Butakov's furnaces: features, model range, characteristics. Heating furnace professor butakov student Fireplaces professor butakov

Many residents of the country noticed that summing up gas heating- the pleasure is quite expensive. Since the gas is different too high cost, its use is not always justified. Therefore, firewood is a great alternative to heating a country house or country cottage. Furnaces "Student", made in various options, are among the most practical option heating your home or garage. The most significant aspects include maintaining a balance between price, functionality and economy of models.


Device and principle of operation

Professor Butakov's oven "Student" has quite simple design, it contains:

  • two-chamber ash pan;
  • firebox;
  • air pipes;
  • grate;
  • chimney;
  • iron door with glass.

The principle of operation of the furnace used by the professor was known long before his developments. Due to the low content of oxygen in the furnaces, the fuel does not burn, but slowly smolders, releasing a sufficient amount of heat. This is what increases efficiency, excluding additional bookmarks.

Furnace device "Student"


Considering that Butakov's stove "Student" has various modifications, their dimensions and technical characteristics differ significantly. Common in these devices is the presence of built-in convective channels used to increase heat transfer. Depending on the type, stoves can work both for air heating and for providing water heating.

In this mini-review, we will consider ovens from the Termofor company.

Wood burning stove

This device is characterized by maximum thermal efficiency and high efficiency, in comparison with coal counterparts. It has the following features:

  1. Tightness of the combustion chamber - the door closes securely, eliminating the formation of cracks.
  2. Improved air supply control - the unique design of the sliding damper allows you to set the modes of gas generation or just combustion.
  3. High-quality materials - thick-walled structural steel is used for the manufacture of the body, cast iron is used for the grate and doors.

In addition, the device is characterized by relatively small dimensions, which are:

  • 530*780*370mm;
  • chimney pipe diameter 120 mm;
  • the weight of the entire furnace is 77 kg;
  • furnace volume 74 l;
  • power reaches 9 kW;
  • The efficiency is 85%.

Stove "Student" has an amazing ability to exclude soot contamination of working surfaces. Even long-term operation will not affect the purity of the glass. The duration of burning allows you to make bookmarks no more than 1 time in 6-7 hours. The device is equipped with a replaceable grate that allows you to evenly distribute air flows in the fuel chamber. This eliminates the formation of soot. The design of the ash drawer allows it to be cleaned without interrupting the combustion process.

coal stove

When designing these heating furnaces, the intensity of the thermal load was taken into account. The device has the following characteristics:

  • weight - 77 kg;
  • furnace volume - 70 l;
  • dimensions - 530 * 370 * 780 mm;
  • Efficiency - 85%;
  • Power - 9 kW.

Charcoal burning requires more oxygen than wood, but much more heat is released. Due to the 5 mm wall thickness, metal deformation is eliminated, which can provoke a quick breakdown of the furnace. The tightness and thoughtfulness of the design can significantly reduce the consumption of coal. A similar furnace by Professor Butakov "Student", functioning on coal, is an ideal option for systematic heating.


Due to the unique design of the heat exchanger, the hot-water stove "Student" of long burning has a fairly high heat transfer. The usual coils in it were replaced by convective channels, partially recessed into the furnace. Due to these features, the liquid is intensely heated and enters the heating system. This large-sized device has the following characteristics:

  • weight - 90 kg;
  • power - 16 kW;
  • firebox - 70 l;
  • dimensions - 720 * 370 * 770 mm;
  • Efficiency - 85%.

In addition, the design provides for the installation of heating elements, which makes it possible to maintain the temperature of the coolant for a long time.

Features of the furnace "Student" Hydraulic

Attention! Electric heaters can be installed independently or purchased together with the boiler.

Advantages and disadvantages

Devices are distinguished by a whole list of advantages that are very valuable for products of this kind. Among them, it is worth highlighting the main aspects:

  • enough convenient installation, which does not require certain skills and the construction of additional grounds;
  • rapid removal of ash, which can be carried out even at the time of combustion;
  • design heating furnace Professor Butakov "Student" provides organic combination with any interior.
  • large heating area;
  • the presence of air cooling;
  • sufficient dimensions of the heating surface;
  • functional firebox, equipped with control of air supply, as well as the intensity of combustion;
  • replaceable bushings.

However, despite this number positive qualities, not without its shortcomings. These include:

  • strong surface heating;
  • the need to wet the ash before removing it from the furnace;
  • requires the use of reinforced thermal insulation for chimneys.

Nevertheless, the heating stove "Student" has much more advantages than disadvantages that do not affect the functionality of the device.

Features of installation and installation

Given that the surface of the device is very hot, the installation provides for enhanced thermal protection of floors and walls. This can be done in the following sequence:

  1. A basalt slab is laid on a wooden or other combustible floor, the surface of which should be sheathed with metal.
  2. Walls close to the appliance are protected with basalt insulation. This will reduce the distance between the wall and the stove to 50 cm.
  3. Availability supply and exhaust ventilation, both forced and natural, is unacceptable when installing a furnace.
  4. When laying a chimney, it will be necessary to protect the walls from heating. To do this, install a special fire cut and spark arrester.

If heating is scheduled adjoining rooms heated air, you will need to connect heat removers and additional air channels. The furnace is installed in such a way as to facilitate the installation of the corrugated pipe.

Installation example

Another installation option (in the corner)

User manual

It should be borne in mind that the stove for giving "Student" is a gas-generating equipment that imposes special requirements on the quality of the fuel used.

  1. It is recommended to use firewood, the moisture content of which does not exceed 25%, since more raw fuel will not allow the unit to be switched to gas generation mode. This can provoke a decrease in efficiency with increased fuel consumption.
  2. For coal modifications, firewood is used as needed. To do this, you need to completely pull out the grate. When using wood or peat briquettes, the gap between bookmarks increases significantly. It also releases 28% more heat than wood.

Attention! It should be borne in mind that the design of wood-burning modifications does not provide for the use of coal.

In order for an ignorant user not to goof off when buying a stove, you need to know how the original product of the Novosibirsk Termofor differs from a fake. Given that the product is designed for long burning, for its manufacture, high-quality material is used: thick steel for the body and durable cast iron for grates and doors. It is the design of the firebox door that is the main difference between the original and the fake.

Depending on the modification, the cost of construction starts from 15,000 depending on the model. Considering the high functionality and efficiency of the devices, the price of Professor Butakov's stove "Student" is quite adequate, which allows everyone to economically heat country houses.


The oven "Student" refers to a highly efficient oven of convection type. Due to this, cold air is taken from the room and thrown back in a heated state. The effectiveness of this technology has long been proven and successfully used. Distinctive feature This model is the originality of design, efficiency, compactness and affordability.

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Butakov's oven is perfect solution for those who are looking for quality home heating equipment. Modern technologies and a competent approach of engineers made it possible to get rid of two typical disadvantages of traditional heating furnaces - low efficiency and increased consumption fuel.

Photo of the Butakov oven

Many engineers have worked on the task of increasing the efficiency of furnaces and increasing their functionality.

A Soviet engineer, S.E., made his contribution to the common cause. Butakov. He created his author's stove at the Ural Institute back in the 60s of the last century. The principle of operation of its development was similar to similar furnaces.

But the main features of the Butakov furnace are an increase in the efficiency of the equipment and a decrease in heat losses. By making changes to the design of his creation, Butakov managed to raise the efficiency of a traditional furnace to an incredible level at that time - 85%. This allows them to adequately compete with gas heating equipment.


The design of the Butakov stove provides for the presence of several basic elements.

  1. Furnace body. This is an all-welded element made of high quality steel.
  2. Pipes of the convection system. Air ducts allow you to distribute the heat received from the stove to all heated rooms. They are placed in the middle of the structure, and at the top they cross. The end elements of the air ducts are open.
  3. Fuel chamber. It is divided into two zones. One is responsible for fuel gasification, and the second is for afterburning. The stove is based on the effect of pyrolysis, which ensures more efficient and long-term combustion of solid fuel.
  4. Ash pan. It is necessary to collect the products of combustion of solid fuels. Moreover, the design allows you to extract it yourself, even if at that moment the stove continues to work.
  5. Grate. This damper separates the area of ​​the fuel chamber and the ash pan.
  6. Chimney systems. Engineer Butakov's stove provides for the use of vertical pipes for smoke removal. This allows the resulting condensate to flow back into the furnace and evaporate. This feature significantly affects the performance of the furnace, solves a common problem negative impact condensate.

How does the stove work

Assembling the Butakov oven with your own hands is not difficult, since the equipment is attached detailed instructions with a clear indication of the sequence of your actions. But if you purchase a heating system in a specialized store, it makes sense to contact their specialists. Most companies selling furnace equipment provide assembly, maintenance and repair services.

But before proceeding with the assembly and generally giving preference to the Butakov furnace, it is worth studying the principle of operation of this device.

  • The operation of the Butakov stove is in many ways reminiscent of the principle of operation of a cyclone furnace;
  • There is nothing difficult in the process. From below, cold air enters the furnace, heats up to a certain temperature and begins to move upward. For this, convection pipes are provided;
  • Through the holes in the pipes, the heated air is inside the heated premises;
  • All Butakov's stoves are solid fuel equipment. At the same time, the firebox is not particularly whimsical to the type of fuel used. This allows the use of coal, firewood, waste from paper production or woodworking;
  • Butakov's design is different in that the fuel does not burn completely, but gradually smolders. This became possible due to the limited air supply inside the chamber;
  • Consumer reviews and visual experiments show that one bookmark of firewood ensures continuous operation of the Butakov oven for 12 hours. Models Gymnasist or Student can work autonomously for 8 hours without "refueling".


The most interesting thing about Butakov's stoves are the names that he used when creating a model range of heating equipment - Student, Gymnasium student, Engineer, Professor, Associate professor, etc. We will get to know each of them separately.

  1. Gymnasium student. Power parameters - 6-7 kW. Now it is not in great demand, it is purchased mainly on order. The gymnasium student is able to heat an area up to 20 square meters while using 20 liters of fuel.
  2. Student. The power of the Student stove is 9 kW, and its weight is only 70 kilograms. The Student model is quite old, but the most common. The heated area does not exceed 100 square meters. At the same time, the Student has a cast-iron grate and a convenient retractable ash pan. The student allows you to heat the house and cook food.
  3. Engineer. The engineer weighs 113 kg, but the power is 15 kW. The Engineer model is designed for space heating up to 250 square meters. The maximum loading of a fire chamber — 40 liters. The Engineer oven is distinguished by the presence of a glass screen on the door. The door itself is steel and cast iron. The engineer is in great demand for private houses.
  4. Assistant professor. An impressive 164 kilograms of weight gives 25 kW of power. The furnace of this stove model holds 100 liters of fuel. But the Associate Professor is also able to heat an impressive area - 500 square meters.
  5. Professor. The highly efficient professor stove weighs 235 kilograms, but also produces 40 kW of power. The Professor model copes with space heating up to 1200 square meters. To heat such an area, the Professor will require 240 liters of solid fuel to be loaded into the furnace.
  6. Academician. The most powerful representative of the Butakov furnace series. With a weight of 300 kilograms, the power of the equipment is 55 kW. Unlike the Professor model, the Academician heats up to 1000 square meters, spending 200 liters of fuel.

Advantages and disadvantages

What unites the models Student, Professor, Gymnasist and other stoves performed by Butakov? Their advantages and disadvantages.

TO strengths furnaces of the Soviet developer include:

  • High level of fire safety. In Student stoves and other models, combustion does not occur, but there is a process decay. Therefore, there is no open fire;
  • Functionality. With its small dimensions, the same Student model has a heating and cooking capability. Due to the high efficiency, there is enough power to effectively perform each function;
  • Environmental friendliness. The fuel burns almost completely, so there is no waste hazardous to humans;
  • Long service life. With its attractive cost, Butakov's equipment guarantees long-term operation.

But Butakov's furnaces have certain disadvantages.

  1. The body of the stove is actively heated, therefore, touching the surface of the stove can lead to burns. You just need to be careful when using the stove.
  2. When the combustion process is completed, the chamber cools down quickly enough. As a result, the indoor temperature drops. But since the furnace is capable of operating for 8-12 hours, it can hardly be called a serious drawback of Butakov's equipment.
  3. During the operation of the furnace, the air inside the room is strongly dried. To avoid this, you need a humidification system or effective ventilation.

The stoves performed by Butakov cannot be called ideal in all respects. But these furnaces have their own undeniable advantages, they allow them to compete on an equal footing with objectively more attractive gas boilers for many.

Today there is a wide range of modern heating equipment powered by gas and earth energy (heat pumps) - these are perhaps the most economical ways home heating. However, the good old wood and coal stoves still occupy worthy place among heating appliances. One of the most economical devices in its class is Professor Butakov's heating furnace.

Air-heating boiler "Professor Butakov" Student model.

This uniquely designed oven is designed to efficiently air heating various premises: private houses and dachas, garages, greenhouses, industrial, warehouse and basement premises.

The history of the Butakov furnace

The first sample of this design was manufactured in the second half of 2002 in Novosibirsk region. A few months later, the sample received all the necessary certificates, and at the end of 2004 a patent for the invention was received (patent number 2242679). The author of the design is the heating engineer E.Yu. Zubkevich, who named his design in honor of his grandfather's brother, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor S.E. Butakov.

A year later, in October 2003, Zubkevich entered into an agreement with the Termofor company, which took over the production and sale of products. However, the cooperation was suspended in 2008.

Design and principle of operation

The principle of operation of Professor Butakov's heating furnaces is based on the process of convection ( warm air always goes up). The principle is the same as that of the stove, the only difference (besides the appearance) is that the “Butakovo” stoves have a grate (grate). It was the Buleryan furnace that was taken as the basis for creating a new design.

Cast iron heat-resistant grate protects the bottom of the furnace from premature burnout, it is she who is most exposed to fire. If the grate burns out, it can be easily replaced with a new one.

Note! At Bureryan, the role of the grate is played by ash, which must necessarily be at the bottom of the furnace. Firewood burns directly on the ashes.

The grate ensures uniform combustion over the entire area of ​​​​the furnace, and also controls the air supply. Thanks to this, it is possible to increase the air supply to the furnace, thereby accelerating the heating of the room.

Through the grate, the residual combustion products enter the ash compartment, from where they are subsequently cleaned. Cleaning can be carried out directly during the operation of the furnace, which allows the use of fuel with high education soot. Intensive combustion is used to burn off the accumulated soot.

The ash compartment is equipped with a valve, thanks to which it is possible to regulate the volume of air entering the furnace.

Important! The oven is designed to operate in the smoldering mode. Continuous operation of the unit at temperatures above +350°C is not allowed.

The design of Butakov's heating furnaces consists of a welded steel body with built-in pipes, which play a key role in the entire structure, it is through them that the convection process is carried out. Cold air is drawn in through the lower part of the pipes, then passing along the body, it heats up, and already hot air exits through the upper part of the pipes. The heated air quickly spreads through the heated room, which allows for a short time bring the temperature to a comfortable level. For greater efficiency, convection pipes are also located in the front and rear of the oven body.

Firewood is used as fuel, as well as various briquettes and pellets.

The upper part of the body can be used for cooking and water heating. On average, 1 liter of water heats up in 10-15 minutes.

Advice! The body of the furnace is covered with silicone paint and industrial oils, which, when heated, emit bad smell. Therefore, it is recommended to do the first heating in all rooms (1-2 hours in burning mode). In subsequent kindling, an unpleasant smell will not appear.

Whole the lineup Butakov's furnaces Beautiful design which will suit almost any interior.

Gymnasium student

Model "Gymnasist"

A distinctive feature of this model is that it is heating and cooking. A special cooking stove is installed in the upper part of the body (modifications "Gymnazist-2" (with a hob and a total weight of 49 kg and a power of 8 kW) and "Gymnasist-3" (with a hob and a total weight of 34 kg)), which is not available in other models. However, the absence of hobs does not mean that other models cannot be used for cooking and boiling water.

The chimney outlet is located in the upper part of the body, which saves space in the room. However, this design has significant drawbacks: condensate and soot fall directly into the furnace;

it is inconvenient to clean the chimney, because every time you have to take it out of the oven, which is quite problematic.

In the Gymnasist-1 modification, a design without a hob is implemented.


  • Power - 5 kW
  • Efficiency - 85%
  • The size of the heated room is 50-100 m³
  • Weight - 34 kg
  • Dimensions - 400x500x500 mm
  • Wall thickness - 2.5 mm
  • Furnace volume — 60 l
  • Chimney pipe diameter — 115 mm
  • The cost, depending on the modification, is from 4800 to 6800 rubles.

Model "Student".


One of the most common models, ideal for cottages and small private houses, as well as for well-insulated private houses bigger size. The heating furnace of Professor Butakov Student has an increased diameter of pipes, as well as a smaller thickness of their walls, which allows to increase heat transfer, because. The "live" section for the movement of air through the pipes increases in this case from 35% to 70%.

The chimney outlet is located at the rear of the body and is attached through a tee. Such constructive solution allows without disconnecting it from the oven. To start cleaning, it is only necessary to detach the removable bottom of the tee. In addition, condensate and soot fall into the tee, and not into the furnace itself, as in the Gymnasist. The tee is equipped with a valve, thanks to which the draft can be adjusted. The bottom of the tee is equipped with a special fitting for removing condensate.


  • Power - 9 kW
  • Efficiency - 85%
  • The size of the heated room is 150 m³
  • Weight - 57 kg
  • Dimensions - 370x545x650 mm
  • Firebox volume - 74 l

There are 3 versions of this model:

  • wood-burning with a metal door, price - 11900 rubles;
  • coal with a metal door, price - 12800 rubles;
  • with a cast-iron door with built-in glass, the price is 13,900 rubles.


Model "Engineer"

It is the most popular model from the entire model range, because. ideal for private houses and cottages, as well as for small industrial premises. Just like the "Student", the design of the "Engineer" consists of convective pipes increased in diameter with a smaller wall thickness, which also significantly increases the heat transfer of the furnace.


  • Power - 15 kW
  • Efficiency - 85%
  • The size of the heated room is 250 m³
  • Weight - 75 kg
  • Dimensions - 440x645x800 mm
  • Furnace volume — 120 l
  • Chimney pipe diameter — 120 mm
  • Cost - wood: 16,000 rubles; coal: 16,700 rubles; co glass door: 17700 rub.

Assistant professor

Model "Associate Professor"

This model is mainly used for heating warehouse and industrial premises, as well as large private houses.


  • Power - 25 kW
  • Efficiency - 85%
  • The size of the heated room is 500 m³
  • Weight - 143 kg
  • Dimensions - 570x800x1000 mm
  • Furnace volume — 250 l
  • Chimney pipe diameter — 150 mm
  • Cost - from 28000 rubles


Model "Professor"

The most powerful oven of the entire model range.


  • Power - 40 kW
  • Efficiency - 85%
  • The size of the heated room is 1000 m³
  • Weight - 57 kg
  • Dimensions - 670x1110x1250 mm
  • Chimney pipe diameter - 200 mm
  • The cost, depending on the modification, is from 32,500 rubles.

How to choose?

When choosing a Butakov heating furnace model, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • The area of ​​the heated room. If you have a small country house or a small greenhouse, respectively, it is better to take the “Gymnasist” or “Student” models. It makes no sense to overpay for the stove itself and for the fuel when using it.
  • Equipment. Each model has modifications that differ slightly from each other: type of fuel; the presence of a thermomanometer or heat-resistant glass on the door.
  • Chimney diameter.


There are no particular difficulties in installing Professor Butakov’s furnace, however, certain rules must be observed, primarily related to fire safety. The main attention should be paid to the chimney, which must be tight, even and thermally insulated, as well as the location of the boiler and its isolation from combustible materials. In many ways, the installation is similar to Buleryan's installation.

So, installation is carried out in the following sequence:

Important! All joints of the chimney must be "planted" on a heat-resistant sealant.

  • Determine the location of the passage in the roof.
  • Make a hole in the roof and install the rest of the chimney. The chimney should rise above the ridge by 500 mm. Moreover, the part of the chimney located outside the heated room (located in sub-zero temperatures) must be thermally insulated with a material capable of withstanding temperatures of +400°C. The ideal option is the installation of the so-called .
  • Insulate the hole in the roof with basalt wool.
  • The space around the stove can be lined with bricks or other non-combustible material.


Butakov's stoves enjoy well-deserved love and popularity among domestic users. The features of the unit are such that it warms up the serviced premises in a very short time, while consuming a relatively small amount of fuel.

Furnaces "Professor Butakov" are both very productive and outwardly attractive equipment.

The design is equipped with enlarged convection pipes. The pipes themselves are arranged in a more efficient and patented pattern. The design features allow the stove to give off much more heat compared to other popular models with a similar surface area.

The unit itself consists of several simple elements, namely:

  • two-chamber fuel compartment;
  • ash pan;
  • grate separating the ash pan and the firebox;
  • pipes for moving air;
  • fume extractor.

Branch pipes in Butakov's stoves are installed from above. It is very convenient and effective solution, which made it possible to ensure that the resulting condensate drains directly into the furnace. As a result, the condensate burns out completely, which only increases the performance of the unit. However similar arrangement pipe gives some inconvenience when cleaning the chimney.

Butakov's stove is recommended to be installed on a small stand. If necessary, such a stand can be easily removed from under the body of the unit, which makes it possible to conveniently disconnect the stove from the chimney and make its high-quality cleaning.

The firebox of the Butakov furnace has a shape close to a truncated parallelepiped. Such a solution made it possible to ensure the efficient and complete use of thermal energy.

Firebox pipes set strictly in vertical position. The only intersection of the pipes occurs at the top and at a pre-calculated angle.

There are horizontal cuts on the inlets of the air pipes. IN standard design these sections are placed at a distance of 12 cm from the bottom of the footboards. Such a solution makes it possible to ensure a completely free flow of air to the gas generator. Thanks to the gas guide shields, the most effective application resource of the gas-flame flow.

Furnace door Butakov furnace is equipped with casing-convector rum, which allows the door to take "participation" in heat exchange processes.

The design of the unit involves the installation of an ash pan. This is a small box for collecting waste generated during the operation of the stove. The presence of such a box allows you to get rid of ash without interrupting the operation of the stove.

During operation, the upper surface of the boiler in question is in direct contact with the flame stream. This gives additional advantage. The structure is located in horizontal position that allows you to cook food on it.

Given that correct assembly the Professor Butakov furnace operates in the most uniform combustion mode. If it is necessary to ensure faster heating of the room or an increase in temperature, it is enough to simply replace the standard grate with a larger replacement product.

Condensate settles on the walls of the chimneys of most existing metal boilers during operation. IN this case Condensate is a liquid waste with a characteristic unpleasant odor. In Butakov's stove, as noted, the chimney connection pipe is installed in a vertical position. Such a constructive solution makes it possible to ensure the return of condensate back to the stove body. In the oven, the condensate burns completely, which slightly increases the heating efficiency.

On average, on one tab of fuel, a gas-generating furnace operates for 7-12 hours. The operating time depends on the specific oven model.

In order to increase the safety of operation, the oven can be attached to the floor.


To make the advantages of the stoves of the Professor Butakov series more understandable, we can give a simple comparative characteristic the unit in question with other existing heating installations. For example, the Butakov furnace will consume about 2 times less fuel compared to brick oven the same size. Compared with a potbelly stove, the fuel consumption in the Butakov furnace is reduced by almost 12 times, which is a very impressive indicator.

It is noteworthy that the gas-generating furnace in question was designed precisely on the basis of the same potbelly stove, which is widespread among summer residents, garage owners, etc.

The oven is suitable for various solid fuel. The most commonly used pressed paper, coal, firewood, peat, thick cardboard.

Application area

The considered gas-generating furnaces received the greatest popularity where it is irrational or impossible to use a full-fledged gas or electric heating, i.e. in holiday villages, villages, garage cooperatives, etc.

Such furnaces perfectly manifest themselves in a variety of cellars, warehouses, garages, basements, hangars, etc.

Operating principle

The work of the stove in question is organized according to a fairly simple principle. During operation, air enters the unit body through special openings. In the body of the stove, the incoming air is heated, and then it is released into the serviced room.

The fuel in the unit slowly smolders, i.e. a typical pyrolysis process takes place. Under conditions of oxygen deficiency, thermal decomposition of the fuel into charcoal and gases, i.e. fuel is used as efficiently as possible.

Thus, the developer of the furnace, in fact, did not invent anything radically new. However, he carefully worked on correcting the shortcomings of the predecessors of the unit in question, almost completely eliminating heat losses and increasing the heat transfer rate of the stove to 80-90%.


There are several types of Butakov furnaces. Each of the modifications works on the same principle, has general design and uses identical fuel. The difference lies only in the size of the units, their power, number and diameter. installed pipes. Such a variety allows you to choose a unit for effective heating of a particular room with certain dimensions.

Gas Furnace Assembly Manual

The unit under consideration is assembled in almost the same sequence as other gas generating furnaces. The only differences are in small design features, which were discussed earlier. Keep them in mind when assembling the unit.

At the core homemade stove Butakov lies ordinary metal barrel. Follow these recommendations step by step, and you will get an excellent unit for high-quality, efficient, safe and economical heating.

First step. Cut off the top of the barrel and smooth out the remaining sharp edges. It is most convenient to cut with a grinder, to bend the edges with a hammer. Bend sharp edges down.

Second step. cut out steel sheet a circle with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm less than the diameter of the barrel.

Third step. Cut a hole with a diameter of 10 cm in the circle from the previous step. Weld to the hole steel pipe similar diameter.

Fourth step. Weld sections of the channel to the bottom of the circle with the pipe. The segments must be installed so that in the future they move freely in the space of the barrel. In the future, the channels will press down the loaded fuel, and provide the necessary conditions boiler operation.

Fifth step. Install a damper on top of the pipe. To do this, fix the threaded stud vertically inside the pipe. Use welding to secure. Cut out the damper from the steel sheet.

The damper diameter must be the same as the pipe diameter. Drill a hole in the edge of the cut-out damper so that the damper mounted on the stud closes the pipe. Tighten the shutter with the nut.

In the future, with the help of this simplest element, you will be able to control the volume of air entering the furnace, and, consequently, the intensity of the furnace.

Sixth step. Use a hammer to align the edge of the cap with the pipe. In this case, the edges must be bent outward so that the lid fits snugly on the base.

Seventh step. Arm yourself with a chisel and make a hole in the lid with a diameter of about 10.3 cm. A pipe welded to the pancake in the previous stages of work will pass through this hole. Drainer brew in the lid.

Eighth step. Prepare the base for the oven. An unburied brick platform is well suited.

Ninth step. Cut a hole with a diameter of 15 cm in the upper part of the stove body. The chimney pipe will pass through this hole. Length chimney should be approximately 1.5 times the length of the casing. Weld a piece of pipe to the hole in the top of the casing of the unit.

Tenth step. Cut a small square-shaped hole at the very bottom of the case. Weld the door to the prepared hole. Through this hatch you will remove the ashes. You can insert the previously mentioned drawer (ash pan) into the hatch itself to make cleaning the stove as convenient and simple as possible.

Eleventh step. Seal the bottom of the chimney tightly. Install the pipe itself on the legs - it's more reliable.

Twelfth step. Connect the stove to the knee, previously welded to the chimney pipe, and fix it with a clamp. It is recommended to lay fiberglass under the clamp. Thanks to this material, a greater tightness of the connection will be ensured.

Video - Furnace Installation

Before starting the Butakov furnace into permanent operation, thoroughly test the unit and determine the most optimal operating mode. During the heating process, the body of the furnace will heat up to quite high temperature, so the device must be installed at a distance of at least 30-40 cm from any flammable and melting objects.

The boiler starts up as follows:

  • you remove the top cover;
  • take out the “pancake” with the air supply pipe welded to it;
  • load firewood or other suitable solid fuel. Make sure that the load does not cover the flue elbow. Place firewood vertically and as close as possible to each other;
  • lay small branches on firewood, and on top of the branches - paper or a rag previously moistened with kerosene;
  • return the “pancake” with the air supply tube and the top cover to its place;
  • throw a lit rag or paper into the opening of the air supply pipe. You won’t be able to ignite such a stove with matches - they will simply go out without having time to reach their destination;
  • wait until the firewood flares up, and completely block the air supply pipe.

This completes the ignition of the furnace. Periodically check the operation of the unit.

In the absence of a barrel, the body of a large fire extinguisher or gas cylinder can be used as a basis. The assembly principle of the unit will remain the same.

Successful work!

Video - Do-it-yourself butakov oven

In Russia, stoves developed by Professor Butakov are in great demand. A distinctive feature of the heating apparatus is that it short term warms up room with a large area while fuel consumption is minimal. The equipment has good aesthetic characteristics, so it will not spoil appearance rooms. Such a design you can do it yourself.


The composition of the furnace includes convective pipes, which are installed according to the scheme. Unlike its analogues, the Butakov furnace has a high heat transfer.

The apparatus consists of simple parts:

  • ash pan;
  • fuel compartment;
  • grate;
  • chimney;
  • pipes for airflow circulation.

To make the most of thermal energy, the fuel compartment is made in the form of a parallelepiped. The pipe for this section should only be fixed vertically. On the pipe for air circulation, at a height of 12 centimeters from the steps, you need to make horizontal cuts. This is necessary in order for air to enter the generator.

Also in oven should be a ash pan in which combustion wastes are collected. One bookmark is enough for about 10 hours of heating the room. Also, the duration of the work depends on the specific heating unit models.


Compared to other heating counterparts, this type of stove has big amount benefits. First of all, it should be noted that fuel consumption is almost two times less compared to a brick structure. And when compared with consumption is twelve times less. The stove can be heated by any: cardboard, paper, peat, coal.

Types of furnaces

Butakov's devices are produced in several models. It is important to note that all furnace options operate on the same principle, and also have the same design. Models differ in power, dimensions, number of pipes. Therefore, you can easily choose the unit for any room. Existing Models:

  • "Gymnasium student". This design is no longer in production. industrial scale, because it is ineffective.
  • "Student". The stove can heat the room with area 150 m3. Is great option for residential premises.
  • Model "Engineer". The design is capable heat 250 m3.
  • "Docent" is designed for a room with area 500 m3.
  • “Professor” will heat 1000 m3.
  • "Academician".

On some structures, hob for cooking food.

Read also: Swedish oven: features and manufacture

Oven “Student”

This heater is the best option for residential premises, as it has small dimensions, attractive appearance, and is able to heat a room with a large area. The weight of the structure is 70 kilograms, fuel compartment equals 60 liters.

Traditional units have a double furnace door, the outer one acts as a protection. The “Student” design is provided with a special cast iron door with a viewing window made of refractory glass. It should be noted that over time the window will turn black, so you can not install it.

The unit can purchase ready-made with the necessary accessories. Depending on the store, this stove can cost, approximately 20,000 rubles.

Mounting the stove “Student”

The design can be assembled by hand, in several stages:

  • First of all, it is recommended to prepare an assembly drawing or download ready-made version on the Internet. This will make the job easier.
  • Then you should prepare a place for the structure. The surface of the floor and walls must be finished with refractory materials.
  • Decide on pipe exit section. Then make a hole in the ceiling, which is covered with non-combustible materials.
  • The unit is then installed on prepared stand.
  • Mounted with sealant all pipes in series. It is recommended to purchase sandwich pipes that prevent condensation and smoke from entering the room.
  • Outside, a special “skirt” must be made on the pipe.

If the Student design is installed on a small distance from wooden parts and surfaces, then the walls must be covered with asbestos-cardboard. From above it is recommended to fix galvanized sheets.

It is necessary to carefully make a hole for the pipe in the ceiling. It should be a few centimeters larger than the diameter of the chimney. The hole made must also be covered with refractory materials, as this area is dangerous. The stove “Student” does not contain a water tank, but if necessary hot water in the house, you can additionally buy the necessary capacity. To do this, you need to carefully connect the pipes, container and gate. All joints must be carefully sealed.

After all the accessories of the apparatus “ Student" will be collected, you need to check the stove and light it. It should be noted that the first ignition implies a lot of smoke in the room, as paints and various oils will fade. Therefore, the first run heater recommended hold on outdoors . If no defects are found, then the “Student” structure can be installed in the room.

Read also: Metal ovens wood burning house

Furnace "Engineer"

At the beginning of the century, Professor Butakov developed a new model of a heating device. This unit is in demand among the population. The furnace is capable to heat the room with the area up to 2500 m3. As a fuel, use firewood, cardboard, peat and coal. The oven operates in a temperature range -55 - +40 degrees. small size allow you to install the structure in any convenient place.

"Engineer" is used for heating of residential premises, garage, greenhouse, industrial warehouses, small stations. It should be noted that this oven model has high price– more 30 000 rubles. You can make such an oven with your own hands.

Furnace construction:

  • case with two chambers;
  • the required number of built-in pipes;
  • grate;
  • firebox;
  • ash pan;
  • eyeliner.

It is important to note that the fuel in the apparatus does not burn out, but slowly smolders, which allows saving its consumption and increasing the degree of heat transfer. Internal temperature should not exceed 350 degrees. The first start should take about two hours in burning mode.

Advantages of the "Engineer" device:

  • heats a large room;
  • one bookmark of fuel is enough for 10 hours;
  • convective pipes increase efficiency;
  • heats up evenly
  • thanks to the ash pan, the drawer can be emptied at any time.

Cons of the unit:

  • excess air enters the furnace through the ash pan;
  • to clean do-it-yourself pipe, it is necessary to disassemble it into sections;
  • front panel over time undergoes deformation.

Furnace installation process:

  1. Choose a suitable place for installation and cover the floor with asbestos and 10 mm metal sheet.
  2. If walls are located nearby, then they also need to be isolated with.
  3. Lay a sheet in front of the machine from metal.
  4. Isolate the hole in the ceiling.
  5. The stove is recommended to be installed on a brick stand.
  6. Connect all pipe sections and lead out.
  7. The chimney must be on the roof at a height of at least 50 centimeters.

Furnace with water circuit

It is not necessary to assemble the oven with your own hands, you can purchase ready-made option from the developer Butakov.


  • Despite the fact that you have to tinker with the water circuit, such a stove is much cheaper than autonomous heating.
  • The device can be connected to another heating system.
  • Usage various kinds solid fuel.
  • Excellent aesthetic qualities.
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