Interesting facts from the history of computer games. Interesting facts about computer games (10 photos)

Computer games are one of the main hobbies of the 21st century. They are lived by the people themselves different ages, spending a day on a flight to your favorite pastime. Even if you only play from time to time, you will enjoy the interesting facts we have collected.

1. US employees love computer games. They take approximately half a billion hours of work time with a loss of ten billion dollars in productivity. This, however, does not take into account the time that employees spend on the Internet for personal purposes.

2. Every day, people around the world lose more than 783.5 million dollars in online casinos.

3. Everyone knows and loves the noble Englishwoman Lara Croft, who travels the world in search of artifacts. She often gets into dangerous places: tombs and ancient ruins, it lies in wait for a lot of puzzles, traps and a variety of enemies. Lara Croft has been compared to another adventurer, Indiana Jones.

Many are surprised by the large breasts of Lara Croft. Initially, the heroine-adventurer was supposed to have a chest of a maximum of the second size. But once the designer in the process of customizing the character with one click accidentally enlarged Lara's breasts by 150%. The development team liked the result, and they decided to leave the heroine like this.

4. Dependence on computer games is very similar to drug addiction. If fans of this entertainment do not manage to play for a long time, they experience real discomfort.

5. Ex-president Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev loves computer games. His iPad kept a famous game for a while Angry Birds. Dmitry Medvedev personally thanked Rovio for its creation.

6. Angry Birds has become one of the most profitable games in the mobile platform format. 100,000 euros were invested in its creation. The game brought in more than 60 million in net profit.

7. The computer has beaten the world chess champions many times, but there is one game where the opposite is true: the world champions beat the computer. This game is called Go. Modern computers until they can calculate all the opponent's moves. In addition, for the PC, the criteria for evaluating positions are also too complicated for the time being.

According to research by the Entertainment Software Association, average age a person playing computer games is 33 years old. According to statistics, our website is visited by 20% of people under 18 years old and 50% of people aged 18 to 33 years old, so I think that an article about interesting facts about computer games will be of interest to most visitors to the site and, by the way, 24% of Americans over 50 play video games, unfortunately we do not have statistics for Russia. Let's start...

Interesting Fact #1 Lara Croft was originally supposed to be named Laura Cruz.

Interesting Fact #2 The Sims was one of the top ten best selling games in the UK for two years.

Interesting Fact #3 In Fallout 3 and Skyrim, you cannot kill or injure children.

Interesting Fact #4 The very first computer game was made in 1961 by student Steve Russell. It was called Space Wars.

Interesting Fact #5 There are several cases when, due to a long pastime for MMORPG (World of warcraft, Lineage 2), people simply died of exhaustion. There were also many cases due to clashes between clans in real life, sometimes even with sad consequences.

Interesting Fact #6 In 1994, they wanted to ban the game DOOM due to excessive gore.

Interesting Fact #7 Initially, the X-Box was supposed to be called DirectX-Box, but they decided to shorten the name.

Interesting Fact #8 Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory was banned in South Korea for showing the ruined capital of Korea (Seoul).

Interesting Fact #9 Dmitry Medvedev admitted that Angry Birds is his favorite game on the iPad.

Interesting Fact #10 Currently, such a genre of game is gaining momentum - as an escape game. Escape from prison or escape from an evil pursuer is the goal of the escape game. You need to be observant and smart to play escape games.

Interesting Fact #11 Initially, Falloot 3 was planned in the same spirit as the first two parts. There was even a demo released. But due to the decline of Interplay, they sold the rights to develop and release games under the Fallout brand to Bethesda Softworks. As a result, Fallout 3 turned out in the spirit of the game TES IV: Oblivion. The only thing is that Interplay retained the right to release the Fallout online game.

Interesting Fact #12 Diablo was originally conceived as a single-player turn-based RPG. But then they decided to remake it into a real-time game.

Interesting Fact #13 The best-selling game of all time is Tetris. In total, more than 40 million copies of this game have been sold.

Interesting Fact #14 Electronic Arts is the largest computer game developer. The company publishes more than $3 billion worth of games every year.

Interesting Fact #15 Game developers love to create games with a joke-humor. So in many games there are so-called " Easter eggs". Here are some of them:

GTA San Andreas: If shoot from sniper rifle into the moon, then it will increase.

Mafia The city of Lost Heaven: Approximately the same effect as in the previous example. If you shoot at the beetroot painting in Polly's apartment, it will be the entire wall.

Prince of Percia: Warrior within: You can find a teddy bear or stick that can be used as a secondary weapon.

Sacred: Sunglasses can be found in the game.

Interesting Fact #16 Nintendo translates from Japanese as "Leave Luck to the Sky".

Interesting fact number 17 Hironobu Sakoguchi named his game "Final Fantasy" because thought it would be his last game.

Interesting Fact #18 Fifa 2001 licensed discs were grass-scented.

Interesting Fact #19 In many games, developers randomly insert their names. For example, in Half Life 2, the names of the developers are listed on the lockers in the locker room, in Fable the Lost Chapters, the name of the company's director is immortalized on a tombstone. And there are many such games.

Interesting Fact #20 Back in the days of the First Diablo, there were rumors about some secret "Cow Level". It was believed that if you click on a cow for a long time, a portal will open in new level with cool monsters. It was all not true, but for the sake of fun, the developers created a cow level in the second part of Diablo, where it was necessary to fight with upright cows on their hind legs. The third part of the game is also not cheated. There you already have to collect the ingredients to get into the secret "Pony Level", which does not fit into the world of Diablo at all, but looks more like a children's cartoon.

Interesting fact number 21 The highest record recorded in a Pac-Man game is 3,333,360 points.

Interesting fact number 22 Mario doesn't have a last name.

Interesting fact number 23 The name of the BFG weapon in the game DOOM stands for Big Fucking Gun, but in the film, due to censorship, it was translated as Bio Force Gun.

According to research, the average age of a person playing computer games is 33 years. Therefore, we think that our readers will be interested to learn a little interesting about virtual reality. So, a small selection of facts.

Lara Croft was originally supposed to be named Laura Cruz.

The Sims was one of the top ten best selling games in the UK for two years.

In Fallout 3 and Skyrim, you cannot kill or injure children.

The very first computer game was made in 1961 by student Steve Russell. It was called Space Wars.

There are several cases when, due to a long pastime for MMORPG (World of warcraft, Lineage 2), people simply died of exhaustion. There were also many cases due to clashes between clans in real life, sometimes even with sad consequences.

In 1994, they wanted to ban the game DOOM due to excessive gore.

Initially, the X-Box was supposed to be called DirectX-Box, but they decided to shorten the name.

Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory was banned in South Korea for showing the ruined capital of Korea (Seoul).

Dmitry Medvedev admitted that Angry Birds is his favorite game on the iPad.
Initially, Falloot 3 was planned in the same spirit as the first two parts. There was even a demo released. But due to the decline of Interplay, they sold the rights to develop and release games under the Fallout brand to Bethesda Softworks. As a result, Fallout 3 turned out in the spirit of the game TES IV: Oblivion. The only thing is that Interplay retained the right to release the Fallout online game.

Diablo was originally conceived as a single-player turn-based RPG. But then they decided to remake it into a real-time game.

The best-selling game of all time is Tetris. In total, more than 40 million copies of this game have been sold.

Electronic Arts is the largest computer game developer. The company publishes more than $3 billion worth of games every year.

Game developers love to create games with a joke-humor. So in many games there are so-called "Easter eggs". Here are some of them:

GTA San Andreas: If you shoot from a sniper rifle at the moon, then it will increase.

Mafia: The city of Lost Heaven: Approximately the same effect as in the previous example. If you shoot at the beetroot painting in Polly's apartment, it will be the entire wall.

Prince of Percia: Warrior within: You can find a teddy bear or stick that can be used as a secondary weapon.

Sacred: Sunglasses can be found in the game.

Nintendo translates from Japanese as "Leave luck to the sky"

Hironobu Sakoguchi named his game "Final Fantasy" because thought it would be his last game.

Fifa 2001 licensed discs were grass-scented.

In many games, developers randomly insert their names. For example, in Half Life 2, the names of the developers are listed on the lockers in the locker room, in Fable the Lost Chapters, the name of the company's director is immortalized on a tombstone. And there are many such games.

Back in the days of the First Diablo, there were rumors about some secret "Cow Level". It was believed that if you click on the cow for a long time, a portal will open to a new level with cool monsters. It was all not true, but for the sake of fun, the developers created a cow level in the second part of Diablo, where it was necessary to fight with upright cows on their hind legs. The third part of the game is also not cheated. There you already have to collect the ingredients to get into the secret "Pony Level", which does not fit into the world of Diablo at all, but looks more like a children's cartoon.

It all started when a rather smart scientist who worked on the creation nuclear bomb, developed a simple game that is similar to regular tennis with sticks and a ball. It was possible to play it only together, because the processors did not yet exist and there was nothing to expect from the computer. Also in Soviet times was created the first, not entirely complete, but the game. It was made in 1958, and due to the lack of monitors, the game was displayed on the oscilloscope screen. The next scientist who made an already more complex game is Steve Russell, who created the very first, but already programmable microprocessor, and with the help of it added the first artificial intelligence to his game.

The game was called "Spacewar" and the meaning was that two spaceship and they had to destroy each other. The game was very popular, as it was also the only one. A few years later (1964-1975), the first Magnavox Odyssey game console was created by Ralph Baer and it had 8 different games, which could be launched and played. Then there were many more prominent people, who made a big and significant contribution to the development of game creation, but there were not so many connections with games. And now, Atari's game with addictive gameplay "Just you wait!", in which the wolf must collect chicken eggs in a basket, and the device itself, on which the game was located, was called "Electronics IM 02". The creators were praised, legends about the cartoon at the end and other interesting conjectures of the players began to spread.

Many years later, the first 3D games began to appear, which are still popular and exist on the computers of many users. Now people play not only 3D games, but old "retro" games, but there is also a virtual reality, which in the near future will be in everyone's house. In the meantime, we can enjoy the Assassin's Creed Syndicate game in Russian.

Now we can summarize: the old games are not forgotten and still, then there were no "cheat-sheet games" that could be slightly altered and passed off as one's own creation, each game was unique in its own way. Past generation games didn't need a lot of money and could only be developed by two people. Nowadays, games are larger and require appropriate hardware. It takes a lot of time and money to create such games, but they are really worth it, because without them it is not as sweet as it might seem at first glance.

Good Monday to all, my dear friends and readers of my blog. You have probably already guessed why I made such an emphasis on Monday. That's right, today we have an article for relaxation. And I thought for a long time about what to tell today, and yet I decided to focus on computer games. After all, this is also an important component of the computer industry.

Oh, how many games I played in my time, I played one of them for several years (more). But now I don't play at all. Somehow lost interest. Anyway. I’ll tell you about this some other time, but today we pour tea, coffee, lean back in our chairs and read the most interesting facts about computer games.

  1. Many mistakenly believe that only children and teenagers are fond of computer games. But this is deeply misleading. A huge number of adults are passionate about this. According to statistics for 2006, the average age of game buyers was 35-40 years old! Well, of course, these are approximate numbers.
  2. was created back in 1961 and was called Space Wars.
  3. Rumor has it that the famous PAC-MAN was invented by looking at a pizza without one piece.
  4. The longest-running game was Prey. From the moment of its creation to the moment of completion, 11 years have passed (1995-2006). But during this time, a whole bunch of developers have changed.
  5. A monkey named Kanzi is able to pass the first level of Pac-Man. It's actually just amazing. In general, this is a very smart monkey and it can even express itself in words, comparing them using a special keyboard.
  6. Lech Kaczynski became mayor of Warsaw in 2002. And this victory went to him not without the help of the game Sim City 3000. The presidential candidates were invited to compete by modeling a rough model of Warsaw in Sim City. Each participant was given a certain amount in game currency, for which they had to develop the city. Most of the candidates entrusted this matter to their assistants, while they themselves communicated with the audience. As a result, the team of Kaczynski won, who eventually became the mayor, and later even the president of Poland.
  7. Many people know the game "Tomb Raider" and its main character Lara Croft. So, initially she didn’t plan such a magnificent chest at all, but rather the opposite. But one of the designers accidentally enlarged his breasts by as much as 150% with one click, which aroused the admiration of the rest of the team. In the end, it was decided to leave her large breasts.
  8. Many games of the 90s-00s were produced in Russia under the brand name of the pirate company Fargus (I remember exactly). And in fact, the translation from this studio was good, remember at least Fallout and many were delighted with it. But later the quality of translations dropped sharply. It turned out that other pirate companies began to sculpt the Fargus logo in order to improve their sales. As a result, the Fargusovtsy sued these imitators, but lost, since in fact they themselves were a pirate company.
  9. The best-selling game of all time was Super Mario. In total, more than 225 million copies have been sold (according to statistics for 2015). But nevertheless, the domestic game, created by the Soviet researcher of the Academy of Sciences Alexei Pajitnov in 1984, did not go far from him. It was the well-known Tetris, which was sold by Pajitnov to the company nintendo in 1985. In total, more than 127 million copies have been sold for all time (according to statistics for 2015).
  10. Initially, it was proposed to create Sony Playstation, as an addition to Super nintendo, which could read discs. But later this idea was abandoned, deciding to specifically refine it and make a separate quality product. As we can see, the guys did not lose.
  11. Games not only help to relax, but can also cause a lot of great harm. There have even been cases of death due to games. I talked about it in more detail in a separate article.
  12. The protagonist of the Half-Life game series, Gordon Freeman (not to be confused with Morgan Freeman), does not speak a single word in all games. According to the developers, at first it was planned to make her talkative, but then they decided that such a feature would help identify players with the character, which would help them immerse themselves in the game more.
  13. Dmitry Medvedev expressed his personal gratitude to Rovio for creating such a wonderful game. According to the prime minister, this is his favorite game on the iPad. At least that was the case a couple of years ago.
  14. If in the game Fallout 1 and 2 you could kill anyone, then in the third part you can no longer injure or kill a single child. This is the limitation that was introduced into such a post-apocalyptic game.
  15. Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory was banned from sale in South Korea, as it showed the destroyed capital, that is, Seoul.
  16. Diablo was originally planned as a regular game. turn based game V RPG genre. But still, they decided to redo it in real time. And it took only a few hours to change the code.
  17. Hironobu Sakoguchi, the creator of the famous Final Fantasy game series, named his brainchild that way because he thought it would be the last thing he would develop.
  18. Mario and his brother Luigi do not have a last name. But in the 1993 film "Super Mario Bros" their names sounded the same. They ended up being Mario Mario and Luigi Mario.

Well, that's probably enough for today. Although the topic is actually more extensive). It could be something else to write. Well, if you like it, I'll do the second part.

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin.

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