How to insulate walls inside a building. How to insulate walls with your own hands. Technological sequence of works

During the construction of private houses, mistakes are often made, due to which winter time the rooms are very cold and you have to spend a lot of money on heating. Competent warming allows to correct this situation. In the article we will consider materials suitable for repair, as well as the procedure for their installation.

Characteristics of heaters - 5 points worth stopping at

In order to qualitatively insulate the walls of the house from the inside, it is necessary to understand what properties the materials used should have. The most important characteristics of thermal insulation materials are:

  1. 1. The degree of thermal insulation. Different heaters are characterized by a different degree of thermal insulation, some materials better prevent cooling interior spaces others are worse.
  2. 2. Dimensions. Heaters with equal characteristics of thermal insulation can have different thickness. It is best to use thin materials, the installation of which will not greatly reduce usable area rooms.
  3. 3. Vapor permeability. The means used should not interfere with the evaporation of moisture. If the steam creates condensation, it can lead to the formation of fungus and mold on the walls.
  4. 4. Density of joints. The denser the joints, the less likely the appearance of so-called cold bridges, which not only reduce the quality of insulation, but also increase the wear of internal facing materials.
  5. 5. Complexity of installation. The easier it is to install thermal insulation materials, the easier it will be to carry out repair work independently, without involving professionals in the installation.

We also recommend paying attention to the ability of the materials used to maintain their shape throughout the entire service life. The cheapest heaters quickly deform, lose their useful qualities, which may soon lead to the need for re-repair Therefore, it is better to insulate the walls with high-quality means.

Mineral wool is one of the most popular heat insulators.

Minvata - common and affordable thermal insulation material. It is popular with both professional builders and private owners who want to minimum investment insulate the house from the inside. Mineral wool has many advantages, but the main one is its low weight, that is, its use in repairs will not create an additional load on the bearing structural elements residential facility.

The lightness of mineral wool is especially important if it is necessary to insulate the walls from the inside in a private frame house, partitions and foundations in which they cannot withstand additional loads from thermal insulation. Despite its popularity and availability, mineral wool has many significant drawbacks that must be remembered. TO negative traits minerals include:

  1. 1. Moisture absorption, which over time leads to the material losing its original shape and technical characteristics.
  2. 2. Relatively low level of thermal insulation.
  3. 3. The likelihood of the formation of cold bridges due to the impossibility of insulating the joints between the plates with wool.

You can also insulate the house from the inside with the help of basalt wool, it is similar to mineral wool, but retains heat and its own shape much better under negative external influences. Her positive traits due to the presence in the composition of the fibers of natural basalt, which, among other things, is able to withstand even strong temperature changes. The main disadvantage of basalt wool is its high cost.

Styrofoam and foam - which is better?

Styrofoam is also very popular for insulating the walls of a residential building from the inside, especially if the work is done by hand. Its main difference from mineral wool is the ability to maintain its shape for a long time. It does not interact with moisture, but it does not pass it through itself, which is a disadvantage. Polyfoam has very low vapor permeability characteristics, condensate remains on the insulation and does not evaporate. Low vapor permeability often leads to the formation of fungus and mold, so this insulation is not recommended for use in wet rooms.

Do not use foam for insulation wooden houses, because of the accumulated moisture, the structural elements of the building made of natural wood may suffer. Some owners refuse to use foam, considering it too flammable. In fact modern production Styrofoam involves the addition of special fire retardants to its composition, which prevent the material from igniting and create a kind of barrier to the spread of fire inside the premises, since under the influence of high temperature the foam simply decomposes into water and carbon dioxide, which do not burn.

Insulation of the walls of the house from the inside can be carried out with the help of more modern variety polystyrene foam - foam plastic. It differs from polystyrene in greater density, which has a positive effect on the required thickness of the insulation, which means it is much better suited for thermal insulation of the house from the inside. Penoplex is completely safe for humans, it is actively used in the construction of private houses, children's and public institutions.

Polyurethane - is it easy to use?

Polyurethane has a good degree of thermal insulation and is considered best material for insulation of concrete walls. Even a thin layer of mounting foam (several centimeters) is enough to significantly improve the microclimate in residential premises. Typically, polyurethane is used to insulate thin exterior walls that require maximum insulation with the smallest possible thickness of the heat insulator. An important advantage of mounting foam is that it does not have joints, due to which cold bridges could form.

In almost all characteristics, polyurethane surpasses its main competitors in the thermal insulation market - mineral wool and foam. The main disadvantage of this material is the high complexity of installation work. Only professionals with special expensive equipment can properly insulate the wall with mounting foam from the inside. It is pointless to buy equipment for mixing and spraying polyurethane on walls for one-time use, it is much cheaper and more efficient to turn to specialists who already have the necessary equipment and know how to use it correctly.

Installation of mineral wool and ecowool in a frame house

The most difficult task in thermal insulation with mineral wool is to create a sealed vapor barrier layer, which should protect the material from moisture and condensate. It is best to use mineral or basalt wool slabs for insulation, corresponding in size to the distance between the vertical posts of the frame house. If this distance is 60 cm, then the plates should be the same size. The density of the plates used must be more than 30 kg / m 3 with a sheet thickness of 5 cm.

The number of layers of insulation in each case must be selected individually, taking into account climatic conditions in the region. For the southern regions of Russia, 2 layers of thermal insulation are usually sufficient, and in the northern regions, install at least 3 layers.

If frame house has external insulation, then a vapor barrier layer has already been installed in the walls, which does not have to be duplicated at all in order to insulate the walls of the house from the inside. Install mineral wool slabs between the vertical posts of the frame house, close them from above vapor barrier material from the membrane. The vapor barrier is overlapped, and the seams are additionally fixed with building reinforced tape. On top of the membrane film, you need to install a crate made of wood, on which it will be possible to hang the inner wall cladding. For finishing the rooms in a frame house, it is best to use drywall or wooden finishing materials.

Ecowool is a special material that is applied to the walls by spraying. It is not necessary to buy a vacuum cleaner for such work, you can just rent it. To apply ecowool use three different ways. "Dry" application involves spraying ecowool with a hose into pre-prepared cavities inside the walls. "Wet" installation - mixing ecowool with water, which increases its adhesion to building materials, that is, such a mixture simply sticks to surfaces when sprayed. The "adhesive" method involves the addition of glue to the insulation, which is necessary for the adhesion of the composition to metal and concrete surfaces.

We insulate a brick building - how to proceed?

IN brick houses you can insulate the walls from the inside with more materials. The most important thing is that the means used are different good performance thermal insulation and had a small thickness. In a frame house, the insulation can be quite thick, since it is located directly inside the walls and does not reduce the area of ​​​​the rooms; in a brick building, the size of the room directly depends on the thickness of the insulation.

Most often, plaster, polystyrene and mineral wool are used to insulate brick houses. The easiest way to improve the thermal insulation characteristics of the house with your own hands is with the help of plaster. This method is the preliminary alignment of the walls, after which a layer of liquid primer is applied to the surface. This soil consistency will allow it to fill gaps, crevices and other minor defects in the treated surface.

A fabric reinforcing mesh is laid on top of the primer, and plaster on top. She has good thermal insulation characteristics, and it must be laid on the walls as evenly as possible. Not only the temperature inside the house, but also the visual appeal of the walls depends on the quality of the work performed. The composition must be applied with a spatula in two layers. The thickness of each layer should be no more than 2 cm. To improve the thermal insulation qualities of plastered walls after hardening facing material he is covered finishing layer plasters. Fine-grained sand is added to the liquid consistency solution and applied to the wall with a layer, the thickness of which should be about 5 mm.

Styrofoam also allows you to qualitatively insulate the walls brick house from within. In order to achieve the maximum improvement in the temperature conditions in the premises, the brick walls are pre-plastered, and then the surfaces are leveled to an ideal state with putty. Smooth walls are needed in order for the foam to fit as tightly as possible to the covered surfaces.

A layer of waterproofing is laid on top of the prepared wall in the form of a vapor barrier film or liquid primer, after which the installation of foam sheets begins. The easiest way to fix the heater on flat surface using special glue. The adhesive can be applied both to the walls and to the insulating material itself. Then the sheets are firmly applied to the wall and pressed until the adhesive sets. So that cold bridges do not form during the operation of the rooms, individual foam sheets should be fitted as tightly as possible to each other. From above, the foam is covered with a vapor barrier and proceed to finishing walls.

Mineral wool requires preliminary hydro and vapor barrier. After installing the insulation, we install a vertical crate made of metal or wooden profiles. The distance between the profiles or rails must be equal to the width of the insulation boards used. We install mineral wool between the profiles. If the thickness of the mineral wool layers is greater than the thickness of the crate, the insulation must be immediately fixed with a vapor barrier film. On top of the insulation, we attach a crate to the profiles to install the finishing facing layer.

Insulate the apartment high-rise building or a private house from the inside is easier than doing this work from the outside. Thermal insulation from the inside has its undeniable advantages:

  • Work can be carried out at any temperature and weather.
  • The architectural appearance of the building is not disturbed.
  • IN apartment building no scaffolding or involvement of high-altitude installers is required.
  • The insulation system itself is simplified, since the insulation is not required to be protected from the wind.
  • Work can be carried out independently.

Wall insulation from the inside - disadvantages

As for the shortcomings, overcoming them is technically more difficult or impossible:

  • Loss of part of the living space, since the most effective insulation will eat 5 cm along the insulated wall, and in the corner room - along two walls.
  • Insulation from the inside will shift the dew point, on which condensate settles, to the border of the wall and the heat insulator, which will lead to the gradual wetting of the insulation and the loss of its heat-insulating qualities. To avoid this, it is required forced ventilation premises.
  • The furniture will have to be removed during the renovation.

Material selection

When choosing how to insulate a house, homeowners often stop at materials:

  • Styrofoam.
  • Extruded polystyrene foam.
  • Mineral slabs.
  • Polyurethane foam.

The most efficient polyurethane foam has the most high cost, however, a 5 cm thick plate will be enough to create a comfortable temperature in the house.

Mineral wool boards attract those who are most concerned about safety, this material is non-combustible, unlike expanded polystyrene, for warming a house in middle lane Russia will need a plate 8 cm thick.

Expanded polystyrenes - both ordinary and extruded, are second in efficiency after polyurethane foam, but their main drawback is the release of harmful substances during combustion. Thanks to the addition of a flame retardant, the material has the property of self-extinguishing, but at high temperatures it melts and smokes.

If drywall sheets are used as a fire barrier, this will solve the problem, but increase the loss of area. In addition, extruded polystyrene foam is not much cheaper than polyurethane foam.

Not so long ago, appeared on the building materials market liquid insulation– paint designed to protect hulls spacecraft and aviation. Manufacturers guarantee that a layer of paint of 2-3 mm will solve the problem of wall freezing, however, heating engineers believe possible application of this paint as an addition to the main insulation, to reduce the thickness.

Knowing all the features of the materials, it is easy to choose how to insulate the walls in the house.

Insulation systems

You can insulate the walls of the house from the inside in a “wet” way, which got its name from “wet” plastering, or you can “dry”, lining the insulation with plasterboard, chipboard or other material.

The plaster method of thermal insulation consists of successively arranged layers:

  1. Outer wall.
  2. A layer of insulation glued to a special composition and fixed with dowels.
  3. Adhesive layer with embedded reinforcing mesh.
  4. Finishing layer as desired.

Dry method of insulation requires pre-installation load-bearing frame from a metal profile or a wooden antiseptic beam:

  1. Outer wall.
  2. Bearing frame.
  3. A layer of insulation, when using a mini-plate, it must be additionally protected on both sides - from the inside with a vapor barrier, from the side outer wall- waterproofing material.
  4. Control grate for creating an air gap that ensures the weathering of water vapor.
  5. Finishing cladding with the selected material, followed by finishing.

Having chosen the insulation system, you can proceed to preparatory work and purchasing materials.

We carry out "wet" insulation

To complete the work you will need materials:

  • To prepare the wall - a repair compound and an adhesive primer for brick and concrete, an antiseptic, a flame retardant and a fungicide, or a complex protective compound for a wooden house.
  • Insulation, such as polystyrene foam.
    adhesive composition.
  • Dowel screws with a thermally insulated head (5-6 pieces per 1 m2).
  • Plastic mesh with a cell of no more than 5x5 mm.
  • Finishing material.


  • Scaffold.
  • Large capacity for glue.
  • Drill with different nozzles.
  • Spatula, rule.
  • Hacksaw or electric jigsaw.
  • Plumb and building level.

Consider how to insulate walls:

  • Foundation preparation - brick and concrete surfaces remove paint, smooth out irregularities more than 3 cm, prime the walls; grind wood walls, check the tightness of the joints, if necessary, caulk, primer.
  • Dilute the adhesive composition according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
  • Apply the mixture on the heat insulator plate with marks every 30–45 cm in the center and in a continuous line at a distance of 2 cm from the edge of the plate. Glue that has fallen on the end of the plate forms a cold bridge, so it is important to remove it immediately.
  • We mount the plates, starting from the bottom, with a minimum offset of 20 cm of vertical joints. Do not forget about the insulation of slopes. The gaps between the plates up to 3 cm are filled with mounting foam, the large ones are filled with scraps of insulating material.
  • After 2-3 days, we fix the heat insulator with dowels along the edges and center of the plate, slightly sunk the cap.
  • We apply an adhesive composition to the surface of the insulation with a layer of 3-4 mm, roll out the reinforcing mesh and melt it with a spatula into the glue.

After gaining strength with glue, we perform finishing.

Dry process technology

Surface preparation is carried out in the same way, the set of tools is the same.

Materials for work:

  • Wooden antiseptic beam with a section of 40x40 mm for the frame and battens.
  • It is desirable to lay the insulation in 2 layers, for example, two 40 mm mineral wool slabs.
  • Vapor barrier film.
  • Waterproofing membrane.
  • Vapor barrier double sided tape.
  • adhesive composition.
  • Dowel - pan-type screws with metal cores and thermally insulated heads.
  • Drywall or other boards for finishing.
  • Finishing material.

How to properly insulate the walls of the house from the inside in a dry way:

  1. We prepare the base in the same way as the wet method.
  2. We mount the crate horizontally with a step of 600 mm (along the width of the plates).
  3. We fix the waterproofing membrane on double-sided tape. We join the canvases with an overlap of 10-15 cm on a double-sided vapor barrier tape.
  4. We prepare the adhesive composition; temporarily fix the insulation with glue in the built frame.
  5. We mount the second level of the crate perpendicular to the first (vertically).
  6. We fix the second layer of plates of insulating material on the glue;
  7. After the glue dries, we fix the insulation with dowels.
  8. We protect the insulation with a vapor barrier film.
  9. We mount drywall on self-tapping screws.
  10. We do the finishing touches.

This installation method will solve the problem of cold bridges.


When deciding how to insulate a house from the inside, the main thing is to study all the pros and cons of this or that method, this or that material. Many large corporations compose their insulation systems, produce the appropriate materials and sell them as a set, in this case bearing responsibility for the quality of the entire insulation system. As for the proposed technologies, they have been tested by many homeowners with excellent results.

Properly insulated walls of the house will make life in it comfortable, and heating bills will be minimal. There is a wide variety of thermal insulation materials that differ in their thermal conductivity, installation method and price. Consider the most popular ways of warming private houses.

Thermal insulation materials

In total there are many types. Starting from the well-known glass wool and ending with a modern heat-insulating mortar, which is applied like paint.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool is made from fibers of inorganic materials such as dolomite, basalt, quartz, broken glass, diabase, etc. To create it, the material is first melted and then placed in a centrifuge, where it is stretched into thin fibers and settles in a special chamber. The resulting mass is a chaotic interlacing of fibers, further heat-insulating mats and plates are formed from it.

Properties of mineral wool:

  • has low thermal conductivity;
  • is a non-combustible material;
  • has high compressive strength and no less high tensile strength;
  • excellent soundproof qualities;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of installation.

Good thermal insulation properties of the insulation are due to the structure of the material, in which the number of air channels is 95%. Mineral wool belongs to the class of non-combustible materials (capable of withstanding temperatures up to 700 degrees) and its use is allowed not only in private homes, but also in public buildings. Doesn't lose his operational properties for several decades.

Most opponents of the use of mineral wool as a wall insulation explain their position by the fact that the mats are quite soft and in a vertical position, over time, will shrink, which will lead to cold bridges. But the fibers in it are arranged randomly, giving the material the necessary rigidity and resistance to mechanical stress.

When insulating with mineral wool, it is necessary to use vapor-tight films to protect against condensate. But this is not its only protection against moisture, hydrophobic substances are added even at the manufacturing stage, and basalt fibers themselves are non-hygroscopic raw materials.


This material has been known for a long time and has been successfully used for home insulation for many years. They are made on the basis of broken glass, soda, sand, dolomite, limestone and a number of other components. It is also heated and separated into many fine fibers, which are located in finished material parallel to each other.

Fiberglass properties:

  • keeps the house warm in winter and cool in summer;
  • has soundproofing properties;
  • fiberglass mats, although they absorb moisture, easily give it back, which indicates non-hygroscopicity;
  • due to good elasticity and resilience during for long years does not deform;
  • the composition of the material is environmentally friendly, and due to the treatment with special preparations it is not afraid of pests and is not susceptible to mold;
  • unlike mineral wool, fiberglass is more vibration resistant;
  • great for warming uneven surfaces;
  • when burning does not emit harmful substances.

Fiberglass insulated walls and facades frame houses, but still, given material more suitable for thermal insulation of floors, floors and pipelines.
Fiberglass mats are easy to cut, but should be handled in protective clothing and a respirator, because when it comes into contact with the skin, irritation begins, which will take quite a long time to get rid of.

Extruded polystyrene foam

Extruded polystyrene foam is a modern analogue of conventional polystyrene. It is favorably distinguished from other heaters by low water absorption and strong compression resistance, providing high stability to the material.

It withstands very low and high temperatures without losing its properties. When warming, they do not have to carry out waterproofing works. There is also no need to purchase vapor barrier films, which is an additional advantage.

Expanded polystyrene has special markings, thanks to which it is easy to choose the required material according to its characteristics - compressive strength or surface embossing.


Polyfoam has been known for more than half a century. Perhaps this is the most cheap look thermal insulation material. It is great for warming residential and non-residential buildings. Its structure is made up of plastic granules filled with gas, which practically do not let heat through.

Despite the artificial origin, in terms of vapor-permeable characteristics, expanded polystyrene is similar to wood. And due to its low hygroscopicity, it is not subject to rotting and the formation of mold that is harmful to health.

Another important advantage is its resistance to acids (with the exception of nitric and acetic acid) and paints.

For do-it-yourself insulation, PPS plates sized 50x100 and 60x120 cm are best suited.


  • high flammability of the material;
  • enters into chemical reaction with some solvents (in particular with dichloroethane and benzene);
  • fragile material that is easy to break;
  • when insulating a private house with it, it suffers from the teeth of mice that like to make their holes in it.


This is a relatively new thermal insulation material that is gaining popularity due to affordable price, environmental friendliness and excellent technical characteristics.


  • made from wood fiber, it has excellent thermal properties;
  • during production, special additives are added to ecowool, making it a difficult-to-ignite material;
  • in its manufacture, antiseptics are used, so rodents and other pests do not live in it, and mold and fungus do not form;
  • protects wooden house from rotting, and in frame houses it extends the service life of wooden elements up to 100 years. Due to its natural origin (the basis is cellulose), ecowool has the ability to "breathe".

A layer of ecowool of 15 cm is equal to: 46 cm of foam concrete wall, 18 cm of mineral wool insulation, 50 cm of thickness wooden beam, 90 cm expanded clay, 146 cm brick walls.

Features and comparison of thermal insulation materials

What you should pay attention to when choosing a thermal insulation material:

  • All wool insulation (mineral wool, fiberglass) suppress airborne noise well. But polystyrene and polystyrene foam will require the use of additional soundproofing material.
  • Wadded heaters, although made of non-hygroscopic materials, absorb water well (the air between the fibers absorbs water). And having got wet only by 2% of the mass, they lose 50% of their properties. Therefore, they are insulated only in conjunction with the use of vapor-tight films. PPS and EPPS do not absorb moisture, and being in water, do not lose their characteristics for a long time.
  • It is not recommended to insulate the walls of the house with foam from the inside. It belongs to combustible materials, and when burned, it releases toxic substances. But if the choice fell on PPS, it is worth stopping at the G1 flammability group. Although it will burn on contact with fire, it will not be able to sustain combustion on its own. Of course, groups such as G4 or G3 are much cheaper, but it is dangerous to choose them for warming a private house.

Wall insulation from the inside of a frame house with mineral wool

Mineral wool is classified into several types:

  • with a density of 10-90 kg / m3 - suitable for insulation and soundproof frame houses, in which no load will be placed on it;
  • more rigid, with a density of 90 kg / m3, designed to bear some loads, most often it is insulated with the contours of structures;
  • the third type is technical. It is used for insulation of equipment and is able to withstand temperatures from - 180 to + 700 degrees.

Warming the walls of a frame house with mineral wool is the best option. It does not burn, perfectly retains heat, isolates rooms from noise and is safe for health and the environment.

The main task when working with it is to create a hermetic vapor barrier from all sides, reliably protecting the material from condensation and moisture. It will also be necessary to equip a ventilated gap between the vapor barrier covering the insulation and the finishing wall cladding.

Stages of work

  • The distance between the vertical posts in the frame house is 60 cm, which corresponds in width to the size of the basalt slab. For wall insulation, material in the form of plates with a density of at least 30 kg / m3 is suitable. The standard sheet thickness is 5 cm, so the number of layers is selected individually, depending on weather conditions region. So, for the south of Russia, it is enough to make a layer of insulation of 10 cm. And when building in the northern regions, the optimal thickness is 15 cm of heat-insulating material from the inside, and 5 cm from the outside. Moreover, the external insulation is fastened in such a way as to cover all the wooden beams of the frame, thereby eliminating the possibility of cold bridges.

  • From the outside, a frame house, as a rule, already has a layer of vapor barrier to protect the outer insulation, so it makes no sense to duplicate it from the inside before laying the insulation. If between OSB boards small gaps have formed, they must be foamed with mounting foam.
  • The insulation between the vertical posts must be laid tightly so that there are no gaps. Due to the good elasticity of the material, this is easy to do. From above, it is closed with a vapor barrier film, which is overlapped, and all its seams are additionally glued with construction reinforced tape.

  • On top of the membrane film, a crate for plasterboard sheathing is attached to the frame.

How to insulate a frame house with ecowool

Second best way to insulate a frame house is to use ecowool. In most cases, the companies that produce it offer installation services. But spraying it is easy and on your own, just rent a special vacuum cleaner. True, it should be noted that the manufacturer will assure that there is no need for vapor barrier material. This is partly true, but in order to extend the service life and to prevent unpleasant situations, additional protection against condensate is necessary.

Ecowool is applied in three ways:

  • dry method. This is the most common option, it is suitable for insulating the walls of a private house from the inside, floors, interfloor ceilings and sloping mansard roofs. Spraying is carried out using a hose from which insulation is supplied. It is simply poured into prepared wall cavities or filled in the floor space between the beams.

  • Wet way. Ideal for insulating sloped surfaces. Water is added to it, due to which adhesion increases and the material sticks to the wall. And after drying, a denser coating is created.

  • « Adhesive way". As the name implies, glue is added to the insulation. This method is used when insulating concrete or metal walls, for example hangars. IN this case finishing trim is not required.

Insulation of the walls of a brick house from the inside

When choosing a thermal insulation material for insulating a brick house from the inside, it is important that it has high thermal insulation properties, but has a small thickness. Unlike a frame house, in which the insulation is located inside the walls, in a brick house it occupies a usable area. Therefore, it is so important to find the best option without damaging residential meters.

Consider three methods of insulation - plaster, foam and mineral wool.

Insulation of the walls of a brick house from the inside with plaster

On the aligned walls, the first coat of primer is applied with a paint brush with a stiff brush. It should have a liquid consistency, and when applied, fill all the gaps and small cracks. On average, the thickness of the first layer is 5-8 mm.

Then comes the plastering. It is she who is the main heat-insulating material, therefore, it should be distributed evenly. First, a fabric reinforcing mesh is mounted on the wall, and the composition is applied on top of it with a spatula with a flat surface. Gradually, in two stages, a layer of 5 cm is created (a layer thickness of 1.5-2 cm is allowed, but not more).

At the final stage, the plaster is covered with the last leveling layer. To do this, the liquid consistency of the solution is diluted and fine-grained sand is added to it. The thickness of this layer is approximately 5 mm.

Insulation of the walls of a brick house from the inside with foam

All the advantages and disadvantages of foam insulation have already been described above, so we will consider the stages of work directly.

For more effective insulation brick wall plaster first. Then a layer of putty level the surface for a snug fit of foam sheets.

If the outside of the house does not have waterproofing, it must be done from the inside. It can be a liquid primer or a vapor barrier film. Despite the moisture resistance of PPS, the moisture formed on brickwork, penetrates and destroys it.

Now the installation of sheets begins. On a flat surface, it is attached to a special adhesive, which is applied to the walls or directly to the material. Styrofoam sheets should fit snugly against each other, without the formation of cracks at the joints.

From above, the heat-insulating material is closed with a vapor barrier. Warming is completed, you can start finishing.

Insulation of the walls of a brick house from the inside with mineral wool

With this type of insulation, the brick wall must also be closed with hydro or vapor barrier.

Then the crate is mounted from metal profiles or wooden slats placed vertically. The distance between them should be equal to the width of the heat-insulating material. You can’t make it a little wider or add allowances, because mineral wool is a soft material that is easy to lay, but it should be very tight in the frame.

After all the insulation is laid and covered with a vapor barrier film, a crate is nailed on top for finishing.

Walls are insulated in the same way. panel house from within. But depending on the initial thickness of the walls, a thicker layer of insulation may be required.

Insulation of the walls of a log house from the inside

Above is a diagram of the "pie" of warming a log house. When warming wooden house mineral wool, be sure to provide a ventilated gap between the timber wall and the insulation layer to prevent the accumulation of condensate.

Wood is an organic material that is susceptible to decay. Therefore, it will be necessary to build, from the inside, a whole frame system filled with insulation. If this is neglected, the timber will rot in 4-5 years.

For the frame, boards are selected with a length equal to the height of the room from ceiling to floor. They are installed in increments of 60 cm, just such standard width all mineral wool heaters. They are fixed indented from the wall by 2-3 cm, thus creating a ventilation gap.

But in order for the moisture to escape into the atmosphere, it will be necessary to make ventilation in the wall. To do this, a hole with a diameter of 2 cm is drilled in the first beam from the floor at an angle of 45 degrees to the ground. They must be made along the entire length in increments of 1 m. From above, the ventilation gap is left open, with access to the attic or under the cornice.

To protect the air from overlapping with mineral wool and to retain warm air indoors, a vapor barrier film is attached to the frame.

After installing the vapor barrier, the insulation is tightly laid, without the formation of cold bridges. From above, as shown in the diagram, the structure is also covered with a vapor barrier film.

The insulation is completed, it remains to make the crate for inner lining walls.

All information about the required layer thickness is given approximately. For accurate calculation in each case, many factors should be taken into account - the material of the walls, the presence external insulation, climatic features, thermal insulation characteristics of a particular manufacturer, etc.

One and the same heat-insulating material cannot insulate everything. But if the seller or builder assures you otherwise, this only indicates their personal benefit.

It is necessary to lay cotton materials tightly, but in no case compress it. It should be located exactly in the crate and not have a bend.

According to the above technologies, the walls of country houses are insulated from the inside, cottages for year-round living or city apartments. The only difference is that in the first and last case, the insulation layer is made minimal.

Each owner has their own individual requirements to what should be his house or apartment. The exception to the rule is heat. Especially in the cold season, when the air temperature outside goes to minus.

With the fact that housing should not only be beautiful, but also able to hold comfortable temperature even when big minus everyone agrees without exception.

The reason for this unanimity lies not only in the desire to avoid the need to be at home in warm clothes that hinder movement.

The main troubles following the freezing of the walls are condensate, mold and fungi that affect the health of residents.

In addition, the walls themselves suffer. If mold and fungus can be eliminated, then restore the quality of the affected wall succeeds not always.

The way out of the situation is internal wall insulation, protection from the cold during frost, and from condensate during periods of thaw.

Advantages and disadvantages of thermal insulation

Usually the culprit decrease in comfortable temperature level indoors are heating systems, poorly insulated windows, or the roof of the house. If the heating, windows and roofing are normal, then the problem is really in freezing walls that require additional thermal insulation.

The indisputable advantages of internal protection of walls from freezing include:

  • the ability to insulate any room;
  • performance of work at any time of the year;
  • the ability to carry out all the work independently (significant savings);
  • increasing the sound insulation of the home.

The disadvantages include:

  • mandatory requirements for providing vapor barrier;
  • the need to use heaters with excessive thickness;
  • consequences in the form of internal drafts;
  • the need to create additional ventilation due to increased humidity;

Is it possible to insulate the walls inside the apartment?

Although the option internal insulation seems, at first glance, the most effective and profitable, experts recommend resorting to it only in the most extreme cases if there is no other way out.

If the operating organization promises to carry out external insulation for years, but the residents do not have their own funds, then everything that is not recommended can be done, since is not strictly prohibited.

If you have to pay round sums for heating or the apartment is cold and damp, then there is a clear problem that the heat does not linger inside. The most logical thing would be to insulate the wall in the apartment from the inside, and for a simple layman, this is associated with complex installation work. However, it is not always necessary to use any special tools.

Pros and cons of insulating an apartment from the inside

Professional builders do not get tired of arguing about how to insulate the walls in the apartment. Some of them claim that insulation from the inside is a waste of money, while others claim that thermal insulation material brings good results. However, both agree that wall insulation from the outside is much more effective than from the inside.

But how to insulate a wall in an apartment for those who live in high-rise buildings, where thin walls freeze through in winter? After all, it is often simply impossible to insulate such a house from the outside. In addition, it is impossible to insulate houses in the historical center, with the close location of the apartment to the elevator shaft, and many more reasons serve as contraindications to this species insulation. Therefore, there is only one option, the pros and cons of which have long been known.

The disadvantages of insulation inside most often include:

  • on average, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment is reduced by 0.5–2 square meters;
  • at the time of work it is necessary to completely vacate the premises;
  • it is necessary to provide for many additional measures: ventilation, protection of the heat insulator, etc.;
  • the formation of fungus or mold.

The advantages of this type of insulation are:

  • low cost;
  • the ability to work at any time of the year;
  • accessibility (you can install it yourself).

The good news is that if the insulation is carried out in compliance with all the rules, then most of the stated disadvantages can be avoided.

How to avoid damage to interior finishes?

Before you start dealing with the consequences of improper insulation, you should understand the causes of the problems.

At a certain temperature, water vapor condenses from the air. This temperature is called the "construction dew point", at which condensation occurs on cool surfaces i.e. water droplets.

According to the norms, the air temperature in residential premises should be at least 22 and not more than 27 degrees Celsius. In this case, the dew point is 10.7 degrees Celsius. Simply put, if you insulate the walls and they reach the dew point, condensation will definitely appear. Where exactly it will be depends on many factors. For example, if it is cold outside, it will move further away from the facade.

Condensation negates the effect of insulation, moreover, mold appears on the walls. So, task number one is dry walls. To achieve this is quite realistic, the main thing is to follow a few rules:

  • for warming choose your own materials High Quality , when connecting the vapor barrier film, seal the joints;
  • pay attention to the vapor permeability of the insulation, the lower it is, the better. If the vapor permeability of the wall is higher than that of the heat insulator, then the steam will go outside;
  • when gluing the insulation, it should not lag behind the wall. To do this, it is best to use a comb;
  • put valves on the windows to reduce the humidity in the room;
  • calculate the thickness of the insulating layer, taking into account the characteristics of the climatic zone. The insulation should not be thinner than this value;
  • before warming treat the walls special composition which prevents mold and mildew. Start warming after the walls are dry.

It is worth considering that where the floors are connected to bearing walls, insulation can not be carried out. A heat insulator is applied to these places using a vapor barrier, then they are masked using false columns, etc.

How to choose a heater?

Every year more and more new building materials. Some of them are suitable for warming apartments, but there are three proven heaters, the pros and cons of which are well studied:

  • mineral wool;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • polyurethane foam.

Many of us have heard that it is possible to insulate an apartment from the inside with mineral wool. No wonder, after all this material is quite easy to work with: enough to lay it inside drywall construction. Most often, the work is done quickly, the material is chosen the cheapest, the vapor barrier is neglected. The result is the same: it does more harm than good. Ordinary mineral wool in rolls has a very low coefficient of thermal resistance.

The positive thing is that she seems to "breathe". On the other hand, moisture penetrates through the wool fibers to the dew point, and then it is absorbed into the material. Of course, there are more expensive and quality options, but if you insulate ordinary cheap mineral wool, it does not guarantee dryness.

To reduce the risk of moisture ingress, don't skimp on insulation and glue with the highest quality glue. If smudges appear on the walls, or, even more so, a fungus, then all the insulation work will have to be redone.


Expanded polystyrene is considered one of the the best heaters for walls from the inside. It is increasingly used both in Russia and abroad. This material has all the necessary properties to displace mineral wool and become the most popular insulation of all.

Expanded polystyrene does not conduct heat well and does not absorb moisture, while it has low vapor permeability. It easily copes with loads, can survive strong compressions and tears, while being very light and pliable: it can even be cut with a knife. Therefore, the installation of insulation will not be a problem.

Respectively, a thin layer of expanded polystyrene will solve the problem with insulation and will not allow moisture to reach the dew point. The only negative is that it does not protect against noise and is destroyed at temperatures above 80 degrees Celsius. The latter, as a rule, is irrelevant for the weather conditions in Russia.

polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is latest material, which is designed to quickly and efficiently solve the problem of wall insulation from the inside. Moisture cannot penetrate the material, so it does not get wet. Moreover, it does not need to be glued, it is enough to spray on the wall. Thanks to this, seams and joints are not formed, even a room with curved corners will look perfect.

Of course, the material has its downsides. Most often, the first thing consumers pay attention to is the price. Polyurethane foam - rather expensive heater Moreover, installation work is also expensive. In addition, if it catches fire, it will smoke heavily and release various toxic substances. When exposed to UV, it quickly decomposes into products that can cause great harm to health in a few years.

Self-insulation of the wall from the inside

Since expanded polystyrene is available and quality material, it will be used as an example. Before you start insulating the walls, you need to prepare their surfaces. Depending on whether the walls are covered with something or not, you need to carry out a few simple steps.

If the walls are already pasted over, painted or covered finishing materials, then it follows:

  • remove wallpaper or paint;
  • primed;
  • wait until the primer dries;
  • putty;
  • let the putty dry.

If the walls are not covered with anything, then:

  • primed;
  • level the wall with plaster;
  • putty;
  • let the putty dry.

It is possible to insulate the walls only after the putty is completely dry. It usually takes from 2 to 6 hours, the exact time is indicated on the package. Then you should knead the glue, there is always an instruction on the mixture. Then take a notched trowel and apply glue to the styrofoam, make sure the layer is even. Install the insulation in the desired position and check that there is no air pockets. Sealant is applied to the ends. Then, when all the sheets are ready, the glue should harden.

Now start applying the finish coat:

  • apply a thin layer building mix about 2-5mm thick;
  • until the mixture has solidified attach reinforcing mesh; it should sink into the mixture, you can use a notched trowel. The mesh will protect the plastered walls from cracks;
  • apply the solution and level the surface with a spatula;
  • sand the wall every other day so that there are no bumps. There will be a lot of dust, you should take care of respiratory protection.

When installing, try to glue the sheets so as to avoid gaps. This will prevent moisture from penetrating the wall and prevent condensation from forming. If the gaps still remain, use the mounting film to blow them out.

After completing the work, do not forget to regularly ventilate the room. Warming may lead to poor ventilation conditions. which will be harmful to health. To maintain a healthy microclimate, ventilate the rooms daily. Such care will certainly give its results and the room will remain dry and warm.

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