Firewood for summer cottages and baths: types of designs, step-by-step instructions, the best examples in the photo. Ways to make a woodcutter for a summer cottage with your own hands Buy a firewoodcutter in the country

In villages and quarters with cottage buildings, houses are heated with wood and coal. Even if the boiler or stove is fired with coal, it is still necessary to store wood for ignition. When purchased, conventional firewood has a high level of moisture, so it must be dried. For storage and drying of logs, special sheds or entire rooms are equipped, called woodsheds or woodsheds. The construction device is very simple, so any homeowner can build a firewood shed with his own hands.

Varieties of woodsheds

Sheds for storing firewood, regardless of the material and size, are attached to the house or bath and standing separately. The first type of woodshed is built much faster, but it is not possible to build such a building in all areas. And most importantly, attaching woodsheds to wooden buildings is dangerous. This is due not only to an increase in the fire hazard of the entire complex of buildings, but also to the attraction of wood-boring beetles to the woodshed, which can begin to penetrate the walls and frame of the house. Often, wooden buildings with such an extension do not save impregnation from pests, therefore, if you still plan to build such a woodshed, protect the wall of the dock between the house and the woodshed with a metal sheet. The steel layer should be larger than the size of the woodcutter, this guarantees high-quality protection of housing from pests.

Woodsheds, standing separately, are open and with a roof. The roof is laid on pillars or a frame with walls. The roof of the structure is made sloping so that the water drains immediately without penetrating inside the woodshed. The sun and wind do the rest. Firewood dries naturally. After such a process, the wood dries no worse than in closed dryers. For regions with heavy snow and rain, the walls of the woodshed are covered with plywood and other particle boards. In the spring they are removed to dry firewood.

Arrangement of woodshed walls

So that the walls of the woodshed do not interfere with the blowing and drying of the wood, they are made slotted or slatted. The dies are stuffed onto the frame of the woodshed at an angle or overlapped, like a blind. This technique protects firewood from getting wet during oblique rain and wind. Even when stacked tightly, the firewood stored in the slatted woodshed dries efficiently.

Boards are attached to the pillars or frame of the woodcutter, most often horizontally, stuffing them obliquely. With any method of fastening, it is imperative to leave frequent gaps. Sometimes the boards are mounted vertically along the poles, but such structures are less common.

It is impossible to say exactly which method of attaching boards (vertical or horizontal) is more effective, because no comparisons have been made in this regard. Usually the master uses the type of fastener that is convenient for him. Some builders believe that it is more efficient to fill the dies obliquely. So for boards 10 cm wide, gaps of 1.5-2 cm are made. In addition, with this method of building a firewood shed, you need to make a different direction of the bevel of the boards for each wall. The creators and admirers of this method claim that under favorable weather conditions, firewood under a woodshed with such partitions dries up in a month.

Slots in different woodsheds are made from 1.5 to 10 cm. The size of the gaps largely depends on the width of the board. For snowy regions, it is not recommended to make too large slots, as snow will blow into the woodshed. This will negatively affect the condition of the wood. In the middle lane, you can rarely fill the planks, this also contributes to drying and saves material when building a firewood shed.

Many woodsheds are made without a door. Structures with a door are already considered a shed for storing firewood. Some craftsmen do not clog the front wall of the woodcutter with boards, but leave it open for active airflow. If in your region theft in dachas and private houses is a frequent occurrence, then you cannot do without doors when building a firewood shed.

Note! When arranging a woodshed opening and a fence, make sure that you can enter the room with an armful of firewood.

Firewood stacking

If the firewood in the woodshed is stacked in small batches in one or two rows, there are no problems with airflow and access to logs. Inexperienced homeowners do not know how to properly store firewood with a large margin. In such cases, woodsheds are erected, divided into sectors by partitions. In firewood sheds made using this method, fresh firewood will not block the passage to the old ones, and most importantly, uniform airflow of the wood is ensured.

For square-shaped rooms, the sections are placed so that you can go through and get the driest firewood. In such a structure, a passage is arranged in the middle, which should always be free. It is recommended to make the length of the passage from the entrance to another wall. Only one row of firewood can be laid to the wall opposite the entrance to the woodshed, they will be able to dry out and will not block the passage.

It is much easier to store firewood in rectangular open woodsheds. Between themselves, the woodpile is fenced with partitions of pillars or slats so that they fit from 2 to 4 woodpile.

In extended woodsheds, you can fit from 4 to 8 cubes of firewood. In large woodsheds, the back wall must be ventilated.

The woodcutter in the country is usually made small. If you do not live in the country all year round, then a couple of cubes for heating an average house in the offseason is enough. However, to heat a house with a bathhouse, an impressive woodcutter is needed. In such cases, the height saves - it is made up to 2 meters. Firewood is never stacked close to the ceiling, be sure to leave a gap for airflow from above. Therefore, if all household members can reach a height of 170-180 cm, a woodcutter is made up to 210-220 cm high. For a person of average height, such a canopy is optimal.

Building a woodshed with your own hands

The process of building a firewood shed for firewood at home will be described below. Installation of the structure takes from 2 to 4 days at a leisurely pace (during this period, the painting of the woodshed is included). The design, the scheme of which is considered in the article, has a frame type.

Materials for woodcutter

Before you understand how to build a woodcutter with your own hands, you need to understand the dimensions of the structure. The construction of a firewood shed with dimensions of 180 by 370 cm will be described below. The height of the front supports is 245 cm, the rear - 220 cm. 15-20 cm are left on top, if the family has short people - 30-40 cm.

The frame of the woodcutter is assembled from a bar. For the lower and upper strapping, material 10 by 10 cm is used. Before work, it is recommended to impregnate the wood with engine oil or other protective compounds. The assembly is carried out end-to-end, fastening the parts with nails. For greater frame strength, corners on screws are used. An ordinary foundation block with dimensions of 20 × 20 × 60 cm is used as supports for the woodcutter, 6 blocks are needed for the entire woodcutter.

Preparatory stage

A woodcutter drawing is needed if, in addition to firewood, it is planned to store tools and garden tools in it. In this case, the woodcutter also performs the functions of a barn.

Making a drawing of a woodcutter, you can decide on the size of the canopy. When calculating the dimensions, consider how much firewood is spent on heating the house during one season. It is recommended to stack firewood with a small margin (in case of severe frosts). So, on average, for a house of 100 square meters for heating from autumn to the end of winter, about 2.5 cubic meters of pine material or 1.8 birch will be required. Firewood with a moisture content of no more than 20 percent is considered dry; this mark is reached after an annual drying in a woodshed. When heating with freshly cut firewood, more logs will be required, since their calorific value is 1.5-2 times lower. It is recommended to stock firewood for about 2 seasons.

Each heating device has its own efficiency. So modern foci can boast an efficiency mark of 80 percent. To heat a house with such a stove, one bookmark of firewood is enough for 7-10 hours. This amount of logs is only enough to heat a residential building. To these reserves you need to add firewood for a bath, barbecue and fireplace (if they are in the house).

In addition to wood, for work you will need:

  • drill (for digging supports into the ground);
  • hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • pliers;
  • plumb line and rope;
  • stepladder.

Advice! Wood for a woodcutter is bought based on the type of buildings on the site. Firewood can be collected from the remnants of the material after the construction of a house or a bath. Often, timber and boards remain on the site after dismantling old buildings.

Installation of the frame and base of the woodcutter

Before building a woodcutter, it is necessary to prepare the site. To do this, the ground is leveled along the perimeter of the building. On viscous and soft soils, a pillow of sand and gravel is equipped. It is not necessary to fill the gravel with sand around the entire perimeter of the building, it is enough to fill it under the supports. To do this, make small pits up to 25 cm deep and pour sand and gravel there at the same level. Support blocks are installed on top of the pillow.

Note! Blocks must be wrapped with roofing material in a couple of layers. The harness does not have to be fastened to the support with something, but if you want to make the woodcutter monumental, you need to drill holes in the supports and attach the harness to them with the help of studs.

The assembly of the woodshed frame includes the following steps:

No need to save on fasteners when mounting the case, especially in snowy regions. With a heavy load on the roof, supports and fasteners may simply not withstand.

Roof installation

After installing the supports, you can begin to assemble the roof. The construction of a firewood storage begins with two support boards on the front and back walls. Then two more boards are nailed on the side walls. They are located on the same level with the pillars of the rear wall. These boards have a thickness of 5 cm and a width of 10 cm. A board with a width of 10 cm and a thickness of 3 is used for the crate of the roof of the firewood storage.

When the crate of the firewood storage is assembled, you can lay the roofing material. For these purposes, a professional sheet, slate, soft tiles and more are suitable. Laying technology depends on the type of roofing material. To protect against rain, overhangs and ledges are made about 30-35 cm.

If metal materials are used to cover the roof of the firewood storage, it is necessary to lay waterproofing on the crate, for example, roofing material. This will protect the logs and the ceiling from condensation. The roofing material is laid on the crate from below with an overlap.

After assembling the roof of the firewood storage, you can assemble the floor. A board for overlapping is used from 30 cm thick, any width, but the wider the better. For fastening, nails are used, 2-3 for each board.

The final stage of construction is painting. To cover wooden buildings, use any protective paint or impregnation against pests.

After painting, the firewood shed is ready for use. The construction of such a woodcutter does not require specific skills. It is enough to be able to hammer nails and saw material. Even the roof structure of such a woodcutter is very simple.

Woodsheds of other designs

There are many types of firewood for summer cottages and at home. Below are the most simple and popular types of canopies

Extension to the house

To assemble such a woodcutter, you need a minimum of lumber, but you will have to knead the concrete. The supports that are nailed to the house are made high. As front supports, a metal profile of square or round section is used. Racks from the pipe are driven into the ground and poured with concrete. Two beams are already attached to them. The floor is equipped with brick and plywood. A couple of bricks are laid, and a sheet of fiberboard or plywood is laid on top. Boards are nailed to the racks nailed to the walls of the house and attached to the pipes. Dies are fixed with steps of 2-5 cm (depending on the size of the boards).

Large outbuilding

By the same principle as the design above, you can make a large storage for firewood. They make it exactly according to the same technology, the difference is only in size. The width of the firewood shed is made from 2 to 8 meters (depending on the size of the house). So that the roof does not sag and it is convenient to store firewood, supports are installed every 90-100 cm. You can make partitions slightly larger than the width of the logs so that each woodpile is stored in a separate compartment.

If the region does not have very heavy rains and snow, it is not necessary to equip the foundation. It is enough to fill the bottom of the woodshed with sand and tamp. A wood floor or paving slabs are laid on top of the pillow.

Portable woodcutter

Such devices are relevant for houses with a fireplace or barbecue. In the store you can buy a lot of varieties of such a product. Forged woodsheds look very interesting. If you do not know how to make a woodcutter with your own hands, read the instructions described below.

The instruction for the manufacture of a portable structure includes the following steps:

Such a product will perfectly fit into a traditional interior with a fireplace.

Proper laying of a round woodpile

The woodpile does not have to be laid in a “well”. Round woodpiles are considered a very effective storage method (an example is shown in the photo), with this laying, the wood is dried right on the street. The firewood in them dries quickly, and such a structure looks unusual.

For a round woodpile, it is necessary to dig a wooden pole into the ground about 200 cm high. Logs or small chocks are laid around it around. The radius is made 2 times the length of the firewood. If the log has a length of 30 cm, then the diameter of the circle is 60.

After that, you can lay the first row of firewood. The logs should rest at one end on the chocks laid out in a circle, and at the other “look” at the pole. With such laying in the outer circle, gaps form between the firewood. There is nothing to worry about, since the gaps will be closed by the second row.

The second row is folded parallel to the first, trying to close the gaps. At the same time, firewood is tightly placed around the pole parallel to the pole. And so, gradually laying rows around the perimeter of the circle, they fill the center of the woodpile.

Advice! When the firewood in a circle begins to fall a little, you need to lay out a transverse ring of firewood to raise the logs in the circle.

Further, the firewood is laid out until it almost covers the vertically standing logs in the center. At this moment, the second row in the center of the woodpile is already beginning to be stuck into the gaps between the lower row of vertical firewood around the pole.

Note! Try to lay the wood evenly and tightly along the entire length of the woodpile.

According to this technology, the woodpile is laid to the top of the pole, while the hands reach out. Usually 2-3 levels of firewood are formed. Two more can be stacked around the first row of woodpile, which allows you to store a huge number of logs in one place.

Almost everyone who has a country house stores firewood on the plot to kindle the stove in the house, bathhouse or just make a barbecue. For storing firewood, various types of woodsheds are used. Even if a dacha for someone is only a place for a summer vacation and does not involve trips there during the cold season, firewood is needed in order to heat a bathhouse or make barbecue. Of course, you can use coals in a bag or buy bundles of firewood that are popular in the summer season, but this is very inconvenient if the cottage is far from shops. That is why a small supply of firewood is, as a rule, in any summer cottage.

If the cottage needs heating, then a wood-burning stove will be a real “salvation” for a country house. Agree, not all houses have sufficient power of electricity. In addition, it is the simplest and cheapest type of heating. Finally, a stove is an indispensable attribute of a country holiday: it is beautiful, creates comfort and atmosphere. Many people save firewood for the whole season and store it in specially equipped firewood sheds. This allows you to protect the firewood from precipitation and dry the still damp firewood. In this article we will talk about how to make a firewood for a summer residence with your own hands.


A firewood shed is a structure made of wood or metal that is used as a storehouse for firewood. Firewood for summer cottages can be completely different, the main thing is that they meet the basic requirements.

  • The device must be capacious and allow access to firewood without difficulty.
  • The firewood shed should be open enough so that the firewood does not get damp and is ventilated. If there are fresh logs in the firewood shed, then they should be able to dry out.
  • The structure must have a roof that will protect the logs from rain and snow.
  • The logger should be positioned so that direct sunlight does not fall on it. Ultraviolet has a bad effect on wood, reduces its suitability for its intended use.
  • Of course, it is desirable that the woodcutter is neat so as not to spoil the entire landscape of the site.

There are various designs of woodsheds depending on their location and type.

Woodcutter, which is leaning against the building (house, barn, bathhouse)

This is the simplest design, in which the wall of the building is the back wall of the firewood shed. But this design has a number of serious drawbacks:

  • Fire hazard. Large amount of dry wood near the house.
  • A large number of insects live in wood. This problem can be solved by treating the woodcutter with a special compound or by separating the firewood from the building with a sheet of metal.

The woodshed near the building is recommended to be located from the north or where the place is most open to the winds. Of course, a canopy against the wall is a very simple design, so it may not differ in beauty. It is better to hide such a canopy from the least visible part. The simplest scheme is 4 supports, a raised floor and 4 walls with a canopy.

Lumberjack standing apart from buildings

This is a more beautiful and reliable building. Such a device involves the design and construction plan. Such a canopy can be built in a suitable place and even beautify the landscape. The woodcutter will require time from you, but it will serve for a long time, and the firewood will be constantly blown from all directions.


Separately, it is worth mentioning a portable firewood shed, which is necessary for storing a small amount of firewood. Such options are needed to keep firewood closer to the place of use. These are structures made of wood or metal that are easy to move along with firewood. As a rule, these are beautiful designs that complement the interior. A portable firewood must:

  • be easy;
  • be beautiful;
  • easy to carry.

Such woodsheds are located indoors. You can see such designs next to the fireplaces in the house.

How to choose material?

Sometimes the woodcutter is hidden in the farthest or most inconspicuous corner of the site, and then it is built without thinking about its appearance. Any improvised materials, the remains of various boards and logs can be used. You can make a firewood shed without walls and supports. Then evenly stacked firewood is covered with any material that will protect them from precipitation.

The most common woodworking material is wood. Wooden firewood is made from boards and beams. Metal elements are also used. For example, pipes sheathed with a board. The roof is made of any light but rigid material. For example, galvanized iron, corrugated board, slate (it is quite heavy), ondulin, roofing material.

When choosing materials for a firewood shed, it is important to pay attention to its design. If a simple wooden woodcutter fits the style, then the design will be made of boards and beams. If you plan to use metal not only for support, but also for the walls of the firewood shed, then you can think about a forged firewood shed. Often portable woodsheds are made of metal.

Here are the materials you will need to create a regular wooden woodcutter.

  • Board for the floor. This is necessary so that the logs do not lie on the ground. The board should be chosen thick, not thinner than 2.5 cm, so that it can withstand firewood.

  • Concrete blocks instead of foundation.

  • Beam, logs. For the base of the floor.

  • Frame boards.

  • Beam for the frame.

  • Roof boards.

  • Roofing material. Polycarbonate, slate or corrugated board.

  • Nails and screws.

Required tools:

  • electric drill;
  • shovel;
  • screwdriver;
  • plumb;
  • axe;
  • roulette;
  • hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • square.


Barrels, former rabbit pens, and even pallets and rings for wells are also used to build and construct original woodsheds. Such options do not require the creation of a drawing and are distinguished not only by external originality, but also by the ease of creating a structure.

How to do it yourself?

Below is an instruction for creating firewood. Let's start with the option of a stand-alone woodcutter. For the construction of such a structure, it is necessary to make drawings for manufacturing, so that the woodcutter turns out to be of a given size and fit into the landscape. The basis will be 6 logs. These are the supports that create the frame. Consider how to build a woodcutter in stages.

  • Define and designate the construction area on the site. Dig 6 holes for the supports - 3 each in the front and back. The dimensions of the recesses are not less than 30 cm by 30 cm, and the depth is up to 50 cm. Fill the holes with crushed stone by 15 cm and tamp. Make holes for logs.

  • Logs must be deepened by a minimum of 25 cm. Treat the log with an antiseptic. Wrap with ruberoid. Secure the supports with concrete or stone. Treat the ends of the logs too.

  • The length of the logs at the front and back should be different to create a roof slope. The rear logs should be lower than the front logs by at least 3 cm.

  • Place the transverse logs, the basis for the floor. Secure them by connecting to the supports. The transverse logs should be raised 10 cm above the ground to provide ventilation.

  • Install the floor boards on the logs. Leave a small distance between the boards, up to 2 cm, for ventilation from the floor. Use wood screws and a screwdriver for fastening. You can use nails.

  • Form the walls on three sides of the boards. The step between the boards is about 15 cm. You can use a grid. This is a cheaper option, but less beautiful.

  • Install 3 rafters on the woodcutter frame to make a roof. Place 5 more logs across. Fasten the roof to the frame. Use nails for slate and roofing material. Self-tapping screws are used for fastening corrugated board and ondulin.

  • It is possible to use shingles instead of 5 logs for the roof frame and cover it with roofing felt or other roofing material.

  • Coat the wood with varnish. You can paint the firewood shed with paint and decorate with decorative designs.

Pay attention to the following details.

  1. Be sure to take into account the slope of the roof so that the snow falls freely down.
  2. The roof should be larger than the woodshed. The protrusion should be about 25 cm.
  3. Be sure to have a floor that is raised above the soil by 10 cm.
  4. There should be gaps in the walls and in the floor for free ventilation. These elements are made of wood.
  5. Treat all wooden materials with an antiseptic before fastening.
  6. You can decorate the firewood shed with carvings, plants, sculptures.
  7. To protect firewood from moisture, create drainage.

To build a firewood shed that is adjacent to the building, no special instructions are needed. It is created in the same way as a separate woodcutter. Such a firewood shed should also be well ventilated, because one of its walls is solid, unlike the previous variation. The materials for the roof and frame are the same.

There are a number of distinctive features for such a building.

  1. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the woodcutter stands right next to the house. It is necessary to make sure that water from the roof of the building does not fall on the firewood.
  2. The woodcutter located from the north will insulate the northern wall of the house. The house will close the firewood from unwanted light.
  3. In this case, the floor is also needed. Firewood should not be stored directly on the ground.
  4. To give aesthetics, you can make doors that close the firewood. If you place the firewood shed on a covered terrace, then it will be more pleasant and easier to go out for logs from the house.

For storing firewood. So the meaning of this word is determined by the dictionaries of the Russian language. The structure is useful, in many cases simply necessary. For a stove in a house or a bathhouse, for a fireplace, barbecue, barbecue, firewood must be stored somewhere. And store properly. You can limit yourself to storing them with a simple shed or allocate a place for firewood in the hozblok (it is important that there is natural ventilation in the hozblok), or you can put your hands on it, build a woodcutter in the country with your own hands and decorate your site with an original and pretty structure.

Choosing a place for a woodcutter on the site

In this matter, a rational solution must be found. The woodcutter should not be conspicuous, it should be located not very far from the house so that it is not necessary to carry firewood to the house from afar. And a car with firewood should drive as close as possible to the woodcutter, otherwise it will not be the easiest thing to carry raw firewood from the place where they will be dumped.

If the house does not have a fireplace and stove heating, it makes sense to place a woodcutter near a bathhouse or a barbecue area.

Draw a plan of the site and try to choose a suitable place for placement, taking into account all these points. A woodcutter can be built near the wall of a house or a utility block (barn), or you can build a separate building.

Choosing the type of woodcutter

We chose the location, we need to decide what type of firewood shed we will build. As always, we first decide on the budget. This will immediately eliminate some of the options and moderate the flight of fancy of some family members. The most accessible and cheapest material is wood. The firewood shed can be sheathed on the frame with boards or timber.

Important ! Remember that the new building should organically fit into your suburban area. A good solution is to attach a firewood shed to an already erected building. The amount of work will be less and you will not have to puzzle over the design of the building. In any case, the woodcutter should be located in a dry place, preferably in the shade. In order for the firewood to dry properly and well, they must be ventilated, and direct sunlight is contraindicated for them. If a woodcutter is being built near the wall of a house or a utility block, place it on the north side.

For wall cladding, you can also use corrugated board, slate, polycarbonate. When using such materials for wall cladding, gaps must be left so that there is natural ventilation in the woodshed.

Carefully done work on the construction of a firewood shed, followed by painting or coating wooden parts with colored polyurethane varnish, will make it elegant. Plant climbing plants near the side walls - this will give the structure a beautiful and unusual look.

A lumberjack with walls made of cut trees and grass growing on the roof will make your neighbors believe that you have relatives among the hobbits.

Let's remember that not only the type of cottage can tell a lot about the owner.

We make a drawing, prepare materials and tools

A drawing will be required if you plan to store a tool and some not very necessary things in a firewood shed. This, rather, will already be a barn, combined with a firewood shed.

The drawing will also help you decide on the required area, because the supply of firewood in each household requires a different one. According to calculations, for heating a house with an area of ​​100 m² in the autumn-winter period, approximately 2.1 m³ of dry pine firewood or 1.7 m³ of birch wood is required. Dry firewood - firewood with a moisture content of not more than 20%, which is achieved after a year of storage in a firewood shed. Much more freshly sawn firewood will be required, their calorific value is approximately two times lower. And you need to have a supply for at least 2 seasons. Of course, each stove has its own efficiency, modern fireplace stoves can have a fantastically high efficiency of over 80%. In such furnaces, one bookmark “works” for 8-10 hours. However, these calculations are made for conventional furnaces. To this amount it is necessary to add firewood for the stove in the bath and for the barbecue.

From the tool we need a drill (if a “rustic” version of a woodcutter with four pillars dug into the ground is chosen), a hacksaw, a hammer, pliers, a plumb line, twine, a stepladder.

We buy building materials after choosing the type of woodcutter - which one is more suitable for your site. The simplest firewood shed can be built from the remnants of materials left over from other construction work or the dismantling of old structures.

Getting Started

Consider the construction of various types of woodsheds: stationary, wall-mounted and portable.

Stationary woodcutter

Let's call such a view stationary, because it can be built on a columnar foundation. This is a non-permanent building. A firewood shed will be reliable and durable, under the foundation columns of which holes are dug to the depth of soil freezing and filled with concrete. You can do with filling the pits with sand and gravel with tamping of each layer.

It is impossible to install posts directly on the ground, the whole structure will “walk”, especially in spring, when the soil swells.

We install columns of bricks or blocks on the foundation, fasten them with mortar. For a small woodcutter, four posts are enough, for a more spacious one or for a utility block combined with a firewood shed, more will be needed.

We tie it with a frame made of timber 150x200 mm. We sew the frame using metal corners and self-tapping screws, or we manage only with long self-tapping screws. The timber (as well as all other wooden parts of the structure) is pre-treated with fire-retardant impregnation and do not forget about waterproofing. It will be enough pieces of roofing material, folded twice.

Using the corners, we install the vertical frame of the woodcutter. First we mount the rear racks, then the middle and front ones.

We make the upper harness and nail the rafters for the roof. To simplify the assembly of the vertical frame, we fix the beam at the time of installation with temporary braces.

In place of the future doorway of the woodcutter, we expose two additional beams. A door will then be hung on them if the option of a closing shed with a woodcutter is selected. For the woodcutter himself, the door is not needed. True, there is one moment. It depends on the situation in the holiday village or village. After all, there is a chance to repeat the fate of the heroes from the old joke: “Masters, do you need firewood?”.

We sheathe the horizontal frame with a floorboard. We do not need an exact fit of the boards, let there be small gaps. But such that you do not accidentally get injured by hitting the gap with your foot. Water will go into small cracks, you can also sweep away garbage from firewood there, plus additional ventilation from below is obtained.

We make the roof of the woodcutter from corrugated board, shed. Optionally, you can arrange a gable. Any roofing material that your budget allows is used as a roofing material.

Important ! Make a visor above the entrance to the firewood shed. So water will not get on the logs during slanting rain or snow in a blizzard. The visor can be made from an end board, which is attached to the front roof board with dies. The end part of the dies is cut off at an angle, an end board is nailed to the dies, which is additionally fixed to the wall with two supports. This is the simplest design, you can choose any suitable option.

We sheathe the walls of the woodcutter with a board or bars. The bars can be filled in increments of about 25-30 mm, the boards can be nailed with a small gap. So in the woodshed there will be good natural ventilation.

We treat all wooden parts with an antiseptic and fire-resistant impregnation, then cover with paint or colored polyurethane varnish. In addition to a beautiful appearance, in this way we extend the life of the firewood shed.

Several photos of do-it-yourself woodsheds from available materials. A distinctive feature is the accuracy and invention in the design of such a simple structure as a firewood shed.

Here is a variant of a brutal woodcutter. Unsightly, in a purely rustic style, without any design, but it does its job.

For the construction of such a woodcutter (and any when the beam is dug into the ground or concreted in the ground), a drill is required. With a drill, the work of digging holes for poles will take very little time.

A similar design of a woodcutter is the most budget option. All you need are posts made of unskinned logs with a diameter of about 200 mm, cross-beams made of logs of a smaller diameter, several boards, slate or corrugated roofing.

The support pillars are dug into the ground by about 200-300 mm (the pillars are dug in to different depths in order to make the roof of the woodcutter sloping), after treating the lower end of the pillar with an antiseptic. For this design, you can use used engine oil as an antiseptic - the cheapest option. Then the pillars are concreted or the pits are filled with rubble and rubble.

Support posts are sewn together with crossbars with a diameter of about 100 mm. We nail three crossbars on each side, excluding the front.

The photograph clearly shows that boards are nailed to the support pillars from above, and transverse beams are attached to the boards. We complete the work by nailing sheets of slate to the transverse beams.

Wall variant

We choose the northern wall of a house or a utility block for the construction of a wall-mounted woodcutter. Firewood does not like to "sunbathe" in the sun; proper drying requires good natural ventilation.

When building such a firewood shed, it must be taken into account that water from the walls of a house or a utility block can flow onto firewood. This should be avoided by slightly moving the woodcutter away from the wall, or by installing a roof on it of the desired design.

Otherwise, the construction of the wall-mounted version repeats all the operations for the construction of a separate firewood shed. Feature - in the wall-mounted version, the woodcutter "hides" behind the house or the hozblok. Although here you can show fiction and make this building really interesting. Just look at the photo:

Below is a photo of a woodshed built near a fence. However, the principle of its construction repeats the wall version:

Portable version

Of course, there are many varieties of portable woodcutter that you can buy at the store. Or order a beautiful forged model in the workshop. Yes, it is very difficult to make a forged woodcutter at home. But anyone can show imagination and make from available materials.

The material for the manufacture of the original woodcutter can serve as an old barrel. We put markings on the body. We need the hoop in the central part of the future woodcutter, so we move it with a hammer and fix it. To do this, you can take self-tapping screws or pick up beautiful bolts. We take a jigsaw and, according to the markup, cut out the shape of the woodcutter. We carefully sand the places of cuts.

Using an electric jigsaw, cut out curly legs from the board. We insert the old sanded handle into the drilled holes and fix it. We cover metal parts with paint for metal, wooden parts with stain or colored polyurethane varnish. Such a woodcutter will not be ashamed to put near the fireplace.

Here are some ideas for making a portable metal woodcutter. If you have experience working with metal and the necessary tools in the country, the task is quite feasible:

The woodcutter is needed primarily in order to dry it, and in the long run to prevent them from getting wet in the rain or snow. This is important when you start to drown - a dry tree gives more heat. Properly equipped storage for firewood is also: the logs lie in even rows, the bright texture of the tree adds coziness. In the article we tell you how to make a woodcutter with your own hands.

How to build a storage for firewood on the site

Types of structures and building requirements

It is not difficult to build a firewood shed for a summer house with your own hands. There are several types: a detached building under its own roof (single and gable), more like a barn; shed or outbuilding next to the house; built-in design or a small decorative woodpile. But for each of the varieties there are general requirements. In more detail, we will consider the first two design options and show them in the photo.

The design must be capacious, protect the raw materials from moisture, and be purged with air so that the logs do not become moldy and rot during the winter. If you plan to build a separate building, then it is better to hide it somewhere in the back of the site so as not to clutter up the landscape.

Separate building

How to make a woodcutter in the form of an independent building? The simplest solution for making a frame and stand is to dig four metal posts, raise the floor above the ground and fix the firewood shed in the country with your own hands. Such a design is easily made from the remnants of building materials that everyone has in the country. But, as a rule, these buildings are small, and if you need to store enough fuel, it makes sense to plan a more substantial building. Make a drawing of the future project, think over the layout and location.

The gap between the ground and the floor is not closed with a plinth, this is necessary in order to remove debris and provide air access. You can arrange a pallet there to make it easier to get out. The walls are made latticed, and so that snow does not get inside, the planks are stuffed at a slight angle. How to build a firewood shed if you don't have planks? No need to buy them on purpose, any lumber of more or less the same size can be a replacement. You can position it in different ways: vertically, horizontally, at an angle or diagonally. Leave more gaps. Use nails and screws to secure.

The bars can be laid in two ways: by placing the planks on top longitudinally or transversely. In the first case, the woodshed will be well ventilated, and in the second it will be protected from precipitation. Choose a convenient method depending on the climate and region.

As for the buildings adjacent to the house, it is more convenient to place them on the south side, where there is more sun. The southwestern and western wall of the house is also suitable. If you live in a cold region with frequent strong winds, make an extension from the north, it will be additional protection for the house from drafts and freezing.

Important rules to consider

It is not necessary to attach a woodcutter to a wooden house. This is dangerous for several reasons. First of all, you violate fire safety rules, besides this, insects that can live in logs will calmly move into the house, they can even undermine the walls. In this case, a separate building is suitable.

Separate storage for the winter should be covered with plywood. Latticed walls that allow air to pass through will not protect against snow and rain, and plywood will become an additional obstacle to moisture. In the spring, it is removed so that the logs dry out better.

A few tips about storing firewood: if a tree is cut down in the spring, it will not be ready until the fall. And the logs harvested in the summer will dry out and will be ready for use only by the next year. Therefore, it is important to stock up blanks in advance.

Materials for woodcutter

The material is usually used, the floor is also laid out with wood. To save money, some use poles or slabs as building materials. Although they are inferior in strength to the timber. A significant disadvantage is that they are quite difficult to fix. Alternatively, you can use tongue-and-groove boards laid on logs. Brick and stone, residual lumber are also suitable.

How to build a firewood shed in the country with your own hands

Before starting work, determine how much fuel you will store. If a country house is used occasionally, they don’t come there in winter, and blanks are needed mostly for barbecue, then you don’t need a full-fledged barn. And, on the contrary, if you plan to live in the country all winter, you should stock up as many logs as possible.


The simplest thing is to dig posts into the ground. Usually their height is equal to the level at which the building does not freeze through. If the weather is often windy, then the frame must be fixed with anchor bolts, which are dug into the posts. After that, the structure is concreted, covered with sand and gravel in layers, after which it is tightly compacted. The foundation is ready.

floor laying

The next item will be laying the floor. Often it is left simply latticed or a slot is made at the bottom. This is necessary for good air circulation so that the wood does not absorb moisture. But this method has its drawbacks. Sawdust that will fall from wood onto the floor can become a favorable habitat for pests. This is dangerous not only for fuel reserves, but also for construction, and also for plants on. Rotting sawdust can even ferment under the floor. Pros are advised to think over this moment even at the laying of the foundation. If you make it monolithic, then the need for laying the floor will disappear. By the way, the concrete floor will gradually give off the heat that it accumulates over the summer, so the firewood will dry out better.


The walls, as we have already said, are made of lattice, from planks, so the blanks are kept drier due to air circulation, but such a frame does not protect well from precipitation. There is no consensus on the location of the slats, materials and thickness. The horizontal layout makes the frame more durable, but raindrops bounce off it. It is best to arrange a diagonal crate, but this requires better materials. The ideal solution: draw the bottom half of the wall tightly, and lay out the top with planks. Thus, the lower part will retain moisture, and the upper one will allow air to enter.

Wall sheathing in the manner of blinds will reliably protect against moisture, but will complicate air exchange and slow down drying. Therefore, if you arrange the slats according to the principle of blinds, leave more gaps between them. You can make ventilation in the woodshed.


Pros advise planning with a slope away from the house, and not vice versa. This will help the heat from the house to better penetrate the woodshed and dry the logs. It is important not to make the front wall tightly closed. Humid air will accumulate under the overhang of the roof and the logs will become damp. The flooring can be made of galvanized and corrugated board, the main thing is that it is light and does not overload the entire structure. It is better to make a roof overhang from 35 centimeters or more - this way it will protect fuel supplies from precipitation.

After completion of construction work, be sure to treat it from insects. This applies not only to wooden, but also brick buildings. Bugs can penetrate the smallest cracks and settle down there at record speed, your task is to prevent this so that there are no uninvited guests inside the house.

In the final, we suggest watching a video about the construction of a firewood shed.

  • Material prepared: Elena Perlova

This article contains information on how to build a firewood shed for a summer residence, according to what criteria to choose one or another type of structure, the size of the building and the material for its manufacture. It also describes the main stages of the construction of storage for firewood. This information will help you make the right choice, because it touches on the most important issues.

A woodcutter in the country is necessary, not only for order in the yard, but also for drying firewood so that they are ready for growth at any time Source

Types of firewood

Each owner of the cottage uses it in his own way. Someone comes there occasionally, for someone it is needed only in the summer season. There are those for whom a dacha is actually a house in which they live all year round. Regardless, everyone needs firewood. They act as raw materials for heating or are used only for kindling a fireplace, a bath. In any case, they need to be stored somewhere. For this, there is a special woodcutter or woodcutter. The spelling of the words is somewhat different, but they have the same meaning - a firewood shed. This outbuilding is of several types.

    canopy. This is the simplest type of construction. It consists of several pillars (at least four), over which a roof is made. At the bottom, a floor is being constructed, raised above the ground. If this building is supposed to store a large amount of firewood, it is divided into sections. Thanks to this approach, the firewood will not be mixed. Partitions are sometimes made between sections.

A small shed can be used as a woodcutter Source

    Extension to the wall of the house. This design is also not complicated, since it already has one part - the wall of a country house. In such a street firewood shed, a roof and a floor are required. Side walls - optional. This type should not be used if the house is made of wood. The building will be too fire hazardous. In addition, there are often beetles that feed on wood in firewood. They can switch to absorbing the wood that the wall of the house is made of. If the choice is made in favor of an extension, it is necessary to treat the surface of the wall with a special preparation that protects against pests. And in the design of the woodcutter, provide a sheet of metal that will separate it from the house.

A small extension to the house is finished with the same material as the entire building. Source

    Separate design. This is the most solid structure, which is built if you need to store a large amount of firewood. It can be made in different versions. The simplest is a few pillars with an overhanging roof. Jumpers are installed between them, a floor is made below. In order to keep snow as little as possible in winter, sheets of plywood are attached to the back and sides. Most often, the walls of this design are made of boards, between which gaps of 2 to 10 cm in size are necessarily left. Thanks to this, the firewood is ventilated. The front wall is usually missing. Although sometimes it is, and a door is made in it. In fact, it turns out a full-fledged shed, which is designed to store logs.

A large wooden firewood shed is suitable if you need to prepare firewood for winter heating at home Source:

What are they built from?

The best material for building a firewood shed in the country is wood. It can be boards and beams, logs and wood boards. Sometimes plywood is also used. Designs made of this material look aesthetically pleasing, harmoniously fitting into the country landscape. However, it must be borne in mind that before use, the wood must be treated with agents that reduce the degree of flammability and exposure to harmful insects.

Also, firewood storage can be made of bricks or blocks. This is the most reliable, durable option, but it is expensive in terms of costs. Polycarbonate will be much cheaper, but you cannot make a closed structure out of it, since there will be no ventilation in it. However, polycarbonate can be used to make a roof or side walls. It is easy to install and transmits light well.

Metal frame with polycarbonate canopy

Another material for the construction of woodsheds is metal. It makes the structure durable, but it must be protected from corrosion. In addition, it is best to make only a frame from metal, and large sheets for such buildings will not work. They get too hot in the sun, which will create the effect of an oven inside the woodshed. It is not suitable for storing firewood. But from metal you can make an excellent forged structure, which will be not only useful, but also a decoration of a summer cottage.

Forged woodcutter attached to the wall of the house Source

In general, when building devices for storing firewood, combined options are often used. For example, if the firewood shed is made of wood, the roof is covered with slate. Or the frame is made of metal, and the roof is made of polycarbonate. You can choose different combinations of materials.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of designing and building turnkey small architectural forms. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Criterias of choice

In order to understand which woodcutter to build in the country, you need to know the selection criteria. The most important thing, of course, is the availability of funds. After all, you might want a forged metal structure, but there simply isn’t enough money for it. But these are self-evident things. The main thing is - decide on four points:

    dimensions buildings;

    place location;


    materials for the manufacture of.

As for the size, here you need to consider how much time is spent in the country. If these are rare raids in order to cook a barbecue, you need a very small building. If in the summer the cottage is fully used and there is a fireplace that is kindled in the evenings, you should think about a bigger storage. And it is better to provide decent dimensions if the cottage is heated with wood all winter. But storage is always needed so that the firewood does not get wet in the rain.

In order to avoid problems with heating in winter, firewood sheds should be equipped so that firewood does not fall under precipitation. Source

When the size is already determined, you need to understand where to put the firewood. To do this, consider the following:

    If the firewood is intended only for the grill, preferably with storage next to it. However, do not place the woodcutter too close so that sparks do not fly.

    If the summer cottage has a garden and green spaces in general, the building shouldn't obscure them.. This is especially true for large structures. In this case, the option of an extension to the house is well suited.

    The building must be good approach, however, it should not be in the very center of the site. It will look discordant.

    The soil on which the woodcutter will be, should not be fertile.

    If the summer cottage has an uneven surface, storage for firewood cannot be placed in lowlands. Moisture accumulates there, which adversely affects the firewood. In addition, during or immediately after the rain it will be difficult to get to the structure.

    Since firewood will be brought by transport, you need to choose for storage most accessible place. Otherwise, you will have to carry the logs for a long time.

    It is desirable that the surface was flat. Otherwise, you will have to carry out additional work to align it.

Firewood is stacked on a prepared pallet, which should rise above the ground Source

Now you need to choose the type of structure in which firewood will be stored. This takes into account the two previous criteria, that is, the size and location. But there are some common points. For example, you can make a firewood shed with open walls, that is, one frame, floor and roof. And you can make two walls on the sides or add a third wall at the back. If the storage is small, there is a design option according to the type of gazebo. And if, on the contrary, it is a massive structure, you can build a full-fledged shed with a door. When the type is determined, the last thing is decided - the choice of material. It can be a woodcutter made of metal or any other options.

Wooden firewood shed built into the foot of a small hill Source

Video description

The stages of building a woodcutter are shown in the video:

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Construction stages

Any construction has clear stages. If the vault is built from wood, they are as follows:

    Area marking is done. The places where the corner and intermediate logs will be installed are outlined. Holes are dug under them, the depth of which should reach half a meter. Their size is at least 30 x 30 cm. About 15 cm of rubble is poured into them.

    The tree is treated with an antiseptic. The lower part of the supports is wrapped in roofing felt. Logs are installed in pits and concreted. They must go to a depth of at least a quarter of a meter. Thanks to this, the structure will be durable and will not collapse even from the strongest gusts of wind.

    To make the roof with a slope, the rear logs are set 3 cm higher than those in front.

    Floor base installed- cross bars. They are attached to the supporting logs so that they do not touch the ground. There should be a distance of at least 10 cm from the ground. In this case, there will be good ventilation, and the wood will not come into contact with moisture.

    Boards are laid on top of the logs. Between them, 2 cm is left for ventilation.

    From three sidesupholstered with boards between which a gap of up to 15 cm is left.

    Roof support system under construction: rafters, transverse logs.

    The woodcutter is covered with slate, roofing felt or other material.

    Painted for aesthetics wood or lacquered.

Large wooden firewood with a door, varnished Source

In principle, these stages are characteristic of construction not only from wood. In any case, marking is done first, the foundation is made, the floor, then the walls and roof. If a door is provided, it is installed last.

Video description

Options for firewood in the country can be different, examples in the video:


When building a storage for logs, there are important nuances that must be observed:

    roof should be with a slope to let the water flow;

    she needs to act outside the structure by 25 cm or more;

    in any kind of firewood must have a wooden floor, installed at a distance from the ground;

    wood or iron used in construction, processed special formulations.

If these points are met, the design is durable, and the firewood is well protected from moisture.

Lumberjacks can become a reflection of a whole art

The firewood shed can be designed in the form of a small fairy-tale house Source

Honeycombs for storing firewood Source

Round small firewood rack for storing firewood for barbecue Source

The artist will always find time for art, even putting firewood into a firewood rack Source

The head of a funny man will entertain, but you should take care to protect it from the rain Source

"Downed tree" from afar looks almost like a real one Source

Firewood can be stacked according to Feng Shui Source

Firewood with a window can become a partition in the recreation area Source

Firewood built in the barbecue area Source


In order for the woodcutter to harmoniously fit into the summer cottage and fulfill its intended purpose well, it is necessary to make a choice, taking into account all the criteria. Such a structure after construction will not require additional care. You just need to carefully fold the firewood in it and use it in the future as needed.

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