Folding bed assembly diagram. Simple folding bed for the room. Advantages and disadvantages of lifting beds

Nowadays, the topic of comfortable arrangement of one's own housing is actively gaining momentum. The market for furniture solutions begins to prevail more compact and stylish headset. The reason for this trend is the oversaturation of the market, and, accordingly, our apartments, with various products, household items and furniture, which almost displace their owners.

A folding bed is a guarantee of saving a lot of free space into the room!

It is not a rare case when your hall or bedroom does not allow you to accommodate a large dressing table or a wide double bed in size. But what if you try to combine two or more furniture components in one solution?

Convenient combination of wardrobe and bed in a single set.

A folding bed is not a novelty in the furniture services market for a long time. Numerous modifications from different manufacturers filled their niche to capacity. But the price of compactness and manufacturability is by no means small, and besides, all the whims and wishes of the client will not always be taken into account.

This version of a single bed can easily fit even in a very small room.

If you want to save your wallet from unnecessary expenses and not turn your home into a cluttered warehouse, then folding bed DIY is your choice.

A bed built into the wall will allow you to competently and tastefully save all the free space, even in a very small room.

The advantages of self-assembly of such a bed are obvious:

  • reduction in the cost of the product by 2, 3 times, unlike store counterparts;
  • universal design that takes into account all your needs;
  • use of quality materials.

Folding bed options.

Assembly does not require any special building or engineering skills from you. It is enough just to follow all the instructions and have minimal experience in assembling accessories to bring this matter to the final result. Prepare all essential tool and drawings for more productive work.

Most often, a folding bed is used together with a spacious wardrobe.

A few general notes:

  • work must be carried out on a flat surface;
  • do not forget about personal safety equipment;
  • at each stage of assembly, check the perpendicularity of the corners using a square;
  • use high-quality, undamaged lumber;
  • proceed to the manufacture of the bed only after studying the drawings.

The assembly of the bed should be carried out only after a clear study of the drawings.

There are many models of such transforming beds. But a do-it-yourself folding bed, the drawings of which only you have, is already a unique exclusive and highlight of your interior. You determine its design yourself, starting from the dimensions of the bedroom.

Stylish folding bed will easily fit into any interior of the apartment

Such furniture is perfectly complemented by various dressing tables, chests of drawers, drawers or ordinary shelves, technologically built into the design of the cabinet. Behind individual style meets a variety of decor - with this element are determined last.

The design of the cabinet, behind which the folding bed is hidden

The standard configuration of such models includes the following components:

  • cabinet frame;
  • bed base;
  • lifting mechanism;
  • decor elements.

Even children can disassemble and assemble a folding bed.

Simple at first glance, the design carries with it a number of strength requirements that will directly affect the geometric appearance of the product. Therefore, based on the size bed, the cabinet frame is designed and the force of the power device is determined.

Folding bed standard options

All required dimensions are displayed on the drawings - overall and assembly. Especially important is the installation drawing of the power element, which is the most important detail our bed. It is also worth paying attention to the cutting of the panels (if you are cutting the material yourself) and the display of the main fastening points on the drawings.

Folding bed option on the podium

Necessary materials

The material for the cabinet and base can be chosen to your taste and color, the main thing is to take into account, when determining the thickness of the workpiece, all loads. It is recommended to use ordinary chipboard - a material that is not picky in use, which will meet all strength requirements and maintain the durability of your mattress. The following dimensions are taken from the calculation for a single bed.

Single bed built into the wall with big amount storage space.

So, we will need:

  • 2300x400x25 - 2 pieces, cabinet side panels;
  • 1700x400x25 - 2 pieces, top and bottom panels of the cabinet;
  • 1700x150x25 - 2 pieces, reinforcing partitions for the frame;
  • 2050x150x25 - 2 pcs., side panels of the bed base;
  • 1620x150x25 - 2 pieces, bottom and headboard for the bed base;
  • 1700x2300x15 - front panel;
  • lifting mechanism - 2 pcs. (it is better to purchase it in a specialized store, knowingly specifying the necessary effort to raise the bed and fix it in the desired position).

A reliable fastening option, due to which the operation of the folding bed will be much longer and more fruitful.

Required accessories:

  • euro screws 5x70 - 30 pcs.;
  • self-tapping screws 4x12;
  • self-tapping screws 4x22;
  • corners 20x20 mm, 10 pcs. (furniture);
  • reinforced corners 60x60, metal;
  • anchor fasteners 10x80 mm;
  • powerful magnetic latch to fix the bed in a raised position;
  • hidden legs for the bed;
  • decorative elements of facade decoration.

You can choose the version of the legs for the folding bed that will fit best.

Required tool

  • roulette;
  • angle with a measuring ruler;
  • level, from half a meter long;
  • pencil;
  • fine sandpaper;
  • adjustable wrench;
  • perforator with a minimum drill diameter of 10 mm;
  • wood drills 5 and 8 mm;
  • screwdriver;
  • protective glasses;
  • jigsaw.

The folding bed can be easily transformed into a comfortable sofa.

Step 1: assembling the frame and the power elements of the box

Before starting the assembly, level the walls and the floor - the maximum deviations should not exceed 5 mm per meter of length. The process begins with the manufacture of the box. Since the side panels are overhead parts, they are drilled into a plane with a diameter of 8 mm.

Drawing of a single folding bed

The remaining elements of the box are internal, and, accordingly, are drilled into the end. The whole box is pulled together with euro screws. To absorb the load that occurs when raising and lowering the bed, two stiffeners will be enough. They should be located at a distance of 700 mm from the base and top. There is also an option with built-in shelves inside the cabinet body, which can also act as reinforcing elements. After carefully marking and installing the fixed parts of the lifting device on the side panels, do not forget to check the design for mutual perpendicularity.

If it turned out to be difficult for you to make a folding bed with your own hands, then at any time you can order this version of custom-made furniture.

Step 2: Assembly step for the bed base

When designing a cabinet, they usually start from the size of the bed, and it, in turn, from the dimensions of the mattress. Using corners and self-tapping screws 4x22, we assemble two side walls and two backs in one frame. We fix the front panel with 4x12 self-tapping screws on the furniture corners.

Choose for your folding bed quality materials that will give her a stylish look.

There is one important nuance in this case.- you need to start fixing the wall on 4 corners, and only then, having aligned on all sides, fix it completely. Thus, a possible distortion is excluded. At the headboard, having previously marked it, fix the reciprocal movable part of the lifting mechanism. To secure the mattress to the bed, use strong straps.

Folding bed convertible into a sofa.

Step 3: the stage of installing the box and fixing the power mechanism

We install the box on a flat floor or on wooden bars. At the place of installation of the frame, we cut off the plinth. You need to fix the box only on a strong concrete wall. For the base, the axis of rotation of the mechanism and the upper horizontal are selected. Here we use only reinforced corners and anchor bolts, as the main efforts will be perceived in these places.

Wood is often used as a material for making a folding bed.

The connection of the box and the bed occurs by docking the mating parts of the power device. For correct operation structure, namely its fixation in any position, it is recommended to use a power mechanism based on a gas spring.

Simple DIY folding bed design.

On this stage the work is almost completed, and you can be proud of such an achievement as a do-it-yourself bed. The folding system is installed and works perfectly. Secure the mattress with strong straps.

Small children's folding bed, easily converts into working area with a comfortable table.

The final stage - decoration

The facade of the final product is often decorated with false doors - an overhead element that is part of the decoration, on which handles are attached. In no case do not use mirrors in such beds, as they are not designed for such loads and may soon crack.

Even the simplest design of a folding bed can fit into any room interior.

It will also affect the weight of the structure being lifted, which may affect the durability of the mechanism. Don't forget to set the legs in advance drilled holes and magnetic latches. Now the work is completed, and the new decoration of your interior is completely ready for your holiday.

A single folding bed can be arranged in the forehead room, and no one else will even think about its presence, since it will be disguised as a closet.

VIDEO: How to make a folding bed with your own hands

Author: I've been thinking about building a so-called closet-bed for a long time. During the day - a seemingly ordinary closet, at night - a full-fledged sleeping bed. The prospect of savings contributed to the realization of the idea. square meters in his two-room apartment, and hands itched for a long time after office work by drill and screwdriver. Physical work was preceded by mental work: sketches, drawings were drawn, dimensions were verified. And so, after the final sketch of the bed was approved at the family council and the choice colors, in a company engaged in cutting laminated chipboard, the appropriate parts for a future bed were ordered.
1. A start has been made.

2. The bed itself was based on an orthopedic base and a mattress with a bed in operation at that time, 180 X 200 cm.

3. We remove the so-called lamellas - strips of birch plywood, curved in an arc.

4. Thinking that few furniture legs can adequately support the weight of the future bed, it was decided to install the cabinet base on two bars 40 X 50 mm.

5. We mark the seats for the sidewalls of the cabinet.

6. We join the base of the cabinet with its side panels.

7. Fasten the top panel.

8. The "skeleton" of the cabinet is ready.

9. We fasten the "skeleton" to the main wall of the apartment.

10. Special attention- this "instrument". All work was carried out in the apartment, there were a lot of chips. Therefore, it was taken as a rule: drilled a hole - immediately clean up after yourself.

11. We proceed to the installation of the bed frame using the bed lifting mechanism and gas springs.

12. An important node of the bed - in this place the greatest load.

13. We connect ...

14. We connect ...

15. Reinforcing...

In any home there is a piece of furniture that takes up the most space, of course, this is the bed. It is especially difficult for owners small apartments, so many of them prefer folding sofas. But, in fact, no sofa is able to fully replace a comfortable spacious bed. It is for such cases that folding mechanisms were developed. Today we will talk about how to make a folding bed with your own hands.

Do you need such furniture?

Lack of living space is a problem for many modern families. IN small rooms it is necessary to place the entire set of furniture, without which in ordinary life not enough. A folding bed with your own hands, made at home, will help save living space and improve the quality of sleep. Of course, it is easier to visit the nearest furniture showroom and buy it there, but why spend extra money, because you can do everything yourself? The work process does not involve any particular difficulties, it is enough to be able to handle a certain tool, and the necessary components and accessories can be purchased on the market or in a specialized store. Like any other piece of furniture, such a bed has its pros and cons.


  • Saving time, effort of the hostess and free space. Upholstery in assembled form does not accumulate dust.
  • Aesthetics. A large berth is perfectly disguised as a chest of drawers or wardrobe when assembled.


  • Difficulty in transporting to another place.
  • You will have to spend your own on production free time and strength.

What are folding beds?

Basically, such furniture is placed in cabinets, because it is intended to save free space. Before we look at how a folding bed is made with our own hands, drawings and diagrams, we should understand what such designs are like:

  1. Vertical beds. As a rule, they are placed in special niches in the wall. If desired, the furniture can be hidden with colorful original photo wallpapers. Such models are suitable for everyone, regardless of weight, height, age. They can be single or double.
  2. horizontal models. This design assumes that near the wall, instead of a headboard, there will be a left or Right side beds.

Important! More often, such options are used in children's rooms, because kids do not need too much space to sleep. This model is much easier to open than the vertical one.

What materials are needed for work?

Before you make a folding bed with your own hands, buy all the necessary materials. Below we provide an indicative list, which you can change depending on the situation.

You will need:

  • For making a frame wooden beam section 40 by 40.
  • Edged boards for crossbeams.
  • For the manufacture of sidewalls and backs furniture boards.
  • Plywood sheets.
  • Legs.
  • For attaching the bed to the wall of the loop.
  • Mattress.
  • Folding mechanism.

Main components

A special role is played by a do-it-yourself folding bed mechanism, as well as a mattress. In fact, such a piece of furniture is able to accept almost any type of mattress, but it is better, of course, to purchase an orthopedic model. The mechanism for raising and lowering the structure, of course, is its most important component. The quality of this part determines how easy and easy it will be for you to hide the bed in a niche.

Important! If you give preference to a high option, then it will almost independently occupy its original position.

At the moment, there are three options for folding mechanisms:

  • Mechanical.
  • On gas shock absorbers.
  • On springs.

Self-assembly of a folding bed

If you have planned a folding bed with your own hands, then, subject to its rational placement, you can save a lot of space in daytime, because it will practically not take up space.

For assembly, you will need a frame, a lifting mechanism, a bed. Make the bed according to this step-by-step scheme:

  • We start with the frame. It can be made in the form of a cabinet or any other piece of furniture that matches design premises.

Important! When choosing the material for the box, remember that you will have to lift it after the main structure. And the wall to which you decide to attach the product must be concrete, capable of withstanding such a huge load.

  • Attach the box to the wall using the repeat axes and the top horizontal of the structure. The thickness of the walls located vertically should be 2.5 cm, and those that are horizontal - 1.5-2.5 cm.
  • The frame will consist of a plinth and a persistent shelf. The back wall can be omitted. If you think that in your case it is necessary, then use chipboard plates.
  • Attach all the parts with self-tapping screws, and they should be located at a distance of 25 cm from each other. Slide the rear wall towards the box until it is secured. It must be installed on a level floor.
  • Calculate the dimensions of the case, taking into account the dimensions of the mattress, the bed itself, the thickness of the back.
  • Take two side boards, a headboard and two backboards to make a bed. Secure the mattress to the bed with strong straps. Other parts can be mounted with mounting brackets.
  • Connect the bed to the box using the lifting mechanism.

Important! It is better to give preference to the factory-made gas spring version so that you can fix the bed in the wall with your own hands in any position.

Today, stores offer many options for furniture. Despite this, it is difficult for some to find the piece of furniture that would be perfect for their home. Folding designs have become popular today. Transforming bed helps to easily solve the problem small size rooms, and a do-it-yourself folding bed becomes the best option.

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Folding sleeping places, or, as they are also called, transforming beds, are different types. They are selected based on the interior of the house and focusing on taste preferences.

The wall-folding elevating bed is attached to a concrete or brick surface. It is important that the wall can withstand big weight, therefore, drywall partitions are not suitable for mounting the structure.

The case, which looks like a box, fully includes a bed with a mattress and even a bed, which simplifies the morning preparations for work. The whole structure is securely fastened with clasps. If shock absorbers are used in the manufacture, then the bed folds easily. Even a child can do this.

Folding furniture - great choice for those who do not have enough space in the apartment. Its mechanism and frame are easy to assemble. Even a novice master can make a folding bed, but it will look presentable. Furniture will fit perfectly into almost any interior.

It is convenient to use folding or folding places for sleeping. They appear in the room right moment, and at other times neatly hide. Any hostess will like that transformers in assembled condition do not become dust collectors.

We must remember the disadvantages: it is difficult to transport it to another place, and it will take a lot of effort to manufacture and assemble. But as a result, you can be sure that the product is made reliably and of high quality.

How does a folding bed work?

The scheme of work of a transforming piece of furniture is quite simple. There are 3 types of lifting mechanism.

Spring is a budget choice. Although the springs can withstand a lot of weight and load, they quickly wear out and fail.

The gas mechanism works on shock absorbers, which makes it more reliable and convenient to use.

In contrast, the bed is equipped with a manual lift on hinges. Although this mechanism is much easier to make than the previous two, it is also much more difficult to use. To fold or unfold a bed, you need to make a lot of effort.

How to make a folding bed with your own hands

Making a folding bed is not difficult at all and even more reliable and practical than purchasing a finished piece of furniture.

What it consists of - drawings

Before making a product and purchasing necessary materials and tools should be done correct drawing lifting structure. The simplest and most presentable transforming bed consists of a lifting mechanism, a powerful magnetic clasp, a frame and a wardrobe. The lifting mechanism is the most important component.

The manufacturing process begins with the creation of a frame diagram. It has the form of a frame and elements of the bed box, to which the legs (wooden or metal) are attached.

The correct design of a folding place to sleep allows you to make the room more spacious. The bed can be either double or single.

Materials and tools

To make reliable furniture with your own hands, you will need high-quality materials and a suitable set of tools.

It is advisable to use chipboard. Required folding mechanism, self-tapping screws, furniture screws. You can not do without a tape measure, an electric drill, a set of keys and screwdrivers, a level.

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If you want to rationally use the space in the room, then you should get a folding bed. It does not take up much space, and if necessary, it can instantly turn into a place to sleep or relax. In this article, we will consider in detail how a do-it-yourself folding bed is made. Such furniture will organically fit easily into a modern interior.

Types of folding beds

There are two types:

Vertical. The sleeping place is located perpendicular to the wall. This type is suitable for everyone, regardless of age and height. There are singles, one and a half and doubles. Typically, these beds are disguised in a tall closet.

Horizontal. The bed is located along the wall. This model of furniture is more suitable for children younger age, teenagers or people of short stature. Usually there are single beds. Disguise a bed under a shelf or chest of drawers.

Advantages and disadvantages of lifting beds

The main advantages are:

Upholstery does not collect dust;

It takes up little space, you can save space in the room;

The furniture is absolutely invisible in the assembled state, the frame is made in the form of a shelf, chest of drawers or cabinet.

There are also, unfortunately, disadvantages. The bed cannot be moved to another location. This is because it is attached to a frame that is securely attached to the wall and floor. If you intend to make your own bed, then you will need a lot of physical effort, a lot of free time and at least minimal experience in assembling furniture.

Preparing for the build process

Consider several features of the implementation of this modern idea. To get started, choose which bed you want to make - horizontal or vertical. Then decide on the material. Good, modern construction market offers big choice options. You can take natural wood, chipboard or MDF.

Most importantly, pay attention to specifications. The material must be environmentally friendly, reliable and strong. It is also worth picking up the right tools for the job. If you don’t have an electric drill, a screwdriver, a screwdriver, a hammer, a saw, a variety of drills, screws, self-tapping screws at home, then you should buy all this. They will be required during operation.

Vertical folding bed (do it yourself)

So, you have purchased material and tools, sketched out a future furniture project. Now it’s worth deciding on the place where the folding bed will be installed with your own hands. Drawings of the frame should be sketched on the wall and indicate the places of its attachment.

The design of the furniture includes a box, a berth and a ready-made box with your own hands natural wood. Its size is calculated depending on the size of the bed. The main elements of the box are a persistent shelf, plinth, back wall, vertical and horizontal walls.

Here are some box options:

The depth of the frame is equal to the thickness of the mattress plus 32 cm;

The width of the box corresponds to the width of the mattress plus 16 cm;

The height of the frame is equal to the length of the mattress.

The wall to which the frame will be attached must be concrete or brick. Details are fixed with self-tapping screws at a distance of 25 centimeters.

The berth consists of side boards, a backrest, a slatted base, a headboard and a mattress. The latter is fastened with special straps. The bed and the box are interconnected by means of a lifting mechanism. We recommend using ready-made, with In any position convenient for you, it will allow you to fix the structure. Here is a do-it-yourself folding bed!

It is worth adding some details so that when folded it imitates a closet. For example, install shelves on the sides where you can arrange books, photographs or souvenirs. At the bottom, make lockers where it will be stored bed sheets. If you take into account all these recommendations, then it will not be difficult for you to assemble such furniture yourself.

Folding bed horizontal, hand-assembled

The design of this idea has the same basic elements: a box, a bed and a lifting mechanism. The size of the frame that will hide the bed, in our case, will have a depth of 41 cm, a length of 200 cm, a height of 112 cm. The parameters may be different, it all depends on the size of your mattress.

Choose for headboard chipboard 1.9 centimeters thick. Pre-treat it with stain. The frame will require 5.5 meters of timber. To assemble the bed, you will need the following components:

Four facing chipboards for side (1080x394x19 mm) and internal parts (1080x265x19 mm);

Two chipboards for the bed cover (2020x400x19 mm) and shelves (1010x400x19 mm);

Two chipboard for the bottom of the bed (1982x390x19 mm) and shelves (972x390x19 mm);

Two shelves for decorating a chest of drawers (980x310x19 mm);

Two guides for a bed (2000 mm);

Cornice (2020x992x19 mm).

We fix all elements with self-tapping screws. Furniture such as a vertical bed is assembled. Attach 13 cm long side rails around the perimeter of the frame so that the mattress does not move.

The cost of this furniture in the salon is very high, so a do-it-yourself folding bed is an actual project. After all self assembly and installation is much cheaper.

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