Is it allowed to install an air conditioner on the facade of the house. Did you install an air conditioner? Pay the fine! Legalizing the installation of split systems is long and expensive. Is it worth it? Neighbors can "drip" on dripping air conditioners

The other day I had to talk with the neighbors of a relative who installed air conditioning, but did not consider it necessary to think about either the law or the neighbors below. As a result, the condensate from their air conditioner began to drum on the windowsill. The window is wet, there is a puddle on the windowsill, knocking all night. The neighbors did not want to heed the polite request, they had to give a relative some legal advice. The issue was resolved very quickly.

The matter did not come to filing complaints, they read its text and voluntarily lengthened the tube. It's a half measure, but still better than nothing.

So, what are the restrictions on installing air conditioners?

Firstly, the air conditioner must stand in the place of the facade that is assigned to it by the project (Decree of the Government of Moscow dated April 30, 2013 N 284-PP “On optimization of the procedure for approving architectural and urban planning solutions for capital construction projects in the city of Moscow”). If you don’t have such places in your house project, the installation of an air conditioner will be a re-equipment and will require not only the development of a project and its coordination with government agencies, but also obtaining the consent of the owners of the premises in the house, since the external walls are common property.

Secondly, and this is the moment that interests us most, it is strictly forbidden to organize the drainage of water from the air conditioner to the walls, window sills and areas in front of the house.

Decree of the Government of Moscow dated July 31, 2007 N 651-PP “On approval of the standard of the city of Moscow “Maintenance and repair of facades of buildings and structures”, paragraph 2.10 “ Installation of air conditioners on the facades of buildings should be carried out according to design and estimate documentation in accordance with the requirements of clause 11.4 of SNiP 2.04.05-91, providing for organized condensate drainage. »

Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 02.11.2004 N 758-PP "On approval of standards for the operation of the housing stock", p. " 3.6. When placing individual air conditioners on facades condensate water is not allowed on the enclosing structures of window fillings and platforms in front of the entrance to residential buildings.»

That is, if water from the air conditioner drips onto the street, this is already a violation. From the indoor unit of the air conditioner, water should not go outside and onto the windows of the neighbors below, but into the sewer. It is clear that this is difficult to implement in old houses or in an apartment with repairs already made, but in new ones, especially when repairing “with gray walls” - this is implemented elementarily.

Accordingly, if you start to drip on the windowsill or by the collar at the entrance, feel free to demand from the offender to stop the disgrace. Of course, it is better to agree amicably - condensate can be sent to the drain pipe, lengthen the pipe and drip onto the lawn, and so on. If the offender does not make contact, describe to him the prospect of completely dismantling the air conditioner after your complaint to the Housing Inspectorate.

If that doesn't work, complain. Through the website of the Moscow Government to the State Housing Inspectorate of the city of Moscow.

the text is extremely simple “At the address ... installation has been completed outdoor unit air conditioner on the facade of the building. When installing the air conditioner, the provisions of the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 31.07.2007 N 651-PP “On approval of the standard of the city of Moscow “Maintenance and repair of facades of buildings and structures” (p. 2.10) and the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 02.11.2004 N 758-PP “On approval of standards for the operation of the housing stock ”(clause 3.6.), Since condensate drainage is organized at outer wall houses and window sills of the apartments below.

I ask you to take action against the violators and achieve the elimination of the violation as soon as possible.

If the installation location of the air conditioner is not determined by the project of the house, then add:

“The air conditioner was installed without a project and without obtaining the consent of the owners of the premises in apartment building

Attach a photo to the complaint.

Just before sending, make sure that your air conditioner is in good condition. And that's not enough...

Air conditioning on the facade: is it possible or not?

In summer, you don’t want to suffer from the heat at all, so before the start of the season, people begin to massively install air conditioners. Usually this procedure itself takes several hours, and this is enough to do everything and bring the equipment to working condition. However, not everyone knows that before installation, it may be necessary to obtain permission to install an air conditioner on the facade of the house. Such a document is not always necessary, so some appliance owners live happily without it, but for others, everything can end more sadly, with a subpoena and the need to remove the air conditioner. Therefore, before planning the installation of this device, you must first find out if this can be done in the chosen place.

Is a permit required?

Owners of equipment are concerned about the question - is it necessary to obtain permission to install an air conditioner? There is no specific special indication of this in the laws, since such a procedure does not apply to the redevelopment of an apartment, does not in any way reduce the existing common property of residents apartment building, does not make any changes to the existing correct floor plan. However, there may be some nuances here.

Everything directly related to housing legislation is under the direct jurisdiction of not only the Russian Federation, but also the subjects - the regions. Therefore, in any region, the legislature has the right to adopt a separate law that will in a certain way control and regulate the installation of devices of any type on facades, prescribe necessary procedures to obtain permission to install an air conditioner, to give certain authorities powers on these issues.

It follows from the above that before installing the equipment, you need to ask if there are separate authorities and laws in your region that directly relate to the installation of appliances on the facade of the house. If there are no regulations on this matter, then there are no grounds for issuing or requiring permission. To deal with this issue, you can contact the administration with a request for clarification about the installation.

Do I need to get the consent of other tenants?

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the installation of equipment falls under the provisions of the Civil Code and the Housing Code, which states that any change in the facade of a residential building must be agreed with all its residents. It is recommended to carry out this procedure, because in case of any violations, the court usually takes the lack of consent of other residents as the basis for the requirement to dismantle the air conditioner. Typically, violations of civil rights can be expressed as follows:

  • The device makes a loud noise and vibrates during operation, which disturbs other people.
  • The equipment is installed in such a way that it enters the territory of neighboring windows and partially blocks the view from the window to other residents, drops from the air conditioner constantly fall into the window in large quantities, drainage system mounted in such a way that condensate flows out of it onto the windows of neighboring apartments, which leads to the danger of gradual destruction of the walls.
  • Other violations that in any way encroach on civil rights violate the technique fire safety, create a risk of short circuits and other problems.

Thus, it is better to coordinate the installation of the air conditioner with other residents, so as not to face a sudden subpoena later.

When is a permit required?

The rules for installing an air conditioner on the facade of an apartment building include several cases in which obtaining permission is mandatory. You can get a ban on the installation of the device if the situation falls under one of the following options:

  • Installation is carried out directly on the front facade.
  • The building is one of those having historical or any important cultural value, is an architectural monument.
  • There is a walkway at the bottom of the building.
  • IN window opening selected as the location for the installation, there are no fences.

In addition, it is imperative to obtain permission if it is planned to install devices that are categorized as industrial or semi-industrial, since in this case, the installation may require redevelopment or even a complete reconstruction of the selected room. In this case, if the owner does not have required permission, the court will have every reason to demand that the equipment be dismantled.

Is it possible to hang the air conditioner on the facade of the house? Yes, if in advance, before the operation, special permission was obtained in this regard, the case does not apply to those situations where the installation of equipment is prohibited, and also the hanging device does not in any way violate the rights of neighbors. If all conditions are met, then you can safely install the purchased device.

Before planning the installation of the device on the facade, it is necessary to consult with the architect. If architectural features buildings were not taken into account, it is impossible to obtain permits.

What do you need to do to get a permit?

In order to do everything in accordance with the law and not be afraid of any consequences, it is necessary to carry out a number of actions before the installation of the device itself begins. It will be necessary to develop a project for the installation of the device, coordinate it with all the necessary authorities that are related to such a procedure. As a rule, this includes Rospotrebnadzor, the managing organization, local authorities that are responsible for the condition of the facades.

The owner of the device must hold a meeting of the residents of the house, where the majority must necessarily approve the installation and give written permission for this.

The received permission for installation is called in a special way - the Task for the placement of additional facade equipment. It is worth noting that it has a limited validity period, so you need to carefully monitor that the permit is not overdue. It will be valid for a year from the date of receipt, after which it will be necessary to renew it so that the presence of the device does not violate any laws.

The practice of air conditioner owners shows that obtaining permission to place equipment on the facade ordinary house quite simple, and, as a rule, this procedure does not cause any particular difficulties if everything is done in stages. You will only have to spend time going through the authorities, but in the end the coveted paper will be received. It is much more difficult to obtain permission if the building is classified as a historical monument, in which case each situation is considered individually by a special commission.

A good owner knows: the sleigh must be prepared in the summer. Getting ready to install the air conditioner better in winter. Moreover, in some cases, this will require not only the required amount, but also permission.

Are there rules for air conditioners and what are they?

Uniform rules for the installation of air conditioners in residential buildings that would operate throughout the country does not exist. Some lawyers refer to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, according to which the facade of an apartment building is the common property of all homeowners. According to some experts, this means that the installation of an outdoor unit of an air conditioner on the facade requires the written consent of all homeowners in the house, as well as permission from the local government.

However, such rules are not directly prescribed in the legislation and are almost never applied in practice.

Each subject of the Russian Federation has its own rules, which can vary significantly and change over time.

Until recently, in Moscow, it was necessary to develop a project, coordinate it with the Moscow Committee for Architecture, and then obtain permission to carry out work in the Moscow Housing Inspection. The paperwork could take three months or more. But during the heat wave of 2010, the city authorities were faced with a flood of complaints about bureaucratic procedures, and in 2011 restrictions on the installation of air conditioners were lifted.

The only exceptions are buildings included in the list of objects cultural heritage. For them, there is a special procedure for installing air conditioners: usually, permission can only be obtained if the windows of the apartment overlook the courtyard.

Thus, most residents of the capital do not need to obtain any special permits to install an air conditioner. However, some regulations still need to be observed.

Several norms and rules are spelled out in SNiPs. The first and basic rule: you can not hang the outdoor unit of the air conditioner closer than half a meter from the gas pipe. Another recommendation is to place the blocks away from neighboring apartments, since the air conditioner is noisy, and this should not disturb other residents.

Yuri Rozhin

Deputy General Director of KASKAD Service

Who monitors the facades, and how can they be punished?

The State Administrative and Technical Inspectorate, whose specialists are authorized to issue fines to violators, should check the correctness of the installation of air conditioners.

“If the owner of the apartment has established outdoor unit the air conditioner with violations and evades the payment of fines, the court can force him to do this forcibly. But in practice, it rarely comes to this,” Rustam Arslanov, Director of the Sales Department at Granel Group of Companies, explains.

In addition, the presence of air conditioners on the facade is monitored by management companies and homeowners associations. If the owner installed the air conditioner incorrectly, the management company issues an order to dismantle or relocate the air conditioner. “Such an instruction has no legal force, but if it is ignored, the management company can go to court,” says CEO Residential Group Sergey Ilyasaev. “After the claim is satisfied, the air conditioner can be dismantled, and the owner is obliged to restore the damaged facade.”

Buyers of new buildings need not worry

However, the majority of buyers of apartments in the capital's new buildings will no longer have to face the problem of placing air conditioners. In 2016, Moscow officially abandoned construction panel houses outdated series. Among the mandatory requirements for new projects is the presence of special boxes on the facade or balconies that hide air conditioners.

Each region has its own rules

At the same time, in most regions, installing air conditioning on the facade is by no means so simple, and everywhere there are their own rules. For example, residents of St. Petersburg need to obtain permission from the Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture, in the Moscow region it is necessary to agree on a sketch for placing an air conditioner in management company, and in Kazan, the installation of air conditioners on the facades is generally prohibited. Therefore, before buying climate equipment, it is better to clarify what rules the local administration has developed in this regard.

Elena Varvanina

Permission, approval for the installation of air conditioning in Moscow is no longer needed! Mayor of Moscow S. S. Sobyanin changed the rules

Under Luzhkov, it was regulated by a special agreement. Permission to install an air conditioner in Moscow was required until recently and was introduced by Luzhkov. A person who wished to install an air conditioner had to spend up to 6 months of time and up to 100,000 rubles to receive a pile of papers that gave the right to breathe cool air!

However, we are happy to please you that this bureaucratic barrier has finally been abolished by the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated March 22, 2011 N 85-PP. And now, approval for the installation of an air conditioner in Moscow is no longer needed!

Therefore, now you can install an air conditioner in your apartment or office in Moscow completely calmly, firmly knowing that you no longer need any approvals for the right to breathe freely!

Our company offers in Moscow at reasonable prices.

Permission to install an air conditioner in Moscow was required earlier and was included in the concept of redevelopment (reorganization). The fact is that during the installation of the air conditioner, they usually drill a hole in the wall to lay communications between the indoor and outdoor units of the air conditioner (split system). These communications are metal pipes with refrigerant, electrical cables and drain tube. And it is necessary to drill this hole so as not to damage the heating pipes and electric cables passing inside the walls of the house. The need to obtain approval for the installation of an air conditioner in Moscow was canceled by the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated March 22, 2011 N 85-PP.

Cancellation of approval permission for the installation of an air conditioner in Moscow - the original of Sobyanin's decision

The original resolution of the Moscow government on the cancellation of approval for the installation of air conditioning in Moscow is as follows:


dated March 22, 2011 N 85-PP

In order to improve the organization of work to control the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings, the Moscow Government decides:

1. Amend the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated November 2, 2004 N 758-PP "On approval of standards for the operation of the housing stock", deleting the words "individual air conditioners" in paragraph 3.5 of Appendix 1 to the decree.

2. Amend the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated February 8, 2005 N 73-PP "On the procedure for the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential and non-residential premises in residential buildings on the territory of the city of Moscow" (as amended by the Decrees of the Government of Moscow dated November 15, 2005 . N 883-PP, dated September 25, 2007 N 831-PP, dated November 2, 2010 N 993-PP):

2.1. In paragraph 18 of Section II of Annex 1 to the Resolution, the words "air conditioners," shall be deleted.
2.2. Supplement the notes of Appendix 1 to the Resolution with clause 3.5 as follows:
"3.5. Installation of air conditioners on the facades of residential buildings.".

3. Establish that the installation of air conditioners at cultural heritage sites and identified cultural heritage sites is allowed provided that they are placed on courtyard facades, as well as in cases where their installation is provided for by the project of work on the preservation of cultural heritage sites and identified cultural heritage sites.

4. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow for housing and communal services and landscaping Biryukov P.P.

Mayor of Moscow

S.S. Sobyanin

Installation of air conditioners in Moscow is allowed - the mayor of Moscow S. S. Sobyanin changed the rules, the procedure for installing air conditioners in Moscow

Installation of air conditioners in Moscow is allowed by Moscow Mayor S.S. Sobyanin! We would like to please you that since 2011 it is no longer necessary to obtain permission to install an air conditioner in Moscow. Now there is no need to obtain any permits for this anywhere, no approval is required for the installation of an air conditioner in Moscow!

Therefore, from now on air conditioner installation procedure in Moscow next - you buy an air conditioner, then call us and almost the next day we will install your air conditioner in the apartment. Therefore, it is voluntary.

The main tasks of climatic equipment are the supply of cooled / heated, purified air inside an apartment, house, office and other premises. This is especially true with the onset of the warm season (cooling), off-season (heating). The main thing is that the device does its job well. The high-quality, efficient functioning of the climate system largely (up to 80%) depends on professionally organized installation. By following certain rules for installing an air conditioner, it is possible to extend the life of the equipment, enjoying its flawless operation every day.

Indoor split system unit above the bed

Air conditioner. What is this?

Increasingly, on the facade of the house you can see the outlines of the external unit of the air conditioner. The use of climate equipment has long become the norm, its sales are gaining momentum, lineups replenished with enviable constancy. But what is this unit, commonly called the word "air conditioner"?

As a rule, by this concept, the majority means precisely split systems, consisting of two parts: an indoor unit designed for installation indoors, and an external one - on the facade of the house. These are the most popular options for climate equipment, which have become such due to an acceptable balance of price-quality-functions.

The blocks are interconnected by pipes with freon, electrical wires, forming a well-coordinated working system for cooling, heating, air purification inside the living space of an apartment building, country cottage. Split system is just a variety among other air conditioning devices (monoblocks, chillers and fan coil units, cassette, channel, column devices, central systems and etc.).

When purchasing equipment, it is necessary to decide, of course, on the model, functional equipment, design. But in addition, it is important to take care of the professional installation of the system, because its further depends on it. quality work, duration of service life, the level of comfort created.

Rules for installing the indoor unit

Indoor unit above the door

The indoor unit is that part of the split system, the design, the functional improvement of which is given great attention. And not in vain, because it is located indoors, one might say, it is the "face" of the climate equipment.

The installation of the indoor unit of the air conditioner is subject to many requirements that are designed to organize it in the most qualitative way. We list the basic rules for installing the indoor unit of a split system used by specialists:

  • Installation of the device is best done before or after repairs in the room. So you can lay communication paths in the most convenient, less costly way.
  • It is necessary to observe strictly marked distances to the nearest walls, ceilings: at least 10 cm to the ceiling, at least 10 cm to the walls, taking into account the fact that from the device to the communications exit point - at least 50 cm.
  • It is impossible to install windows behind curtains, in niches. This will limit the cooled air flow, it will circulate only through the space of the window opening.
  • It should not be installed above high chests of drawers, cabinets (minimum - 1m). The airflow will also be limited by the obstruction, and the dust accumulated on the furniture will enter the room.
  • Cannot be set above elements heating system. The temperature sensor inside the device will constantly record high temperature, prompting it to continuously operate in cooling mode. This will lead to rapid wear of parts, failure of the climate system.
  • Arrange in such a way that places of rest, work, frequent stay of people are outside the direct cooled air flow.
  • The climate device must be located strictly horizontally to avoid accumulation and then overflow of condensate from the drainage tank.

Rules for installing an external element of a climate device

External block of the climatic split system

Strict regulations also determine the installation of air conditioners on the facade of the building. Factors such as:

  • Mounting fasteners are installed with a margin of safety, 2-3 times the weight of the device. Mounted with anchor bolts.
  • The outer surface of the building must be smooth and durable. Fastening to a dilapidated wall is excluded. The vibration force will loosen the mounts, and the unit may fall.
  • When installing air conditioners on the facade, it is necessary to take into account its finish. If it is insulated with foam, or a ventilated facade is designed, you must make sure that the fasteners are mounted to the wall itself, and not to the facade finish.
  • There must be a distance of at least 10 cm between the wall and the climate device, and at least 10 cm from any object at the top of it. This ensures the natural circulation of the air flow around, allowing it to cool in time.
  • Fasteners are carried out taking into account further unhindered access for maintenance.
  • It is placed strictly horizontally in all planes in order to organize the correct free movement of freon along the cooling circuit.

Scheme of installation of the external unit of the split system on the facade of the building
  • From the ground, the location is not lower than 1.8-2 m, preferably in a protective crate.
  • When installing on the upper floors, it makes sense to think about placing the system on the roof of the house. This will avoid calling industrial climbers. It is important to remember that the maximum distance between the elements of a split system is 15 m.
  • It is recommended to install on unglazed balconies, loggias, which will significantly protect the climate device from mechanical damage, unfavorable atmospheric conditions.
  • Installation inside a covered balcony is highly undesirable due to insufficient air flow convection, which is so necessary for the external element of the split system.

The rules for installing air conditioners on the facades of buildings are general, applicable to all split systems to the same extent.

Rules for the installation of communications

When installing the air conditioner correct installation routes for the cooling circuit are diverted considerable time, which is due to factors:

  • The maximum distance between the blocks is 30 m. At a distance of up to 5 m, all properties of the coolant are preserved. The greater the distance, the greater the losses.
  • Compound copper pipes must be sealed, the freon supply system is insulated as much as possible to avoid gas leakage, which will reduce the performance of the climate system, up to its failure.
  • It is best to drill a route in the wall for the cooling circuit. Communications will be hidden, which will preserve the aesthetics of the room. If repairs have already been made, the pipes are closed plastic box. At the same time, it is necessary to provide access to the connections for service maintenance.

Minimum distance
  • The freon pipeline must not be kinked so that the coolant circulates freely.
  • For the climate system, it is recommended to carry out a separate electrical cable with a separate switch in the shield to relieve the load on the general power supply, especially if it is already old.
  • All connections of electrical wires are securely insulated.
  • It is best to lay the drainage tube in a separate strobe.
  • It would be correct to conduct a branch pipe to sewer pipe to drain condensate.
  • If this is not possible, the pipe can be brought out near the external element of the climate system, while making sure that the condensate does not subsequently spoil the facade of the building, does not fall on passers-by.
  • inside hole outer wall a cup holder is installed through which connecting communications are passed.
  • Refrigerant pipes, electric cable, drain pipe must be packed with foam rubber pipe, wrapped with vinyl tape.
  • After fastening the outer part of the air conditioner to the facade and connecting the climate system, it is necessary to vacuum (at least 50 minutes) using special equipment. This is how complete removal air, liquid from the cooling circuit, excluding the appearance of corrosion on the inner surface of the pipes.
  • Be sure to conduct a test run of the air conditioner at the end of the installation work.
  • It is necessary to check the device for the absence of refrigerant leakage, the presence of constant pressure inside the circuit, the timely removal of condensate. The main functions of the climate system are being tested.

Features of installing air conditioners in residential buildings

Installing the indoor unit of the air conditioner on the wall

The regulation for the installation of air conditioners in residential buildings is the same as in an apartment building. Distinctive feature– when planning the purchase of a climate device, it is necessary to take into account the availability, possibilities ventilation system Houses.

For suburban housing, the use of multi-split systems (one outdoor unit + several indoor units) is typical. Often, a central air conditioning system is used for ventilation and air purification. Also, private houses can be equipped ducted air conditioners, which is very convenient to organize in the space of a large building.

The main condition is that the climatic equipment should not create obstacles for the operation of the main ventilation system. Their work is a harmonious, complementary functioning.

Improper installation of the air conditioner will certainly affect the quality of its work in the future. The consequences can be serious, it is often necessary to replace a faulty climate device with a new one. One of common problems- Leakage of coolant through leaky pipe joints. Undetected in time, it threatens to damage the compressor, condenser, and other important components.

Also a consequence incorrect installation air conditioner on the wall of the apartment - overflow of condensate from the drainage tank to the outside, inside the room (strictly horizontal arrangement was not carried out).

Ignoring the basic rule for installing the outdoor unit of the air conditioner is fraught with its fall down. IN best case it will make a lot of noise when working.

Professional installation of HVAC equipment required condition his reliable effective work for a long time.

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