Sample vacation planning sheet. Whether to acquaint personnel with this document. The signature is put in two cases

The vacation schedule (form T-7) is needed to reflect information about the time of distribution of annual paid vacations for employees of all structural divisions of the company for a year, broken down by months. In the article, you can download for free a form and a sample of filling out a vacation schedule in the T-7 form. This will make it easier to draft and approve the document, especially if the organization is compiling the document for the first time.

In this article:

The vacation schedule determines the order in which employees go on vacation. It must be drawn up no later than two weeks before the beginning of the next year.

Vacation scheduling is the responsibility of all employers. The document is also mandatory for all employees. This is stated in article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

For the lack of a schedule, labor inspectors can fine the company 30,000-50,000 rubles or its head in the amount of 1,000-5,000 rubles (Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

You can draw up a schedule in free form, but many companies use a unified form for vacation schedules. We will tell you what the T-7 form of the vacation schedule is and why it is easier and more convenient to use it.

The vacation schedule must be approved by the head of the company. The corresponding column is already provided in the document. If desired, you can draw up an additional order to approve the vacation schedule.

The Labor Code does not require changes to the vacation schedule if the company has hired a new employee or fired an existing one. But, if the schedule is drawn up in the T-7 form, and it is more convenient for the company to have data on all holidays there, changes can be made. How to do this, the company has the right to decide for itself. In practice, the vacation period of a new employee is recorded in the annex to the schedule.

An alternative to the T-7 form of the vacation schedule

You can download the form T-7 vacation schedule from the link at the beginning of the article. However, instead of the current form, the vacation schedule of the organization has the right to apply its own form. That is, based on unified form T-7 draw up your form. The main condition is to approve it in the accounting policy. This was confirmed by Rostrud in a letter dated February 14, 2013 No. PG / 1487-6-1.

When drawing up your form of vacation schedule, it is important to take into account the specifics of the organization's activities and the wishes of employees. In the tabular part, all employees of the company must be indicated. At the same time, for each employee, as many vacation days as he is required by law should be planned. If an employee breaks his vacation into several periods, then he is entered into the schedule several times, indicating the duration of each vacation.

In addition, it is necessary to enter all the accumulated days of rest for employees in the form of the vacation schedule. After all, the employee has the right to transfer the vacation to the next working year. But it must be used no later than 12 months after the end of the year for which it is provided (Article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Separate fields of the vacation schedule form (form T-7)

Any changes to the vacation schedule are made based on the application of the employee and the order of the head. Details of these documents (or one of them) are recorded in the column "Basis". Additional data is reflected in the "Note" column, here the employee personnel service may indicate any information.

If one of the employees asks to postpone the vacation according to the schedule for another time, these changes must be made to the vacation schedule. When transferring a vacation, you must fill in columns 8-10. In column 8, it is necessary to enter the details of the order to postpone the vacation, in column 9 - the date of the proposed vacation, and in column 10 - the reason for its transfer (resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.2004 No. 1).

The Labor Code obliges employees to familiarize themselves with the vacation schedule, but the code does not say exactly how to do this. You can attach to the schedule a familiarization sheet with a list of the names of employees, where everyone will put their signature and the date of familiarization. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation requires that the employee be notified of the start time of the vacation no later than two weeks before it starts. But it is easier to familiarize everyone with the schedule when it is approved. And the manager must approve the vacation schedule no later than two weeks before the start of the corresponding calendar year (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Vacation schedule is a table that contains information on the dates of granting annual paid leave to employees of the structural divisions of the organization.

How to make a vacation schedule

When drawing up a vacation schedule, it must be taken into account that, according to the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, the duration of the annual paid vacation is 28 calendar days. The employee has the right to use it after 6 months continuous work in this organization. The duration of annual paid leave may be increased due to unused vacation days in the previous year or due to additional paid vacations for certain categories of employees.

The vacation schedule is drawn up by an employee of the personnel service annually no later than two weeks before the start of the new calendar year and approved by the director of the enterprise or an authorized person, certified by the signature of the head of the personnel service, taking into account the opinion of the elected trade union body (if any). Thus, the vacation schedule for 2013 must be approved no later than December 17, 2012.

As a vacation schedule form, a unified form No. T-7 is used, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of 01/05/2004 No. 1.

At the planning stage, before the start of the calendar year, only columns 1-6 of the vacation schedule table are filled in: the structural unit in which the employee works, his position according to staffing, full name, personnel number of the employee (if any), the number of calendar days of vacation and the planned start date of the vacation.

The employee must be familiarized with the vacation schedule against signature no later than two weeks before it begins. You can add column 11 to the table for the lists of employees, or draw up a familiarization sheet in any form and attach it to the vacation schedule.

If the employee is not satisfied with the start date of the vacation or he wants to break it into parts, the employee can write an application to postpone the vacation and sign it with the manager. On its basis, an order is issued and adjustments are made to the vacation schedule. Also, the vacation date may change at the initiative of the head in connection with production necessity. IN this case an order is issued to postpone the vacation and changes in the vacation schedule are also displayed.

Columns 7-10 are filled in as employees go on vacation during the year.
The 7th column indicates the actual start date of the vacation (it may coincide with the planned one or differ if circumstances change and the vacation is postponed).
The 8th column contains information about the document - the basis for the transfer of vacation (statement or order of the head).
The 9th column indicates the date of the proposed postponed vacation.
The 10th column of the vacation schedule contains a description of the reason for not providing, postponing or extending the vacation.

One of the mandatory personnel documents of an enterprise is vacation schedule, the form has a standard form T-7, which you can download at the end of the article. The main purpose of this T-7 form is to determine the order in which employees of the enterprise leave. How to make a vacation schedule? You can find a sample of filling out the T-7 form below.

Two weeks before the start of the new year, this personnel document should already be drawn up and approved by management. A schedule is drawn up at the end of the year for the next year. Before you start filling out the vacation schedule, you need to find out from the employees the vacation period they want. These wishes must be taken into account when filling out the form.

Vacation schedule form T-7 sample filling

To fill out the T-7 form, you can use it, data on employees are taken from it: their full name, position, structural unit and personnel number. These data are entered in a table in the T-7 form.

When the day the employee leaves for the next paid vacation comes, it will be necessary to indicate in the table the actual start date of the employee's vacation.

When the vacation schedule is drawn up and the planned start dates for the vacation are indicated for all employees, the document is given to the employees for familiarization, after which each of them must sign in front of his last name. Also, the vacation schedule must contain the signatures of the heads of the structural divisions of the enterprise, the personnel officer and the head himself, who approves the drawn up schedule.

The vacation schedule is designed to establish the order of granting annual vacations to company employees. At the same time, according to article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, part 2, the vacation schedule approved by the employer is mandatory for both each employee and the employer itself.

Important: scheduling is mandatory for all legal entities, regardless of the size of the organization's staff. If such a document is not available at the enterprise, then this is an administrative violation with the application of punishment.

If the employer uses a self-developed schedule form, then, if desired, he can provide printing details on it and fill it out.

Common mistakes and how to avoid them

To correctly draw up a vacation schedule, you need to know the norms of existing legislation and remember that:

  1. The head and deputy cannot go on vacation at the same time.
  2. The number of employees that can support its normal functioning should remain in the department.
  3. Specialists of the same profile cannot take a rest at the same time.
  4. The vacation accumulated over several years should not be summed up, it is better to break it into several parts.
  5. It is not necessary to assign the duties of an employee on vacation to someone who has the right to go on vacation out of turn.
  6. Distribution vacation days must be formed in such a way that the work process, as well as workers, do not suffer.

Familiarization of employees

Since the vacation schedule does not always reflect the wishes of employees, it is advisable to familiarize all employees with its approved version. To do this, you can provide a special column in the form of a vacation schedule (“I am familiar with vacation dates”), or draw up a familiarization sheet.

The employer is obliged to notify each worker of the date of commencement of rest against a personal signature. no later than two weeks in advance (part 3 of article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

To do this, an additional column can be included in the schedule form (“Notified about the start date of the vacation”). There are other options for notifying workers, for example, familiarization sheets, statements, familiarization visa on a vacation order (). The employer independently determines the most appropriate way to notify employees about the vacation.

So, we looked at how to work with the annual vacation schedule. Summing up, we note that this is a mandatory document that must be formed in every company with the formation legal entity. The document is approved and signed by the head of the organization.

A vacation priority plan is drawn up 14 days before the start of the new calendar year. Changes are made in individual cases (if there is an application from the employee and other documents). For a clear and correct reflection of information, the unified form T-7 is used, however, a variant of an arbitrary form is also allowed.

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Watch a video on scheduling vacations in the T-7 form:

The order of departure of employees in paid annual leave, guaranteed by labor legislation, is fixed in an annual document called a vacation schedule, this form is filled out according to standard form T-7 by all organizations. The form allows not only to correctly distribute the order of vacation periods for staff, but also summarizes this information, allowing the employer to plan the workflow of the enterprise, and also helps to avoid disputes with employees regarding the vacation provided. In the article, we suggest downloading the T-7 form of the vacation schedule for free, and a sample filling for 2017 is also offered for free download.

The schedule is formed in advance, that is, before the beginning of the year for which it is drawn up. The law requires this action to be taken in December of the previous year. The completed T-7 form is approved and handed over to employees for review against signature. The unified form T-7 contains specific dates for the departure of each member of the labor collective on paid annual basic leave. These dates are planned taking into account the opinions of stakeholders:

  • employees are asked about their wishes regarding the planned vacation in the next year;
  • the employer compares the needs of the staff with the actual working situation at the enterprise;
  • the existing trade union body agrees on the set dates, taking into account the interests of employees.

That is, the completed sample schedule is the result of the joint work of the staff and the employer. The functions for the formation of the document are assigned to the personnel worker, this obligation is prescribed in his job description.

The procedure for familiarization with the approved form of the T-7 schedule is carried out without fail. Each employee must be notified of the upcoming major labor leave. The task of the employer is to obtain written confirmation of the familiarity of each employee, this is achieved by obtaining signatures in a special familiarization sheet. Each employee is sent a notice of the beginning of the vacation period no later than 2 weeks before the upcoming vacation, the notice is handed against signature.

This procedure should be carried out, because otherwise the employer violates the requirement of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for a mandatory warning 2 weeks before the vacation period.

The approved schedule may be revised throughout the year. for a different time for various reasons, if there are grounds for that, however, in general, the company issues vacations to employees, guided by the existing unified form T-7. Any adjustments to the existing schedule are possible only if there are supporting documents. Depending on the reasons for the changes and the initiator this process documentary composition may vary.

You can download a sample of filling out the vacation schedule and the T-7 form for free in word at the bottom of the article.

Sample filling T-7

Rules for scheduling vacations:

  • approval of the T-7 form is carried out no later than December 17 of the previous year;
  • the columns of the table from the 1st to the 6th are subject to filling;
  • for familiarization of employees, the table of the T-7 form can be supplemented with a separate column;
  • when making adjustments to the document during the next year, columns from the 8th to the 9th are subject to completion;
  • approves the schedule of the head of the enterprise.

Correctly draw up a vacation schedule for the enterprise as a whole, and not for each division. The division into departments must be done inside the unified T-7 form.

Each employee of the organization is assigned a separate line of the tabular part, with respect to each member of the staff, information of the following type is entered:

  • department where the employee works;
  • job title;
  • Personnel Number;
  • the total number of vacation days;
  • the beginning of this period.

The specified columns of the table of the form T-7 are filled in at the planning stage. A completed sample can be viewed below. The remaining columns are filled in as necessary, in particular:

gr. 7 is filled in with the date of the actual vacation;

columns 8 and 9 - when adjusting the vacation period in the process of transferring it, to enter information in these fields, a base document is needed, in particular, it is required.

At the top of the vacation schedule form, the year for which it was drawn up is indicated. For example, in December 2016 need to make a document for 2017. Accordingly, in December 2017 - for 2018. A sample of filling out the vacation schedule for 2017 can be downloaded below.

An approving mark is placed at the top of the unified T-7 form. This procedure carried out through the preparation of an administrative document -.

Do I need a statement when going on vacation according to the schedule?

The employer often requires the employee to make a statement. However, this document is not required at all. is formed on the basis of the existing schedule, and an application from the employee is not required.

The reason why the employer asks employees to draw up an application lies in the peculiarities of the workflow of a particular enterprise. Application form is convenient way collect the necessary visas, and can also be included in the employee's personal file.

Graphic design

Vacation schedule sample filling 2017 download -.

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