extension that may be useful to us.

Installing EdBlock will help remove ads in Odnoklassniki at the top of the page. However, it is possible that the desired effect will not be achieved immediately. First you need to check for filter updates. To do this, you need to click on the AdBlock icon in the browser header and go to “Options”. Go to the “Filter List” tab and click “Update Now”.

Our manipulations do not end there - in order to remove advertising at the top in Odnoklassniki, you will have to work a little more. The problem is that the developers of the social network are looking for ways to bypass ad blockers. As a result, we end up with downloaded extensions that do not work correctly on Odnoklassniki pages. It looks like this - as soon as the browser program blocks the banner, a new one appears in place of the blocked one. Fortunately, extension developers are not sleeping, already offering their own bypasses of social network scripts. Therefore, if you see a banner, you need to do the following:

  1. Right-click on the right corner of the banner;
  2. Click on the “AdBlock” item;
  3. Click “Block this ad.”

Of course, this is not the most convenient way, but the main thing is that it works, blocking ads on Odnoklassniki for free and quite effectively.

There is an alternative to the extension described above - a product from another developer called “Adblock Plus”. It ensures the removal of all variants of advertising blocks in OK, including those on the side and bottom of pages.

It is worth mentioning separately about the so-called audio advertising. We have to disappoint you - if audio advertising appears, then you have a more serious problem than just annoying banners. The OK website itself does not provide such a view, so the source of loud pop-ups is most likely some kind of malicious file on your computer. What to do? Urgently drive everything away hard disks through an antivirus program and if “sores” are detected, treat immediately.

It is possible that the situation is not “sick” and just such an advertising worm has been built into the browser. And until you remove it, musical “postcards” will unexpectedly pop up while you are working in the browser.

So, we have studied the issue of ad blocking in Odnoklassniki. There is only one conclusion - to get rid of it, you will have to use the help of third-party resources provided by browser extensions. However, they cannot 100% guarantee the expected result and save users forever from annoying banners. The battle of social networks, marketers and ad blockers continues!

Regardless of our desire, advertising is present everywhere in our lives. Social networks are no exception in this regard. Permanent banners, links to sales pages, stories with offers to buy this or that service can be seen almost everywhere. Moreover, the most unpleasant thing is that sometimes you are offered completely unnecessary things at inopportune moments. For example, when you are viewing news in a group or want to find out from the feed what’s new with , . In this article we will offer you several options for getting rid of advertising, namely, we will help remove advertising in the Odnoklassniki feed. We’ll also tell you which tool will help you get rid of advertising banners forever.

Remove ads on Odnoklassniki for free

To remove ads on Odnoklassniki for free you need to connect special applications, because you won’t be able to do it like in VK on the main page of the site. At the moment, there are a diverse number of extensions and applications. We'll talk about those that don't require long installation, and will not affect the operation of your PC.

  1. One such utility is the OK Tools resource. To connect it:
  2. Scroll to the very bottom of the screen after moving to required section. Select Add-on Catalog or Store. Once there, enter the name of the application in the search bar. To install, tap the green button at the top.
  3. Once the extension is installed, you will see its icon next to the search bar.

Now go to Odnoklassniki. You will no longer see ads in your feed. In addition to blocking advertising banners with OK Tools, you can make gifts to friends on Odnoklassniki and change design themes. Also, this application sometimes runs promotions that allow you to purchase additional site services for less money. For example, connect for your page. If you monitor your popularity on the site and want your status to be original ideas , And

, then OK Tools will help you find them.

How to remove ads in Odnoklassniki at the top If, after connecting OK Tools, the advertising on your PC has not decreased, then it’s time to rid your computer of viruses. A large number of banners on each page indicates that your computer is “sick”. Most likely, the issue is not with Odnoklassniki, but with harmful programs that are on the PC itself. Perform a scan. If it doesn't work out

remove advertising in Odnoklassniki at the top,

then connect another extension.

It's called Adguard. You can also find it in the extension store. Once connected, you will notice a “shield” icon next to the search bar. From time to time, namely, when visiting any site other than Odnoklassniki, numerical values ​​will appear next to this icon. They indicate the number of advertising banners that were blocked by the assistant. On some sites, information pops up that you cannot view content unless you disable the anti-banner. If you still decide to do this, simply tap the Adguard icon and move the green slider from “ON” to “OFF”. Advertising will appear on the site again. To avoid getting infected, it is better not to do this., pop-up windows and other methods of “pushing” a product are simply boring, and we will talk about how to deal with them in this article. The last and most important factor that motivates attempts to remove ads is the adult content that is also shown to us. After all, very often social network Our children also use

In order for you to be able to safely use Odnoklassniki, you need to remove advertising from your page, but before that, understand the reasons for its appearance.

There are most often 2 such reasons:

  • viruses on your PC or laptop;
  • adding feed access to partner applications.

In both cases, the problem can be solved. Next we will tell you how to do this. We bring to your attention several options for dummies that can clear Odnoklassniki of unnecessary elements.

How to permanently disable ads at the top of the page

First, you need to check whether your PC is infected with viruses that display advertising, including audio or video. Very often, the functionality of a regular antivirus is not enough to get rid of such software. This means you will have to resort to the services of additional software.

Very good program, which conducts in-depth analysis of the registry and file system and destroys almost all advertising viruses from Odnoklassniki. You can download it below.

Now let's figure out how to work with the program:

  1. Once it is launched, accept the license by clicking on the button marked in the screenshot.

  1. To start the scan, click the button labeled “Scan”. Before you begin, be sure to close all programs and save your data.

To work with AdwCleaner, you must log in using an account with administrator rights. Otherwise, the application simply will not have access to the files.

  1. Before starting the scan, the program will check for updates to the anti-virus database and, if any, download them.

  1. When the scanning is completed, we will see a list of suspicious software: it will be shown to us in a text document (with file paths) and in the program itself.

  1. Then you can delete files that do nothing but show us advertising banners for free. For this purpose there is a button “Clear”.

As a result, viruses will be cleared and the computer will automatically reboot. We move on to the next program that can help us.

Another good program that can remove ads on Odnoklassniki. You can download it using the button.

  1. The application is paid, but has a trial period of 2 weeks, and this is enough for us to scan our PC once. Install the program and go to the tab: here you need to select the full mode and click "Start checking".

  1. The computer is being checked, it will not take much time.

  1. When the scanning is completed, click the button that we have indicated in the screenshot.

  1. After this, the system will notify us that a reboot is necessary. Save all the data and click Yes.

Ad blocking plugins

If advertising appears in your browser even after being scanned by the programs described above, then it is not caused by a virus. In this case, you need to install a plugin that will automatically recognize advertising and be able to block it.

We will be reviewing a better extension called AdBlock Plus. The installation process will be shown using Google Chrome as an example, but the same can be done on any other browser. For example, Yandex.Browser or Opera.

  1. So, first you should open an extension store. In Chrome it can be found in additional tools main menu.

  1. Here you need to scroll down the page and click on the line.

  1. To find our plugin, enter its name in the search bar and press Enter.

  1. Now press the button labeled .

  1. Confirm the action by clicking on the button.

Also, if some element was missed, it can be added to the ignore list forcibly. To do this we do this:

  1. Right-click on the object that you want to block and select the item marked in the screenshot in the context menu.

  1. Now you need to click on the “Create” button and the advertisement will disappear.

How to remove advertising in a group

  1. Go to the group settings located under its main photo.

  1. Activate the “Management” tab and in the field marked “2” select the “Do not show” option. After this, save the changes.

We hope you found our article useful. If you still have any questions or suggestions, write them in the comments - we will definitely help with practical advice.


For greater clarity of what was written, below we have attached a video that can help in the topic under consideration.

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