How to feed grapes for growth and a good crop of top dressing in spring, summer and autumn into winter

Proper grape care is a guarantee of a generous harvest

Pasynkovanie fruit-bearing grapes

When the grapes have almost faded, you can continue pinching. Do not delete large stepchildren: they are necessary to create good conditions wintering fruit buds. Only small shoots are removed. If the winter was harsh and the bushes had a hard time enduring it, it is better to refuse pinching, since a weakened plant most likely has few young shoots.

garter grape

Young shoots are tied to a support with a soft wire. The loop should not be tight so as not to damage the plant. It is best to tie the grapes themselves with tendrils - this will greatly facilitate the removal of the vine in the fall.

Pruning a young vineyard

On young bushes, they continue to form lashes, removing unnecessary shoots:

  • if several shoots come out from one node, the strongest one is left, and the rest are removed;
  • stepchildren grow in the axils of the leaves, which are completely removed or pinched, leaving 2-4 leaves;
  • on fruit-bearing bushes, pruning of old, broken and damaged lashes should be completed.

Forming a load of fruit-bearing grapes

When forming a crop load on the bushes, it should be borne in mind that the clusters of the third and fourth order will be weak. Therefore, they must be removed. The ovary near the ground itself is also subject to removal. On one lash, 1-2 largest and well-formed clusters are left.

In early July, you may encounter such a phenomenon as shedding berries - this is a natural self-regulation of the load. It's not worth fighting him. The bush continues to grow actively, and with it the remaining ovary.

The full development and maturation of the brush depends on the number of leaves on the shoot, since it is in them that the fermentation of nutrients necessary to saturate the berries takes place. It is believed that for a full-fledged nutrition of a bunch weighing up to 2 kg, at least 50 leaves must be present on the lash. If there is no such amount of green mass, one non-fruitful shoot is left nearby, which will increase the feeding area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis brush.

In the case when a grape variety produces clusters weighing 1-1.5 kg, one non-fruitful shoot is left on 2 fruit-bearing shoots. For varieties with small clusters: for 3 fruiting lashes there is 1 non-fruiting. In the first harvest year, up to 10 clusters are left on one bush, up to 20 on the second, and then accordingly.

Protection against diseases and pests

Most often, the bushes are affected by the spider mite (lat. Tetranychus urticae). In the fight against it, the drug Fufanon is used according to the instructions. In hot summers, preparations containing sulfur have a good effect in pest control: colloidal sulfur, Thiovit.

With a disease such as grape oidium (lat. Uncinula necator), the leaves are covered with grayish pollen, become curly and lag behind in development. For treatment, plants are treated with soda ash (30 g per 4 liters of liquid) or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The preparations Vector and Topaz are highly effective.

If you find an uncharacteristic coating on the underside of the leaf, this indicates a disease such as mildew (lat. Peronospora viticola de bary). When the first symptoms are detected, it is necessary to treat the bushes with Ridomil Gold.

If July turned out to be rainy, it is recommended to treat grape plantings with such preparations as Topaz, Thiovit Jet or Horus after each rainfall. Such a preventive measure will protect plants from mildew and oidium. But it is worth remembering that it is impossible to treat with pesticides after the appearance of a bluish wax coating on the berries.

Soil care and watering

The soil under the bush should be loose, moist and weeded, the growth rate and the full development of the vine depend on this. Well developed whips should be 70-90 mm in diameter. Watering should be carried out only with warm water under the root, without falling on the leaves. A culture like grapes is better underfilled than overfilled. For the normal development of the plant, watering is carried out a couple of times a month, but in dry weather and with a sharp stop in growth, it will be necessary to increase the number of irrigations up to 1 time per week.

Immediately after flowering, the bushes must be well moistened: you will need 50-70 liters of liquid per 1 plant. Water is introduced gradually in small portions. This is done so that the moisture does not spread, but goes into the soil as deep as possible to nourish the roots.

Fertilizing grapes in July

This culture needs a rich nutrient medium. If the necessary substances are not enough, good fruiting is out of the question.

After flowering, it is necessary to carry out foliar spraying with Plantafol-ovary, which stimulates the growth of berries. In July, top dressing is combined with watering. To do this, use a solution of fermented grass: 2 liters per 10 liters of water. 5 g of complex mineral fertilizers and 2 g of potassium sulfate are added to it. The resulting mixture is used for 3 m² of planting. Such top dressing is equally useful for both young bushes and adults. In dry summers, it is recommended to repeat this procedure every week.

At the end of the month, when the berry reaches the size of a pea, it is recommended to fertilize with liquid organic matter: a bucket of chicken manure is poured with 3 buckets of water, and insisted for a week. 1 liter of solution is diluted in 10 liters of liquid and 1 bush is fed.

Mulching grapes

You can improve the quality of the grape harvest by mulching the soil under the bushes. To do this, use the fallen needles. This procedure protects plants from fungal diseases, and the percentage of sugar in the berries increases significantly.

Burn protection in July

In particularly hot weather, young plants are likely to burn the delicate bark and dry out the still unformed root system. Planting grapes must be well shaded, and regularly moisten the soil.

In August, the vineyard is already pleased with the first fruits. Early and medium varieties ripen. The berries of new and experimental varieties themselves stretch into the mouth. They also need protection: not so much from insidious fungal diseases, but from voracious wasps. All this is combined with the care of the vine. On grapes in August, green operations continue, drooping, albeit ripening, bushes may need additional moisture.

Grape harvesting in August

In mid-August, I carry out activities on the vine. Such an operation contributes to a better maturation of the vine and prepares the bush for winter.

  • When chasing, the top of the shoot is pinched by 15-20 cm.
  • The tops are usually removed by hand, and if you use a tool, then do not forget to disinfect it after each bush.

  1. Chasing is carried out when the shoots have grown and it is clearly visible what needs to be removed.
  2. Beginners should be careful, because in response, the plant may begin to actively form stepchildren.
  3. In addition, you need to be careful not to cut off too many leaves, which will negatively affect photosynthesis.
  4. To control the result, novice growers can focus on the following numbers: after minting, each shoot should have approx. 15 leaf blades and 10-15 kidneys.

Chasing is an important agricultural technique when it is necessary to carry it out, especially in regions with a short cold summer and a lack of light and heat.

The advantages of coinage are obvious:

  • Nutrients are not spent on the growth of shoots, but are redirected to clusters and wintering buds.
  • In addition, berries on late varieties ripen faster.
  • The lignification of the green bark accelerates.
  • All this increases the winter hardiness of grapes and contributes to high yields for next season.

Watering grapes in August

  1. Watering grapes in August should be moderate.
  2. The bush does not need much water anymore, as in spring and especially summer.
  3. But if the summer is very hot, then you can periodically water in small quantities.

Fertilizing grapes in August

  • Watering is combined with fertilizer with phosphorus-potassium compounds: we dilute 5-10 g per bucket of water.
  • Potash fertilizer can be replaced with wood ash. In this case, the dosage will need to be increased by 2-3 times. Wood ash contains a lighter form of potassium, which is more readily absorbed by grapes. It also contains trace elements and a little phosphorus. Phosphorus strengthens the skin and protects the berries from cracking.
  • If the vine does not mature well, then the vine and leaves can be treated with potassium monophosphate once every 10 days.

Also, for foliar feeding of grapes of late ripening, you can use a solution:

  1. In a bucket of water, 200 g of superphosphate, 50 g of potassium salt, 5 g of sulfate salts of manganese, copper, zinc are diluted. Spraying is carried out on the leaf before the clusters begin to ripen in cloudy weather or in the evening.

Diseases and pests of grapes in August

For the prevention of dangerous fungi - mildew and - it is effective to use wood ash on grapes. According to my observations, it perfectly protects the bushes from many diseases.

  1. In order to prevent after watering, I recommend sprinkling the surface of the earth near the bush with ash - an effective measure, proven by many years of experience.
  2. If you constantly bring ash under a bush from spring to autumn, then you can either completely do without spraying with copper- and sulfur-containing preparations from mildew and oidium, or carry them out for prevention a couple of times a season.

The most dangerous diseases during the harvest, because the use of treatments chemicals on fruit-bearing bushes is impossible. In this case, spraying such as Baktofit , Fitosporin , Fitop-Flora-S and etc.

Also in August, we protect bunches of grapes as they ripen from wasps and birds.

  • To cover the berries, you can use special bags or any non-woven material.
  • Another option is treatment with a special preparation-trap for wasps. Diluted in water according to the instructions and acts as a bait.
  • Improvised means will also work as bait. Honey, beer, jam, diluted with water, also help to fight annoying insects.


Vyacheslav Bondarev, amateur viticulturist, Volgograd region

More about seasonal work in the vineyard, read the articles.

Grapes - a plant quite unassuming. It can grow even in poor rocky soil. However, its yield will not be very high. Therefore, having decided to plant a vine on the site, it is important to be able to properly care for it. Every experienced gardener knows what is needed in order for grapes to bear fruit well: top dressing in spring and summer, as well as in autumn using certain fertilizers. But newbies don't know much about it. How to grow healthy and high-yielding bushes on suburban area, the article will tell.

What do grapes need?

Best of all, the plant bears fruit on land rich in nutrients. But after a certain period, the soil is depleted, loses its nutritional properties. This significantly affects the yield of horticultural crops. Especially in grapes. It begins to develop poorly, becomes more vulnerable to adverse climatic influences. In this case, feeding the grapes saves the plant.

This shrub has one feature: at different stages of growth, different nutrients and in varying amounts. Having applied mineral fertilizers several times during the season, the summer resident is unlikely to achieve the desired result.

Experienced vineyards have been figuring out for a long time what microelements a crop needs, how they affect its growth and development. And we came to the conclusion that the plant requires the following components:

  1. Potassium. It accelerates the ripening of berries.
  2. Nitrogen. Leads to the growth of green mass.
  3. Bor. It allows you to increase the sugar content of fruits, and also accelerates ripening.
  4. Copper. Enhances shoot growth. Increases drought resistance and frost resistance.
  5. Zinc. It has a good effect on productivity.
  6. Phosphorus. Improves the formation of ovaries, fruit ripening.

When is feeding done?

Caring for grapes without top dressing is not complete. The amount of dressing depends on the age of the shrub. For example, annual vines are fertilized twice a year: the first time when the shoots reach a height of 15 centimeters. Then the grapes are fertilized in July or August. If the plant has already begun to bear fruit, useful substances are applied three times: in spring, summer and autumn. Check out the article: How to prune grapes for the winter for beginners?


The main goal pursued by the feeding of grapes in the spring is the saturation of the soil with all the microelements necessary for good fruiting.

Fertilize for the first time in early spring immediately after wintering. Usually, this is the beginning of April. But it all depends on the region. For example, in the southern regions, this procedure is done earlier. Time is required to choose in such a way that the plantings have not yet begun sap flow. Mix superphosphate, ammonium nitrate and potassium salt. Dilute it all in water. The resulting solution is fed to the shrub.

The second time, spring top dressing of grapes is carried out 2 weeks before flowering. And this is the middle of May, the period of active vegetation. Use the same solution. The third time - before the fruit ripens - the soil is fertilized with products that contain potassium and phosphorus.

Suitable for spring fertilizer such one-component mineral substances: ammonium nitrate, potassium chloride, potassium salt and superphosphates. Complex compositions are also used. For example, Kemira, Novofert, Florovit and Aquarin. Some gardeners use liquid manure instead of mineral fertilizers during spring feeding of plants. It contains phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. Promotes better absorption of trace elements by the roots. For this, about a kilogram of substance is needed per square meter of area with plantings. You can replace manure with compost. It is advisable to alternate different nutrients, so the shrub will bear fruit better.


Not everyone has the desire and ability to buy ready-made fertilizer preparations. Some use more budget options. Thinking about how to feed the grapes in June with folk remedies, many summer residents decide to use it. So popular is the fermented herbal infusion with the addition of ash and water. This is both more economical and no less useful for the plant than factory products.

Many gardeners know that feeding young grapes in summer improves the condition of the fruit crop. It is used for those plants that are characterized by a small increase or an excessively heavy yield load. For this purpose, ammonium nitrate, superphosphates and potassium salt are mixed. Add water. If there wood ash, it is better to replace salt with it. Nitrogenous substances are not used. They slow down the ripening of fruits.

It should be noted that top dressing of grapes with ashes in summer gives quite good results. After all, ash is a perfectly balanced complex of substances that are so necessary for good growth. It contains potassium, which is very useful for the vine. All elements are enough for a long time: the action of ash lasts for 2-4 years. Moreover, they are assimilated in the amount that the culture needs at the moment. But experienced gardeners argue that with regular and prolonged use of large amounts of ash, there is a risk of chlorosis, so ash should be used in moderation.

Often, grapes are fertilized in the summer before flowering. For this, mineral elements are usually used. It is good to treat the bushes with fungicides. For example, Ridomil Gold and Topaz. Indeed, during the flowering period, the plant is affected by various diseases.

IN summer time the soil should contain nitrogen, boron, zinc, phosphorus, calcium and iron. Therefore, thinking about how you can feed the grapes in the summer, you should choose drugs with the above elements. So the plant will grow quite tall and will often bear fruit. With weak maturation, potassium monophosphate and Plantafol are added to the soil.

Fertilization of grapes continues in the month of July, during the period of active development of the vine. Knowing how to feed the grapes in July, the summer resident manages to achieve a quality harvest. The drug Plantafol-ovary has proven itself well. It is designed to stimulate the growth of berries. Gardeners are advised to combine fertilizer with watering. To do this, take a solution of fermented grass. For 10 liters of water, 2 liters of infusion are required. Mineral complex fertilizers are added to it: about 5 grams. Potassium sulphate is also added: 2 grams. This mixture is enough for 3 square meters landing. It is used both for still very young seedlings, and for adult bushes. A similar procedure is repeated weekly if the summer is dry.

When deciding how to feed the grapes after flowering, it is worth giving preference to liquid organics. For example, chicken manure. You will need a bucket of manure and 3 buckets of water. The mixture is infused for 7 days. The resulting solution is used as follows. One liter is diluted in 10 liters of water. And in this form fertilize the shrub.

The grapes are fertilized after flowering according to the following algorithm:

  • Are being prepared necessary tools: bucket, drill, shovel.
  • The type of fertilizer is selected.
  • Around the fruit crop, they dig indentations up to 40 centimeters. At the same time, the distance from the trunk is 50 centimeters, no less. Some make depressions in the form of a continuous trench around the plant.
  • Nutrients are added to the recess.
  • Plentifully watered. Moisture contributes to more efficient absorption of all trace elements by the root system.
  • Burying a trench.

Gardeners, as a result of many years of experience, have developed a scheme for summer top dressing. It consists in the following:

  1. The first time they are fed 2-3 weeks before flowering. Use organic or mineral fertilizers. The main goal: to stimulate the active development of inflorescences, improve the setting of berries, reduce the number of fallen ovaries and flowers. From organics, wood ash, bird droppings and slurry have proven themselves well. They are first diluted with water. Of the mineral substances, superphosphate and nitrofosk are widely used.
  2. The second time top dressing is carried out 10-20 days after the end of flowering. At this stage, the goal is to enhance the growth of shoots, to improve fruit set. Apply the same fertilizers as the first time. To increase efficiency, they are supplemented with potassium-magnesium sulfate.
  3. The third time the grapes are fed when the berries reach the size of peas. During this period, the gardener is faced with the goal of increasing productivity, improving the appearance and quality of berries, and improving budding for next year's harvest. A mixture of superphosphate and potassium sulfate is widely used.


Experienced summer residents it is known that the autumn feeding of grapes is an important stage in caring for the plant.

After active fruiting, the bush needs to replenish the spent forces. It is important to prepare the vine for the winter period and the new season. Fertilizers are applied in early September. Most suitable foliar top dressing. Of the trace elements, potassium salt and superphosphate are used. Manganese sulfate, boric acid, potassium iodine, zinc sulfate, ammonium molybdate are also added to the mixture. Make preparations either in dry form, or prepare a solution.

Bird droppings, manure, compost are also used. Once every 3 years, it is recommended to fertilize the vine with potassium phosphate preparations. If the autumn feeding of grapes in winter is carried out correctly, the shrub will enter fully prepared and will easily survive the cold season.

What is foliar nutrition?

Foliar top dressing of grapes, which is more often carried out in the spring, helps to increase productivity. But it can be carried out in summer or autumn. This is a great addition to the main feeding. The peculiarity lies in the fact that all useful substances come through the leaves. After all, it is known that grape leaves have an excellent ability to absorb all components diluted with water. In addition to fertility, a plant treated with this method becomes more resistant to various kinds of ailments and pests.

Spraying with a special solution is carried out until flower buds appear. Thus, their premature shedding is prevented. Increases this type of feeding and the number of ovaries. The second time the treatment is done during the flowering period. And in the end, the grapes are fed in the summer during the ripening of the berries. The second and third bait should not contain nitrogen.

Foliar top dressing of grapes in June is carried out using solutions of micro and macro fertilizers. They are sold in specialized stores. Irrigation of leaves is best done in the evening or morning hours. It is advisable to choose calm days. In cloudy weather, the procedure is carried out even during the day. The fulfillment of these conditions allows you to reduce the likelihood of leaf burns to zero. In order for the leaves to better absorb the components, it is recommended to add 3 tablespoons of sugar to the solution.

Grapevine nutrition - required element care. Without fertilizer, the plant will grow poorly and bear fruit. The soil must be saturated with many useful elements. But the land is not always such, especially after its active use for cultivation. Therefore, the situation is corrected by introducing useful elements. At different times of the year, grapes need different trace elements. The gardener must be able to understand the types of fertilizers, know how to apply them correctly. Then the plant will please with a bountiful harvest. Read the article: Calorie content of grapes and products made from it.

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Grapes are very resistant to heat, cold, a small amount of nutrients bush. Girlish grapes are easy enough to plant, and they will grow and develop until they ripen. Grapes can easily survive the drought, after which in a short time it restores strength, grows and bears further fruits.

Fertilizing grapes

Even in a semi-abandoned place, berries can be expected from grapes, but this does not mean that feeding the grapes is optional. If you decide to grow grapes professionally, you must know the best, how, when and in what quantities you can fertilize the roots, bushes and leaves, starting from the moment you purchased and planted young seedlings, and ending with the fertile period of adult grapes. Now we will talk about how grapes should be fed.

Top dressing of grapes

Foliar top dressing of grapes is used, foliar top dressing and fertilizer of roots and soil is no less important. Since it is not in vain that the biggest fears of experienced growers are plant diseases, fertilizing the grapes with fertilizers is required. Even with all the resistance and endurance, depending on the variety, grapes can be susceptible to a variety of diseases.

Often they are due to the fact that the gardener chose cuttings of a poor variety, the reason may be a lack of nutrients or their oversaturation in the soil, which affects the quality of the berries: chlorosis occurs on the leaf, the roots undergo changes.

About the soil

Watering and top dressing of grapes and its roots is always required. The first and important factor is that the soil for grapes should be initially nutritious, rich in microelements, because grapes deplete the earth, and its fertility depends largely on the well-groomedness and presence of microelements in the soil on which it grows. And if the land is depleted, you can not expect a big harvest from the grapes: it will begin to grow poorly, become susceptible to disease due to lack of nutrients. For example, in central Russia, in the Moscow region, it is almost impossible to grow grapes due to depleted and non-nutritious soil. Accordingly, if a gardener wants to grow grapes, he needs to take care of the plant both during planting seedlings, before and before flowering, and during ripening, growth, before and after harvesting.

You need to know how best to fertilize the soil with minerals, trace elements and other nutrients so that the grapes planted in it grow and you can expect it to bear fruit quickly. There are different ways (foliar and root), how to properly fertilize grapes and what means, depending on the variety, the vegetation phase, is better to use in each season. This is important to know if you decide to become a winegrower or already are.

About nutrients

What nutrients does a grape bush need for better and faster growth:

  • Potassium. At the end of summer and before autumn, fertilizing with potassium chloride is very useful for grapes. He helps meet cold winter and ripen vines and fruits in this cold season.
  • Thanks to copper, the roots in the plant become more frost-resistant, and drought resistance also improves, which is important for a plant in summer, so it can be fertilized both in spring in preparation for the heat and in autumn before winter.
  • Harvest can be expected to be larger and better in quality after fertilization with zinc;
  • At the very beginning of flowering, the inflorescence, the ovaries of berries and the ripening of clusters will help to ripen the seedlings with the use of phosphate fertilizers. It is important that they are fed either before flowering or at the very beginning.
  • Nitrogen will help the ripening of young grapes. It can be applied after the grapes have survived the winter, at the very beginning of spring. Nitrogen promotes the growth of green mass, that is, leaves and shoots. With the onset of summer, the need for nitrogen decreases in grapes. Fertilizing grapes in July or August with nitrogen becomes harmful to the bushes. AND best circuit at this time - top dressing of seedlings with urea and ammonium nitrate or the use of azofosk.
  • Top dressing with boric acid increases the sweetness of grape berries and accelerates their growth and ripening (for example, the Isabella variety is already sweet, fertilizer with boric acid is optional). Also, due to boron fertilization, pollen germinates better. Used as foliar fertilizer.

What to fertilize

There are different ways to fertilize grape bushes. Consider how to properly fertilize with mineral and organic matter, yeast, how wood ash, bird droppings, manure are used correctly.

Seedlings and already mature bushes are fed with mineral microelements (sulfate, ammonium nitrate, boric acid, potassium chloride, etc.), fertilizers containing several elements can also be used to improve growth. These include ammophos, nitrophoska. It is also allowed to use multicomponent products (florovit, novofert, aquarin).

minerals or organics

You can’t think that only mineral microelements need to be fertilized grape bushes. Fertilizing grapes with manure is very important. The root system needs nutrients, air, and organic fertilizers will contribute to the entry of various substances into the ground. They are also needed so that the roots are better saturated with minerals. In addition, the root system, thanks to rotted manure, receives the necessary substances: phosphorus, nitrogen, etc.

Manure can be replaced with compost and sprayed and rooted. Any gardener can prepare it. Dried grass, sawdust, chicken droppings are used for this (droppings of other birds are also suitable, but chicken manure is often in demand). Tree ash, branches and other organic waste are also used. One of the important organic fertilizers is bird droppings. It contains very valuable, well-digestible elements.

Preparing bird droppings for use is very easy. This will require 4 liters of water and 1 liter of litter, after which it is diluted 10 times more to form a liquid suspension, and only after that it is applied to the ground. For one bush, 0.5 liters is enough.

Potassium chloride is often replaced due to a large increase in the concentration of chlorine in the soil, therefore ash is often used. It can provide the bush with the elements of phosphates and potassium. Of sunflower husks, ash is the most useful. But in no case should ash fertilizer be used in conjunction with lime.

Designation of terms and methods of fertilization

To root the grapes, you need to dig small holes, about 40 cm around each bush. Thanks to this move, the roots will better absorb and assimilate the substances introduced into the soil, especially when deciding to combine root and foliar treatments (spraying, watering).

Fertilizer calendar:

  • Spring is the beginning of the growth and flowering of any plant. Winter grapes can survive very difficult. And after the cold weather (especially in the first year of a young bush after planting), it is imperative to bring the grapes back to normal. Ammonium nitrate in the amount of 20 g, potassium salt, which is worth taking 10 g, and superphosphate (40 g) are diluted in 20 liters of water, which must be used for root processing. The solution is enough for 2 bushes. And the grapes need to be fed with the same emulsion a couple of weeks before flowering.
  • Top dressing of grapes during flowering, before ripening, is carried out with monophosphate or superphosphate, potassium (without nitrogen). These fertilizers are injected into the ground;
  • If the crop has already been harvested, you need to prepare for the winter, and all top dressing of the grapes should be set to increase frost resistance. For this, it is good to use potassium.
  • Manure fertilizers (fertilization of grapes by spraying, root fertilizers) are also used during spring flowering.
  • Grape care in July-June is to ensure that the bush does not deplete the earth and that there is a watering schedule in the dry months;
  • Approximately once in three years it is necessary to fertilize the vineyard with ash with the addition of manure, superphosphate and ammonium sulfate in the month of September.

It is important to distribute the soil around each bush, after which a deep digging is performed

With poor or sandy soil, you need to apply this fertilizer every second year, or even every first year. Do not forget about foliar fertilizer methods.

Caring for ornamental varieties

If you think about how to feed the grapes for the best effect, growers use not only the generally accepted methods of processing their green garden. Starting from the moment when the cuttings appear, and until the berries are fully ripe, gardeners often use folk remedies. Mullein fertilizer is also practiced, top dressing and watering of grapes are combined.

If you decide to breed an ornamental (vichi variety, girlish) or semi-decorative (wild) variety, then although fertilizing and fertilizing grapes are not so important for them, this does not mean that you can do nothing with it until ripening. Constant care is needed, which includes feeding the grape plant, cutting unnecessary vines. And these procedures must be done in the first year.

Decorative varieties need to be fed due to the fact that there are no clusters of berries, and the leafy part of this variety is the main one. It is necessary to care so that chlorosis of various origins and other diseases that can spoil the beauty of the vine and leaf do not go along the leaf. Summer processing should be aimed at improving the soil and leaves so that chlorosis is not terrible, and the second half of autumn should be aimed at an excess of lime, which can lead to stains on the leaf and vine. That is why top dressing for grapes of any variety is important, only different preparations are used with different ones.

How to care for grapes in June?

June is considered the most important month in the cultivation of grapes, as now there is an active development of shrubs with flowering and the formation of the ovary of the future harvest. Summer residents begin summer work in the garden by pinching vigorous shoots. The purpose of the event is to facilitate pollination for plants. Pinching is carried out before the flowering of the vineyard at 5 - 10 cm of the growth point. What else can be done with grapes, should they be sprayed, cut and fertilized in the first summer month? Consider these and other topical issues of viticulture in detail.

To obtain a quality crop, the owner must ensure that there is only one bunch on each green shoot. Some varieties of culture have the ability to form up to 4 clusters on a branch. But the plant cannot hold a large number of fruit-bearing shoots, therefore it is advisable to leave only one brush, especially if it should be large (if the plantation is filled with Timur, Agat Donskoy, Alyoshenkin Dar varieties).

Weak shoots are always removed. Summer pruning of grapes accelerates its development and contributes to the irradiation of the gardens with sunlight. Underdeveloped shoots give a weak harvest, there is little sense from them even due to the fact that the nutrients are unevenly distributed by the plant. Barren shoots are cut partially, leaving a few branches to preserve the supply of nutrients.

All green shoots that hatch in the wrong place are also subject to pruning. Heavily pruned grapes promote the awakening of the kidneys in the underground trunk. The so-called fattening, or coppice shoots rarely bear fruit and worsen the lighting of the bush. If the growth is not needed for the formation of the plant, it is removed.

Grafting grapes in June

In June and July, gardeners make a green graft of grapes, that is, green cuttings on a green shoot. Chubuki are cut from a bush of the desired variety on the eve of vaccination, their tips are sharpened and introduced into the cut on the rootstock.

The combined grafting of grapes in the summer can be done in a split:

  1. Cuttings are harvested in autumn and sharpened on both sides by 2-3 cm.
  2. The material is kept in water until the kidneys swell.
  3. Revived chibouks are grafted onto the vine in spring so that the eyes of the stock and scion “look” in different directions.
  4. The vaccination site is sealed with a special material or twine. Top wrapped with polyethylene.

Nuances of June feeding

Both in May and in June, grape bushes need to be fed. Fertilize them 2 weeks before flowering, using a mixture of superphosphate, nitrogen substances and potassium salt (50: 40: 35). Flowering grapes are not accepted to be fed. 3 - 4 days after fertilizing the soil with minerals, summer residents are engaged in foliar feeding - the event improves the pollination process, increases the resistance of grapes to diseases and productivity, and also accelerates the formation of clusters. To achieve these goals, the grapes should be fed with preparations Potassium chloride, Humisol, Potassium humate, Zinc sulphate, Boric acid.

How to fertilize grapes for the third time in June? The 3rd top dressing in the process of caring for grapes is carried out during the formation of the ovary, using only phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. For 1 bush spend 40 - 50 g of a substance diluted in 15 liters of water. Grapes receive foliar top dressing in June in the form of spraying with the following composition:

  • Iodine - 0.5 tsp
  • Potassium humate - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Baking soda - 65 g.
  • Boric acid - 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • Manganese is at the tip of a knife.
  • Preparation Kemira-Lux - 20 g.
  • The drug Novosil - 1 tsp.
  • Water - 10 liters.

To protect fertilized grapes from possible diseases and pest attacks, fungicides Thiovit Jet and Ridomil Gold are introduced.

In addition to traditional organic fertilizers, grapes are sometimes fed with folk remedies in the form of chicken droppings or manure. Bird feces are kept in a container for 10 - 15 days to ferment, then diluted with water 1: 20. Manure is used either in a rotted state, embedding it in the soil, or diluted with water similar to the recipe with chicken manure.

Green top dressing during grape care is done by planting peas in the aisle. A flowering legume is dug up and rammed, enriching the nursery with additional benefits.

Spraying grapes in June

During May and June, the bushes are periodically inspected for damage by fungal diseases and pests. If the leaves are covered yellow spots or ashen bloom, the garden should be sprayed as soon as possible before flowering begins:

  • Against mildew - Ridomil Gold.
  • From oidium - Topaz.
  • From spider mites - Fufanon.

Fruiting vines are best sprinkled with a solution baking soda or manganese crystals.


Pasynkovanie in June as a kind of green operation on grapes is to remove the shoots growing from the axils of the main leaf. The procedure is carried out throughout the growing season, since excess shoots take nutrients from the plant.

If you don’t know how to properly pinch grapes, but you see that in June the shoots create a strong thickening, you should immediately get rid of them. Otherwise, stepchildren will worsen the ventilation of the bush and the maturation of the vine, and will also contribute to the development of diseases.

If the culture has formed few shoots, stepchildren will become an additional source of nutrition for it. As a result, the clusters will pick up large quantity sugar, and the harvest will ripen earlier. Agronomists do not have a unanimous opinion about the stepsoning of grapes. Whether it is worth removing extra shoots, gardeners decide according to the state of the bush. Table varieties leave one brush to escape, technical varieties – 2 – 3.


Timely garter of green shoots is needed for airing, improving lighting and shaping shrubs. Clinging to the support with their mustaches, the plants will independently reach for the sun. For the garter, soft materials are used that can rot in the ground without clogging the nursery. Plants are tied up with a margin according to the "eight" principle. This will help to avoid rubbing the shoots against the trellis.

Planting grapes in June

From the end of May to the end of June, planting of grapes can be carried out using green vegetative plantings. In the shade of trees, the material is hardened for 4 - 6 days, then exposed under direct Sun rays for 7 - 10 days. Planting pits for vegetative plants are dug 25–30 cm deep. They are prepared in advance so that periodic abundant watering helps the soil to settle.

After the last watering, the seedling, together with an earthen clod, is lowered into the hole, dug in with fertile soil and the area is compacted. Next, the plant is watered and a support peg is placed next to it. In the first year of vegetation, one shoot is left on the bush and they make sure that it does not get rid of the peg. All stepsons are carefully removed.

In conclusion, be sure to pay attention to a selection of visual video materials on the topic of Grapes in June - what to do (video stories on popular requests: how to care, how to cut, how to stepson, how to feed and protect against diseases). » Growing and care » Scheme for feeding grapes

Grapes are a garden crop that is found in every summer cottage or garden. But in order for the shrub to give a good harvest every year, it must be properly looked after. Particular attention should be paid to feeding the vineyard. Specialists have developed fertilizer application schemes that are adjusted depending on which lane the crop grows in and the vineyard variety. Consider why grapes need to be fed at all, and how to properly implement it.

Fertilizing grapes

Why fertilize grapes

Grape care does not consist only in sheltering a shrub for the winter and cutting off unnecessary shoots. Like any other horticultural crop, the vineyard needs certain substances, which it ideally receives from the soil. If this or that component is not enough, then the plant begins to bear fruit poorly and get sick. Therefore, fertilizers should be applied that compensate for the lack of one or another element. But, at the same time, it should be remembered that an overabundance of even the most useful element can lead to the appearance of shrub diseases. Therefore, all fertilizers should be applied in a certain sequence.

Many people have a question why in the wild all plants grow perfectly and without top dressing. In the wild, most of the crop falls to the ground, rotting there. It turns out that all the components that the shrub took from the soil during the fruiting period are returned back. With the cultivation of shrubs, the entire crop is harvested. It is also worth noting the fact that in the wild the vineyard grows only on those soils that suit it. When planting a shrub in the country, we do not think about whether the soil has everything necessary for this plant or not.

For feeding to be effective, they need to be done at a certain time. In addition, each period corresponds to a specific fertilizer.

How to fertilize a vineyard

Before answering the question, you should understand what grapes need for normal growth and development. This shrub needs nitrogen, copper, potassium, phosphorus, zinc and boron. Accordingly, top dressing of grapes is the introduction into the soil of those fertilizers, which contain the above microelements.

All fertilizers that are applied under grape bushes are divided into 2 groups:

  • basic;
  • additional or top dressing.

Basic fertilizers, as a rule, are applied no more than once every 24 months. An exception is made if the soil is excessively depleted. Additional fertilizers, or, as they are more commonly called, top dressing, are applied several times a season by small ones. Fertilizers are applied in liquid form.

In addition to manure, which is used as a top dressing for all horticultural crops, we add peat, potassium, compost, potassium sulfate, bird droppings, phosphorus, saltpeter, nitrogen, etc. under the grape bushes.

Manure is the main fertilizer, which has everything you need for the health of the grape bush. By and large, manure improves the quality of the soil, making it more fertile. Any organic matter is an alternative to manure. We introduce overripe manure into the soil, which contains the mineral elements necessary for the vineyard (phosphorus, for example).

Any mineral fertilizer can act as top dressing. We give preference to fertilizers, which contain several mineral elements at once. Effective are ammophos, azofoska and nitroammofoska.

In addition to mineral fertilizers, which contain several components, potassium chloride, phosphorus, potassium sulfate, nitrogen, potassium magnesia, ammonium nitrate, boric acid, granular superphosphate, urea, and ash are used as dressings.

Feeding calendar

In order for the shrub to be healthy and give a good harvest every year, it needs to be fed five times during the summer season.

1st feeding

In early spring we do the first top dressing. As soon as it appeared warm sun, we introduce a 3-component fertilizer into the soil, which is easy to do on your own. To feed one grape bush in 10 liters of water, we dilute 20 g of superphosphate, 10 g of ammonium nitrate and 5 g of potassium salt. If you are preparing fertilizer for all the bushes at once, then use a measuring bucket when applying it to the soil. Do not add more substance to the soil than 10 liters.

The second option for the first top dressing involves the introduction of superphosphate (40 g), nitrogen (40 g) and potash (30 g) fertilizers into the soil. IN this case fertilizers are applied dry. The weight of fertilizers is indicated based on 1 bush.

In parallel, you can fertilize the shrub with liquid fertilizers. But make sure that they do not contain chlorine. It is important to properly fertilize the bush. First, we make a hole near the bush. Then, into this well, pour 10 liters of preheated (but not hot) water, fertilizers diluted in water, and water again. Dilute drugs based on the manufacturer's recommendations. We are waiting for the soil to dry out. Then carefully loosen it. Even during the first feeding, the bush is fertilized with ammonium sulfate.

This is the only top dressing that falls in the spring. All other top dressing of grapes is carried out in the summer.

2nd dressing

The second time we fertilize grape bushes 1.5-2 weeks before flowering. Depending on the climate zone, this may be the end of May or the beginning of June. If we talk about the Moscow region, for example, then we carry out the second feeding of grapes in the first days of June. At this stage, you can use exactly the same 3-part liquid fertilizer, as well as during the first feeding.

It is possible to prepare liquid fertilizer from 40 g of nitrogen fertilizers, 40 g potash fertilizers, 50 g of superphosphates and 10 liters of water. At the same time, we introduce chicken manure diluted in water or a slurry prepared from manure into the soil. For the preparation of liquid dressings, manure and water are taken in a ratio of 1: 2. After preparing the slurry, it is left for at least a week, and preferably 1.5, in a barrel. Fermented fertilizer is used, respectively, after diluting it with water (ratio 1:6). Superphosphate and potash fertilizers can be added to the resulting mixture (20 and 15 g per 10 liters of water, respectively). Before introducing slurry into the ground, we dig a groove or hole near the bush. We bring, on average, 1.5 buckets of slurry per 1 bush.

3rd feeding

This top dressing of grapes is carried out in July. Depending on the climatic conditions terms may vary. This top dressing of grapes is done after flowering, just before the ripening of berries, the size of which should correspond to the size of peas. At this stage, the shrub needs potash fertilizer. We also add superphosphate to the soil. But nitrogen is not applied during the third feeding. You can prepare complex fertilizers (as during the second feeding, for example).

If the third top dressing of the vineyard is carried out in a timely manner, then the yield will increase at least 1.5 times. will improve and appearance berries.

4th dressing

As soon as the berries begin to ripen, and this will happen in the second half of August, the bushes should be fertilized for the fourth time. How to feed the grapes during the period that falls at the end of July or the beginning of August? Be sure to apply fertilizers that contain potassium (50 g per bush is enough). Also, it will not be superfluous to apply fertilizers, which contain phosphorus. For 1 bush, 100 g of fertilizer is enough. Accordingly, we also apply 50 g of phosphate fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilizers should be excluded at this stage.

5th feeding

The last time the shrub is fertilized after harvesting. The best top dressing at this stage - potash fertilizers. They will help the vineyard to endure the winter frosts.

Types of dressings

Regardless of whether top dressing is carried out during the ripening of berries or only at the stage of the appearance of the ovary, it can be carried out different ways.

Root top dressing

Root feeding of grapes suggests that fertilizers will be applied directly to the soil. It is aimed at strengthening the roots of the plant. As a matter of fact, the above-described top dressing schedule is a root top dressing scheme. Many are limited to the introduction of nutrients into the soil, considering this a sufficient measure for the normal development of the shrub. However, this is an erroneous opinion. Root top dressing alone is not enough.

Foliar or foliar top dressing

Leaves are cared for by foliar feeding. At the same time, foliar feeding of grapes is no less important than root feeding. And you need to understand that it is not an alternative to root dressing. As a rule, it is performed simultaneously with spraying shrubs from diseases. As in the case of root dressing, experts recommend doing it 4 times. But, at the same time, the timing of fertilizer application is somewhat different.

The first foliar top dressing of grapes is carried out before flowering shrubs. The second time we spray the plant after the ovary has appeared. The third spraying falls at the beginning of the ripening of the brushes, and the fourth is done after the berries soften. You can treat the shrub with boric acid. But, regarding the appropriateness of such an action, the opinions of gardeners differ. It is more expedient to prepare complex solutions with boric acid.

On sale there are preparations with which you can spray vineyards on a green leaf before the appearance of the ovary and during fruiting. They are usually sold as a dry concentrate. Before use, they must be diluted with water according to the instructions. Top dressing on a green leaf, some gardeners perform before the appearance of the ovary, considering spraying the formed clusters inappropriate. But such top dressing will not harm both before flowering and during it. This is due to the fact that the leaves are processed with drugs that are harmless to the human body.

Minor top dressing

In addition to the main five top dressings of grapes, you can additionally apply fertilizers. So top dressing of grapes during flowering is performed by folk remedies (the same ash, for example). If the vine does not ripen, then use monophosphate, which will solve this problem. And to speed up the process of ripening berries, drugs are used that contain phosphorus. You can also fertilize the shrub with preparations that contain boric acid.

Also, top dressing during the planting of the cuttings can be attributed to minor ones. In addition to organics, superphosphate and wood ash, potassium salt are placed in the prepared hole. This will allow the cutting to quickly sprout. The stalk planted in this way will grow rapidly, and will yield a crop in the second year. At proper fit For the first few years, you don't have to worry about fertilizer at all. It is enough to make preparations that allow the berries to gain sugar and ripen faster (this should be done in the first months of summer), contributing to the growth of a young shoot. You can limit yourself to processing the vineyard on a green leaf. But we use the preparations that are intended for this method of processing.

Feeding rules

Fertilizing grapes with fertilizers will give the desired result only if it is done correctly.

  • All necessary substances must be introduced into the soil in a timely manner.
  • It is advisable to water and fertilize the grapes with liquid fertilizers at the same time. In this case, the soil should not be overfilled.
  • Foliar feeding of shrubs is carried out in calm weather. It is better to spray the vineyard after sunset. In this case, the equipment for spraying should be carefully selected. The smaller the size of the droplets that fall on the leaves, the better the result of the procedure.
  • To achieve the maximum effect of the procedure, root and foliar top dressing should be carried out at the same time.
  • Before introducing liquid solutions into the soil, you first need to make a recess. There are components, nitrogen, for example, which volatilize in air. Therefore, they must penetrate the ground as quickly as possible. There is also a group of elements that are considered inactive. Therefore, they can remain in the surface layers of the soil and not reach the root system of the shrub.
  • Top dressing of grapes in July and August with nitrogen fertilizers cannot be done. The same applies to chicken manure and mullein, used in the form of liquid solutions. Otherwise, the growth of the vine will be delayed, and the crop will ripen quite late. But it is advisable to fertilize grapes in June with nitrogen fertilizers. In the spring, fertilize the soil with ammonium nitrate.
  • Choose a quality fertilizer, both for root dressing of grapes, and for foliar. And remember that summer processing is different from winter processing. In the first case, it is necessary to saturate the soil with elements that promote the growth of shoots and the ripening of berries. When processing for the winter, you need to strengthen the roots.
  • Hang the grape feeding scheme in the most visible place, and note all the actions performed. This will help you not to miss a single spray. The calendar for processing shrubs and trees is practically the same. Therefore, you can draw up a single schedule for the entire garden, with a field for notes.

Important Points

It is worth introducing various trace elements into the soil not only in summer, but throughout the year. It is very important to choose the right seedlings. For example, varieties such as Isabella and parthenocissus grow well in any soil. There are varieties that are demanding on the soil, and with a lack of certain trace elements, they grow extremely poorly.

During the planting of seedlings, it is necessary to introduce a sufficient amount of fertilizer into the soil in order to saturate it with microelements as much as possible.

Organic fertilizers have been and remain environmentally

How, when and how to fertilize grapes... Read more on the website

It is also worth understanding that the methods of feeding adult grapes and annual seedlings are different. So under adult bushes they bring more organic matter, and under young ones - mineral preparations. Even if you fertilize a young bush with droppings or manure, then dilute it with water. For seedlings, the liquid form of fertilizer is best suited. This is due to the fact that water gets to the roots faster, through which the bush is nourished. And it helps the plant to grow.

The packaging of each fertilizer indicates in which month, or at what stage of development of the shrub it is advisable to use it. Do not deviate from these recommendations, and do not forget to enrich the soil with microelements after harvesting.

Watering is done after applying dry fertilizers under the roots. If we are talking about the treatment with liquid preparations on a green leaf, then the shrub should be watered after it absorbs all the useful components from the solution used.


Caring for any horticultural crop involves fertilizing. You need to fertilize the soil several times a season. special attention require young seedlings. In addition to root dressings, leaf dressings should be applied. Be sure to fertilize the soil with mullein. In addition to using the fertilizers described above, you can use folk remedies. So, for example, grapes can be fed with ash or yeast. You can sprinkle the bushes with dry ash, or you can dilute it in water.

How to lower cholesterol in the blood folk remedies

It is believed that growing a healthy, lush vineyard that gives a bountiful harvest of large and sweet berries is difficult. Grapes are a capricious culture that requires constant care. Such an opinion is erroneous.

Grapes really need a complex of certain nutrients and proper care. However, this plant is no more whimsical than, for example, strawberries or raspberries. You just need to know when to fertilize, choose the right fertilizing for grapes and follow the rules for their application.

Article outline

The main mistakes of winegrowers

When growing grapes, gardeners usually make the following mistakes:

  1. mainly young grape seedlings are fed, while adult plants are given minimal attention;
  2. top dressing is applied only in the form of complex fertilizers;
  3. an excess amount of fertilizing is introduced under the grapes.

As practice shows, many gardeners feed young seedlings, while an adult vine remains unattended. It is believed that an adult plant with a powerful rhizome will itself get nutrients from the deep layers of the soil. While young grapes need strength to grow and develop.

In fact, in the first two years, seedlings do not need additional feeding at all, if all the rules were followed during planting and all the necessary fertilizers were applied to the planting pit.

An adult plant, on the contrary, can completely deplete the soil in a few seasons. Top dressing should become mandatory for plants older than three years.

The use of complex fertilizers for the soil of the vineyard is a completely justified procedure, but only once during the growing season. Standard complexes contain the main elements of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, and trace elements valuable for grapes may be absent.

In addition, the introduction of nitrogen under the grapes is shown only twice in early spring. In subsequent top dressing, the presence of nitrogen can harm the plants. If you do not want to give up complex compositions, choose fertilizers special for grapes, which, in addition to the main NPK macronutrients, contain a complex of microelements from zinc, boron, sulfur, calcium, magnesium and manganese.

Another mistake of winegrowers is unsystematic application of excessive amounts of fertilizers.. Indeed, grapes are a nutritionally demanding plant, however, supplements of mineral and organic origin should be introduced in strictly regulated doses and only at certain times. Otherwise, the vine will become vulnerable to disease, the plant will lose its immunity, and the fruiting period may be delayed until the onset of autumn frosts.

What substances need to be fed grapes

To help plants develop properly, let's try to figure out how to feed the grapes, and what nutrients they need.

  • Nitrogen - stimulates the growth of foliage and young shoots, is necessary in spring, at the end of the growing season is harmful to grapes, as it delays the ripening of berries and wood, which protects the vine from the cold in winter.
  • Phosphorus - necessary for grapes to form inflorescences, ovaries and ripening berries, therefore, it is applied before flowering. Due to the prolonged decomposition period in the soil, phosphorus fertilizers for grapes are also laid in the fall, so that by the beginning of the growing season the plant will receive this macronutrient in full.
  • Potassium is an important macronutrient for grapes. The vine does not tolerate low temperatures, and potassium increases the resistance of grapes to winter frosts. Potassium also increases resistance to drought and dehydration, diseases and pests. Apply potash fertilizers for grapes in the fall.
  • Boron - stimulates the flowering process and prevents the ovaries from falling off, affects the sugar level in fruits, accelerates their ripening.
  • Copper - enhances the growth of young shoots, affects the immunity of grapes.
  • Zinc - affects the amount of yield.
  • Magnesium - affects the absorption of phosphates, participates in the processes of photosynthesis and the formation of proteins, affects the taste of grapes.

Grapes do not tolerate chlorine well, so when choosing mineral fertilizers, pay attention to the absence of this element in the composition of impurities.

Scheme for feeding grapes

Mineral supplements or organic?

For grapes, you can only get by with mineral fertilizers, which can be simple (two- or one-component) and complex (multi-component).

However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to manage only with mineral additives. Chemical compounds, although they provide nutrition to plants, do not change the structure of the soil. And grapes need fertile soil with a high content of humus and useful bioflora.

You can also use it, but very carefully so as not to harm the vine. In the litter, all chemical components are in a more concentrated form compared to other types of organic matter. High doses of nitrogen are especially dangerous.

To prepare a liquid fertilizer, it is necessary to dilute the manure with water in a ratio of 1 part organic matter / 4 parts water, that is, for every 100 g of fertilizer, 400 ml of water will be needed.

The resulting mixture is infused for 3-7 days and then used, diluted tenfold with water. For a bucket of water of 10 liters, you need 1 liter of infusion of chicken manure.

Potassium chloride, which is dangerous for the chloride compounds it contains, will replace. Ordinary wood ash will do, although ash from sunflower husks, fruit trees, and grape ash is considered the best.

Scheme of root dressing of grapes

Farmers have different opinions on how many times to fertilize grapes. Someone believes that you need to start feeding the vine in early spring and the last snow has melted. Some gardeners first fertilize the vineyard just before flowering.

We have selected a scheme for feeding grapes for depleted and sandy soils, where nutrients are presented in a minimal amount. If the vineyard is equipped on fertile lands or fertilizers have been laid under the vine since autumn, the first top dressing in the spring can be skipped.

During the season, the grapes will need 5 root dressings:

  1. carried out in early spring, before the opening of the bushes after wintering;
  2. carried out before flowering;
  3. before the formation of ovaries;
  4. before harvest, in a state of technical ripeness of grapes;
  5. autumn, carried out depending on the type of soil.

First dressing

Top dressing of grapes in the spring begins with the establishment of a temperature of + 16 ° C. For top dressing prepare a solution:

  • from 20 g of superphosphate, 5 g of potassium salt, 10 g of ammonium nitrate.

This composition will help plants recover after winter. For one grape bush you will need 10 liters of liquid mineral fertilizer. Also the first spring top dressing grapes can be held by any complex fertilizer prepared according to the instructions, or use slurry prepared at the rate of 1 kg of organic matter / 10 l.

How do I feed the grapes

Second top dressing

The second fertilization of grapes in the spring is necessary not only for the growth of leaves and shoots. The goal is to stimulate the flowering process, therefore, 5 g of boric acid is additionally added to mineral compositions and organics. To feed the grapes a second time, you can use the composition for the first top dressing or use a solution of nitrophos at the rate of 60 g - 70 g / 10 l. But the best option will be the use of organics to fill the soil solution with humus:

  • 2 kg of mullein is diluted in 5 liters of water and allowed to infuse for several days, then the resulting mixture is brought to a volume of 12 liters, this amount is calculated per 1 m² of grape plantings.
  • make a weakly concentrated solution, not more than 50 g of manure / 10 l, liquid fertilizer should be infused for 2 to 5 days.

Third top dressing

It is carried out at the end of flowering and 10 days before the start of the formation of fruit ovaries.

When choosing a fertilizer for the third top dressing, you need to understand that the main component should be active nitrogen, which will affect the weight of the fruit and the amount of the crop as a whole. Root top dressing of grapes with active nitrogen is prepared:

  • from 10 g of potassium magnesia and 20 g of ammonium nitrate, diluted in 10 liters of water.

Fourth dressing

It is carried out in a state of technical ripeness of bunches, approximately 10 - 20 days before harvest. The goal is to improve the palatability of the grapes, the keeping quality of the bunches and to increase the mass of the berries themselves. At this time, nitrogen is contraindicated for the vineyard, only phosphorus and potassium are introduced. It is better not to use complex compounds and organic matter, especially bird droppings, because of the high content of active nitrogen in them. For feeding:

  • 20 g of superphosphate and 20 g of any potash fertilizer without the admixture of chlorine per 10 liters of water.

After harvesting, if desired, you can additionally add 20 g of potash fertilizers in solution per 1 m², so that the plants make up for the costs spent growing season nutrients. If autumn feeding of grapes is planned, fertilizer can be omitted.

Fifth dressing

The last application of fertilizer for grapes falls on the autumn months. This procedure will prepare the vine for wintering and create a supply of nutrients for the beginning of the next season. Autumn application does not have to be carried out annually if the vineyard is planted on fertile soils.

For chernozems, it is enough to apply mineral additives and organics once every three years. For sandy loamy soils, autumn application is more frequent up to once every two years, when, as for light sandy soils, the annual laying of fertilizers in autumn is shown.

In autumn, mineral compounds or organics are used. Manure or bird droppings are applied rotted. Fresh organic matter in autumn can harm the vine, as it contains active nitrogen, and the main elements before wintering are phosphorus and potassium. Also, grapes will need sulfur, manganese, boron, zinc to increase immunity. Iodine can be added to fertilizer formulations for vineyards on sandy soils.

Mineral complex in autumn:

  • 10 g of potassium salt, 20 g of granular superphosphate, 1 g of boric acid, 2 g of zinc sulfate, 2 g of manganese sulfate, 1 g of potassium iodine.

Organic fertilizers in autumn:

  • rotted manure - 2 kg / 1 m², applied dry or slurry;
  • bird droppings - 1 kg / 1 liter of water / 1 m² of plantings, applied only in liquid form, so as not to burn the roots of plants;
  • ash - 300 g / 10 l of water / 1 bush - is applied after abundant soil moisture.

How to properly fertilize grapes

Rules for fertilizing for grapes

The main mistake of gardeners is the surface laying of fats or the combination of watering and fertilizing grapes. With a surface laying, the grapes develop more roots in the upper layers of the soil solution.

Nutrients remain inaccessible to powerful rhizomes of adult plants. In winter, the upper roots will begin to freeze, and the grapes may simply die. The same situation occurs when watering is combined with fertilization.

In order for the top dressing of grapes in spring and autumn to give a result, any fats are laid in trenches dug in the near-trunk circle of bushes. Diameter trunk circle depends on the age of the vine and can be 40 cm - 80 cm. The depth of the trench varies between 20 cm - 50 cm.

Under a three-year-old vine, for example, nutrient mixtures can be applied to a depth of 20 cm - 25 cm, for older plants the depth should be greater - 35 cm - 50 cm.

In the spring, any formulations are applied in liquid form. Before making the soil abundantly spilled. So the nutrients do not burn the roots and become more available to the plants. In autumn, tuki can be applied in dry form and in liquid form. An exception is bird droppings, which are always applied in liquid form. After laying the fertilizer, the trench must be covered and compacted a little.

When using ash, it is necessary to observe special rules, since this type of organic matter can leave severe burns on the roots. Before adding ash, at least 3-4 buckets of water are brought into the trench around the bush, and only after that the solution with ash is poured.

Scheme of foliar top dressing

Sometimes root dressings do not bring results. Why? The reaction with the soil and fertilizer components among themselves leads to the formation of harmful salts that are not absorbed by the grapes. At the same time, several heavy rains must pass so that fertilizers applied by the root method dissolve in the soil and reach the rhizome. For these reasons, most growers prefer to replace root application with leaf feeding.

Foliar feeding of grapes can give results in a few days, because some microelements are absorbed by the leaf already during the first minutes after spraying. Add to that minimum flow water and fertilizer compared to root application. The benefit is obvious, and therefore get acquainted with the following foliar top dressing scheme:

  1. the first leaf treatment - not earlier than 3 - 5 days before flowering, boric acid is used 5 g / 10 l / 1 bush, spraying with this composition is usually combined with the use of fungicides in order to prevent the development of pathogenic flora, fertilizers can be used in the first top dressing, in whose composition includes nitrogen;
  2. the second spraying - 5 - 10 days after flowering, phosphorus mineral fertilizers are used, ash can be selected from organic fertilizers, nitrogen compounds are excluded;
  3. third spraying - with an interval of 15 days after the second treatment with a similar composition;
  4. fourth treatment - 15 days before the ripening of the bunches and harvesting, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are excluded, spraying is carried out with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers to bring the vine and roots to a state of rest and prepare for the winter period.

For processing, it is better to use the evening or early morning hours. The underside of the leaf is sprayed. In some cases, spraying can be replaced by manual wetting of the leaves.

As you can see, caring for grapes is not much different from the rules for caring for other berry growers. The introduction of the main components is carried out depending on the stage of development of the vine, the soil and temperature conditions are taken into account. Follow the rules of fertilization, and your vineyard will give a bountiful harvest of delicious berries.

How to fertilize grapes after flowering

Grapes are considered unpretentious plant, however, for proper growth and good harvest it is necessary to feed grape seedlings in the first stages of its growth, so that in the future the berries are juicy and tasty.

Types of fertilizers

In order for the grapes to be fed correctly, you need to know what elements the plant needs the most. Which fertilizers should be applied under the root, and which should be used to spray the leaves.

Nitrogen fertilizers for grapes

Nitrogen helps leaves and shoots grow quickly and without problems. Most fertilizers containing nitrogen are applied in the spring, when the vegetation process is just beginning. It should be noted that in August and autumn it is impossible to introduce substances containing nitrogen. This can interfere with the maturation of the wood of the plant.

The most popular nitrogen-based fertilizers are:

  • Urea. 46% pure nitrogen. Carbamide is used as both foliar and root dressing of grapes. Due to the large amount of nitrogen in the composition, it can only be applied a few years after planting. In order not to harm the plant, you need to dilute up to fifty grams of fertilizer per liter of water and apply it to the soil.
  • Ammonium nitrate. It is best to use the substance during flowering. Fertilizing grapes while pouring berries is not recommended. This may affect the quality of the berries. Ammonium nitrate is best sprinkled on slightly moist soil around the bush.

Potash fertilizers for grapes

Potassium is another important trace element that is necessary for the full development of the plant. It accelerates the growth and ripening of the berries of the plant. Nutrients made up of potassium are great as a top dressing for grapes in the fall, as such fertilizers prepare the plant well for the cold.

Grapes are one of those crops that consume the largest amount of potassium from the soil, so you can feed the soil annually.

  • potassium sulfate. For good result it is best to use this foliar application during the subsequent growth stage. The average amount of the substance that is needed is 20 grams per 10 liters of water; superphosphate in the amount of 40 grams must be added to the bucket. It neutralizes acidity.
  • Potassium chloride. Contains 50% to 60% potassium. It is best to add lime to such a fertilizer to neutralize the acidity. Potassium chloride can be used in tandem with any trace elements and nutrient raw materials, except for urea.

Phosphate fertilizers for grapes

Phosphorus is one of the three most necessary components For horticultural crops. It is an excellent solution for feeding young grapes on early stages growth and flowering. Thanks to the phosphorus base, flowers and berries develop much faster and better.

  • Superphosphate. Contains up to 20% phosphorus in its composition and gypsum. Suitable for all types of soil, however, acidic soils must first be limed or lime must be added to the fertilizer solution. Superphosphate should be applied after the start of flowering. This will help the fruits develop better during the ripening period.
  • Double superphosphate. It consists of 50% phosphoric acid, but does not contain gypsum. It is used in the same way as simple superphosphate.

Complex and complex fertilizers

Complex nutrients are made up of two or more elements.

  • Azofoska. It is a compound of three main macronutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. It is found in two forms - dry and dissolved. The first must be brought under the bush. The amount of substance is up to sixty grams per plant. You can use it only in the warm season. The liquid form consists of two tablespoons of azophoska, diluted in one bucket of water, it is necessary to pour the solution under the root.
  • Bischofite. Compound fertilizer, which includes magnesium, boron, iodine and bromine. In total, more than ten components. Used for foliar feeding of grapes. For ten liters of water, it is necessary to dissolve in 150 milliliters of bishal, but in order not to damage the plant, the dosage can be almost halved. This tool is used as a top dressing of grapes with boron. In terms of quantity, this element in the composition of bischofite ranks second, magnesium is in the first place.

Application of organic fertilizers

Top dressing of grapes ash- perfect solution. It is best to use only wood. The ash after burning coal is not used as fertilizer at all, it contains toxins that are harmful to plants.

The ash of the tree has a high amount of micronutrients beneficial to the plant. For example, magnesium, boron, potassium and phosphorus. Can be used as a soil acidity regulator.

Other organic fertilizer - bird droppings. It helps to almost double the fruitfulness and speed up the ripening process of berries for several weeks.

To understand how to feed the grapes with chicken manure, you need to remember important rule: before applying such a fertilizer, you need to prepare a special nutrient solution for the plant. Fresh manure can irritate the soil and shoots.

Approximately 1 kilogram of litter is needed for 20 liters of water; the solution must be infused for two weeks. Fertilizer should be applied at a short distance from the bush in small portions into holes, up to 35 centimeters deep. Two buckets are enough to fully fertilize the plant.

Folk remedies for fertilizing grapes

One of the most effective means- yeast nutrition. The recipe is quite simple:

  1. One gram of dry baker's yeast must be dissolved in one liter of slightly warmed water, add a teaspoon of sugar, mix thoroughly until completely dissolved. The mixture should be infused for a couple of hours. Before fertilizing plants, one liter ready solution dilute with five liters of clean water.
  2. Dilute fifty grams of live yeast in a liter of slightly warmed water, let it brew a little. Before watering, it is also necessary to dilute the fertilizer with five liters of water.


In addition to the three main elements in the composition of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, for full growth and good yields, grapes also need other trace elements: boron, magnesium, zinc and others.

Microfertilizers are one of the most popular top dressings. There are a huge number of them. For example, potassium magnesia, which contains 28% potassium, 18% magnesium and about 16% sulfur.

Micronutrient fertilizers also include copper, which is used for foliar feeding.

One gram of the substance is enough to spray one bush. It must be applied no more than once every four years.

Scheme of root dressing of grapes

To properly fertilize, you need to know the dosage and timing. It is better to contribute less than to randomly fill in useless, and sometimes harmful substances.

Spring feeding of grapes is considered the most important stage. It helps the bushes recover from frost and stimulates fruitfulness.

Feeding methods

Separate root and foliar top dressing. They differ in the way they are introduced. In the first case, nutrients must be poured or placed under a bush for the best effect. The second can be considered an auxiliary stage. Foliar feeding helps the plant develop properly, stimulate the growth of shoots and ovaries, and increase productivity.

Foliar top dressing

If the grapes are planted in soil that is saturated with microelements, then for the first three years it is not necessary to fertilize it, since the plant will feed on substances from the soil. Foliar top dressing contribute to the development and improvement of productivity. The first time the leaves should be processed before flowering, the second time after flowering, the third - during the maturation of brushes. Foliar feeding of grapes is carried out regardless of the amount and type of fertilizers that are applied to root system plants.

To know exactly how to feed the grapes, you need to proceed from the type of soil and the age of the plant. The most important elements are nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Almost all fertilizers contain them. Boron, magnesium, zinc and iodine are also needed for full growth. Thanks to the ability to properly and timely feed the grapes, you can get juicy and tasty fruits.

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