Mosaic and tile bathroom decoration. Mosaic in the bathroom with your own hands. How to tile curved surfaces with mosaic tiles

To give a unique appearance to each room, certain design techniques are used. To date, the mosaic in the bathroom gives even the most ordinary interior a touch of attractiveness, originality, and sophistication. However, all this happens only when the mosaic panel is laid with all the subtleties, and the overall design of the bathroom is carefully thought out in advance. Currently, bathroom mosaics are an effective tool for decorating a room.

Ceramic tiles of small sizes can even lay out uneven sections of the wall or floor. Moreover, the mosaic picture will become a real highlight for your room. The process of designing a bathroom space is distinguished by its scrupulousness, complexity, and laboriousness. This is due to the fact that such a method must take into account every detail, whether it be appearance, a variety of shades or the total number of elements. In addition, the laid out floor is equipped with a heating system.

Types and characteristics

Mosaic in the bathroom is made from various raw materials, ranging from stone, smalt or glass, ending with metal, ceramics or porcelain stoneware. For special occasions, other materials, even very rare ones, can be used, such as artificial aquamarine, gilded foil, mother-of-pearl, as well as precious stones. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, however, they are all used as a floor or wall finish. Types of mosaics in the bathroom:

Application possibilities

It is no secret that bathroom mosaics are used for various purposes and needs. This is due to both performance and appearance. There are individual tile inserts, common panels, as well as combined options. Therefore, the possibilities of using mosaics become very wide, which is actively used by experienced designers. To do this, you need to be aware of what and in what form you want to decorate. The tile is suitable for the following:

  • wall decoration;
  • laying the floor;
  • lining in the form of an apron;
  • creating built-in niches;
  • design of non-standard forms and more.

Often, in many houses and apartments, bathrooms do not differ in large dimensions or are not even divided into a separate bathroom and toilet. As a rule, a well-chosen mosaic is able to visually expand a limited space, as well as visually divide it into different zones. For example, a good option is to tile the wall in front of a large mirror with ceramic tiles.

Mosaic elements, in addition to the visual breakdown of the room, create separate functional areas. To do this, a partial wall decoration is carried out in the same tone as the floor, which gives a feeling of a smooth transition between levels. The rest of the surface can be tiled with ordinary tiles. Also, framed areas look stylish individually or in combination in the form of even or distorted stripes.

Stripes sometimes play a major role in decorating a room, however, they can also act as an auxiliary design element. For example, a few thin lines on the wall, combined with similar patterns on the floor, will bring some variety to a simple interior. A good reception when small and large tiles are selected in contrasting colors.

If desired, the mosaic in the bath is laid not only on the floor covering, but also on the wall surface. This allows you to somewhat dilute the monotony of the picture, and if a play of colors is used, then the impression will be even brighter. In addition, a simple, but very effective technique is used to break up the space - dilution with a monochrome pattern on one or two walls.

If you want to add originality to the shower room, then you should turn to rectangular elements for help. They will allow the room to fully open up in all its glory due to a simple technique - horizontal laying.

The use of mosaics in the interior of your own home is always fraught with interesting discoveries. Extensive possibilities are revealed with the help of your imagination, even in a limited area. And no matter what style will be implemented in this room, whether it be antique or modern, or maybe avant-garde.

Note! Mosaic elements are intended not only for chaotic drawings, because whole paintings and even works of art are assembled from them. Such a panel will be a source of pride for its owner, as it has a style and a certain effect, especially for your guests. At the same time, a presentable appearance does not in any way affect the performance of the material, which will last a single year.

Choose a color

The main feature of mosaic products is universalism. These elements can be made in one tone, play in contrast or combine several shades at once. Such a palette allows you to satisfy any requests of even the most demanding owner. However, in the final choice, it is still better to focus on a pre-selected concept, otherwise there is an option to get something completely different from what was expected.

Mosaic is used as a smooth transition between existing irregularities, ceiling and floor, two walls, and so on. The classic option is the transition from dark to gray, as well as contrasting colors - black and white. According to the developed rules, the dark bottom should gently turn into a light top, although sometimes it is worth doing the opposite. The combination of several shades is used much less often, but it looks no less impressive.

The pixel arrangement of elements is designed for a chaotic order, because the main accents do not exist here. A shower room made in a monotonous style also has its advantages. It’s nice to add a little mother-of-pearl to such a design or lay out a few stripes against the background of matte walls. The metal element always looks stylish, expensive, but cold at the same time. Why it is recommended to use it to create accents on individual elements.

Video instruction

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 9 minutes

Bathroom interior design is a difficult task, because in conditions of high humidity, abundant vaporization and sudden temperature changes, durable waterproof materials are required for surface cladding. Mosaics in the bathroom will help ensure the reliability and durability of wall and floor coverings and create an elegant interior.

Mosaic in the bathroom: the nuances

Mosaic looks great both as the main facing material and in combination with other coatings - large and medium-sized tiles, vinyl wallpaper, painted surfaces, structural plaster. Suitable for decorating tiny rooms in Khrushchev and spacious rooms, it can transform the most standard bathroom in a typical panel house. Examples of bathroom interior design with mosaics can be seen in the photo.

An important advantage of mosaic tiles is the possibility of facing convex or concave surfaces: the outside of the bathtub and sink, a figured wall niche.

When choosing a mosaic for a bathroom, consider:

  • the material from which the tile is made;
  • the shape of the elements;
  • color.

Mosaic types

Variants of mosaic tiles according to the material of manufacture:

  • Ceramic is a practical material, one of the most affordable of all types of mosaics. Presented in a wide range of colors and shades, it can be used to decorate wall panels, paintings, frescoes.
  • Plastic mosaic made of polymers - a budget option - is strong enough and suitable for wall and floor cladding in rooms with high air humidity. The tile is used for full and partial wall cladding, perfectly adheres to the floor. A decorative rug in front of the bathroom lined with plastic elements is less traumatic than a slippery tile floor.
  • Glass, for the production of which siliceous sand is used with the addition of various impurities.
  • Onyx tiles - a layered translucent mineral of red-brown, brown, honey, white tones with veins of different colors. Mosaic made of natural onyx has a high cost, but you can choose a more affordable imitation. Also popular are small tiles imitating obsidian (volcanic glass), amber, lapis lazuli, jade, jasper.
  • Mosaic made of travertine, brownish, white, light yellow, brown, cream shades with golden splashes.
  • Smalt tiles, for the manufacture of which colored glass pieces are used.
  • Mirror, in the production of which small mirror fragments are used. Decorating with gold or silver plating gives the tile a special appeal.
  • Metal, made of soft plastic, on top of which a thin metal plate is attached. Mosaic imitating brass, bronze, steel, decorated with embossing, suitable for decorative cladding of surfaces in spacious rooms in areas with a minimum moisture concentration.
  • Tiles made of artificial stone imitating granite, marble, tuff, suitable for flooring.

Shape of elements

Of great importance for the decorative design of the interior is the shape of the product. Tiles can be:

  • rectangular;
  • square;
  • diamond-shaped;
  • hexagonal;
  • round;
  • irregular shape (stones, beveled rectangle, uneven oval).

Mosaic in a small bathroom

  • the use of rectangular, diamond-shaped, hexagonal elements in the decoration;
  • narrow vertical mosaic inserts on the background;
  • shower tray, lined with mosaics;
  • the play of color combinations in monochrome - the lower surfaces are laid out with darker elements, the upper fragments of the walls are lighter with tiles;
  • vertical patterns, flowers, paintings;
  • use of a contrast palette;
  • a bathtub tiled on the outside with square or rectangular tiles in harmony with the flooring.

Important! In a small bathroom, you should not experiment with a variety of colors. Two or three light colors are enough. Combinations of blue, beige, light green, lilac, cream shades with white, coffee with milk or pearl gray with blue look advantageous. For contrasting finishes, you can choose no more than two colors of elements and strictly adhere to a single concept.

Spacious bathroom design

The possibilities for decorating a large bathroom are almost endless.

  • A wall lined with a single-color mosaic from floor to ceiling looks great, when adjacent and opposite sides are decorated with large rectangular or square tiles in a contrasting color. Malachite is combined with beige and brown, crimson - with azure, golden - with black.
  • A monochromatic mosaic tile that completely covers the walls and floor looks rather dull, no matter how bright it is. Monochrome or contrasting mosaic compositions enliven the interior and add an element of diversity.
  • Large-scale figured compositions lined with bright mosaics, tiled partitions and large patterns on the floor will be useful decor details.
  • The color and texture of mosaic tiles play a significant role in dividing the area into zones. A light glossy finish is best used for functional areas - shower, bath, mirror, heated towel rail, toilet. Dark matte focuses on accessories, furniture, decorative elements.

Decorative elements in the interior of the bathroom

The following tips will help you create a decorative bathroom design using mosaics:

  • Spectacular decoration of the interior - a mosaic panel, a picture or a fresco in the entire wall. The opposite and adjacent sides should be decorated with small separate elements of the main image.

He will have to make many difficult decisions. And the most important of them - what material to veneer surfaces? The bathroom is constantly experiencing high humidity and temperature changes. Many surfaces of the room for taking water procedures are subject to mechanical stress. In multi-apartment typical buildings, bathrooms are often connected to a toilet. In the common bathroom, it is especially important to maintain cleanliness and order. This means that the finishing material must also be resistant to chemical cleaning agents and be easy to clean. Mosaic tile corresponds to all the necessary criteria that apply to the finishing material for the bathroom.

Among its obvious advantages are the following:

  • strength;
  • reliability;
  • durability;
  • moisture resistance;
  • lack of reactions to temperature changes;
  • variety of colors and shades;
  • wide choice of material of manufacture;
  • the possibility of facing uneven surfaces, complex shapes, the design of convex and concave planes, niches;
  • color fastness to fading;
  • the ability to create drawings, ornaments and even works of art;
  • the ability to stick to any surface - concrete, plaster, wood or metal.

In a word, mosaic tile has in its arsenal the whole list of advantages characteristic of ceramic tiles (a favorite finishing material for our country) and a number of advantages inherent only to this type of finish. And we are talking only about the practical, functional side of the issue. But after all, from the point of view of aesthetic pleasure, which can be obtained from the contemplation of an artistic mosaic panel in your bathroom, this finishing material has no equal.

Of course, there are no advantages without disadvantages. The main disadvantage of finishing surfaces using mosaics is the rather high cost of the material itself and the work on its installation. But if you amortize the budget of bathroom cladding for many years, which this finishing material will serve faithfully without changing color, without fading or peeling, then from an economic point of view, repairing with a mosaic is a profitable investment.

Currently, a mosaic made from the following materials is on sale:

  1. Mosaic tiles made of natural stone are most often used for flooring, primarily because of their increased qualities of strength and durability, resistance to moisture and mechanical stress. The most widely used stones are marble, granite, onyx and jasper. Of course, the cost of such a mosaic will be quite high;
  2. ceramic mosaic is one of the most common and budget options, the main advantage of which is the richness of the color palette, which can ensure the selection of shades for any work of art;
  3. glass as a material for the production of mosaic tiles proves to be resistant to moisture and chemicals, which makes it a leader in the ease of care category;
  4. the rarest, but outwardly incredibly attractive look is a metal mosaic. For bathrooms it is used infrequently due to low resistance to moisture ingress. But it can be used as a decor for spacious rooms in sectors with the lowest humidity.

Let's consider on specific design projects of bathrooms and bathrooms how mosaics can be used for facing certain surfaces, highlighting accents, decorating sanitary ware and furniture, finishing complex geometric shapes.

Drawings, ornaments, paintings

One of the distinguishing features of mosaics from ordinary ceramic tiles is the ability to create drawings, artistic images and original ornaments in a wide range of colors. Not so long ago, mosaic was one of the most important types of fine art, thanks to the durability of this material, many masterpieces have survived to this day. To build a semblance of works of art in your bathroom is a very big scale. But cladding walls with ready-made blocks with a printed pattern or hiring a professional who will select an image to your liking is a doable task that will fit perfectly into the framework of a modern interior.

A bright floral pattern that occupies most of the vertical surfaces of the bathroom is a way to transform your room beyond recognition. Such an interior is not only unique, but also personalized, it reflects your own preferences and tastes.

Floral motifs are found in bathroom interiors, decorated with mosaics more often than other options. This is due to the smooth lines of patterns, closeness to nature, energy and freshness. Even a small drawing as an accent can bring the interior of your bathroom to a completely different level.

An original, but dim, not colorful pattern, made with the help of a mosaic, will help make the wall cladding unique, while maintaining a calm atmosphere of peace and tranquility, which the bathroom needs so much.

With the help of mosaic tiles with a pattern, you can decorate an accent wall. As a result, you get the original design of the shower cabin, without ruining the budget for repairs.

Another option for decorating an accent surface with a mosaic with an ornament. The working area will be reliably protected from moisture and at the same time originally designed. A mirror with illumination against such a background looks even more luxurious.

Without a marine theme in a bathroom with a mosaic finish, nowhere. The combination of mosaics and pebble stone finishes in the same room creates an incredibly spectacular surface design. Such a unique interior is unforgettable.

Another option for using a marine theme is when choosing an image from a mosaic for a bathroom. Against a light beige background, small images look especially advantageous.

Currently, there are ready-made blocks with a part of a mosaic ornament on sale, which are combined together according to the principle of puzzles, forming canvases with a large ornate pattern. Such an unobtrusive, but elegant ornament can decorate any bathroom. For lovers of a neutral light palette of rooms, such a mosaic on the walls of the bathroom will be to your liking.

We place accents

If a small budget has been allocated for the repair of a bathroom or a bathroom, and I would like to use mosaic tiles in the decoration of certain surfaces, there is a design option using this expensive material, only one wall (or part of it) - accent. In this case, you get an expressive and practical interior with low repair costs.

In a bathroom or bathroom, the most common accent wall design option is cladding surfaces above the working area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sink. This is a practical way to make it easier for yourself to care for surfaces that are most exposed to moisture and not only.

Cladding the wall above the bathroom with a bright mosaic with a mother-of-pearl shimmer can bring your interior to the highest level of color. The original, contrasting color scheme dictates the design concept of the entire room and acts as the focus of attention.

Another common design technique in the field of accents is the bright design of the wall opposite the sink with a mirror, and the repetition of an element of the same color in the work area.

For cladding bathrooms located in asymmetric attic rooms with sloping ceilings, mosaic tiles can be a very successful investment of money, time and effort. Considering how many ceramic tiles would have to be cut to create a bevel, the presence of a mosaic is economically justified.

This is an infrequent design decision, but the bathroom floor can become an accent surface lined with bright mosaics. A practical and functional choice becomes the basis for creating a room design.

Complex geometry

One of the most significant advantages of mosaic tiles is the possibility of facing planes of any shape and degree of curvature. In this case, we can talk not only about finishing the surfaces of walls and floors, but also about bathrooms, sinks, all kinds of niches and recesses.

The smoothness of lines and shapes gives the bathroom interior a feeling of fluidity, lightness. For small spaces, this is especially important, and most bathrooms in average apartments are just that.

Facing the base of bathtubs and rounded surfaces - could this be done with any other finishing material that can withstand high levels of humidity? Thanks to mosaic tiles, such cladding can also be performed on more complex planes.

Facing an oval bathroom and a similarly shaped pedestal for a bathtub? There is nothing easier if you have chosen a mosaic as a finishing material. The original and intriguing design of the bathroom is unique and inimitable.

Facing such complex, in terms of geometry and curvature, surfaces of an unusual bathroom is possible only with the help of mosaic tiles. Due to the impressive scale of the room, the dark shades of the mosaic do not constrain the space, bring an element of drama, oriental zen to it for relaxation and recreation.

Not every room can withstand such a variety of color and texture solutions, finishing tiles of various sizes. Not without the help of mosaics in the decoration of a complex rounded surface, a harmonious image of the bathroom was created.

Stunning effect from cladding small elements

Sometimes, to create a unique and interesting bathroom interior, it is enough to use a bright, shiny or colored mosaic for only a small area of ​​​​the surface - edging a mirror or sink space, highlighting an apron around the perimeter of a room, or decorating plumbing fixtures and accessories.

Facing a small counter that separates the toilet area from the water treatment segment, with the help of a mirror mosaic, looks very impressive. Vertical stripes visually increase the height of the room.

A small stripe trimmed with mosaic will visually blur the boundaries of the space and bring color diversity to the bathroom interior.

Another example of a similar design of a shower cabin, but using a mirror mosaic with a vertical arrangement of chips.

A small piece of surface above the sink work area, tiled with a bright glossy mosaic, not only brought color variety to the neutral palette of the bathroom, but also enlivened the interior.

Thanks to the use of mosaic tiles, the individual chips of which are painted in exactly the same shades that are present in the main surface finishes of the room, it was possible to create a balanced, cozy image of the bathroom.

Total tiling with mosaic tiles

Among the modern design projects of bathrooms, there are a lot of those where almost all surfaces of the room are lined with mosaics. Such repairs can be expensive, but the durability and immutability of its appearance is guaranteed to you.

Even a small bathroom space is transformed with a mosaic finish. This type of drawing is called pixelated - this is an original way to integrate several shades of the same color scheme.

A single-color mosaic, with which all surfaces, niches, shelves and recesses are lined, can create an original image of your room for water procedures. Depending on what size the chips (mosaic elements) will be used, whether there will be a grout between them and what tone, the appearance of the bathroom or bathroom depends.

Light shades of mosaic tiles can visually expand the space of the bathroom, which very often needs it. In addition, a calm, neutral palette sets the mood for relaxation and peace, which household members need after a hard day's work while taking a bath or shower.

Among the light palette of mosaic tiles, I would especially like to highlight the marble finish. Even small inclusions of marble mosaics in the interior bring an atmosphere of luxury filled with cleanliness and even sterility of a utilitarian room.

The contrasting combination of black and white mosaics within one room produces an incredible effect. Especially if instead of the usual arrangement of a light tone on the walls of the bathroom, and a dark one on the floor, we see the opposite color scheme.

The dark shade of the mosaic with a pearly sheen as a total surface cladding can add drama to any bathroom. Due to the glossy surface of the mosaic, fingerprints and traces of water drops will not be visible on dark chips, and it will not be possible to clean the bathroom very often.

Bright blue, azure and blue shades of mosaic tiles are especially popular. It is not surprising that in a water treatment room we want the reflection of the blue of the ocean or the azure of the sky reflection in the water, successfully integrated into the interior of the room.

Large monochromatic mosaic chips against the background of snow-white grout give the bathroom an incredible geometricity and rigor.

Mosaic in the bathroom - functional beauty

The oldest mosaic finds date back to the 5th century BC. Thousands of years have passed, and this type of decoration is still popular. Mosaic decorates bathrooms, kitchens and other rooms, it is used to create unique patterns on walls and floors. Arriving at the store, you can find such a huge assortment of mosaic tiles that your head will spin. How to choose mosaic tiles for the kitchen and bathroom, and not get confused? What types of mosaics are on the market, is it possible to do the installation yourself? We will deal with all questions.

No. 1. The shape and size of the mosaic elements

The individual elements that make up the mosaic panel are small in size, so they are easy to use. make curved surfaces and lay out whole pictures. The mosaic element can have dimensions from 1*1 cm to 5*5 cm, Although The classic size is 2*2 cm. Usually small items assembled in matrices 30*30 cm and are connected with paper or plastic mesh, which greatly simplifies the work with the material.

Mosaic can have not only square shape, but this is the most popular format for its execution. There are also rectangular, round, oval, diamond-shaped and other elements.

As for shades, their range is more than wide. If we take into account that the mosaic is made from various materials, then you can choose any color and texture. It remains only to turn on the fantasy and figure out which part of the wall or floor to decorate with mosaics, and which drawing can be laid out with it.

No. 2. Advantages and disadvantages

Mosaic tiles have a number of virtues:

  • excellent appearance. With the help of mosaic panels, you can decorate any room, and designers agree that such decoration even visually expands the space;
  • resistance to moisture and temperature extremes;
  • resistance to various kinds of detergents;
  • resistance to sunlight, the preservation of the original color for many years.

The only downside is the high price.. If you want to get the effect of a mosaic panel, but do not go broke on repairs, you can take mosaic ceramic tiles: there are very good products on the market that are well disguised as a real mosaic.

No. 3. Where to use mosaic?

Excellent performance allows the use of mosaic in the bathroom and in the kitchen, areas where high humidity often reigns.

Application options for mosaic elements in the bathroom weight:

  • lay out with a mosaic and at the location or;
  • you can save and use the mosaic along with the usual one. The result is an interesting decor at minimal cost;
  • on one of the walls you can lay out a whole drawing or ornament from a mosaic. It can be some kind of landscape, geometric abstraction, or just a multi-colored panel;
  • mosaics can be laid out with built-in shelves and supplemented with lighting;
  • it can also be tiled with mosaics, but its color must be selected in accordance with the color of the floor and walls. By the way, the most daring ones lay out the mosaic and the inner surface of the bathroom;
  • you can decorate the area around or.

In the kitchen from the mosaic is usually laid out. It can be either a monochrome finish or a beautiful pattern that will set the mood for the kitchen. However, the work area is not the only place where such a cladding can be used. Mosaics can also decorate a wall around. A great option is to lay out a mosaic or dining table.

Mosaic panels can be used in other rooms. IN hallway, for example, it can lay out a zone near or, in living room- select a zone with or a TV. Mosaic can be decorated, and other architectural elements, as well as decorate. In the bedroom, you can decorate the headboard in this way.

If you choose the right pattern, you can achieve a visual increase in space. Landscapes with perspective (similar to), abstract curves and light shades work well in this regard. Vertical drawing visually.

No. 4. Types of mosaic according to the material of manufacture

ceramic mosaic

Ceramic mosaic is the most popular and most versatile option. This is actually the same ceramic tile that we are used to, only of a smaller size, therefore, all the operational features of such a mosaic will be identical to the tile. The surface of the material can be glazed(the easiest option) rough, have inclusions of other colors, stains, small cracks(craquelure), etc.

To the main benefits ceramic mosaics should include:

  • a chic variety of colors and textures, so making any design idea a reality is not a problem;
  • resistance to moisture, temperature extremes, detergents, wear, ease of care;
  • high strength, fire resistance and durability.

Ceramic mosaic goes well with tiles, can be used with it to focus on specific areas. The shape of individual elements can be any, but square tiles are predominantly found.

glass mosaic

Not far behind in popularity and glass mosaic. It appeared earlier than other species and is considered one of the most ancient ways of finishing. Once upon a time, only the most influential and wealthy people could afford such decor. Today, such a finish, although it is considered not the cheapest, is still much more affordable.

Glass mosaic is identical in composition to ordinary glass, but many times stronger than it. The material is made on the basis of quartz sand, feldspar and metal oxides, which are responsible for the color. All components are alloyed at 1400 0 C and above, and then stamped at high temperatures. Strength is achieved by firing glass poured into molds, as well as due to the small size of the elements.

Main advantages:

For mounting transparent and translucent mosaics, it is better to take only white glue. The material can be used in bathrooms and kitchens, for decorating pools, fountains, fireplaces, as well as for decorating walls, floors and ceilings in residential premises.

Smalt mosaic

Smalt mosaic is obtained by pressing and sintering colored glass particles with the addition of dyes. The result is a densely colored opaque material with unique properties:

The main disadvantage is the high price. Since the technology for the production of smalt is more complicated than that of ordinary glass mosaic, the final cost is higher.

By the way, it is smalt mosaic that is used by professional mosaicists to create decorative panels. A solid sheet of smalt is divided into elements of the required shape and size with a smalt cleaver. This process is traumatic, so it should be performed only by professionals.

stone mosaic

Stone mosaics are obtained from different rocks, usually jasper, slate, tuff, marble, granite, malachite, lapis lazuli, tuff, amethyst and others are used. Natural material is processed and as a result mosaic elements of various shapes are obtained. Tiles can to grind, to polish, to artificially age. The natural shades of the stone are unique, so the finish is unique.

Mosaic made of stone repeats all the properties of natural material: it resistant to moisture, fire and temperature extremes, strong and durable. The material can be used for cladding floors and walls, fireplaces, as well as for arranging, decorating countertops, to accentuate various decorative elements (mirrors,).

Mosaic from marble but it is also very expensive. Shows himself well pebble mosaic, while pebbles can be collected completely free of charge on the river bank and lined with individual elements in the bathroom or in the kitchen.

metal mosaic

We note right away that this is an option for an amateur. A metal mosaic appeared relatively recently, it is made mainly from steel and brass. Metal elements are mounted on a base made of rubber or rubber, thanks to which the necessary flexibility is maintained. The shape of the elements can be absolutely anything: from triangles and hexagons to irregular geometric shapes. The surface can be polished or matte, have notches. This finish is used in high-tech and loft.

Material requires special care, as it is afraid of some chemicals and will not tolerate the impact of abrasive particles, therefore it is not recommended to use a metal mosaic for an apron in the kitchen. However, some manufacturers produce special collections of mosaics from stainless steel for bathroom use.

Special chic - precious metal mosaic. In the case of gold, a thin foil of 585 assay value is placed between two layers of transparent glass. Naturally, such a finish is very expensive and is considered exclusive.

wooden mosaic

Another novelty of the modern market of finishing materials. Mosaic elements are made of precious wood, they can have any shape, and the decorative effect is achieved through a combination of tiles of different shades and textures. Such material, like all wood, is afraid of moisture, fire, pests and requires specific care.

No. 5. Types of mosaic by type of base

On sale is a mosaic of the following main types:

No. 6. What else to consider when choosing a mosaic?

When choosing mosaics for bathrooms, kitchens and other rooms, also pay attention to such factors:

Only depending on the operating conditions, it is necessary to take moisture-resistant / frost-resistant / fungicidal glue. For laying a transparent glass mosaic, it is better to take white glue - this way the aesthetics will be higher. A spatula-comb is taken with teeth 3-4 mm high;

  • wall or floor markings. Previously, all elements can be laid out on the floor in the required order, measure the parameters of the resulting panel and transfer the markings to the surface where the masonry will be carried out;
  • glue application on the first site and laying the mosaic. There is no need to apply glue to the entire wall / floor at once - it dries quickly. When laying the elements, control the evenness of the rows, and press the mosaic into the glue, trying not to get it on the front side of the elements;
  • after everything dries (it is better to give 48 hours to dry), you can take off the paper after wetting it first. It is better to start pulling from the upper corners;
  • grouting. Today they are usually used on an epoxy basis, but cementitious ones are also acceptable. The grout is matched to the color of the tile or a contrasting shade. It is applied with a rubber spatula, first in one direction, then in the other. After it sets, the residue from the tile can be removed with a damp sponge;
  • polishing the mosaic with felt.
  • No. 8. Mosaic tile, or pseudomosaic

    Mosaic with a lot of advantages has only one drawback - the high price. If the cost of the material is the only problem that stops you, then you can cheat and buy mosaic tiles. With the right choice, outwardly, it will not differ in any way from a real mosaic, but there are limitations - you can use a pseudo-mosaic only on flat surfaces.

    A mosaic tile is an ordinary ceramic tile with a corresponding pattern applied to it. For plausibility, grouting seams are simulated, on the execution of which the final result depends. All pseudomosaics can be conditionally divided into three types depending on the imitation of seams:

    Mosaic is a versatile decor that will perfectly fit into any style of interior and any room, and the widest range of solutions allows you to choose an option for any budget.

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    Finishing rooms with high humidity or direct contact with water is difficult to imagine without the use of ceramic tiles. Both of these factors are present in the bathroom, so decorating it with mosaics, as a type of ceramics, is quite justified, and artistic diversity, the affordability of many types of prices and the possibility of laying mosaic lining with your own hands make this material popular.

    The mosaic impresses with its decorative effect and original appearance.

    Let's consider what a mosaic is, the varieties of this material and the features of bathroom mosaic finishing technologies, depending on the types of chips (mosaic elements, mosaic modules).

    What is a mosaic

    A drawing, pattern or ornament made of small colored pieces of some material fixed on a plane is called a mosaic. The same name is used to denote the technology for performing such work, the finishing material itself and its individual elements (chips, mosaic modules).

    Of the many varieties of mosaic technologies, do-it-yourself block (matrix) mosaics and mosaic decoration from multi-colored tiles cut or broken into pieces have become widespread.

    Let's take a look at these two technologies.

    Mosaic for the bathroom comes from different materials, a variety of textures and color palettes.

    The bases are finished with block mosaics by laying matrices 327x327 or 200x200 mm in size on the walls or floor, which are pieces of mesh or paper on which mosaic chips of similar color are fixed in an orderly manner. If necessary, the matrix can be cut with ordinary scissors along the grid or paper to give it a different format. Mosaic tiles can be cut or pricked with special nippers. The format of the chips is a square with a side of 10, 15 or 20 mm.

    Varieties of matrix mosaic by material

    According to the material of manufacture, mosaic tiles are divided into the following types:

    • glass;
    • smalt;
    • ceramic;
    • porcelain stoneware;
    • stone.

    In addition to those listed, there are also metal, mirror and even gold mosaics, such laying of mosaics in the bathroom requires professional skills, and the cost of the material is several times higher than the price of the usual varieties of mosaic lining.

    In matrix panels, the mosaic is laid out in straight rows, at a cost it is the most economical

    Mosaic material from self-cut ceramic chips

    This method of finishing, although it cannot compete on equal terms with the technology of facing with mosaic blocks in terms of aesthetics, is perfect for repairing a bathroom or a bathroom in the country. The material for such a cladding is made by hand - the chips of the desired size and shape are cut with a tile cutter from the ceramic remaining after the repair or substandard tiles purchased at a reasonable price. The modest cost of this type of finish makes laying such a mosaic popular among craftsmen, and with a sufficient assortment of homemade chips and skills to perform this work, the result can even exceed expectations.

    Matrix mosaic cladding

    Consider the laying technology used for do-it-yourself facing of surfaces with popular types of mosaics, taking into account the characteristics of the tile material.

    The preparation of the base for the mosaic does not depend on the material of the tile and consists in leveling and priming the surfaces to be tiled.

    The preparation of the substrate for laying the mosaic plays an important role in how the mosaic will look later.

    Preparatory work on the walls

    You can level the base for the mosaic decoration of the bathroom walls with your own hands using any of the known methods, even with drywall sheets (GKL), since the chips do not require a high bearing capacity from the base. But when choosing this method, it must be taken into account that even moisture-resistant drywall (GKLV) does not tolerate direct contact with water and therefore needs enhanced waterproofing of both sides and ends of the material. Therefore, if it is possible to make leveling by plastering, then this reliable method should be preferred.

    The priming of the walls is also done by hand with a moisture-resistant primer in two layers. As a primer, it is advisable to use an aqueous solution of latex, prepared in a ratio of 1:3.

    Preparing the floor for laying the mosaic

    Do-it-yourself bathroom floor surface is leveled with a screed from a cement-sand mortar prepared in a ratio of 1: 3. The screed is performed with a slope device in the direction opposite to the front door, or (if any) in the direction of the ladder. The slope should be 5%. The finished screed is covered with a layer of cellophane for a week to prevent premature evaporation of moisture from the solution, after which the film is removed and the base is allowed to dry until the surface acquires a uniform light gray color.

    If there are only sinks on a flat floor, then its leveling can be limited only by grouting cracks with tile adhesive.

    The floor is also primed with two layers of a moisture-resistant primer.

    The quality of leveling the base under the mosaic is subject to increased requirements, since laying matrices will not succeed in hiding the unevenness of the base, and the mosaic will only repeat all the defects in the surface of the walls or floor. Differences in height of the base prepared for laying under the mosaic should not exceed 2 mm per 1 m of linear length.

    Adhesive compositions for mosaic blocks

    When laying the matrices on the walls in the bathroom, the choice of adhesive depends on the material of the chips and the characteristics of the substrate.

    Adhesives for glass and smalt mosaics

    When facing bases with glass or smalt mosaics, the adhesive must be white, since laying transparent and translucent mosaic chips on dark or colored glue is fraught with a change in color and loss of brightness of the finishing modules.

    Examples of white cement-based adhesives for glass and smalt chips are Litoplus K55, CERESIT CM 115 or Mapei Adesilex P10. White polyurethane adhesives Mapei Keralastic T, SuperFlex Eco or Litokol Litoacril Plus can also be used.

    Adhesives: Litoplus K55, Mapei Keralastic T, SuperFlex Eco and Litokol Litoacril Plus

    For mounting matrices with opaque ceramic chips, tile adhesive of any color is used. The selection of glue in this case is carried out depending on the characteristics of the bases of the bathroom. On concrete, cement-sand plaster or drywall protected by waterproofing, the ceramic mosaic must be properly fixed with elastic tile adhesives, such as Litoflex K80 Eco, Bergauf Mosaik or Superflex K77. When tiling ceramics on complex substrates (plastic, wood), it is better to use adhesives based on reactive resins.

    Adhesives for porcelain stoneware and natural stone chips

    Porcelain stoneware and natural stone are close in characteristics, so the same adhesive compositions are suitable for laying blocks with chips from these materials. However, the variety of natural stone should be taken into account, as some types of natural marble may change color upon prolonged contact with water.

    Mosaics made of such marble are laid on fast-curing cement-based tile adhesives, such as Litoston K98 or Litoston K99, as these compounds quickly come into contact with water, preventing the wet alkali of the adhesive from changing the color of the chips. It is also possible to use polyurethane and reactive adhesive mixtures such as LitoElastic, Keralastic T or Elastocol, which do not contain water.

    Adhesives: Litoston K98, LitoElastic, Keralastic T and Elastocol

    If natural stone chips are resistant to prolonged direct contact with water, then the choice of adhesive material is made only with reference to the type of substrate.

    If the surface of the walls of the bathroom is even ideally laid out with the same type of mosaic, then the result of such monotony will be deplorable - from such an aesthetic finish it will ripple in the eyes. Therefore, the artistic solution for decorating the bathroom with mosaics is thought out in advance.

    Elements of artistic solution

    Wall cladding with mosaics can be diversified by using matrices that differ not only in color, but also in the material of the chips. In addition, when arranging such a finish, you can cut out fragments of any shape from blocks of a standard size with your own hands, cutting, if necessary, not only the base, but also the chips. In this way, it is possible to veneer the walls with different matrices in a checkerboard pattern, changing and alternating the color, material and size of squares or rectangles.

    One of the auxiliary artistic elements used in the decoration of bathroom ceramics, including mosaic, is a border (frieze) - a horizontal border between lined surfaces of different colors or materials. The border on the wall can be made of various materials - tiles, mosaics, PVC (polyvinyl chloride) tiles. The adhesive for laying the curb is also selected depending on its material of manufacture.

    Make sure that the distance between different sheets is equal to the gap between two mosaic chips

    The width and configuration of the border should be in harmony with the dimensions of the room. At the same time, the color of the border or the background of its pattern are selected in contrast to the surfaces that it shares and aesthetically fit into the interior of the bathroom.

    The horizontal laying of the curb is carried out under the control of the bubble level. If the curb is designed at an angle to the horizontal, then it is pre-marked on the wall.

    Matrices with chips are laid on the walls from the bottom up, spaced from each other at a distance equal to the width of the seam between the chips. This arrangement of blocks forms a seamless surface finish.

    First you need to mark the wall

    The sticker of the matrices on the walls is carried out under the control of the bubble level, the chips in a row from corner to corner should be located without differences in height. At the same time, it is desirable to place the rows of mosaics bordering the border symmetrically with respect to the ceramic elements of the frieze.

    Laying on the glue of mosaic matrices on a grid basis is done with a grid down, since the chips are attached to it with the back side. Matrices on a paper base are placed with the paper up, since the chips are glued to the base with the front side.

    An adhesive composition is applied to the prepared wall with a flat trowel, which is leveled with a comb trowel with rectangular teeth 6-8 mm in size. The matrix is ​​applied to the project site, slightly pressed, and then the mosaic is leveled on the base with a rubber roller without excessive effort.

    Mosaic grouting

    The arrangement of the seams of the borders and the mosaic decoration of the bathroom is done by filling them with your own hands with a moisture-resistant grout with antifungal additives, for example, mixtures with the appropriate characteristics from the manufacturers Litokol, Ceresit or Atlas.

    Mosaic grout can be chosen to match the tile or contrast with it, it depends on the artistic solution. In addition, the color of the grout of areas of surfaces finished with different mosaics and tiles of the borders may differ from each other.

    If the grout is not done well enough, you can spoil the appearance of the mosaic

    The grout is laid out on the mosaic and spread over the surface with a rubber spatula, “puttying” the seams. After half an hour, excess glue that has set but not hardened is removed with a damp rag or foam rubber. A day later, the mosaic is polished with a dry soft flannel.


    Despite the elegance, showiness and apparent complexity of the mosaic finish, this type of cladding, taking into account the modern matrix design of chips and the availability of technology, is quite within the power of even novice home craftsmen, who improve the quality of the mosaic with each square meter of surface finished by their own hands.

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