Warming with basalt wool: step by step instructions. Recommendations of specialists for working with mineral wool insulation How to cut basalt wool

Today, a method has been developed for obtaining a special type of insulation - stone wool made from basalt. Twenty years ago, such mineral wool was used exclusively for the needs of the defense industry, and today this insulation is widely used for thermal insulation of any buildings.

As part of mineral wool does not contain such harmful environment components such as acrylic and phenol-formaldehyde resins. It consists only of natural binders, therefore it is safe for humans. This thermal insulation material not only perfectly retains heat, but also allows you to create a reliable soundproofing of the premises. Mineral wool from basalt is becoming more and more popular and has already been tested by time, but people still have a lot of questions regarding technological issues, which we will try to focus on in this article.

How to properly fix the mineral wool?

IN this case it all depends on the type of insulation and on the type of structure on which the thermal insulation is mounted. Light grades of mineral wool are installed in frame structures by surprise Rigid mineral wool boards fastened with special dowels or fixed using special adhesives.

When fixing by surprise, mineral wool is laid very tightly in a pre-assembled from slats and bars wooden frame. The thickness of the frame must match the thickness of the insulation. Between the slats they maintain an interval less than the width of the mineral wool by 1.5-2 cm, which does not allow the material to slip during operation. Mats are mounted starting from the bottom of the structure, and rolls - from above. In this case, whole pieces are stacked first, and free space, for example, near doors or windows, is filled in later.

Mineral wool of high density is often mounted without intermediate / support bars. It is completely wound up behind the frame and pressed against it without a gap. load-bearing structure, after which, for safety reasons, they are fixed with dowels with a wide cap, that is, the so-called "dish-shaped" dowels. In such a system, the frame elements are located on top of the insulation layer and press the wool against the wall, in addition, brackets that pass through the mats help to keep the insulation in place.

When using the method of bonded thermal insulation ( wet way) frames are not used at all, therefore, adhesive compositions must be used as fasteners. In this case, you will have to purchase a dry mix, but necessarily intended for gluing mineral wool insulation. Recently, polyurethane glue in cylinders has become more and more popular, which allows you to mount dense mineral wool to any base, including wood, metal, and polymer. This technology also involves the use of dish-shaped dowels. In more detail, we considered the features of gluing insulation in articles about adhesive compositions And wet insulation facade.

What is the best way to cut mineral wool?

It is recommended to cut heat-insulating materials from stone wool with a hacksaw or a sharp long knife specially designed for this purpose, the blade of which is serrated. In any case, the equipment must be well sharpened so that the fibers break out as little as possible. Many insulation companies offer their customers also cutting tool: knives about 300 mm long, as well as saws with teeth without divorce, about 60 cm long. In the absence of special devices for such purposes, kitchen bread knives with fine teeth and a wavy edge perform well. Thin soft slabs and mats (50 mm) can be cut with an ordinary assembly knife.

Mineral wool produced in rolls is best cut before unrolling. And mineral wool boards are taken out of packs and cut one at a time. It should be remembered that during the installation of thermal insulation, the insulation must fill the entire insulated space very tightly, therefore, allowances should be left before cutting: for plates - 0.5 cm; and for mats - about 1-2 cm.

Is it true that mineral wool must be protected from moisture and wind?

During the operation of insulated buildings, their walls, roofs and other structures should be protected from high atmospheric humidity and from strong winds. Therefore, mineral wool insulation after installation with outer side covered with canvases from a vapor-permeable moisture and windproof membrane. This allows you to prevent the penetration of cold wind and drops of slanting rain into the thickness of the wall. At the same time, water vapor from inner space, through diffusion passing through the walls, will be able to go outside without obstacles.

The undoubted advantage of mineral wool is its vapor permeability, and this property should be used to the maximum. When installing mineral wool thermal insulation materials between bearing wall and a vapor barrier does not need to be laid with a heater, since such sealing will negatively affect the climate inside the building. The lack of artificial ventilation in this case will lead to an increase in humidity and the formation of condensate, which, in turn, will cause the formation of mold and fungi.

A vapor barrier film must be used when installing thermal insulation indoors - in this case, it is installed on the warm side of mineral wool. This allows you to protect the insulation from water vapor from the premises. Reinforced polyethylene can be used as a vapor barrier, which is placed between the insulation and the cladding.

If the design allows, between the insulation and exterior finish a ventilated air gap must be provided. This will help keep the mineral wool dry, without compromising the vapor permeability of the building.

What if you need to use wool in a layer of 15 or 20 cm, and the insulation is supplied with a thickness of 5 or 10 cm?

There is nothing complicated here. It is necessary to calculate the required thickness using formulas or using an online calculator (we talked about this in the last article), and then you can easily build an insulating barrier from several layers. In addition, this method makes it easy to eliminate the problem of cold bridging and joint blowing. To do this, when installing the insulation, the sheets of the outer and inner layers should be shifted relative to each other by 20-30 mm in order to reliably close the seams.

Is it necessary to use protective equipment? Which?

Mineral wool is considered a safe heat-insulating material, both during operation and during installation. However, when working with this insulation for a long time, it is still better to protect yourself using personal protective equipment.

Stone wool, compared to glass wool, is much more convenient to use and safer, but care should still be taken when installing it. It is best to work on cool days in overalls made of thick fabric covering the entire body from contact with mineral wool. It is not recommended to touch this material with bare hands; to protect them, you can use "glazier's gloves" - fabric with rubber or silicone coating in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe palms. It is also imperative to protect your eyes and hairy part heads. Wear a respirator to protect your respiratory system.

During the installation of stone wool, a break should be arranged to ventilate the room. Open packs of material must be carefully shifted, preventing them from falling, so that microparticles do not stand out from them. At the construction site during the installation of thermal insulation there should be no children, as well as people who do not use protective equipment.

Are there any nuances in transportation and storage?

Mineral wool insulation should be stored in whole packages on a flat dry surface, the height of the stacks should not exceed 2 meters. Stacks are made in enclosed spaces protected from rain and humidity. If mineral wool is stored outside, it must be covered plastic wrap or a tarp.

Mats and insulation boards are transported to horizontal position in covered trucks. During transportation, the insulation must be protected from mechanical damage and atmospheric precipitation. During loading / unloading and transportation, do not compress the material too much.

You need to unpack the mineral wool correctly. To do this, the insulation is taken out of the package immediately before installation, which significantly reduces the risk of damage to the thermal insulation. Insulation packaging can be used on a construction site when laying out mineral wool (when you need to protect it from pollution), it is also suitable as bags for construction debris.

Which cotton wool is better?

There is no single answer to this question, since different conditions the best option There will be different types of material.

Basalt soft wool. Use it where high loads are not expected. This material can be used to insulate walls made according to frame technology, as well as for thermal insulation of floors and roofs. The fact that cotton wool is soft does not mean at all that it performance characteristics bad. It is simply made from thin fibers, which ensures the presence of many cavities in the insulation, in which air is trapped, which prevents heat loss.

Mineral wool of medium hardness (density). It is used mainly for the insulation of ventilated facades, where air flows are created in the air cavities. high speed. It is also used for fire prevention measures, sound and heat insulation of ventilation ducts. Mineral wool of medium density can be installed without problems instead of soft basalt wool, but the cost of thermal insulation will be more expensive.

Rigid basalt wool. This insulation is used in places where high loads on it are possible. For example, where it is planned to insulate walls with reinforcement and plastering (wet method) or when creating certain types of floors.

Cylindrical heaters for pipes. Usually they are produced with a diameter of more than 50 mm. They are slotted parts that can be deployed and put on the pipe, or two-piece models that are connected on the pipe.

Foil basalt wool. This thermal insulation material is characterized not only by low heat transfer, but also reflects heat, directing it inside the premises. Mineral wool can be covered with foil on one or both sides. When laying, the heat insulator is installed with the foil side to the heat source. The scope of this insulation is quite extensive, it is considered universal material suitable for all methods and types of thermal insulation.

Stitching cotton. It is a very durable mats, one side of which is sheathed / reinforced steel mesh(galvanized, stainless, fire-resistant, acid-resistant). Cloths can be of various thicknesses, can be used to perform various kinds thermal insulation. Stitched wool is usually non-combustible, therefore it can be used to insulate surfaces with elevated temperatures (up to plus 660-700 degrees).

An important technical characteristic of mineral wool is its specific gravity. Insulation with a density of up to 75 kg per cubic meter is ideal for thermal insulation of planes where heavy loads are not expected, for example, for laying in ceilings in attics and roofs. Basalt wool of low density is often used for wrapping pipes of heating plants, boilers and similar units / communications.

Stone wool, the density of which is up to 125 kg per cubic meter, holds its shape well and is great for insulating ceilings, walls inside buildings, and various vertical structures. It is used for thermal insulation brick walls, as well as surfaces made of foam block or aerated concrete. This mineral wool specific gravity allows not only to insulate the building, but also to ensure its reliable sound insulation.

Basalt wool of high density - from 175 to 200 kg per cubic meter is characterized, in addition, by increased rigidity, hence the abbreviation in its name (PPZh). They use such a heater for thermal insulation of initially too cold planes - reinforced concrete, sheet metal. The PZH-200 brand is also excellent for arranging additional protection of residential buildings from fire. Only high-density mineral wool can be installed using wet facade insulation technology.

Mineral wool is one of the most common insulation materials. And if you decide to independently insulate the walls of your house with this material, it is very important to know how and how to cut mineral wool. The difficulty is that cotton wool has a fibrous structure, and in case of its violation, all thermal insulation properties material will be reduced, which is highly undesirable.

How to cut mineral wool

If speak about industrial scale, then special machine tools are used to cut this material. But at home, as a cutting tool, you can use:

  • mounting knife;
  • hacksaw for wood or metal;
  • kitchen serrated knife for cutting bread;
  • special tools: knife with stainless or carbon steel blade. The latter type is used for cutting mineral wool different types, differs in sharpness and good cutting.

Of course, in the process of cutting, you will need such additional tool, like: pencil, ruler, with which you will make markings.

Prohibited use:

  • table or clerical knife;
  • scissors.

How to cut mineral wool

However, before you start cutting mineral wool, you should create suitable conditions. As we have already said, this insulation has a fibrous structure. In the process of cutting, various small particles of these fibers fall into the air and onto the hands, and in order to prevent this, it is worth:

  • provide good ventilation in the room where the process itself will take place;
  • use protective clothing and protective equipment. This may be a work overalls, be sure to goggles, gloves, and, if necessary, a respirator and mask;
  • After finishing work, it is important to thoroughly rinse your hands and face with water.

These measures are so important, since there is a danger of injuring yourself, infecting your eyes, and developing an allergy.

Regarding the rules for cutting mineral wool, it is important to cut the insulation across the fibers. And to mineralize the amount of dust in the air during the cutting process, it is worth using tools with a well-sharpened, sharp working edge.

If, for example, you purchased insulation in rolls, then for convenience it is better to immediately cut it right in the roll, and therefore do not rush to unfold it. But the plates are cut each separately.

At the same time, no matter how carefully you cut, no matter how accurately you take measurements, be prepared for the fact that you will have trimmings that can be used for rough work. For example, insulation of the walls of a garage or a barn. Some people even buy mineral wool trimmings at a low price, as a budget option for insulation: the quality, properties are the same, only cheaper.

Thus, you should not throw away scraps of cotton wool from a roll or slab, as they will definitely come in handy on the farm.

A distinctive feature of mineral insulation is the structure consisting of fibers, which must be integral in order to provide thermal insulation. In this regard, it should Special attention devote to the cutting process. Do not use scissors for cardboard or fabric, or ordinary table knives to cut the material. These tools are not intended for such material as they can damage it. appearance and worsen beneficial features. It is very useful for novice repairmen and builders to find out what tools are suitable for this business.

Characteristics and properties of the material

Mineral wool is produced in the form of slabs and rolls

Before starting construction or repair work the owner of the premises thinks about the criteria by which materials should be selected. Currently, the sale assortment is replete with a variety of canvases that differ from each other in terms of raw materials, price, scope, and operating characteristics.

The term "mineral wool" implies three types of materials, namely:

  • basalt (stone);
  • slag;
  • glass wool.

Glass wool (glass fiber) is characterized by low density and high hygroscopicity. The material does not have moisture resistance properties, and heat resistance should not be expected from it: upon reaching high temperature heating (about 300 degrees), the wool fibers melt, and the material no longer performs the function of insulation. Glass wool is sold in rolls.

Glass wool is produced by blowing: an industrial centrifuge creates air flows that go directly into the raw material. Due to the air flow, fibers from threads appear, moreover, they can have different lengths, directions and thicknesses.

Mineral wool has low thermal conductivity, allows steam to pass through the cells in the structure and almost does not absorb water. In addition to the base, there is little connecting elements which allows it to withstand high temperatures. The material is widely used as sound insulation and insulation for various bases and surfaces. It is produced with canvases that vary in degree of strength.

Slag wool for room insulation

Slag wool is the cheapest option for insulation. The material consists of fibers that are waste from blast furnaces, it is not dense and does not differ good performance heat resistance. If you overheat the slag wool, it will sinter. Therefore, the material is not suitable for insulating rooms adjacent to heat sources, and is also not recommended for building houses.

The structure of the horizontal layer of any type of mineral wool is created in the direction of the fiber. The formation of vertical sections occurs due to elements that are arranged randomly. Each type of material has its own characteristics and external differences.

Are there any nuances in transportation and storage?

Manufacturers recommend storing mineral wool in intact packaging, and it is better if the pack is on flat surface. Each stack of packages must not be higher than 2 meters. Optimal storage conditions are enclosed spaces that are resistant to moisture. It is not recommended to store insulation on the street, but if this happens, then you need to cover it with a tarpaulin or film.

Keep cotton wool only in a horizontal position

When transporting, you should follow the same rules: transport cotton wool horizontally and in a dry truck bed. It is also necessary to provide the material with protection from mechanical influences and from precipitation. When loading and unloading the material, it must not be strongly compressed.

Unpacking mineral insulation also requires certain nuances. The material should be taken out of the package only before starting work, which will minimize the various risks associated with damage to the insulation. When laying out the material for cutting, use its packaging as a bedding. Thus, the product will not get dirty. Also, the packaging can be used to collect other waste at the construction site.

What is the best way to cut mineral wool?

Professionals use a special machine to separate sheets and rolls. But many are wondering: “What is the best way to cut mineral wool in slabs at home in order to save money?”

Important! To cut mineral wool, use a hacksaw for metal or wood.

In everyday life, a mounting knife is used to cut the canvas. This tool has one drawback, because of the small blade, it is difficult for them to cut thick slabs. Therefore, I recommend using a clerical knife only for thin sheets. If this condition is not observed, then the canvases may become unusable.

Cutting mineral wool with a knife

Tools best suited for cutting mineral insulation:

  1. A knife with a blade made of carbon steel. It is very easy to cut with such a product, in addition, its blade sharpens well and quickly. This knife needs careful maintenance to avoid rust. The basic rule of care is to wipe the blade after washing.
  2. A knife whose blade is made of of stainless steel. On each side there are teeth of different lengths, so it is very easy to cut the mineral insulation different sizes and thickness. The blade quickly plunges into the plate and cuts it qualitatively. The sharp tip can make even indirect cuts.
  3. WITH special machines. Such tools are able to cut fabrics along a straight line and along a bend. This feature is highly valued in the industry. If you need to cut cotton wool once, then it makes no sense to purchase expensive equipment - a tool that is in the house will do.

Cutting mineral wool with a special saw

Note! Cotton scissors must not be used.

For cutting cotton wool, it is advisable to use a special hacksaw for insulation or for metal. It is used for cutting material, the thickness of which does not exceed 5 cm.

The blades of the tool you use to cut cotton should always be well sharpened. In this case, the fibers from the cotton wool will be stretched to a minimum. Manufacturers advise cutting cotton wool before unrolling the roll.

How to cut mineral wool?

The material has a fibrous structure, therefore, during cutting, small particles of glass wool fly in space. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent the contact of dangerous elements with the skin and Airways.

Before cutting the insulation, the following conditions must be observed:

  1. The room must be well ventilated.
  2. In the process of work, it is mandatory to use protective equipment and special clothing. It's about about gloves, respirator, mask, overalls and goggles.
  3. When the material is cut, it is recommended to wash your face and hands under cold water.

In order to form as few glass wool particles as possible in the air, a well-sharpened tool should be used.

The insulation should be cut without unrolling the roll

Advice! It is best to cut the material across.

To obtain strips of cotton wool that are the same in width, the material should be cut directly in the roll. If cotton wool is in the form of plates, then you need to cut them one at a time.

In order for the strips of cotton wool cut independently at home to turn out even and the same, you should divide them clearly according to the marks. Also, you can use a ruler as a cutting line.

When cutting, leave allowances around the edges. If it is a roll, then the indicator should be 0.5 cm, and if it is a slab, then 2 cm. This cutting feature is needed so that the mineral wool element completely fills the required space.

Recall that mineral wool slabs are cut one at a time, and the material in rolls is cut without unfolding.

What is leftover mineral wool useful for?

The remains of the insulation do not need to be thrown away: they will also come in handy for a pantry or utility room. Many strive for budgetary insulation, so they use scraps and leftover material.

Mineral wool waste can be recycled for later use. In this case, special machines are used.

In order for the process of warming the room to proceed properly, you should know how to cut mineral wool and how to do it. If you follow simple rules work with this heater, you can achieve a good result.

The construction of any house involves minimizing heat loss. This problem is solved with the help of various types of heaters, among which mineral wool is considered the most popular.

It is distinguished by reliability and long service life, as it perfectly resists fire and decay. You can get acquainted with the main technical characteristics of mineral wool on the website http://www.minvatka.com.

Insulation classification

Mineral wool is a product that has a fibrous structure. This allows you to achieve high-quality indicators of heat and sound insulation.

There are several types of such insulation:

  • Glass mineral wool. A product is made from thin threads of molten glass.
  • Stone mineral wool. The main component of this substance are melts of various rocks.
  • Slag mineral wool - obtained from blast-furnace slag.

All types of this insulation emit small particles of fibers and phenol-formaldehyde resins into the air. This could be the reason various diseases. To minimize the impact of these substances, when laying it is isolated with the help of special films.

Cutting tools

The processing of mineral wool is not very complicated, which allows you to do all the work yourself. You can cut the insulation with several tools:

  1. Stationery knife. Suitable only for thin sheets of material.
  2. Hacksaw for metal. With its help, it is possible to process cotton wool with a thickness of more than 50 mm.
  3. Special knives. Outwardly, they are in many ways reminiscent of saws with fine teeth. But at the same time they are not bred to the side and are located in one line.
  4. Bread knife. In the absence of any other tool, this product also copes well with mineral wool.

It should be noted that all blades must be very sharp. This will minimize the pulling of fibers from the mat structure. Experts recommend cutting before the roll is deployed.

If you need to receive elements of a complex shape, then it is better to use special cutting machines. They can process cotton wool not only in a straight line, but also in a circle. This is very important, especially in industrial production. If this is a one-time task, then the purchase of such a tool will be impractical and it is better to use improvised material.

Before cutting, it is important to consult with a specialist in order to minimize the costs of the sheets used.

In order to achieve necessary thermal insulation flat roof, mineral wool boards are sometimes laid in two layers.

Soundproofing hardwood floor can provide granular mineral wool.

Practical plates with ventilation grooves.

Slabs with a variable section are used to give the roof a slope for water drainage.

Two-layer insulation made of mineral wool is also used in exploited attics.

Lamellar mineral wool board is primarily used for wall insulation in "wet" type insulation systems.

If the building is one-story, you can not leave a ventilation gap in a three-layer wall.

The broken lines applied to the surface of mineral wool products greatly simplify the process of cutting and measuring.

Mineral wool boards must be precisely cut so that after laying there are no gaps between them, which act as "cold bridges".

Soft, resilient mineral wool is great for soundproofing frame walls and wall insulation from the inside.

How much mineral wool insulation is in one pack?

The mats are rolled up, the boards are packed in packs of several pieces, depending on the thickness of the board. Usually one pack occupies a volume of about 0.3–0.4 m 3 and weighs from 10 to 70 kg. To find out how many packs are needed to perform insulation, just go to the manufacturer's website on the Internet or look into its catalog: there are tables with calculations for plates and mats of all types and sizes.

Heaters - under the knife

Mineral wool insulation cut long sharp knife or a hacksaw. It is necessary to leave an allowance: about 0.5 cm - in slabs and 1-2 cm - in mats, so that after installation the material tightly fills the insulated space. Rolled insulation is easier to cut before it is unrolled than after. Plates are best cut one at a time, each separately.

Transport and storage

Mineral wool insulation must be transported in closed vehicles. They must be well protected from the weather and well secured during transport. Mineral wool mats and felts are packed in a compressed state during transportation and storage, which significantly reduces their volume. It is necessary to protect mineral wool from moisture, so it is best to store it in dry, closed rooms. The plates are stacked one on top of the other in stacks no higher than 2 m, and mats and rolls are installed vertically in one row. Walking on hard slabs should be avoided and it is strictly forbidden to walk on the spread out soft mineral wool - it can be easily damaged.

It is important to know

Safety measures when working with mineral wool

Mineral wool is a material that emits dust. Therefore, during its cutting and installation, it is necessary:

  • wear gloves and protective clothing;
  • when laying the slabs, wear protective goggles and a mask over your mouth and nose;
  • ensure good ventilation in the workplace;
  • after finishing work with mineral wool, wash your hands thoroughly and remove dust from clothing.


Scheme basalt insulation.

  • thermal insulation and hydrophobization. The first parameter is from 0.042 to 0.048 W/mK. Approximately the same characteristics have other known insulation materials (for example, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam). Mineral wool is not able to accumulate moisture (hygroscopicity - less than 1%), which makes its weight unchanged. Distinctive feature can be called vapor permeability, which guarantees insulation and at the same time intensive moisture exchange between external environment and building walls

For cutting basalt insulation, it is best to use a mounting knife.

Scheme of insulation using basalt wool.

Based on site materials: http://1poteply.ru


What will we cut

On an industrial scale, special machine tools are used to cut mineral insulation. Consider how to cut mineral wool insulation yourself at home.

Often, a mounting knife is used to cut mineral wool. But it has one drawback - a short blade, which is not suitable for working with thick insulation boards. In addition, the blade becomes dull quickly and needs to be replaced.

Sometimes a special hacksaw is used for wood or metal, and craftsmen have found how to cut mineral wool at home - a serrated kitchen knife for cutting bread.

Knife with stainless steel blade

Knife for cutting insulation with a long blade made of durable stainless steel suitable for working with mineral wool of any thickness. To cut the insulation of different hardness, there are larger and smaller teeth on each side. Such a blade easily enters the thickness of the plate, allowing you to make even curly cuts thanks to the sharp tip.

Knife with carbon steel blade

Mineral wool cutting knife with carbon steel blade It has high quality cutting and easy to sharpen. However, it requires more care than a stainless steel blade, as it is prone to rust. It must be wiped dry after each use and lubricated.

Example: MORA knife for cutting mineral wool

The Swedish company MORA produces tools for cutting mineral insulation. Knife with a blade stainless steel is used for cutting stone wool and glass mineral wool. The blade is made of special cold-rolled stainless steel and has a serrated edge. Ergonomic and comfortable handle Made of plastic, suitable for use with gloves. Its characteristics:

  • total length - 500 mm;
  • blade length - 335 mm;
  • blade thickness - 1 mm;
  • weight - 0.238 kg.

Knife with a blade carbon steel is used for cutting various types of mineral insulation. It has a smooth, high-quality carbon steel blade with a length of 350 mm. The plastic handle provides a good grip when wearing work gloves.

How to cut mineral wool

Mineral wool is fibers in structure, and accordingly, when it is cut, small particles of these fibers enter the air. To prevent them from getting into the respiratory tract and on the skin, it is important to create safe conditions works:

  • ensure good ventilation in the work area;
  • use overalls and protective equipment - overalls, gloves, a mask or respirator, goggles;
  • Immediately after finishing work, wash hands thoroughly with cold water, and then face.

To minimize the amount of harmful dust in the air, cutting mineral wool should be done with tools with a well-sharpened, sharp working edge. Better to cut across the grain.

To obtain strips of the same width, mineral insulation produced in rolls is recommended to be first cut directly in a roll, without unfolding, and mineral wool boards are cut one at a time.

To ensure even and accurate cuts, you must first mark the material or cut directly along the ruler.

What to do with scraps and mineral wool residues

If trimmings remain after working with mineral wool, you can use them for insulation, for example, a garage or a barn. Some choose such a budget option for insulation, so that you can sell the leftovers at a low price.

There is also the option of recycling waste for recycling purposes. In this case, the remains of mineral wool boards are crushed using special equipment.


Essential information for working with mineral wool

The specificity of the installation of mineral wool, its transportation and storage is to provide the conditions necessary for the longest possible preservation of its qualities. Usually, recommendations are given by manufacturers for a specific brand and type of material, but there are a number of simple universal rules which must be observed when working with mineral wool.

Basalt mineral wool: we transport and store correctly

Transportation with subsequent storage has its own characteristics, since mineral wool for insulation is able to quickly absorb moisture from the air. Therefore, its transportation in closed vehicles with subsequent storage in dry rooms is prerequisite to prevent the loss of the most important qualities.

  1. Mats should be transported and stored in compressed form and in packages - this makes it possible to reduce the occupied volume.

  1. Laying of plates should be carried out in stacks with a height of less than 2 m, roll packages and mats should be installed in vertical position.

  1. It is forbidden to walk on mineral wool that has been unpacked and unpacked, as it may be damaged.

Mineral wool cutting

Today you can buy mineral wool both in rolls and in the form of slabs and mats. To fit it to right size ov should use a sharp long knife or a hacksaw, leaving allowances at the edges (in mats of 1-2 cm, in plates of 0.5 cm). Allowances are necessary to completely fill the cut piece of mineral wool in the insulated space.

Mineral wool is easier to cut in rolls before it is unrolled, and it is better to cut slabs individually.

The amount of insulation

Mineral wool is packed by rolling mats of the same size into rolls, while there can be a different number of plates in a pack depending on their thickness. On average, a pack has a volume of 0.3-0.4 m 3, its weight is 12-70 kg.

To calculate the number of packs of such insulation, you can use the catalogs provided by manufacturers on the Internet. There are tables for the most accurate calculation. required material(both in the form of plates and in the form of mats of various sizes).

Safety precautions when working with mineral wool

You should be aware that there is a special safety precaution in the process of working with this material, which prevents its negative impact on human health: basalt mineral wool emits dust that is extremely dangerous for people working with it.

When cutting and further installing this insulation, the following rules should be observed:

  • use protective clothing made of dense fabric and construction gloves;
  • when laying the plates on the eyes, put on special glasses, on the face - a protective mask;
  • after work, be sure to wash your hands, change clothes or clean them thoroughly.

Good ventilation in the workplace avoids negative impact dust from mineral wool on human health.

Since the technical characteristics of mineral wool from different manufacturers may differ significantly, there are several practical advice, making it possible to obtain high-quality insulation for any initial data of mineral wool.

These include:

  1. When insulating a flat roof, mineral wool should be laid in two layers.
  2. To increase the degree of sound insulation, it is recommended to use granular mineral wool.
  3. The most practical are plates with ventilation grooves.
  4. When erecting one-story building a three-layer wall may not have a ventilation slot.
  5. Operated attics are most often insulated with two layers of mineral wool.
  6. Precise cutting of mineral wool slabs guarantees the absence of gaps and the likelihood of “cold bridges”.

The presence of broken lines on the insulation boards facilitates the process of measuring and subsequent cutting.


Operational features of basalt wool

Basalt and other rocks of its group are used for manufacturing. Thin fibers are taken, in the melt of which limestone (10-15%) or charge is added. Additives increase the resistance of the material to the effects of excessively high temperatures, aggressive environments. As a result, a heater appeared, which has sufficiently high performance characteristics:

  • thermal insulation and hydrophobization. The first parameter is from 0.042 to 0.048 W/mK. Approximately the same characteristics have other known insulation materials (for example, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam). Mineral wool is not able to accumulate moisture (hygroscopicity - less than 1%), which makes its weight unchanged. A distinctive feature can be called vapor permeability, which guarantees insulation and at the same time intensive moisture exchange between the external environment and the walls of the building;
  • density, strength. The insulation has a sufficient density (from 30 to 100 kg / m3), which guarantees high thermal insulation properties with optimal strength. The rigidity of the material is provided by the direction of the fibers; they are located in the horizontal and vertical direction;
  • soundproofing. good performance noise protection is achieved due to the porous structure of the wool;
  • resistance to aggressive environment. Cotton wool is "indifferent" to alkali, acids; does not rot, is not affected by fungus. Rodents also bypass this insulation;
  • fire resistance. Basalt wool is able to withstand heating up to + 700 ° C. This protects the structure from complete destruction in a fire and gives time for the evacuation of residents;
  • health safety. Resins containing harmful substances(formaldehyde, phenol). However, compliance with the technology involves their introduction into the composition of the insulation in a chemically bound state. Substances become completely neutral with respect to the environment and do not pose a danger to humans.

However, if mineral wool is produced by an artisanal method, then there is a danger to health. Therefore, it is more expedient to purchase material from trusted manufacturers.

Exterior wall insulation technology

The facade is insulated with cotton wool using glue and special dowels with a large cap. The material is supplied in the form of rolls, plates, which are cut into pieces of the desired size. You will also need a metal profile or wooden bars, between which the insulation will be fixed. You can cut the material with an ordinary sharpened knife. However, if the density is high enough (80-100 kg / cubic meter), then you will have to cut it with a hacksaw for wood. Facade insulation is carried out in the following order:

  • a vapor barrier film is attached to the wall; it should let moisture out under the mineral wool slabs and keep cold air out of the house;
  • further, wooden bars or a metal profile are attached to the wall in a vertical position. Their width should correspond to the thickness of the insulation. The interval between the racks should be such that the mineral wool is inserted with little effort;
  • the insulation is fastened with glue and special dowels if the wall is stone, or with nails (self-tapping screws) with large washers if the surface is wooden. For 1 sq. m you need 5-6 pieces;
  • it is recommended to lay a windproof membrane on the fixed basalt wool, the joints of which are glued with adhesive tape;
  • to ensure ventilation under subsequent decorative coating it is advisable to make a counter-lattice of wooden bars over the slabs or metal profile 10-15 mm high.

This technology is suitable when facade insulation is required for siding. However, in some cases, for example, in multi-storey buildings, it is required to fix the insulation more rigidly. In this case, it is additionally fixed on the surface with glue, while reinforcement is carried out. This operation strengthens the structure, dampens the thermal expansion of the material, which can contribute to the formation of cracks and increase thermal conductivity.

Reinforcement is carried out on an already installed insulation using special glue and alkali-resistant mesh. First, glue is applied on which the mesh is laid, then it is covered with another layer of adhesive. final decorative trim can be produced using facade paint, decorative plaster.

Features of installation of mineral wool insulation

The manufacturer produces the material in the form of rolls or plates. Mineral wool insulation is used for walls, roofs or interior partitions. IN last case mainly to achieve good soundproofing design parameters. During installation, the requirements for insulation are taken into account, which you need to know when buying:

  • installation in a sloping roof involves the use of cotton wool with a density of at least 30-40 kg / cu. m, otherwise the material will simply sag over time. Recommended thickness - 15 cm;
  • the arrangement of partitions should be carried out using mineral wool with a density of 50 kg / cu. m. Increased density is needed to ensure high-quality noise isolation;
  • load-bearing walls are best insulated from the outside, because. this will bring the dew point, where condensation will form, to the outside of the wall. The density of the material must be at least 80 kg / cu. m, and the thickness is 10 cm.

Modern mineral wool - quality insulation, tested for more than a dozen years. Current technologies have made this material completely safe to install and operate, and the technical characteristics, combined with the cost, leave behind the closest competitors.


What types of mineral wool are there?

Mineral wool is usually classified according to the principle of the material from which it is made. From this follows the conclusion that mineral wool made from different source materials also differs in structure - fibers, and, accordingly, in the type of cutting. So exist the following types mineral wool:

  • Glass mineral wool. Consists of melted glass.
  • Stone mineral wool. It is made most often from various melts of rocks.
  • Slag mineral wool. The starting material is blast-furnace slag.

In fact, you should pay attention to the fact that sometimes mineral wool is harmful. This is due to the fact that it contains dust and phenol-formaldehyde resins. Therefore, it is necessary to refer to this material selectively, although mineral wool cannot be classified as a human carcinogen.

How to cut mineral wool:

Mineral wool cutting can be carried out both independently at home and using various equipment. Equipment for cutting mineral wool boards can be different. The issue is scale. Mineral wool cutting machine is suitable for serious and large scale - for enterprises, manufacturers, etc. But the knife for cutting mineral wool will become indispensable assistant in cutting insulating materials at home.

It is important that cutting mineral wool does not damage the fibers, so the equipment must be selected carefully. The cut must be even. At home, cutting mineral wool rolls (the so-called "50s") will be convenient with a cutting knife, but for large ones ("100s") a special hacksaw for heaters will be convenient. At the beginning, its price may seem unreasonably high, but it's worth it. It is important that the work is done properly. Circular cutting of mineral wool can be convenient. The machine for cutting mineral wool can easily cope with such a task.

How to cut mineral wool:

If you do not know how to cut mineral wool at home, we can advise you on excellent tools that are best suited for cutting mineral wool.

So, for cutting mineral wool the best thing fit good, a sharp stationery knife or a hacksaw, carefully cut the mineral wool in the right directions, for greater accuracy, you can draw lines with a pencil or cut directly along the ruler. The process of cutting mineral wool is somewhat similar to cutting foam, only you need to make a little more effort, pressing a little harder on the tool for cutting mineral wool.

What to do with scraps and remnants of mineral wool.

One of the solutions may pleasantly please many (especially firms and large manufacturers). Mineral wool scraps are not useless and can be useful to those who decide to insulate their walls and ceiling in budget option. Scraps can be sold at a low price, and the demand for the product will be very high.

It is also possible to recycle scraps of mineral wool boards. In this case, with the help of special equipment, the remains of mineral wool boards are crushed to granules with the possibility of further recycling.


Today, a method has been developed for obtaining a special type of insulation - stone wool made from basalt. Twenty years ago, such mineral wool was used exclusively for the needs of the defense industry, and today this insulation is widely used for thermal insulation of any buildings.

Mineral wool does not contain such environmentally harmful components as acrylic and phenol-formaldehyde resins. It consists only of natural binders, therefore it is safe for humans. This heat-insulating material not only perfectly retains heat, but also allows you to create a reliable sound insulation of the premises. Mineral wool from basalt is becoming more and more popular and has already been tested by time, but people still have a lot of questions regarding technological issues, which we will try to focus on in this article.

How to properly fix the mineral wool?

In this case, it all depends on the type of insulation and on the type of structure on which the thermal insulation is mounted. Light grades of mineral wool are installed in frame structures by surprise. Rigid mineral wool boards are fastened with special dowels or fixed using special adhesives.

When fixing by surprise, mineral wool is laid very tightly in a wooden frame pre-assembled from slats and bars. The thickness of the frame must match the thickness of the insulation. Between the slats they maintain an interval less than the width of the mineral wool by 1.5-2 cm, which does not allow the material to slip during operation. Mats are mounted starting from the bottom of the structure, and rolls - from above. In this case, solid pieces are laid first, and free space, for example, near doors or windows, is filled later.

Mineral wool of high density is often mounted without intermediate / support bars. It is completely driven behind the frame and pressed against the supporting structure without a gap, after which, for safety reasons, it is fixed with dowels with a wide cap, that is, the so-called "dish-shaped" dowels. In such a system, the frame elements are located on top of the insulation layer and press the wool against the wall, in addition, brackets that pass through the mats help to keep the insulation in place.

When using the bonded thermal insulation method (wet method), frames are not used at all, therefore, adhesive compositions must be used as fasteners. In this case, you will have to purchase a dry mix, but necessarily intended for gluing mineral wool insulation. Recently, polyurethane glue in cylinders has become more and more popular, which allows you to mount dense mineral wool to any base, including wood, metal, and polymer. This technology also involves the use of dish-shaped dowels. In more detail, we considered the features of gluing insulation in articles on adhesive compositions and wet insulation of the facade.

What is the best way to cut mineral wool?

It is recommended to cut heat-insulating materials from stone wool with a hacksaw or a sharp long knife specially designed for this purpose, the blade of which is serrated. In any case, the equipment must be well sharpened so that the fibers break out as little as possible. Many companies that produce insulation also offer their customers cutting tools: knives about 300 mm long, as well as saws with teeth without divorce, about 60 cm long. In the absence of special devices for such purposes, kitchen bread knives with fine teeth show themselves well and wavy edges. Thin soft slabs and mats (50 mm) can be cut with an ordinary assembly knife.

Mineral wool produced in rolls is best cut before unrolling. And mineral wool boards are taken out of packs and cut one at a time. It should be remembered that during the installation of thermal insulation, the insulation must fill the entire insulated space very tightly, therefore, allowances should be left before cutting: for plates - 0.5 cm; and for mats - about 1-2 cm.

Is it true that mineral wool must be protected from moisture and wind?

During the operation of insulated buildings, their walls, roofs and other structures should be protected from high atmospheric humidity and from strong winds. Therefore, mineral wool insulation after installation from the outside is covered with canvases from a vapor-permeable moisture and windproof membrane. This allows you to prevent the penetration of cold wind and drops of slanting rain into the thickness of the wall. At the same time, water vapor from the internal space, passing through the walls through diffusion, will be able to go outside without obstacles.

The undoubted advantage of mineral wool is its vapor permeability, and this property should be used to the maximum. When installing mineral wool heat-insulating materials between the bearing wall and the insulation, it is not necessary to lay a vapor barrier, since such sealing will negatively affect the climate inside the building. The lack of artificial ventilation in this case will lead to an increase in humidity and the formation of condensate, which, in turn, will cause the formation of mold and fungi.

A vapor barrier film must be used when installing thermal insulation indoors - in this case, it is installed on the warm side of mineral wool. This allows you to protect the insulation from water vapor from the premises. Reinforced polyethylene can be used as a vapor barrier, which is placed between the insulation and the cladding.

If the design allows, a ventilated air gap must be provided between the insulation and the exterior finish. This will help keep the mineral wool dry, without compromising the vapor permeability of the building.

What if you need to use wool in a layer of 15 or 20 cm, and the insulation is supplied with a thickness of 5 or 10 cm?

There is nothing complicated here. It is necessary to calculate the required thickness using formulas or using an online calculator (we talked about this in the last article), and then you can easily build an insulating barrier from several layers. In addition, this method makes it easy to eliminate the problem of cold bridging and joint blowing. To do this, when installing the insulation, the sheets of the outer and inner layers should be shifted relative to each other by 20-30 mm in order to reliably close the seams.

Is it necessary to use protective equipment? Which?

Mineral wool is considered a safe heat-insulating material, both during operation and during installation. However, when working with this insulation for a long time, it is still better to protect yourself using personal protective equipment.

Stone wool, compared to glass wool, is much more convenient to use and safer, but care should still be taken when installing it. It is best to work on non-hot days in overalls made of dense fabric, covering the entire body from contact with mineral wool. It is not recommended to touch this material with bare hands; to protect them, you can use "glazier's gloves" - fabric with rubber or silicone coating in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe palms. It is also imperative to protect the eyes and scalp. Wear a respirator to protect your respiratory system.

During the installation of stone wool, a break should be arranged to ventilate the room. Open packs of material must be carefully shifted, preventing them from falling, so that microparticles do not stand out from them. At the construction site during the installation of thermal insulation there should be no children, as well as people who do not use protective equipment.

Are there any nuances in transportation and storage?

Mineral wool insulation should be stored in whole packages on a flat dry surface, the height of the stacks should not exceed 2 meters. Stacks are made in enclosed spaces protected from rain and humidity. If mineral wool is stored outside, it must be covered with plastic wrap or tarpaulin.

Mats and insulation boards are transported in a horizontal position in covered trucks. During transportation, the insulation must be protected from mechanical damage and precipitation. During loading, unloading and transportation, do not compress the material too much.

You need to unpack the mineral wool correctly. To do this, the insulation is taken out of the package immediately before installation, which significantly reduces the risk of damage to the thermal insulation. Insulation packaging can be used on a construction site when laying out mineral wool (when you need to protect it from pollution), it is also suitable as bags for construction debris.

Which cotton wool is better?

There is no unequivocal answer to this question, since in different conditions the material of a different type will be the best option.

Basalt soft wool. Use it where high loads are not expected. This material can be used for insulation of walls made using frame technology, as well as for thermal insulation of floors and roofs. Just because cotton is soft doesn't mean it doesn't perform well. It is simply made from thin fibers, which ensures the presence of many cavities in the insulation, in which air is trapped, which prevents heat loss.

Mineral wool of medium hardness (density). It is used mainly for the insulation of ventilated facades, where high-velocity air flows are created in the air cavities. It is also used for fire prevention measures, sound and heat insulation of ventilation ducts. Mineral wool of medium density can be installed without problems instead of soft basalt wool, but the cost of thermal insulation will be more expensive.

Rigid basalt wool. This insulation is used in places where high loads on it are possible. For example, where it is planned to insulate walls with reinforcement and plastering (wet method) or when creating certain types of floors.

Cylindrical heaters for pipes. Usually they are produced with a diameter of more than 50 mm. They are slotted parts that can be deployed and put on the pipe, or two-piece models that are connected on the pipe.

Foil basalt wool. This thermal insulation material is characterized not only by low heat transfer, but also reflects heat, directing it inside the premises. Mineral wool can be covered with foil on one or both sides. When laying, the heat insulator is installed with the foil side to the heat source. The scope of this insulation is quite extensive, it is considered a universal material suitable for all methods and types of thermal insulation.

Stitching cotton. It is a very durable mat, one side of which is sheathed / reinforced with steel mesh (galvanized, stainless, fire-resistant, acid-resistant). Cloths can be of various thicknesses, can be used to perform various types of thermal insulation. Stitched wool is usually non-combustible, therefore it can be used to insulate surfaces with elevated temperatures (up to plus 660-700 degrees).

An important technical characteristic of mineral wool is its specific gravity. Insulation with a density of up to 75 kg per cubic meter is ideal for thermal insulation of planes where heavy loads are not expected, for example, for laying in ceilings in attics and roofs. Basalt wool of low density is often used for wrapping pipes of heating plants, boilers and similar units / communications.

Stone wool, the density of which is up to 125 kg per cubic meter, holds its shape well and is great for insulating ceilings, walls inside buildings, and various vertical structures. It is used for thermal insulation of brick walls, as well as surfaces made of foam block or aerated concrete. The mineral wool of this specific density allows not only to insulate the building, but also to ensure its reliable sound insulation.

Basalt wool of high density - from 175 to 200 kg per cubic meter is characterized, in addition, by increased rigidity, hence the abbreviation in its name (PPZh). Such a heater is used for thermal insulation of initially too cold planes - reinforced concrete, sheet metal. The PZH-200 brand is also excellent for arranging additional protection of residential buildings from fire. Only high-density mineral wool can be installed using wet facade insulation technology.

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