Is the facade spatula suitable for filling wide. How to choose a spatula: description and types, classification and characteristics, cost, tips, rules of use, areas of application. What putty is better to putty walls and how to choose it

November 15, 2016
Specialization: master in construction drywall constructions, finishing works oh and stacking floor coverings. Installation of door and window blocks, facade finishing, installation of electrics, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

If you decide to do rough finish on your own, you will need a good tool. Today I will tell you how to choose a spatula for putty, since the quality of work directly depends on this device. We will consider the main varieties of products and figure out what you should pay attention to when buying one or another option.

Types of tools and their features

Now let's deal with specific options, just read the information to decide which one is best for your case. Something is used more often, something less often, it all depends on the specifics of the work performed.

Option 1 - painting spatula

This type of product has a blade from 2 to 15 cm wide and a handle and is used for two purposes:

  • As an aid to working with wide spatulas. This type of product is often called a spatula and is used to apply the composition and spread it over wide blades;

  • For puttying hard-to-reach areas, seams and curved surfaces. Narrow spatulas are great for all of the above operations, they can be used to correct work in difficult areas and level the composition on small surfaces;

Now let's figure out how to choose the best option:

  • First of all, pay attention to the blade, it should be even, if the working surface is curved, then it is better to look for another tool. It is best to use a trapezoidal spatula, triangular products are less reliable and bend more during operation (although if they are made of thick metal, then they can also be considered);

In an amateur tool, the thickness of the metal on the blade is 0.5-0.6 mm; in a professional tool, a sheet of 1 mm or more is used. Naturally, the second option is preferable, but if you need to finish one room, then you can not overpay and choose simpler and cheaper options.

  • The handle can be made of ordinary plastic, or it can be covered with special anti-slip rubber and have an ergonomic shape. Naturally, the price of this also changes very much, the cheapest options cost from 30 rubles, and professional products can be valued at more than 1000 rubles. When choosing, pay attention to the shape of the handle - it should be short and wide, it is much more convenient to use;

It is up to you to decide which spatula is better in your case, if there is a lot of work, then more expensive professional options are preferable, but if the putty is one-time, then you can get by with a budget solution.

Option 2 - facade spatulas

If you ask professionals what kind of spatula is better to putty walls or ceilings, they will definitely call the facade spatula. This type of tool allows you to quickly and efficiently distribute the solution on flat surfaces, but high quality work can only be achieved if high-quality fixtures are used.

The requirements here are much higher than in the first case, since high loads are placed on the structure during operation. Let's deal with the main features of this type of tool:

  • The blade width can be from 200 to 800 mm, but I advise you to work with devices from 300 to 450 mm, this range provides a fairly high quality work with normal performance. Not even all professionals can handle options of 600 mm and above, not to mention those who first decided to putty the walls with their own hands;

  • There are professional and amateur product lines, in the first case the tool has an ergonomic rubberized handle and a thick blade, in the second the handle is made of cheap plastic, and the working part is made of thin metal. It is up to you to decide which spatula to putty the walls with, a simple option is enough for a couple of rooms, for more serious volumes it is better to get a more serious device;

  • The cost depends on the type of construction and the quality of the materials used, most simple options cost from 70 rubles, and professional devices will cost you 500 rubles and more.

Now I will tell you how to choose a quality product, since there are so many marriages among the facade spatulas that sometimes you have to go through more than a dozen options. All aspects are presented in the table.

Aspect Description
Blade quality For finishing putty, you need an option not with a flexible, but with a rigid blade, so that it does not repeat all the surface flaws, but evenly distributes the composition.

Pay special attention to checking the plane - the edge of the working part should be perfectly even, very often on sale such options as in the photo above, especially if we are talking about the cheap segment of products

Handle type Rubberized options are much more convenient than conventional plastic ones, also great importance has the shape and size of a handle. It is most convenient to use a tool in which the handle is tilted
Workmanship Here you need to pay attention first of all to how the handle and blade are connected, the mount must be strong and reliable. If there is even the slightest backlash, then you should not buy such a spatula

If during the work you bent the spatula, then do not try to straighten it, it is much easier to buy new tool, since it is impossible to align the blade to the ideal.

Since this is the main working device, I want to give a few recommendations for work:

  • All streaks of mortar and other elements that interfere with work should be removed from the surface. They not only degrade the quality of work, but can also damage the spatula;
  • It is important that the putty has an optimal consistency, in which case it is much better to apply it and the quality of the work is higher. Choose the best option for yourself, you will see for yourself what consistency is most convenient for you to work with;
  • The composition must be applied correctly, it is distributed along the edge of the blade with a narrow spatula, after which it is distributed evenly along the wall or. The photo below shows how to properly hold the spatula when puttying the walls, and under the photo there is a diagram showing the application process. Everything is simple, and in order to achieve good result, need a little practice;

  • Immediately after finishing work, be sure to wash the tool, if you do this later, you can scratch or even damage the blade.

Summarizing which spatula to choose for the walls, we can draw the following conclusion: it is best to use a tool with a width of 300-450 mm with a hard, even blade and an ergonomic handle.

Option 3 - corner spatulas

From my experience, I can tell you that it is the finishing of corners that causes the greatest difficulties for inexperienced professionals. It is sometimes difficult to bring out an even connection of walls or abutment of a ceiling, but if you use a special tool, then work will pass much faster.

Let's look at the main features of such devices:

  • There are two types of spatulas - for internal and external corners. It is very easy to distinguish them: in the tool for internal corners, the handle is attached inside the structure, and in the version for external corners, the handle is attached from the outside, this difference is clearly visible in the photo above;
  • The tool consists of an angle-forming working part and a handle, the width of the working sides must be at least 70 mm;
  • As for the cost, it starts from 150 rubles and can reach several hundred per product. There is a cheaper tool, but its reliability is highly questionable.

  • The working part must be very rigid, if the sides bend, then you will not be able to form an even angle;
  • The fastening of the handle must be reliable, take the tool in your hand, if it is inconvenient, then it is better to look for something else.

Option 4 - Japanese spatula

This type of tool is very different in configuration from traditional options, let's look at its features:

  • The spatula is a rectangular plate, on one side of which a plastic-handle-holder is attached. The products are very simple and reliable;
  • Most often, fixtures are sold in sets of 4 pieces and have a width of 60, 80, 100 and 120 mm. Each type is needed certain works, but, as practice shows, the most commonly used options are 100 and 120 mm. As for the cost, the set is inexpensive - 120-200 rubles;
  • For this tool, the blade must be resilient and flexible, this is very important, so it is worth checking how quality metal used and whether the structure deforms when bent.

You can also choose a normal tool according to the aspects described above, but we will figure out what kind of work such a spatula is suitable for:

  • Finishing arches and structures of complex shape with convex or concave surfaces. Such a spatula is indispensable for any bases with complex relief;
  • Work in confined spaces – thanks to its shape and small size the tool can be used almost anywhere;
  • Applying a thin layer of putty - you can dose the composition with such a device much more accurately than with traditional options.

Option 5 - rubber spatula

If you think that a rubber spatula for putty is not suitable, then it is not. This tool is indispensable for finishing complex-shaped planes, as well as for filling minor damage and cracks on the surface.

Also, such devices are suitable for applying compositions with a thick consistency, they stretch them over the surface with a thin, even layer. As for the features of the tool, they are as follows:

  • The sizes of devices can be very different, the width varies from 2 to 20, or even more centimeters. A specific solution is selected individually, depending on the specifics of the work performed;

  • The material of manufacture can be rubber of different hardness, for work it is better to use denser options, it is inconvenient to apply the composition with too flexible spatulas;
  • Products can be with a standard handle, or they can be without it - with a thickening at the base like Japanese spatulas. Again, this is more a matter of convenience than functionality.

In terms of use, these tools are best suited for such situations:

  • Applying putty on arches and other concave structures;
  • Sealing corner joints and other joints in hard-to-reach places;

  • When puttying uneven surfaces where irregularities should remain, thanks to the tool repeats the outlines of the plane, and does not fill in the depressions.


Based on this information, you can easily determine which spatula you need in a given situation. The video in this article will explain in more detail some important nuances, and if you have questions on the selection and use of devices, then write them in the comments, I will definitely answer.

November 15, 2016

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Wall puttying is a common process that covers both rough work and finishing cladding.

For quality performance repair work use spatulas that differ in shape, size and purpose. Today we will consider which spatula to choose for wall puttying, how to avoid the appearance of stripes from the spatula during wall puttying, and how to work with a spatula correctly when puttying walls with your own hands.

Getting to know the tool

Each of us is familiar with a spatula, because the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits use is not limited to puttying. The tool is used to spread and smooth the building mixture on the surface, remove old paint if you want to remove the wallpaper. Spatulas are used when laying tiles and grouting joints between them, laying bricks or cinder blocks, in addition, with its help, small wall defects are detected. The classification of a construction tool is carried out not only according to its purpose, but also according to the material of its manufacture. A spatula for puttying walls for professional and non-professional purposes is divided into the following:

  • Metal
  • Plastic
  • Rubber

Important! In order to do the job professionally, you need to use the right spatula. The peculiarity of most tools is that they can be used not for their intended purpose, but for a wide range of actions.

Choosing a staple in the store (video)


Puttying surfaces is performed using a variety of blades, which differ in their purpose:

  • Painting - necessary for high-quality finishing. It is easy to work with it, and outwardly it resembles a trapezoid with a plastic handle. The spatula is used in the process of leveling the surface after putting putties on, when it is necessary to repair a crack or dent in the wall or mask the seam between the GCR boards. If you need to putty a structure with a complex shape, then the paint spatula will become indispensable assistant. Among the advantages of the tool, a flexible but elastic blade and a thin plate are distinguished. Production material - stainless steel.
  • Facade - a feature that is used both for external and for internal works. It resembles a trapezoid in shape, while the width varies from thirty to sixty centimeters. Carbon steel is used as the material for the blade - it has increased strength and resistance to bending. Using a wooden or plastic handle, the mixture can be applied to large surfaces.

  • Corner - the name speaks for itself. very necessary and handy spatula when it is necessary to putty corners inside or outside the house. In its original form, the tool creates a 90 degree angle

Important! Many are interested in which spatula is better for puttying walls? It is necessary to choose the type and dimensions based on future processes, while it is better to abandon aluminum tools. They are short-lived and require additional care.

Varieties of narrow use

There are spatulas aimed at a narrow range of uses. This is their advantage, because the tools make it possible to save Consumables and create drawings and patterns on the walls. The spatula-scraper has a flexible blade, which makes it possible to remove excess material from the finished surface. Rubber elements are used for sealants and decoration of tile joints.

Curly ones allow you to create drawings and patterns on the basis of decorative plasters, and jagged ones are used for applying adhesive solution. It should be noted that notched trowels differ in their width, which is 100, 200, 300 mm, and it is allowed to work with them only on level ground. Spatula for puttying walls with characteristics for selection by size:

In order to choose a spatula was a little easier, pay attention to the table. Before buying a tool, check the blade for geometry and the handle for strength:

Important! good manufacturer always gives a guarantee for their product.

Among the names of building tools, there are often those that we use in Everyday life. For example, a trowel for working with putty is a trowel that has a long and narrow shape and is used to smooth large areas. In the photo and video lesson, professionals tell you how to work with large spatulas and how to properly hold spatulas when puttying walls.

Often, when applying the starting plaster on the walls, stripes remain, if they are insignificant, then you should not worry. All stripes break off perfectly under the finishing solution. In addition, do not mix the solution on for a long time, otherwise dry particles will appear in the mixture and when working with a spatula they will appear on the walls in the form of scratches. If you choose the right trowel and perform all the plastering work according to the technology, then the coating will last for many years.

It is used for leveling the surface with a plaster mixture, masonry ceramic tiles, stripping, other operations.

By appearance spatula for puttying walls resembles a shovel. It consists of a steel, rubber, wooden work surface, as well as a rubberized plastic handle.


There are several types of hand tools for finishing. They differ in the shape of the working blade and handle, in the material of manufacture, and in the technological purpose. There are models designed to perform a wide range of tasks, there are narrow specializations. For example, a spatula for puttying walls consists of a flat steel spatula, a wooden or plastic handle. Consider the main types:

  • facade
  • Painting
  • Angular
  • Spatula-scraper


Used for internal and exterior finish. It consists of a comfortable plastic handle and a reliable blade. The cloth is made of high-strength steel which practically does not bend, is not scratched.

The working plate is made in the shape of a trapezoid, which makes working with the tool more convenient. Its width is 300-600 millimeters. It is not replaceable when working on large areas. High carbon steel is used to make the working surface.

Plasterers often use a combination of façade and painting hand tools. Using a paint spatula, the solution is applied to the facade, and then stretched along the wall. During finishing, the opposite is true. The solution is scooped up with a facade spatula, and then it is applied to the wall with a paint spatula.


Compact hand tool, which is used for finishing, where it is not the volume that comes to the fore, but the accuracy and evenness of applying the mortar mixture. In form, it differs little from the facade. The handle is made of plastic. The working part is made of durable, flexible steel with a pointed outer edge. The shape of the canvas is trapezoidal.

It has a wide range of applications:

  • Final surface treatment after applying the main layer of plaster
  • Sealing seams between sheet facing material
  • Sealing of small irregularities, cracks in a monolithic surface, mechanical dents
  • Work in hard-to-reach places

There are several parameters that distinguish it from the facade:

  • Working area width. It is in the range of 20-200 mm, which is less than that of a facade spatula
  • A thinner and more flexible metal is used to make a paint spatula.
  • canvas painting tool from stainless steel. While for the facade counterpart, high-carbon steel is the best option.


A highly specialized tool for working with right angles. It consists of two steel plates connected at right angles and a plastic handle. The scope is limited to puttying of internal corners. This is a time-consuming task that requires professional skills. Builders to perform this type of work often use the usual facade or painting.


Used only to remove fresh streaks plaster mortar. The specifics of the application area affects its design features. This is a narrow 50-70 mm tool with a solid working area made of thick hardened steel.

Application area

The main rule is that each stage of finishing work requires its own tool with a certain width of the working part:

  • Large spatulas with a wide working area of ​​250-600 mm are used in the first stage of leveling a wall or ceiling. They are designed for one-time application of a thick layer. plaster mixture. This allows you to quickly level the surface, repair large potholes, chips. The work of the tool is called "rough" alignment
  • Spatulas with a working area width of 150-250 mm are widely used for primary finishing with respect to flat surface. A medium sized tool performs the same operations as a large one, only with less energy. They make it easier for a novice finisher to work
  • Spatulas with a narrow working area of ​​50-100 mm are used for finishing. With their help, small irregularities and chips are repaired, and work is also carried out in hard-to-reach places.

Selection rules

Hardware stores are literally littered with tools from different manufacturers, cheap and expensive. Here are some tips to help you separate the bad from the good:

  1. Pen. In a good model, it fits comfortably in the hand, does not bend. On the surface there is no flow of plastic, burrs. You should not stop at the option with a black molded handle made of cheap plastic. This is an indication of poor quality;
  2. The length should correspond to the task and not complicate the work. Too long will bend, short will touch the hand;
  3. The form of the canvas. The best option for classic plaster and putty - this is a trapezoid;
  4. Canvas quality. Flexibility is the main indicator good tool. If the blade flexes too much when pressed, the mortar will fall off. Too rigid working part may burst under pressure. The best option is a blade that is slightly springy;
  5. Canvas material. Most practical option Is this stainless steel. It is not destroyed by water, it is easily cleaned from the solution. There are cheap models simple iron. They are characterized by low quality, short service life;
  6. A quality model has a blunt blade.

Manufacturers can be divided according to the level of trust and popularity among ordinary users:

  • The most rated, expensive and high-quality tools are produced by Sheetrock, Stayer, Anza
  • In the middle segment, in terms of price and quality, Kraftool, Bison can be distinguished
  • Fit, Brigadier stand out in the budget segment

In the process of repairing an apartment or house, a lot of tools are used. And perhaps the main role here is played by a spatula - without it it will not be possible to simply and quickly remove old wallpaper, to apply a putty mortar with high quality. There are many types of these tools - let's look at what a spatula should be for puttying walls.

Everyone has heard something about this tool, but not everyone knows what it is and how it looks. Consultants in building supermarkets must have encountered such buyers more than a dozen times.

A spatula is a German word that means "shovel" in Russian. The tool is a small spatula made of various materials with a handle. The spatula is used to remove old wallpaper, putty, old paint, to apply various solutions to the surface, including cement. A spatula is needed for puttying walls, floors, installing tiles, grouting joints, when laying bricks. With this simple device correct small defects on delicate surfaces.

In addition to the fact that the spatulas are divided according to the features of the application, they are also classified depending on the material from which they are made. So, there are metal, rubber, and plastic tools.

Even from the name you can understand that this tool is intended for puttying, but it is used for a variety of jobs.

You should choose fixtures according to the type of work, and at each stage you may need tools of different types. Consider what spatulas are needed for puttying.

This tool is intended for applying to the surface and subsequent leveling of mixtures for plaster and putty. In this case, the size of the surface should be significant - then the spatula will be as effective as possible. Differences of this type in increased strength. The canvas has high rigidity, and is made of anodized steel alloys.

The canvas is fixed in an aluminum profile, which minimizes the risk of its deformation and distortion during operation, increases the level of reliability and durability. The handle is most often soft, made of two-component plastic thermal rubber - it allows you to work with the tool as conveniently as possible. The facade spatula can have a width of 150 to 800 mm. The cost of these products is higher than the price of other analogues, but this is due to high quality and higher loads during use.

This tool, unlike facade models, has a thinner canvas. It is much more flexible and springy. The handle can be made of wood or rubber. Due to the flexibility of the working blade, it is possible not only to conveniently apply putty mixtures on any type of surface, but also to remove old wallpaper or layers of paint without a trace.

The scope of the painting spatula is the final stage of finishing work. They apply and level the putty, close up the cracks, perform minor repairs concrete walls.

However, due to the smaller thickness of the blade during intensive use, this spatula has a lower resource. In addition, not always the blade is made of stainless steel. Often, for the sake of economy, manufacturers use ordinary steel, which further reduces the service life. Spatula sizes - from 20 to 450 mm.

This tool has a narrow purpose. It is necessary only for applying glue to various surfaces. The teeth on the blade allow you to distribute adhesive composition as evenly as possible, reduce overspending, remove excess mixture. This ensures a strong grip.

The size of the blade and the depth of the teeth are selected according to the type of surfaces and materials. for tiles large sizes a spatula with a larger tooth should be used. Ceramics are laid on a shallower furrow.

This spatula for puttying walls is used only for leveling corners - internal and external. The blade is made of stainless steel and both sides are at right angles to each other. A very popular instrument inside corner. It is used when leveling the joints between walls, as well as between the floor and ceiling.

But since right angles are not precisely maintained so often, the process of working with this spatula is not always convenient. At the outer joints are now installed decorative corners. Therefore, the outdoor tool has lost its relevance.

These devices are made from durable, but elastic types of rubber. They may be the most different forms and sizes. This spatula does not have any joints or joints, as it is made from a single piece of rubber. The working surface of the tool is thin and quite flexible. Due to it, putty mixtures can be applied to very delicate surfaces.

This spatula is convenient for grouting, sealing scratches or dents on walls, floors. With it, you can apply putty in a thin layer. Spatula sizes can vary from 40 to 100 mm. They are sold in sets of three or five. These sets are the most popular sizes.

Models with a wide working part up to 200 mm are used to work with liquid mixtures. They are convenient to use on large areas for finishing. These models are equipped with a handle made of wood or rubber.

Among the standard spatulas for puttying walls, a special group of tools can be distinguished - they are designed for decorative plaster. Often to work with decorative finishing materials use a trowel. This device has four faces - they are all working. The tool allows you to conveniently apply to the surface decorative putty making patterns. The device is equipped with a comfortable handle made of wood or rubber. A trowel is nothing more than a Venetian embossed spatula.

You can create relief on a surface with special grater. It is used not only to work with these types of putty, but also with bark beetle. The second type of spatula is a spatula with a blade polished on both sides. It is not much different from the usual small painting. Venetian embossed spatula can have a width of 80 mm and above. The working part must be made of stainless steel.

Any tool is a work plate and a pen. The plate can be metal, plastic or rubber. Among the huge number of species, non-professional disposable models and more serious specimens are also distinguished. So, a non-professional spatula is distinguished by a thinner plate, as well as a plastic handle.

Professional spatulas for puttying walls are distinguished by a thicker plate, 1 mm thick. It does not deform at the slightest load and has a much longer resource.

As for the sizes, there are several standard and important dimensions. The length is not as important as the width. This parameter is selected individually according to the type of work performed. A long instrument, like a very short one, is not quite good choice. During the puttying process, a long plate will bend. This will negatively affect the result.

As for the width, for most construction spatulas optimal size the width is considered to be 100-150 mm. You should also have a facade tool with a width of 300 to 400 mm. For application putty mixtures use models with a plate width of 20 to 80 cm. A narrow tool allows you to process hard-to-reach places. Models up to 30 cm are used to level small surfaces. You can fix large defects on the walls with a large spatula - its width is more than 30 cm. Models with a width of more than 60 cm perform the starting putty.

With a large number of proposals for construction market pick up suitable tool hard enough. When choosing, you should pay attention to some important parameters.

Remember that on a short, stiff and thick handle, elasticity should not be created when pressing on the plate. A spatula with a plastic handle would be much more practical. It is easier to clean from putty.

The second important parameter is the shape and strength of the working part. If the blade has bad geometry, all the work will have to be redone. A good spatula is only professional tool. Finishers use these for about 4 years every day. But if you need to make a small repair, the purchase of such a device is not justified. Although, despite this, it is still better to purchase this tool, because cheaper options will often have to be changed. It is recommended to use a set of spatulas of different sizes at once.

Especially popular among consumers are the tools of such brands as Matrix, Santol, Khoma, Eurolex. Among domestic manufacturers we can single out the Zubr company. Reviews note that the tools from this company are different good quality. And the cost of spatulas TM "Zubr" is an order of magnitude lower than that of imported analogues.

So, we found out what a spatula is, where and how it is used. This is a useful (and sometimes indispensable) tool for finishing work.

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