Component systems for pir panels. PPU sandwich panels. How to make the right choice. Delivery to the regions of the Russian Federation at low prices

Among the diversity modern materials its place in the market building thermal insulation occupied polyisocyanurate foam (PIR), which is used in sandwich panels and thermal insulation boards with soft facings. Like any building material, it has a number of properties that characterize its fire safety. And, although in our time, when selecting material, this criterion is far from being in the first place, the most valuable thing depends on it - the life and health of people.

Therefore, I propose to evaluate this material from the point of view of fire safety, for clarity, by conducting a comparative assessment with other types of thermal insulation. For comparison, take traditional polyurethane foam (PUR), expanded polystyrene foam (EPS), extruded polystyrene foam (EPS) and stone wool (HF). Let's also look at wood. Although it is not a heater, but in single-layer walls wooden houses performs a heat-insulating function.

Fire hazard characteristics of materials

The fire hazard of building materials is determined by fire-technical characteristics: combustibility, flammability, smoke-generating ability and toxicity of combustion products.
All these indicators are important for evaluating the properties of the material, but combustibility is the primary criterion, because it is combustibility that largely determines the level of other fire-technical indicators.

Combustibility refers to the ability of a material to burn. This takes into account the self-burning time of the material, the degree of damage along the length, weight loss and temperature increase in the furnace. According to the test results, the material is assigned a flammability group from G1 (low flammable) to G4 (highly flammable).
Flammability is the ability of a material to ignite. According to flammability, building materials are divided into 3 groups: from B1 (flammable) to B3 (highly flammable).

Smoke-generating ability characterizes the amount of smoke emitted by smoldering material, which in practice means the ability for visual orientation during a fire during evacuation. According to this indicator, materials are divided into 3 groups: from D1 (with low smoke-generating ability) to D3 (with high smoke-generating ability).

According to the toxicity of combustion products, 4 groups of materials are distinguished: from T1 (low-hazardous) to T4 (extremely hazardous).

Everything is relative..

The values ​​of indicators of the selected materials are taken according to the recommendations of the leading institute in the field fire hazard building materials VNIIPO and are summarized in table 1.

    Foamed and extruded polystyrene foam. The main difference from other types of polymer insulation is that they are thermoplastics - materials that easily melt when exposed to fire. According to the requirements of Federal Law No. 123 "Technical regulation on the requirements fire safety”, if during the test the material burns with the formation of melt drops, it is automatically assigned to the G3 combustibility group, but if the melt drops burn, then to the G4 combustibility group.

    Stone wool. According to the combustibility parameter, it belongs to non-combustible materials, that is, when it is tested, the following conditions are met:

  • temperature increase in the furnace is not more than 50°C;
  • weight loss of the sample is not more than 50%;
  • the duration of stable flame burning is not more than 10 seconds.
    If these conditions are met, confirmation of other indicators is not required.
    I would like to note that if cotton wool has a laminated (glued) layer of foil or foil with polyethylene, such material is considered combustible and has a flammability group G1.
    Moreover, according to the results latest research, properties thermal insulation materials(which includes mineral wool) with a breathable structure and an organic binder, in the light of current standards and codes of practice, are overvalued. In particular, certain grades that are non-combustible materials may covertly spread combustion.

    Wood. A material that is rightfully considered environmentally friendly due to its natural origin, it turns out, does not have such "environmental" fire safety properties. The combustibility of wood is the highest G4, when the source of flame is removed, the wood continues to burn on its own for a very long time.

    Polyurethane foam. PUR has similar fire safety characteristics to expanded polystyrenes. But the key difference from expanded polystyrenes is its belonging to the class of thermosets - materials that are not able to melt when exposed to elevated temperatures, including during combustion.

    Polyisocyanurate foam. PIR is also a thermoset, which distinguishes it favorably from EPPS and EPPS. But, unlike its closest "relative" polyurethane foam, it has a changed ratio of the main raw materials, as well as special additives.

When burning polyisocyanurate foam, a coke layer is formed on its surface, which consists of non-combustible substances. They form a kind of protective screen that protects the inner layers of the polymer from high temperatures and prevents combustion. This “protection” ensures that the temperature increase in the furnace does not exceed 135°C, and also excludes spontaneous combustion, which makes it possible to refer the tested materials with PIR to the combustibility group G1 (sandwich panels and plates with foil facings). PIR also differs in other good performance fire safety (see table 1).

It is worth noting here that some brands of PIR boards have a G4 flammability group. Such brands, for example, include boards with linings made of plain paper. When tested, the surface of such a board burns completely and the sample receives 100% damage along the length (as well as ordinary wood).

Fire resistance of structures using polyurethane foam

Rationing building structures- walls, ceilings, roofs - is carried out according to the fire hazard class and the fire resistance limit.

The fire hazard class of a structure makes it possible to assess the degree of its participation in the spread of fire (class K0 - the structure has minimal damage as a result of fire exposure, class K3 - the lowest, the degree of damage to structures is not standardized).

The fire resistance limit characterizes the resistance of a structure to fire. It is measured in minutes from the beginning of the fire impact to the onset of one (or several) signs of the limit state:

  • bearing capacity loss (R);
  • the appearance of through cracks (E);
  • loss of heat-insulating ability (I).

In which buildings it is allowed to use structures of one or another fire hazard class and fire resistance limit, it depends on the functional purpose of the building and its dimensions.

So, in low-rise housing construction for houses up to two floors inclusive, the requirements for the degree of fire resistance and the class of constructive fire hazard are not imposed, and in houses with a height of three floors they must meet the requirements for structures of buildings of the III degree of fire resistance. This means that PIR insulation can be used in walls with a fire resistance rating of R 45, pitched roof with fire resistance RE 15, attic floors with a fire resistance limit of REI 45 and other designs.

Fire safety requirements for industrial and public buildings having large dimensions And functional purpose, which involves a large number of people in the building or dangerous technological processes, much higher. But even here the indicators of structures with PIR are quite high.
Thus, the degree of fire hazard of sandwich panels with PIR is K1 (15), in contrast to sandwich panels with expanded polystyrene (where this indicator does not rise above K3). And the degree of fire hazard of roof structures with profiled flooring and thermal insulation with PIR boards is even higher - K0 (15).

As a result, protecting and bearing structures with PIR can be used in buildings with structural fire hazard class C1-C3, having II-V degree of fire resistance. It is worth noting that 70% of all buildings in the country fall under such requirements.

An integrated approach is at the heart of the choice

On the one hand, non-combustible materials eliminate the possibility of fire. On the other hand, almost everything in modern house- furniture, clothing, household items - made of fire hazardous materials.

In order for the operation of the house to be safe, fire safety measures should be observed - finish the walls and ceiling with non-combustible materials, for example, drywall, lay wiring and install sockets in a non-combustible finishing layer, perform wood processing flame retardant and so on.
As for thermal insulation, its choice must be made, guided by other, very important criteria. These are both strength and thermophysical indicators, durability, manufacturability in work, and even more so - environmental Safety under normal operating conditions. After all, they indirectly affect the properties of fire safety. For example, if the insulation in the structure sags over time and the uniformity of this layer in the structure changes, then the fire safety of such a structure will also change.

Polyisocyanurate foam PIR has a number of advantages according to the above criteria, both in relation to mineral insulation and other types of polymer insulation. He has a high mechanical strength, which ensures the uniformity of the layer, and durability proven by European operating experience. Therefore, the correct decision in the approach to the choice of thermal insulation will be a balanced approach, which should be used where the fire safety criterion is not the only one.

Polyisocyanurate foam is by far the most modern and high-tech insulation. This new generation fire-resistant polyurethane foam has the lowest thermal conductivity of any thermal insulation material known, allowing the use of thinner PIR boards than other thermal insulation materials.

The first plant in Russia for the production of such insulation was opened in Saratov by PirroGroup back in 2014.

I propose to get acquainted with the full cycle of PIR production together and conduct our own tests of this innovative product.

2. Production is located in the former workshop No. 15 of the Saratov Aviation Plant. Previously, the production of Yak-42 aircraft was organized here.

3. In short, polyisocyanurate foam (PIR) insulation board combines the advantages of extruded polystyrene foam and stone wool, while completely devoid of such shortcomings as flammability (lack of polystyrene), low compressive strength and moisture absorption (mineral wool shortcomings). Polyisocyanurate foam (PIR) does not absorb moisture and does not support combustion, self-extinguishing in the absence of a flame.

4. Chemical composition polyisocyanurate foam (PIR) is close to the composition of classical polyurethane (PUR), except that the proportion of methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) is higher, and a polyester polyol is used in the reaction instead of polyols on ethers.
As the name implies, polyisocyanurate foam is a cellular polymer mass, with the polymer itself taking up only 2.5% of the foam volume. It forms a system of closed, almost spherical cells, inside which there is a gas with a very low thermal conductivity. All together and forms a lightweight, durable and, most importantly, a very effective heat insulator.

5. Tanks with raw materials. It is worth noting such a moment that there are no plants for the production of isocyanates in Russia, and all raw materials have to be bought abroad.

6. In the factory laboratory, they control the quality of the raw materials used, as well as test samples finished products. For example, the thermal conductivity and compressive strength of a selected sample of a PIR board is determined. Plates made of polyisocyanurate foam have on average 25-30% less thermal conductivity than plates made of extruded polystyrene foam. And the strength with a margin covers all the requirements for the application and allows the use of PIR-insulation even in the foundation of the UWB type.

7. We smoothly approach the production line. Isocyanate and Polyol are the main components of production.

8. Methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) and Polyol are first mixed and then foamed by adding a special blowing agent.

9. In the production of polyisocyanurate foam boards, a plate of a given thickness with facings on both sides is immediately formed. As lining can be used: multilayer kraft paper, fiberglass (including with bituminous impregnation), aluminum foil or multilayer aluminum laminated with paper.

10. The cladding of the slab depends on the purpose of the insulation. Speaking of insulation pitched roof, then plates with a lining of aluminum foil or foil paper are suitable. And when insulating the facade from the outside, it is better to use PIR-plates with fiberglass cladding with special impregnation, which will allow you to get a reliable adhesion between the slab and the plaster mix.

11. Start of the production line. Today, slabs will be produced with double-sided cladding with laminated aluminum, laminated with paper and applied markings (for ease of cutting already at the facility).

12. The process of feeding the prepared mixture onto the belt has begun. The nozzles are wrapped with a film in order to protect them from possible splashes - wash hardened foam then impossible.

13. The foam expands almost instantly, and the molding of the finished plate of a fixed width and a given thickness occurs.

14. In principle, the heat-insulating plate is ready, it remains only to cool it and cut it to the desired size.

15. Great application for iMac, it's just a video camera monitor from the production line. I believe that it was chosen because of the durable aluminum case, which is quite important in a production environment.

16. In this section, the first cutting of the slabs takes place.

17. After that they get to the aircooling tower, where there is a process hardening (cooling) of the foam before the boards enter the cut-to-size line.

18. Next, the plates are cut into smaller sizes and, if necessary, end profiles are formed. The plant has an Italian production line, which was assembled by the Italians themselves. Team portraits adorn the cutting line.

19. After that, the plates enter the packaging line, through such an apparatus. He flips each odd plate 180 degrees to compensate for the tightening forces that occur in one of the plates.

20. Plates are stacked by means of a vacuum lifter.

21. And they end up on an automated packaging line.

22. The transport "pallet" is made here, from scraps of plates - three supports are glued to the base of the packaging unit.

23. After which it is moved to the warehouse. Note the very high degree of production automation: manual labor is not used at all, literally 3-4 people are enough to control the operation of the line.

24. At the same time, the line can produce plates with different facings, but of the same thickness. And the presence of a warehouse allows you to always have a stock of products in various designs.

25. Thermal insulation boards made of polyisocyanurate foam are still little known in Russia, although this material has been actively used in Europe and the USA for several decades.

26. Polyisocyanurate foam (PIR) is universal insulation, the possible areas of application of which are: in roof structures, facades, foundations, floors, warm floors, walls and even ventilation. In fact, they can be used everywhere, up to mounting directly on top of the crate on a pitched roof.

27. Foil-lined boards are also used in the manufacture of thermally insulated air ducts. One of the serious advantages of such air ducts over galvanized ones is 6-8 times less weight, which, firstly, facilitates the load on the structure, and, secondly, reduces installation costs and simplifies fastening.

28. This machine allows you to automatically form the walls of future air ducts. In fact, this is a CNC machine and a conventional stationery knife- works very quickly and efficiently. Here is an example of the formation of a square duct, on which all that remains is to glue the corners. Moreover, assembly into ventilation ducts can take place directly at the facility, which also saves on transportation costs.

29. And this is a bending machine that allows you to make rotary elements for air ducts. I still see the production of heat-insulated refrigerator boxes for a car, and the presence of an aluminum lining gives the structure a very high strength.

One of the most interesting applications- wall cladding in the sauna. Fire resistance and environmental friendliness of the material even with high temperatures allow you to easily use plates for wall insulation from the inside. In fact, this is the only possible heater in the sauna, because. mineral wool requires protection from moisture, plus it releases toxic formaldehyde resin. Yes, and expanded polystyrene is unsafe because of the possibility of ignition with the release of toxic substances - styrenes.

We will talk about the direct use of the material and its properties in the next part - I collected samples of the material in various designs in order to conduct my own tests.

PPU sandwich panels are used in the construction of refrigeration chambers, industrial warehouses, vegetable stores, pharmaceutical warehouses. It is also very popular to insulate PIR with slabs for buildings in the food and agricultural industries.

The outer sides of the sandwich panel are covered with metal Russian production("Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works", "Severstal"). Its thickness is from 0.4 to 0.7 mm.

All sandwich panels produced are certified and undergo strict quality control by Quality Control Department (TU 5284-002-7798354).

You can buy heat-insulating plates from us at a low price with delivery throughout Russia and the CIS.

Among our assortment, you can also find second-class sandwich panels with a pleasant discount of 30-40% (properties and functionality do not change).


PIR/PUR sandwich panels are manufactured with a tongue and groove lock. This unique technology provides maximum thermal and waterproofing of joints, and also eliminates the so-called "cold bridges". Depending on the thickness of the plate, such locks can be single, double or triple.

You can verify the quality of our locks by ordering a panel sample from our manager. Within two days, the courier will deliver it to you, and you will be able to examine the connection of the castle in detail.

Polyurethane foam PUR

Among materials for insulation, polyurethane foam (PUR) has the lowest thermal conductivity coefficient k=0.022W/m2K and high waterproofing properties. Flammability class G2. There are all test reports, expert opinion and certificates.

More detailed information you can get from our manager.

One of the main applications of rigid polyurethane foam

  • Lowest thermal conductivity (0.019–0.025 W/M*K)
  • Low density (39–40 kg/m3)
  • Low price for sandwich panels
  • High adhesion
  • Soundproofing
  • No cold bridges
  • Possibility of installation of a design of any dimensions in any weather.
  • Durability of coatings
  • High environmental friendliness
  • Short production time from 7 to 14 days.
  • Delivery throughout Russia and CIS countries.
  • Convenient warehouse location in Mos. region Shchelkovo.

Foam polyisocyanurate PIR

Polyisocyanurate foam is polyurethane foam modified as a result of the reaction of polyol and isocyanurate. The proportions are one to two (isocyanurate is twice the amount of polyol). Isocyanurate reacts with itself to form strong bonds. The result is polymerized polyurethane-reinforced isocyanurate (PIR).

Polyisocyanurate foam retains all the positive properties: thermal conductivity, density, excellent compressive strength, moisture resistance.

Polyisocyanurate has increased fire resistance. Due to the flame retardants it contains, PIR does not support combustion and dies out in the absence of a source of fire. In addition, compared to PU foam, polyisocyanurate foam is more resistant to harmful substances.

It is very important to take into account when self-pickup of products: Euro-truck or any other vehicle must be with folding sides on both sides and sets of tie-down straps (only side loading of products is carried out). If the conditions are not met, the download is not possible. Be vigilant when ordering transport yourself - check the availability of belts and folding sides.

Name of indicator Filler 40 60 80-120 150-200 standard
Fire resistance limit wall panels PUR EI15 GOST 30247.1-94
PIR EI15 EI30 EI45 GOST 30247.0-94
Fire resistance limit of roofing panels PIR RE15 RE30 RE30 GOST 30247.0-94
GOST 30247.1-94
Fire hazard class PIR K1 (15) GOST 30403-96
Flammability group PIR G1 GOST 30244-94
Flammability group PIR IN 1 GOST 30402-96
Smoke generating capacity PIR D3 GOST 12.1.044-89
Combustion products toxicity group PIR T2 GOST 12.1.044-89

Polyisocyanurate (PIR)- This is a class of polymers having a structure of small closed cells filled with foaming gas with extremely low thermal conductivity.

The main feature of polyisocyanurate foam (PIR) is its fireproof properties. When exposed to flame, the outer layer of the material is charred with the formation of a "porous" carbon matrix. This matrix prevents the combustion of the inner layers of the polymer. Thus, the high fire-resistant qualities of polyisocyanurate foam ensure the operation of sandwich panels at temperatures up to 140 degrees Celsius.

Fire safety performance of polyisocyanurate foam PIR

Name of indicator Filler 40 60 80-120 150-200 standard
Fire resistance limit of wall panels PIR EI15 EI30 EI45 GOST 30247.0-94
Fire resistance limit of roofing panels PIR RE15 RE30 RE30 GOST 30247.0-94
GOST 30247.1-94
Fire hazard class PIR K1 (15) GOST 30403-96
Flammability group PIR G1 GOST 30244-94
Flammability group PIR IN 1 GOST 30402-96
Smoke generating capacity PIR D3 GOST 12.1.044-89
Combustion products toxicity group PIR T2 GOST 12.1.044-89
Surface Flame Spread Group PIR RP1 GOST R 51032-97

Benefits of PIR sandwich panels

Low thermal conductivity

moisture resistance

Environmental friendliness

fire resistance



  • Main parameters:
  • Surface– smooth or profiled
  • Color– according to the RAL catalog
  • Width- 1185 mm.
  • Length- up to 16,000 mm.
  • Thickness- 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 150, 160, 180, 200 mm.

Roof sandwich panels PIR

Roof sandwich panels PIR

  • Main parameters:
  • Surface- on one side, stiffeners in the form of trapezoidal protrusions 40 mm high, on the other side - a microprofile 1.5 mm deep
  • Color– according to the RAL catalog
  • Width- 1000 mm.
  • Length- up to 16,000 mm.
  • Thickness- 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 150 mm.

As metal facings for PIR sandwich panels, the following can be used:

  • cold rolled galvanized steel;
  • cold-rolled galvanized steel, painted with polyester paint in the color according to the RAL catalog;
  • cold-rolled galvanized steel with "pural" coating;
  • cold-rolled galvanized steel with "plastisol" coating;
  • cold-rolled galvanized steel coated with "polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)".

Panel locks

In 2008, in order to identify market needs, ProfHolod conducted marketing research among the 150 leading companies involved in the installation of sandwich panels. The result of the study was the development of a new type of docking profile of the lock that meets all the requirements modern market. In January 2010, the project was implemented.

Depending on the thickness wall sandwich panels, are used different types tongue and groove locks:

  • single tenon-groove with a thickness of 40-60 mm;
  • double thorn-groove of a conical shape along the foam with a thickness of 80-160 mm;
  • triple thorn-groove of a conical shape on the foam with a thickness of 180-200 mm.

In order to strengthen the connections, at the request of the customer, the docking lock can be reinforced with eccentric locks or other embedded elements.

Single tenon groove

Double tongue and groove

Triple tongue and groove

Roof sandwich panels with PIR filler are made with "ROOF-LOCK" lock:


For the production of panels, a polyisocyanurate formulation is used, which was developed by the world's leading chemical concern Dow Chemical on the exclusive order of ProfHolod.

ProfHolod manufactures sandwich panels with thermal insulation from fire-resistant polyisocyanurate foam on

Insulation sandwich panels and its properties largely determine the attractiveness of this building material for the consumer. Polyisocyanurate foam is a relatively new, but very promising material.

I have already talked about. Traditionally used materials are not without serious drawbacks.

Sandwich panel insulation - traditional options

Mineral wool

Insulation of sandwich panels made of mineral wool is not the most effective. Such panels are used for cladding buildings with high fire safety requirements. The material is quite heavy, so the frame construction is not so light. In addition, there is a risk of mineral wool delamination, as a result of which the sandwich panel will have to be repaired or replaced.

Insulation made of polyisocyanurate foam and mineral wool - comparison

Yes, and with the fire safety of mineral wool is actually not so unambiguous. At least, if the manufacturer strives to produce the cheapest possible product and saves where it should not be done. To prevent mineral wool from absorbing moisture, it is treated with special substances. Sometimes, as a result of such processing, mineral wool becomes combustible. It's not easy to set it on fire, but if it catches fire...


Expanded polystyrene - cheap, light, provides good thermal insulation. (it is a self-extinguishing material), but the main problem not even flammability, but very harmful substances released during combustion. Great option for garages, but its use in residential buildings raises some concerns.

polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam sandwich panel insulation is more expensive than polystyrene foam, but it is more durable and has a lower thermal conductivity coefficient. But it's also more expensive. Like expanded polystyrene, polyurethane foam is not very resistant to fire and high temperatures.

Polyisocyanurate foam

Polyisocyanurate foam (PIR or PIR) combines strength, low thermal conductivity and fire resistance. Manufacturers of this material declare fire resistance classes G1 and G2, which is very good. G1 - low combustible Construction Materials, G2 - moderately combustible, better - only NG - non-combustible.

Insulation of sandwich panels made of polyisocyanurate foam is a fairly fire-resistant material

Polyisocyanurate foam is a much more chemically stable material than, for example, polyurethane foam. In addition, it does not absorb moisture at all. Yes and thermal insulation properties polyisocyanurate foam is significantly better than polyurethane foam.

Of course, polyisocyanurate foam is not only better, but also more expensive than the above materials. But, as I said, the material is relatively new, and, quite possibly, the improvement of its manufacturing technology will reduce the cost of production. By the way, the production of polyisocyanurate foam does not harm the environment. Yes, and see the material does not contain any toxins and is safe for health.

An important feature of polyisocyanurate foam is thermal stability, which allows the use of sandwich panels at temperatures up to +150 °C. So such panels can be used for. Yes, and for the country or this option is very interesting.

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