Library of my childhood. Readers - about the libraries of the Novosibirsk region

Our motto: "Reading is fashionable!"
The library of the future… I was still thinking about this 40 years ago, when I first crossed the threshold of my library. Why "mine", you might ask? Because it was here that my whole life passed, it was here that I grew spiritually, my readers, and my library developed. In 2015 we celebrated the 85th anniversary of the library. And I am proud to have been the head of this library for many years. But all dreams become reality. Once I dreamed that my library would become not only a cultural leisure center, but also an educational center. Now it is. I dreamed that there would be computers in the library of the future. My dreams have come true. Now the library is a computerized and Internet-connected system. Once I dreamed that the library had an electronic catalog. Now we have an electronic catalog and we are working on the IRBIS program.
Previously, there was no typewriter, everything was written by hand, and scripts, and reports, and plans, calculated their performance on simple accounts, and not on a calculator. And now we have all this technology to perfection. The library has a copying technique, a wonderful, fantastic machine, the dream of my whole life, I always wanted to publish my own newspaper, now I have this opportunity. Once a month, we publish the Library Newspaper, on the pages of which we publish all the news of our library. Readers love the new paper and are happy to read it. I also publish in the library the village newspaper Pokrovskaya Panorama, on the pages of which fellow villagers learn about all the news of their village. And how many printed library products a year do we publish: booklets, leaflets, reference lists, reference manuals…, countless… When would we dream about it? And now it's all in the library. Modern technologies work wonders and promote acquaintance, friendship on the Internet, Skype communication with writers and poets! Have we ever dreamed of this? And now it's reality. Now we have the opportunity to organize our website, blog, open other pages in in social networks and tell about your work, show the library in photos, videos… Have we ever dreamed about it? And now we shoot films ourselves and put them on the Internet! For some, this may be the future, but for us it is already a reality! The Internet has provided many opportunities for working with readers. An interesting form of work has “taken root” in our library, like the “Reading Holiday”, which we have been holding for several years now. It can include many different activities for different populations, for children different ages. We send our readers to email excerpts from the most popular books. After such letters, readers are happy to attend our events, and take the book home - after all, you need to finish reading it! Only thanks to the Internet, we collect puzzles online with the kids, compose and guess online puzzles. After such games, children want to read a book. We mastered a new server for creating interactive posters, we release book trailers, playcasts. For many rural libraries, this is still on the verge of fantasy, but for us it is already a reality. According to A. V. Sokolov, a well-known specialist in the field of library science, “Library today is the basis of education, culture, science, social well-being, a guarantee of economic growth, a guarantee of state stability.” One cannot but agree with this statement. The library of every country, every people is the cultural heritage of the nation. The library is a temple of knowledge, it is a hearth, and if you manage to keep the fire in this hearth, it means that the nation is not doomed to oblivion, it means that there will be progress and prosperity. And the role of the rural library in the countryside is enormous. It is a link with the library system of the district, region, country and, finally, the whole world.
And I also dream of a library - a museum, and soon my dream will come true, I found a wonderful sponsor, Zhilin B.V. and we are waiting for funds from Gazprom Dobycha-Orenburg LLC, the museum furniture will be made at the expense of sponsors. Soon the mini-museum "Village and People" will open in the library. Fellow villagers will be able to get acquainted with the history of their village, museum exhibits, which we collect bit by bit.
I really want to turn our library into beautiful world, where the book is stored, so necessary for our reader, so that the library has large reading rooms, so that it is light, warm, cozy, so that flowers grow, “... and even better, so that there are parrots, children would play with them. So that there are many tables, and readers, any, both children and adults, will sit at the tables! To fairy-tale heroes themselves came from books and communicated with readers. And everyone will be fine ..! - so said one of our young readers. And there will be a miracle - a library. Library-garden. That would be great. But for now, we dream about it. Our library is small, but huge in content. Everything that I talked about above is only a great help in the work of the library, but no gadgets, no e-books, no bibliobots will ever replace a “living” book for us, which we can hold in our hands, smell it, hear the rustle of pages and a modest worker - a librarian who conscientiously, with knowledge of the matter performs his simple and so necessary work for all of us - brings to everyone book reader. And a lot depends on what he, this person is like. If he is attentive, responsive, interested, friendly, then he will become a true friend for his readers. And coming to the library will become a necessity for everyone. And every reader will forever make friends with the book.
Our village can’t live without a library… When it’s cold, when it’s cold, young and old rush to the temple of knowledge to choose this or that book, sit in silence, leaf through new magazines, watch an event prepared by librarians or just chat, “pour out the soul”, as people say, and for this there are two clubs in the library - “Club interesting meetings"and the club" Hostess. We always have a lot of readers. Because "... here is joy, light, here is a good aura ...", as our readers say. And this is very pleasing. May this light remain in the library of the future. It will be impossible to live without the living Word and Light.
That's why I'm a librarian. And I say this with pride, always, everywhere, everyone is already 40 years old! Because I really love my job. Over the 85 years of its existence, our library has turned from a modest rural “reading hut” into a modern cultural institution that effectively performs information, educational and educational functions, pleases readers with its beauty, novelty, novelties of favorite literature, new forms of work and warmth of creative meetings. I also want the library to have game room for children, with fairy-tale characters from children's books, so that when they get to know them, young readers want to read the book. Of course, I would also like to have a multimedia hall, urban libraries are no longer surprising, but rural ones only dream of it. And the most important thing is that there should always be a Reader and a Librarian in the library of the future! Libraries will work, which means that there will be a prosperous country, and our people will be spiritually developed. That is why our library is a territory of communication, creativity and inspiration.
In conclusion, I would like to add a small poem by the honored teacher of Russia, our fellow villager, Vikhrova R.G., she calls the library "... an amazing house, our wonderful library, where you will always be welcomed by friendly and smiling librarians - professionals in their field ..."
There is an amazing house in the village,
You can ask a hundred questions in it,
It will help you find the answers
Don't forget to log in...
One more thing:
Thanks to the owners of the house can not be counted
For creative inspiration
For professional dignity and honor
For wisdom, the joy of meetings, communication ...
Don't forget to enter the amazing house called the library!
May all be well in the present and in the future!
Filippova V.M., head of the P-Pokrovskaya rural model library


Project: "Library of the Future!".

Aleksandrova Larisa Viktorovna

  1. ninth grade student

Ust-Lamenskaya secondary school.

2010–2011 academic year

Library of the future!

1. Purpose: Create school library corresponding modern requirements school and health standards.

2. Tasks:

  1. Equip a cozy, beautiful library.
  2. Engage the reader in the library.
  3. Cultivate an interest in reading.
  4. Improve school performance and the role of self-education.

3. Actions:

I would take two rooms for the library. In one - put cabinets with shelving. They arranged the books alphabetically and by topic. In the middle put a table with a computer. Here the librarian will record the receipt of books, keep a record of books, track the demand of the reader. For comfort, place on the windowsills houseplants, on the windows there are bed-colored blinds.Schematic of the first room.

No. 1. Bookcases with shelves for books.

No. 2. Windows with blinds.

No. 3. Computer table with a computer for the librarian.

No. 4 - Office chair.

In another room, I would put small tables. One row: computer tables with computers and table lamps, office chairs for work nearby. Another row: school tables with table lamps, comfortable chairs nearby for work. In the reading room, children will read books, search for information, work on designing projects and essays. Students will be able to communicate, search necessary information through the Internet. In this room there will be a table with a video double and karaoke. Here you can listen and watch artistic and documentaries on the works of Russian and foreign authors, as well as to conduct collective creative activities: hours of reading, discussions, quizzes, games, and so on.

Diagram of the second room.

No. 1 - computer tables with computers and table lamps for students, next to office chairs.

No. 2 - windows with blinds.

№ 3 – computer desk with a computer and a table lamp for the librarian.

No. 4 - office chair.

No. 5 - school tables with table lamps and chairs for students.

5. Equipment:

Computer tables with computers, desk lamp, office chairs, blinds, school tables, chairs, bookcases with bookcases, flower pots, houseplants.

  1. Financial rationale:





Cabinets with shelving

2.000 rub.

40.000 rub.

Computer tables

1.300 rub.

14.300 rub.



500 rub.

6.000 rub.

Simple chairs.

200 rub.

2.200 rub.

School tables

1.000 rub.

10.000 rub.

Video deuce.

15.000 rub.

15.000 rub.

Music Center.

10.500 rub.

10.500 rub.


24.000 rub.

264.000 rub.

Desk lamp.

300 rub.

6.300 rub.

Blinds bed tones.

700 rub.

8.400 rub.

Flower pots

45 rub.

545 rub.

Total: 377.245 rubles.

7. Needed help.

Sponsors are needed to help purchase equipment for the project: "Library of the Future".

8. Result: I think that schoolchildren will be able to usefully spend time in the school library after school:

  1. relax,
  2. read,
  3. if you do not understand the material, then further study;
  4. if the material studied in the lesson interested the student, then work on the INTERNET;
  5. prepare homework in subjects: essays, projects and others.

9. Conclusion: As a result of the implementation of the "Library of the Future" project, the academic performance and quality of education will increase, there will be more children who self-realize through the disclosure of their abilities and talents.

If you want to get "five"

Come to the Library of the Future again.

Here you can enjoy your rest

Create an abstract or project.

Modern TSOs at your service

Music center, INTERNET and video!

The history of libraries exceeds 4 thousand years. Throughout this time, they remained the main tool for the preservation and transmission of information. Suffice it to recall the famous novel "The Name of the Rose", in which the book determines the fate of the characters, and in a broad sense - of the entire Western society.

IN last years In the 20th century, the importance of libraries in human life has changed: television, and then the Internet, claimed the role of the main source of information. Meanwhile, libraries were offered to become something like museums of outdated methods of data transmission, a repository of books, microfilms, audio recordings on analog media.

Fortunately, libraries have begun to actively explore the possibilities of IT in order to join the fight for the reader, viewer and listener on an equal footing. Many major libraries, such as the famous British Library, are constantly working to digitize and publish their archives on the Internet.

Since 2009, the Presidential Library named after B.N. Yeltsin, which was originally formed on the basis of digital copies of printed publications and was built on the Microsoft platform.

Another good example- TsGPB them. V.V. Mayakovsky, where for many years work has been carried out to introduce modern technologies, one of the results of which was the creation of a network that unites the funds of 197 city libraries. The network is built on the basis of a common IT infrastructure that can be used by both readers and employees of participating libraries. The technological foundation of the network was own solutions in the field of cataloging and digitizing archives, electronic library cards, web services available on the site, as well as Microsoft products such as SharePoint, Azure and Office 365.

We asked the IT supervisor of the TsGPB them. V.V. Mayakovsky Anton Zhandarov talk about this innovative project.

How did the idea for implementation come about? Why were you able to implement it?

- In fact, many large libraries began to create digital databases and automate some processes in the late 80s. So formally our project is not something fundamentally new or unique. Its main difference is relevance and scalability. And to a certain extent, this is the result of our partnership with Microsoft. The introduction of modern technologies made it possible to continue development and use existing developments as efficiently as possible.

Why did you choose the cloudMicrosoftAzure as one of the tools?

– As the database grew and the volume of information generated by our web services, we realized that it would be too expensive and inefficient to use our own server capacities for all tasks. Therefore, at first we transferred most of the loads to our shared hosting. And a little later, they realized that hosting in the cloud would be even more profitable. Among other things, this is very convenient given the remoteness from each other of the various libraries included in the network. In addition, most of the databases we work with were created long ago and are therefore resource intensive. The power of Microsoft's cloud technologies allows you to work with it more efficiently. Microsoft tools also help us centralize and unify all the databases we work with. This, in particular, will simplify access to the database and the search for digital publications that belong to all libraries participating in the network. To date, the problem of end-to-end access still exists: in some cases, the user must first log in to the site, and then look for the necessary information in the selected library. We hope to unify search indexing with Microsoft software.

– What new opportunities do you provide the reader with the help of technology?

- Within the walls of the library, readers get access to our funds and subscription funds, with the owners of which we cooperate. At the same time, they can use their own devices (smartphones, tablets, laptops) or equipment at workplaces specially created in the library. In addition, we continue to develop our services that provide readers with remote access to certain resources. Here big problem is an agreement with the owners of the bases. Access to their data in the library and from home or elsewhere is regulated differently. But we expect to solve this problem in the very near future. Most likely, with the help of temporary links associated with the user account (in our case, an electronic library card).

– What results of the implementation do the library staff see? What changes have taken place in their daily work?

– Over the past few years, the range of our services has grown several times. At the same time, the number of employees did not increase. From this we can draw a simple conclusion: the implementation has significantly increased labor productivity. Typical tasks are completed faster through the use of a single database, as well as the library's Internet services. Setting up readers, lending books, providing access to services within the library - all this does not require a significant investment of time.

Of course, we had to provide training - many of the technologies were unfamiliar to the workers, but they quickly mastered them. However, this does not apply to the automation department - here we try to attract specialists with knowledge in the field of IT.

Today TsGPB them. V.V. Mayakovsky has become something of an IT outsourcer for other libraries and networks. Therefore, we are trying to centralize the work of IT departments and use cloud technologies with maximum efficiency. Probably, an analogy with system administrators in small companies, typical tasks of which can be automated through the use of cloud services.

– How many libraries will participate in the project?

– We hope that all the libraries of the city will join us, and subsequently the regions as well – the work on their involvement is already underway.

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– As a result, this project will probably become one of the largest in Russia. And if so, let me ask you a somewhat provocative question: Why all this? Do you want to compete with the Internet in the field of data access?

– Agree, not all data available in online library resources are trustworthy. If this is unimportant for readers of entertainment literature, then for scientific work, education, research, such libraries are simply not suitable. In addition, as a rule, “serious” professional literature is very poorly represented in them.

And there is a need of this kind, and it is growing every year: young scientists who actively use technology in their work are more than ever interested in fast remote access to scientific data and the possibility of high-quality information retrieval at a level that can only be guaranteed by a system of professional library catalogs. .

On the other hand, each library with a history, and there are many of them in St. Petersburg, has unique collections, which are also of significant scientific interest. In order to work with them, researchers from other cities come to these libraries. We plan to provide convenient remote access to such information.

We also use expensive subscription bases of reputable organizations and institutions that are of exceptional interest to professionals - none of the "free" libraries on the Internet has such a service. Actually, this was the initial task of the library: to provide a person with access to information that he cannot acquire for his personal use.

All this as a whole is part of a single general concept for the development of the library and its role in the life of society. Indeed, we plan to compete for user attention with existing resources offering e-books, but this is only part of our work.

Access to unique historical archival materials, as well as data presented in other formats - up to holograms and augmented reality!

For example, we plan to provide high-quality access to unique historical archival materials, as well as create our own access centers to data presented in other formats - up to the virtual environment, holograms and augmented reality. For this last challenge, we're now looking at Microsoft HoloLens.

One of the first such centers will be the data center at foreign languages, which will soon be opened in the historic building of the library on Okhta. Now we are talking with major foreign educational institutions, such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, on the topic of conducting interactive lectures. In addition, the center will have specially equipped rooms for both individual lessons and for general lectures. A virtual platform with tools for interacting with the data presented in the virtual environment will also be placed there.

As a result, we will concentrate in one place unique and highly demanded opportunities for education and scientific research, most of which will be provided free of charge.

MOSCOW, April 19 - RIA Novosti. The institution of the library, dating back more than one thousand years, is rapidly changing today under the influence of digital technologies. RIA Novosti correspondents tried to formulate the main trends that will determine the transformation of the knowledge repository idea in the coming years.

For many people, the concept of a library is no longer associated with book lending institutions, but with online databases containing electronic texts. This trend is obvious and inevitable, and some radical "progressives" believe that there will be no place for "offline" libraries in the future.

Most experts, however, believe that traditional libraries will continue as a class, although they will undergo significant changes.

To reflect all aspects of the process, we divided ten trends into two equal groups: trends in the development of virtual digital libraries and promising innovations for traditional libraries. The article is based on both the opinions of Russian experts - writers and practitioners of librarianship, and materials from a number of foreign futurological studies.

1. Information in the "cloud"

Projects for the digitization and systematization of library content are rapidly developing around the world, despite notable opposition from book publishers. The pace of this process allows us to hope that in the foreseeable period of time highly centralized information repositories will appear on the Internet, containing, for example, almost the entire world library fund.

If copyright problems can be solved, then such a "cloud" online library can be used from any device with Internet access and a screen suitable for reading.

"For me, the library of the future is an electronic library on my communicator - with a search, a catalog, a rubricator," says the founder of the electronic library, Maxim Moshkov. pitiful interest, as it is now."

2. Comprehensive search system

Today, in order to find a suitable book or article in electronic format, it is often necessary to search through many sites (including dubious content). Even so, there is no guarantee of success. Meanwhile, perhaps it is not at all necessary to concentrate the entire world book stock in a single digital repository. Information may well be stored on multiple library servers scattered throughout the globe, but at the same time be indexed by a single public search engine that can provide the necessary data on the first page. Search engines general purpose like Google are confidently moving in this direction, although they are still far from ideal.

3. Automated translation and interpretation

Access to all the knowledge of the world is not everything. Having access to information and being able to consume it are not the same thing. Barriers here can be both ignorance of languages ​​and misunderstanding by the reader of specialized texts, for example, saturated with professional terms.

Modern online transfer services are not yet suitable for works of art, and "technical" semantic translation does not work well for all language pairs. However, the progress of technology allows us to hope that in the near future any of us will be able to enjoy both verses in Swahili and medical treatises in ancient Greek.

4. Multi-format media environment

Speaking of a library, we traditionally mean a repository of texts, first of all. Meanwhile, in modern world more and more multimedia information is accumulating - images, audio and video recordings. It is logical to assume that in the library of the future, data in different formats will be organically linked.

For example, a user searching for "The Da Vinci Code" will be offered not only the text of the book in electronic format, but also an illustrated guide to it, a movie of the same name, an audiobook, readers' fan club forums, etc. And if some work has not yet been translated into an audiobook format by professional actors, then an automated system (in the "cloud" or on a personal reader) will do this, and not be discouraged by the monotony of "machine voice acting".

5. Personal reader

Today we read e-books on many different screens: a personal computer, a reader, a smartphone, a tablet. However, over time, these devices become more and more similar to each other.

Advanced specialized "readers" are already indistinguishable from tablets: the same color screen with video support, a powerful processor, wireless interfaces, the ability to install additional applications ... The line between a smartphone and a tablet for devices with a screen diagonal of 5-6 inches is even more difficult to draw. And a tablet is gradually becoming a real “personal” computer for many people, replacing traditional desktops and laptops.

Probably, in the near future, the role of a book for most people will be played by some kind of universal personal communicator, which also combines the "professions" of a computer, telephone, navigator, electronic wallet, keychain, personal doctor, etc.

6. Library Museum

In the era of gadgets and electronic media, paper copies of books are likely to remain only in a few offline libraries. And the libraries themselves are evolving into a kind of museums, where you can get acquainted with "real paper books", touch them, feel the special "library" smell and atmosphere.

Writer Pavel Krusanov, for example, believes that only libraries of state importance will preserve the traditional format, where the rarest editions will be stored, and the book will become a particularly valuable object, a document of the era.

7. Multimedia center

High-tech visualization tools - for example, spherical projection screens, advanced augmented reality systems, holographic projectors - are still too sophisticated and are unlikely to become everyday items in the coming years. But what is too expensive for private use may be quite acceptable for public institutions, including libraries.

Sophisticated visualization technologies can be useful for displaying a variety of multimedia content - from interactive 3D maps of the Earth or outer space to 3D models of famous architectural structures.

8. Storehouse of sensations

This is, in fact, the development of the idea of ​​a multimedia library, where information can be perceived not only visually or by ear, but also through all five senses. So, for example, restaurateurs will be able to come to such a "superlibrary" for ideas of new dishes (to taste a collection of reference tastes, you do not need to pore over the right ingredients for a long time), and perfumers - for a catalog of smells.

9. Live chat club

This format is already gaining distribution in the world. From a place where people came for information, libraries are gradually turning into places of "meetings of interest". Cozy rooms With bookcases, soft chairs, where you can take a break from the bustle of the city, drink coffee, chat with friends, and find new acquaintances gradually attract everyone more people tired of impersonal communication on the Internet.

10. Center for the Preservation of Local Culture

In the era of globalization, issues of identity and support local culture become especially relevant. Every year, several languages ​​"die" in the world and many researchers offer their own solutions on how to reverse this sad statistic. Libraries can take on the role of "repository" national language and local culture of a particular area, not to mention educational functions.

"I think that in the Russian hinterland those traditional libraries to which we are accustomed will remain for a long time, - says the writer Mikhail Elizarov. - It seems to me that there is a certain aestheticism in this."

Conversations with older children preschool age(5-7 years old)

Dvoretskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna
GBOU secondary school No. 1499 SP No. 2 preschool department
Description: The conversation introduces preschool children to the world of book culture and the rules of conduct in the children's library

Target: Introducing preschoolers to the world of book culture, educating a competent reader
1. Develop cognitive interest in the book
2. Raise the need to communicate with a book
3. Form careful attitude to the book
4. Attract new readers to the children's library

Conversation flow:

Educator: Guys, today we will talk about books. But what is a book? (children's answers)
Educator: The book is an ancient human invention, with its help people wrote down, saved useful and important information. The book was treasured and passed down from generation to generation.
Books meet a person from an early age and accompany him throughout his life. Many centuries ago, before the invention of paper, books were made from birch bark (birch bark), then from parchment (thin animal skin).

Ancient books were large and heavy. They took up a lot of space. To whom the production of one book took a lot of effort and expense.
Educator: Guys, what is the book about? (children's answers)
Books are given to people huge world, alluring, interesting. The book surprises readers with different genres. Fairy tales, stories, stories, epics, poems, nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings. Books carefully store the wisdom of the people.

Not a bush, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn
Not a person, but tells.

Educator: Guys, what else do we know about books? Among the people, people who could read were respected and revered. The Russian people have composed many proverbs and sayings about the book.

You will lead with the book - you will gain your mind.

The book is your friend - without it, as without hands.
Without a book, it's like without the sun, and the windows are dark during the day.

Educator: Tell me guys, where are the books stored? (children's answers)
Educator: Everyone has their favorite books at home, which are neatly placed on the bookshelves. But imagine that there are a lot of books accumulated. And they don't fit in the house anymore.
Where, then, should we store the books? (children's answers)
Educator: It turns out that our faithful friends live in a special house called the library.

What is a library? (Children's answers) Who was in the library?
Educator: The library is a place of careful storage of books. But the books in the library are not only stored, but also given out to read at home. A person who comes to the library to get a book is called a reader.
A poem about the library

One hundred miracles for a man
Save the library!
Shelves line the walls
Waiting for change.
Books are interesting
famous writers,
exhibitions, museums,
Miracles, tricks.
The team is kindhearted
Waiting for readers, of course.
little kids -
For those who love books!

Educator: For each person in the library, a special document is created - a reader's form. In the form, write down: last name, first name and address of the reader. The form will mark those books that the reader chooses for home reading, indicating the number of return of the book.

In the library, all books are stored on special shelves. These are so big bookshelves, from floor to ceiling.

Educator: Guys think and tell me what is the name of the profession of people who work in the library? (children's answers)
Educator: The profession of a person who works in a library and helps children find interesting books is called a librarian.

The library has two large halls:
The first hall is called a subscription. A special place where children, with their parents, choose what they want to read, and then they take the book they like home for a while.
The second room is called the reading room. Think and tell me why? (children's answers)
Reading room- a place where children can take an interesting book and read it without taking it out of the library. In this hall, the rules of silence are observed so as not to disturb the readers.
The library is a socially significant place, so you need to be able to follow the rules of conduct. What do you think should not be done in the library? (children's answers)

Educator: DO NOT talk loudly, run, shout and play;
DO NOT tear, throw or soil books;
DO NOT draw or write in books;
DO NOT bend and crumple the pages of books;
DO NOT tear out sheets;
DO NOT cut pictures from books
Educator: Tell me guys, how should you treat books correctly? (children's answers)
Educator: Books must be treated with care. Library books are read by different children. These books pass from child to child, and therefore you need to try to keep the book clean and tidy after you.

You must remember the rule: read a book, return it to the library.

Educator: And what should we do if suddenly we get a book with a torn page? (children's answers)


Let's not lose heart, friends
We will get transparent glue.
Let's work with our hands
Let's fix the book ourselves!

Educator: Guys, today we have learned a lot of new and interesting things about wonderful world books. I hope you guys will be true friends of books! And remember, the doors of the children's library are always open for little readers, that is, for you!
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