Curtains for giving their own. Curtains for giving (44 photos) in country and Mediterranean style. Self-manufacturing. The best examples of window decoration of a country house in a rustic style and photos

Approaching holiday season. In the warm season everything more people prefer to live outside the city, in nature. And this means that you need to think over not only your life, but also the interior in which you will spend part of the spring, summer and the warm beginning of autumn. Perhaps a curtain for the dacha sewn with your own hands from an inexpensive, but practical fabric, will be the beginning of the renovation of your summer home.

Of course, country curtains should be pleasing to the eye and correspond to the place for which they are intended. But there are a few more parameters that should be considered when choosing "clothing" for the windows of suburban housing.

It is not necessary to sew for a summer residence luxury curtains, because it Vacation home in which everything should be simple, cute and functional

Here's what to look for Special attention:

  • It is better to give preference to natural materials such as linen, cotton and chintz.
  • Curtains should be practical. They should not fade quickly and get very dirty.
  • The choice of fabrics for windows also depends on their location. For windows facing sunny side, choose blackout curtains from dark matter, and for windows oriented to the shaded side, we will leave light and light fabrics.
  • If you live in the country all year round, you need to get another set of curtains - winter.
  • Do not overload models with numerous frills and decorative elements. Simple and cute is our motto.
  • For a veranda or gazebo, it is better to choose a material that does not allow water to pass through - PVC fabrics.

And also pay attention to the fact that country curtains should be easily removed, so rings or clothespins should be used as fasteners for them.

IN this case light and pretty curtains are fixed on the cornice-rod with the help of rings and clothespins: it is easy to remove them

We sew country curtains in different styles

The style most often preferred by summer residents is called "rustic". It is popular not only in our country, but also in Europe, and even in America. Just in different countries it acquires its own distinctive features.

Patchwork in the Russian spirit

To embody the Russian village style, we need the simplest natural fabric. Usually it is a "cheerful" chintz, linen or cotton. Monophonic matter will do, and with small pattern. The curtain made by the patchwork method looks great.

Patchwork curtains look very elegant, despite the fact that they can be sewn both from new fabric and from patches left over from other works.

To sew curtains from flaps, you need to measure the window, determine the parameters of the fabrics of the future curtain, and then make a pattern of its details. In this case, preference should be given to large elements so that the curtains are not too heavy due to the abundance of seams. The technique of patchwork sewing involves the use geometric shapes. Most often this isosceles triangles or squares. The combination of dark and light details looks most effective.

For the future patchwork fabric, it is imperative to make a pattern on thick paper or cardboard, carefully numbering all the details

Cut out details from thick cardboard without seam allowances and number them so as not to get confused when connecting. We apply patterns to the wrong side of the material and trace them along the contour with chalk, remnant or a special marker. We will cut out each element, taking into account the allowances for the seams - about 0.5 cm. In order for the seam to be on the wrong side of the work, the parts must be connected by attaching them to each other with their front sides.

Stitched on sewing machine or hand-made seams, be sure to iron. To hide the wrong side of the product, it needs a lining. The edges of the resulting curtains can be decorated with braid, lace or ribbons.

Find out the secrets of patchwork for "loose" fabrics from the video:

Curtains in Russian rustic style make out not only window, but also doorways, as well as a berth.

Bringing French country style to life

Rustic style in France was named after one of the provinces of this country. Namely Provence. To create this style, chintz is also quite suitable, and you can also use linen and even cambric. All these fabrics are natural and will serve well in the country.

When choosing a fabric, you can give preference to plain fabrics of blue, light blue, lavender and white flowers or use patterned material

In addition to fabric and a sewing machine, for work we need:

  • Accessories. Good for decorating satin ribbons and threads to match one of the colors of the base material.
  • Tools and material. Prepare pattern paper, measuring tape, chalk or remnants, pins and very sharp scissors.

It is better to buy fabric with a margin of 10-15% in case of possible measurement errors. The minimum width of the fabric should be 3 meters.

Be sure to measure the window and adjust the dimensions suggested below, based on the results of our own measurements. We have to sew a simple version of Provence-style curtains from two halves with a transverse stripe. The width of each half is approximately 80 cm, and the transverse strip is 15-20 cm.

Despite the seeming simplicity of work, it should begin with a pattern. To do this, paper folded in half is placed on big table or on the floor. We draw the contours of future canvases in half of their actual size and cut them out.

When transferring the pattern to the fabric, do not forget to make allowances for the seams. In the upper part of the product, which will be attached to the cornice with clothespins, the allowance should be at least 5 cm. For the rest of the seams, it is enough to leave 1 cm each.

In the details cut out of the fabric, we cut off the edges with pins that need to be stitched so that the seams are even and neat. After that, we decorate the edges with a ribbon, and then we collect ready-made curtains in the Provence style.

The Provence-style attic looks very elegant, albeit simple. There is a lot of light here, a huge window decorated with a flowing translucent curtain

Don't forget the tiebacks that hold the curtains when they are parted. They can be made from pieces of fabric from curtains or in the form of decorative cords, ribbons, flowers.

We sew curtains in American country style

Just like any other rustic style, country is characterized by simplicity and naturalness.

For country, natural fabrics are most often chosen:

  • not too bright;
  • with floral pattern;
  • in the box".

However, you can also use synthetics that mimic natural fabric. Its advantages for giving are that it will not burn out, will not turn yellow from the sun, will not shrink and will not wrinkle.

To correctly calculate the need for material, we make the necessary measurements. To determine the length of the product, you need to measure the distance from the cornice (the top point of the curtain) to the window sill or bottom heating battery (low point). We add to the result 6 cm for the hem of the product from the bottom and 3 cm for the turn in the upper part of the canvas. To determine the width of the product, you need to increase the length of the cornice by 1.5-2 times, depending on the density of the upcoming drapery.

This is how the curtains that we sewed will look like. The only difference is that these are attached to the cornice not with braid, but with decorative loops.

The simplest pattern is rectangular canvases. We cut the fabric. To avoid using pins, you can set the sewing machine to long stitch mode. It allows you to make folds. We sew a braid for curtains to the bent upper edge. Next, you should process the side seams. The edges of the braid should be tucked into the seam, and the ends of the cords left outside. By pulling them, it will be possible to adjust the degree of drapery of the curtain. It remains only to process the bottom and hang the finished curtains on the eaves.

Features of rustic style for different rooms

The rustic style is universal and very suitable for giving, so all rooms can be decorated in it, taking into account their characteristics.

We sew Roman curtains for the kitchen

The most current design for kitchen curtains called curtains-cafe. A barbell, fishing line or twine is fixed in the middle of the window. Two small canvases are strengthened on it. The upper part of the window is decorated with a lambrequin or curtains with pickups.

Another option that will look organically on country kitchen, are Roman blinds.

To create Roman blinds, large pieces of fabric are not needed: you can get by with a flap, which is only enough to cover the opening

For a detailed master class on sewing Roman curtains, see the video:

Living room, bedroom and dining room

If your cottage has these rooms, then decorate them long curtains in a rustic style, with tiebacks. As additional decoration cloths, you can use lace or fabric frills, satin ribbons, cords, buttons and beads.

Numerous ideas for rustic curtains are presented in the video:

Mediterranean style curtains

Another style that summer residents are happy to choose is Mediterranean.

Its characteristic features are as follows:

  • abundance of light in the rooms;
  • window big size;
  • preference is given to translucent or completely transparent fabrics;
  • fabrics should be plain or with floral ornaments.

Let's get everything ready necessary materials for work:

  • the fabric that we have chosen taking into account all the recommendations given above;
  • fabric scissors;
  • centimeter tape or tape measure;
  • pins and needles, thread;
  • sewing machine.

To sew curtains for giving their own with my own hands, it is necessary to make preliminary measurements, which we will later be guided by when cutting the fabric.

Two piece curtains with ties

To get started, you can simply attach the selected fabric to the window, check the location of the pattern and how finished curtain will look in the interior. We measure the width of the window. We need twice as much fabric as the measurement value obtained. That is, for a two-meter window, four meters of material will be needed.

Orange and others warm colors transparent or translucent curtains are characteristic of the Italian direction of the sunny and cheerful Mediterranean style

We determine the length of the future product, making a measurement from the point where the upper edge of the panel will be fixed, to the level of the desired length. When calculating the parameters of the product, be sure to add 15-20 cm to the seams, hem and that part of the canvas that will be fixed on the cornice. It is better to cut the fabric by spreading it on the floor or on a large table. If the curtains will consist of two canvases, then fold the product in half in width and carefully cut along the length.

Stages of creation simple curtains: cutting fabrics on the floor, fixing folds with pins, spreading and fixing folds in the upper part of the fabric, working with a sewing machine

On all sides of the panels, except for the upper edge, we make folds, fixing them with pins. We sew the made outlines on a typewriter. Now the canvas looks neat. We bend the upper edge to the wrong side, fix it with pins and sew. From the outside, the seam can be hidden with a braid. The resulting hem is used to fix it on the eaves. Now we make pickups from the material at hand.

A more complex model can be stitched using the diagram below.

The best thing about this diagram is that specific dimensions are given. And this means that by measuring your window, you can recalculate the circuit data in accordance with the actual parameters

Beautiful curtain-arch

An arch can decorate a window opening in the kitchen and in any other room. Everywhere it will look amazingly organic and gentle. You can sew an arch from a whole piece of fabric. It should be a piece large enough so that the ends of the arch hang down to the windowsill or even lower.

To create an arched shape of such a curtain, two methods can be used.

  • The arc can be cut at the bottom of the canvas. The edge of the arch must be processed with an oblique trim, you can even decorate it with a ruffle. The upper part of the arch fits into the opposite folds.
  • In the second method, not one, but two arcs are cut. The upper arc along cut B is stretched, a special tape is sewn to it for fastening to the eaves. The bias-cut fabric hangs beautifully, forming soft folds. The edge of the arch runs along the lower arc. It is sheathed, if desired, decorated with ruffles.

This option is good because beautiful folds on the arch are obtained natural way, based on the method of cutting

For clarity, we suggest you watch a video on the topic of creating arch curtains:

As you can see, you don’t need any special skill to sew curtains for giving yourself. But it is the curtains, chosen with taste, that transform the interior before our eyes, give it completeness. You will spend at least three months at the dacha. Create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort.

Country style or "rustic" style has its attractive simplicity. Its diversity can be seen in the photo. There is a feeling that it should be exactly this way and nothing else. To sew country-style curtains with your own hands, you will have to work hard, but at the same time these are ordinary curtains with a simple finish from improvised tinsel.

Curtains are the main subject of window decoration; they can take the main place in any interior, including in country style.

Before sewing curtains in country style, you need to study their main differences:

  • Country-style curtains are usually sewn from natural fabrics - chintz, cotton, linen, impregnated fabrics.
  • It is better to choose light colors that can be combined with bright and rich shades.
  • In tailoring, fabrics with simple patterns, stripes or plaid are welcome.
  • All types of needlework are used in the decoration - ruffles, appliqués, lace, various cords and bows.

The length and width of the fabric for sewing curtains with your own hands is measured as follows:

  • Length must exceed the distance from the window sill to the eaves by 9 cm (for folds and folds).
  • Width parameter depends on the width of the cornice. The width of the curtain should be one and a half times the width of the cornice + 4 cm for the side hem.

The warmth and comfort of the house is felt in such pleasant trifles as do-it-yourself decorative elements of the interior.

DIY design: country curtains (video)

Curtains for a country house with small windows

When you imagine a village house with small windows, in itself a calm, cozy atmosphere, where your peace and tranquility reigns. But there may be problems with the design of just that small window. Sometimes this is simply not given any importance, and this is completely wrong.

Curtains not only save the house from bright light, but also help to resize the window.

A great solution in the design of a small window would be a rustic design. When the window is deep in the wall, a small curtain is placed inside the opening, which will cover the bottom of the window. The fabric of the curtain can be any - the main thing is that the colors match folk traditions. If the window is very small, then great option will become a mini screen. The advantages of such a mechanism are the originality and mobility of the design solution.

Roman blinds look unusual on small windows, especially in children's rooms. They act as solid canvases that can be easily raised and lowered. Can be combined with curtains or used alone.

With a little experimentation, you can perfectly decorate the smallest windows of a country house.

Curtains for the kitchen in a rustic style (video)

Country style curtains

A modern dacha is a place to relax, and for some, a place to receive guests. Then it should look like a real home, that is, comfortable and beautiful. Curtains in country style are the most harmonious solution for giving.

How to choose country curtains for the country:

  • Rustic curtains should match the color hues of the interior and be functional and practical. Thanks to cotton or linen curtains, which perfectly pass air, the house will be much fresher.
  • The color depends on the color scheme of the entire decoration of the room, but in small room you should not decorate the window with dark-colored curtains, this will make the space even smaller and gloomier. It is better to opt for curtains of soft halftones.

Models of curtains in country style

To determine for yourself best option curtains, you need to know what country models are.

Rustic style curtains:

  • Roman curtains. This model is similar in design to blinds, however, its mechanism is much simpler. It is not difficult to make such a curtain yourself, choosing any type of textile you like.
  • Cafe Curtain Model- This short curtains from the middle of the window opening . As a rule, the model is presented in one or two components, often a lambrequin is used on top.
  • Lambrequin- stylish and modern element decoration of any window. For country style, a boron lambrequin made of floral or striped fabric is acceptable.
  • Such a lambrequin in combination with a translucent Roman blind will look like a win-win option.
  • Curtain with pickup. The main plus of country style is its rustic simplicity. Therefore, curtains in a rustic or country style are not difficult to sew with your own hands. Hooks, twine or ribbons can be used to pick up curtains that go to the sides.

Country curtains (video)

Country style window decor perfect solution for the revival of rustic style in the interior. Short curtains of a simple form with ruffles, tiebacks and a decorative lambrequin take us away from the bustle of the city into the distance of grandmother's fairy tales, in which we want to be incessantly. Such a lively window decoration can become the very “highlight” that you have been dreaming of for so long.

Curtain design in country style (photo)

Not everyone pays due attention to interior design. country house, believing that it is only a temporary shelter for the weekend. What they suffer from. Those who have ennobled their second home spend much more time in it and get much more pleasure from it.

For example, for a beautiful and pleasant interior, it is enough just to purchase curtains for country-style cottages.

And in general - such a simple design element as curtains can significantly change the internal atmosphere that reigns in the room, make it more cozy and comfortable.

In this article we will talk about how to make curtains for a summer residence with your own hands - we are sure that our original instruction will be useful to you. We will also tell you in detail how to choose curtains and what is the advantage of a particular style.

Such a varied country

When choosing curtains for the dacha, pay attention to such a design style as country, which means "rustic" in translation.

Interestingly, there are several directions for this interior option. And it shouldn't come as a surprise rustic decor in each country of the world and even in certain regions of individual countries is significantly different ().

Today, several “sub-styles” stand out clearly:

  • Russian;
  • French;
  • American.

Note. Curtains on the veranda in the country house or in the room, of course, are best chosen in this rustic version, which will allow you to create an atmosphere appropriate to the location of the house.

Consider each style in more detail, which will help you decide on the choice of an acceptable option.

Russian country

Curtains for a terrace in a country house or for rooms in a Russian rustic style are characterized by the simplicity of fabrics. Most often this chintz. It can be either plain or with crayons.

A good option is patchwork models.

Images are applied to the curtains:

  • plants;
  • birds;
  • of people;
  • geometric shapes.

Note. If you are choosing a design in a Russian rustic style, then keep in mind that this design option also involves curtains on doorways.

french country

In this case, it is more correct to say - Provence and it originated in the French province of the same name.

Even if you choose magnetic curtains for summer cottages, but you want the sophistication of Provence to reign in the rooms, pay special attention color scheme curtains.

They can be:

  • lavender;
  • white;
  • blue;
  • blue.

It is important that the curtains are made from natural fabrics:

  • cambric;
  • flax;
  • chintz.

Note. It is important to complement the interior with the so-called companion fabrics. In their color, they should be in harmony with the shades of the curtains. Such fabrics are used in the form of bedspreads, capes, tablecloths, etc.

Complement the design window openings it is possible by means of pickups or ordinary ribbons made in the form of flowers.

american country

This style is characterized by:

  • simplicity;
  • a certain rudeness;
  • but also naturalness, naturalness.

At the same time, even if you choose curtains for an arbor in an American country style cottage, they must be of a certain color:

  • checkered;
  • floral;
  • dim.

So, no matter which direction you choose to design window openings in your country house, curtains must be made of natural material:

  • cambric;
  • cotton
  • flax;
  • chintz, etc.

Incredibly wide and color gamut possible curtains, although it is best to give preference to warm shades:

  • beige
  • honey;
  • ocher;
  • various tones of red;
  • as well as green and its various tones.

Note. If you choose linen curtains, which will be decorated with bows or lace, this will allow you to create a unique rustic comfort in the country house, typical of the houses in which cute and kind grandmothers live.

By the way, if you have a wooden structure, then instead of the usual, traditional cornices, it is recommended to use lighter ones:

  • on strings;
  • tapes.

Advice. Be sure to cover the terrace with curtains, even if it is open - this way you can protect yourself from summer heat. In this case, PVC curtains are most often used for the veranda in the country.

mediterranean style

Another great design option is the so-called Mediterranean style.

It is characterized by:

  • lots of light;
  • large windows;
  • transparent or translucent fabrics;
  • floral ornaments on the curtains.

There are two main directions, each of which has its own colors.

How to make curtains yourself

If you are not satisfied with the price of the models presented in the store, you can sew short curtains to give on their own.

There is nothing complicated about this:

  • you will need two sheets of fabric;
  • the length of each fabric should correspond to the desired length of future curtains;
  • do not forget to provide a small margin for hem;
  • width depends on the width of the window opening and the intended assembly- most often it turns out a width of about two or three window openings.

Advice. To collect charming pleats, it is recommended to use special tapes for curtains or simply sew pleats at the top of the curtains. There is another option - to hang the curtains on a special tubular cornice.

A great option for do-it-yourself curtains is an arch curtain, which is a great solution for beautiful design window opening.

Most often, this model is short and great for:

  • kitchens;
  • dining room;
  • verandas;
  • residential part of the house.

To sew this version of the curtain, you need a single piece of fabric, in which the ends will be much longer than the central part and reach the window sill or fall even slightly below it.

In order to make an arched shape, you can do it in two ways.

The first one includes the following steps:

  • a single piece of fabric is taken and an arc is cut in the lower part;
  • at the same time, a margin for hem is provided;
  • the cut edge is processed with a special oblique trim;
  • at the top, you need to slightly pick up the fabric so that folds form.

The second option for sewing a curtain involves:

  • cutting two arcs;
  • the upper part of the curtain is stretched;
  • loops are attached to it for hanging to the eaves;
  • it is also recommended to fix the finishing tape at the top.

Soft, attractive and charming folds on the curtain will be formed by means of the fabric itself, which will hang over the window sill along an oblique line.

The carved lower arc is the same arch. Don't forget to hem it.

In conclusion

As you can see, you can use cheap curtains for summer cottages, as long as they are beautiful and neat, which will allow them to fit in and make its interior really cozy and incredibly cute.

The video presented in this article will help you get Additional information on the topic under discussion.

Modern dachas are cozy, comfortable country houses where people come to spend a vacation or a weekend with the whole family. Country houses have long ceased to look like small sheds for storing household equipment. Today, the owners of suburban real estate think over interior design, carefully select furniture and accessories. Therefore, more and more often, many are thinking about what kind of curtains to buy in the country in order to create a cozy atmosphere there?

The main parameters for choosing country curtains

  • The practicality of curtains.
  • The degree of density of the material.
  • functionality and simplicity.
  • Ease of fastening.

Curtains in the country should be sewn from natural material that does not accumulate dust and is easy to clean. Plus, the curtains must let air through, which is relevant during the hot summer days. The best option would be cotton, linen or chintz products.

Depending on whether the windows face the sunny or shaded side, they select a dense or lightweight material. If a large amount enters the room sunlight, then to keep cool on a hot summer afternoon, it is recommended to hang windows thick curtains. For rooms in the shade, the windows are hung with tulle curtains, allowing warm air from the street.

A dacha is not the place where you should use curtains with lambrequins and other decorative elements. In this case, simplicity is valued. It is important that the curtains protect the room from mosquitoes, excess sun and drafts.

Often country houses are equipped with a veranda or gazebo. For such rooms, it is necessary to choose curtains made of fabric that does not allow moisture to pass through. This will protect you from sudden rain.

IN country house do not use complex cornices for curtains. Rings or clothespins are ideal, from which the curtain can be easily removed.

Choosing a curtain style

The ideal solution for a summer residence would be to buy rustic-style curtains with a colorful print, as shown in the photo. A bright pattern of flowers, vegetables and fruits will organically fit into cottage design. As decorative finishes, you can use a tape that gathers the curtain on both sides.

For country interior, you can purchase curtains in a checkered or striped pattern. This design will be perfectly combined with wicker chairs and homemade rugs. For an interior with a fireplace, the best option become linen curtains.

Of course, not all country houses are decorated in a rustic style. For high-tech interiors, black and white curtains with a shiny surface are suitable, as shown in the photo. You can also use shiny fabrics in other color combinations that fit the overall design of the house.

If the cottage is decorated in a luxurious, pompous style, then the curtains can be decorated with tassels, velvet hangers.

Fashion options

Every hostess wants not only the apartment, but also the cottage to look stylish. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to fashion news offered this season. Some of them, it is quite possible to choose for decoration country house.

An excellent option for a country house will be blinds. Today they are made from various materials in different colors and prints. For giving, it is recommended to purchase bamboo models that are easy to clean, let air through and fit perfectly into the interior of the country house.

Curtains in rolls perfectly protect from the sun, do not accumulate dust and beautifully decorate the room. We can verify this if we look at the photo.

Those who prefer a minimalist style are advised to pay attention to japanese models curtains. They create a calm, concise environment in the country, which allows you to fully relax from the city's problems.

Tired of dust, noise and bustle, the townspeople go to the country. Someone plants cucumbers and potatoes, someone grows flowers and contemplates peaceful landscapes, others like to just fry a barbecue and get some air.

The photo shows curtains for giving in the spirit of Provence, which emphasizes the atmosphere of a country house.

In any case, the desire for comfort and a change of scenery is justified. Therefore, when decorating a country house, it is important to emphasize its rustic flavor, simplicity and environmental friendliness. Curtains for him it is better to choose bright, practical and functional.

What style is suitable for giving?

Lush folds and pretentiousness of light classic lambrequins, frilly curtains or the ultra-modern sheen of minimalist curtains are best left for decorating urban interiors.

The photo shows curtains for a summer residence in a rustic country style.

The design of rooms in any of the directions will emphasize the natural beauty and harmony, dispose to rest and replenishment of vitality.

What are the key points to consider?

If you have decided on the style of textile design, and are ready to buy or sew country curtains, do not forget to consider several important factors:

  • it is better to hang south-facing windows with dense dark material that will keep the house cool at least a little, if you still want to hang something light, remember that the white color fades in the sun and acquires a characteristic yellowness;
  • for the spring-autumn season, you may need more than one set of curtains, this is especially true if the family often comes to rest in winter, so you should choose a couple of sets that will fit the interior and differ slightly in color and style from each other;
  • for a gazebo or veranda, not an ordinary fabric is more suitable, but a waterproof one that will serve reliable protection during the rain;
  • complex chrome or plastic cornices will not be entirely appropriate in combination with simple rural curtains, but wooden or forged ones are just right, especially if they are equipped with convenient rings or clothespins for fastening.

The rooms will turn out to be very cute and comfortable if you can choose the right textiles for them. One of the rustic interior styles will very successfully emphasize their originality, and the windows, hung with small curtains overlooking the picturesque landscape, will look simply magical. A little bit of your imagination will turn an ordinary cottage into a place you want to return to.

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