Do I need to plaster drywall. How to cover drywall with plaster: the necessary tools and materials. Determining the need for plaster

Quite often, novice home craftsmen wonder how and how to plaster drywall. You should start with the fact that GKL is also called dry plaster.

Why GKL is called plaster

Firstly, with the help of sheets of this material, it is possible to align the walls and ceiling, as well as repair plane defects. Secondly, the installation of gypsum boards is not associated with Thirdly, after installing the sheets, the wall becomes even and smooth, which allows you to start finishing work almost immediately. Some believe that there is no need to bring drywall to perfect smoothness. However, the opinions of experts on this issue are divided.

Do I need to plaster

If you also wondered if drywall is being plastered, then you should deal with this in more detail. Some argue that plastering sheets is not required - this is a waste of time and takes a lot of time and effort. Other craftsmen argue that the plastering process is necessary when the wall has been subjected to stress and has lost its original appearance.

In general, you can plaster drywall only if it has the qualities of moisture resistance. The composition should be applied in several passes, in thin layers, each of which is covered with a primer. To do this, use the composition deep penetration designed for gypsum-containing materials.


Understanding the question of whether it is necessary to plaster drywall is a thankless task. Some believe that a thin layer of putty will suffice, while others argue that it is necessary to plaster the surface. If you want to achieve an ideal result, then you should carry out such training, the features of which will be discussed below.

Additional recommendations for the process of preparing drywall before applying plaster

If you are thinking about the question of how to plaster drywall for wallpaper, then you should also know about the features of surface preparation. For the reason that the GKL is most often mounted using screws, depressions and irregularities remain on its surface. Sometimes drywall bends during installation, and sometimes a spiked roller is used to create curved structures. After such exposure, a huge number of recesses remain on the canvases. It is important to eliminate all these shortcomings before sticking wallpaper.

The need to use a primer is due to the fact that it is important to increase adhesion between drywall and subsequent finishing layers. The primer must be applied to every centimeter of the skin. For this, a foam roller or a wide brush is usually used. Wetting the sheet too much is not worth it, because otherwise it may deform.

After you have dealt with the question of whether drywall can be plastered, putty should be applied, which will hide the junction of sheets and recessed screws. A sickle tape is applied on top of the putty layer. Where the canvases converge at an angle, which can be external or internal, you should align the flaws with perforated aluminum profiles, which are superimposed on the corners covered with putty.

Excess mixture should be disposed of by smoothing the surface of the profile. As soon as the drywall has dried after applying the putty, it should be primed again in the manner described above. The surface prepared in this way can be used not only for wallpapering, but also for paste-like mixtures or dry stone chips from minerals of different colors.

If you plan to prepare drywall before gluing wallpaper by applying plaster, then the composition will help level problem areas, such as potholes or dents. This must be done in several approaches, each previous layer should be given time to dry.

If you have to repair small potholes and dents, then the surface is covered with a primer at the first stage, and then a layer of putty is applied, a little later - a layer of plaster. It must be remembered that the putty layer should not exceed 3 mm in thickness. If the potholes have a more impressive depth, then plastering is indispensable.

Before plastering drywall, you should familiarize yourself with the technology that does not recommend hiding frame installation errors with a thick layer of plaster. This will save the surface from marriage, but over time, the sheets will not be able to hold the applied layer of plaster. This will cause their deformation and cracking, as well as peeling of the plaster layer. If you have identified fairly large curvatures, then it is better to replace the sheets with high-quality material.

If you wondered how to plaster drywall, you should know that the material is applied to the surface in a thin layer, and the base is primed first. If we are talking about granular coatings, these can be factory-made pasty mixtures that are already ready for use.

The compositions are applied with a sprayer or a trowel, the thickness of the layer will depend on the diameter of the grains. The first parameter should exceed fractionation by 1.5-2 times. Stone colored dry chips are sprayed onto the surface, which is pre-lubricated with adhesive.

Instructions for applying plaster

If you are also among the home craftsmen who are faced with the question of how to plaster drywall, you should be aware of the features of such work. Once the installation of the sheets has been completed, their surface must be cleaned of settled dust. The industrial vacuum cleaner copes with this task perfectly. If this is not available, then improvised means can be used. They are rags, which are preliminarily slightly wetted with water.

At the next stage, joints, seams and irregularities are puttyed. As soon as this layer dries, the treated areas must be covered with a leveling layer. Using a primer suitable for drywall surfaces, you need to treat the base with it. It is recommended to choose a primer for these manipulations for moisture resistant drywall. Only then can you start

These works should be carried out at moderate air humidity and temperature in the range from +5 to +35 °C. The master should use a respirator or gauze bandage, as well as rubber gloves. After completion of work, the tool is washed, and the remains finishing material close tightly and store in a dry place. Sometimes plaster is used to restore a damaged layer.

Plastering the ceiling before wallpapering

If you are faced with the question of how to properly plaster drywall, which is installed on the ceiling, then it is important to familiarize yourself with the technology. For the reason that you will have to spend quite a lot of time under the ceiling, and the application of the compositions cannot be called convenient process, you should purchase a roller with an extension for the handle. With it, it will be possible to work at a height of up to 4 m.

We plaster drywall with our own hands in the ceiling area, picking up the mixture with a spatula from a container. The composition should be transferred to the trowel, and then firmly press the tool to the plane at an acute angle with respect to the surface. The plaster will be better if you use this method, abandoning the sprayer. A dense layer can be achieved only when using a powerful compressor. It is important that the movements are smooth, the direction can be any, the main requirement is that the composition be applied in a thin layer.

If necessary, the trowel must be drawn over the surface again. The next batch of plaster is applied without a gap, close to the first portion. The smaller the portions, the smaller the strokes should be, in the end this will achieve a better effect. As soon as the first layer dries, you can proceed to the formation of the finishing layer. It is necessary to carry out these works with a trowel, there should be more overlap strokes if you want to get a darker area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe coating. Instead of a trowel, craftsmen sometimes use other tools like textured rollers.


Drywall plastering is necessary when it is necessary to hide installation defects and cavities from fasteners, as well as joints between canvases. It should be remembered that the plaster is applied only after priming and puttying the surface. Once all layers are dry, you can proceed to the final leveling before wallpapering. It is important to close up the outer corners, which will also be finished with wallpaper.

The solution is applied to the corners in a minimal amount. It is important that it is enough only for the plane of the corner. The perforated profile is then applied to the corner and leveled using the building level. If you notice that the corner has sunk, then drywall construction was not assembled properly. You can correct the situation by placing more putty under the metal.

At its core, the unexpected question of how to plaster drywall is not a priority, since given material is just a dry variety of plasters. It is much more important to decide in advance on the finish, that is, it would be more correct to immediately ask yourself whether it is necessary to cover plaster composition perfectly flat surface? The answer will be yes if a decorative mixture is chosen as the finish.

What should be done before plastering drywall?

Usually, masters or the owners of apartments and houses themselves take on the complex and painstaking installation of profiles according to the level so that in the end, after the drywall sheets are fixed with screws, a flat surface is obtained. That is, they try to achieve with less labor the same result that is obtained after applying the liquid plaster mixture. And if one material is replaced by another, should they be combined? Quite if you prefer decorative plaster as a coating, rather than paint or wallpaper.

In this case, drywall will play the role of a perfectly prepared, leveled surface, however, given that this material is easily soaked, it is better to take waterproof sheets. And this is the first thing to take care of before plastering drywall. The second thing you need is a special deep penetration primer. As for the finishing finishing material, it is recommended to stop the choice on quick-drying mixtures, so that during the hardening of the coating, as little water as possible passes into the base sheets.

Step by step instructions with exclusive photos and video materials.

Foundation preparation process

Since it's about doing plastering works, we will assume that the drywall coating has already been installed with us. But before moving on to finishing surface must be carefully prepared. It would seem that the sheets are already perfectly smooth. However, if the sequence of their installation was observed to the smallest nuances, the screws must be deepened, and this already creates irregularities. Joint seams may not be completely smooth individual parts skins, and one should take into account the possibility that when creating curved structures, a spiked roller was used, after which a large number of notches were left. All these small surface imperfections should be eliminated.

Preparation of drywall coating for putty - step by step diagram

Step 1: Priming

To increase the adhesion of all subsequent finishing layers with which the drywall will be covered, we take a pre-prepared primer and carefully cover each square centimeter of the sheathing with it. For this purpose, you can use a wide brush or foam roller. Try not to wet the sheets too much, so as not to cause them to warp.

Step 2: Puttying the seams and attachment points

As a rule, putty is sold ready-made, so we open the container and take a trowel. We scoop the mixture in small portions and apply a thin layer both at the joints of the sheets and over the recessed screws, smoothing well. From above we impose a tape a serpyanka.

Step 3: Editing the Corners

Where sheets of drywall converge at an angle, internal or external, it is impossible to do without putty alone to level the flaws. Therefore, we use special aluminum perforated profiles, laying them on the corners covered with putty. The excess mixture that has come out through the holes is smoothed over the profiles, completely hiding them.

How to cover drywall?

After putty has been applied to the prepared surface, the walls (and the ceiling, if you want to process it too) are primed again in the same way that was described above. This is done so that the plaster lies well on the smoothed mixture, which hides all the irregularities. And if you have not yet reconsidered your decision in favor of wallpaper, you can start choosing finishing composition. You have few options - these can be paste-like mixtures with coarse-grained inclusions, or dry stone chips from mixed minerals of different colors.

Plasters with a high liquid content should only be applied to moisture-resistant drywall sheets to avoid buckling of the skin.

Having opted for the first option, you need to prepare a steel trowel with smooth surface and smooth edges or, for thinner formulations, a sprayer that allows the mixture to be applied in a uniform thin layer. But what to do with dry crumbs? It's simple, first the wall covering sheets are lubricated with a special adhesive mastic composition, and only then, using a sprayer on the base air compressor, stone grain is applied. However, since it has nothing to do with plasters, we will not consider this option further.

Do-it-yourself plastering of plasterboard walls - what should be done?

So, the surface is fully prepared, leveled, primed, and ahead of us final stage work - covering the walls, and possibly the ceiling, with a decorative stucco mixture. About what it should be, we talked about above, so there should be no problems with the purchase of finishing material, unless, of course, it is in the shops of your city. We need a trowel and a rectangular spatula, or a textured roller. Some techniques for applying the composition require a trowel.

Plastering plasterboard walls - step by step diagram

Step 1: Plastering the ceiling

When applied decorative composition both on the walls and on the ceiling, it is imperative to start from the latter, and only after finishing the ceiling, move on to vertical surfaces. Since it is inconvenient to work under the ceiling, and it will take a lot of time to move scaffolding or ladders, it is recommended to use a roller with a special extension for the handle, which allows you to work at a height of up to 4 meters.

Step 2: First strokes

With a spatula, we collect a little mixture from the container and transfer it to the trowel, after which we firmly press it with the plane up at an acute angle to the surface. Do-it-yourself plastering of drywall walls is done better than with a sprayer (a dense layer is obtained only when using a powerful compressor). Movements should be smooth, any direction can be chosen, the main thing is to apply the composition in a thin layer. If necessary, we carry out the trowel again. The next batch of the mixture is applied almost without a gap, close to the first. The smaller the portion, the smaller the strokes, and the more beautiful the finish will be in the end.

Step 3: Second layer

When the strokes of the first layer dry up, you can move on to the second, finishing. It is applied either with the same trowel, and the more overlapping strokes are made, the darker the coating area will turn out, but if you can simply overlap the lower strokes and small gaps between them, the surface will be lighter. So you can create whole compositions by playing in semitones. Instead of a trowel, you can use textured roller, applying the composition directly to them and, as a result, not only a uniform, but also a relief coating.

Plaster on drywall can only be applied with a roller from the very first moment finishing works. In this case, you need to roll the textured nozzle directly over the composition poured into a small trough (sometimes rollers are sold with such trays), and then apply it to the wall in one motion from the bottom up. If the layer applied with a trowel sometimes needs to be treated with a trowel, then after the roller the surface does not need to be smoothed, the finish is final. For frescoes, plaster is applied exclusively with a trowel.

Dry leveling of walls allows you to quickly eliminate surface defects and significantly speed up repairs. But after it, unsightly joints remain, self-tapping screws are visible - therefore, drywall plastering is required. The surface is finished partially (masking joints), or completely ().

In this article, we will consider the main ones for drywall, the features of their choice, as well as the technology for applying them to sheathed walls and ceilings.

How to finish plasterboard walls and ceilings

GCR is a simple and inexpensive way to level surfaces. Sheets are attached to a special crate, which allows you to quickly process large areas, mask irregularities, provide additional sound insulation.

Advice: if in the room high humidity, it is better to choose moisture-proof material.

Moisture resistant sheets have a green-blue tint

Preparatory work

Rough plaster on drywall boards performed after applying a primer composition, which will enhance adhesion to the surface. The screws are pre-deepened so that they do not form irregularities, the recesses are eliminated.

Attention: do not wet the sheets with a primer too abundantly, this can cause their deformation.

Leveling the surface with a starting mixture - do-it-yourself plastering of plasterboard walls

Next is performed Preliminary processing attachment points and seams between sheets. The dowels are masked with a thin layer of the mixture, the joints between the drywall plates are reinforced with a special reinforcing mesh tape and plastered. A spatula is drawn across the joints, and then along them. After the putty dries, its remnants are removed by grinding.

On a note: drywall primer plaster is prepared immediately before application, as it quickly hardens.

Banding joints will protect the surface from cracking

The outer corners at which the drywall sheets converge are reinforced with aluminum perforated corners. They are placed on the puttied corners, and covered with a layer of the mixture on top.

Strengthening the corners before puttying will protect them from deformation during operation

Drywall walls depend on the type of finish. Dense wallpaper can be glued, closing only the seams between the sheets. Under thin canvases, it is necessary to putty the surface completely 2 times. Plastering drywall for painting is carried out in 2-3 layers.

First, a small amount of the mixture is collected on a spatula, transferred to a trowel and applied to the surface at an acute angle, distributing it in a thin layer. Movements are made in any direction, the main thing is that they are smooth, uniform.

Please note: there is no need to take breaks between applying the starting and finishing putty- thin layer gypsum mixture dries quickly.

Applying a rough layer of plaster on GKL

The finishing layer of putty is applied with the same trowel. The more overlapping strokes are applied, the darker and denser the coating will be.

The last layer of plaster is designed to hide all the errors and irregularities that have arisen during roughing.

After drying, the ceiling and walls are polished. To do this, use a grater with a grinding grid, or a grinder with a dust suction function.

Advice: when grinding, it is better to use a respirator, or a bandage, to protect yourself from dust.

Sanding will eliminate all irregularities and prepare the surface for finishing.

Read more about how to do-it-yourself plasterboard ceiling plastering - video:

The choice of decorative plaster for drywall, which is better

How to finish GKL? To give relief to surfaces, decorative plaster on drywall is ideal. It is a paste of a homogeneous structure, or interspersed with small / large grains, stone chips.

Advice: for finishing, quick-drying mixtures are selected, the moisture from which will not pass into the base sheets.

October 9, 2016
Specialization: master of internal and outdoor decoration(plaster, putty, tile, drywall, lining, laminate and so on). In addition, plumbing, heating, electrical, conventional cladding and balcony extensions. That is, repairs in an apartment or house were done on a turnkey basis with all necessary types works.

To begin with, if you are thinking about the question of how to plaster drywall under wallpaper, then this is not necessary. Here, only the sealing of seams and irregularities that are on the plane is important.

For the front finish, you just need flat wall and nothing more, and the GCR is just such a structure. That is why I propose to sort everything out in order: how to level the wall, how to seal the seams and, finally, how to plaster the surface of the drywall.

Drywall finishing

Seam sealing

Abbreviation View General characteristics Where applicable Surface color Marking color

Ordinary No special properties For rooms with normal humidity conditions Grey Blue

moisture resistant Covered with impregnated cardboard, has antifungal and hydrophobic additives in the core material For rooms with normal and high humidity conditions Green Blue

fire retardant Has special reinforcing additives in the core material Near heaters and open flames Pink Red

Moisture resistant and flame retardant Combination of GKLV and GKLO properties The combination of the use of GKLV and GKLO Grey Blue

Table of varieties of drywall

So, as I said, there is no point in plastering drywall, since wallpaper and paint can be applied directly to it. However, the seams must be sealed so that there are no drops.

When leveling surfaces using GKL, there are some nuances that I will dwell on in more detail:

  • for wallpapering, you need a flat surface, and for this you need to get rid of the joints. Most often, this is a PLUK edge - a thin-type fold that can be filled with putty;
  • during normal installation, the joints are sealed with putty with reinforcement with PVC tape, which is glued directly to the paper - there is an adhesive side;
  • the instruction warns - for rigidity, reinforcement must be provided, although it can be carried out not only with a sickle, but also with paper tape;

In my opinion, it is much better to use paper tape for the front, since it is much easier to plaster the surface with it. The fact is that it is thin and you can easily putty on it without noticing the differences.


If you are interested in the question of whether it is necessary to plaster drywall under the wallpaper, then you are deeply mistaken - you have an excellent flat surface, therefore, there is a base. If you apply putty, you will simply get extra work - isogypsum will take money from you, but at the same time you will not get anything in a technological sense.

However, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to plaster drywall with your own hands will be positive - yes, you can. And in some cases even necessary.

For example, if you want to paint a room, especially lighter shades, then it is best to apply a layer of putty, as in the photo above. In this case, color differences will not be visible on the finished surface.

But again, the answer to the question of whether it is necessary to plaster GKL cannot be unambiguous - everything is done at your discretion and based on the specific situation.

If you decide to take action on how to plaster drywall, then the plaster layer should be no more than 0.5-1.0 mm.

In this case, it does not matter at all where the spatula blade will be directed - the main thing is that there are no grooves and grooves left.

What matters is the angle at which you hold the spatula to the surface - the larger (dumbder) it is, the thicker the layer will be and vice versa, respectively.

You can also apply decorative plaster on drywall. You can take any putty and use it on flat surface. The fact is that GKL is already dry plaster of the walls, but you just have to add uniqueness to it, for example, cover it with bark beetle.

There are no differences in how to plaster a ceiling or a wall, but, as I mentioned, any work on the surface of the ceiling is somewhat more difficult, since you need to pull your hands up. In any case, the joints need to be sealed. You can use both sickle and paper tape here.

If the room is large, the GKL is hemmed in a checkerboard pattern, as in the top image. This avoids cracking at the joints. This method is especially relevant if you live near an airfield, railway or a busy highway.

But here the question of how to plaster the ceiling, or rather, how to do it correctly, again rests on the sealing of the seams - you need to start with them:

  • first you prime the seams;
  • seal them with paper tape or sickle;
  • let dry;
  • then cover the entire area with finishing putty.

In the photo - the result of the right actions

I would also like to say that ceilings are puttied in 99% of cases, they are usually prepared for painting. Only as an exception, they are pasted over with wallpaper or tiles, and the price in such a situation varies depending on the cost of the materials.

You can, of course, paint drywall, but you will need to apply 4-5 layers of paint, while putty - only one or two.

I draw your attention to the fact that the plaster is the leveling of the surface, and the plasterboard is already leveling it, so the putty is needed here only as a decor. It also makes no sense to use starting powder mixtures - immediately work with the finishing mixture.
And one more important point- it is advisable to do all the work (I mean one plane - a wall or ceiling) at a time so that there is no docking. This is especially important for decorative plasters - if they are connected, it will be noticeable even to the naked eye.


So, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to apply decorative plaster (or ordinary) on drywall will be positive. However, you should determine if there is a need for this. There are no two opinions here either - there can only be an overrun of material and labor costs.

If you have specific questions on this topic, then ask us on the site forum or in the comments. And before that, watch the video in this article, here you will find visual information.

Sometimes during the repair of a room whose walls are sheathed drywall sheets, the question arises - how to plaster drywall?

Despite the apparent simplicity, the question is far from being idle, since drywall is often called "dry plaster".

It is in the intricacies of a rather complex and ambiguous relationship between coating and plaster that we will try to understand this material.

So first and main question Can drywall be plastered?

To date, consensus on this issue, Unfortunately no. Many experts are inclined to believe that plastering such surfaces (and even more so if the wall is made of a fairly cheap, non-moisture resistant sheet) is impossible in any case.

Sooner or later, the base, under the influence of moisture from the composition and its rather large mass, is deformed, which will lead to cracking of the layer.

However, there is an alternative opinion, which says that it is possible to plaster drywall. If you're careful, of course.

IN this case"carefully" means, first of all:

  • exclusively on a moisture resistant sheet.
  • Use of special deep penetration primers.
  • The distribution of the mass in thin layers in several steps.

The only exception, in respect of which experts show unanimous opinion,. It is not only possible, but also necessary, to apply it to the sheet, such a mass is one of the most popular materials for wall decoration.

Determining the need for plaster

As you probably already understood, drywall plastering is a rather difficult task with sometimes unpredictable results. Such are the characteristics of the sheet, it can really deform under a thick layer of finish. Or maybe stay for years.

So, when do you need to plaster?

  • If the wall cladding has significant curvature or displacement, finishing this problem will not solve it, and in the future it can significantly aggravate it. If you have become the “happy” owner of such a wall, it is better not to deal with the consequences, but to eliminate the cause. Serious distortions can only be corrected by remounting, with the replacement of sheets with moisture resistant ones.
  • But minor irregularities in the skin can still be plastered. It also makes sense to apply the mixture over dents and pre-putty seams.
  • Well, the only case (we already mentioned it above) is the use decorative coating. There are practically no restrictions here, since the decorative mass is applied, as a rule, in a fairly thin layer, and its composition ensures rapid polymerization and drying.

And compliance with the technology of application to the base does not lead to negative consequences.

So, suppose you have already decided whether drywall needs to be plastered, whether putty can be dispensed with. It remains to choose the most suitable technology and composition of the mixture. Let's get started.

Application technology

When applying, the technology of work should be observed, the slightest violations can lead to undesirable consequences.

Preparing walls for finishing

  • We clean the surface of dust, which inevitably forms during its installation. An industrial vacuum cleaner is best suited for this, but if it is not available, you can remove dust with improvised means.
  • The next stage is the putty of seams, joints and irregularities. For putty, both ready-made and dry putty mixtures can be used. If dry mixes are used, prepare them immediately before work.
  • First, we fill the cavities of the seams and large irregularities with putty. After the putty has hardened, apply a leveling layer.

  • Now you can proceed to the key stage of preparation - the primer.


For substrates, special primer mixes are used (such as Tiefgrund LF or similar). Such primers penetrate deep into the thickness of the base and strengthen it, providing adhesion to the mixtures.

For best effect at this stage, it is better to use acrylate primers, which have vapor-permeable properties (do not isolate water vapor).

We apply the primer in one layer with a roller or brush (for walls with a small area).

Note! Work on drywall is carried out only after the primer is completely dry! For acrylate primers, the drying time is 1-2 hours.

After the seams are puttied and the primer is applied, you can proceed to leveling the walls.

Applying plaster

Do-it-yourself plaster distribution instructions:

The mass is applied in a thin layer (not thicker than 2-3 mm) using wide spatula or a metal spatula. If the plaster is used to level deep irregularities, the distribution is carried out in several stages. Remember that in this case it is better to apply 3-4 layers of a few millimeters than 1 thick layer at once.

Not any plaster is suitable for finishing plasterboard surfaces. It is best to use mixtures based on a gypsum binder (for example, Knauf Rotband). In order for the finish to “keep” better, you can use a fiberglass mesh with a 5 mm cell.

After the plaster layer is completely dry, you can start finishing the plasterboard walls. In this case, it is better to use vapor-permeable materials for finishing, which do not prevent water vapor from escaping from under the finish.

Decorative plaster plasterboard

For finishing plasterboard surfaces, it is better to use fine-grained decorative plaster. This is due to the fact that the laying of coarse-grained fractions requires the application of a sufficiently thick layer, and in the case of plasterboard walls this is undesirable.

The process takes place as follows:

The drywall base must be dry and clean. Before starting work, the surface should be completely dust-free.

After the surface is dust-free, we proceed to puttying the seams. We fill the seams with putty in several stages, providing sufficient time for the coating to dry and polymerize. As a result, the seams and irregularities must be puttied in the same plane as the drywall.

Note! When leveling the surface of drywall for decorative plastering, you can not achieve such a smooth surface as when leveling for painting. The texture of the plaster hides all the irregularities well.

We apply an acrylate primer to the puttied base. For decorative plastering, the same primers are used as for finishing ordinary drywall lime plaster. The primer is applied in one step, in one layer.

We apply plaster on the primed drywall. Application is carried out with a spatula or trowel, with a layer of 2-3 mm.

Immediately after the plaster is applied, we proceed to the formation of the relief. We form the relief using a sponge, a hard brush with a sparse pile, trowels, curly spatulas.

Note! When applying decorative plaster on a gypsum board base, do not apply excessive force during the formation of the relief. This can lead to deformation of the drywall.

Further processing (painting, coating protective composition) can be carried out only after the final drying of the surface.

Summing up

Now you know how to properly plaster drywall. In order to more accurately understand the technological and practical matter, presented on our website detailed photo instruction in which you will find necessary information on this issue. Good luck!

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