Is it possible to drill a hole in a concrete load-bearing or brick wall of a panel house with a conventional drill, hammer drill or screwdriver without dust, how to do it. How to drill or punch a hole in concrete, different ways

How to drill or punch a hole in concrete, various ways.

Many experts know that drilling holes in concrete is not an easy task. Even if you use a pobedite drill, it is not certain that the hole will be drilled without problems.

What is the reason? The thing is that the right concrete wall (especially erected in Soviet times), consists of a quarter of reinforcing bars and stones. And only those who know the correct sequence of actions can drill all this reliable magnificence. I invite you to join the cohort of those who know, by reading the detailed instructions.

Holes in concrete: step by step instructions

1. We take a punch and break stones with it. This is a special drill that you will find without problems in any building set, is simply inserted into a drill and used in a similar way to a Pobedite or diamond drill, the cost of which is not as high as it seems. As for the reinforcement, its cutting is carried out with a conventional drill.

2. If you are going to use a carbide drill, then I recommend using an asymmetrical sharpening to speed up the drilling process. Before starting drilling a concrete wall, it is necessary to make a mark with a drill with a standard sharpening. This will help you get off to the right start. WITH concrete wall a puncher from a 6-8 mm drill also does a good job, the end of which is sharpened like dovetail. The drill must be constantly turned and struck on it. It takes no more than 2-3 minutes to drill a hole for a socket with a similar tool.

3. Drilling or drilling holes in concrete should be accompanied by regular wetting of the working drill with water. This will help extend its life. An elastic plastic bottle is often used as a reservoir.

4 . When you drill a hole in concrete ceiling follow safety precautions. Plaster crumbs will fly under your sleeves, behind your collar and into your eyes. To protect yourself from them, you need to make an ordinary funnel out of a transparent plastic film, which is put on directly on the drill.

5. When installing a chandelier, you will definitely have to drill a hole in the ceiling for subsequent termination and installation. metal hook. If you want to protect the plaster from the almost inevitable crumbling, use a regular rubber ball cut into two pieces. A hole is made in one half of the ball, after which it is put on a bolt or punch.

How to punch a hole in concrete?

To punch a hole in a brick or concrete wall, it is necessary to use special bolts, the manufacture of which comes from metal pipes. In the upper part of the jumper, it is necessary to weld with steel rods, using gas or mountain welding. These rods will subsequently be hit. If the rods are not welded, the pipe will wear out quickly. On the working part, the teeth must be cemented with cast-iron surfacing. It does not hurt to breed them, which will help to achieve high indicators of the stability of bolts in work. If you want to protect yourself from the tool getting stuck in the process of punching holes, you need to turn the bolt around the axis, take it out regularly and clean it from concrete or brick dust. The bolt can be used as long as punching a hole in the wall 5 centimeters deep will not dull or color the teeth.

How to punch a hole with a scarpel?

Skarpel is a tool designed for drilling or cutting holes in brick and concrete walls, cutting niches, openings and furrows. Cutting a scarpel into concrete can cause jamming, which should be avoided. If jamming nevertheless occurred, then in no case do not hit the side of the scarpel “in a bend”. This will lead to irreparable. Modern scarpels, which help to drill a hole of any size, are made of St.6 steel. They are subject to the following requirements. When cutting a strip of steel marked St.0, 5 centimeters wide and 4 millimeters thick, crumbled places, dents or signs of dullness should not appear on the working part of the tool. At the same time, the question of how to repair the resulting defects is simply not raised.

Mechanized hole punching

If a hole in a concrete wall cannot be made manually, mechanized punching is used with an electric hammer. This tool consists of a body and a striker holder, an electric motor and a converting mechanism. The use of an electric hammer is accompanied by the operation of the percussion mechanism with the movements of the striker resulting from the active actions of the converting mechanism. Mechanized punching with an electric hammer, without subsequent sealing, is characterized by a tip impact frequency of 2400 times per minute (standard load). The prices for renting such a tool are quite high.

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A structure whose surface is far from easy to damage, as well as drilled. But if such a need nevertheless arose, then with the help of special equipment and compliance with certain rules it is still possible to do this. And now about everything in more detail.

General provisions

Let's first consider why a concrete wall is not drilled using conventional methods. And everything lies in the structure of such a durable material:

As you can see, the action of all components is aimed at increasing the strength properties. finished product. Especially critical for conventional drills is crushed stone, which instantly dulls their cutting edges.

And with all the complexity of processing a concrete wall, the need for this can arise very often.

For example, if you need:

  • Hang the shelf on the wall or any other furniture interior.

  • Finish with drywall.

  • Electrical wiring, installation of new sockets and switches. At the same time, for laying the wire, cutting of reinforced concrete with diamond wheels is also performed.

  • Plumbing connection.

Execution technology

We have dealt with the need and the difficulties that arise, now we will consider how to drill correctly concrete wall.

Tool selection

First of all, let's decide how to drill a concrete wall. of course they don't fit.

Choose from the following options:

  • Drill bits with Pobedit tipped. But it should be borne in mind that in this case, in addition to rotation, an impact function will also be required.

Tip: Don't use cutting tool with a win for drilling iron or wood, as it will crush them.

  • Drill bits with diamond coating. Such edges can cut stone even without impact, but their price is much higher.

But the question of how to drill a concrete wall is not limited to the choice of consumables.

You also need to decide on the tool:

  • conventional drill. Only if you have nothing more suitable and you only need to make 2-3 holes. And in this case, from time to time, you will have to break through a layer of concrete with a steel pin with your own hands.
  • Drill with impact function. It will cope with a small amount of work even if the diameter of the required holes does not exceed 13 mm. The fact is that the blow in such an apparatus is carried out due to the metal "ratchet", which is quickly erased under intense load.

  • Perforator. It can handle large volumes and can even use special nozzles in the form of crowns, which are ideal for drilling nests for sockets. In it, the blow is carried out due to the piston system, which is much more powerful and less likely to fail than the “ratchet” of the drill.

The following generalized table will help to summarize and give a final answer to the question of what is the best way to drill concrete walls:

Carrying out work

Now let's figure out how to drill a concrete wall. To do this, take a puncher as a clear winner of impromptu competitions.

Its operating instructions are as follows:

  1. We check the shaft shaft for debris. If it is found, delete it.
  2. Insert the drill until it clicks. In this case, in some models, it may be necessary to pull the slider part of the “nose” of the tool towards you.
  3. We bring it strictly perpendicular and start drilling, slightly pressing on it.

Tip: Moisten the working part of the drill with water from time to time. This will protect it from overheating and extend the service life.

  1. During drilling, the drill may get stuck. In this case, do not try to loosen it in order to pull it out, as you can break off the tip. Just remove the tool from the device, insert a drill of a smaller diameter and try to expand the hole with it and release the captive product.
  2. Keep an eye on the equipment, letting it cool down.


We looked at how to drill through a concrete wall, the process itself is not that difficult. The main thing is to choose the right tools and follow some rules during work. most practical and rational decision will be the use of a puncher with pobeditovy drills.

The video in this article will provide your attention for consideration Additional information relating to the material presented. Be careful and you will succeed!

When conducting self repair in an apartment or house there is a need to make a hole in a concrete wall. It can be non-through (for fastening) or through (for utilities). Let's take a closer look at how to drill a concrete wall using various tools.

For this, it is best to use a puncher. This tool is professional, so it may not be at hand. And buying one just for repairs is expensive. Therefore, you can use a conventional household drill with an impact function.

Tool selection

The best option for drilling concrete walls is a drill:

  • power 600 W;
  • rotation of the working body up to 2500 rpm;
  • clamping drill diameter up to 12 mm in a keyless chuck;
  • with the obligatory presence of a reverse.


Drilling concrete requires a very hard metal drill. The most commonly used carbide products with edges of Pobedit or diamond. The first option is cheaper, and in terms of performance it will not yield to the second.

But it is necessary to take into account the moment that with the help of a drill you can make a hole in the wall with a depth of no more than 15 cm. through hole you need a drill.


To make a hole with a drill, you need a drill with a shank diameter of 10 or 18 mm. The shape of the shank of the drill is with grooves, but they are perfectly clamped by drill chucks. If there is a need to drill a thick concrete wall, then it will be correct to use drills of different lengths.

For example, first drill a hole 15 cm deep, then replace the drill and drill a depth of up to 35 cm, then up to 50 cm. True, the deeper you drill into the wall, the more power the drill requires.

Checking for electrical wiring

First of all, you need to determine the place of drilling. IN this case main point- do not get on electrical wiring. According to the building law, all wires are located only vertically and horizontally. And if there is a socket in front of you, then its wire runs vertically to junction box. True, conflicts do happen. This is when electricians decide to save cable or wire. Therefore, the likelihood that the wiring is not laid out as it should be is present.

As you can see, the wiring is located horizontally and vertically.

You can use another option. To do this, use a screwdriver or similar tool at the drilling site to pick out the concrete or plaster. Depth - 5 cm. If you don’t stumble on a wire, then you can drill.

Drilling process

To make a hole correctly, you need to follow a few simple rules. Firstly, for this it is necessary to keep the tool revolutions up to 400. Secondly, experienced craftsmen it is advised to periodically lower the drill into cold water. Please note that the drill removed from the concrete wall is very hot, so do not burn yourself.

Possible obstacles

In wall load-bearing panels, a reinforcing frame made of metal reinforcement with a diameter of 8-12 mm is installed during the production process. Plus everything in concrete mortar may lay rubble or gravel. All this is an obstacle to drilling concrete walls.

If the drill rested against something solid, and the process itself stopped, then it is most likely that you hit either the armored frame or crushed stone. What to do in this case?

Stone or metal?

First of all, it is necessary to determine: under the tip of the drill, metal or stone. If the depth of the hole is small, then this can be verified visually. If it’s deep, then pick up a drill or a metal pin with a diameter slightly smaller than the hole, insert the tool inside and hit the free end with a hammer.

If after a few blows they felt that the instrument had broken something and was moving deeper, then it was a stone. If nothing happens, and the tip of the pin is dull, then there is reinforcement under it.

We go around the armature

What to do with the stone is clear. That is, slowly break it and continue to drill a hole with a drill. But the reinforcement can be drilled with a conventional metal drill. Just replace the drill bit in the chuck with a regular one, drill a hole through the reinforcement, then continue to work with the drill tool.

If there was no ordinary drill at hand, then you can shift the direction of the victorious drill at an angle (down or to the side). Sometimes it works. By the way, if you use a hammer drill and a drill, then crushed stone pebbles for these two tools are not a problem. The drill simply crushes them with shock actions.

grandfather's way

More recently, when pobedite drills were in great short supply, and drills with percussion functions were new, they used conventional drills using unusual technology.

For this, a pin was made from one drill. Its end could be flat, like a screwdriver, or it could be made tapered, like a tap. The periodicity of drilling and impacts was carried out. That is, a hole was first drilled, then a pin was inserted into it, which was struck with a hammer. Then again drilling, then blows. In fact, the person performed the percussion functions of a perforator.

The best option

And yet, the question of how to drill a concrete wall may remain completely unsolved, if a few words are not said about diamond drills. This is the most quality tool, although expensive compared to Pobeditov. Experts consider them universal, because they can drill almost any material. By the way, the drills themselves are not diamond, on their cutting edge coated with diamonds.

The most important thing is that such a device can be drilled with a drill without an impact function. You need to work with a diamond drill correctly. It, like other species, must be periodically moistened in water to reduce the temperature. High turnover is also unacceptable here.

Concrete is a durable and reliable material. Many, if not most, buildings are constructed from cast-in-situ or precast concrete. As a rule, holes for laying utilities, pipelines, as well as recesses for installing electrical and low-voltage fittings are provided during the molding process. concrete structures. But their location often does not suit the owner of the premises, and holes have to be drilled at new points. Let's try to figure out how best to do it.

Choosing a tool

Initially, you should determine which tool is better and more efficient to drill a concrete wall. In a global sense, the choice is small - an impact drill or a hammer drill. But there can be many nuances, since power tools can be of different power and functionality, there are also many nozzles for it. Therefore, you should define goals and objectives, and then decide which tool you might need. So:

  • To screw into the wall small screw under the picture a lot of effort is not needed. In this case, you can drill a concrete wall conventional drill, equipped with a drill with a pobedite tip.
  • When a small amount of work is expected, and the diameter of the punched holes does not exceed 12 mm, then an impact drill should be chosen.
  • A hammer drill is used to drill large diameter holes in concrete, as well as any size, but in significant numbers.

The advantage of a hammer drill over a drill, even with an impact function, is not only greater power and endurance. This tool uses not only drills as a working sting different size and quality, but also drill bits. This is the main device that can be used to drill a hole in concrete for a pipe.

Professional installers, punching large diameter holes in concrete, use special units, which include:

  • high power electric motor;
  • durable bracket with guide structure;
  • drilling drive;
  • drilling crowns with a diamond working area.

Such equipment allows you to make a hole or recess in a concrete wall with a diameter of up to 40 cm.

What will win more effectively or a diamond?

When you need to make only a few holes for a construction dowel, and there is no puncher at hand, then using a regular drill with a drill bit is quite realistic. Also this option fit better in total, if the working surface is concrete, but made of cellular material. The perforator will destroy it. But, when working with a drill drill, remember that it is short-lived and requires periodic replacement. In addition, such a drill can "drill" into concrete. Then he needs to be helped manually with a punch and a hammer.

Drilling a concrete wall with an impact drill equipped with a diamond-coated bit is much more efficient. Diamond drills are somewhat more expensive than Pobedite ones, but they also last longer. And further important point. Unlike Pobedit, a diamond drill punches holes not only in concrete and stone, but also in ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware and metal. When working with diamond tool it’s not scary to stumble upon a reinforcing cage in the wall. It is better to buy drills in a set, which includes drills of various diameters. It's cheaper than buying them one by one.

When a hole with a diameter of 35 to 120 mm is drilled in the wall, diamond crowns are used as a cutting device. They are steel rings with hard-alloy soldering on the working area, covered with diamond coating. For domestic purposes, crowns with a diameter of 6.8 cm are usually used; holes of this diameter are needed for installing electrical sockets and switches.

How to drill concrete

Hole punching, like any other job, requires preparation. In addition to tools and fixtures, you should stock up on water to cool drills and crowns. Before drilling concrete with a drill or hammer, inspect the wall for:

The search is carried out by a metal detector, mark the identified communications along their entire length. It is better to turn off the electrical wiring on the working surface. Further:

  • Mark out the locations of future passages. If holes of large diameter are supposed, then the designation is done along the contour and axes.
  • The depth of the hole for the construction dowel is 8-10 mm larger than its size along the length.
  • To obtain a more accurate result, it is necessary to drill concrete correctly. This means that the start of drilling should be carried out at low engine speeds.
  • After a small depression is obtained, the speed is increased and the tool is switched to impact mode.
  • If possible, provide water supply to the drilling site. In the absence of such an option, periodically moisten the drill with water in a pre-prepared container.
  • If drilling with a drill is carried out in one position of the tool, then when drilling with a crown, the hammer drill must be slightly rocked. So waste will be easily removed from the resulting hole and the crown will not jam.

The most difficult obstacle to overcome when drilling a concrete wall is the reinforcing cage. Small diameter steel bars diamond crown cuts on its own. When drilling with an impact drill, metal drills should be used to deal with reinforcement.

Wear protective goggles and a respirator. The resulting dust can be conveniently collected with a vacuum cleaner. After every 15 minutes of drilling, let the tool rest for about the same amount of time. To continue working, moisten the drill with water.

Most modern high-rise buildings are built from monolithic concrete blocks, since this material is considered the most efficient, durable and relatively inexpensive. Sooner or later, the owners of apartments in such houses have a need for repair work and household arrangements. At the same time, it is impossible to do without drilling holes in the walls to install a lamp, cabinet, picture or other interior and design elements. It is at such moments that the question arises of how to drill and what equipment to use.

We drill concrete

Without knowing the drilling technology, you can waste your energy for a very long time and break the wrong tool, without achieving the desired result. When drilling concrete, it is necessary to know the composition of this material. In slabs used in construction, with a filler in the form of fine gravel, as well as internal frames made of metal reinforcement, which serve to give the product strength and elasticity. If the drill rests on a stone or rebar, many, disappointed, simply throw a hole. However effective ways holes are still there.

Tools Used

It is necessary to drill structural holes in concrete with such types internal works, How:

  • decorative finishing of the room;
  • installation of built-in furniture;
  • installation of air conditioners and heaters;
  • laying or replacing electrical wiring;
  • installation of plumbing fixtures.

Depending on the nature of the work, the depth and diameter of the holes can be different, ranging from a small hole for mounting a picture to drilling large seats for sockets, switches or plumbing pipes. There are three ways to drill holes:

  • electric drill with impact mode;

  • perforator;

  • diamond drilling rig.

Depending on the chosen method and hole diameter, as:

  • victorious drill;
  • drill with a diamond tip;
  • diamond crown (for drilling large holes for sockets or plumbing pipes).

It is important to remember that conventional drills not suitable for this job. For concrete, special drills are used with a diamond or pobedit tip, which looks like a blade. These drills are specially designed for rotary percussion drilling and are not suitable for making holes in other types of materials.

Drilling process

If you are not carrying out large-scale repairs, and you need to make several small holes to install a lamp or a picture, then a conventional electric drill with hammer drilling mode is suitable for such work. It is necessary to prepare a strong metal rod or a special punch, which will match the diameter of the hole. An ordinary household drill cannot drill through concrete even in impact mode with a properly selected drill. For this, a punch is used, which is periodically inserted into the hole and, with the help of a hammer, breaks the solid elements of the wall.

Video on how to drill a concrete wall:

This procedure is repeated until the depth of the hole corresponds to the required one. If you are the lucky owner of a powerful industrial drill, most likely, its power will be enough to do without a punch. It is worth noting that this method takes a lot of time and effort, but it is quite suitable for several holes. It must also be remembered that drilling in concrete creates a significant load on the tool, and the drill must be stopped periodically to avoid breakage.

If you have grandiose repair work, you can not do without a perforator. The hammer drill is specially designed for drilling heavy-duty surfaces and easily copes with concrete drilling. This tool makes it possible to use a large number of different nozzles for drilling holes of small and medium diameters for sockets, switches or water pipes.

Drilling large diameter holes

For doing, special industrial equipment is used - a complex device consisting of such elements as:

  • high power electric motor;
  • special drive for drilling;
  • crowns with diamond tips of different diameters;
  • guide post, which is attached to the base of the surface.

Such equipment is used for drilling holes of large diameters for ventilation shafts, cable routes and other communications. Almost never used at home. This type of work is carried out by specialized construction teams, which consist of qualified personnel trained to work on such equipment.

Before drilling a concrete wall, prepare a small container of water. It is necessary for periodic cooling of the drill, which may burst as a result of overheating.

During the drilling process, you can get into the metal fittings. In this case, change the pobedite drill to a regular one (diamond-coated) and drill a metal rod. If the location of the hole is not critical, step back a few millimeters and drill a new one.

Before you start drilling the surface, be sure to check that there is no hidden inside, as damage power cable when drilling can lead to sad results. To do this, use a special non-contact device, which is usually made in the form of a screwdriver with a built-in LED. If there is a wire inside the wall, the bulb will let you know.


Be sure to cook individual funds protection in the form of goggles, gloves and a respirator, since when drilling into concrete, dust and small particles are generated that can damage the eyes or enter the respiratory tract.

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