Download waybill SP truck. Waybill for IP

Entrepreneurs providing services to others on their own may use their own vehicles. Like all legal entities, they must fill out a certain set of papers, including a waybill for individual entrepreneurs. The process is based on base form, acting as confirmation of the provision of a particular service. An entrepreneur can additionally develop his own forms of accounting for the movement of vehicles. They can be applied to legal basis, if they contain all the required details of the "primary" and are an annex to the accounting policy of the taxpayer. Otherwise, the tax inspector will not accept these documents as supporting documents. In addition, drivers may have disputes with traffic police officers.

There are several main purposes for which the use of a waybill is appropriate - the calculation of wages for the driver, the implementation of settlement transactions with customers, the debiting of money for fuel resources, lubricants. As part of the requirements of tax control officials, a person driving a truck must show his waybill and other documents reflecting the features of work and goods. This fact is indicated in the SDA. In the case of transportation of special goods, the documents must be marked "dangerous goods".

When commercial transportation is carried out, waybills are compiled on the basis of an order from the country's Ministry of Transport. The procedure, which is defined by this document, acts as a mandatory rule for entrepreneurs who own transport. If there is a specially trained hired employee, the driver can act in several ways - write out waybills on his own or appoint a special responsible person to perform these actions. It is better to use the second option, especially if this worker has undergone specialized training and knows exactly how, who and when should issue the appropriate forms.

Waybill truck individual entrepreneur issued strictly according to the regulations for 1 current day of work. When requested to complete a task more time, the driver must have a document with him for a longer period, especially if he stays outside the place where the truck is located. If it is necessary to issue a sheet for a passenger car or bus, entrepreneurs use the unified forms PL-1, PA-1. Due to the fact that the form of the sheet is not mandatory, such types of documentation as 4-C and 4-P can also be used. Documentation is carried out in one version and without copies. Most importantly, fix internal rules document flow, the use of certain forms at a particular enterprise for the provision of transport and related services.

Form management for IP

The issuance of a travel document is carried out together with papers for the transportation of a specific consignment, in particular, they are related to the consignment note - the main document of the carrier. On the basis of the database that forms the basis of the primary document PG-1, the salary is calculated, as well as settlements with customers and clients. The waybill contains information about the entrepreneur himself and information about his car. If there is no end date and signature, as well as some details, it is considered that the documentation does not have legal effect. With such a form, your driver runs the risk of being stopped at the first check.

One of the sections of the route sheet is filled in directly after the fact. It is here that data such as the indicator of the total mileage of freight transport, the duration of the operation of the equipment, and the description of the cargo carried by transport are noted. The document is subject to fixation within the framework of the relevant accounting book - a unified form of transport companies. Then the correctly completed form is signed directly by the individual entrepreneur and issued to drivers leaving the route. Form PG-1 can also be used as a waybill to justify the fuel used during the trip. This means that it can be requested by the tax controller during an on-site audit. You should scrupulously observe the rules and terms of storage of this type of documentation.

What threatens for the lack of a waybill on hand

If the document was not with you, a fine will be issued for the lack of a waybill. Its value is fixed by the relevant legislative norms, and the traffic police officers, when indicating it, can rely on two articles of the rules:

Part 2 Art. 12.3;

In the first case, the driver acts as the person responsible for the vehicle, so the employee has the right to write him a fine of 500 rubles and issue a warning. In the second case, the penalties reach large sizes, sometimes - 100,000 rubles. These measures are applied not only for the actual absence of a document, but also in connection with the incorrect execution of its data. At the same time, the driver and the legal entity for which he is employed can be fined under both articles. It turns out that the entrepreneur is at great risk if he does not draw up all the fields of the waybill strictly according to the regulations. It is convenient when there is a special staff unit with a specialized education and well-developed skills in the design of papers of this type.

Sample waybill

Consider the form of a waybill for an IP truck. On title page multiple information is provided.

In the upper area of ​​the form, the serial number and time during which the vehicle is used are recorded;

On the left in the lower part, data directly about the entrepreneur are noted - full name, registration, numbers;

After that, there is a note about the type and brand of the car, its state number;

The right side contains the personal data of the driver, including the number of his rights, full name;

If the situation requires it, the individual entrepreneur must issue a license card for a car, then it will be possible to reflect the registration information in the waybill, as required by law. In the lower part, a note is recorded that the driver is healthy (this fact is documented by obtaining a certificate of medical examination), and the transport also got the opportunity to drive due to good technical condition (an appropriate inspection by a mechanic must be carried out). This is confirmed by the signature of the responsible person and the stamp following it. If all the rules of the regulations are observed, then no one will be able to challenge the correctness of filling out the document and issue a fine for violating the regulations.

After full confirmation, in the line "Departure", "Return" it is necessary to put down the actual time of departure, as well as the period in which the driver returned to the place of permanent parking of the car. Also, the responsible person must indicate the speedometer readings, which are recorded upon departure and directly during the arrival of the transport. The waybill for individual entrepreneurs, the form of which also contains other information, involves filling out the section “Work of a driver and a truck”. It contains line by line information about the customer, this is his name, place of stay, distance. In this case, information about several customers can be specified. Such a norm is directly enshrined in the instructions for filling out the accompanying transport documents.

Also, the waybill of the IP of the truck assumes a table that has a set of other values. IN this case the overall result of the work is summed up, the data on the mileage, the duration of the work and the weight of the cargo transported are summed up. This paragraph may contain special marks that reflect information about what kind of downtime, accidents and repairs occurred during the car's entry to the route. Seal and signature are obligatory attributes of all events held. The tax authority will want to make sure that the document provides comprehensive information about a particular event.

There is a sample waybill that can be found on the Internet. If this document presented in the traditional PG-1 format, it is usually intended for entrepreneurs who do not use the hired labor of a driver. In this case, some elements of the tour may be omitted, usually they are marked with an asterisk. A competent approach to filling out documentation will achieve good result with papers and avoid problems with the traffic police, as well as prevent difficulties with the calculations. Pay attention to whether all the required details are in the primary documents that you use. Especially if you downloaded these forms from the Web. Requirements for the "primary" are enshrined in the law on accounting.


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Download the form of the waybill of an individual entrepreneur:


№ 152

September 18, 2008 Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 08, 2008
Registration N 12414

On the approval of mandatory details and the procedure for filling out waybills

In pursuance of Part 1 of Article 6 of the Federal Law of November 08, 2007 N 259-FZ "Charter of Road Transport and Urban Surface Electric Transport" (Collection of Legislation Russian Federation, 2007, N 46, art. 5555)

1. Approve the attached mandatory details and the procedure for filling out waybills.

2. Recognize as invalid the orders of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation: dated June 30, 2000 N 68 "On the introduction of travel documentation for individual entrepreneurs engaged in transportation activities in road transport" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 3, 2000, registration N 2298); dated September 22, 2003 N 191 "On introducing amendments and additions to the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2000 N 68" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 6, 2003, registration N 5150).

I. Levitin

Mandatory details and procedure for filling out waybills

I. General provisions

1. Mandatory details and the procedure for filling out waybills are developed in accordance with the Federal Law of November 8, 2007 N 259-FZ "Charter of road transport and urban ground electric transport" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 46, art. 5555) . 2. Mandatory details and the procedure for filling out waybills are used by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs operating cars, trucks, buses, trolleybuses and trams.

II. Mandatory details of the waybill

3. The waybill must contain the following mandatory details:

name and number of the waybill;

    information about the validity of the waybill;

    information about the owner (owner) of the vehicle;

    information about the vehicle; driver information.

4. Information on the validity period of the waybill includes the date (day, month, year) during which the waybill can be used, and if the waybill is issued for more than one day, the date (day, month, year) of the start and the end of the period during which the waybill can be used.

5. Information about the owner (owner) of the vehicle includes:

  • For legal entity- name, legal form, location, telephone number;

    for an individual entrepreneur - last name, first name, patronymic, postal address, telephone number.

6. Vehicle details include:

    vehicle type (passenger car, truck, bus, trolleybus, tram) and vehicle model, and if the truck is used with a car trailer, car semi-trailer, in addition - the model car trailer, automobile semi-trailer;

    state registration plate passenger car, truck, cargo trailer, cargo semi-trailer, bus, trolleybus;

    odometer readings (full km of run) when the vehicle leaves the garage (depot) and enters the garage (depot);

    date (day, month, year) and time (hours, minutes) of departure of the vehicle from the place of permanent parking of the vehicle and its arrival at the specified parking lot.

7. Driver details include:

    surname, name, patronymic of the driver;

    date (day, month, year) and time (hours, minutes) of the pre-trip and post-trip medical examination of the driver.

8. It is allowed to place additional details on the waybill, taking into account the specifics of carrying out activities related to the transportation of goods, passengers and luggage by road or urban ground electric transport.

III. How to fill out a waybill

9. A waybill is issued for each vehicle used by a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur for the carriage of goods, passengers and luggage by road and urban ground electric transport in urban, suburban and intercity communications.
10. The waybill is issued for one day or a period not exceeding one month.

11. If during the period of validity of the waybill the vehicle is used in shifts by several drivers, then it is allowed to issue several waybills for one vehicle separately for each driver.

12. The name of the waybill indicates the type of vehicle for which the waybill is issued (waybill for a car, waybill for a tram, etc.). The number of the waybill is indicated in the heading in chronological order in accordance with the numbering system adopted by the owner of the vehicle. The heading of the waybill shall bear the seal or stamp of a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur owning the relevant vehicles on the basis of ownership or other legal grounds.

13. Dates, times and odometer readings when a vehicle leaves a permanent parking lot and enters a permanent parking lot are put down by authorized persons appointed by the decision of the head of the enterprise or individual entrepreneur, and are certified by their stamps or signatures indicating initials and surnames, except for cases when an individual entrepreneur combines the duties of a driver.

14. Dates, times and odometer readings when a vehicle leaves a permanent parking lot and enters the said parking lot shall be entered by an individual entrepreneur if the said entrepreneur combines the duties of a driver.

15. In the case of issuing several waybills for one vehicle separately for each driver, the date, time and odometer readings when the vehicle leaves the permanent parking lot are entered in the waybill of the driver who leaves the permanent parking place first, and the date, time and odometer readings when a vehicle enters a permanent parking lot - in the waybill of the driver who is the last to enter the permanent parking lot.

16. The dates and times of the pre-trip and post-trip medical examination of the driver are affixed by the medical officer who conducted the appropriate examination and certified by his stamp and signature indicating the last name, first name and patronymic. 17. Owners (owners) Vehicle are obliged to register issued waybills in the register of waybills.
18. Completed waybills must be kept for at least five years.

Individual entrepreneurs have the right to provide freight transportation services using their own freight transport. Like any legal entity, they are required to generate certain documents. Entrepreneurs must form a truck waybill using special. shape.

Individual entrepreneurs who own freight transport and use it in their activities must form vouchers for each unit of transport. One voucher can be issued for a period of one to thirty days.

In most cases, IP truck waybills are formed every day. The only exceptions are those situations when the driver will fulfill the order for a long time without returning to the garage. If several drivers work on one vehicle, a ticket must be formed for each of them.

If the entrepreneur who owns the transport is a driver, he must issue a ticket for himself. The voucher contains information about the distance traveled, as well as the dates of execution of orders. This information is required in order to calculate the price of the service provided, the driver's salary, and the cost of the fuel spent.

How to fill out a ticket

The waybill of a truck of an individual entrepreneur is filled out as follows:

  • The voucher number is put down in order, as well as the period during which the truck will be operated.
  • Further, information about the individual entrepreneur is entered: his full name; the address where it is registered; contact phone number.
  • After that, information about the cargo vehicle is indicated: its type, brand, state number. registration. If the car has a trailer, then you must specify data about it.
  • On the right, information about the driver is written: his full name and driver's license number.
  • In some cases, entrepreneurs must issue license cards for cars. Their details must be reflected in the voucher.
  • A note should be made below that the driver has passed a medical examination before the flight, as well as about checking technical condition TS. The persons responsible for this must put down their personal signatures.
  • The lines "departure" and "return" are intended to indicate the time of the driver's departure and return to the place of permanent parking.
  • During departure and return, the speedometer readings must be taken and recorded.
  • The section "work of a driver and a truck" is intended to indicate information about the customer company (its name and location). Also in this section, information about the place of destination and departure, as well as the distance traveled, is entered.
  • The table “results of the use of the vehicle” is intended to indicate the results of the work done - the data on the weight of the load, the time of work and the distance traveled are added up.
  • A point of special marks is necessary to indicate information about accidents that have occurred, repairs and forced periods of downtime.
  • The waybill of the IP truck must contain the personal signatures of the driver who received the truck for use; a mechanic who checked the technical condition of the vehicle; the dispatcher who issued the task to the driver, as well as the entrepreneur himself.
  • At the very end, the entrepreneur's company stamp should be affixed.

A form and a sample of filling out a waybill for a truck can be found in

A waybill for a truck of an individual entrepreneur is issued for all available vehicles, and if several drivers are assigned to one unit of transport, then each person needs a document.

A waybill for transport is required for legal driving. It is for this reason that it is so important to indicate the necessary data, thanks to which the costs of fuel and lubricants are taken into account, the driver's wages are calculated and the settlement is made with the customer. Documentation is issued for a period of one day to a month.

At the legislative level, it is allowed for the owner of the business to develop the form independently. Thus, the businessman prepares the documents and subsequently approves them.

It doesn't matter if a form is being developed on your own or taken ready, the forms in both versions are used as follows:

  1. 4-P - the car is used at a time-based rate.
  2. 4-C - work is paid at piece rates.
  3. PG-1 - most often used by IP for cargo transportation. This form is used to justify the fuel consumed; when checking, such documentation is requested by the tax inspector.

An example of filling out a waybill for an individual entrepreneur can be downloaded on the Internet, this option allows you to avoid errors during registration.

Many entrepreneurs are wondering if a waybill is required for cargo transportation. Undoubtedly, the documentation must be present, otherwise a fine may be issued by the traffic police officer. You will have to pay for it if there is no documentation for the transported cargo, there are no seals, dates, the conclusion of a medical worker, or an error was made during filling in the data, as well as when corrections are made.

The police officer has every right to:

  • if the driver is responsible for the vehicle, then a fine of 500 rubles is issued;
  • officials pay from 20 to 100 thousand rubles.

When the business owner cannot write out the form personally, he draws up a power of attorney for any person or appoints a responsible employee. It does not matter who fills out the document, the presence of errors is not allowed. Documentation is issued for each car and driver. To avoid receiving fines, it is worth entering information carefully and in full. For example, for the absence of a medical certificate, an employee will have to pay about 5 thousand rubles.

The penalty for the absence of a waybill for individual entrepreneurs is taken as for the carriage of goods that do not have accompanying documents.

To fill out the waybill, you will need some details. Data is mandatory, regardless of form.

The documentation contains:

  • period of validity of the issued documents;
  • information about the owner of the car;
  • specifications;
  • driver information.

The required list of data is prepared in advance and only after that they begin to fill in. The waybill is issued for up to one month.

The form contains the following information:

  • place of registration of the entrepreneur;
  • personal data of the business owner;
  • contacts for communication;
  • information about the driver, including the driver's license number;
  • technical characteristics of transport (car brand, speedometer indicators before the start of the trip and after the completion of the freight transportation);
  • conclusion of a medical worker;
  • be sure to indicate the route of movement, the characteristics of the cargo being transported, the mileage of the car.

After the service is provided to the customer, the employee is paid. Waybills are registered in a special journal and then kept by the entrepreneur for five years. If you need to enter some values, then a table is provided for this. Often, it marks the mileage, the mass of the cargo, the time it took to fulfill the order. Information about the fines issued is also entered here, repair work, downtime.

Do I need a waybill for an IP truck? Definitely yes. The presence of documentation will allow the entrepreneur to avoid penalties.

There are a number of rules that should be followed when preparing documentation to avoid punishment and fines.

It is important to know:

  1. Registration is done on an individual basis. When drivers work in several shifts, waybills are issued for each employee.
  2. In order for papers to be considered valid, they indicate the expiration date.
  3. If a driver is hired to transport cargo, then a responsible person is assigned to him, who controls not only the technical condition of the vehicle, but also notes the time the car arrives at the garage. Only after this procedure, the documents are signed and stamped.
  4. In some cases, an entrepreneur has the right to issue a license card for cars and trucks.

All documentation is noted in the journal. Special programs, which keep track of waybills, facilitate the work of an accountant when submitting reports to the tax service. Papers are added in any quantity.

The waybill necessarily corresponds to the activities of the entrepreneur, otherwise some problems arise. Regarding the primary documentation, a number of requirements are put forward to it at the legislative level. Papers are presented only in the original, copies are not allowed.

It has a waybill for a bus of an individual entrepreneur in the form of the PA-1 form, which is used to record work and calculate remuneration for the driver.

The documentation contains the following details:

  1. Number assigned at registration.
  2. Date of filling out the waybill, stamp of the organization that owns the transport.
  3. Specifications vehicle (fuel consumption, repairs, speedometer data).
  4. Information about the individual entrepreneur who acts as the owner of the vehicle.
  5. Task for the driver, with the content of the route.

The dispatcher or the owner of the business is responsible for issuing the waybill. Such documentation is used to prove the use of the bus in the work, and also confirms the conduct of the business of the entrepreneur.

Many people ask: “Do I need a waybill if the individual entrepreneur is a driver himself?” The answer to this question is in federal law, in article 259, which clearly states that one hundred transport of goods using any means of transport is prohibited without a waybill.

If it is absent, then the submitted reports to the tax service contain errors and it is impossible to track the entrepreneur's expenses.

An individual entrepreneur who owns a freight transport and uses it in his work is obliged to draw up waybills for all vehicles. They are issued for a period of 1 day to 1 month.

Most organizations fill out shipping paperwork every day, except when the driver is on the road. long time and does not return to the original place of dispatch. When several employees work on the same car at the same time, waybills are issued for each driver.

There are times when the owner of the business is a driver and carries out transportation personally. Here the question arises: “Do I need to issue a waybill for IP or not?” Undoubtedly, a businessman draws up documentation for himself, containing all the necessary information, they must fill out the documentation correctly, errors and corrections are not allowed. The presence of a waybill is required to calculate the rendered service for the carriage of goods, to calculate the remuneration of the employee.

The work of an individual entrepreneur checks Labour Inspectorate. This is necessary to identify violations by the business owner in labor legislation in relation to employees. During the verification process, waybills are required for review. They figure out how to calculate wage to the driver and whether this is done correctly, whether payments for the processing of working hours are observed when the driver delivers goods over long distances.

Interested in such information and tax officials. When checking the information, they find out the correctness of the calculations regarding the cost of transportation.

The waybill is kept for five years. Behind incorrect design documentation, both the entrepreneur and the driver are responsible, but penalties are provided only for the business owner.

If the car is stopped by a traffic police officer, then he is presented with all the documentation for the cargo.

Waybill for IP it is necessary to fill in for individual entrepreneurs if they use transport for production purposes. Thus, the targeted nature of the trips is confirmed, the write-off of fuel and lubricants is justified, statistical indicators are formed and data is accumulated to account for transport work.

Appointment of a waybill for private entrepreneurs

Private entrepreneurs who have freight and passenger rolling stock to service their activities must draw up waybills. Such a document is intended to reflect and accumulate data on the operation parameters of cars, special equipment, tractors used in accounting. Waybills for IP contain information about the fuel filled into the tank, its write-off and the actual balance at the end of the period, in addition, you can find out the mileage and routes of the car from the waybill. Useful data on the kilometers traveled and to justify write-offs, replacement of worn tires. On the basis of the whole complex of information obtained in this way, individual elements of the driver's remuneration are charged. The presence of a waybill is also important in order to comply with traffic rules, since it must have a permit from a medical worker allowing the driver to drive a car, in addition, there is also a mechanic's mark certifying the correct technical condition of the car. If the car is owned by the company, and it is driven by a hired driver, in case of inspection by the traffic police inspector waybill of an individual entrepreneur will be the only justification why a person who is not the owner is driving a "foreign" vehicle.

Initially, the form of the document was introduced into circulation by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of November 28, 1997 No. 78 and was intended exclusively for organizations. And only the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2000 No. 68 introduced specialized forms for individual entrepreneurs, along with guidelines for filling out.

Now the only one normative act governing the use waybills and for individual entrepreneurs, and for organizations, is the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2008 No. 152.

PLEASE NOTE: This order is notfixes standard forms for waybills, however, provides a list of mandatory details that must be present in them.

The difference between order No. 152 and all previous regulations is that the maintenance of waybills by all individual entrepreneurs with transport has become mandatory. Previously, individual entrepreneurs were required to fill out vouchers only when using vehicles in entrepreneurial activity related to transportation.

The period for which a waybill is issued may differ depending on the type of vehicle use:

  • for commercial transportation activities - strictly on the day of work;
  • for business trips - for the period of business trip;
  • for other types of activity - from one day to a month.

The list of information required to be reflected in the waybill

Details required for registration of transport work are given in order No. 152. These include:

  • document name, number;
  • the period for which it was issued;
  • name of the company owner or individual entrepreneur;
  • car data: model, license plate, mileage at the beginning and end of the day, date and time of release to the line and return to the garage, to the parking lot.
  • data about the employee driving the car: last name, time of pre-trip and post-trip medical examination.

In addition to the above list, it is allowed to add additional fields to the form at the discretion of the individual entrepreneur. In particular, for a truck it is advisable to have data on the mileage with and without cargo, on the number of tons transported.

Most often, for each flight, the names of the points of departure and destination are noted, as well as the number of kilometers for each individual trip along the route.

The entrepreneur can use standard form, which was in force before the release of order No. 152, or develop its own version from scratch, in any case, fixing your decision with an internal order. In order to perform control functions, a specialized register of waybills is kept, it is also mandatory, and its availability is always checked supervisory authorities. All of the above documents, including the book of sheets, must be kept for 5 years.

Form and sample of filling out a waybill for an individual entrepreneur

Creating your own waybill form for sole proprietorship- the process is rather long and painstaking, requiring significant labor costs. For convenience and reduce the amount of work, you can use the form, which initially includes the entire required list details, which is available for download below.

To speed up the process of registration and minimize possible errors it is better to use the already prepared sample waybill ip. Using it, it will be quite convenient to control the correctness of information in each specific form field.

First of all, it is worth remembering that there is no legally approved voucher form for individual entrepreneurs. In this case, private entrepreneurs have no choice but to use the previously approved old unified form or form the original form on your own, remembering that it must fully meet the requirements of order No. 152.

Increased attention is required to fill in all the fields of the waybill form, since the ability to accept transport costs for tax accounting will depend on the completeness and correctness of their execution. This is especially important for private entrepreneurs who use the special regime of the simplified tax system according to the “income minus costs” scheme.

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