Onions turn yellow and rot. Onion grief or why onions turn yellow in the beds: the main causes and solutions to the problem. What is dangerous onion moth

Kira Stoletova

Many gardeners, especially those who are just starting to produce food, ask themselves a completely logical question: what to do so that the onion does not turn yellow? How can the current situation be corrected in the shortest possible time?

Many diseases horticultural crops, including onions, are subject to such an ailment. Yellowing is not a temporary phenomenon. And if you do not pay due attention to such symptoms, you can ruin the entire crop.

Why do onion leaves turn yellow

Onions are a non-capricious crop that tolerates temperature changes, long rains and drought well. But, despite such characteristics, from time to time gardeners notice that the feather of a young onion turns yellow in the garden. This manifests itself in different ways: it may be covered with small yellow spots, perhaps its tips just dry out, the stem falls, etc. In such situations, you first need to find out what is the reason why the onion turns yellow? There may be several of them:

  • unfavorable weather;
  • pests;
  • lack of nitrogen;
  • illness.

Pen yellowing due to drought

The first reason why onions turn yellow is the usual drought, which is typical for many regions.

Lack of precipitation and normal irrigation system, heat lead to the fact that the process of sap flow is disrupted in the onion, but, despite this, the ability to increase mass is not lost.

Another side of this reason applies to those gardeners who, not knowing the timing of planting, planted the plant too early. Fluctuations in the temperature background (frost on the ground) can adversely affect immature pagons, and the gardener can observe the process of onion yellowing.

What to do in such situations

If the reason is drought, then you need to organize a full-fledged watering of the plant. The absence of rain for a long time should not cause the entire crop to be destroyed. A well-designed watering system helps to avoid onion yellowing. It is also suggested to use for plant restoration folk remedies. As an option, sprinkle wood ash (soil fertilizer) on the bulbs whose leaves turn yellow: per 1 sq. m use 500 g of ash.

Another way to restore is to dilute the ash solution to spray and water the bulbs. The calculation is as follows: 500 g of ash is diluted per 10 liters of water, all this must be infused for 3-5 days, be sure to stir the solution. The yellow tips and leaves will no longer be green even after using fertilizer, but such a treatment helps the plant get out of a stressful state.

Pests that provoke the yellowness of onions

The yellowing of the onion feather is nothing more than a reaction to the action of some insect pests. The bulb wilts very quickly, due to the attack of certain komah pests:

  • tobacco thrips;
  • onion moth;
  • onion fly;
  • stem nematode.

To save plants, you need to know what method you can use to deal with each type of pest. Not for today universal means fight all garden pests, each species has its own weapon of extermination.

Tobacco thrips

How to deal with this pest? Professional gardeners recommend very simple prevention: before planting, it is necessary to treat the seeds hot water. Its temperature should be 42-46 ° C, time costs - 10-15 minutes. Initially, onion seeds are dipped in warm water, then cooled in cold. Tripis cannot survive such procedures.

If it appeared already in the garden, after disembarkation, then you can apply chemicals for insect control: they are able to help get rid of the pest forever. If the onion turns yellow in the garden and the reason is tobacco tripis, the earth must be treated with preparations such as Confidor Maxi or Iskar.

onion moth

Moths can lay eggs in the ground next to root crops. Soon, small caterpillars up to 1 m long appear from these eggs. These caterpillars very quickly penetrate the leaves, eat them from the inside, due to which the yellowing of the feather is observed, after which a further stage of transformation occurs and an adult moth appears, which can winter in the garden.

How to deal with moth? Initially, you can use standard folk remedies. You need to use the following: stove ash, garlic infusion or tobacco, all this negatively affects the mole. But if this option does not help, then the plant must be treated with Iskra, Metaphos. The main condition is that before spraying the garden, be sure to make sure that there will be no rain in the near future, because if the agent washes away, the actions taken can be considered in vain.



onion fly

These insects are regarded as the most dangerous. These are larvae that feed on all varieties of onions, including the most popular and adored family variety. The appearance of the fly will be an explanation of why the young onion turns yellow in the garden. If the gardener notices that the onion feathers have turned yellow and dried up, it is necessary to as soon as possible take action, because it is not a single root crop that is under threat, but the whole crop.

If the tips of the onion turn yellow and the reason is in the onion fly, then the treatment is carried out by specialized chemicals. You can still do prevention, for this, you can plant parsley, dill or carrots next to the onion bed. The fly simply cannot stand this aroma, so it either disappears or lays its eggs elsewhere.

Another option for dealing with onion flies is to feed and fertilize the soil with saline or ammonia. It is enough to dilute 200 g of salt per 10 liters of water and in addition - ammonia(you need a small amount). You can spray the garden with this solution only in the most hopeless situations, because it has a very detrimental effect on the soil. As a preventive measure, you can spray the feathers of bulbous root crops.

stem nematode

In order to fight the pest, there are good folk remedies. One of the preventive options is salt water or just hot water. Pagons must be treated in one of the waters before landing, if it is salty, then for 20 minutes, if hot - for 10 minutes. If an already planted root crop dries, then you can treat it with tincture of the Brachts: you need to carefully water the root of the plant, after which the stem nematode dies and the yellowing stops, there is a process plant restoration.

nitrogen deficiency

In this case, one completely logical question arises: how to feed the onion plant, because it is very simple to diagnose this condition. Not only the bulb falls into the radius of destruction, but also all other crops that are located near the onion. They have for a short time the tips of the leaf turn yellow and dry, they become more faded, the fruits change shape and seem to shrink.

Even in this case, one can observe the bending of the edges of the leaves, spots similar to lichen appear on them. Often this is caused by a long rainy season or the fact that the garden is watered very heavily. Then useful material they are simply washed out of the upper ball of the earth into the depths, where they become inaccessible to the roots. In order for the harvest to be good, the plants must be fed. If the onion feather turns yellow in places, darkening and pronounced lethargy of arrows appear on it, it's time to start preparing fertilizer.

When the process of yellowing of the onion is underway and the reason for this is a lack of nitrogen, fertilizers must be applied to cure the onion plant. Careful and proper care will help to quickly restore normal condition. Professionals warn that non-compliance with the dosage and excessive nitrate nutrition triggers active vegetative processes. That is, the gardener will observe a rapid increase in green mass, which develops to the detriment of the root crop. This is bad initially when onions or family onions are planted, because planting such varieties provides for a good rich harvest.

How to make a solution

The solution consists of the following ingredients:

  1. Food waste (must be plant origin: cleaning from vegetables, grounds from coffee or tea, etc.).
  2. Green grass, thanks to which you can get additional vitamins.
  3. Weeds, if they are not available, seeds will do.
  4. Straw, hay.

Water is poured into a large container, ideally it will be rainwater, and everything that was collected is added:

  • hay;
  • grass;
  • cleaning vegetables;
  • crystallized honey;
  • expired condensed milk;
  • sour wine;
  • a few tablespoons of sugar.

This mixture must be thoroughly stirred, then left until active fermentation begins, which will be evidenced by a strong aroma. If it is hot outside, then for the finished state the solution will need several days (up to 5), if the weather is cool, it takes 1.5-2 weeks. Next is 1 liter nitrogen fertilizer, diluted in 10 liters of water, and the onion plant is watered with it.

It is best to fertilize the root crop in the garden during rain or when the ground is still wet. If it is hot outside and no rain is expected, then the garden must first be watered. Plus, urea, which many people know as urea, is used as a mineral fertilizer. It must be used with extreme caution, as it promotes the appearance of fungi.

The tool provides high-quality care, because if the bulb is in force certain conditions does not receive any useful components, you can see yellowing of the leaves, spots, etc.

Diseases of the onion plant

If the onion turns yellow, it is quite real that the development of some kind of disease is manifested in this way, and there are a lot of inherent in this plant culture. The most common diseases are bacterial rot, rust, etc.

These diseases are caused by bacteria and fungi that can spread through poor-quality planting material, so the first thing to do is to prevent pests from multiplying, it will be enough to carry out simple preventive actions. The sevok needs to be sorted out and the damaged bulbs removed from the total mass.

There is a nuance regarding ornamental onions: during the cultivation of this variety, so that it does not turn yellow or be spotted, all of the indicated processing methods must be used.

  • instead of green, yellow feather;
  • leaves fall to the ground;
  • the tips of the feathers turn yellow -

onion plant needs careful care. In order not to establish the reason why the yellowing began, the problem must be destroyed in the bud. For this it is enough proper care behind the plot and the plant. Do not forget that it needs to be fed on time for better growth.


It is important to remember that the reason why the onion turns yellow is the main factor of choice. additional funds that will help make the onion feather healthy and the harvest rich. Ash is poured into the garden, thereby fertilizing it, as a result of which the plant begins to receive good nutrition.

Why the crop does not grow, why the onion began to turn yellow, why the plantings do not justify hopes - the answer to all questions is the same: they are stricken with some kind of disease, and they have only one hope: careful care, timely watering with medicines from the farmer's stolons.

Every year, many gardeners are faced with the fact that the onion feather turns yellow. If you do not take action in time, you can be completely without a crop. This is especially worrying for people who grow onions in large quantities for sale. To choose a way to get rid of this scourge, you need to determine why the onion feather turns yellow. An incorrectly chosen method will not help save the crop, a significant part of which may die.

So, why does the onion feather turn yellow? There are three main reasons that lead to this. Two of them are related to the work of pests. It's about about the onion secretive proboscis and How to determine who exactly spoils the bow? Damaged plants should be carefully examined.

The larvae of the secretive proboscis eat long longitudinal passages inside the onion feathers, similar to whitish stripes. And adults eat holes around which, as the leaf dries, white spots form. As a result of the activity of these pests, the tips of the onion feathers turn yellow, the feather itself curls and dries out. Beetles can spend the winter in unharvested onions or therefore it is recommended to destroy the remains of onions. If possible, move onion crops every year by 200-300 meters so that the beetle does not reach them. If the onion has already suffered from a pest, cut off the feathers, leaving only 3-4 cm each. Loosen the soil more often, including between rows.

Why does the onion feather turn yellow? The cause may be an onion fly. Garlic can also be affected by it. If the onion is inhabited by larvae, it will begin to turn yellow and fade early. At the same time, the onion fly also damages the bulbs, which then rot, and the plant is easily pulled out of the ground. As we can see, the signs of pest damage differ from the previous ones, so it is possible to diagnose which one will have to get rid of. IN this case can recommend early sowing onions, destruction of plants that are already damaged, deep plowing. Sow onions next to carrots, with their smell, the plants will drive pests away from each other. Do not leave plant residues in place. You can sprinkle the beds with onions with ash, shag or. Based on popular experience, you can advise saline solution (1 cup per bucket of water) three times, with an interval of 20 days.

Why does the onion feather turn yellow if there are no signs of pest damage? Most common cause is a lack of nitrogen. Heavy rains can lead to the fact that they will go with the water into the lower layers of the soil, from where the onion roots cannot reach them. Therefore, it is recommended to feed onions with nitrogen fertilizers.

Now we know enough to determine the correct reason why the onion feather turns yellow. If there are no beetle larvae in the feathers, and there are fly bulbs in the bulbs, it is worth fertilizing the beds with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. And do not forget that by the end of July, the yellowing of the feathers is associated with the natural aging process of the plant. If the onion began to turn yellow only during this period, no action is needed. The main thing is to recognize adverse signs in time and establish the cause of their appearance so that the harvest is a success.

It happens that onion feathers in the garden begin to turn yellow. They can become covered with yellow small spots, only the tips can dry out, or the whole garden can turn yellow at one moment. And it becomes a shame, because this misfortune could have been avoided if preventive actions and adhere to agricultural practices.

Usually, the feathers of the plant turn yellow as a result of onion damage by diseases or pests. Let's consider the forehead option in more detail.

Diseases that cause yellowing

Foliage may turn yellow due to fungal diseases: rust, bottom rot, bacterial rot.

With rust, the feathers are covered with many yellow dots. After a while, they turn yellow, blacken and die.

Bottom rot and bacterial rot first of all damage the bulbs, and then the disease manifests itself by yellowing of the feather.

Fungal diseases can be cured only on the most early stage. To do this, the beds are treated with a weak solution of copper oxychloride.

If the disease progresses, then the onion must be dug up and destroyed, and planting should not be carried out at this place for 5 years.

Onions turn yellow during the invasion of pests

Onions have many insect enemies. These are the nematode, onion fly, secretive proboscis, onion moth and thrips.

Onion fly and moth lay eggs on leaves or on the ground, next to the planted bulb. This happens from the second decade of May to the first decade of June. After a week, small caterpillars appear from the eggs - larvae that make their way to the bulbs, settle in them and feed on their pulp and juice. Because of this, nutrients cease to flow to the green feather, they turn yellow and dry out.

Nematodes live in the ground for many years. They damage the bulb, feed on the pulp, which begins to rot. Nematodes can also settle in the stem, which turns yellow along with the leaves and dries up.

The skulker likes the onion feather. He gnaws passages in it, which, upon close examination, can be seen - they are translucent.

The fact that thrips attacked the onion can be understood if a lot of small black dots are noticed on the greens. The leaf begins to turn yellow from above, gradually the yellowness descends.

Folk remedies to combat yellowing - how to water from pests

The fight against onion fly and moth consists in scaring it away from the beds so that it does not lay eggs on them.

Rows with onions can be alternated with rows of carrots, marigolds and calendula. Flies and moths do not tolerate the smell of these plants.

In addition, at the time of the departure of the flies, and it usually coincides with the flowering of cherries, lilacs and dandelions, you can sprinkle green feather mixture wood ash, tobacco and ground pepper.

If there is a possibility that the flies have already laid their eggs, then you can fight the larvae with a salt solution. 100-150 grams of salt are added to one large bucket of water. Only the ground is watered with such a solution, trying so that the liquid does not get on the green shoots. You should know that salt does not leach out of the soil for a long time, so this should not be abused.

If folk remedies do not help, in order to save the plantations, you will have to use karbofos. 50 grams are diluted in 1 liter of water and sprayed. You can not eat onion feathers for 30 days from the date of processing.

How to feed the onion so that it does not turn yellow

Onions may turn yellow due to a lack of nitrogen in the soil. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to fill the bed with well-rotted manure before planting. If the manure is fresh, then you need to make a solution: 5 buckets of water are added to 0.5 buckets of manure. This solution should ferment for 5-10 days. From him will come bad smell, therefore, it is better to put a container with such fertilizer in the far corner of the garden.

Can be fed mineral fertilizers. In one bucket of water, 50 grams of ammonium nitrate, 20 grams of superphosphate and 20 grams of potassium salt are diluted. This solution is enough for fertilizer 2 square meters landings. Feed twice: immediately after germination, and again a week later.

What to do if the tips of the onion turn yellow

The tips of the onion may turn yellow with insufficient watering. Onion moisture-loving plant, therefore, in dry weather, water should be 2 times a week.

Can not use cold water from a well or well. It must be dialed in advance so that it warms up under the sun.

Before harvesting, watering is stopped for a week so that the earth can dry out completely.


When plantings are exposed to diseases or pest attacks, folk remedies do not always help. If you carry out prevention, then many problems can be avoided:

  • check the onion sets carefully before planting. At the slightest suspicion of the presence of an onion disease, discard;
  • pest larvae can be expelled from the set if you hold the onions in salt water half an hour. The solution is prepared as follows: 3 tablespoons of salt are diluted in 3 liters of water;
  • from diseases, etching in a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate for 1-2 hours helps;
  • you can hold for 5 minutes in hot water (50 ° C);
  • onions are not grown in one place for 4 years. It is desirable that the predecessors of onions were crops;
  • the area allotted for the beds is cleared of all plant debris in the fall and dug up with a shovel on a bayonet. The site is not leveled, but left for the winter with clods of earth. This will kill off more pests.


Onions turn yellow than water and feed

Yellowing of onion leaves: causes and signs of their manifestation

With normal growth and development, onion stalks begin to wither in August and September, indicating that the bulbs are ready for harvest.

If the feathers turn yellow in spring or early summer, this is a sign of improper development of the culture. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • lack of moisture;
  • an insufficient amount nutrients;
  • plant damage harmful insects;
  • adverse weather conditions;
  • fungal and bacterial diseases.

lack of moisture

Onions are very picky about the frequency and quality of watering. Without sufficient moisture, especially during a dry period, the edges of the leaves of plants turn yellow and die, and the roots dry out, which leads to loss of yield.

During the germination and leafing phases (in the first half of summer), onions should be watered at least 2 times a week. At the next stages of growth and development - 4-5 times a month. It is best to water before noon, and only at the root.

Use only soft water, the temperature of which is 18-25 degrees Celsius. Consumption rate per sq. m - 6-8 liters. After watering when upper layer the soil dries out, loosening is sure to be carried out.

Inadequate Nutrients

A common cause of onion feather yellowing is a lack of nitrogen in the soil. With its deficiency, the leaves grow very slowly, they look short and thick, at first light green in color, and then turn yellow.

In this case, it is necessary to apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers under the plants. But, how to feed the onion so that it does not turn yellow? For this, a solution consisting of infused manure and urea is perfect. For 10 liters of water - 1 tbsp. organics (mullein or bird droppings) and 1 tbsp. l. urea.

Damage to plants by harmful insects

Among garden crops, onions are the most susceptible to insect damage. Pest damage causes feather yellowing and can result in the loss of the entire crop.

The onion fly is especially active during the development of onion greens - in April and May. She lays her eggs on the stem, under the leaves or in the loose soil of the beds near the plants. The larvae that appeared after 8-10 - white small worms climb into the bulb and feed on scales. Affected plants lag behind in growth, their leaves wither, and after a while become yellowish-gray and dry out.

Adverse weather conditions

One of the reasons for the instant yellowing of the leaves can be climatic conditions e.g. too dry or rainy summer. Reliable protection a greenhouse or a ground greenhouse will serve as a crop from death, where onion feathers will always be green and juicy.

Fungal and biological diseases

The most common diseases, a sign of which is the yellowness of the feather, are rust and bottom rot. On the leaves of plants affected by rust, light yellow, slightly convex spots form, after which the feathers dry and die. With bottom rot, the plants turn yellow completely, and then wither.

Onions turn yellow than water - folk remedies for diseases and pests

To get a bountiful onion crop, first of all, crop rotation, the timing of sowing and planting bulbs should be observed. To avoid contamination of vegetables with pathogens, only healthy vegetables should be used. planting material, well warmed up and dried before planting. The soil in the beds, just before sowing, disinfect with a solution blue vitriol: for 10 liters of water 1 tbsp. l. granules.

The onion turned yellow: how to pour from the onion fly

Excellent preventive measure from onion fly is the placement of beds of onions and carrots in the neighborhood, as well as dusting the plantings with a mixture of ash and tobacco (taken in equal proportions). When worms are detected, vegetables should be watered with a solution consisting of tobacco dust, laundry soap and ground red pepper. For its preparation 200 gr. tobacco pour 2-3 liters hot water, insist three days. Then add water to 10 liters, add one spoonful of soap and pepper.

How to pour onions from worms

Plants affected by the stem nematode should be fed with a solution of ammonium sulfate in early June. Dilute 2 tbsp. l. the drug in a bucket of water and pour over the vegetables, at the rate of 4-5 liters per square meter. m. area. As a preventive measure, seeds, before sowing in the ground, need to be planted for 15-20 minutes. put into solution table salt(5 tablespoons per 5 liters of water).

Chemical methods and preparations for feeding onions

At home, especially if the onion is grown on a feather, it is not recommended to treat it with any pesticides. If necessary, it is better to use biological fungicides that will not harm the human body.

Application of Trichodermin

So that in the middle of the season the question does not arise: the onion sets turn yellow than to water - the bulbs should be treated with Trichodermin fungicide before planting. For soaking one kilogram of sevka, a solution is prepared from 30 g of suspension and 3 liters of water. During the growing season, plantings are additionally sprayed with Fitosporin-M or Gamair biological product (3-4 times).

Treatment of onions with metronidazole

One of the most effective means from yellowing of the pen, the antibacterial drug metronidazole, which can be bought at every pharmacy, is considered.

It will quickly and efficiently destroy pests and thereby save the crop. For the treatment of plants, 4 tablets are dissolved in 10 liters of water. The resulting solution is watered with beds at the rate of 4-6 liters per 1 sq. m.


Every gardener who knows how and with what to water the onions so that the feather does not turn yellow can get a rich harvest of strong bulbs and healthy greenery. Use proven tools folk recipes to protect the crop from diseases and pests, follow the timely sowing and you can achieve the perfect result.

The article will discuss the topic of if the onion turns yellow, what should I do? Any gardener and just a lover of summer cottages faced a problem. The problem itself is not difficult if you do everything according to the recommendations described below.

It can turn yellow due to pests, but there are periods when the vegetable begins to turn yellow due to full ripeness and readiness for harvest. Do not confuse these two definitions. In the first case, proper care of the crop is necessary, and in the second case, you did everything right and you need to collect the fruits of your labor in time.

Onion pests

A common cause of yellowness can be called pests that feed on the crop. The following insects are considered the main pests:

  • onion fly;
  • Onion moth;
  • Tobacco thrips;
  • stem nematode;
  • Onion stalker.

The onion fly is a small bug that can eat onions. different varieties. The insect larva does more harm to the vegetable. Starting from the fifteenth of May, the female lays her eggs near the growing onion. A week later, the larvae crawl into the bulb and begin to actively eat it. And the plant at this time turns yellow and eventually simply dies, if proper measures are not taken.

It is necessary to fertilize onions with means that repel a fly. Recommended:

Every year it is better to plant onions in a new place, and after four years you can repeat the location of the vegetable. If the larvae have penetrated the bulb itself, then the feathers can be treated with special preparations.

Onion moth is an insect that damages onions in hot weather from late May to June. A vegetable that has been eaten by an insect turns yellow and dries out, spots may appear on it. Butterflies are small in size, they usually eat onions at night.

The moth lays eggs near the onion or under its leaves. The caterpillars that emerge from the larvae end up in the leaves. There they live and eat. To fix the problem, you should perform the following procedures:

  • Treat the onion with a solution;
  • Remove leftovers from the ridge in time;
  • Cultivate the soil before the onset of cold weather.

Tobacco thrips - small insect yellow or brown in color, which does not exceed a millimeter in length. Insect larvae are barely visible to the naked eye and have a white or yellow tint. Thrips eat the following vegetables:

  • Garlic;
  • Flowers;
  • Cucumbers.

The insect does not feed on the plant itself, but on its juice. To prevent a vegetable from eating an insect, it is worth carrying out the following procedures:

  • spraying;
  • Onion processing before planting;
  • Crop rotation.

stem nematode- an insect that does not germinate more than one and a half millimeters. Some types of pest can only be seen under a microscope. If we talk about adult insects, they feed on juice, because of this, the leaves turn yellow and begin to fade, and the bulb cracks and seems to be about to break out.

The danger of the worm is that it is able to penetrate the soil for decades. It is difficult and not always possible to determine that they have settled in the soil. Behind long years the life of a pest, people managed to come up with ways to deal with it:

  • Every year change the place of planting onions;
  • Plant healthy seedlings;
  • Plant marigolds or calendula between the beds;
  • Process the vegetable before planting;
  • Spray the beds with a solution of calendula.

Onion Stalker- this plain-looking bug feeds on vegetable leaves. Its larvae can germinate to almost a centimeter, have a yellow tint. The beetle eats a passage through the onion that can be seen through the skin. You can save the plant from the disease in the following ways:

  • It is necessary to clean the garden well after harvesting, if the remnants of onions remain uncleaned, then the beetle will spend the night on them;
  • If there are a lot of pests, then they can be collected manually;
  • They cannot stand the cold, and if they have nowhere to hide, they will die;
  • Insects are shy, if you touch them, they will fall to the ground;
  • It is necessary to loosen the soil between the ridges;
  • It is worth spraying onions;
  • Add pesticides to the soil.

It is better to use all the above means in combination, because insects can all of the above insects can coexist and at the same time harm the plant.

The lack of nitrogen in the soil as a reason

Onions will turn yellow if the soil contains insufficient amount of nitrogen. This reason is one of the most common. To prevent yellowness, you need to feed the soil in a timely manner with fertilizers, which include nitrogen.

It is worth noting that if there is not enough nitrogen in the soil, then another vegetable may wither and turn yellow. If you prefer organic fertilizers, then the beds need to be fertilized with manure.

plant care mistakes

Often the onion turns yellow due to the fact that the owners do not properly water and care for it. You must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • When the onion begins to grow, it must be watered at least once every three days;
  • Do not water the plant big amount water;
  • If the soil is mulched, the amount of watering can be reduced;
  • Water the plant under the root;
  • It is better to water the vegetable in the morning;
  • The water must be soft;

You need to feed the onion when the feather has sprouted three centimeters. A week later, the vegetable should be fed a second time. To make the harvest tasty, five days before harvesting, it is better to stop watering. Of course, a lot depends on the variety of the plant, but it has been described general recommendations suitable for all varieties.


But no matter how good gardeners are, onions can deteriorate due to the weather. It may turn yellow during rainy summers or excessive dryness. You can cover the plant with a film during heavy rains or water it during drought. It all depends on the volumes you grow.

Plant diseases

Onions often turn yellow due to plant diseases. It can be:

  • Onion or bottom rot;
  • Rust, which is understood as a fungal disease.

To obtain good harvest all pests must be destroyed. To eliminate the causes, you can warm up and spray the sevok before landing.

Vegetable rot can be detected when cut. Such an onion is not worth keeping. Insects can carry the infection. To prevent this from happening, you need:

Often, gardeners encounter such a problem as bottom rot, which affects many types of vegetables. You can deal with rot in the following ways:

  • if the ridge has signs of a disease, then earlier than five years later, onions should not be planted in this place;
  • the landing site should not be flooded, so the lowland will not work;
  • spiked crops are considered good predecessors for a vegetable;
  • planting material must have a healthy appearance;
  • it is recommended to plant onions on time;
  • resistant varieties should be used;
  • the crop must be stored under recommended conditions.

In this article, we examined in detail what can be done if the onion turns yellow, what to do with pests, what are the methods and ways to combat the yellowing of this plant.

Video about the causes of yellowing of onion leaves

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