Room design with 2 adjacent windows. Room design with two windows on different walls. Basic rules for decorating rooms with two windows

Modern cottages and new buildings please with a variety of layouts, the ability to please the taste of any, the most demanding person, providing him with the central room of the house that he has always dreamed of. When designing the design of a living room with two windows, an interesting task is solved: how to harmonize the space, make the interior a successful decoration, the background of the owner's life.

Options: make your choice

A living room of any style should be filled with light, air, warmth and comfort, so that everyone who enters feels relaxed and calm. The penetration of light into the dwelling is provided by window systems. The presence of several windows in the main room gives a special, joyful mood when a person is inside a space flooded with sun, and allows you to save electricity a little.

Available layout options:

  • one-way arrangement (standard layout, enfilade passage through adjacent premises);
  • window openings in opposite walls;
  • a window and a glazed bay window in the living room of a country cottage;
  • window openings in walls perpendicular to each other;
  • window structures forming an angle;
  • glass walls of the living room of the cottage.

Each of the above options has its own characteristics, they should be considered in more detail and find the right move so that the living room becomes the best place apartments.

Identical windows in the same plane

The living room, where the window openings are located symmetrically on the same wall opposite the door, offers as a main idea design solution use symmetry. Any style based on symmetrical details and designs will be appropriate here.

English central symmetry. The center is a wall between 2 light openings, framed by heavy curtains with lambrequins and tiebacks, it should become a place of attraction for the incoming look. A fireplace decorated with a collection shelf, a large mirror in a luxurious frame, a formal portrait in full height- the main thing is that the decor item, located on the central axis of symmetry, really attracts attention, organizes the space around it.

Modern interior dictates to take a space between two window openings volumetric accent: sculptural installation, decorative light panel. An overall flat lamp made of perforated metal will become a noticeable art object in high-tech style design.

Also in this place it would be logical to place the TV. The latest technological panels are in themselves an analogue of Malevich's "Black Square", bringing an abstract touch to the modern interior. Framing a television device with an aluminum frame, hanging it from the ceiling - these are actual decoration techniques.

When the living room is used as a relaxation space for the whole family, and not a reception or holding room musical evenings, where a distraction is inappropriate, then the presence of a TV is functionally necessary. If by its appearance it falls out of the general design concept, it is easy to decorate it with sliding panels made according to the style frames, or hide it inside a shallow cabinet with hinged doors.

French classic style. Another European version of the interior layout provides for an enfilade arrangement of rooms. Windows are located on the front side, and doorways are placed very close to it on the walls adjacent to it. In this way, the space remains entirely aloof, recessed, slightly hidden from the direct rays of the bright sun, which provide sufficient illumination. This layout belongs south direction European architecture, often found in Russian palace-museums designed by invited architects who followed foreign canons.

In this layout option, the main action inside the living room takes place away from the window structures, which have a limited lighting function and the role of a kind of theatrical curtain that hides the view outside the window. Assembled French awnings, as well as discreet English counterparts- this is just a frame, not the center of a room composition.

Furniture design French version implies the presence of groups of graceful upholstered furniture located along the elongated wall opposite the windows. They surround small tables with carefully arranged bouquets. The limited horizontal surface is designed to put a coffee cup, put glasses, a notebook. The type-setting parquet itself is a worthy decoration of the interior, or is partially covered with a large carpet.

Short sections of walls near entrance doors can be used under a fireplace or a slide hiding a built-in TV. An excellent decorating technique is to decorate the space above the fireplace with a mirror: lead bindings, facet, rich antique frame are impeccable signs of the French style.

Two windows on adjoining walls

Owners small apartments, where in the living room, which requires multifunctionality, window openings are located on perpendicular different walls quite far from each other, as a design solution, it is possible to propose the allocation of zones at each window. These sectors, carrying different meanings, will facilitate the coexistence of people who are forced to be in the same space, but each doing his own thing.

The room is divided into two unequal parts by a transverse transparent rack (without rear wall), which can be used on both sides. Most of the space is given over to the traditional living room:

  • resting place for the whole family;
  • joint viewing of films;
  • noisy and board games;
  • large company dinners.

One of the options for placing the TV is to mount it on a swivel stand or bracket in the middle of the rack, then it will be available for viewing in both zones.

In the second, smaller part, including a window on the long side, you can arrange an office or study area. Functional furniture - business chair, desk, a computer rack - all interior items will be adjusted to a working mood, and a bean bag chair thrown at the entrance will allow you to get a little distracted from business, read an interesting book.

For owners of apartments of limited size, headphones will become an assistant that preserves family peace. Thus, someone who is a fan of their favorite team and likes to turn on the TV at full volume will not interfere with someone who wants to read a book in silence or write a task plan for tomorrow.

When decorating modest apartments for family living, it is better to give preference to a calm style, modern classics, relaxed minimalism, eco-option. They will exclude the appearance of too voluminous artsy details, with their bright decor reducing the already limited space.

Dividing the living room into two different functional areas it is necessary to maintain them in a single style decision, apply a common color scheme. Visually, the separation can be emphasized by using lighter or more saturated tones from the selected palette. A good move would be to introduce noticeable decorative elements into the living room, and the office space should be left more restrained. Even curtains made from the same material or companion fabrics can vary in cut, which will also emphasize the different directions of parts of the same room. The main thing is to use an unobtrusive design in the textile design of windows, not to combine lush pleated curtains with office blinds.

Skylights on opposite walls

The option "light through the building" occurs during construction country houses modern style with elements of cubism or the location of the guest area on the second level of the mansion with mansard-type glazing. With this layout, opposite from the entrance end wall forms a backdrop:

  • for a cinema or television complex;
  • collections of abstract paintings;
  • bar options.

The middle of the room is given over to sofa groups for guests to relax and tables (coffee tables, sofas), and the bindings of inclined frames serve as graphic touches that decorate the landscape outside the window.

Contemplating a living room with skylights on opposite walls and sections of the roof, you should calculate the height and slightly raise the walls on which it is fixed rafter system. If the distance from the floor is insufficient (if the roof starts directly from it), bypassing the room will only be possible in the center, which will make it difficult to place furniture, and the corners under the bevels will remain unused.

The original solution for the living room project on the ground floor is the use of French windows or sliding transparent structures (type of compartment doors). Such techniques will allow you to open the windows to the terraces surrounding the room on both sides, go out onto the steps, “let in” the garden and the sky inside.

A rare option - a good solution

Window and bay window: together or separately. In the projects of houses and apartments, there are options where the living room, in addition to a single light opening, is decorated with a glazed bay window protruding beyond the main perimeter.

If the window opening and the bay window are on the same plane, this complicates the designer's task, especially when the dimensions of the room are small. If they cut through different wall structures, then the area with the window and the center should be given over to the function of communication, and the dining group should be placed in the bay window. When receiving a large number of guests, the table will turn into a buffet table, the rest of the space can accommodate vacationers. Also dinner table in the bay window it will help to expand the size of the kitchen: by setting the rule “no kitchen dinner”, the hostess will provide herself with greater freedom of movement when cooking.

corner window. Modern architects quite often use the method of corner glazing. This option looks especially interesting when the window opening is cut to the floor level, and one transom of the corner window is a door that provides access to the balcony.

Such projects involve placing groups of upholstered furniture with the back to a translucent structure, a TV and other equipment in the shady part of the room so that bulky objects do not block the view from the window. If angular window frame has a different offset (one wing is narrower), it is worth balancing the opening by placing high aquarium stands or an illuminated vertical waterfall fountain near the smaller part.

The presence of two windows in the living room most often indicates that the room is impressive in size. To deal with the design of such a room, on the one hand, is extremely interesting, and on the other hand, it is quite difficult. It is necessary to think over every nuance, especially the distribution of light in daytime days. How to arrange a living room with two windows, we will consider further.

Living room with two windows: advantages and features

The main advantage of a living room with two windows is the large amount of light that enters the room. Thus, the room becomes lighter, more spacious and more comfortable. However, in winter, the presence of poorly installed windows can lead to an increase in heat loss in the room.

There are several options for living rooms in which there are two windows:

  • the presence of windows on two adjacent walls;
  • the presence of two windows on one wall;
  • the presence of two windows on opposite walls.

Each of these options is good in its own way and has both certain advantages and disadvantages.

In addition, windows and a large amount of light fill the room with comfort, which is transmitted to people who come to visit, and to the owners of the house or apartment themselves. Since the living room is primarily a place for meeting guests and for relaxing the household, its design should be approached with special responsibility.

The atmosphere in the living room should be at the same time cozy, comfortable, hospitable and joyful. We recommend choosing light shades for decorating the room, it is even better to give preference to warm tones.

To begin with, you should properly distribute the space in the room. If the room is small, then we recommend using tips for visually expanding it - light colors walls, lots of mirrors and light. In addition, we recommend placing a mirror opposite two or one of the windows, which will reflect the light, additionally illuminating and enlarging the room.

If, in a small room, finish in dark colors, then it will look squeezed and cramped. In addition, in small rooms it is recommended to install a minimum amount of fittings and other interior elements in order to avoid cluttering up the space.

Lighting is also one of the main factors by which it is possible to both enlarge and reduce the room. A mandatory attribute of almost every living room is a floor lamp and a central large chandelier. In addition, with the help of all kinds of ceiling or floor lighting, sliding luminous drawers and shelves, it is possible to create an atmosphere of ease. Thus, the backlight is divided into two types:

  • main;
  • additional.

The first option is appropriate when receiving several or a large number of guests, but with the help of an additional lighting option, it is possible to create a romantic atmosphere for the privacy of two people or for relaxation.

In addition, the lighting in the room helps to divide it into functional areas, for example, rest, receiving guests or eating. Quite often, the living room is combined with a dining room, an office, a hall, a corridor, a bedroom and even a kitchen.

next, no less important point design of the living room, which has two windows - the arrangement of furniture in it. Since windows take up a certain amount of space, installing a large closet or fittings becomes a problem.

First, decide on the type of furniture that will be installed in the room and its dimensions. Possible option individual order living room furniture. The standard set includes a sofa - regular or corner type. In addition, it will not be superfluous to have a soft corner, armchairs, a coffee table, a chest of drawers or a bookcase. Also, quite often in the living room they install shelves for TV and audio equipment, cabinets with mirrored shelves, on which dishes or collectibles are installed.

If the windows in the living room are symmetrical, then the same chairs will fit well near them. A small table and a floor lamp will harmoniously complement the chairs. In addition, in between the window space, if the interval between windows allows, it is possible to install a fireplace - real or artificial. A fireplace is an invariable attribute of the living room, which makes its atmosphere warmer and more comfortable.

Install a sofa in front of the fireplace from which you can watch the flames. Please note that in order to install a fireplace in the space between two windows, the distance between them must be at least 100 cm. In this case, provide for windows that are dark or blackout curtains, which will close the windows, to create an atmosphere of comfort and privacy in front of the fireplace.

An excellent replacement for the fireplace, at this place will be the installation of a plasma TV. Although, in the case of artificial fireplace, it can be put on top of it. Thus, it will be convenient to watch your favorite TV shows from the sofa.

Also, family photos, various kinds of paintings, suitable for the theme of the room, are installed on the fireplace.

If you plan to equip a spacious living room, then the furniture can be installed in the center of the room. Fits well in front of the sofa coffee table, and in front of the fireplace - a rocking chair. This option is best for European style interior design.

If two windows are located on adjacent walls, we recommend highlighting them in the interior with the help of certain accents. For this, Special attention pay attention to the angle of convergence of the two walls on which the windows are located. Here we recommend installing a cabinet, chest of drawers, a sofa, a fireplace or even an aquarium. It is possible to mount an unusual floor lamp, armchair or exotic plant in the corner of the room.

Living room design with two windows - how to arrange window openings

The design of the window openings of the living room with two windows has its own characteristics. First of all, the main rule of this process is the fact that the windows should look identical. Too much asymmetry or unequally designed windows will lead to asymmetry in the design of the room. Of course, the option of unequal windows is possible, but it is more typical for modern styles, modern type.

However, for the classic and most other styles, we recommend that you still adhere to the symmetry in the design of windows, even if they are different in size.

Please note that the main style accent, especially in a small living room, are textile elements. They should be in harmony with each other and intersect in certain color and texture solutions. Try to combine curtains, curtains, furniture trim, plaid, pillows so that they look good with each other.

In order for the image of the room to become harmonious, we recommend using the same color in the design of curtains and pillows. If the room is small, then to save space, the option of installing Roman blinds is used, which are located directly at the site of the window opening. To ensure the intimacy of the room, for example, if the living room is combined with the bedroom, we recommend hanging blinds on the windows.

If the window opening is large enough in size, then it can be decorated under a sofa or seating area, and they will also fit perfectly on the window. houseplants. Keep in mind when choosing flowers for the windowsill, pay attention to those species that love solar radiation.

Recommendations for interior design of a living room with two windows

If the living room has two windows, then this layout option should only be used as an advantage. Therefore, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with certain subtleties that will help in the design of a living room with two windows:

1. We do not recommend painting walls or wallpaper in plain white or light colors. The presence of two windows in the room in sufficient quantities enriches it with light. Focus on one of the walls or on a certain section of it, paste wallpaper there that differs in color or texture, it is possible to equip this wall with an unusual panel of decorative plaster.

3. In the process of choosing furniture, be guided by the size of the room. An excellent replacement for a closet will be the arrangement of a drywall niche, which can additionally be equipped with lighting.

4. The presence of greenery in the living room will give the room coziness and make the atmosphere in the room more comfortable and healthy.

5. If you plan to design a living room kitchen with two windows, then we recommend using the method of dividing the room into several zones. To do this, use the backlight, different both in color and in texture. Decoration Materials. In addition, the division of the room into functional areas is carried out by installing false ceilings, drywall partitions etc.

6. When choosing a color for wall decoration, feel free to give preference to dark colors, as a large amount of daylight will help compensate for this moment. In addition, so that the room does not seem dull in the evening, we recommend installing an artificial room.

7. In the process of finishing the ceiling, you should be guided by its height. For high rooms, choose dark colors, and for a low ceiling, white, beige or gray are suitable.

8. If the windows are made of wood, try to make sure that the interior is also present wooden elements, such as beams on the walls or on the ceiling.

9. An excellent option for decorating a living room with two windows would be to use dark wood or natural stone.

How to design a living room with windows on different walls

The presence of this room in the house has both certain advantages and some disadvantages. Installing large furniture in the living room becomes a problem, as the windows are located far from each other and take up a lot of space.

Using too much white and light tones results in a room that is too light. Therefore, Scandinavian and english styles decorations are not suitable for decorating a living room.

However, the living room, which has two windows located on different walls, is different. big amount light, no matter what the weather and what time of year it is outside.

With the help of light, it is possible to transform the room, during the day the decoration looks one way, and in the evening, with the lights on, it looks different. To decorate the corner between the windows, use family photos, paintings, figurines, decorative fountain or stucco.

In addition, the presence of an excellent view from the windows makes the room airy and soaring, especially if the living room is located on more than the second floor. If a complete redevelopment of the premises is carried out, then it is possible to install French windows that will open an excellent view in front of the owners and guests of the house.

If there is a need to fill a certain space in the living room, then great option will be mounting drywall shelves or details that experienced hands professionals, take any form.

  • install chic flowers on the windowsill, possibly unusual shades;
  • hang curtains, with an unusual pattern or even with a 3-d pattern;
  • use unusual options fabrics in the interior, hang curtains of different lengths.

Try to choose a solid color finish for the walls, however, one wall should stand out from the crowd. To do this, use photo wallpaper or decorative panels. Try to design windows in the same style as the entire living room. They should not stand out from the general background. For high-tech or minimalism, we recommend abandoning the use of curtains and replacing them with blinds.

However, a classic-style living room involves the use of a large number of curtains and curtains, with a beautiful, chic pattern and a wide variety of patterns.

If the living room is decorated in scandinavian style, then light colors are suitable for its design. However, the presence of curtains on the walls is unacceptable, because one of the features of this style is that the windows are practically not closed by anything. Thus, the room will be filled with daylight all the time.

It is possible to install the sofa in such a way that it is located in front of the window, then the person sitting on it will be able to contemplate through the window. In addition, installing a dining table in front of the windows is a great option that will make gatherings with friends or tea drinking more comfortable.

Traditionally, one window is mounted in one room, but if the area of ​​​​the room is large, then there can be several windows, so the room will be literally immersed in natural light. Most often, such window “twins” are located on one wall or on two adjacent walls - concentrating them mainly in the corner of the room, their height can also vary, some can reach the ceiling, others traditionally occupy central location on the wall. The photo below shows best examples interiors with several window openings.

Living room with two windows - examples of design.

  • The interior of a room with two windows can be safely decorated in a darker palette, the visual darkness of the walls more than compensates for the abundance of window light, and in order to evening time the room did not seem gloomy, take care of various artificial lighting - chandeliers, floor lamps, wall lamps.
  • If the windows are located on the same wall, then a fireplace can be mounted between them, and whether it will be real or electric will depend on your desire.
  • In the large living room, sofas and armchairs can be placed right in front of the windows, in a western style.
  • For small room it is better to choose furniture that is compact and most necessary (sofa, armchair and coffee table), it is better to avoid massive furniture walls.
  • Sofas located facing each other in the middle of the room and along the room look very nice.
  • The space between the windows can be occupied by a picture, a mirror or a family portrait.
  • The entire wall area with windows can be allocated for a built-in shelving, of course, such a design must be made to order.
  • Corner windows (on two walls) will suit the angular layout of furniture - a sofa and an armchair, and in front of them is a compact coffee table.
  • A voluminous ceiling chandelier is suitable for narrow high windows from floor to ceiling, so pay special attention to its choice.
  • On the wall between the windows, you can also hang a TV on a bracket.
  • It is better to choose light curtains for windows, but if the side of the room is shady, then you can do without curtains at all.
  • Curtains identical to each other should be hung on the windows.
  • Stone or dark wood will look perfect in a room with such quality natural light, given material and suggests itself in a room with two windows.

Living room with two windows photo.

The advantages of arranging windows on different walls.

  1. The design of the living room with two windows located on different walls will always look fresh, since light will always get into this room, during the day, regardless of the location of the sun.
  2. Such an interior looks non-standard, original and not boring at all.
  3. The room offers a great view of different parts of the backyard territory.
  4. You will have the opportunity to ideally place corner furniture.
  5. Thanks to interesting game light, floor and wall decoration will seem somehow special, bright colors look very nice.

Advantages of having windows on the same wall.

  1. The remaining walls remain untouched, which means you can place various decorative elements.
  2. Between the windows you can hang a TV, a mirror, a picture, a family photo or place a fireplace.
  3. Directly in front of the windows, you can safely put sofas and armchairs without worrying about the symmetry of the arrangement of furniture.
  4. Window light will fall correctly and perfectly illuminate the room.

Combining two small windows with curtains:

With the right accents, the design of a living room with two windows will look great, and two windows, like the eyes of your home, will look bright, fresh and not trivial. In general, a reception with two windows in one room can be considered something new and unhackneyed, time still makes its own adjustments to the design of houses, now the fashionable period of large panoramic windows, as well as twin windows.

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Living room interior with two windows on different walls

The living room is a multifunctional room. It welcomes guests, holds festive lunches and dinners, relax with the whole family after labor day. To create a cozy and elegant atmosphere in the living room, you should carefully consider all the details of the interior. In this case, it is necessary to take into account many factors, including sources of natural light. Depending on the amount of light entering the room from the window opening, choose the colors of the finish and determine the location of the furniture. An interesting and non-standard design can be created in a living room with two windows.

Interior in the living room with two windows

Advantages and disadvantages of living rooms with two windows

Before you start arranging the interior of a room, you need to analyze its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of a living room with two windows include:

  1. A large number of natural light creating a feeling of lightness and freedom. The more window openings And less area room, the brighter it is illuminated. When decorating a well-lit room, you can use dark colors without fear that the situation will look gloomy;
  2. A small room with two windows becomes visually more spacious. This effect can be enhanced with some design tricks(mirrors and gloss finishes);
  3. A room with two natural light sources is easily divided into zones. The windows themselves divide the room into two parts. It remains only to decide how to arrange these zones;
  4. Large windows with a chic view are always an additional bonus for a design composition;
  5. Custom and original interior. In most houses (apartments), the halls have only one source of natural light.

Simple design in the living room with two windows

The presence of two windows makes the living room brighter

Two windows in a small living room make it more spacious

Original interior in the living room with two windows

But along with the advantages of a living room with two windows, there are also disadvantages:

  1. If the room is small, then it may be difficult to arrange bulky cabinet furniture in it;
  2. If the view from the windows is not the most attractive (for example, to the neighboring high-rise building), or the residents of the apartment (house) appreciate a secluded environment, then it is necessary to design the window openings so that you can hide from prying eyes;
  3. Large windows can lead to heat loss during the cold season. They need to be insulated, otherwise you will have to use additional heating devices;
  4. Difficulties in design (fitting and trimming materials).

Design of a small living room with small windows

When decorating a room small sizes you need to choose light shades. If you finish the walls and floor in dark colors, visually the room will become even smaller. To finish the ceiling, it is recommended to use light glossy materials.

To make a living room with two windows on one wall visually look more spacious, it is recommended to install mirrors. They can be hung right in front of windows (or at least one of them) to reflect natural light.

Artificial lighting and a small amount of furniture make the living room more spacious.

Large windows in a small living room visually increase the space

Two large windows in the large living room

Unusual interior in the living room with two windows

In small living rooms, it is imperative to consider an artificial lighting system. The room should have a central chandelier that illuminates the room. bright light, and a small floor lamp. For relaxation and creation romantic atmosphere you can install additional lighting for drawers and shelves.

Window decoration should correspond to the general style of the interior. Curtains and tulle are selected in light shades. They should be the same on two window openings.

A small living room should not be cluttered with a lot of furniture, it should only have everything you need. It is better to limit yourself to a minimal set of furniture: a sofa (perhaps a corner one), a small table, a bookcase or a glass display cabinet for beautiful dishes, shelves, a TV. If space permits, you can add a couple of chairs. Furniture should be located so that you can approach the window sills at any time. Massive furniture walls should be abandoned.

Design of a large living room with two windows

In the design of a living room with two large windows you can not stop only on the light colors of the walls, floor and ceiling. Such a room is flooded with light, so when decorating it, they often use dark shades. Beautifully look the walls, decorated under a stone or under a natural tree.

Spacious living room with two large windows to the floor

Spacious bright living room with two windows

Cold colors (for example, blue) of walls and floors will make the living room large and uncomfortable. You can paint the walls in warm dark colors or in light colors. One of them can be distinguished by coloring it more dark paint, pasting photo wallpaper, wallpaper with an original pattern, pattern or texture.

If the room has high ceilings, then they are decorated in dark colors. A suspended ceiling imitating the starry sky will look spectacular.

Black and white ceiling in a large living room with two windows

There should be many sources of artificial light in a large living room. A chandelier or ceiling spotlights are suitable as general lighting. For zonal lighting, floor lamps and sconces are installed.

If the living room big square, then more furniture can be installed in it. Armchairs, a sofa and a coffee table can be placed in the middle of the room facing the windows, as is customary in Western countries. In addition to the minimum set of furniture, you can arrange soft ottomans, a sideboard (buffet), a wardrobe, a bookcase, bookcases.

Living room design with two windows on one wall

This arrangement of windows is the most common. If the distance between them is more than a meter, then you can install a TV there. It is placed on a bedside table or attached to the wall. Between the windows, instead of a TV, you can place an electric (or real) fireplace, flowers in outdoor pots, hang a large clock, a picture or family photos on the wall.

Living room design with two windows on one wall

Large living room design with two windows on one wall

If the windows are not to the floor, then two armchairs located symmetrically to each other will organically fit under them. Then it would be logical to install a sofa with a small glass or wooden table near the opposite wall.

In the interior of the living room with two windows on one wall, two sofas located along the long walls facing each other will look spectacular. .

The original design of a modern living room with two windows on one wall can be seen in the photo.

living room design with light colors with two windows

Living room interior with two windows on different walls

The disadvantage of this arrangement of natural light sources is the difficulty of installing large-sized furniture. The main advantage of having windows on different walls is the constant lighting of the living room, regardless of the time of day or the weather.

The location of two windows on different walls can be used to advantage in design development. The emphasis should be on the corner where the walls meet with windows. A TV, corner sofa or chest of drawers is installed in this corner unusual design with various decorative elements. To make the room more "alive", you can put in the corner small tree(for example, a palm tree in a pot), an aquarium, a fountain.

Living room design with two windows on different walls

Classic style living room with two windows

Note! The design of a living room with two windows on different walls may also involve the arrangement of furniture according to the usual pattern: a sofa along long wall, armchairs on the sides and a table in the center.

See successful interior a living room with two windows on different walls can be seen in the photo below.

Decoration of window openings

Asymmetric window decoration is welcomed only in certain modern interior styles, for example, modern. In most other styles, including the classic one, window openings within the same room should be designed in the same style. The unequal design spoils the overall picture of the interior with illogical asymmetry.

Windows must be identical. You can use the mirror effect.

In the interior of the living room with two windows, there should be a harmony of curtains with the rest of the textile elements of the decor - furniture trim, decorative pillows, blankets, carpet. It is very organic when the color of the curtains matches the color of the sofa cushions.

Simple design of window openings in the living room with two windows

In accordance with the advice of designers, it is not recommended to use bulky curtains made of dense heavy materials. Save space and add lightness to the interior by hanging Roman blinds. They are very popular today. Blinds are suitable for small windows.

Window frames and window sills can be made of any material: both from modern white metal-plastic, and from traditional and environmentally friendly natural wood. If installed wooden frames, then in the interior of the living room there should be wooden elements (for example, beams on the ceiling).

Living room with two windows in a modern style

To highlight window openings, make them an accent of the interior, when choosing curtains, you can:

- combine different colors;

- use unusual fabrics;

- choose original drawings, patterns;

- experiment with length.

If the window openings are small, narrow and placed on the same wall, then you can cover them with one curtain.

In the process of window decoration, there is an opportunity to show imagination. If you choose the Swedish style of the interior, then you should completely abandon the curtains. Then increased attention should be given to the finishing of window sills.

Living room with two windows without large curtains

You can decorate the window space by placing on the windowsills small plants in pots. The main thing is that these plants love sunlight.

If a dull view opens from the windows of the living room, then they can be decorated with colorful translucent stained-glass windows. The creation of fake windows with colored stained-glass windows will look original. They can occupy the entire wall opposite the one on which the real sources of natural light are located.

Features of zoning a living room with 2 windows

Ways to divide a room into zones depend on such factors:

- the location of natural light sources;

— placement of doors;

- area of ​​the room.

Living room with two large windows in the interior

Usually the living room is divided into a dining room and a seating area. In this case, an arch, screen, glass or stained glass partition serves as a separating element.

The floor in the dining area should be practical. It is recommended to lay linoleum or tile. In the recreation area, you can use a soft and cozy carpet.

2 windows in the living room can be a highlight of the interior. All it takes is a little imagination and ingenuity. Correct design the living room will demonstrate the refined taste of the owner of the house and will delight the guests. Below you can see a photo of the design of the living room with two windows.

Photo gallery (53 photos)

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