What do you need to open a furniture store? Calendar plan for opening a furniture store. What is needed to organize a business

3029 02/13/2019 6 min.

What is the future of the furniture business? You can start it, as they say, from scratch if you do not have savings. If you have them, you can make a very strong start with an application for big profits.

At the moment on Russian market over 5.5 thousand furniture enterprises operate, but the market is still far from being oversaturated.

Advantages and features of organizing a furniture business

Russian manufacturers in the domestic market were highly competitive with foreign companies. For some positions, they ousted domestic producers from the Russian market by 50%.

But due to the devaluation of the ruble their products began to lose sharply in competitiveness, and this opens up great prospects for those wishing to open a furniture business.

As noted above, the advantage and feature of organizing your own furniture production business is that you can start it with little or no investment.

It all depends on the ambitions, the chosen direction and financial capabilities. And you can start in this business as from the opening furniture store or salon, and from our own furniture production in the garage or in the shop or factory.

Furniture salon

Some citizens who intend to buy furniture want to see it, touch it, open the doors, shelves, and make sure of the quality of the product before purchasing it. They are not satisfied that they will be shown a picture, they will be given samples of materials so that they can imagine a hallway, a wardrobe or a wall.

Such buyers must necessarily see in reality what they are purchasing. Only then can they make a purchase. This is the advantage of a furniture store or salon. They immediately take away a large segment of such furniture buyers.

The advantage of the salon / store should be used to the maximum. A potential buyer should want to buy this furniture from you. To do this, it needs to be furnished with various decorative elements. Kitchens should contain samples of dishes, plastic fruits, flowers. Spectacular figurines, books, porcelain should be placed on furniture intended for the hall. All this enhances the effect of new furniture and increases sales.

factory production

You can open your own furniture production not only in a factory or workshop, but also in a garage. Some craftsmen managed to start by assembling furniture on the balcony. At the same time, their entire tool consisted of a screwdriver.

They received money for the purchase of raw materials and accessories from the customer, who gave a 50% prepayment. Then they went to the factory with the drawings and ordered a cut from them, in which holes were already drilled. All that was left was to assemble, which was not difficult.

The workshop requires considerable financial investments. At a minimum, you will have to spend money on equipment, machines to bring three-phase electricity. Both the first and the second way to start in the furniture business are good because they are more mobile, quickly and without much cost adjust to the needs and desires of customers.

The factory will require serious financial investments. It is able to produce furniture in large quantities, but with individual orders it is more difficult, since this will require reorientation of equipment. Only this process will increase the cost of individual furniture by 50-80%.

But the advantage furniture factory in that it is capable of producing large quantities of high-end furniture. Anyone who has ever compared the production of a factory, workshop and garage with a balcony could be convinced that the products of the first are out of competition, the workshop can produce approximate quality. As for the last two productions, high-quality furniture is very difficult to find there.

What is needed to set up a business?

If you are going to open a furniture salon / store, but you are not going to get involved in the production of furniture, then have to make an emergency. And also rent a place, for example, in mall, conclude agreements with furniture suppliers, exhibit samples provided by them.

After that, you need to hire sellers, and, if necessary, conclude an agreement with persons providing delivery and assembly. They can also be taken from furniture suppliers. You can also open your own production. What is required for this - see the following video:

In the event that a decision is made to produce furniture, then it will have to be somewhat more difficult. We discard handicraft production in garages and on balconies as unpromising. You can start with this in order to accumulate some experience and capital, but then you will have to expand significantly.

Where to start a business?

We determine the organizational and legal form of the enterprise. If only private individuals are expected among clients, then it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. But if you plan to work with legal entities and government agencies, then it is better to register a limited liability company.

When registering, choose the OKVED code that is suitable for the production of furniture - this is 36.11-36.14. Go through registration, become registered, open a bank account, rent a room.

The peculiarity of the organization of furniture production is that if it is designed for individual customers, then there is no need to obtain permits.

But if mass production is planned or the enterprise will produce furniture for public institutions, then you have to comply with GOSTs. So you need to issue certificates for compliance with them. To obtain them, the certification authority must provide:

  1. Two certificates: on state registration and on tax registration.
  2. A tenancy agreement or title deed.
  3. The company's charter.
  4. Application for a certificate of conformity.

As soon as everything is clear with the documents, we hire staff. On initial stage no more than 10 people are needed, including:

  • technologist;
  • 2-4 working shops;
  • employee responsible for receiving orders;
  • cleaning woman.

If you plan to deliver orders yourself, you will also need a driver. Since furniture production is not the safest, keep a safety journal, in which each of the employees must sign regularly. This will relieve you of liability in the event of an accident.

Assessment of competition in Russia

As noted above, over 5.5 thousand manufacturers are engaged in the production of furniture in Russia. More than 500 of them are large and medium-sized, employing about 7% of the workers in this industry. It is these enterprises that produce 4/5 of all domestic furniture. But, since these manufacturers are not very flexible for individual orders, this niche remains unsaturated and unfilled.

Calculation of approximate costs for starting a business

It will take from 1,800 to 5,000 rubles to register an enterprise. About 50 thousand rubles will be spent on equipment. If the premises are to be renovated, it can pull from 30 to 200 thousand rubles. At the first stage, own truck should not be set up. It is better to hire a driver with a car and pay him for depreciation.

Monthly expenses will include:

  • rent of premises -30–50 thousand rubles;
  • salary - 80-150 thousand rubles;
  • consumables 20-30 thousand rubles;
  • utility and other payments - from 15 thousand rubles;
  • expenses for advertising, attracting customers - from 10 thousand rubles;
  • unforeseen expenses - from 10 thousand rubles.

In total, the total costs will amount to 165 thousand rubles or more. And already in the first months you can reach an income of 250-300 thousand rubles or more.

Further business development

Further business development depends on how you manage to stand out from your competitors. There are many options here. This is free shipping and low cost furniture assembly.

If it was decided to win at the speed of production, do not forget about the quality, which in no case should suffer. Constantly look for new types of furniture, try to make the range of products offered noticeably differ from competitors, who for the most part try to copy each other.

Everything should go in motion and work in a complex manner. If you invest in advertising, bonuses, and a sleepy and boring voice of an office worker answers an incoming call from a client, then you should not expect sales growth.

In a word, create. Despite the opened up prospects in the furniture business, due to some loss of competitiveness of foreign manufacturers, this niche will not be empty for a long time. As in any business, the one who constantly works on it, and not in it, will win here.

Also pay attention to . This area will always be relevant, regardless of the population of the city.


- Cover letter……………………………………….3

-Business card enterprises………………………………….4



1. Overview of the industry, competitors, products, market and


1.1. Firm goals

1.2. Description of the enterprise and industry

1.3. Cost of goods

1.4. Economy in operation

1.5. Product quality

1.6. Reliability and safety in operation

1.7. Main consumers of products

1.8. Sales market geography

1.9. Competitive firms

2. Marketing and production planning………………………………….13

2.1. Marketing strategy

2.2. Price policy

2.3. Sales tactics

2.5. Information about production plan

2.6. Product development

2.7. Production equipment

2.8. Production capacity

3. Planned results

innovations…………………………………………… 17

3.1. Organizational structure enterprises

3.2. Risk Plan

3.3. Calendar plan

3.4. Financial plan






Covering letter

To the Management Board of Promstroybank

from the furniture company "Petromebel",

located at

Prospect Enlightenment, 35

We present for your consideration an application for a loan in the amount of 60

thousand roubles.

We need this loan to finance the costs of opening a new


We are ready to repay the received loan and pay interest on it within

two years from the date of receipt.

Desirable payment scheme for interest repayment: 60 thousand rubles per year. (100%

per annum).

Ready to provide any Additional information required for

consideration of our application.

Business card of the enterprise

Company name: Petrofurniture LLC.

Address: St. Petersburg, Enlightenment Ave., 35.

Telephone: 532-07-45.

Company foundation date: March 18, 1994

Where and by whom the company is registered: the company is registered in

Registration Chamber of the City Hall of St. Petersburg. No. 27598; Simanyuk O.V.

The main bank of the company: JSC "Promstroybank"

Head of the company: CEO Tarasov O.V.

Chief Accountant: Shubina N.I.

Key managers with an indication of their qualifications, education, work experience:

chief designer — Leskov D.S. (higher education (Forestry

academy); work experience — 8 years (4 years — Upholstered furniture factory, 4 years —


commercial director - Ivanov Yu.S. (higher education (Financial

economic institute); work experience - 7 years (4 years - sales specialist

factory "Upholstered furniture"; 3 years - "Petrofurniture").

Organizational structure of the firm indicating the main organizational,

production and management departments:

The board of founders manages the company. He reports to the General Manager,

subordinate to which is the accounting department headed by the chief accountant;

department of designers headed by the chief designer (product development;

production (warehouse; procurement workshop; furniture assembly workshop));


Petrofurniture LLC is engaged in the production and sale of upholstered furniture: sofa-

beds; chair beds; lounge chairs; baby beds. Firm

has been operating on the upholstered furniture market since April 1994. For four

years, the company's products have been in steady demand despite the large

number of competitors. The company's products compare favorably with the products

competitors: low prices, the possibility of choosing a complete set and upholstery material.

The management of the company in its activities is guided by the study of the needs

and consumer requests.

The company found its buyer: the company's clients are middle-class people from

small and medium sized apartments.

The rate of return is now 10%.

A designer works in an already existing showroom, who helps

choose suitable furniture for buyers.

In order to expand sales, the company plans to open a new store -

salon near the metro station "Pionerskaya". The lack of competition in this

area and the presence of a large number of potential buyers promises

increase in sales volume by 30%, increase in profit margin up to 15%.

The firm has sufficient production capacity to increase output.

and expansion of production is not required.

To open a new store-salon (purchase of premises, repair, holding

thousand roubles. The company intends to contribute from its own funds.

The company expects to receive a loan in the amount of 60 thousand rubles. in a bank for a period of

two years at 100% per annum.

The company will need 3 months to organize this store.

The company intends to cover with its products at least 30% of potential

buyers of Primorsky and Kalinin regions.

Leadership confidence in successful development cases is based on availability in

these areas a large number of potential buyers for whom

the company's products are intended.

The level of qualification and creative skill of the company's specialists

ensures the individuality of the proposed product with the appropriate

performance quality.

Estimated payback period from profits from the new store-

salon - 4.5 years.


The production of furniture today is promising and, in contrast to

from other industries, a profitable business. Service plays an important role

production of furniture to order, which arose in Russia recently. perspective and

the profitability of the production of upholstered furniture is explained by the large number of

potential buyers due to the lack of upholstered furniture in Russia in the past


In the 90s, the number of firms increased significantly, increased and

competition among them. The conquest of new market sectors is becoming more

difficult task even for true professionals. The low incomes of the population

contribute to the development of the industry.

Furniture firms have already mastered some areas of the city. This innovation

is to open a new store and try to capture in this way

a new market sector in another area of ​​the city.

1. Overview of the industry, competitors, products, market and consumers

1.1. Firm goals

The main goal of Petrofurniture is to provide people with inexpensive

convenient, comfortable beautiful upholstered furniture, suitable also for

small apartments.

Petrofurniture is focused on growth. The company intends to enter

a new market, namely, to open a showroom near the Pionerskaya metro station.

The opening of a new showroom will allow the company to increase its sales volume by


The production capacities available to the enterprise at this stage allow

increase output by 1/3.

To conquer a new market, the company needs to conduct an advertising campaign.

For the purposes listed above, namely the opening of a new showroom and

return, namely, in the IV quarter of 2000, the company plans to participate in

major furniture exhibitions and expansion of production.

1.2. Description of the enterprise and industry

Firm "Petromebel" is engaged in the production of upholstered furniture. Production

furniture is currently promising and, unlike other

productions, profitable business. An important place is occupied by the furniture production service.

to order, which arose in Russia recently. Perspective and profitability

production of upholstered furniture is explained by a large number of potential

buyers because of the shortage of upholstered furniture in Russia in the old days.

It should be noted that due to the small construction of new housing, as well as

due to low incomes of the population, the development of the industry is somewhat hampered.

In the 1990s, the number of firms selling and manufacturing furniture in St.

Petersburg has increased significantly. (Until the 90s, upholstered furniture in St.

Petersburg produced three enterprises, now there are more than twenty of these firms.)

The production of upholstered furniture will develop in the direction of providing

the greatest number of services to customers (choice of upholstery, free

equipment, free shipping, etc.). Many furniture companies are involved in

furniture exhibitions.

In St. Petersburg, the number of companies offering fittings for

production of upholstered furniture (now there are about fifteen firms).

It should be noted that furniture companies have already mastered the following markets

(districts of St. Petersburg): Center, Grazhdansky Prospekt area, metro stations

"Academic", avenues Bolsheviks and Moscow.

Information about Petrofurniture:

Petrofurniture LLC has been operating on the upholstered furniture market since April 1994. Firm

established by three companies:

1) JSC Foam Rubber Plant;

2) Individual private enterprise "Irbis":

3) Individual private enterprise "Panther".

The authorized capital is divided into shares:

— JSC Foam Rubber Plant — 20%;

— Irbis private enterprise — 40%;

- PPI "Panther" - 40%.

In December 1994, the firm took out a loan for one year, which allowed

increase production and sales volumes by 100%. At the beginning of 1995 there was

range change. Production of popular sliding doors has begun

children's beds, "Desire" and "Laura" sets, "Tenderness" ottomans. And

the development of the listed items of upholstered furniture was carried out by designers


1.3. Cost of goods

A) Petrofurniture produces upholstered furniture: sofa beds, armchairs for

rest, armchair-beds and makes up various sets of the listed

items (sets: "Desire", "Laura", "Dawn", "Christina"), also

produces ottomans "Tenderness" and "Midnight", children's beds with a mechanism,

allowing you to change the length of the bed, ottomans: "Chubby" and "Jean".

All furniture is made of environmentally friendly materials: foam rubber, chipboard, etc.

The price list is presented in table 1.

Table 1

Price list

product name

Price (the price varies depending on the type of furniture and upholstery), rub.

sofa bed


lounge chair






baby bed


The cost of goods is on average 10% less than the prices of 70% of competitors.

1.4. Economy of operation

Sets "Zarya" and "Laura" are more designed specifically for small

apartments. A baby bed with a mechanism that allows you to change the length will save you from

constant change of beds as the child grows, and also allows

use it in small apartments.

1.5. Product quality

The entire range presented by the company is of high quality. fabrics,

used for upholstery, have high strength, abrasion resistance.

The service life of furniture is 30 years (10 years more than the service life of foreign

products presented on the market of St. Petersburg).

1.6. Reliability and safety in operation

The furniture is reliable in operation. The furniture has been tested for reliability and

security. Mechanisms for dismantling sofa beds, as well as chair beds

designed in such a way as to be sufficiently simple and reliable.

The design of the furniture ensures complete safety: soft corners of the furniture; All

fasteners are made very stable.

Particularly high safety requirements were placed on the design

baby bed. Checking the bed showed that even when using

bed for 25 years, it will not fall apart (sliding


B) Favorably distinguishes the company from 50% of competitors - the ability to choose different

upholstery materials (tapestry, velvet, flock) and upholstery colors (30 colors), and

also suitability of furniture for typical small-sized premises.

C) The sale of products provides a rate of return of 10%.

1.7. Main consumers of products

Consumers of products are people with average incomes, living

in blocks of normal and small footage. The products are intended for

customers of all ages (children's beds from 6 years).

1.8. Sales market geography

LLC "Petrofurniture" produces upholstered furniture, which it sells through its

shop-salon, located at st. Saltykov-Shchedrin, 33. In this

in the salon, the buyer can choose the type of upholstery material, as well as the color of the upholstery.

The buyer can order furniture in any configuration. Firm "Petrofurniture"

sells its products through three furniture stores. To the store at

Foam Rubber Plant (Ushinsky St. 45) Petrofurniture supplies furniture to

“Hi, Petersburg”, “Extra Balt”, etc., as well as in the magazine “Furniture in St.

Petersburg". The company's products are also sold through stores located in

Addresses 65 Veteranov Ave., 10 Utkin Ave. Through our own showroom

the company sells 1/3 of all manufactured products, through furniture stores -

respectively 2/3.

The company intends to open a new own store-salon near the station

metro station "Pionerskaya" on Komendantsky prospect. This decision is justified by

that in their own showroom, products will be sold without trade

margins (on average 10% cheaper than competitors). Solution also

justified by the fact that a large

the number of residents of Primorsky and not only Primorsky districts. Late 80s

— in the early 1990s, a large construction of a new

housing. The volume of construction has decreased significantly since 1993, but still

new housing is being built in the area. Novoselov can be seen as

potential clients of the firm. It should be noted that the opening of the metro station

"Komendantsky Prospekt" is expected no earlier than in 5 years. In connection with

the formation of a gap on the Vyborg metro line passenger traffic through the station

metro station "Pionerskaya" also increased (restoration of the branch is not expected earlier,

than 5 years later). Therefore, it should be expected that passenger traffic will remain at

the same level for a long time, which means that more people will

visit a new showroom and buy new furniture.

The choice of location is explained by the fact that this area, in contrast to the Center, pr.

Enlightenment and some other areas are not mastered by competitors. Also

It should be noted that the new showroom will be located on

a short distance from industrial premises firms that will allow

reduce transport costs.

Table 2 shows the sales volume of products in 1995-97, as well as the forecast

sales of goods in 1998-99.

table 2

Sale of goods








1. Estimated volume of production, thousand rubles.



2. Estimated market share, %

3. Estimated sale, thousand rubles



1.9. Competitive firms

Information about competitors is taken from the newspapers Vitrina, Delovoy Peterburg, etc.

and from the magazine "Furniture in St. Petersburg". Information was also collected from

during the exhibitions: "Petersburg Furniture Salon", "Style - Furniture - Interior".

In total, more than 20 companies are engaged in the production of upholstered furniture in St. Petersburg.

firms. There are four main competitors:

1. Firm "Akvilon".

The company has 3 stores: Vyborgsky, Nevsky, Primorsky. Volume increase

Sales are achieved by opening stores in different parts of the city. Firm

gives the right to choose the upholstery material, configuration option. Prices

higher than that of Petrofurniture by about 10%. Akvilon takes part in

furniture exhibitions. The company's products, namely, the Akvilon kit - the leader

in terms of sales in a furniture store at the Foam Rubber Plant. free

no delivery of furniture.

2. Firm "Alpha - furniture".

The firm has a saloon on Prospekt Prosveshcheniya. The firm provides the right to choose

upholstery material (about 60 types of fabrics), configuration options. The prices are higher

than that of Petrofurniture by an average of 5%. The company sells its products through

furniture stores on Veteranov Ave., Vyborgskaya and Prospekt metro stations

Bolsheviks. The company provides a variety of quality products.

Free delivery of furniture is.

3. JSC "Upholstered furniture".

The factory provides 15 items of high-quality and varied furniture.

The production volume is 300 sets of upholstered furniture per year. Products are sold

through furniture stores. Prices are higher than those of Petrofurniture by an average of 15%

(due to trade markup). There is no choice of upholstery, no free delivery of furniture.

4. Elara LLC.

The company has two showrooms in the Kalininsky and Krasnogvardeisky districts.

The range of products is small. There is not much upholstery to choose from. Prices are higher in

an average of 5%. Free delivery of furniture is.

Comparative characteristics of the company "Petrofurniture" and firms-competitors

is shown in table 3.

Table 3

Comparative characteristics of firms

This table shows that the firm is ahead of its competitors in terms of

services provided and prices. It should be noted that in general the quality

products, the quantity of services provided is not much different from the quality

products and the number of services provided by competing firms, therefore

increase in sales the company can achieve by entering new markets

(market of the metro station "Pionerskaya").

2. Marketing and production planning

2.1. Marketing strategy

Currently, there are more than 20 manufacturing companies in St. Petersburg

upholstered furniture. Furniture from the Czech Republic, Italy, and Finland is also represented on the market.

St. Petersburg firms occupy a leading position in the market, as foreign

furniture is more expensive and its service life is only 20 years. Now the rate of return in the furniture

production is 10-20%. High level competition - in the Central

district, in the areas of the metro stations "Prospect Prosveshcheniya", "Akademicheskaya",

Bolshevik Avenue. The area of ​​the Pionerskaya metro station is not covered yet

furniture firms and there is almost no competition. The company intends to develop

market of the Pionerskaya metro station and increase sales by attracting

potential buyers of the Primorsky district. There are a lot in this area

new settlers. Since the end of the 1980s, Primorsky District has expanded by 200%. In that

area, a large percentage of the population has not yet acquired upholstered furniture. At

the development of this market, the firm will focus on prices lower than those

competitors, and free shipping.

2.2. Price policy

Pricing in the company is based on the principle: the price should cover all

costs. Due to the fact that the company will trade without a trade margin

through your showroom, furniture prices will be on average 10% less than

competitor prices. The company is not going to include a high price of products

increase in the volume of profit due to an increase by 1/3 of the volume of sales.

2.3. Sales tactics

The company sells its products through its own showroom (St.

Saltykov-Shchedrin d.33) and three furniture stores (Ushinsky st. 45, pr.

Veteranov d. 65, Utkin pr. d. 10).

In 1997, the sales volume was: 200 sofa beds, 200

lounge chairs, 200 chair beds, 150 children's beds, 150 sofas without

backs (ottoman).

In 1998, the volume of sales and output will increase by 1/3 and will amount to

270 pcs. sofa beds, armchair beds, lounge chairs; 200 pcs.

children's beds and sofas without a back (ottoman).

An increase of 1/3 of the sales volume is expected due to the opening of a new


In connection with the opening of a new store-salon, the company needs a new advertising

strategy It will be as follows:

I quarter 1998– ordering and placement of company advertising on the installation

"Prizmavision" in the lobby of the metro station "Pionerskaya" (manufacturing - $120;

seat rental - $ 80 per month (rental for 1998 paid).

1) newspaper “For every home. Primorsky and Vasileostrovsky districts.

One post per week. A total of 12 publications per quarter. Newspaper circulation -

300 thousand copies.

2) the newspaper "Center plus".

One post per week. A total of 12 publications per quarter. The circulation of the newspaper is 1 million.

3) magazine "Furniture in St. Petersburg".

II quarter 1998

(12 publications per quarter); Center plus (12 publications per quarter).

III quarter 1998

(8 publications in April and May); "Center plus" (6 publications (2 times a month)


IV quarter 1998 and I quarter 1999

2.5. Production Plan Information

The Petrofurniture enterprise owns a factory and administrative premises for

address Prosveshcheniya 35 (area 900 sq.m), and also owns the premises

on st. Saltykova-Shchedrina d.33 (area 60 sq. M), where the store is located -

company salon. On Enlightenment Avenue there is a warehouse of the company, a procurement workshop,

furniture assembly shop, packing shop, garage.

Residential areas are located at a distance of 120 m from the company.

The firm's suppliers are:

1) "Foam Rubber Plant" (Ushinsky st., 45).

Petrofurniture and Foam Rubber Plant carry out barter transactions, during

which foam rubber is exchanged for furniture. The term of work with the supplier is 4 years.

2) LLP "Option - 2E" (highway of the Revolution, 24).

The organization supplies chipboard. The term of work with the supplier is 2 years.

3) "Metal Plant".

The factory supplies the wire. The term of work with the supplier is 4 years.

4) DiA LLC (Grazhdansky pr. 27).

Organization supplies upholstery fabrics. The term of work with the supplier is 2 years.

It is unnecessary to look for new suppliers of raw materials to expand the volume of production,

since all suppliers agree to supply raw materials in a larger volume).

All suppliers are firms located in St. Petersburg. Two main

supplier are located at a short distance from the company, which reduces

fare. Transportation of raw materials is carried out by the transport of the company

Petrofurniture, i.e. on their own.

There are three competitors close to Petrofurniture: Irida (St.

Ushinsky 35), "Terra-Plast" (Ushinsky st. 45), "Elara" (Ushinsky st.


2.6. Product development

The whole range of products: 4 sets of furniture, 2 types of ottomans, children's bed

were developed by the firm's designers who have passed

education abroad.

Production is organized in such a way that changing the assortment does not

will require a restructuring of production. The company has 5 more developments in stock

furniture sets, but the company does not yet consider it appropriate to change


All products of the company are made from high-quality environmentally friendly materials.

materials: chipboard, foam rubber, springs, upholstery fabrics.

The firm is provided with raw materials, but others can be found if necessary.


2.7. Production equipment

For the production of furniture, the following equipment is used:

1. Measuring-folding-cutting machine MCP-110 - for cutting small


2. profiling machine - for deep and shallow stitches;

3. measuring machine - for sorting and measuring fabric;

4. band cutting machine - for cutting oblique and curved


5. floor-cutting machine - for cutting rectangular parts;

6. installation GTA-72/8ch - production of spring blocks (from 120 to 160

blocks in 8 hours);

7. electrocoke for gluing foam rubber;

8. pneumatic gun for attaching fabric;

9. pneumatic gun for fixing blocks.

2.8. Production capacity

The enterprise, with the available equipment and production personnel, can

produce 300 sofa beds, 300 lounge chairs, 300 armchairs per year

beds, 200 sofa beds and 20 backless sofas.

Available production capacity sufficient to increase output

for 1/3: 270 pcs. sofa beds, armchair beds, lounge chairs, 200 each

PC. children's beds and sofas without a back.

The production process used at the Petrofurniture enterprise is of the type

serial production, which is characterized by a limited range

manufactured products, small volume of output. At the same time, production

The process is carried out on different universal equipment With

application manual labor. The production process consists of two stages:

procurement and assembly of furniture. Preparing stage enough

mechanized: cutting fabrics, making spring blocks, making

furniture frames is carried out with the help of machines. Assembly stage

characterized by a large proportion of manual labor.

3. Planned results of innovation

3.1. Organizational and legal form of the enterprise and its structure

Petrofurniture is a limited company

responsibility, conducts its activities on the basis of the Civil Code

RF adopted by the State Duma on October 21, 1994 and approved by the Federation Council.

The Company is a legal entity and operates on the basis of the Charter and

Memorandum of Association, has its own property, independent balance sheet.

Company founders:

1. JSC Foam Rubber Plant;

2. Individual entrepreneur "Irbis";

3. PPI "Panther".

The authorized capital of the company is divided into shares: JSC Foam Rubber Plant - 20%; HPI

"Irbis" - 40%; PPI "Panther" - 40%.

The supreme governing body of Petrofurniture LLC is the Board of Founders. TO

the competence of the Board of Founders includes the issues of determining the main

directions of social and industrial development, approval of plans and

report on their implementation.

After implementation mandatory payments in the State and so on. budgets, etc.

extrabudgetary payments, the profit is subject to distribution among the founders.

The management of the enterprise is carried out by the General Director, adopted by

under the contract by the Board of Founders. He resolves issues on his own.

activities of the enterprise, acts on its behalf, has the right to sign

official documents and manage the property of the enterprise,

hiring and firing employees. The General Director has financial and

administrative responsibility for the reliability of statistical and

accounting. According to the market production orientation

of the firm, the CEO appoints a commercial director, who must

organize marketing research, advertising and sales of products.

The accounting department, headed by the chief accountant, carries out all calculations with

raw material suppliers. Keeps records of turnover, profits, costs,

counts wages and, most importantly, prepare financial statements.

The chief designer leads the development of new types of furniture and

furniture production.

Figure 1 shows the organizational structure of the enterprise.

Board of Founders


Chief designer Commercial Director Main

Designer Sales Department
Procurement Marketing Department
workshop Warehouse
Garage furniture assembly shop
Rice. 1. Organizational structure of the Petrofurniture enterprise
The number of production personnel is determined based on the functional
expediency. The system of remuneration for production personnel
built on the use of time-bonus form. Bonuses based on results
work 1998-1999 not planned. Compensation for executives and others
categories of workers is built on the basis official salaries and depends on
the amount of time actually worked and the achievement of final results
enterprise activities.
The number of production personnel is presented in Table 4.
Table 4
Number of production personnel

No. Specialty Number of people Average length of service
Total 30
The number of managers and other categories of employees is presented in Table 5.
Table 5
Number of managers and other categories of employees

№ p / p Occupied position Number of people Average length of service
Total 16
The total number of employees is 46 people.
With a given number of employees, an increase in output by 1/3
Maybe. An increase in staffing is not required.
“You can lose your business, money, but if you save the personnel potential, then
you can quickly restore your business. It is also believed that the creation of a cohesive
teams are the most difficult task facing an entrepreneur.”
(McClelland's theory).
The production process consists of two stages: procurement and assembly
furniture. The technological scheme is shown in Fig.2.
Blanking shop Assembly shop


With foam rubber
soft C
and foam rubber and manufacturing
K elements
l fabric
soft elements
D Woodworking area
frame Assembly D
Chipboard and furniture frame manufacturing
for furniture


spring blocks blocks

Rice. 2. Technological scheme for the production of upholstered furniture.
3.2. Risk Plan
The significance of this section is to assess the risk that targets
set in the plan may not be achieved. Table 6 presents
risks and their impact on profit.
Table 6
Risks and their impact on profit

Type of riskThe negative impact of risk on the expected profit from the implementation of the project1. Impossibility to purchase the required premises Impossibility to implement the project2. Not allowed by local authorities Impossible to implement the project3. Demand volatility Falling demand as prices rise4. Solvency of consumers Decline in sales5. Increasing taxesReducing net profit6. Rising prices for raw materials, supplies, fuelDecrease in profits due to rising prices7. Advertising inefficiencyLow sales8. Appearance of competitors in the area of ​​the Pionerskaya metro station Decline in sales
An assessment of the probability of an adverse event occurring is presented in
table 7.
Table 7
Assessment of the probability of an adverse event

Type of risk Experts Weight Score 1231. Impossibility of buying the necessary premises2525251/83,12502. Not authorized by local authorities 02501/81.03753. Demand volatility5075251/86.25004. Low solvency of consumers7550501/87.28755. Tax increase5050501/86.25006. Rising prices for raw materials, materials, fuel 7575751/89.37507. Advertising inefficiency2525501/84.16258. Appearance of competitors in the area of ​​the Pionerskaya metro station5050751/87.2875
Each expert assigned the event a probability of its occurrence:
0 - no risk exists;
25 - the risk is most likely not realized;
50 - nothing definite can be said about the onset of the event;
75 - the risk is likely to manifest itself;
100 - the risk is justified (probably realized).
So, as a result of the study, it turned out that the most
the following risks are likely:
1. The risk of reducing solvency.
As a result of this event, sales volume may decrease. Necessary
note that the sales volume is planned by the company at a minimum, therefore
the likelihood that the volume of sales will be less is small. Company prices
"Petrofurniture" is lower than the prices of competitors, therefore, in the future, a decrease
number of buyers is unlikely.
2. The risk of the emergence of competitors.
At this event (if competitors appear), it will be necessary to improve
product quality, keep prices lower than those of competitors,
conduct a more active advertising campaign.
3. The risk of rising prices for raw materials, materials.
It will be necessary to carry out measures to reduce costs by
more rational use raw materials, etc.
3.3. Calendar plan
This section indicates the time of occurrence of the main events that contribute to
implementation of the project.
1. Making a decision to purchase premises for a new showroom;
location of this room - 06/01/98.
2. Taking a loan - 01.07.98
3. Repair of the premises - until 15.09.98.
4. Opening of a store-salon - 1.10.98.
5. Getting the first orders - 10.10.98.
6. First sales - 15.09.98.
3.4. Financial plan
a) To create a new showroom, 164 thousand rubles are needed.
b) Funding sources:
60 thousand rubles - a loan from Promstroybank at 100% per annum for 2 years (taking
loan - 1.07.98, repayment of the loan - 1.07.99); 104 thousand rubles —
own funds.
V) Cash(164 thousand rubles) will be distributed as follows:
105 thousand rubles — Acquisition and repair of premises for a shop-salon;
59 thousand rubles - conducting an initial advertising campaign.
d) The loan is secured.
As a pledge - the premises of a new store-salon on Komendantsky Prospekt.
In the financial plan, three baseline projections have been prepared.
1st forecast - profit / loss forecast. This forecast is presented in Table 8.
2nd forecast - cash flow analysis forecast. This forecast is presented in
table 9.
3rd forecast - the balance sheet at the beginning of 1998 and the project at the end of 1998.
The balance sheet is presented in Appendix 1.
The balance sheet shows the use and investment of financial resources,
required to maintain the projected level of production.
According to balance sheet Let's calculate the following indicators:
1. absolute liquidity ratio - the ability of the enterprise
fulfill its current obligations with current assets in a certain period.
K1n.g. = 110100 / 41000 = 2.7; K1k.g. = 79090 / 31000 = 2.55.
The company's position is stable. The value of the coefficient shows that
enterprises have free cash.
2. overall liquidity ratio - the ability of the enterprise to perform
its current liabilities with current assets.
K2 n.g. = 119100 / 41000 = 2.9; K2k.y. = 150990 / 31000 = 4.9.
The value of the coefficient means that at the beginning of the year, short-term assets
covered short-term liabilities by 2.9 times; by the end of the year - by 4.9 times.
The company's position is stable.
3. coefficient of independence (coefficient of autonomy) - share
equity in its total liabilities (liability on the balance sheet)
K3n.g. = (1339000 / 1390000) * 100% = 96%;
K3k.y. = (1360800 / 1451800) * 100% = 94%.
The value of the coefficient shows that the share of funds invested by owners
was 96%, by the end of the year - 94%. The coefficient value is
4. funding ratio
K4 = equity / external liabilities (debt capital)
K4 n.g. \u003d 133900 / 41000 \u003d 32.65;
K4 K.Y. = 136080 / (31000+60000) = 14.95.
A large share of equity means little risk and good
potential opportunities for external borrowing. Company
solvent and does not experience difficulties in obtaining capital.
Break even chart
The graph shows the level of sales required to cover the costs: fixed
and variable costs.
Fixed costs are depreciation, wages
administrative and other personnel, other overhead costs.
Variable costs are raw materials and basic materials, wages
key production workers.
This section contains two charts:
1st chart - break-even chart for the production of upholstered furniture sets
(see fig. 3).
The price of the kit is 2160 rubles; total fixed costs -188,000 rubles;
variable costs for one set - 1400 rubles.

Series 1 - total material costs.

Rice. 3.
Figure 3 shows that the break-even point is the point when the volume
production of 160 sets per year (all costs covered, zero profit).
With the current production volume (200 sets per year), the profit is 60 thousand rubles.
rub.). With an increase in output to 270 sets, profit will rise to
80 thousand rubles in year.
2nd schedule - break-even chart for the production of baby beds and sofas
without back (see fig. 4).
The price of one children's bed is 900 rubles; the price of one ottoman is 900 rubles.
Since constant and variable costs in the production of baby beds and
sofas without a back are equal, we find the critical volume of output of children's beds,
which will be equal to the critical volume of production of backless sofas.
Fixed costs - 42,000 rubles; variable costs - 600 rubles. for 1 pc.

Row 1 - material costs.
Row2 and row3 are variable costs.
Row 4 - proceeds from the sale of products.
Rice. 4.
From the graph presented in fig. 4, it can be seen that production volumes
children's beds and backless sofas, equal to 140 pieces, are critical
(with these volumes, the firm fully covers its costs, but the profit
At this stage, 150 pieces are produced. children's beds and sofas
backs. With a given volume of production, the profit is 20 thousand rubles (10
thousand roubles. from each production). Increase in production volume up to 200 pcs.
cots and up to 200 pcs. sofas without a back, will increase profits
up to 40 thousand rubles (up to 20 thousand rubles from each production).
a) Investment costs amount to 164 thousand rubles:
n own funds -104 thousand rubles;
n borrowed funds - a bank loan in the amount of 60 thousand rubles. for 2 years
under 100% per annum.
b) The funds invested in the project will be distributed as follows:
n for the purchase and repair of premises - 105 thousand rubles.
n for an advertising company - 59 thousand rubles.
c) Taxes paid by the company:
n income tax;
n VAT;
n property tax;
n transport tax;
n maintenance tax housing stock and objects of socio-cultural
spheres and other taxes.
d) Return of borrowed funds:
July 1, 1998 - taking a loan of 60 thousand rubles;
July 1, 1999 - payment of interest on a loan for 1999. (60 thousand rubles);
July 1, 2000 - payment of interest on a loan for 2000. (60 thousand rubles) and return
loan (60 thousand rubles).
The payback period of the initial investment (due to profit from
shop-salon) - 4.5 years.
With payback \u003d K / (A year. + P year.),
where C payback. — payback period, years;
K - necessary capital investments, rub.;
A year. — annual depreciation, rub.;
P year. — annual profit, rub.
With payback = 164 / (5.25+31) = 4.5 years.
f) The total profit of the enterprise is expected to be 112 thousand rubles; of which
profit from a new store-salon -31 thousand rubles.
The rate of return is 10%.
Investment Application
1. Characteristics of the direction of use of investments.
a) Nature of investment activity:
- expansion of the existing enterprise.
2. Main directions of investments:
- Acquisition of premises for a new salon store.
3. The main tasks to be solved with the help of investments:
- increase in sales.
4. The amount of investment required for the implementation of the project:
- the total amount of necessary investment funds is 164 thousand rubles.
Funds are needed for:
1) purchase and repair of premises (105 thousand rubles);
2) conducting an initial advertising campaign (59 thousand rubles).
- the volume of own investment funds in the project is 104 thousand rubles.
- the volume of required investments (credit) - 60 thousand rubles.
5. Planned source of investment income: Promstroybank JSC;
loan 60 thousand rubles. at 100% per annum for a period of two years (taking a loan
July 1, 1998; repayment of the loan - 1.07.2000).
6. Availability of possible guarantees to investors for reimbursement of costs in case of
investment project violations:
— pledge of property (mortgage);
-pledge - purchased premises on Komendantsky prospect worth 105 thousand rubles.
Collateral \u003d loan amount (60 thousand rubles) / 0.57 \u003d 105 thousand rubles.
7. Conditions for reimbursement of expenses.
a) return of investments and interest on them in cash:
n start date of payments: 1.07.1999.
n payout amount: fixed
-1.07.1999 - 60 thousand rubles. (annual interest);
- 1.07.2000 - 60 thousand rubles. (annual interest);
60 thousand rubles (loan return).
1. Chernyak V.Z. Business valuation. - M .: Finance and statistics, 1996.
2. Business plan. Methodical materials. Ed. prof.
R.G. Manilovsky, M.: Finance and Statistics, 1994.
3. E.M. Chetyrkin. Methods of financial and commercial calculations. - M .: Delo, 1992.
4. Business World: Entrepreneur Dictionary. — M.: Zeus, 1992.
5. Volkov N.V. One hundred business pages. - M .: Pedagogy, 1991.
6. D.E.N.Dickson. Improve your business. Manual and practice. Per. With
English M.: Finance and statistics, 1994.
7. Edward Blackwell How to write a business plan. Per. from English. Moscow: INFRA-M,
8. Jay R. How to write proposals and reports that get results.
Per. from English. Sivakova T.A. Minsk: "Amalfeya", 1996.
9. Entrepreneur's Handbook: Retail, Wholesale,
cargo transport, catering and hotel industry. — M.:
Science, 1994.
10. Lipsits I.V. A business plan is the basis for success. - M .: Mashinostroenie, 1993.
11. Methodology for preparing a business plan for investment projects // Russian
economic journal. - 1994. - No. 4
12. Kleiner G.B. Risks industrial enterprises(how to reduce them and
compensate). // Russian Economic Journal. - 1994. - No. 5-6.

The purpose of the project is to describe the creation of a furniture store
Project concept
The store will specialize in the sale of cabinet and upholstered furniture (entrance hall, tables, chairs, sofas, armchairs, walls, etc.) and is focused on the sale of furniture on average price segment. The main suppliers of the store will be domestic and foreign manufacturers.
The main characteristics of the project:
Organization of a furniture store from scratch;
The average markup on furniture will be ***%;
The assortment of the store will be *** units;
The amount of investment required to open a furniture store is $***;
The payback of the project is *** months.

  • Net profit of the project *** thousand USD

Market Attractiveness:

  • The volume of furniture sales in Russia, taking into account the shadow sector, in 2007 amounted to about *** billion dollars;
  • The industry as a whole shows stable growth rates over last years. In 2007, the growth was 52%;
  • Per capita consumption of furniture is constantly increasing, and in 2007 it was about $70 per person;
  • The main indicator of the market is the volume of housing construction, which is constantly growing and will contribute to the growth of consumption (in 2007, the growth was 19.6%);

network charts

network diagram is based on the use of another mathematical model - a graph. Counts(obsolete synonyms: network, maze, map, etc.) mathematicians call "a set of vertices and a set of ordered or unordered pairs of vertices." Speaking in more familiar (but less precise) language for an engineer, a graph is a set of circles (rectangles, triangles, etc.) connected by directed or non-directed line segments. In this case, the circles themselves (or other figures used), according to the terminology of graph theory, will be called "vertices", and the non-directed segments connecting them - "edges", directed (arrows) - "arcs". If all the segments are directed, the graph is called directed; if all segments are undirected, the graph is called undirected.

The most common type of work network diagram is a system of circles and directed segments (arrows) connecting them, where the arrows represent the work itself, and the circles at their ends (“events”) indicate the beginning or end of these works.

The figure shows in a simplified way only one of the possible configurations of the network diagram, without data characterizing the planned works themselves. In fact, the network diagram provides a lot of information about the work being done. Above each arrow is written the name of the work, under the arrow - the duration of this work (usually in days).

The circles themselves (divided into sectors) also contain information, the meaning of which will be explained later. A fragment of a possible network diagram with such data is shown in the figure below.

Dotted arrows can be used in the schedule - these are the so-called "dependencies" (dummy jobs) that require neither time nor resources.

They indicate that the "event" to which the dotted arrow is directed can only occur after the event from which this arrow comes.

There should be no dead ends in the network diagram, each event should be connected by a solid or dashed arrow (or arrows) with any previous (one or more) and subsequent (one or more) events.

Events are numbered approximately in the order in which they will occur. The initial event is usually located on the left side of the graph, the final event - on the right.

A sequence of arrows in which the beginning of each subsequent arrow coincides with the end of the previous one is called way. The path is indicated as a sequence of event numbers.

In a network diagram, there can be multiple paths between start and end events. The path that has longest duration, is called critical. The critical path determines the total duration of activities. All other paths have a shorter duration, and therefore the work performed in them has time reserves.

The critical path is indicated on the network diagram by thickened or double lines (arrows).

Two concepts are of particular importance when drawing up a network diagram:

  • Early start - before which you can't start this work without violating the accepted technological sequence. It is determined by the longest path from the initiating event to the start of this work.
  • Late end of work - the latest completion date of the work, at which the total duration of the work does not increase. It is determined by the shortest path from a given event to the completion of all work.

When evaluating time reserves, it is convenient to use two more auxiliary concepts:

  • Early finish is the deadline before which the work cannot be completed. It is equal to the early start plus the duration of this work.
  • Late start - the period after which it is impossible to start this work without increasing the total duration of construction. It is equal to the late finish minus the duration of the given work.

If the event is the end of only one job (that is, only one arrow is directed to it), then the early end of this job coincides with the early start of the next one.

General (full) reserve - This longest time, by which you can delay the execution of this work without increasing the total duration of the work. It is determined by the difference between late and early start (or late and early finish - which is the same).

Private (free) reserve is the longest time that you can delay the execution of this activity without changing the early start of the next one. This fallback is only possible when the event includes two or more activities (dependencies), i.e. two or more arrows (solid or dotted) point to it. Then only one of these jobs will have an early finish that coincides with an early start of the subsequent job, while for the rest it will be different meanings. This difference for each work will be its private reserve.

In addition to the described type of network diagrams, in which graph vertices (“circles”) represent events, and arrows represent jobs, there is another type in which the vertices are jobs. The difference between these types is not fundamental - all the basic concepts (early start, late finish, general and private reserves, critical path, etc.) remain unchanged, only the ways of writing them differ.

The construction of a network diagram of this type is based on the fact that the early start of the subsequent work is equal to the early end of the previous one. If this job is preceded by several jobs, its early download should be equal to the maximum early completion of previous jobs. Calculation late dates is carried out in the reverse order - from the final to the initial, as in the network diagram "vertices - events". For a finishing activity, late and early finish are the same and reflect the length of the critical path. The late start of the next activity is equal to the late finish of the previous one. If a given work is followed by several works, then the minimum value from the late beginnings is decisive.

Network graphs "vertices - work" appeared later than graphs "vertices - events", therefore they are somewhat less known and relatively less often described in educational and reference literature. However, they have their advantages, in particular they are easier to build and easier to adjust. When adjusting the "completed - work" graphs, their configuration does not change, but for the "tops - events" graphs, such changes cannot be excluded. However, at present, the compilation and correction of network schedules are automated, and for the user, who is only interested in knowing the sequence of work and their time reserves, it does not really matter how the schedule is made, i.e. what type is he. In modern specialized packages of computer programs for planning and operational management, the type of "top - work" is mainly used.

Network diagrams are corrected both at the stage of their compilation and use. It consists of optimizing construction works in terms of time and resources (in particular, the movement work force). If, for example, the network schedule does not ensure the completion of work within the required time frame (normative or established by the contract), its time adjustment those. shortening the critical path. This is usually done

  • due to the time reserves of non-critical work and the corresponding redistribution of resources
  • by attracting additional resources
  • by changing the organizational and technological sequence and the relationship of work.

IN last case for graphs "vertices - events" it is necessary to change their configuration (topology).

Resource adjustment is produced by constructing linear calendar graphs according to early beginnings, corresponding to one or another variant of the network diagram, and adjusting this variant.

Automated construction management systems usually include computer programs, to some extent automating almost all stages of compiling and adjusting network diagrams.

Action List

  1. Analyzed furniture market Krasnodar
  2. The size of the market for furniture products is determined
  3. Unfilled market segment identified
  4. Analysis of demand in the identified segment was carried out
  5. The stability of this market segment to seasonal influences has been determined
  6. Existing and potential competition identified
  7. The degree of risk of entering the furniture market of Krasnodar was determined
  8. The required level of investments invested in the project has been determined
  9. A budget has been developed for the work of a furniture salon
  10. OGRNIP certificate is open
  11. Received in tax office activity codes
  12. Selected retail space
  13. Lease agreements signed
  14. Received permission from the administration of Krasnodar to open a retail outlet
  15. Participation in furniture exhibitions
  16. Studied proposals for the supply of goods
  17. Negotiations with suppliers
  18. Selected range of furniture products
  19. Concluded contracts for the supply of goods
  20. Transport logistics developed
  21. Selected transport company
  22. Signed contracts for the transportation of furniture products
  23. Prepared requests for the purchase of furniture
  24. The need for labor force is determined
  25. Selected staff to work in the furniture showroom
  26. Concluded employment contracts with staff
  27. Conducted training of personnel with specialization in the furniture trade (participation of employees in specialized seminars and trainings)
  28. Pricing policy is defined
  29. Pricing strategy chosen
  30. A system of bonuses and discounts has been developed
  31. The price of furniture products is determined
  32. The placement of outdoor advertising is agreed with the lessor of the furniture store
  33. Placement of outdoor advertising is agreed with the administration and the architectural department of Krasnodar
  34. A lease agreement was concluded with an advertising company for the placement of a banner (advertising sign)
  35. A contract for the rental of a video with the calculated time of broadcast on television
    FINANCIAL PLAN AS A PART OF A BUSINESS PLAN Essence and composition of working capital
    Factors and reserves to reduce the cost of production
    Innovation management 2013-09-14

Almost anyone can start their own business. The desire to become an entrepreneur arises in each of us at a certain stage of life. At this point, we begin to search, or metropolis, village or town. The most important thing is to find a business that would bring not only profit, but also pleasure.

Deciding on the format of a furniture store

Surely each of us bought furniture and household appliances and certainly faced a situation where we had to choose between price and quality, a finished product or made to order according to individual measurements. Accordingly, we can conclude that all stores are conditionally divided into several types, differ in format, price category and assortment.

Therefore, first of all, a novice entrepreneur needs to decide on the format of his future store.

To make it clear, I will guide you through several basic formats of furniture stores.

  • Furniture shop of narrow specialization. This is an establishment that offers customers a certain type of product, for example, exclusively soft sofas, kitchen corners and chairs. In this niche, this store is considered a full-fledged owner, offering customers a wide range of a specific group of goods. The required area for such an outlet is from 300 sq. m.
  • Furniture hypermarket. This store provides a wide selection of headsets for the living room, bedroom, office, bathroom. To open such a store, you need a large room, not necessarily in the center, you can even outside the city. Recommended area from 1000 sq. m.
  • Furniture salon. This institution differs significantly from its brothers in that it presents a wide range of expensive, luxury furniture from well-known manufacturers. Such stores are visited by people with high material wealth who can afford to buy a sofa for several thousand dollars. As a rule, such furniture stores, even in big cities not much. You can order goods there exclusively from the catalog, all furniture in the store is presented only as an exhibition material.
  • Store-warehouse. Such establishments offer their customers ready-made furniture from the factory. Here you can no longer order a sofa or bed according to individual measurements, you can only choose a product exclusively from the proposed grid of standard sizes. The advantage of buying such furniture is its cost and the ability to purchase goods in one day, and not wait several weeks to produce it.

It should be noted that the cost of opening a furniture store will directly depend on the chosen format.

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Where to get money to open a store?

In our article, we promised to tell you about how to open a furniture store from scratch. There are several options that you can use individually or all together.

Bank loan

If you do not have enough money to open a business, buy real estate or purchase household appliances, then you can easily borrow them. Is it worth it? Dealing with banks is a risky business, but sometimes quite justified. I recommend you before taking this important decision, all well thought out. First, you need to make sure that the business is profitable, determine its approximate payback period and the level of competition. Once you are sure that you have made the right choice, go to apply for a loan.

Financial assistance from the state

Surely many of you have heard about such an opportunity to receive a certain amount for the development of your business. All that is required of you is:

  • Register with the employment service as unemployed;
  • Submit a certificate of income from the previous place of work;
  • Compose detailed business plan with calculations and submit it for consideration by the commission, which will make its verdict on the receipt of financial assistance or its refusal.

Thus, you will receive free financial assistance for the development of your business. Agree, even a small start-up capital won't bother you.


Another option for getting money and the opportunity to open a furniture business from scratch. Finding a partner or investor is quite difficult, but if you are confident in the profitability of your idea, have developed a detailed business plan to achieve the goal, then you can try to find a person who will agree to financially support your project.

Registration of a furniture business

To obtain a furniture trade permit, you should collect and issue a certain package of documents and permits.

The first step is to register with the tax office. Need to apply for registration legal entity(LLC) or individual entrepreneurship.

The second step is obtaining permits from the sanitary and fire service. The store premises must comply with safety standards and regulations. After checking specialized services, you will be issued a permit document.

The third step is obtaining permission from Rospotrebnadzor.

Where is the best place to rent a room?

In order to sell the goods, in this case furniture, you need to rent suitable premises. As noted above, first you need to decide on the format of the store, after which we can draw conclusions about the required area. After that, the rented premises of the outlet should be repaired so that it meets all fire safety requirements.

furniture store location

As for the location of the store, the same format of the outlet is taken into account here. If you are planning to open an elite furniture salon, then you need to rent a place in the city center, because rich clients will not go to your remote sleeping area. Opening a furniture hypermarket requires a large area on which the store itself will be located, as well as a parking lot and a warehouse. Therefore, it is most profitable to open a hypermarket outside the city or in a residential area of ​​the city, where the rental price is much lower than in the center.

As for the design of the premises, in the case of a hypermarket, there is no need to do any special repairs, it is quite enough to comply with the rules for storing furniture and comply with the requirements of the fire and sanitary services.

If you open a salon of luxury furniture, you should take care of the interior in the room. This store does not need a large area, 30 sq. m., because in such establishments, customers choose all the goods from catalogs and only make and pay for the order. Therefore, there is no need to rent a large room, it is enough to equip a place for employees (table, chairs, computer) and a place for clients (soft sofas).

When opening a furniture store, your main expenses will be paying rent and advertising costs, which will attract wealthy customers. As for profit, you will receive a certain percentage from each order made. In this case, you, as a store, do not invest in the purchase of goods, the costs are borne by the buyer, who pays all the costs. Thus, your salon only provides the opportunity to select and order goods from the catalog and guarantees their delivery.

Making furniture to order or finished products?

You need to decide in what format you will work. First of all, you need to create an assortment. There are two options.

Manufacture and sale of products. In this case, your store is engaged in the independent production of furniture and its sale. In our previous publications, we somehow discussed the possibility of opening a furniture and other goods manufacturing business, if you are interested, read it. In this case, production and sale are combined. This is a pretty good way to earn money, but financially costly for a novice entrepreneur.

The second option is exclusively the sale of furniture. This option involves mediation between the manufacturer of the product and the client. The point of sale receives a profit from each order by setting a margin on the product that it sells.

As a rule, the second option is used more often, because it is less costly and risky.

We create a business plan

A business plan for a furniture store is a document that calculates the costs of implementing an idea for the production of furniture.

A step by step plan on how to open a furniture store backed up detailed calculations and analytical tables.

♦ Capital investments – 2,500,000 rubles
♦ Payback – 1–1.5 years

In Soviet times, furniture that could be obtained in the midst of an atmosphere of total shortage was used for decades, passing it on by inheritance.

The same situation was observed in the crisis of the 90s, when people were more interested in the problems of survival, rather than updating the interior.

With the beginning of the 2000s, due to the growing prosperity of the population, the situation began to change: people went to the furniture store not only when the bed or table was out of order, but also in order to simply update the furniture in the house, because the samples they had had gone out of order. out of fashion or no longer satisfy the needs of their owners.

Many entrepreneurs do not want to think how to open a furniture store believing that this business requires too much capital investment, which is slow to pay off.

You should not pay attention to these misconceptions, because, having thought over the concept of your furniture store, and having found good suppliers You can build a profitable business from scratch.

Features of opening a furniture store

The furniture business has its own nuances, the knowledge of which helps in a short time to make your business profitable and recoup capital investments:

  1. Consider economic condition countries and the financial condition of customers when forming the assortment of their furniture store.
    For example, now there is a recession in the economy, so you should offer furniture to buyers at an average and low price.
  2. Previously, if it was quality furniture, then only foreign brands came to mind, today domestic manufacturers make excellent products at an affordable price.
    If you are just merging into the furniture business, then equip your salon with domestic furniture samples.
  3. The turnover of furniture products is hundreds of billions of dollars a year, second only to building materials, which indicates the high profitability of this business.
  4. Opening a furniture store, you can not do with small areas.
    Some entrepreneurs think that it is not necessary to exhibit all samples of the offered goods, a catalog is enough.
    This is a mistake, the client wants to see how the sofa or bed will look in real life, and not in the picture, before purchasing it.
  5. The optimal ratio of price and quality - these are the secrets of the success of the furniture business, and for this you need to find a good supplier.
  6. Keep track of customer sentiment.
    For example, a few years ago, the sale of upholstered furniture brought the greatest profit to businessmen.
    Today the situation has changed: customers are increasingly buying beds, items for children's rooms and the living room.
    At the same time, owners of restaurants, sports clubs and other establishments are actively buying sofas and armchairs, given that their customers want to place them comfortably.
  7. Arrange furniture in your store so that the customer can inspect each item with different sides.
    No need to try to squeeze as many samples as possible into a cramped room.
    Either expand the area of ​​​​the premises, or reduce the range of goods.

Which furniture store should you open?

If you are going to open a furniture store from scratch, then you should decide on its format.

There are several types of establishments in the furniture business:

  1. Standard furniture store.
    The area of ​​such a salon is not less than 300 squares.
    Typically, such an institution presents samples of furniture for all rooms of a residential building, offices, etc.
  2. Exhibition salon.
    In such a store, exclusive samples are presented, for example, designer furniture.
    The client cannot purchase the products displayed here immediately, he must wait until they are made to order.
    The cost of production is high, so you need to focus on attracting wealthy customers.
  3. Furniture hypermarket.
    The area of ​​such a store is at least 1 thousand square meters. m.
    It fully justifies its name, because here the client can purchase everything that belongs to the category "furniture": from baby chair to designer bedroom set.
    Its opening requires huge capital investments.
  4. Specialized furniture store.
    That is, you choose one direction: to sell furniture for an office, or a bathroom, or a bedroom, etc.
    The advantage of such a business is that you do not need to have a large start-up capital, the disadvantage is the presence of a framework in the formation of a client base.

How to increase the profitability of a furniture store?

Naturally, every entrepreneur is interested in returning capital investments as soon as possible and starting to earn money.

This can be done in only one way - by attracting as many customers as possible.

In order to have a good monthly profit immediately after opening a furniture store, you need to take care of it. advertising campaign and competitive advantages.

Competitive advantages of a furniture store

Interesting fact:
The bed as an element of furniture appeared in Rus' only at the beginning of the 17th century. A wide use they received under Peter I. Before that, people slept on a bench or stove.

The level of competition in this area is extremely high, so you need to make sure that your store is different from other furniture stores.

You can stand out:

  1. A rich assortment of goods.
    The more options you offer a customer, the more likely they are to buy from you.
  2. Reasonable pricing policy.
    Of course, you can open a luxury furniture store and focus only on rich customers, but it is much wiser to stick to an average price policy, while offering a quality product.
  3. Impeccable service.
    Your sales consultants should be extremely polite and competent, be able to find an approach even to problem client and without nerves to answer his, albeit not too smart questions.
  4. Discount program for regular customers.
    If a buyer has purchased a lot of furniture from you in order to completely furnish a house or office, then give him a discount.
    Yes, and discount cards are still popular with customers.
  5. Promotions and sales.
    On the eve of new year holidays or in another favorable period for sales, it is reasonable to drop the prices of stale furniture in order to revive the trade.
  6. Nice bonuses.
    For example, free delivery or designer consultation at your expense if a client has purchased furniture from you for more than 100,000 rubles.
  7. The convenient location of your furniture store, so that you do not have to get to it for half a day.

Furniture store advertising campaign

If you are opening a furniture store from scratch, then you should make sure that people know about it.

This can be done with the help of a well-conducted advertising campaign on radio, television, in print media, on Internet resources.

But this may not be enough, so you should make sure:

  • distribution of leaflets in places of the greatest concentration of people;
  • buying space on banners so that as many drivers and pedestrians as possible can see your ad;
  • creating your own website so that potential customers can learn about the range of goods in your store and pricing policy;
  • creating a group of your furniture salon in social networks.

It is very important to consider opening your store.

Decorate the entrance with balloons, invite a good presenter and DJ, advertise that a new furniture store is opening soon. On the opening day, you can give a 20% discount on all products or an interest-free installment plan for the purchase of furniture.

It is important that all the residents of your city who come to like not only the opening, but also your store. So they can turn from onlookers into regular customers.

Stages of implementing a business plan for opening a furniture store

In fact, opening a furniture showroom is not so different from, for example, opening a food supermarket or other type of business related to trade.

You will need to go through a standard procedure: registration, search for premises, its equipment, recruitment, search for suppliers.

You should start with the first two stages: the registration procedure and the search for premises, then everything else.


In order to open a furniture store, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur, although you can choose another form - LLC.

Then you become registered with the tax service, choosing the form of taxation, it is most reasonable to choose - UTII.

When preparing documents, be sure to indicate OKVED codes corresponding to the type of your activity. If you are only going to sell furniture, then code 52.44 will do. If you plan to make furniture yourself, then also indicate codes 36.11–36.14. In case of interest in wholesale trade, this should also be designated with a special code 51.15.

Immediately think over in which direction your furniture business will move in order to indicate all possible OKVE codes. Otherwise, it will be difficult to change the documentation.

In addition, you will need to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor, from the fire service that your premises are ready for use, a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, and you also need to conclude a number of contracts for:

  • waste disposal;
  • disinfection and disinfestation works;
  • destruction of lighting lamps;
  • cleaning of air conditioning equipment and others.

As you can see, there are enough bureaucratic delays regarding the opening of a furniture store.

If you are new to the business, then it is worth considering hiring a professional lawyer to help with the incorporation process and documentation.

Furniture store space

As already mentioned, to open a furniture showroom you will need a large room with a square of at least 300 square meters.

It is better to rent / buy such a room not in the center, but somewhere in a residential area, in order to facilitate loading / unloading furniture.

And the cost of renting one square meter in the center can be a bit high for a business that is just getting on its feet.

The premises you have found for a furniture store must meet the following requirements:

  • have high ceilings;
  • be equipped with a service entrance through which loading can be carried out without fear of disturbing customers;
  • have parking;
  • be away from other furniture stores;
  • be located in a densely populated area that is easily accessible to residents of other residential areas of your city.

Furniture store equipment

To open a salon for selling furniture, the selected room needs to be renovated if its condition is not too good.

The interior of your store does not require special frills, it is enough to paint the walls in a discreet color, against which it is most advantageous to demonstrate furniture. Take care of good lighting for your salon, so that customers do not have to move in the dark.

If the area of ​​the store allows, then it is better to divide it into separate zones, depending on the purpose of the furniture being sold.

There is no need to buy special equipment for a furniture store, with the exception of a cash register, office equipment for staff work.

Make sure your employees have a service room where they can change, eat, and relax.

And you will also need a truck to deliver furniture to customers, although you can not buy it, but simply hire a driver with your own transport.

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:150 000 rub.
Cash machine
10 000
Office space furniture (table, chairs, lockers)
50 000
Microwave for staff
7 000
Service bathroom equipment
10 000
Laptops (one for salespeople, one for accountant)
35 000
20 000
Telephone sets
3 000
Other15 000

furniture store staff

The number of employees of your furniture salon directly depends on the schedule of its work.

If you want it to work seven days a week, then you will need 2 shifts of sellers, movers and cleaners.

If you imagine that your store will work from 10.00-20.00 all days except Sunday and Monday, then you should hire such employees:

QtySalary (in rubles)Total (in rubles)
Total:103 000 rub.
Sales consultants2 12 000 24 000
Furniture movers and assemblers3 12 000 36 000
Driver with own vehicle1 15 000 15 000
Cleaning woman1 8 000 8 000
Security guard1 10 000 10 000
Part-time accountant1 10 000 10 000

Furniture Suppliers

The profit of your furniture store directly depends on how reliable suppliers you find.

Here are some tips to help avoid the mistakes of novice entrepreneurs:

  1. You need to look for furniture suppliers at specialized forums, exhibitions, conferences.
  2. Work only with trusted suppliers who have been operating for several years.
  3. Research which brands of furniture customers prefer in order to give customers what they require.
  4. Do not work with suppliers whose reputation is already tarnished.
  5. It is better to work with local furniture suppliers so as not to suffer losses due to the swinging of the dollar.

Calendar plan for opening a furniture store

In addition to the fact that you need to have serious capital investments, you should prepare for the fact that opening a furniture store is not a quick process.

It will take at least six months to get all the permits, find the premises, equip it and establish communication with suppliers.

Registration and obtaining the necessary permits
Rental of premises and repairs in it (if necessary)
Purchase of the first batch of goods

Capital investment in a furniture store

The amount of investment depends, first of all, on the area of ​​your premises and the cost of renting one square meter.

It is the costs of renting a room, repairing it, installing lighting and a ventilation system that make up 40% of the capital investment of a furniture store, 50% is the purchase of the first batch of goods, the remaining 10% falls on the purchase of equipment and other expenses.

If we talk about the cost of renting a room for a furniture store, then it differs in different localities.

Recently, experts have noted a decrease in the capacity of the furniture market in most settlements Russia. This provides an opportunity for budding entrepreneurs to enter this business in an environment of moderate competition. A furniture store requires serious investments, but at the same time it has a high profitability and quickly pays off. How to open a furniture store from scratch and turn it into a profitable business?

Business registration

Start any entrepreneurial activity begins with official registration and obtaining permits. A furniture store requires an individual entrepreneur or LLC. IP allows the owner to reduce the cost of reporting and save on tax deductions. The USN will become a more favorable tax regime for starting a business.

OKVED codes for a furniture store:

  • 44 - "retail trade in furniture and household goods";
  • 48.11 - "retail sale of office furniture".

If the entrepreneur intends to provide Additional services for the manufacture of furniture to order, you should take this into account when entering activity codes so that in the future you do not waste time on tedious paperwork.

Store Format

Before you open a furniture store, you need to choose the right market niche and business format. As for the niche, experts advise starting trading not with budget or luxury furniture, but with goods for the middle class, since it is this niche that is most in demand now.

Furniture stores as a business exist in the following formats:

  • standard store . Such an enterprise offers customers the most necessary furniture for the apartment. The area for this format is required from 300 sq. m., the number of items of goods - from 200 to 500 units.
  • hypermarket . An expanded range of products, including furniture for summer cottages, interior items and related products. Area - from 1000 sq. m., the number of commodity units is not less than 1000.
  • Specialized furniture store . Offers products of only one group. So, there are shops for kitchens, sofas and so on. Required area - 100-200 sq. m
  • Showroom . Requires only a few samples of furniture for each item. Customers are informed about the possibility to choose furniture from the assortment of the catalog to order. This format does not require large areas up to a maximum of 300 sq. m.

Choosing a location for a furniture store

The search for premises for rent should take place after the entrepreneur decides on the format. So, opening a furniture hypermarket will require an extensive retail and warehouse space, so it is more profitable to rent a room outside the city or in a residential area. Rental prices here are much lower.

When opening a furniture showroom or showroom, a shopping mall or other premises closer to the city center will do.

In any case, the following criteria should be considered:

  • good cross;
  • the possibility of convenient access for freight transport;
  • the area of ​​the warehouse is not less than the area of ​​the trading floor;
  • availability of serviceable communications - electricity, heating, water supply.


Appearance and the design of the room should be given attention. The interior should show the furniture in a favorable light in order to attract the client to purchase. It is best to create interior zones that represent the product in the form of small living rooms, bedrooms, children's rooms. It is preferable to decorate the walls in light pastel colors.

Furniture store equipment

Opening a furniture store does not require specialized equipment. The main item of expenditure for this item is lighting. You will also need small consumables - accessories, fasteners.

Goods and services

It is recommended to start a furniture business with goods of an average price category intended for mass consumption. To start selling as soon as possible, first of all, you need to focus on the most necessary goods:

  • upholstered furniture for living rooms;
  • kitchen sets;
  • dining areas;
  • beds;
  • walls and wardrobes.

To provide delivery services, the store needs a car.


It is important to choose reliable suppliers before opening a furniture store. You can search on the Internet, at local wholesale fairs, through newspaper ads. The most important thing is to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • product quality;
  • optimal cost;
  • reliable supplier reputation.

furniture store staff

Depending on the area of ​​the store, a staff of 1-3 consultants will be required. The main requirements for employees are standard for sellers - sociability, goodwill. In addition, the furniture seller must understand technical specifications goods.

Salaries can be fixed in the first months of the store, in the future, employees should be motivated to sell by setting plans and paying a percentage of each piece of furniture sold.

In addition to consultants, opening a furniture store will require the following positions in the state:

  • loader - 2-4 people;
  • furniture assembler - 1;
  • cashier - 1-2;
  • driver - 1;
  • cleaner - 1-2;
  • guard - 1;
  • accountant - 1-2.


To promote the store and increase sales, an advertising campaign is necessary not only at the opening stage, but also on a regular basis. To open, it is worth using several marketing tools, and then maintaining the image in a relatively inexpensive way, advertising in print media, for example.

What promotion methods are suitable for a furniture store:

  • Creating a brand that includes a logo, a catchy and memorable name, employee uniforms, and so on.
  • Outdoor advertising - signboard, banners and streamers around the city.
  • Advertising on radio and television, in newspapers and magazines.
  • Creation of a system of discounts and promotions for regular customers.

In the future, the business will definitely need a website with an online catalog and the ability to purchase goods. At first, you can limit yourself to a free way to post information about the store on the Internet - creating profiles on social networks.

Costs and payback

Costs depend on the selected format. The main costs are distributed as follows:

Table. Capital investments

In total, to open the most budget option - a store in the showroom format - it will take about 2.5-3 million rubles.

According to expert data, the net profitability of a furniture store is 8%, the payback period with an average markup on goods of 35% is 2 years.

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