Bad and lonely at heart. Reasons for bad heart? Longing and pain are excellent partners at the right time

"There is no salvation without sorrows, but the Kingdom of Heaven awaits those who endure."

Reverend Seraphim of Sarov

Depression, loneliness, withdrawal from the world...

How terrible these words are when the soul hurts. I would like, of course, to wish everyone that there is always a bright heart, that joy always lives in it. But there is no earthly life without pain. Many of us have had or will have moments when we feel bad at heart, we want to cry; when you don't want to see anyone, you don't want to talk to anyone; when there is no desire to eat and move. It seems that he would lie here for years and wait (s) until his soul hurts, and his heart wants to rejoice again. But, as a rule, in life all the problems pile on a person and turn into a big snowball. Possible causes of depression: loss of a loved one, trouble at work, lack of variety, loneliness, anticipation of something unkind, sad memories, loss of meaning in life, unrequited love, failures, self-doubt, dissatisfaction with oneself, quarrels, misunderstanding of loved ones, complexes, rumors , lie, "black stripe", betrayal.

What to do when you feel bad at heart and want to cry?

What do you do when you feel bad and want to cry? Maybe cry? Yes, this is a great option. It is a pity that it is short-term, and after it the head splits.

Here are a few more ways that may help when you feel bad and want to cry:

  1. Start fixing bugs (if at all) we are talking about them, if there is something to fix).
  2. Arrange a noisy fun holiday.
  3. Workout.
  4. Allow yourself to sleep as much as you want.
  5. Review nutrition. Start consuming more dark chocolate, cheese, coffee, bananas, oranges.
  6. Relax in the bath, massage, spa, etc.
  7. Go on a trip.
  8. Engage in meditation.
  9. Seek help from a doctor or a psychologist.
  10. Go headlong into difficult work.
  11. Walk more and relax in nature.
  12. Start a repair.
  13. Go shopping.
  14. Do charity work.

Personally, being an Orthodox person, I advise you to confess and take communion. Priests call depression the cry of the soul about its trouble. Do not fall into the sin called "despondency".

What to do when you feel bad at heart and want to cry, everyone can decide for themselves. The main thing is to do something. Of course, time heals all wounds. But it is precisely the moment when mental pain pours over the edge that you also need to be able to experience correctly.

What not to do when you feel bad at heart and want to cry:

  • Constantly analyze your condition, constantly scroll through traumatic events in your head.
  • Ask yourself questions: “Why do I need this?”, “Why did this happen to me?”. If you really can’t ask questions at all, then it’s better to think: “Why (for what purpose) were tests sent?”
  • Blame yourself or someone else.
  • Develop a plan of self-destruction.

Depression is dangerous in all manifestations. Remember this. I recommend Sinelnikov's book "Love your illness".

Yes, it is difficult (or even impossible) to give recommendations on the topic “What to do when you feel bad at heart and want to cry” in one article. I just want to ask you to accept all trials with gratitude. They make us stronger. Or I really want to believe it.

What do you do when you feel bad and want to cry?

Not every person manages to be cheerful and positive all the time. Sometimes we feel sad for good reason or no reason. And what to do when it is bad at heart to understand does not always work out. No one can help us with this except ourselves. After all, only we know ourselves better than others. Therefore, we can lighten our soul without outside help. The main thing is to want it.

Reasons for bad heart?

In general, spiritual heaviness often appears by itself. But it also happens that there is a reason for this:

  • Unrequited love;
  • Problems with study;
  • Scandal with relatives or friends;
  • Envy or guilt;
  • complexes, etc.

In such a situation, you should simply understand the root cause and solve it. For example, if you are sad because of a guy or a girl, then fix your personal life. If you have weight problems, then start losing weight.

The main thing is to admit to yourself that you are not feeling well precisely because of this, and not to look for excuses. Otherwise, you will constantly go in a vicious circle.

What to do if you don't feel good?

In this situation, you need to do 2 things:

  1. Do not enjoy this;
  2. Don't get used to it.

Many people derive hidden pleasure from their suffering. Sadness becomes a habit. And they begin to engage in constant spiritual masochism, which is extremely wrong.

Do not delve into yourself, making it even more painful. Try to relax. If that doesn't work, then do nothing at all. You will have a desire to make yourself as bad as possible, for example, remember all your failures. Do not do that. This is a false desire.

We turn on the positive

In fact, the human psyche is simpler than it seems. And if you turn on the fun toggle switch, then you can get out of depression.

For example, you feel bad at heart. You start watching VK memes. First, you have an aversion to it. Then you don't care. And then you accidentally start smiling. And your suffering will recede.

That's right, with the help of distraction, you can cure any blues. In addition, various positive activities can fill your life with things to do. And you will not have time to sit and suffer.

Remember this. Inaction is the worst thing that can happen. It is from him that all mental problems come.

Spiritual heaviness is normal

In general, such problems are not the worst thing. A person doesn't always have to laugh. After all, laughter for no reason is a sign you know what.

Therefore, do not try to cheer yourself up immediately, as you become sad. A little sadness is normal. Sadness helps us sort of reset ourselves and take a little break from the turmoil of the world.

The main thing is not to indulge your spiritual problems. If you feel sick too often and it interferes with your life, then take action immediately.

In general, in such a situation, you can learn from alcoholics and drug addicts. Live one day. You have a body. You have food to feed the body. So what else do you need?

Learn to score on everything in moderation. If you take everything seriously, you can get a lot of problems. It is especially difficult for people who are always chasing a great goal, dreaming of becoming the smartest or the richest.

How can you see the good around, if it became bad in the soul? I don’t want to smile, daily joyful little things go unnoticed. Oppression is growing, and there is less and less strength left to fight. But what if heartbreak is not a diagnosis, but a symptom? What if her arrival counts positive moment capable of getting rid of something heavier? Is this really so and how to deal with constant sadness - in this article.

Can heartache be helpful?

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but it can. If a tooth suddenly starts to hurt, the patient goes to treat it so as not to lose it in the future. If it hurts headache- this is an occasion to go to a neurologist, to prevent the development of something more serious. WITH negative emotions everything is exactly the same. They demand changes that will help, mental disorders, even suicidal tendencies. In general, heaviness in the soul indicates the need:

  • rethink your whole life and its individual stages, especially the current one;
  • decide on changes that have been postponed for a long time;
  • reduce the speed, pace of work;
  • deal with chaos in the head, heart, soul;
  • pay attention to your experiences, learn to devote time not only to others, but also to yourself;
  • give yourself a break from the hustle and bustle;
  • take life in own hands without shifting responsibility for it;
  • find like-minded people.

If sadness is just a symptom, then it’s time to start treating the entire diagnosis. How to do it?

What to do when you feel bad

Avoid isolation

The worst thing you can do with inner experiences is to close yourself off from the whole world. This is especially true in three areas:

  1. communication with friends, relatives;
  2. hobby, interesting leisure;
  3. external expression of emotions.

Why is it better not to deprive yourself of these three things?

Talking with relatives helps to feel the support, care, so necessary for an upset person. In addition, it is relatives and good friends who often give good advice. These are people who do not need to be asked twice for help, because they will help disinterestedly, out of a feeling of love. Even if the problem seems unsolvable, they will readily be there, they will not leave you in difficult times.

Favorite activities, interests distract from heavy thoughts. They drive away negative thoughts, forcing them to let positive into the soul, to give joyful moments. All this has a positive effect on morale.

Expressing accumulated feelings is a way to get rid of negativity, to remove a heavy load. Without splashing out emotions, deterioration appears, which develops at a rapid pace. A person not only does not get rid of what disturbs him inside, but also begins to accumulate everything, to double. In order to avoid complications, it is still better not to forget to dump unnecessary experiences.

Express emotions in art

There is a theory that the best masterpieces are created by creators just when they are going through a difficult period. If there is sadness, it great way test this concept. On the one hand, such classes allow you to open up, on the other hand, not to get hung up on the problem, but to be distracted from it. To ease your pain, you can:

  • write poetry, prose, plays;
  • to draw the pictures;
  • invent songs, compose musical compositions;
  • put choreographic numbers;
  • shoot short films, clips;
  • do needlework;
  • invent something, make something;
  • look for yourself in sculpture, architecture.

Direct energy in a creative direction - good idea. Such a decision is quite capable of giving a new meaning to life, good mood, an incentive to wake up in the morning.

Sign up with a specialist

  • find yourself, learn more about true desires;
  • set specific goals;
  • change some character traits - insecurity, aloofness, for example;
  • find your own path of self-realization;
  • reveal main reason problems;
  • cope with fears, depression;
  • open up, learn to express your emotions, communicate with others.

If the heaviness inside presses too hard, the therapist will prescribe suitable drugs - sedatives, antidepressants. It is at the reception that such a doctor has a real chance to find like-minded people thanks to group sessions. Also, such a specialist will conduct a conversation with loved ones, tell them how to properly respond to the moral state of the patient.

Plunge into childhood

What can get rid of sadness better than children's fun? For many, childhood is a world of fairy tales and magic, where there is always a lot of interesting things. There are no duties, no worries, life seems so easy, amazing, rich in miracles and the unknown. No one has yet invented a time machine, but it is quite possible to become a child for an hour or two. There are several options for this:

  • ride on swings, rides;
  • let bubble, paper boats in puddles;
  • take a bath with lush foam;
  • buy cotton candy;
  • read fairy tales;
  • move out of snow slide sledging;
  • assemble a puzzle or constructor;
  • sing a children's song
  • watch a good cartoon;
  • do face painting.

A good solution would also be to view children's photos in the family circle. Memories from childhood give warmth, joy. And someone, perhaps, will remember an old, long-forgotten dream, try to fulfill it. If there special place, where a person liked to spend time as a child, why not visit it? Positive emotions resulting from - the best medicine from inner pain.

fall in love

Love is an inspiring feeling that makes you come alive. But since fighting with the heart is a waste of time, it is impossible to force yourself to feel this feeling for anyone. Fortunately, the feeling of "butterflies in the stomach" does not appear only from love for a person. You can also fall in love with:

  • work;
  • hobby;
  • volunteering or other acts of kindness;
  • nature;
  • art - both in action and in its results;
  • spiritual or moral freedom;
  • life in general.

If the object for the manifestation of feelings is not found in any way, then one of the tips already described will help - consult a doctor. The psychotherapist will tell you where it is better to direct your feelings. They will also help to ensure that there are so many good experiences that they would crowd out all the negativity.

Experience the positive emotions of others

It turns out that you can still become a different person for a couple of hours. How to personally feel the experiences of an outsider? For this, the following options are suitable:

  • read an interesting book, follow the feelings of the main characters;
  • watch a movie of your favorite genre, observe the mental states of the actors;
  • visit the theater, feel the history;
  • enroll in acting classes, try on a role;
  • share the joy with friends;
  • give pleasant emotions to passers-by by distributing flowers, balloons, for example. Then rejoice in their reaction.

If in order to get out of depression, you must first experience someone else's joy, well, so be it. In the end, it doesn’t matter where you get the reason for the positive. By the way, you can visit our website.

When it becomes bad at heart, it is better to look for like-minded people with whom you can open up. This is an occasion to start searching for yourself, your place in life, your calling. Stay alone with the burden of their problems - dangerous decision, which aggravates the condition, delays recovery. Inner pain becomes in stark contrast for good emotions that will seem even more sublime, pleasant.

Hello dear readers! Each of us can find ourselves in a situation where nothing pleases. It seems that the world around remained the same, but as if something had broken in the soul. What was important yesterday, today does not arouse the slightest interest, waves of melancholy and apathy overwhelm your head and at times you just don’t want to live.

Relatives sometimes do not even know about this condition, attributing unusual behavior to Bad mood or fatigue. And only you know how hard it is for you now, and are trying to figure out what to do when you feel bad at heart?

Many find solace in famous phrase“Time heals”, they immerse themselves in their experiences and wait for the mental pain to pass by itself. But the simplest option is not always the best. Sometimes, due to inaction, instead of the long-awaited relief, you can get the opposite result -. And it is almost impossible to get out of it without the help of a psychologist.

To prevent such a state, do not let the situation take its course. If you feel bad at heart, and you don’t know what to do, use the proven advice of psychologists. So you will quickly overcome difficulties and again feel the joy of life.

Looking for the source of the pain

First of all, you need to determine what brought you to the current state. Moreover, the reasons can be both obvious and not obvious. The obvious reason is easy to determine - this is a serious shock or conflict that you are going through hard. For example:

  • Family . A quarrel with a loved one can unsettle for a long time. Accusations and insults thrown in each other's faces hurt deeply and often cause severe emotional distress.
  • Breakup with a partner. The person with whom you were going to live happily ever after suddenly waved his hand and left you alone. For both girls and men, this is a hard blow from which it is not easy to recover.
  • Problems at work. It's great when the work team is friendly and close-knit, but this rarely happens. Therefore, gossip, the place can seriously poison life.
  • Severe ailments. And it can unsettle like a disease loved one, so and .

But the reasons are not always on the surface. Sometimes you yourself cannot realize what knocked you out of the saddle and where this oppressive state came from. In this case, listen to yourself, analyze the latest events and you will understand why there is such a heaviness in the soul.

The most common reasons include:

  • Fatigue. If you work to exhaustion every day, then over time you can feel not only physical fatigue, but also.
  • False targets. We live in a society and are forced to follow generally accepted rules and values. And therefore we often save, instead of building new relationships, we work to exhaustion so that the standard of living matches your environment and waste ourselves on other activities that do not make us happy.
  • . They lie in wait for us every day and everywhere. A critical remark from the boss, a skirmish in public transport, a quarrel with a partner, a quarrel with a neighbor - all this grows like a snowball, and one day it can overwhelm with an avalanche of negativity.
  • Unspoken emotions. If you are used to suppressing anger, fear, resentment and other destructive emotions in yourself, over time the level of negativity will reach a critical level. And then everything that you have accumulated in yourself will respond with unbearable mental pain.

In addition, loneliness, routine, guilt and other reasons can make you feel bad at heart, which alone or in combination can drive you into melancholy, and sometimes even depression. If this has already happened, be sure to read Richard O'Connor's book " Depression is cancelled. How to return to life without doctors and drugs". It will help you get rid of self-destructive attitudes and return to a fulfilling life.

What not to do

Before you learn how to handle situations that are really, really hard, remember what you should never do.

Endlessly scroll through the heavy memories

A person who has suffered a shock often fixates on it. He relives what happened over and over again, thereby only intensifying his pain. You can constantly play various scenarios, come up with possible developments of events and imagine how everything would have turned out if you had acted differently in that situation. But the result will be the same - you will not be able to change what happened, no matter how much you mentally return to the past. And endless resurrection and experience negative experience will only exacerbate the longing that interferes with a fulfilling life.

Seek solace in alcohol or drugs

Sometimes the temptation to “get drunk and forget” is so great that it is difficult to resist. Indeed, in a state of intoxication, a person perceives reality differently. An altered mind reacts to problems differently than a sober mind. Moreover, drugs can not only distract, but, on the contrary, aggravate the condition.

Therefore, if it is very hard and you want to cry, do not try to drown out these feelings with a glass of wine. Even if, in a state of intoxication, you do not do anything that you will later regret, your problems will not be solved in this way. And when you wake up the next day, you will again meet with the reality from which you tried to escape.

How to overcome heartache

Find the root of the problem

If a specific problem led you to your current state, finding it will be easy. the situation is more complicated - you will have to analyze the situation and understand what events knocked you out of your normal state.

Let go of the past

No matter how the memories torment you, realize that all this is already in the past and at that moment you will not return. So what is the point of constantly reopening the wound, scrolling through and experiencing old grievances? Now you cannot influence what happened in any way, but your future depends only on you. So, you need to accept what happened and move on.

Forgive offenders

Forgiving someone who hurt you can be incredibly difficult at times. But you definitely need to do it. As long as there is room in your soul for resentment, pain and disappointment, they will poison your life. You need to forgive the offender even if he is not going to ask you for forgiveness.

To make it easier for you to do this, do a simple exercise. Place two chairs in front of you - sit on one yourself, and on the other imagine the person who offended you. Tell an imaginary opponent when and how he hurt you. Having expressed all claims, forgive him.

The important point is that all this must be said aloud. Mental monologue is ineffective. Perhaps at some point you will stumble or feel like crying. It's okay - let your emotions out. Repeat the exercise until the words of forgiveness become sincere, coming from the heart. You will feel relieved and finally be able to leave the experience in the past.

Ask for forgiveness from those you offended

Sometimes it is bad at heart due to the fact that having offended someone you cannot apologize, although. Sometimes pride becomes an obstacle, sometimes fear. But be that as it may, you need to find the strength and courage in yourself to repent and ask for forgiveness.

Starting a frank conversation is likely to be difficult. After all, you should not just say “I’m sorry,” but explain to the person that you are sincerely sorry for what you said or did.

Do not expect to be forgiven for sure - this decision is entirely up to your opponent. If he is very worried about what happened, then it will be difficult to reach him. But you do not have the task of obtaining forgiveness at any cost. Sincerely asking for forgiveness, you can leave what happened in the past and move on.

Turn to God

If you are a believer, prayer will help you put your thoughts in order, ease your soul and find peace and balance. It is not scary if you do not know the words of the prayer by heart. Speak what is in your heart - it is important that your words are sincere.

Leave your familiar environment

If the reason that your heart is heavy and you don’t want to live is fatigue, routine or loneliness, try a change of scenery. Where exactly and for how long you will go depends on your capabilities and preferences. The main thing is that you break out of the ordinary, get new emotions and impressions.

For someone, an extreme tour with the conquest of mountain peaks and rafting on turbulent rivers will be a good shake-up. Someone will feel a taste for life, walking along the streets of Old Europe and admiring the ancient architecture. And someone will return a good mood to a trip to a quiet village, where you can look at what is happening from the side and understand where to go next.

Even if you do not consider yourself a talented person, try to find an outlet in the creative process. Have you long wanted to try your hand at fine arts, music or needlework? Do it now!

Being engaged in creativity, you can not only relax, distract from sad thoughts and experiences. In addition, this good way give yourself time to recover a little and the opportunity to see a way out of the stagnation. No need to worry that this is a childish hobby - it is important that you enjoy the process and the result.

Take care of someone

Often we consider our own problems as the apogee of troubles and misfortunes. But if you look around, you can see that many have a much harder time than us. Take care of those who need it, and you will feel that your soul becomes easier.

Choose an activity to your liking. You can take care of a lonely retired neighbor or join volunteers taking care of children from orphanage. Someone will pick up a homeless puppy, and someone will remember that he has not visited his old parents for a long time.

You don't need any feats. Just make the world around you a little better and the gratitude of those around you will gradually drive out the pain from your soul and fill it with warmth.

Now you know what to do when your heart is heavy and it seems that you no longer want to live. The main thing is not to close yourself in your shell, feeling sorry for yourself and mourning the difficult fate. There is a way out of any situation, and you will definitely find it, using the advice of a psychologist.

Perhaps you have managed to overcome this condition on your own. Write what helped you with this? If you consider your situation special and do not know how to do it right, ask a question in the comments and together we will find the right solution.

The soul is alive

She knows everything about you

And if it's bad at heart,

You must change something in yourself!

Imagine that "bad soul" is the name of a disease that can be quickly treated. Watch comedies, read jokes, listen to funny stories.

Start cooking something sweet. It is known, for example, that chocolate increases the level of the hormone of happiness.

Walk in unfamiliar places and explore them. Save Nice memories photos taken during the walk will help about them.

Get rid of all old and unnecessary things. You can throw them away or donate them to those who wish.

Why do I feel bad in my soul? Causes.

Possible reasons, because of which you are now very bad:

  1. Trouble at work.
  2. Discomfort.
  3. Lack of mood.
  4. Lack of variety.
  5. A premonition of something bad.
  6. Loneliness.
  7. Sad memories.
  8. Unrequited love.
  9. A loss life meaning.
  10. Diffidence.
  11. Failure.
  12. Self dissatisfaction.
  13. Misunderstanding relatives.
  14. Quarrels, scandals.
  15. "Black line".
  16. Complexes.
  17. Understatement.
  18. Gossip.
  19. Lie.
  20. Betrayal.

There is always a way out of any situation if you look for it well. Do not lose hope and do not be saved by inaction!

Make a big list of your hobbies. Choose one "fad" from all of the above. Hobbies are great medicine. It saves many people from mental anxiety.

Open a good book. Take a full look at the pages and lines to bring the experiences of book characters through you.

If the soul wants to cry from resentment and injustice

Forgive the offense and let it go like a beautiful balloon. You will feel much better.

Look at what is happening differently. Find small “pluses” in injustice, rejoice in them.

Cry as much as you need. You shouldn't be ashamed of your emotional state. Remember: crying is not a shame! This applies to both women and men equally).

Convince yourself that even bad changes happen for the better. Life is used to surprises. Don't be mad at her!

Statuses about a bad state of mind

  1. I want to turn into small child having no worries, no hassle, no problems!
  2. I feel bad, I play life when it seems to you that I live. There are just a lot of masks that you have never tried to take off from me ....
  3. Have you ever thought that coffee tastes like depression? And I never thought before... Until everything around me turned upside down. Now I can taste coffee on my lips mixed with my own tears. It seems to me that I drink my own pain to the bottom .... God alone sees how bad I am now!
  4. What is happening in my soul now cannot fit in any status.
  5. Unsweetened tea, a prickly blanket, an ocean of negative thoughts, a frightening emptiness…. It's hard on the soul...
  6. Smile - The best way, which helps to hide the deepest mental pain.
  7. If only not to cry, if only not to break .... I want, as before, to joke, to smile!
  8. Everything around is annoying and infuriating. Three villain sisters settled inside me: pain, apathy and sadness.
  9. I'll stand at the crossroads and briefly imagine that I'm not there. People pass by, cars rush by .... I exist. Life goes on without me....

Poems when the soul is very bad

It's hard for me... So bad at heart

That tears fall like rain

Bad luck…. I'm already used to

To what's going on between us

My soul hurts, I try to endure the pain,

Million attempt upset,

Leave now! Don't you dare pity me!

I'll fix everything I've done!

A prayer will help you ... Say it and it will become easier. First, the state of mind is normalized, then, over time, all the troubles will disappear. Believe me, it will!

Just read this when your Soul is bad...

Feeling bad?.. I want to tell you a story. A story about freedom of choice... About understanding one's own right to CHOOSE one's life...

Why is it so bad in the Soul ...

Why is it so bad in the Soul? Because there is no spark in life. Because snowflakes are falling. Every day is a cliché...

Because everything is unchanged! I walk in a crowd of dull masks. There is no joy and colors in life ... I drove myself into captivity.

But after all, if this is all serious ... If my life is my work - So I can redo everything! Create your own world of magical dreams!

And now I make a vow to myself: That from now on and forever my reality Dissolves boredom and formality, I let Light into my Soul!

There is no more sadness in my life. There is no place for falls, failures. From bad weather, I don’t cry now! I'm happy to choose a ticket!

© Natalia Tyulupova

Bad on the Soul: where does the pain come from

Heartache is the result: a frozen emotion, an undisclosed, unmanifested, unexpressed feeling that you did not release at the right moment.

  • Resentment
  • understatement
  • Unfair accusations and accusations
  • Grief of loss
  • betrayal and broken heart
  • Suppression of one's desires for the sake of other people's ideas
  • Suppressing your emotions and feelings
  • Allowing others to manipulate you
  • Rejection and denial of oneself and one's True Essence

All this - your Soul absorbs like a sponge, forming around you an invisible layer of wounds and scars.

It was a long time ago... It seems to you that it cannot affect you. It seems that you have let go, forgotten, forgiven, raised your head and proudly go forward.

Read the blog for inspiration "Burn the bridges and take a STEP!"

But it is unbearably hard to go “for some reason”... For some reason, there is no deep satisfaction, joy and happiness in your life, in its full manifestation. Feeling bad... Life has lost its taste, color and smell...

Read the blog 10 ways to feel the TASTE OF LIFE

Heartache is dangerous to keep inside

When the Soul is bad, the pain penetrates into every cell of your body. It eats away and destroys you from within. She does it so imperceptibly, but thoroughly, that you don't even pay attention to it.

Of course, if you only knew what was going on, you would certainly urgently take steps to stop her.

But Heartache is insidious. She hides from you under the guise of: “this is normal”, “well, people live”, “should I complain” and much more ... And you realize it only when it moves into your manifested life - health, relationships, work, money - and destroys everything that you have created for many years.

Also Read: 5 Habits strong women who help in business, and alienate Femininity

How to heal heartache

Heartache is difficult to detect, but if you succeed, this is already the first step. And you need to treat it with "what you got sick with."

  1. Finally, ask yourself the question: “What do I want?” And put your desires first
  2. Allow yourself to express emotions and feelings, to be yourself. Stop suppressing and "keeping" this pain inside yourself, building up more and more wounds
  3. Allow yourself to be not perfect, start accepting yourself and your Uniqueness

An unusual way: tears are the best medicine

You know, very often, we do not allow ourselves to express our feelings. Simply put, cry.

But often this is the valuable medicine. Personally, I have this: I love, at times, to recall touching life moments, to tickle, as they say, the memories of the Soul. And I cry ... I cry about unfulfilled dreams, about lost time, about unsaid words ...

Do you want to cry? :) Then watch this video that I recorded as a gift to my dad!

And then... When space is freed from negativity and sadness inside, a place appears in the Soul to fill it with new ideas.

I remember that the past cannot be returned. But I can quite change my present and future. Believe me, the world is changing. New fresh ideas are emerging. And life takes on new tones.

As after a severe drought, the long-awaited heavy rain comes into your life. Which brings freshness and hope to your reality!

Remember: you already deserve everything you want! It is important to simply choose the path that is close to you!

It's time to heal the heartache, once and for all! Do you agree?

Founder of the Community of the Ways of Development "Being Yourself". On the pages of the project, I share many years of experience and inspiration on how to get out of difficult life situations without being destroyed, but gaining wisdom and peace

What to do when you feel bad

What to do when the soul is bad We have already written about depression and apathy, but what to do when the soul is just bad, and you seem to understand that this will pass, but you want to somehow speed up the process? First of all, accept this state, do not try to reject it - absolutely all people are prone to blues, to a greater or lesser extent. This is due both to the change of seasons and to the lack sunlight and hormonal changes in the body. In order to quickly return to a good mood, use our tips on what to do when you feel bad at heart.

1) Eat positive! The first thing to do in the fight against blues is to reorganize your diet by adding mood-enhancing foods to it. These include milk, tomatoes, fish, blueberries, broccoli, red peppers, bananas, cottage cheese, whole grain flour products, all kinds of cereals and almonds, as well as citrus fruits. Don't forget about the visual component of food - when food looks beautiful, mood and appetite increase by themselves. It will be just great if you are fascinated by the preparation of a new dish, for example, cottage cheese pie with almonds and banana. Inhaling wonderful aromas in the kitchen and enjoying the results of your labors (better not alone), you will quickly forget about all your worries.

2) "Injections" of joy. Imagine that your feeling of being "bad at heart" is a perfectly treatable disease, and follow the written prescription for the most positive films, books, series and magazines you can find. Review your favorite comedies, films about love, in which a happy ending invariably happens, re-read positive books, in general, remember everything that has ever made you laugh, touched you and cheered you up, and take it with shock doses!

3) Surround yourself with care. Very often, a depressed state is a sign of fatigue, so your body reminds the owner that he is not a machine, he needs rest, care and affection. Give it to him now! Go for a massage fragrant bath, stop overworking yourself at home, let someone else cook food for several days, or go to the catering with the whole family. It is imperative to reduce the level of stress, and for this, forget about problems and worries for a while, and focus on your loved one. The sooner you get out current state the sooner you can return to your life with its sorrows and joys.

4) Get rid of the old. There are two wonderful and accessible to everyone techniques for those who do not know what to do when the soul is bad. One of them is general cleaning your archives and mezzanines. No, we do not force you to wash windows and vacuum the far corners: your task is to get rid of all unnecessary old rubbish that completely unreasonably takes up space in the apartment, not letting new positive energy into it. Haven't used the item in the last six months? So you don't really need it. Give and throw away everything: old notebooks, clothes, broken furniture, unnecessary books and interior items. Pay attention to how much easier it becomes to breathe with each discarded bag or box - of course, because you get rid of the ballast, the burden of the past, which does not allow you to move forward.

5) Create a new one. The second practical technique, which is a logical continuation of the first one, is creation. Draw the sun or flowers on the wall, repaint (re-paste) the wallpaper in bright color Liven up the room you spend the most time in with colors, fabrics, something new. This will help to breathe new energy into you, so that your soul becomes light and joyful.

What to do when the soul is bad?

There are days when everything seems black and hopeless, when it hurts and it's hard. Few people, getting into such a situation, clearly know what to do when their hearts are bad. Everyone has their own recipes. Someone turns on sad music and revels in their grief, while someone seeks to unwind.

What to do when the soul is bad?

Finding and fixing the cause

Understand the reasons for your condition - a person does not feel bad just like that, without a reason. Everything has a reason, and your condition too, you just need to find them. How to do it? Some reasons are obvious, others are hidden in the depths of the soul and may not be clear or obvious. How to find hidden reasons? Immerse yourself in your state, try to strengthen it. This should be done very carefully and with what can help, for example, music that matches your mood. Develop thoughts that come to mind in this state, think about where they come from. Think about what images and associations this condition evokes in you, whether you have had it before.

Eliminate the cause of your condition. Yes, sometimes it is simply impossible - you cannot resurrect a loved one or correct any situation, but you can eliminate the cause of your condition, for example, imagine a dialogue with someone who is no longer there, with your offender or with yourself in the past. You can eliminate things that remind you of the traumatic situation - photos, gifts, things, maybe even smells. The fewer things that remind you of painful events, the easier it is to stop thinking about them.

Change will help

Change the environment - when everything is bad, you can just go out for a walk, meet someone, go to a new place or leave the city altogether. By changing the environment around you, you will again be able to change the way of thinking and associations that the place in which you are evokes. Get distracted, get new impressions and emotions. Yes, even if you just decide to make repairs or rearrangement at home, there will be something to distract yourself with and where to apply your strength.

Work - do something tangible, something in which you will immediately see the result, it can be needlework, drawing, cooking, and even the same repair or rearrangement of furniture. Get yourself and your body active. Seeing that your strength is not wasted, but with benefit, you will feel much better.

We create a positive attitude

Give yourself a holiday - please your body or soul. Give yourself your favorite bubble bath, eat your favorite foods and especially sweets, change your hairstyle, or go from the movies to a good movie.

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