Problems of ecology in the work of modern writers. Ecology in the works of modern writers - abstract. The clearer the air, the brighter the sunlight. The more transparent prose is, the more perfect its beauty and the stronger it resonates in human se

Research work
The Image of Nature in the Lyrics of Kuzbass Poets
Knyazeva Elizaveta Evgenievna
5th grade student

Scientific adviser:
Karelina Olga Mikhailovna
teacher of Russian language and literature
MBOU gymnasium No. 1 of the city of Belovo
Table of contents
TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc477713045 \h 3The image of nature in the lyrics of Kuzbass poets. PAGEREF _Toc477713046 \h 4Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc477713047 \h 11References PAGEREF _Toc477713048 \h 12
Lyrics is one of the three types of literature, the main content of which is the thoughts, feelings and experiences of the lyrical hero. These experiences can be caused by various reasons: unrequited love, homesickness, the joy of meeting friends, philosophical reflections, contemplation of pictures of nature.
Throughout the history of its existence, man has treated nature as a consumer, mercilessly exploiting it. This could not but affect the state of the environment. The living shell of our planet is under enormous pressure. At present, we are in a situation where we are already talking about global environmental problems.
Writers, poets in the fight against environmental disasters, in the struggle for human awareness of their relationship with nature, play a leading role.
The theme "Man and nature, man and earth" occupied the main place in the literature of the 19th century: Russian writers perceived nature not only as a landscape that forms an aesthetic taste, but moral principles that form a person's personality were associated with it. Writers and poets of the 20th century reveal this theme, traditional for Russian literature, in a new way: the sphere of human relations with the earth, with nature is included in the general philosophical question of truth and untruth, love and hate, life and death. There is a need to understand the causes of environmental disasters.
2017 has been declared the Year of the Environment in Russia. The purpose of this decision coincides with the purpose of our work - drawing attention to the problematic issues that exist in the field of ecology, and improving the state of the country's environmental security.
The image of nature in the lyrics of the Kuzbass poets. “The feeling of nature is one of the main
links of ethical and aesthetic education,
it is worth dropping this link, and the moral
the world is suffering damage ... Grow, be sure
cultivate in man a sense of nature.
F. Gladkov
Images of nature are most often found in the poems of Russian poets. Kuzbass poets are no exception. In most cases, these motifs are colored with love, admiration, admiration for the forces of the surrounding world. But more and more often poets draw the reader's attention to the problem of "man and nature", in which the first is the destroyer of the beautiful world of nature. Kuzbass poets loudly declared their enthusiasm for the plans for the restructuring of Siberian nature for the benefit of man, having seen the shadow side of the process.
One of the poets who turned to the problem of the destruction of nature by man is Evgeny Buravlev. In the poem "Earth", the poet angrily condemns the unreasonable treatment of nature, protests against the endless "conquest" of the Earth, against its squandering, against "bringing the Earth to the handle." In general, the poem "Earth" had a difficult fate: for a long time it was not accepted for publication by editors who did not see in it a topical meaning, a topical topic. An image of a destitute and littered Earth appeared in the poem, an image-warning. In the sixties, it seemed like a baseless exaggeration. And that was foresight.
It poignantly sounded the theme of natural forces, stalled through the fault of man, the theme of the earth, which has become a black, barren field.
In the works of Viktor Bayanov, the "disturbed view of the native land" did not become the leading motive, but the poet did not remain indifferent to the problem of the destruction of nature by man. This is a "time bomb", which somehow needs to be neutralized, not brought to a "critical mass", after which it will be too late to regret. In the meantime, after all, there is only regret, that is, the memory of a healthy nature, once given to us "for free." Bayanov seems to have stepped over this stage of sentimental regret, something more weighty and severe is heard in his poems:
Would you come to the spring now?
He, remember, is here, in the midst of the blackness.
But the tractor trucks sank into the spring -
And he died, he was gone.
It turns out that the poet has in mind a very specific addressee, the source of the trouble is clear to him. After all, it is not the cars themselves that step on the forests, it is not the rivers that become polluted by themselves. The author speaks of stupid heads, indifferent hands, losing ground, and losing completely indifferently, if not to say - insanely.
How difficult it is - "to be responsible for every bird's song" and create a new land! From the books of Igor Kiselev, one can compile a separate collection dedicated to the theme of the decline, the scarcity of nature.
And this is the reality of modern life: nature expects mercy from us, mercy. About this poem "The Prayer of the Doe". This is precisely a prayer - the doomed nature appeals to a person who does not hear it. The doe's monologue is a plea to return her true life, the one for which she was born:
Let me go into the forest, into the ring
Fast rivers, where grass and birds!
Look at your face
The shadow from my cell lays down!
Valentin Malakhov picks up the theme of the decline of nature:
Where they ate and pines rustled, -
Sad skeletons of stumps.
Thinned the forests, thinned
On my native side...

Waking and in forgetful dreams
Chain saws will clang

But not only fields and forests are suffering, the animal world is also dying. In Igor Kiselev, a defenseless and doomed beast tries to reason with a person, hinting at the moral deafness of the "king of nature."
Namely, the feeling of a son is so lacking in modern people, who are accustomed to seeing in nature only raw materials, a workshop or a pantry. As if the earth lived only for us, accumulated and stored wealth and beauty for billions of years, so that people, having appeared, would give vent to their unbridled appetite.
Our task is to maintain a sense of proportion, not to fall into complete denial or unbridled praise of the progress of mechanisms. If we are talking about black snow, about a poisoned river, about forests reduced to the roots - and they could have been saved at least a third - if about air, which is becoming increasingly difficult to breathe, then of course, reflection would be more appropriate here. Here it is necessary to appeal to both reason and feeling.
Crushing the life of many millions around, we spiritually cripple ourselves, and even deprive the fate of distant descendants who live on this earth. To deprive the land of what it has acquired before us, well, isn't this robbery?
But is there much use in regrets? What can poetry be, why does it toll the bell, if the fate of streams and rivers does not depend on it? Can you save the forests with song? The poet believed in the power of the word. After all, only the word is given to penetrate into the very depths, into the recesses of consciousness, and it, the word, is the weapon of conscience.
Valentin Malakhov also created poems about the decline of nature. They are not numerous, but the anxiety and concern in them are endured.
Where they ate and the sun roared, -
Sad skeletons of stumps.
Thinned the forests, thinned
On my native side...
I can't hide from memory
Waking and in forgetful dreams
Chain saws will clang
And dying trees moan.
Bird nests will collapse
Clouds will stand angrily
And shed crimson blood
On the dead pines sunset.
No, not everything in this world of progress
I will explain to my heart...
I look hopefully at the undergrowth
And I will prophesy immortality to him.
The poet cannot but believe in the human mind, in the understanding that in our time, nature no longer has time to heal the wounds inflicted by progress on its own. Nature calls for help, but this help is often treacherous. But again, the inborn optimism of the author won in the finale. After all, it will be difficult for a person to live if he loses faith that the rivers will again become clean, the forests will become dense.
Nevertheless, the contradiction between civilization and nature is a question for a long time. Here the most important thing is to find a measure, a tact, remembering that nature itself follows the path of perfection. As Vasily Fedorov put it, "as if you were asking the river itself where it would like to turn." Perhaps what is most needed is for the cult of the machine not to eclipse, to completely destroy the ancient cult of nature?
My friends! The process is irreversible.
Nature will condemn the return.
There will be no dam elimination.
And there will be no revival of the mammoth.
No, the poet does not leave us in the dark, guessing about what will happen and what is required of us. He expresses his thought with the utmost, perhaps even too confident-sounding directness:
My friends! Now needed
The last peak is human care
About a butterfly living one day,
About the air we breathe forever.
In the poems of Viktor Kovrizhny, we see a continuation of the theme - the development of civilization and the results:
On the dump, like on BAM
We are paving the way.
Sun hot streams
It pours on the back and chest.
It's lifeless and naked here:
Stones, dust and heat ringing,
Yes scared solo
Lost crows...
The bulldozer ahead stopped.
The driver, raising the glass,
Calls us with his hands
Something happened there...
From stones, from scorched,
As if by magic
Timidly beats a green fountain
Young tree.
It pulsed through the stones
Young maple, life is a gram.
And with your carved breath
Tickled our palms.
The poet feels involvement, responsibility for the fact that, with his seemingly creative work, a person harms his native nature:
An excavator pours rock into a grove,
The dumps reared up behind.
Still I'll be guilty
Though the order shines on the chest.
I will pick up to the melody of metal
Young bird cherry words.
The light of factories will flash up to the Urals,
But the flowers will go out and the grass ...
It can be seen so inscribed by fate And I will say in a well-known line:
I bring light to people with one hand,
Rivers dry up from another.
I'm not exaggerating,
Mother Nature thought so:
Nursing the light comfortably in my palms
And ... keep a deadly ax.
There are more and more abandoned dumps every year. And mother nature is trying to restore the life destroyed by man: flowers appear and mushrooms grow. But on the existing dumps - melancholy. Nothing grows. Only natural stones. They move far and wide, crushing everything in their path. You can enjoy nature by going abroad. They ditched theirs with excavators ...
Again confused local cataclysm -
quarry dump to the right of Belov,
like socialism unfinished in battles,
rose absurdly and sternly.
I know your intentions are pure.
But dumps are constantly moving,
crushing grasses and bushes,
according to instructions and plans.
In the poems of Viktor Kovrizhnyh, a terrible picture of nature is depicted, ruined by man, in the name of his own well-being. In each line - a cry from the heart, calling to stop and look around, what will be left after us?!
The fields are broken by rocks,
According to plans and science.
Screaming, writhing, the earth,
Birch wringing his hands!
In the name of the overthrown shrines,
For all the mercilessly forgotten
Wandering blue eyes
Innocent angels killed.
Conclusion Having examined the poems of the Kuzbass poets, we have identified a single theme - the beauty of the native land and anxiety for it.
Our fellow writers have designated this topic as the most important, the most vital, which the whole world needs to solve even now, otherwise our descendants will admire nature only in art books.
Here the word can and becomes deed. And only deeds can complete the theme, that is, poetry stimulates the urgent and great work to improve our environment.
List of used literatureKazarkin A.P. Pulse of time. Sketches about the poets of Kuzbass. - Kemerovo Prince. Publishing house, 1985.
Kiselev I.M. Night rivers: Poems. - Kemerovo: Book. publishing house, 1980.
Kovrizhnykh V.A. Selected time. Poetry. Siberian Writer. – Kemerovo, 2011.
Fedorov V.I. And by faith and truth: Poems. Poem. - Kemerovo Prince. Publishing house, 1988.

Attached files

Man and nature in the lyrics of the Kuzbass poets


O.V. Dmitrieva


on the course "Man and nature

in the lyrics of Kuzbass poets"

pupils _____ 8th grade _____

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Table of contents
Topic #1

Development of the Literary Process in Kuzbass............................5
Topic #2

Creativity of Igor Mikhailovich Kiselyov............................. 8

Topic #3

Confessional lyrics by Igor Mikhailovich Kiselyov......................10

Topic #4

Igor Mikhailovich Kiselyov.......................................12

Topic #5

Philosophical lyrics of Igor Mikhailovich Kiselyov......................15

Topic #6

The motive of the river in the works of Gennady Evlampievich Yurov........17

Topic #7

Analysis of figurative and expressive means

in the lyrics of G. Yurov ....................................... ......19
Bibliography................................................ ....21

Dear friend!
You are holding a textbook in your hands, which will allow you to better master the course “Man and Nature in the Lyrics of Kuzbass Poets”.

Kuzbass is the "industrial heart" of Siberia. Already in 1960, numerous metallurgical and chemical plants "Azot", "Karbolit", a coke plant, the Kuznetsk metallurgical plant, the Novokuznetsk chemical plant, cuts, mines were operating in our region. These objects of civilization turned out to be disastrous for the nature of Kuzbass. Therefore, it is not surprising that the poets of Kuzbass sounded the alarm.

The workbook contains poems by Kuzbass poets and various tasks.

Pay attention to the fact that all materials of the workbook are preceded by conditional icons:
in front of informational material,

before the assignment to be done in class,

before the creative task,

before the homework assignment.
As a result of passing the program material, you will get an idea of ​​the literary process in Kuzbass, learn more about the work of poets of your region, improve your skills in working with the text of a lyrical work, hone your ability to use figurative and expressive means when analyzing two or more lyrical works, identify themes and motives.

I wish you success!!!

Topic #1

The development of the literary process in Kuzbass

On April 28, 1962, the board of the Writers' Union of the RSFSR adopted a resolution: "To organize a branch of the Writers' Union in the city of Kemerovo." On June 14, an organizational meeting of Kuzbass writers was held, which elected Evgeny Sergeevich Buravlev as executive secretary. The young organization consisted of five people.

Alexander Nikitich Voloshin informed the country and the planet (his novel was translated into several foreign languages) about the existence of the Kuznetsk land. The novel "Kuznetsk Land" was awarded the State Prize of the USSR and became a significant phenomenon in Soviet wartime literature. From Voloshin's pen later came the works: "Everything about Natasha", "Roads are calling", "Green courtyards".

Gennady Modestovich Molostnov also belongs to the front generation. Known for the novels "Mesopotamia", "Blue Lights", "Giving Life", books of poems, novels, stories.

Herbert Genke wrote in German. His books were published in translations by Valentin Makhalov. To join the Union of Writers of the USSR, he was recommended by the world-famous writer Anna Zegers.

Tamara Yan is a poetess and playwright. Her plays were staged at the Novokuznetsk Drama Theatre. The young builders of Zapsib became the heroes of the poetic books published in Kuzbass.

Evgeny Sergeevich Buravlev- the first head of the writing organization. Author of many lyric books. In collaboration with the composer Martynov, he created the operetta "Pearl of Kuzbass", which was in the repertoire of the Kemerovo Operetta Theater. He was a close friend of Vasily Dmitrievich Fedorov, our illustrious countryman, a famous Russian poet.

The organization grew and strengthened. Front-line poets Vladimir Izmailov and Mikhail Nebogatov, critic Anatoly Sryvtsev, prose writer Anatoly Sobolev become members of the Writers' Union. Then the work of the poet Viktor Bayanov and prose writer Vladimir Mazaev receives all-Russian recognition. This is the second post-war generation of Kuzbass writers associated with the so-called "Khrushchev thaw" of the sixties.

Vladimir Mazaev - author of the books "The End of the Elk Stone", "Birds Do Not Sing in the Fog", "Thunder Anomaly", "The Last Flower of Summer" takes over the reins of the Kemerovo Writers' Organization (1971 - 1983), edits the almanac "Lights of Kuzbass".

It was in Kemerovo in 1966 that a zonal seminar of young writers from Western Siberia and the Urals was held. Masters of the word Leonid Sobolev, Vasily Fedorov Mark Sobol, Antonina Koptyaeva, Yaroslav Smelyakov, Viktor Astafiev, Vasily Kazaniev came to Kuzbass to appreciate the work of young writers and poets.

Despite the acquisition of new names, the Kemerovo Writers' Organization did not grow numerically for a long time, gravitating towards the number 13. First of all, because it suffered bitter losses: many writers and poets passed away, many left the region.

The third generation of Kuzbass writers are the pupils of the literary studio "Pritomye", which began operating in October 1979. The well-known poets and prose writers Nikolai Kolmogorov, Sergei Donbai, Lyubov Nikonova, Vladimir Ivanov, Iosif Kuralov, Alexander Katkov, Vladimir Shiryaev, Alexander Raevsky ... and others became members of the Writers' Union.

In 1997, Vladimir Konkov compiled the first anthology "Literature of the Kuznetsk Land", where he placed the works of fourteen deceased writers.

The number of members of the Union of Writers in Kuzbass today has more than 50 people. The sphere of concerns of Boris Vasilyevich Burmistrov, who is now the head of the Writers' Union of Kuzbass, is becoming more complicated. Over the forty years of the existence of the Kuzbass writers' organization, hundreds of books have been published that have enriched the spiritual field of the province, the Fedorov Readings and Chivilikhin Readings, the literary festival "Spring in the Tomye", meetings of poets and prose writers of Kuzbass with readers have become traditional.

Read the poems of V. Bayanov "Windmills" and M. Nebogatov "Miner". Answer the question: what is the relationship between man and nature in these poetic texts?

Read the poem by V. Izmailov "The tree from which the pillar was made ...". Explain what is the drama of the incomplete inclusion of man in the natural world?

How do you understand expressions

  • humanization of nature_-_______________________________________

  • human nature -

Prepare an expressive reading of a poem about the native land of one of the Kuzbass poets.

Topic #2

Creativity of Igor Mikhailovich Kiselyov

Igor Kiselev was born in 1933 in the village of Pavlovsky, Altai Territory. He graduated from the Novosibirsk Pedagogical Institute, worked as a teacher at a school, as a literary employee of the Komsomolets Kuzbassa newspaper, served in the army, worked as an editor for the Technical Information Bureau of the Kemerovo Economic Council, the Novosibirsk Television Studio, and the Kemerovo book publishing house. Member of the Writers' Union of the USSR.

I. Kiselev - author of the essay book "Next to the Legend" (1965), the poetry books "Recolor" (1966), "Yaroslavna" (1968), "Four Rains" (1971), "Man comes to man" (1975), "Night Rivers" (1980).

Read an excerpt from Ilya Fonyakov's article "FATE, DUTY, WORK". Underline those sentences that reveal the peculiarity of the perception of nature by Igor Kiselyov.

It seems that not so long ago, Igor Kiselev and I traveled around Kuzbass as part of a small group of writers: the Days of Soviet Literature were going on in the mining region. Interest in them was great, I had to perform more than once a day. I remember the club halls filled to the limit in Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, Osinniki, Mysk, Mezhdurechensk, I remember the feeling of joy and responsibility from the realization of what a wonderful reader we have: attentive, kind, full of deep trust in the word of the writer. But even for the most interested reader-listener, an hour and a half of intense attention is not a trifle. And when it was felt that the audience was starting to get tired (just a little bit, quite imperceptibly), the floor was given to Igor Kiselev. He went to the forefront and said:

If it ever gets hard

Nomadic, boots of dust,

I will buy myself a true friend

Together with fleas for three rubles...

A smile passed over their faces, fatigue vanished. And people were already ready for further conversation, which, as it turned out, was serious:

And in the name of neighborhood and brotherhood, -

I can do it, I can do everything -

I will teach him to smile

And I will teach him to bite.

Just suddenly

In the human world

Lost like a drunk in the woods

The dog starts smiling


Will lick your hands


The theme of nature, its complicated relationship with man in the era of the scientific and technological revolution, occupied a large place in the work of Igor Kiselev in recent years, and this was also not a tribute to fashion. Readers, perhaps, can see some contradiction in the position of the poet. Indeed: With one side - "Take me, Zapsib, as a student!" Or - a hymn to his native city, which Igor Kiselev sees as a "miner, chemist, doctor", and most of all - "a foreman in a tarpaulin raincoat." And on the other:

Wearily wandering into a snowstorm, driving you crazy,

square blocks,

Square houses...

The heart asks for space.


Everything steeper takes us away

From soil and grass...

There is a contradiction. And how would you like? Can there be any significant poet without internal contradictions, without spiritual struggle, without the search for truth? And aren't the same contradictions tormenting any of us today? We all cherish the beauty of creation, which has received its highest embodiment in the great construction projects of our time. And we are all concerned about the unforeseen consequences of global intervention in the affairs of nature. The soothing "golden mean" has not yet been found!

Prepare an expressive reading of two poems by I. Kiselyov about the relationship between nature and man. Choose works that reflect a different model of man's relationship to nature.

Topic #3

Confessional lyrics by Igor Mikhailovich Kiselyov

Continue filling out the diagram. Use, if necessary, a literary dictionary.




Read the poems "Moose" and "Wandering through the moss in a lingonberry tale." What unites these two works? What is the contradiction of the author's position? Describe two models of man's relationship to nature.


Along the tangled lane

Where are the roots and at random, and at random,

As before fled from the wolf,

Moose ran away from the car.
He ran, straining his legs,

Swift as an arrow

So that the speed does not disappoint.

Ran, panting, delirious, -

Do not perish, do not fall! -

Confident in victory

"Victory" was chasing him.

The elk thought, believing in salvation,

Leaving your hills

That people will help the beast.

... And we were the animals.

How much more terrible than a wolf,

And the elk met with them,

Fearless double-barreled shotgun

And the rustle of tight wheels.

But now the city is near.

Through the screams, through the buzz in my ears

The elk rushed with a bloody look,

Not seeing not a step away.

falling rocket,

Broken arrow...

Cowardly waving, "Victory"

Disappeared - as if it was not.

But the doors exploded nearby,

But loud from the mess

Catch the beast!

... And we were the animals.
And someone was jumping and shaking

All body - because

That jumps half a ton of meat

Free. Nobody's.

At the school, running into the fence,

And the sky broke.

He slowly fell to the ground

He thought: I'm going to die...

And cold eyes

He threw the kids.

And the children roared with might and main,

They cry for a long time now

The only non-animals

To which the beast rushed.

Wander through the moss in a lingonberry fairy tale

And on a shy animal

Look trustingly, brotherly,

And the sky to drink from the spring,

When the clouds are drowning in it

To the stars -

Timid clues

That the night is near.

Walk the same path

Where moose roam to the watering place;

And think simply, without fuss,

That you are not bypassed by fate ...

With blind anxiety

Feel sorry for the kids.
Model one:

Model two:

Define the term " comparison". Find this trope in the poem "Moose". For what purpose does the author use it in the work?

Comparison is

For example (from the parsed text):

With the aim of

Imagine that you have to act as a designer of a collection of poems by Igor Kiselev. Prepare some illustrations for the collection. Justify (orally) your proposals on the design of the collection.
Topic #4

Accusatory publicistic lyrics

Igor Mikhailovich Kiselyov

Perform an analysis of the poem "But there is still in the world ..." according to the following plan:

  1. Date of writing.

  2. Real-biographical and factual commentary.

  3. Genre originality.

  4. Idea content:

  1. Leading theme.

  2. Main thought.

  3. Emotional coloring of feelings expressed in a poem in their dynamics or statics.

  4. External impression and internal reaction to it.

  5. The predominance of public or private intonations.

  1. The structure of the poem:

a) by similarity;

b) in contrast;

c) by adjacency;

d) by association;

d) by inference.

  1. Speech features in terms of intonational-syntactic figures: epithet, repetition, antithesis, inversion, ellipse, parallelism, rhetorical question, appeal and exclamation.

a) tonic, syllabic, syllabo-tonic, dolnik, free verse;

b) iambic, trochee, pyrrhic, sponde, dactyl, amphibrach, anapaest.

  1. Strophic (double-line, three-line, five-line, quatrain, sextine, seventh, octave, sonnet, Onegin stanza).


And yet there is in the world

Among other miracles

ordinary wind,

Ordinary forest.

In the long, blue winter

Among the city buildings

And you don't find them.

Wandering into a snowstorm wearily

driving you crazy

square blocks,

Square houses.

You are fed up -

Such a stripe

Both radio and television

And cinema miracles.

And I want something simple:

Radiance and space

early morning star,

Well water.

The heart asks for space.


But alas: everything steeper takes us away

From soil and grass.

And the call of the earth is getting more and more muffled

On a crazy highway

Where our souls run

Like squirrels in a wheel.

But sometimes in spring

Witchcraft under the wind

Come to us as salvation

The consciousness of

What else is in the world

Among other miracles

ordinary wind,

Ordinary forest.

Follow the same plan to analyze the poem "Grieving the old nanny ..."

Grieving old nanny -

Behold such a shot! -

The child took and broke the toy:

See what's inside her.

What will you take from such a baby?

Before him, weeping, appeared

A pile of useless metal,

From which the soul is taken out.

Junk, trifle, scrap metal.

Before toys in the scorching summer?

The kid himself forgot about it a long time ago,

And yes, I'm talking about something else.

In the bustle of spring and autumn,

On the Kuriles, in the Asian haze

Something has become a lot of upheaval

In our cradle - on Earth.

Hurricanes rumble over the house

Garden and roofs - blowing everything into darkness,

And volcanoes dormant for centuries

Come alive in ashes and smoke.

All the more anxious man became

Waiting for where the trouble will fall:

Floods, landslides, landslides,

Heat, earthquakes, cold.

Without foreseeing the severity of retribution -

And she will come, and rightly so! -

We are in nature - like invaders

In the city that surrendered to us in full.
Without hesitation, spending generously, -

What to say, heroes! -

We are hacking the bowels of the planet:

See what's inside her.

And the planet, in abrasions and scars,

Getting angry more and more

On their inquisitive and stubborn,

And careless sons.

Topic #5

Philosophical lyrics by Igor Mikhailovich Kiselyov

Read the poem and Kiseleva "What is with me, what is ...". Highlight the lines that reflect the philosophical understanding of the problem of the relationship between man and nature, the awareness of the coexistence of two models of life.

What's wrong with me, what's...

Or are the years knocking harder?

I dream of horses, I dream of horses

As soon as I fall asleep, I will see the horses.

Horses waving red bangs,

The night is full of dew and crunch,

And the cuckoo screams and looms

Above the horses is a big moon.

I'm on a roaring tram

I swallow dust and breathe fumes,

I am this nocturnal thoughtfulness,

Like a blade of grass, I carry with me.

In the carousel of the day, for business,

It seems like there is no time for me,

What's in the distant July meadow

A horse roams knee-deep in the moon.

But still, like a companion on the road,

Walks after me, not a single step away from me,

A feeling of vague anxiety

That I don't live there... And not like that...

Describe the artistic space in I. Kiselyov's poem "Thank you, Earth, thank you ..." according to the following plan:

  1. The main spatial oppositions (north-south, sky-earth, friend-foe, etc.). ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  2. Space-filling elements (water, earth, air, fire) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  3. Symbolic images of space ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  4. The relationship of a person with space (the meaning of life drama) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Compose an acrostic, reveal in the content of the verse the features of I. Kiselyov's work.







Topic #6

The motif of the river in the work of Gennady Evlampievich Yurov

Gennady Yurov was born in Kemerovo in 1937. Graduated from Tomsk University. He worked in the newspapers of Tomsk, Kemerovo, Magadan, in the Kemerovo book publishing house. Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR, laureate of the Prize of the Union of Journalists of the USSR (behind essay "Toiler Tom", 1973).

G. Yurov is the author of the poetry books Blue Torch (1964), Fleeing Distance (1968), Shores (1970), Valley in September (1975), Song of the City "(1978), the essay book "Worker Tom" (1974) and books for children (1979), "Aboriginal" (1982), "Trustful Channel" (1987), "Alma- Mater (1988), Friendship Circle (1993), Lyric Poems (1997).

Define the term "motive". Use a dictionary of literary terms for this.

The motive is

Prove that one of the main motives of G. Yurov's creativity river motif. Use to prove the work from the collection "Aboriginal" (1979-1982)

I am the speech of the river.

I am a call to the human mind and will.

I am the pain of the river and the healer of pain,

The longing of the river and the victim of that longing.

I live by one of the parting words given to me:

Then release the pain.

I am the son of the river.

recite the poem “I am the son of the river”, write down examples of artistic tropes.

Whose shore became cruel.

I say - my origins are pure.

I say - my sprouts are bright.

No need for hopelessness in reproach,

From one root grow

The words "river" and "speech".

art trails

Quotes from the text of the work

Follow how the associative chains develop in the poem dedicated to the Tom River and draw a conclusion about the specifics of metaphorization.

ancient ancestor

On a steep stone

He carved the light step of a deer,

He whispered admiringly:

T-o-o --o-m!-

And, shaman.

Fell to my knees.

For fire.

Blasted out of the darkness

For good luck

In hunting or battle

He prayed.

We must be

Mentioned in prayer.

Because he is alive

That deer

K. rushed to us through the epochs.

Is it not his forked shadow

lay down,

Defining the origins?

Here again

Feels string

The attraction of native foothills,

Where is the river

Like the flight of a spring

Wishing to meet the sea.

Here again

I distinguish.

And sounding sweet - Tom

My strict rhyme


I marked in my valley

Enchanted dream shore

And a sparkling shore of luck.


Complete one task of your choice (poem "Here again"):

Topic #7

Analysis of figurative and expressive means in the lyrics of G. Yurov

Determine the size and rhyme of the poem "As if you became blind, the river." Make a conclusion about the features of the rhythm of the piece.



As if I'm blind

You have become a river.

Became opaque

And you get a little bitter.

Let's start over

Let's find a connection:

Where did the song play?

Where did it break?

The strength that has broken through

To life as a spring,

Where did she go out?

In a whirlpool?

Why is everything so muffled

Your underwater gud?

Whom, cruel, in the soul

Fuel oil was thrown?

To not wither

To death willows,

In the lower reaches of the fishermen

Let's start over

From forest moorings,

March snows

And from relatives.

From love in return,

From the grass to the chest,

From a cherished dream

End the journey at sea. ...

morning dawn,

Mother earth.

Independent work

Perform a comparative analysis of figurative and expressive means in the lyrics of I. Kiselev and G. Yurov. Fill in the table according to the results of the work:

Aspects of analysis

Lyrics by I. Kiselyov

Lyrics by G.Yurov

Comparison and development of the main verbal images:

a) by similarity;

b) in contrast;

c) by adjacency;

d) by association;

d) by inference.

The main figurative means of allegory used by the author: metaphor, metonymy, comparison, allegory, symbol, hyperbole, litote, irony (as a trope), sarcasm, paraphrase.

Speech features in terms of intonational-syntactic figures: epithet, repetition, antithesis, inversion, ellipse, parallelism, rhetorical question, appeal and exclamation.

The main features of the rhythm:

a) tonic, syllabic, syllabo-tonic, dolnik, free verse;

b) iambic, trochee, pyrrhic, sponde, dactyl, amphibrach, anapaest.

Rhyme (masculine, feminine, dactylic, exact, inaccurate, rich; simple, compound) and rhyming methods (pair, cross, ring), rhyme game.

Strophic (double-line, three-line, five-line, quatrain, sextine, seventh, octave, sonnet).

Euphony (euphony) and sound recording (alliteration, assonance), other types of sound instrumentation.

Finish filling in the table at home.


  1. Kazarkin A.P. Pulse of time. Sketches about the poets of Kuzbass. - Kemerovo:
    Book. publishing house, 1985. - 136 p.

  2. Kiselev I. Man comes to man. Poems. - Kemerovo:
    Book. publishing house, 1975. - 109 p.

  3. Kiselev I. Night rivers. Poems. - Kemerovo, 1980.- 223 p.

  4. Kiselev I. Thank you, Earth, thank you... Poems. - Kemerovo, 1983. - 207p.

  5. Kiselev I. Under the sun and bad weather. Poems. - M: Owls. Russia,

  6. Dictionary of symbols / Comp. N. Julien. Translation from French by S. Kayumov,
    I. Ustyantseva. - "Ural", 1999.

  7. Yurov G. E. Spiritual field of the province. Literature of the Kuznetsk land: Chresto
    matter. T. 1. - Kemerovo: Siberian spring, 1998.

  8. Yurov G. Shores. Verses and poems. - Kemerovo: Knizhn. publishing house, 1970. - 99 p.

  9. Yurov G. The native river. Documentary story about Tom. - Kemerovo:
    Book. publishing house, 1979. - 239 p.

BBK 83.32 Ros6-4k

Printed by the decision of the pedagogical council of the municipal educational institution "Gymnasium No. 36" of the city of Osinniki

Dmitrieva O.V.

Man and nature in the lyrics of the Kuzbass poets. Workbook for 8th grade. - Osinniki, 2006. - 22 pages.

The workbook for the course "Man and Nature in the Lyrics of Kuzbass Poets" is a small manual that contains poems by Kuzbass poets and various tasks for them.

The tasks presented in this notebook provide an opportunity to get an idea of ​​the literary process in Kuzbass, learn more about the work of native poets, improve the skills of working with the text of a lyrical work, hone the ability to use figurative and expressive means when analyzing two or more lyrical works, identify topics and motives.


Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Teaching the Russian Language, KuzGPA Zhuravleva Irina Vladimirovna

Today, environmental issues are talked about everywhere: in the press, on television, on the Internet, at a bus stop, in the subway. But who was the first to say, who addressed this topic back in the 19th century, who noticed the beginning of this disastrous trend already at a time when the range of environmental problems was limited to the unreasonable cutting down of the landowner's grove? As often happens, the first here were the "voices of the people" - the writers.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov "Uncle Vanya"

One of the main defenders of nature among the writers of the 19th century was Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. In the play "Uncle Vanya", written in 1896, the theme of ecology sounds quite distinct. Everyone, of course, remembers the charming Dr. Astrov. Chekhov put his attitude to nature into the mouth of this character: “You can heat stoves with peat and build sheds with stone. Well, I admit, cut down forests out of necessity, but why destroy them? Russian forests are cracking under the axe, billions of trees are dying, the dwellings of animals and birds are being devastated, rivers are shallowing and drying up, irrevocably wonderful landscapes disappear, and all because a lazy person does not have enough sense to bend down and pick up fuel from the ground.

Recently, the prefixes "eco-" and "bio-" are becoming more and more popular. And this is not surprising - against the backdrop of scientific and technological progress, our planet is subjected to excruciating torture. Recently, scientists made a discovery: it turns out that cows emit more greenhouse gases than all the vehicles in the world. Scientists recently made a startling discovery: it turns out that cows emit more greenhouse gases than all the vehicles in the world. It turns out that agriculture, the most "green" area of ​​the economy, harms the environment the most?

It is amazing how Astrov, and in his person the progressive man of the 19th century, assesses the state of nature: “Here we are dealing with degeneration due to an unbearable struggle for existence, this is degeneration from inertia, from ignorance, from a complete lack of self-consciousness, when a cold, hungry, sick person , in order to save the remnants of life, in order to save their children, instinctively, unconsciously grabs at everything that can satisfy hunger, keep warm, destroys everything, not thinking about tomorrow ... Almost everything has already been destroyed, but nothing has yet been created in return.

To Astrov, this state seems to be the limit, and he does not assume that fifty or a hundred years will pass and the Chernobyl disaster will break out, and the rivers will be polluted with industrial waste, and there will be almost no green "islands" in the cities!

Leonid Leonov "Russian Forest"

In 1957, the first winner of the revived Lenin Prize was the writer Leonid Leonov, presented to her for his novel The Russian Forest. "Russian Forest" is about the present and future of the country, which is perceived in close connection with the preservation of natural resources. The protagonist of the novel, Ivan Matveich Vikhrov, a forester by profession and vocation, says this about Russian nature: “Perhaps no forest fires have done so much damage to our forests as this seductive hypnosis of the former forested Russia. The true amount of Russian forests has always been measured with approximate accuracy..

Valentin Rasputin "Farewell to Matyora"

In 1976, the story of Valentin Rasputin "Farewell to Matyora" was published. This is a story about the life and death of the small village of Matera, on the Angara River. The Bratsk hydroelectric power station is being built on the river, and all "unnecessary" villages and islands must be flooded. The people of Matera cannot accept this. For them, the flooding of the village is their personal Apocalypse. Valentin Rasputin is from Irkutsk, and the Angara is his native river, and this only makes him speak louder and more decisively about it, and about how organically everything in nature is arranged from the very beginning, and how easy it is to destroy this harmony.

Victor Astafiev "Tsar-fish"

In the same 1976, another Siberian writer Viktor Astafiev's book "The Tsar-Fish" was published. Astafiev is generally close to the topic of human interaction with nature. He writes about how barbaric treatment of natural resources, such as poaching, disrupts the world order.

Astafiev in "Tsar Fish" with the help of simple images tells not only about the destruction of nature, but also about the fact that a person, "spiritually poaching" in relation to everything that surrounds him, begins to collapse personally. The fight with "nature" makes the protagonist of the novel, Ignatich, think about his life, about the sins he committed: “Ignatich let go of the side of the boat with his chin, looked at the fish, at its wide, insensible forehead, protecting the cartilage of the head with armor, the yellow and blue veins-bulls tangled between the cartilage, and illuminedly, in detail, he outlined what he had been defending from almost his whole life and about which he remembered immediately, as soon as he fell for the samolov, but he wringed out the obsession, defended himself with deliberate forgetfulness, but there was no strength to resist the final verdict.

Chingiz Aitmatov "Plakha"

Year 1987. A new novel by Chingiz Aitmatov, The Scaffold, was published in Roman-gazeta, where the author reflected the modern relationship between nature and man with the true power of talent.

One day, a psychic lady I knew told me: “The world used to be full of magic, but at some point humanity stood at a crossroads - the world of magic or the world of machines. The machines have won. It seems to me that this is the wrong way and sooner or later we will have to pay for this choice.” Today, remembering this, I understand that it is worth replacing the word "magic" with the word "nature" that is more understandable to me - and everything that has been said will become the holy truth. Machines conquered nature and swallowed us, their creators. The problem is that we are alive. Bones and flesh. To survive, we must be attuned to the rhythm of the universe, and not to news releases or traffic jams.

The ecological component of the novel is conveyed through the description of the life of wolves and the confrontation between a wolf and a man. Aitmatov's wolf is not an animal, it is much more humane than a man himself.

The novel is imbued with a sense of responsibility for what is happening in the world, in the nature around us. It carries good principles and noble attitudes, calling for respect for nature, because it was not created for us: we are all just a part of it: “And how crowded it is for a person on the planet, how afraid he is that he won’t be accommodated, won’t feed himself, won’t get along with others like himself. And is it not the fact that prejudices, fear, hatred narrow the planet to the size of a stadium where all the spectators are hostages, because both teams brought nuclear bombs with them to win, and the fans, no matter what, yell: goal, goal, goal! And this is the planet. But even before each person there is an inescapable task - to be a person, today, tomorrow, always. This is what history is made of."

Sergey Pavlovich Zalygin "Environmental novel"

In 1993, Sergei Pavlovich Zalygin, writer, editor of the Novy Mir magazine during perestroika, thanks to whose efforts A.I. Solzhenitsyn, writes one of his last works, which he calls "The Ecological Novel". Creativity S.P. Zalygin is especially the fact that he does not have a person in the center, his literature is not anthropocentric, it is more natural.

The main theme of the novel is the Chernobyl disaster. Chernobyl here is not only a global tragedy, but also a symbol of man's guilt before nature. Zalygin's novel is imbued with strong skepticism towards man, towards the thoughtless pursuit of the fetishes of technological progress. To realize oneself as a part of nature, not to destroy it and oneself - this is what the Ecological Novel calls for.

Tatyana Tolstaya "Kys"

The XXI century has come. The problem of ecology has already acquired a completely different shape than it was thought half a century or a century ago. In 2000, Tatyana Tolstaya wrote the dystopian novel "Kys", where all the themes developed earlier in Russian "natural" literature are, as it were, reduced to a common denominator.

Mankind has made mistakes more than once, finding itself on the very brink of disaster. A number of countries have nuclear weapons, the presence of which every minute threatens to turn into a tragedy if humanity does not realize itself. In the novel "Kys" Tolstaya describes life after a nuclear explosion, showing the tragedy of the ecological plan and the loss of moral guidelines, which are very close for the author, as it should be for every person.

“We must not allow people to direct to their own destruction those forces of nature that they were able to discover and conquer."

The modern writer V. Rasputin argued: “To speak today about ecology means to speak not about changing life, but about saving it.” Unfortunately, the state of our ecology is very catastrophic. This is manifested in the depletion of flora and fauna. Further, the author says that “there is a gradual addiction to danger”, that is, a person does not notice how serious the current situation is. Let us recall the problem connected with the Aral Sea. The bottom of the Aral Sea was so bare that the coast from the seaports went for tens of kilometers. The climate has changed dramatically, the extinction of animals has occurred. All these troubles have greatly affected the lives of people living in the Aral Sea. Over the past two decades, the Aral Sea has lost half of its volume and more than a third of its area. The bare bottom of a huge area turned into a desert, which became known as Aralkum. In addition, the Aral contains millions of tons of poisonous salts. This problem cannot but excite people. In the eighties, expeditions were organized to solve the problems and causes of the death of the Aral Sea. Doctors, scientists, writers reflected and researched the materials of these expeditions.

V. Rasputin in the article "In the fate of nature - our fate" reflects on the relationship of man with the environment. “Today there is no need to guess,“ whose moan is heard over the great Russian river. Then the Volga itself groans, dug up and down, constricted by hydroelectric dams, ”the author writes. Looking at the Volga, you especially understand the price of our civilization, that is, the benefits that man has created for himself. It seems that everything that was possible has been defeated, even the future of mankind.

The problem of the relationship between a person and the environment is also raised by the modern writer Ch. Aitmatov in his work “The block”. He showed how a man destroys the colorful world of nature with his own hands.

The novel begins with a description of the life of a wolf pack, which lives quietly until the appearance of man. He literally demolishes and destroys everything in his path, not thinking about the surrounding nature. The reason for such cruelty was only the difficulties with the meat delivery plan. People mocked the saigas: “Fear reached such proportions that the she-wolf Akbara, deaf from the shots, it seemed that the whole world was deaf, and the sun itself was also rushing about and looking for salvation ...” Akbara’s children die in this tragedy, but on this her grief does not end. Further, the author writes that people started a fire in which five more Akbara wolf cubs die. For the sake of their goals, people could “gut the globe like a pumpkin”, not suspecting that nature would also take revenge on them sooner or later. A lonely she-wolf reaches out to people, wants to transfer her maternal love to a human child. It turned out to be a tragedy, but this time for the people. A man in a fit of fear and hatred for the incomprehensible behavior of a she-wolf shoots at her, but hits his own son.

This example speaks of the barbaric attitude of people to nature, to everything that surrounds us. I wish there were more caring and kind people in our lives.

Academician D. Likhachev wrote: “Humanity spends billions not only not to suffocate, not to die, but also to preserve the nature around us.” Of course, everyone is well aware of the healing power of nature. I think that a person should become both its owner, and its protector, and its smart transformer. Beloved unhurried river, birch grove, restless bird world ... We will not harm them, but we will try to protect them.

In this century, man is actively invading the natural processes of the Earth's shells: extracting millions of tons of minerals, destroying thousands of hectares of forests, polluting the waters of seas and rivers, and emitting toxic substances into the atmosphere. Water pollution has become one of the most important environmental problems of the century. A sharp deterioration in the quality of water in rivers and lakes cannot and will not affect people's health, especially in areas with a dense population. The environmental consequences of accidents at nuclear power plants are sad. The echo of Chernobyl swept through the entire European part of Russia, and will affect people's health for a long time to come.

Thus, as a result of economic activity, a person causes great damage to nature, and at the same time to his health. How then can a person build his relationship with nature? Each person in his activity should carefully treat all life on Earth, not tear himself away from nature, not strive to rise above it, but remember that he is part of it.

The exhibition was prepared in connection with the Year of Literature in Russia and is dedicated to the writers and poets of the Kemerovo region.

Being unique each in their own way, at the same time, all together, writers form the basis of a common stream that unites individual streams into one powerful river called "literature". The totality of names, the totality of the works presented at the exhibition gives a fairly complete picture of the modern original literary life of Kuzbass. The sections "Prose" and "Poetry" reflect the current state of Kuzbass literature.


The clearer the air, the brighter the sunlight.
The more transparent the prose, the more perfect its beauty.
and the stronger it resonates in the human heart.
Paustovsky K. G.

Soviet and Russian writer, prose writer, member of the Writers' Union of the USSR since 1966, author of over twenty books.

He was born on May 12, 1933 in the Altai in the village of Vasilchuki. After graduating from the Novokuznetsk Pedagogical Institute, he worked in the regional newspapers of Kuzbass, in the geological party. From 1963 to 1968 he was the chief editor of the Kemerovo book publishing house. From 1971 to 1983 he headed the Kemerovo Writers' Organization. Edited the almanac "Lights of Kuzbass" (1966 1986). The first story was published in the Komsomolets Kuzbassa newspaper in 1953.

Mazaev, Vladimir M. Xin-taiga
[Text]: stories, stories, pictures from the taiga trails / Vladimir Mikhailovich Mazaev. Kemerovo: Offset, 2012. 267, p.

The collection of prose "Sin-Taiga" includes the following stories: Alarm of the heart; Cave; My beautiful Tunguska; stories: I'll stay alive see you; Ledum grass drunk; Bird cherry cold; Xin-Taiga; Nyurka from Tarlashki; By the burning fire; Trajectory of Love; Lihomanka; Pictures from the taiga trails: Under the shadow of the northern night; The situation over the Sarginsky ridge; The Night of the Long Knives; Let's bombard!; Autumn light music; December melodies.

Totysh, Yuri Sofronovich. Bocharov
[Text]: documentary novel / Yuri Sofronovich Totysh. Kemerovo: Vesti, 2013. 225, p.: fot.

This is a documentary novel about the life and work of Viktor Ivanovich Bocharov, a well-known mine builder in the country, Hero of Socialist Labor, holder of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, Honorary Miner, Honorary Citizen of the city of Neryungri. The teams he led created hundreds of coal and other industrial enterprises, built the cities of Berezovsky in the Kemerovo region and Neryungri in Yakutia. The book is full of little-known historical facts of the largest construction projects in Yakutia and the Kemerovo region.


Poetry is not “the best words in the best order”, it is the highest form of existence of language.
Joseph Brodsky

Burmistrov Boris Vasilievich (08/08/1946, Kemerovo) poet, publicist. Graduated from the Siberian Polytechnic College. He worked as a mechanic in the cities of Kuzbass. Chairman of the board of the joint venture of Kuzbass, secretary of the board of the joint venture of Russia. Academician of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts. Lives in Kemerovo. Published in the magazine "Siberian Lights", "Day and Night", "Our Contemporary". The first book Do not fall out of love (Kemerovo, 1989). Author of the books “Soul”, “Bow to the Russian Land” (both 1992), “Hourglass”, “Lyrics” (both 1995), “I live and rejoice, and cry ...” (1999), “Winter Solstice Day "(2001), published in Kemerovo and Moscow. Prize winner. V. D. Fedorova, them. N. Klyueva.

Burmistrov, Boris Vasilievich. Russian sung by fate
[Text]: new poems / Boris Vasilyevich Burmistrov. Kemerovo: House of Writers of Kuzbass, 2012. 68 p.

He dedicated his work to people living nearby, to his father's house, native land and city, which became a source of inspiration for him.

The collection includes such poems as “Inquiry”, “In this life short and eternal”, “Time will never return”, “Sowing, then reaping again”, “Failures and good luck”, “Time for May, the snows are melting again ”, “So simple stirrup foot”, “My angel”, “Sacrifice”, “Code of the Universe”, etc.

Goryanets Eduard Maksimovich was born in 1939 in Leningrad. In 1942, he was taken out of besieged Leningrad, worked almost all his working life at the Progress Production Association, and is now a pensioner. Member of the Union of Kuzbass Writers, member of the Writers' Union of Kuzbass. Author of poetry collections: “What is the soul missing?”, “Your image”, Madam Love”, “Stunned willow bud”, In spite of fate”, “Vulnerable soul”, “Through the abyss of separation”, Crystal spring”, “Captured by love ”, “Cossack Checker”, etc. Over the past four years, more than 18 poetry collections have been released. Repeatedly published in the literary magazines of Russia "South Star", "Far East", "The Beginning of the Century", "Lights of Kuzbass", etc.

Goryanets, Eduard Maksimovich. The history of my Kuzbass
[Text]: in verse / Eduard Maksimovich Goryanets. Kemerovo: Typography, 2014. 182, p.

A book by the famous Kuzbass poet Eduard Maksimovich Goryants "The History of My Kuzbass" was published in Kuzbass. This is a poem in verse about the history of the Kuznetsk land from ancient times to modern times. She won great attention from readers and other writers, who highly appreciated the poetry and beauty of the word. Historians, however, note the clarity of the events and actions described in the poem. This book is so far the only historical work in the Kuzbass, written in a poetic artistic language.

Murzin Dmitry Vladimirovich was born in the city of Kemerovo in 1971. Graduated from the Kemerovo State University Faculty of Mathematics and Literary Institute named after M. Gorky. Published in the magazines "Moscow", "Lights of Kuzbass", "Our Contemporary", "New Coast", "Day and Night", "Islands", "Network Poetry", "End of an Era", "Mailbox", "Alkonost" , in collections of poems "Pushkin Square", "Poets of Kemerovo University", "More expensive than silver and gold". Author of the books: "White Body of Verse" (1997), "Angelfall" (1998), "Full Jack" (together with Alexei Gamzov) (2001) and "Native Speaker" (2006). Member of the Writers' Union of Russia.

Fedorov Vasily Dmitrievich (1918 1984) Soviet poet, prose writer, essayist. Born February 23, 1918 in Kemerovo, in a large family of a bricklayer. The family was the ninth child. The poet's childhood and youth were spent in the village of Maryevka, Yaya district, Kemerovo region. His career began on a collective farm. In 1947, the first book by V. D. Fedorov, The Lyric Trilogy, was published. In 1950, Fedorov graduated from the Literary Institute. M. Gorky. In 1955 his second book "Forest Springs" was published, in the same year "Maryevsky Stars", in 1958 "Wild Honey" and "White Grove". Two books by Vasily Fedorov "Third Roosters" (1966) and "The Seventh Heaven" were awarded the State Prize of the RSFSR. M. Gorky 1968. The poet died on April 19, 1984.

Fedorov, Vasily Dmitrievich. Book of Faith
[Text]: [poems and poems] / Vasily Dmitrievich Fedorov; [comp. A. Severny]. Kemerovo: Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts, 2012. 363 pp.: in the cover.

Vasily Fedorov was and remains the largest poet of our time, an outstanding master of Russian verse, who generously enriched the great heritage of Russian classical poetry with his work. Poems and verses of Vasily Fedorov as the memory of the century!

The theme of the motherland occupies a significant place in the work of Vasily Fedorov. Fedorov's image of the motherland is drawn through space and movement, it is felt like the wind, like a raging free wild element, in which delight and despair are combined.

Yurov Gennady Evlampievich, was born in Kemerovo in 1937 on Krasnaya Gorka. He worked as a journalist in the newspapers of Tomsk, Kemerovo and Magadan. He was the editor of the Kemerovo book publishing house, led the literary studio "Pritomie", then the Kemerovo writers' organization. He worked as his own correspondent for the magazine "Russian Federation" in Western Siberia. He worked as the editor-in-chief of the local history almanac "Krasnaya Gorka". Poet and publicist, author of eleven books of poetry and four books of prose.

Published in the magazines: "Our contemporary", "Moscow", "Roman newspaper", "Change", "Worker", "Lights of Kuzbass", etc.

On a note

You can get acquainted with the work of contemporary writers on the following sites:

"Lights of Kuzbass"

Official site of the Union of Kuzbass Writers

Official website of the Allied Writers of Russia

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