Ideas for the design of a small room (photo). How to arrange furniture in a narrow room How to furnish an apartment with a small area

Unfortunately, long narrow rooms are very common, and many homeowners are faced with the need to “fix” this awkward shape and give the apartment functionality and convenience. But on the other hand, such an awkward room is an excellent platform for creativity and can become a cozy and attractive place in an apartment or house. Here are the rules to make it beautiful and practical.

  1. Paint the wide sides bright colors light tones, and narrow in juicy and more saturated. You should not stop your choice exclusively on white when designing, great solution becomes beige, pink or orange. By attracting attention with such accents, you will visually reduce " extra centimeters» elongated walls.
  2. Carpet or flooring must be placed perpendicular to wide walls. good choice in this case, parquet, laminate or tile with a large rectangular pattern can become.
  3. On one side, you can equip a dressing room or put a high wardrobe. This is very practical and at the same time you will correct the proportions of the room, making it visually square.
  4. This can also be achieved by “saturating” the interior with smooth lines and curves that hide corners and hide the feeling of the length of the room. Round or oval furniture is great for this, decorative elements or paintings.
  5. Give up massive chandeliers, and use spotlights or sconces. It is better to place them on narrow walls painted in saturated colors, otherwise the corridor effect cannot be avoided.
  6. very original and practical solution can become podiums on the floor and shelves different size and kind.
  7. The ceiling should be painted in warm and light colors. Application of multilevel false ceiling will also hide irregular shape rooms.
  8. Particularly relevant large mirrors and photo wallpapers that allow you to expand the space and blur the outlines of the room.
  9. Handle it well and natural sunlight. Opt for light and light materials that let the sun's rays through.

So that a narrow room does not resemble a wagon, even the designer needs to try hard.

Make it so that two functional centers appear in the room.

Before deciding how the best way to do with the "pencil case", you need accurate measurements.

You can turn the disadvantages of your long narrow room into indisputable advantages by dividing it into two zones. correct form. It can be a sleeping area and an office for the bedroom, or cooking and dining for the kitchen. The correct arrangement of furniture in this case is an excellent way of zoning, but there are some nuances here.

As long as Soviet development exists, the issue of narrow rooms will be relevant.

How to make a living room, dining room, bedroom, study, nursery or even dressing room with the additional function of a guest bedroom out of a long room?

Try not to put massive sofas or blind partitions in such places. This will lead to even greater visual compression of space and make it difficult to pass. Instead, try catwalks, carpets, or use multiple colors in interior design. Such methods will not only allow you to divide your living room or kitchen into independent zones, but also significantly improve their functionality. Well cope with this and mobile partitions, which can be bright element design.

The only problem is that the standard methods of visually expanding the size of a narrow room do not work in this case - neither the light colors of the walls, nor the standard arrangement of furniture will bring much effect.

Your choice - long sofas; it is even desirable that they be longer than usual.

Do not arrange all the furniture near elongated walls and give preference to light, light-transmitting structures. good decision can become a small couch, standing in a narrow place, or a few chairs and poufs different shapes and colors.

The play of colors and textures, the correct zoning of the compressed space and lighting helps to expand the narrow part of the room. necessary elements interior - it is these techniques together that can adjust the room.

Under a compact area with living room functions, you can also adapt a room with a window near the door.

If both shelves and surfaces are the same width, this will visually balance the room.

Placement of furniture on narrow kitchen has its own characteristics.

  • Dark colors should be avoided.
  • Use mirror and glossy facades.
  • It is desirable to place the work surface along a short wall, and dinner table near the window.
  • Leave a place near long walls free or take it with open shelves and small racks.
  • A kitchen apron can be made of a dark material with a pronounced texture to focus on a short wall.
  • A bar counter or a sofa, standing with its back to the cooking zone and being the main element of the dining part, is well suited for zoning.

Usually, in order to expand the space, most owners of narrow rooms prefer to glue plain wallpaper or paint the walls in one light color.

In the case when the bedroom is very small, try to expand end wall with a headboard with decorating techniques: for example: decorate it with mirrors or wallpaper with an optical effect.

In addition to the main ways to visually correct the interior space, use LED backlight which has become increasingly popular in recent years.

Living room

The design of the living room should be approached especially carefully, because this room is always full of people and the lack of space is especially sensitive here. To hide its length, you should not put a sofa along a wide wall, experiment with its location, and possibly abandon it altogether. armchairs, coffee table and a couple of chairs will be very interesting option. In such a living room there is no place for a bulky furniture wall, which will finally turn the room into a railway car. Use open shelving and shelves that let in light. Do not hide the window with heavy curtains and curtains. This will fill the space with natural light.

Your task is to highlight the short walls and reduce the size of the long ones.

Colored curtains or drapery - the best decoration: they give the room airiness and hide extra centimeters of length.

Receiving a symmetrical arrangement of objects often saves narrow rooms. Especially children's bedrooms for one or two children.


Divide the interior of the bedroom by painting the walls in several colors. The wall of the room behind the head of the bed can be highlighted with a rich abstract pattern or photo wallpaper. long walls should be done in warm neutral colors. The amount of furniture in the bedroom should be minimal, replace large chests of drawers and wardrobes with small bedside tables standing in the corners, or a high wardrobe located near one of the walls. Also good option there may be a podium under the bed, which will perfectly hide the difference in wall lengths, become a bright interior detail and an excellent storage place bed linen. Try a fully retractable bed furniture wall. But if this method is not for you, then place a place to sleep along a short wall or headboard to it.

A plain or a mountain range that goes into the distance will visually expand the room horizontally, which means it will level out the disproportion of a long narrow room.

Proper zoning of a narrow room podium, carpet, sofa and other helpers.

Oddly enough, but a narrow room with one window may well be a dining room if the kitchen and cooking area are nearby.

In the decoration of doors and windows of such rooms there are a number of general rules.

  1. Natural lighting hides the disproportion of the elongated room and makes it visually larger.
  2. Hang sheer curtains up to the edge of the window or light blinds instead of heavy drapes. Roman blinds will also look great.
  3. Thick horizontal bars will visually make the window, and with it the walls wider, so try to choose frames with wide horizontal bars and narrow vertical bars.
  4. The entrance opening in a narrow wall can be made in the form of an eye-catching arch.
  5. If the door is in wide wall, try to expand it as much as possible so that the wall seems narrower.
  6. Put sliding interior doors, they will save space and decorate the interior much better than traditional hinged designs.

Just do not try to divide the room into parts with a bulky closet or a blank floor-to-ceiling partition - in this case, one of the sections will completely lose natural light.

Better consider effective options.

Built-in designs offer many options.

Applying these simple rules and imagination, you can turn an uncomfortable narrow elongated room into an original and very functional room that will give you a lot of comfort and coziness, and guests will be surprised much more than the appearance of a banal ideal square.

A narrow, elongated room is not uncommon in our homes.

In addition, such rooms often have one window, so the lighting of such a space suffers.

A built-in design that leaves no passages between the bed and the wall at all may turn out to be successful.

VIDEO: Design of a long narrow room photo

We told you about the most different apartments: about tiny and large, about classic and Scandinavian, about those in which only one person lives, and about those intended for large families. Today we decided to put together all the smallest apartments in terms of footage that we met. We want to do this in order to demonstrate how differently people approach the arrangement of their homes. Someone prefers to live in a studio layout and demolishes extra walls, and someone, even in a small space, erects additional partitions to separate the second room.

All of our heroes have two things in common: they did the renovation themselves, without involving designers, and they truly love their homes and the resulting result. We hope you find a match for you. interesting ideas that you can borrow!

This studio apartment in a standard five-story building on Pionerskaya, the director of the chain beauty salon Yulia and entrepreneur Pavel got it from their grandmother. The owners decided to overhaul with remodeling. The walls were demolished, the kitchen area was combined with the living room, and the bedroom was taken out into a niche, which can be closed with curtains if desired. Storage is mainly concentrated in the closet, which serves as a delimiter between the bedroom and the hallway.

There are practically no walls in the apartment of photographer Anastasia. The only room that is separated from the general space of the studio is the toilet (I remember that during the reporting I was very happy about this circumstance), while the bath is adjacent to the kitchen. Dressing room hidden behind brick wall, and the hostess appointed a balcony as a workplace.

The owner of the apartment, Anur, is an adherent of minimalism, due to which it was quite easy for him to furnish his studio. However, there is everything you need here: a bed for sleeping, a wardrobe for storing things, a small kitchen area, washing machine in the hallway and even a full bath.

The owner of an apartment in the city center, Valeria, decided to redevelop before moving into a standard odnushka. She reduced the area of ​​the bedroom to a minimum, separated a small dressing room, and combined the remaining space of the kitchen with the living room, which created a place for guests. The refrigerator, against the advice of Valeria, made it very small and placed it at the bottom of the headset. According to her, one of them is enough for her.

Perhaps this is the smallest kopeck piece that we have ever seen. Entering the apartment, guests enter the entrance hall, from there to the living room, then to the kitchen (there is a door to small bathroom) and from there to the nursery. That is, all rooms are essentially walk-through.

The redevelopment during the repair was insignificant: the owners changed all the doorways and slightly increased the area of ​​​​the bathroom due to the hallway. At first, in a small room (now a nursery) there was a bedroom, and the living room served exclusively for receiving friends and holding home holidays.

There was enough space for two of us. And when the daughter appeared, then the subtleties of the layout began. For the first couple of years, Ira lived with us in the same room, and when she grew up a little, my husband and I gave her a small room, converting it into a nursery, and moved into the living room ourselves.

By the way, a year and a half later we visited the hostess Olga and her daughter in their area already 96 m 2. The property is located in next door and its purchase became possible thanks to the sale of the kopeck piece, which was discussed, and the dacha. You can only be happy for the family!

A married couple, Elena and Dmitry, used to rent this odnushka, but at some point they realized that they wanted to repair it and move. The redevelopment was not done, but the cosmetic repairs took two months, during which the owners managed to change the finishes and purchase new furniture.

The color palette of the apartment was set by the bright turquoise wallpaper in the corridor. Elena recalls that as soon as she and her husband saw them in the store, they immediately mentally designed the entire apartment in this color. Naturally, it had to be diluted with something. White was chosen as the main color because it visually expands the space and creates a feeling of spaciousness. Elena shares that the dust is almost invisible, but you shouldn’t drop the crumbs: they immediately catch your eye.

Initially, the apartment was a rectangle without walls with two big windows. The hostess Yana faced the question of how to harmoniously organize the space and delimit the zones. I really wanted to allocate a separate bedroom with a window for 40 m 2, but it would block the entire natural light in the kitchen. However, it was decided to donate sunlight in favor of a place where you can retire. As a result, the apartment has a hall with a dressing room hidden behind mirrored doors, a combined bathroom, a kitchen (5.5 m2), a living and dining room (15 m2) and a small bedroom (8 m2).

A Scandinavian style with its inherent light finish, it made the space look more spacious than it actually is.

Unusual duplex apartment non-standard layout: two elongated, like carriages, floors are located one above the other. On the first tier, the owners (a creative young couple) placed a kitchenette with a bar counter, a living room area and even a hammock under the stairs, on the second - a bedroom, a combined bathroom and a tiny dressing room. Due to the variety of textures in the finish and bold decisions(what a superhero-style bathroom is worth) the apartment looks interesting and fun.

The owners of the apartment, which will be discussed, are a married couple with two children. When they bought a odnushka in Vidnoye, they immediately decided that they needed to redevelop, separating small bedroom with space for a baby cot. The room was small, but cozy.

Everyone in our family loves to sleep in this room. The lack of windows does not bother us. On the contrary, after flights we are very tired, and we like that we can go to bed in pitch darkness. The husband even says that he cannot sleep in the living room, as it is very light there.

Despite the lack of windows, the bedroom is quite light thanks to artificial lighting and small glass blocks in the wall that let in some window light.

A young couple lives in a spacious studio: the advertiser Sveta and the jeweler Philip. The apartment is located on the twenty-first floor in monolithic house and the floor plan was free. Sveta was completely involved in the repair: at the time of remodeling the apartment, she became both a designer and a decorator. Despite the fact that the possible location of the walls was outlined with bricks, Sveta decided that she would abandon the wall separating the kitchen and living room, and also give part of the kitchen space for a pantry. It was the right decision: in a small room there is a washing machine that did not fit into the bathroom.

All these examples small apartments prove that a room of absolutely any size can be beautiful, cozy and functional. If you have desire, enthusiasm and a Quartblog for inspiration, then you are sure to find those ideas that are right for your home and help it look spacious and stylish, regardless of the number of meters.

Quartblog Digest

If you avoid these common mistakes, then the smallest apartment can become comfortable and roomy!

Even in a small apartment, a dressing room - to be! We share secrets on how to carve out space and calculate convenient sizes.

Where and how to hang pictures in a small room so that they help zone the space, raise the ceiling and make the room bigger.

Examples of only small apartments, so that everyone can make a real loft even in Russian realities.

We will tell you how to properly manage the space of a small odnushka or studio and zone a small apartment.

Photos: Elena Vanyantseva

Some prefer space, others prefer comfort, but sometimes circumstances are stronger than our desires and all that remains for us is to practically arrange what we have.

How to furnish a small room?

This question torments many, because we really want our living space, even if it is small, to be not only cozy and beautiful, but also functional. There are several secrets with which you can make the space visually larger and give the interior fashionable look. In order to furnish a small room comfortably and stylishly, you will need: compact furniture, hanging shelves, large mirror, light curtains as well as various accessories. Before you start decorating the interior, you need to decide on the color scheme. If you were planning to repair work and want to visually expand the room, then preference should be given to beige or pale pink shades. There is another secret to increasing space: a difference of 1-2 tones of the ceiling and walls. The ceiling should be lighter.

Choosing furniture for small rooms

This is one of the most important steps. The selected furniture should be comfortable and very functional. To date, furniture stores and manufacturers provide us with a huge amount of these products, for every taste and color. In order to understand how to properly furnish a room with furniture, you should think about which piece of furniture takes up the most space in your living space. If your choice stops on the bed, then it is worth buying modern version lifting beds. During the day, it can serve as a compact closet, comfortable sofa or folding chair-bed, and in the evening as a comfortable sleeping place. An equally necessary item in the apartment will be a folding or sliding table, which will not take up extra space, and in its purpose will not be inferior to an ordinary table.

Another useful acquisition that will help you understand how convenient it is to furnish a room will be hanging shelves. This is very comfortable furniture that will serve as a place for various knick-knacks, books and other trifles. So you free up space in the bedside tables and closet for more spacious things. The sliding wardrobe will become irreplaceable furniture in your small room. When arranging furniture, consider such nuances as the absence of empty slots and gaps between interior items, because due to this space you can free up more space in the room.

An integral attribute will be a huge one, which is not only very convenient to use, it will help to increase the space and make it much lighter. The same effect can be obtained through the play of light. It is necessary to distribute the light different angles rooms. An important element in the interior design of a small room will be curtains. Give preference light colors in vertical stripes. In this case, the walls will appear higher.

To create extra space, you can make a podium, inside which boxes for clothes and various things will be placed. Another creative solution may be the installation of a mezzanine under the ceiling. If you like to watch TV, then place it on the wall. The air conditioner in this case can be mounted in the ceiling.

In order to decide and understand exactly how you want to furnish your small room, listen to your desires and preferences. Be in the role of a designer, show your creativity, bring your ideas to life. Unleash your imagination and decorate the wall in an original way with paintings, frames. The main thing to remember is that everything should have a sense of proportion and style.

Most Russians inherited from the “stagnant times” disproportionate, rectangular, narrow rooms, more reminiscent of solid corridors than a full-fledged room for arranging personal space.

narrow room

narrow roomcreatesa lot of difficulties in terms of interior design. Create cozy room, no matter how you rearrange the minimum set of furniture, it is quite difficult, but, nevertheless, there is always a way out.

Redistribution of space

One of the simplest and quick ways the transformation of narrow rooms can be considered the division of one large space into a smaller pair, using plasterboard partitions. The partition itself does not take up much space, and the resulting premises acquire a more or less regular square section configuration, especially if it is possible to increase their area by demolishing other walls.

Changing the space with decor elements

modern building industry, latest materials, paints and original design solutions of specialists can radically change the space of a narrow room without building partitions. It has long been known that light, color, well-chosen accessories and furniture can change the space beyond recognition. So, for example, a small bright folding sofa, placed across a narrow room, zones the space by dividing it into two working rooms:

  • Having disassembled the sofa, you get a full-fledged bedroom;
  • By assembling it and placing a couple of small wicker chairs and a small glass coffee table, you turn an intimate sleeping area into a cozy living room;
  • Behind the back of the sofa, you can easily equip an office or study place for a student by substituting a chest of drawers or a regular desk to the back.

In addition, a high bookcase, an openwork bookcase, one of the double-sided fireplaces, or even an LCD TV on the bedside table can serve as a room divider. Now it's worth paying attention to how you can change the space with the help of light and colors.

The play of color and light in a narrow room

Attention should be paid to the fact that color palette, correctly selected in each case, is visually able to expand the space. Here you can not do without the brave design solutions. So, for example, whose walls are painted in bright bright or pastel shades, will look more voluminous. Some interior designers use this method: the transverse wall of a narrow room is pasted over with wallpaper with a geometric pattern located horizontally, and on the longitudinal walls, on the contrary, wallpaper is pasted with vertical pattern. Here the main thing is to choose wallpaper with a similar, same type of pattern, then the unity of space will be preserved and the appearance of an extended room will be created.

You can use a very popular design technique - the game of contrasts. But here it is important not to "overdo it" when choosing colors, otherwise instead of cozy interior it can turn out to be a tasteless, eye-catching room.

Experienced Designers in such cases, a combination of dark and light tones of paints is used. Most often, the transverse walls are covered with paint in dark tones, and the longitudinal ones, respectively, are light. Sometimes gradient wall painting is used. It's when one is over dark color smoothly turns into a light scale of the same shade, or vice versa, a contrasting one. So, from red you can go to pink or cream, warm lilac will look good with a transition to cold blue or cold pale yellow or golden.

Trying to transform a narrow room, use the "play of light". Correctly directed rays can expand it, but the direction must be strictly horizontal. Interestingly, light strips located under the ceiling and directed vertically raise the ceiling and it seems that the room is somewhat higher than it actually is. We hope that with the help of our tips you will be able to make your room more comfortable and beautiful.

Narrow room - photo

There are a lot of articles on how to make a small room seem bigger than it really is. And, nevertheless, having read many of them, I also wanted to speak out on this matter.

At the same time, get away from the standard cliché: "10 tips on how to change the room."

In general, for starters, it would be nice to decide what we are talking about! What is the smallest room?
Is your room really small, or is it just your imagination?

Consider an example.
Let's say we have a room of 9 sq.m.
Of course, this is not enough if we want to place a bedroom or a living room in it. Too cramped for a teenager's room.
But for a kitchen with a small dining area, this is quite acceptable. Also, it is quite possible to place in it an office or even a nursery for a child. preschool age using appropriate children's furniture.

And if these 9 meters went to the bathroom, then the unfortunate " TOTAL 9 meters» magically transform into chic « TOTAL 9 meters».

Thus, any room can be small if the desired set of functions that this room should perform is disproportionately large in relation to its area.

In addition, one has to take into account additional factors: the configuration of the room, which sometimes matters more than the area, as well as the height of the ceiling and the illumination.

Well, and last (but not least) - the patency of the room.

Obviously, in the general case, the bedroom (without additional features) has less traffic than a kitchen or nursery, for example. But if it is in this room that the only balcony in the apartment is stored, on which things that are very necessary in the household are stored, then its permeability increases significantly.

So the first thing to do is:

- try to initially distribute the functions and proposed areas in the most logical way, so that they correspond to each other.
- if possible, reduce the number of functions that fall into one small room.

Unfortunately, this is not always possible, and yet, before shedding tears, trying to “shove the unimpressible”, think about whether it is possible to make a competent redevelopment of the apartment as a whole in order to logically redistribute the area. Or maybe it is worth swapping the bedroom with the living room or the nursery? Or will it be possible to find a place for a wardrobe not in a tiny bedroom, but in a corridor, or in another room?

If the room has already been selected and is not subject to change, you should give Special attention arrangement of furniture in it.

In mathematics, “changing the places of the terms does not change the sum.” But when planning a room - the opposite is true. It changes, and how!

The so-called "first impression".
That is, what is the first thing that catches the eye when we enter the room. What do we see first? That's right, the front wall (opposite the entrance) and the "red corner" (diagonally from the door). Accordingly, it is these areas that require a special attitude in the design.
Do not overload them with bulky items and things that have lost aesthetic appeal, be careful also with small details (all sorts of open shelves with vases, photos, ducks ...)

But on both sides of the entrance there is a "dead zone" (especially from the side door hinges). Here you can easily hide both a massive wardrobe and an ugly rack, which for some reason you do not dare to send to a landfill.
- Zoning. Another controversial topic for small rooms.

There are a lot of pictures on the Internet, the room is divided into zones using a plasterboard partition, a rack or a sofa placed across the room.

It should be remembered that these solutions are not suitable for small rooms and not only make them even smaller visually, but often make it very difficult to use each of the zones for its intended purpose.

An exception may be narrow, and at the same time disproportionately long room. But even in this case, it is worth using only mobile pieces of furniture, low chests of drawers or through shelving that let in light in order to maintain the overall volume.

It will also be inappropriate to look in a small volume different architectural excesses. Artificially created niches, arches, columns, multi-tiered ceilings of strange shapes, heaped up from drywall.

First of all, let's define the style.
It is better to say goodbye to the "palace" styles right away. Luxurious bed Louis XIV will lose all its gloss if you by some miracle managed to shove it into a cage 3x3 m. And, alas, it will never give you the feeling of a royal bedroom.
Of course, most suitable for small spaces minimalism, with its laconic, ergonomic forms.

But not everyone is a fan of this style. In such a case, one can turn to the universal and much more cozy style contemporary

or graceful Provence.

For the most daring, we can offer eclectic solutions. For example, a grandmother's table may well get along with glossy cabinet fronts.

Equally important is the process of choosing certain furniture models that can reduce the workload of the room.

General principle The choice is simple:
- Furniture should not be much. Leave only the essentials.
Numerous, even small items, can greatly litter any room.
- Massive products should be abandoned in favor of lighter elegant models.
- In general, light furniture looks lighter than dark.
- Numerous cabinet drawers different color and size, and even with any drawings, patterns and panels, they will not add beauty, but will only crush your small room.
- Cabinets built-in or freestanding, but with smooth smooth facades, attracting as little attention as possible.
- Choose a bed without a footboard.
- A sofa of a simple form, low. The upholstery is preferably plain, not bright, not variegated. It is advisable to abandon the combination of colors and wide wooden armrests.
- The choice in favor of the use of non-standard furniture. Products made to order can be maximally adjusted in size and shape to given circumstances.
I will pay special attention to various transformers.
- Folding bed.

- Bed-podium.

- Pull-out beds for the nursery.

- Sofa bed for the living room.

- Table transformer.

- Workplace- secretary.

They will help you save space in the room.
After we figured out the furniture, we smoothly move on to color design.
Here, I probably will not say much new. All articles without exception advise using white, light shades and cold tones.

And it really works!
White color tends to reflect light particles, so the room seems not only larger, but also higher and lighter.

Light cold colors visually move the surface away from us, expand the boundaries of the room. While warm colors surfaces approach.

“What do we do now, do everything white, like in a hospital”?
- Well, firstly, the interior will not seem sterile boring if you use different textures in contrast. Combine brick, shabby wood with lace and silk, and fur with the shine of glass or glossy facades.

- Can be used various shades neutral tones

- Or to bring into the interior a small contrast note.

But that's not all!
If you prefer saturated colors, you can use any of them. Even black. At the same time, the walls and floor, as well as all large objects in the room should be the same color. Shades, saturation and textures may differ.

You can use this technique, for example, if you need to place a large, solid dark-colored sofa in a small room, which you can’t refuse in any way.
Since the color of the sofa will be close to the color of the walls, it will no longer look as bulky as before.

Now, what should definitely be avoided when decorating small rooms:
1. Sharp color contrast

2. An abundance of various colors.

They are often advised to use to expand the space.

Basically, that's the way it is. Perspective works best in this regard. But most do not even suspect how difficult it is to find the right image that suits your interior. One of yours: I liked this picture so much' is clearly not enough.
It is necessary to take into account both the plot and color solution, the size and geometry of the panel (square, rectangle (regular or strongly elongated in length or height), the proportionality of the picture, the horizon line and the correct angle for viewing.

It may happen that the treasured picture will be alien to your interior.
You can spoil the impression
- wrong angle

- an image inappropriate for the occasion, or

- disproportionately close-up.

Of course, the better the room is lit, the more spacious it seems.
That's why:
- Try do not block the flow of light with high cabinets nearby.
- Dense replace curtains with air curtains, translucent curtains.
- If planning allows, opposite the window you can hang a mirror, which will reflect the flow of light.
- Also, if window slopes wide enough, they can also be mirror.

In general, we’ll talk more about mirrors later.

One of the keys to success is uniform lighting.
The only question is how to achieve this.
Usage embedded spotlights on the ceiling is not always justified, and not always appropriate.
Firstly, it is still a type of technical lighting. Without restrictions, it can be used in the hallway, bathroom, dressing room and to illuminate the kitchen front.
Beautiful stylish models suitable for living rooms in the style of minimalism, hi-tech.

Secondly, it will be necessary to lower the ceiling.
The most win-win solution would be to add to the main lamp additional lighting scenarios.
- sconce, desk lamp, floor lamps.
- Backlight glass cabinets and paintings always creates intrigue in the room, and
- LED Strip Light, stretched along the perimeter and hidden behind ceiling cornice, not only visually raise the ceiling, but also contributes to a soft intimate atmosphere.

In addition to its direct function
- reflect your person,
For him, there can be several more roles in the interior:
- Mirrors reflect light, positively affecting the illumination.
- The magic of reflections allows enlarge the space .
- They can serve on their own. decorative element .

Therefore, when hanging a mirror in one place or another, first decide which of these functions is in priority.
1. In the first case, the mirror is hung in such a way that it is most convenient for you to use it. If we are talking about a large mirror, there should be an approach to it in order to see yourself in full growth. In this case, the light should fall from the side or from above, but not from behind.

And this will happen if the mirror is hung on the wall opposite the window.
2. But the window will be reflected in the mirror, this will give you a beautiful perspective and a well-lit room.

For this purpose, if for some reason you are not very fond of mirrors, you can use glass or glossy surfaces, metal or mirror mosaic.
Also, instead of one large mirror, you can hang several small ones at a sufficient height. They will also reflect light, but you won't have to bump into your full-length image all the time (for those who don't like it)
3. If the task is to increase the space with the help of mirrors, think about what and how your mirrors reflect. It is unlikely that the reflection of an empty bare wall in narrow corridor, or a mess dumped in the corner.

4. When you hang mirrors exclusively “for beauty”, then you need to choose a place for them as if we were hanging a picture or other element of wall decor. Given the composition, style, shape and color.
- But you should not hang various-sized and multi-colored pictures and other decorations on all walls and free corners.
- Also, do not hang everywhere open shelves with books and miscellaneous items.
In the end, I would like to summarize all of the above and focus on the main points.

- Correctly distribute the area of ​​​​the apartment.
- Do not overload small rooms with unnecessary functions.
- Try to find as much as possible rational option arrangements.
- Refuse the "extra" architectural elements.
- Choose the right style.
- Reduce the amount of furniture.
- Avoid bulky models.
- Use non-standard furniture, made according to your size, and various transformers.
- You should not split the room with furniture of various sizes, facades of different colors and shapes, numerous shelves, paintings, etc.
- Opt for uniform surfaces without drawings and patterns.
- Avoid sharp contrasts and colors.
- Try to pick up all the finishing elements in one color scheme, the difference can only be in shades and textures.
- give preference white color, light shades and cold tones.
- Try to fill the room with light.
- Organize uniform lighting and different light scenarios.
- Make good use of various design tricks aimed at visual extension spaces: photo wallpapers with perspective, mirrors, glass and glossy surfaces.
I will be glad if my article helps you.

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