normal labor productivity. Labor productivity at the enterprise (on the example of CJSC "Grintek")

In this article, I want to tell you about various formulas calculation of labor productivity.

A person works in order to create various benefits, such as services or products. To begin with, let's decide why we need to try to increase labor productivity. One of the most important criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of one or a group of workers is the productivity of their labor. After all, the higher the productivity of labor, and therefore the production of a unit of goods per unit of time, the less costs are spent per unit of result.

Any good, product or service produced by a person is his living, concentrated, materialized labor.

Let's define living labor.

Living labor is human labor that expends energy measured in calories. Living labor is divided into mental and physical.

But the labor embodied by any thing, mechanism or service is a completely different matter, since it personifies the labor produced earlier.

For example, electricity costs, production premises etc. And therefore, an increase in labor productivity leads to a decrease in costs.
To measure the labor of workers, the indicator of labor productivity is used.
What is labor productivity: - this is a certain indicator, by calculating which we find out how fruitful the work of workers is for a certain period of time (year, month, day, shift, hour, etc.). You also need to remember such a term as "development".

Output is the amount of work produced by one worker. Using the performance indicator, you can measure different kinds work:, the production of goods, the provision of services, the sale of goods.
The labor productivity formula is quite simple:
You need to divide the amount of work performed for a certain period of time by the number of employees.

Type of formula when substituting variables.
Where for
P we take the productivity of labor, for O - the amount of work for a certain period of time, and for H - the number of workers.

Calculation formula value labor productivity

Let's look at an example.

Imagine that you are the owner of a chain of restaurants fast food. And you want to know the productivity of the hot dog shop, one of your establishments. Suppose it has 20 chefs who are busy making hot dogs. For the entire shift, they manage to produce products worth 100 thousand rubles. So, in order to find out the labor productivity of one worker, we will need to divide 100 thousand rubles per 20 workers (cooks). Thus, we find out that one cook produces products for 5 thousand rubles per shift. In order to find out the labor productivity per cook per hour (assuming that there are 8 hours in a shift), we will need to divide 5 thousand by 8 hours, and as a result we will find out that one cook produces hot dogs for 600 rubles per hour .

Formula natural

But the calculation of labor productivity can be calculated not only in money. In addition to this method, there are several more. For example, the natural way. It can be used if your company produces one type of product. In this case, labor productivity can be measured in meters, tons, pieces. per unit of time.

Let's take a simple example. Let's go back to our diner. Suppose that in its assortment there is only one product name - hot dogs. Then labor productivity can be calculated in hot dogs/hour. Suppose that the same 20 chefs make 1000 hot dogs per shift. Then dividing 1000 hot dogs by 20 chefs. We learn that one chef produces 50 hot dogs per shift. Then if we need data for an hour, we simply divide 50 by 8 and find out that one worker produces 6.25 hot dogs per hour.

Formula conditionally natural labor productivity calculation method

There is also a conditionally natural method of calculation. This method can be used if the firm produces homogeneous goods, but having any differences between them. IN this case produced goods are considered in the form of conventional units. Let's say you are manufacturing metal fasteners, for a shift 30 workers produce: 120 nails, 30 bolts and 40 screws. In order to calculate the total production productivity, we need to use the conversion factor, metal products. It takes 1000 grams of iron to make 120 nails, 500 grams to make 30 bolts, and 1500 grams to make 40 screws. As a result, adding up all the manufactured products in their total initial form(iron) 1000 gr + 500 gr + 1500 gr = 3000 gr/metal products.

Calculation formula labor performance

The labor method is based on the measurement of volume manufactured goods, for the calculation of which you need to use the conditional production labor intensity. In order to calculate performance of labor, you need to divide the volume of production in units of work time by the actual work time. Let's look at an example. Let's go back to our diner. Imagine that two chefs made 30 hot dogs, despite the fact that it takes 25 minutes to make one hot dog, and 40 hot dogs, despite the fact that, temporary the cost of making one hot dog 15 minutes. We use these data to calculate performance labor. To do this, you need: the volume of manufactured products multiplied by the time of manufacture of one unit of goods(30×25+40×15) , then divide it all by the time of interest to us range . Suppose we are interested in data for one hour.(30x25+40x15)/2x8x60 = 11850/960 = 12.3 items/hour.

One of the advantages of the labor calculation of labor productivity is the possibility of its use when calculating any types of services and works. However, to use it, you need to know the time standards for the manufacture of one unit of product for each type of work, which is not always possible.

Labor intensity formula

The concept of labor intensity implies the cost of working time for the production of one unit of goods or services.

And as usual, for a better understanding, we will analyze an example. Let's say the two chefs at your diner make 1,000 hot dogs in 3 days. The labor intensity of man-hours (with a work shift equal to 8 hours) will be exactly 2x3x8 = 46. I think everything is clear here. Now let's take a more complicated example. 7 chefs made 10 birthday cakes in 5 days. Let's try to calculate the total and specific labor input in man hours. 7x5x8=280 man-hours, this gives us the total labor input. 280 man-hours already received, divided by 10 cakes, 280/10=28 man-hours for making one cake.

The use of such an indicator as labor intensity makes it possible to increase the accuracy of labor productivity calculations. An inverse correlation can also be traced between labor intensity and labor productivity. The lower the labor intensity, the higher the labor productivity indicators and vice versa.

Level of labor mechanization formula

Society does not stand still, and as it develops, the level of mechanical labor increases. which has a positive effect on productivity growth. The more we use mechanized labor, the greater our ability to produce materialized labor, and the less we use living labor. The growth in the productivity of mechanized labor makes it possible to increase the productivity of goods without increasing the share of living labor.

Mechanical workers are those who carry out their work with the help of automated, machines and mechanisms.

The formula itself looks like this:

Let's take a look at an example. Let's say you have hot dogs at your diner. Some hot dogs are produced using special automated devices, and the other part is made manually. There are 80 cooks involved in the manual method of preparing hot dogs, and 20 in the mechanized method. Let's try to determine the level of mechanization of your production. In total, 30 chefs are involved in the production of hot dogs. Of these, 10 are engaged in mechanized labor. Then we need to divide 100 by 20 and multiply by 100%. 20/100*100% = 20% mechanized labor.

It is also important to know about such a concept as labor intensity.

Under the intensity of labor, it is customary to understand the strength of the tension of living labor in a certain period of time, measured by physical, mental, and nervous energy costs.

If you want to increase the level of labor intensity in your production, then this will require appropriate compensation in the form of an increase in caring pay, or additional days off.

But it is worth remembering that there are still a lot of white spots in the study of labor productivity. It is far from always possible to accurately compare labor productivity from different areas. Therefore, in calculating according to the labor productivity formula, it is worth considering the features of each particular case. Difficulties can arise when comparing the productivity of a person selling hot dogs with a person selling cars. For one, the monthly revenue can be 50 thousand rubles, and for the second, 5 million. But when counting formula cost productivity, we will not get accurate data to compare the productivity of these subjects. Can lead lots of examples where receiving satisfactory results to assess labor productivity, it will not be enough to use standard formulas. Often the indicators of the formulas have to be combined, or evaluated all together in order to see the full picture.

And that's all. If you have any questions about formula calculations. Then ask your questions in the comments. per sim take my leave. All the best.

Labor productivity is characterized as one of the basic indicators reflecting the actual performance of the company's personnel.

Being a relative indicator, labor productivity allows you to compare the efficiency various groups employed in the production process and plan numerical values ​​for subsequent periods.

The concept of labor productivity

Labor productivity characterizes the effectiveness of labor costs per unit of time. For example, it shows how much output a worker will produce in an hour.

At the enterprise, productivity is determined through two basic indicators:

  • production;
  • laboriousness.

They are the most appropriate in assessing the degree of efficiency of labor costs per unit of time. Increasing productivity leads to higher production volumes and savings on wages.

Calculation algorithm

In essence, labor productivity reflects the ratio of the volume of produced and/or sold products to the number of employees.

Indicators of the number of employees are based on payroll data. Each employee is only counted once per business day.

Labor costs and time spent on the production of products are also taken into account in the reporting documentation.


The indicators of labor productivity at the enterprise include production, labor intensity and labor productivity index.

Working out(C) determines the volume of output per unit of paid working time by one payroll worker. The indicator can be found depending on two factors - the time spent and the average number of employees.



Labor intensity(Tr) expresses the amount of labor required by one worker to produce a unit of product. The indicator of labor intensity is the opposite of the indicator of production.

Calculation depending on the time spent:


Calculation depending on the average number of employees:


  • B - production;
  • Tr - labor intensity;
  • Q is the volume of production in natural units (pieces);
  • T - the cost of paid working time for the production of this product;
  • H is the average number of staff.

There is more verbose way performance calculation:

PT \u003d (Q * (1 - K p)) / (T 1 * H),

  • where PT is labor productivity;
  • K p - downtime coefficient;
  • T 1 - labor costs of the employee.

If it is necessary to calculate the productivity of one worker, then the value of the indicator average headcount will be equal to one. Annual output per employee not only characterizes the performance of an individual, but also allows you to plan for the next period.

When calculating output, hours worked do not include downtime.

The volume of products sold can be expressed in any units - pieces, monetary or labor units.

The formula for calculating labor productivity

Based on the calculation of performance indicators for the functioning of employees at the enterprise, labor productivity index.

This indicator reflects the rate of productivity growth and is found as follows:

by production: ΔPT \u003d [(V o - V b) / V b] * 100%

in terms of labor intensity: ΔPT \u003d [(Tr about - Tr b) / Tr b] * 100%

  • where B o - production output in the reporting period;
  • C b - production output in the base period;
  • Tr about - the complexity of products in the reporting period;
  • Tr b - labor intensity of products in the base period;
  • PT - index of labor productivity in percent.

The change in productivity can be found through the planned headcount savings using the following formula:

ΔPT \u003d [E h / (Ch r - E h)] * 100%,

  • where E h is the planned savings in the number of personnel;
  • Ch p - the number of workers (employees employed in the production process).

Index average labor productivity necessary in case a large number manufactured products with different labor intensity.

The formula for calculating the average labor productivity:

Vsr=ΣQ i *K i,

  • where Вср – average labor productivity;
  • Q i is the volume of each type of manufactured product;
  • K i - the coefficient of labor intensity of each type of manufactured product.

To determine this coefficient, a position with minimal labor intensity is allocated. It equates to one.

To find the coefficients for other types of products, the labor intensity of each is divided by the indicator of the minimum labor intensity.

For calculation productivity of one worker the following formula is used:

PT \u003d (Q * (1 - K p)) / T 1.

To calculate the indicators of labor productivity, the data of the balance sheet of the enterprise, in particular, the volume of manufactured products, are used. This indicator is reflected in the second section of the documentation in line 2130.

The formula for calculating labor productivity according to the balance sheet is as follows:

PT \u003d (line 2130 * (1 - K p)) / (T 1 * H).


The calculated indicators allow to carry out complex analysis labor productivity in the enterprise.

Production and labor intensity evaluate the actual work of the staff, according to the results of the analysis, it is possible to identify resources for the development and growth of productivity, as well as for saving working time and reducing the number of employees.

The performance index reflects the change in performance in the current period compared to the previous one. It is extremely important for performance evaluation.

The level of productivity depends not only on the competence and ability of employees, but also on the level of material equipment, financial flows and other factors.

In general, labor productivity needs to be constantly improved. This can be achieved through the introduction of new equipment, employee training and competent organization of production.

Video - how you can use new technologies to increase productivity:

Discussion (12 )

    How to calculate the average number of employees in the planned year if labor productivity increased by 9%. The number of workers in the reporting year is 280 people and the value of marketable products in the reporting year is 650 billion rubles?

    Two teams of workers process the same kind of parts. The daily production of parts by individual workers is characterized by the following data

    Number of the worker (1 brigade) Daily output of the worker of the 1st brigade, pcs. Number of the worker (2nd brigade) Daily output of the worker of the 2nd brigade, pcs.

    Determine the average daily number of parts processed by one worker of each team and a total of two teams. Need a solution, help?

    Hope. Try to focus on the definition of labor productivity not in the way that we were hammered into the institutes, but according to K. Marx: - "labor productivity is the minimum cost of living labor with the maximum production of the product" and understand why we in the Union had giant workshops and an exorbitant number of workers, and capitalists automated lines and a minimum of workers in the production of the same volume of product.

    Labor productivity, its growth in any enterprise is the basis for the growth of the wage fund and, accordingly, the growth of wages for specific workers.

    For the proper conduct of business, labor productivity indicators are very important. With the help of them, not only the efficiency of the use of labor is analyzed, but also the level of mechanization and automation of labor. There will be no productivity with ancient tools and equipment.

    With such calculations, they usually bother large companies, where there is an economist, and even a whole economic department. For small businesses, everything is easier in practice. For example: I know what minimum revenue I should have in a month so as not to go into the red. Anything above is my profit. My personal opinion, how much and how do not count, but there will be no more money. It is better to work, sell more - and there will be something to consider.

    As I understand it, a person is taken into account only as a labor force and an expense for this labor force. But various force majeure situations are not included in the formula. As usual, in the absence of people, the overall productivity should not fall in any way, that is, the rest of the workers should do all the work of those who are absent. In general, there are many shortcomings in the workers, they need to pay bonuses, taxes, vacations and much more for them. Therefore, the installation of robots and machines is perfect option for production.

    Knowledge of the theory is, of course, good ... But in fact, I have come across the fact that not a single business plan has yet ended as positively as planned ... Well, at least for me. There is always an action of some indefinite force that confuses all the cards. In any case, one thing is clear - if there is a sales market, and good market, which will not let you down and will pay for goods (or services) on time, then you can build a business ... If the sales market is not established, at least count. My business is based on sales of parts and accessories. There are no problems with suppliers - they are always ready to supply goods - both immediately and on order, but customers in the right amount there is not always, as these are not essential products. Plus competition.))) Plus periodic crises ...))) How to calculate all this?

    In fact, it is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. When I was studying at the university in economics, we were literally forced to learn indicators of labor productivity, so that we would bounce off our teeth. But we didn't really want to do that. But now I have to admit that in vain. After I was lucky enough to open my own tailoring and repair workshop, I was faced with such important indicators of labor productivity as output and labor intensity. There were a lot of orders, there were 2 workers. There were difficulties with the task of orders, so I had to plan the work, calculate these indicators in order to get the result I needed, i.e. so that my workers complete at least 2 orders a day, working 8 hours. We also had to motivate employees to improve the speed and quality of work. For example, for every 3 completed orders for tailoring a product, give bonuses, then the speed of work will increase. That's all I've had so far, but I'm sure there are other ways that can help in this case, and at the moment I'm looking for ways to solve this problem.

    In fact, all sorts of calculations are a huge pile and you can count endlessly. But I always go from the opposite. From the result that I need. If I want to receive from a retail outlet, let's say 1000 rubles of profit per day, then the goods should be sold for 9,000 rubles, if on average I (from experience) the seller sells for 700 rubles per hour, then I need to work 11000/700 = 12.9 hours. Actually from 8 am to 9 pm. To reduce this time, you come up with different "promotions" and increase hourly revenue, as a result, according to me, the seller's productivity can be up to 100 rubles of revenue per hour. I am working on her promotion.

The ultimate goal of any entrepreneurial undertaking is to make a profit. A businessman or an enterprise uses a complex of necessary resources: goods, raw materials, energy sources, property and technical means, new technologies, labor and services of various organizations.

For getting positive result it is necessary to accurately determine the economic effect of the use of all elements of these resources.

What is it, why count

Every employer dreams that the staff he hires can do as much work as possible in a shorter period of time. For average calculation of the efficiency of the work of the workforce performance indicators are used.

The most objective assessment will be the productivity of labor of workers performing homogeneous work under similar conditions. In this case, in the analysis, you can see how many operations, parts, assemblies are performed by employees, that is, calculate in physical terms: how much one person has produced products per hour, shift, month, or how much time he needs to manufacture a unit of production.

In production and execution various works their volume is calculated in terms of value, which to a certain extent reduces the accuracy of the calculation.

What is the practical meaning of these indicators?

  • Comparison with the planned, base or actual indicator of previous periods helps to find out whether the efficiency of the work of the team as a whole and individual structures of the enterprise has increased or decreased.
  • Allows you to assess the potential burden on employees and the ability of the enterprise to fulfill a certain volume of orders within a specified period.
  • Contributes to the determination of the size of the usefulness of introducing additional technical means and application of new technologies. For this, it compares average employee performance before and after the introduction of technical innovations.
  • Based on the analysis of the obtained data, a personnel incentive system is being developed. The amount of bonuses and incentives will be calculated correctly if it provides a corresponding increase in the company's revenue and profit.
  • The analysis also reveals specific factors that positively and negatively affect labor intensity. For example, interruptions in the supply of spare parts, raw materials, frequent breakdowns equipment, insufficient organization of labor in the workshop or at the enterprise. If necessary, such an analysis is supplemented with the timing of working hours and appropriate adjustments are made to the rationing of the work of individual departments and the work of middle and senior managers.

For detailed information on the calculation of this indicator, you can see the following video:

Formulas and calculation examples

The generalized formula for labor productivity:

P \u003d O / H, Where

  • П - average labor productivity of one worker;
  • O - the amount of work performed;
  • H is the number of employees.

Such an indicator characterizing how much work one person performs for a selected period (hour, shift, week, month), is also called development.

Example 1 In January 2016, the fashion studio completed 120 tailoring orders outerwear(jackets). The work was done by 4 seamstresses. The productivity of one seamstress was 120/4 = 30 jackets per month.

Reverse indicator - laboriousness- determines how much labor (man-hours, man-days) is needed to produce a unit of output.

Example 2 In December 2015, the workshop of the furniture factory produced 2,500 chairs. According to the time sheet, the staff worked 8,000 man-hours. It took 8000/2500 = 3.2 man-hours to make one chair.

To determine labor productivity by workshop, structural unit of a plant, factory for a period (month, quarter, year), the formula is used PT=оС/срР, Where

  • PT is the average labor productivity of one employee for the period;
  • oC - total total cost finished products during the period;
  • cp - shop workers.

Example 3 In November 2015, the metal products workshop produced finished products at total amount 38 million rubles. The average number of employees was 400 people. 63,600 man-hours worked. In December 2015, products worth 42 million rubles were manufactured, and the average headcount was 402 people. 73560 man-hours worked.

Production per person:

  • In November, it amounted to 38,000 thousand rubles / 400 = 95 thousand rubles.
  • In December, 42,000 thousand rubles / 402 \u003d 104.5 thousand rubles.

The growth rate of labor productivity in the shop was 104.5 / 95 x 100% = 110%.

Labor intensity for the manufacture of finished products in the amount of 1 million:

  • In November: 63600 man-hours / 38 million rubles = 1673.7 man-hours,
  • In December: 73,560 man-hours / 42 million rubles = 1,751.4 man-hours.

A qualitative analysis of labor indicators makes it possible to optimize the total number of employees, their placement, identify existing shortcomings and reserves in the organization of labor and the need for technical improvement of work processes.

Labor productivity can be defined as the main indicator of its effectiveness. In the general case, this is the amount of labor (of a specific product) that is received (produced) per unit of time (hour, day, year). This indicator is calculated both for specific enterprises, departments or employees, and at the level of industries, the economy of the state and the world as a whole.

It is determined on the basis of 2 approaches:

  1. Through product development
  2. Through hard work.

Through the production

Under the development understand an indicator that characterizes the total amount of work in terms of a particular employee, department or the entire enterprise. Output can be calculated both directly through the number of goods produced / services rendered, and through the sale of these goods.

There are 2 ways to calculate yield:

  1. The average number of employees who are directly involved in the production/sale of goods/services.
  2. The time it takes to produce a unit of a good/service.

If 1 approach is taken as the basis, the formula is as follows:

B =V/ N

IN is the performance indicator V- the amount of work actually done, N- the average number of employees involved in production.

Expert opinion

Sobolev Dmitry

For example, in trading company busy selling services. In just 1 month, 50 services were sold, the number of employees is constant - 10 sales managers. Therefore, the output can be calculated as follows: 50/10 = 5.

If approach 2 is taken as the basis, then the time spent is taken into account t so the following formula is used:

B =V/ t

Expert opinion

Sobolev Dmitry

Lawyer for administrative offenses, site expert

For example, if the same sales volume is calculated for 1 day, then 50/21 = 2.38 sales per day (assuming there are 21 working days in a month). That is, this indicator expresses the productivity of labor in a given trading company.

Through the complexity

This is the inverse of revenue. It is determined by the time spent by an employee (department, the whole company) to create a unit of output (goods or services):

T = N/ V

T is an indicator of labor intensity, N is the average number of employees, and V is the volume of their products.

For example, it takes 10 people to produce 1 unit of output. Then the labor intensity is 10/1 = 10. Therefore, the more employees are needed to produce a unit, the greater the labor intensity this process. At the same time, the unit can be understood as both real values ​​and conditional ones. For example, for 1 sale, the efforts of a manager, a lawyer and an office manager are required. Hence, the complexity of the process can be estimated as 3.

Another version of the formula is also valid, when the complexity is determined through the time spent t:

T =t/ V

For example, if a baker can bake 100 units of bakery products in 1 hour of work, then the labor intensity of this process can be defined as 1/100. Obviously, the smaller the volume of products produced at the same time (or in terms of 1 person), the greater the complexity of the process.

4 Ways to Determine Labor Productivity

Entrepreneurs may be interested different ways determining performance, since in order to maintain the indicator on high level you need to spend several resources at once:

  • the labor of hired workers;
  • time;
  • cash;
  • material resources for production.

Accordingly, the indicator itself can be expressed through different types resources. For example, in the same case, performance may suit in terms of spent labor resources, but not to suit in the sense of the time spent, as well as the income received.

cost method

This approach is most often used because the entrepreneur is primarily interested in knowing how much money his company “produces”. To determine the performance of the PT from this point of view, the following formula is used:

Fri =V/ N

Under V refers to the total volume of production, and it is calculated not in units, but in cash(rubles or foreign currency); under N is in the form of the number of employees.

For example, if in 1 month a company produces products worth 500 thousand rubles, and 10 people are constantly involved in production or in the process of activity, then the productivity will be 500,000/10 \u003d 50,000 rubles / person (i.e. 1 employee “produces” 50,000 rubles ).

Fri =V/ t

In this example we are talking about about 1 month; since it has 21 working days, then 500000/21 \u003d 23809. In terms of hours (8-hour day) we get: 500000 / (21 * 8) \u003d 2976 rubles / hour.

Suppose the entrepreneur decides to hire 2 more employees, expecting a corresponding increase in PT. In fact, after the calculations, it turns out that V production has grown only to 550 thousand rubles, i.e. 1 person now accounts for 550,000/12 = 45,833 rubles / person. This is less than it was before (50,000 rubles / person). Therefore, such a measure reduces productivity and at the same time increases costs (wages, taxes, social benefits). The reasons should be sought in the inefficiency of the labor of specific employees or in the production system, the organization of labor as a whole.

labor method

In this case, PT can be determined in terms of the hours spent (by one person) to produce a unit of output:

Fri =V/ N

Here, the volume of production V is expressed in terms of the total amount of goods/services produced/provided per unit of time.

Expert opinion

Sobolev Dmitry

Lawyer for administrative offenses, site expert

For example, in 1 hour, a fast food chain produces 100 hot dogs. This requires the efforts of 4 workers. Then 100/4 = 25 pieces/person. Suppose the entrepreneur hired 1 more person. After the next calculations, it turned out that now employees produce 150 hot dogs per hour. This means that the PT has grown: 150/5 = 30 units / person. Therefore, such a measure is justified (the increase may be due to more effective interaction workers).

natural method

A similar method can be used if workers produce homogeneous products that are easy to measure - in pieces, measures of mass, volume, etc. The formula is the same:

Fri =V/ N

However, now under V This refers to the volume of production in pieces, and not in hours or rubles. In the described example, you can calculate the total number of hot dogs per day (let's say the shift lasts 10 hours). If an average of 100 pieces are produced per hour, we get 1000 units of production. Then 1000/4 = 250 pieces/person. Thus, in total, 1 person produces 250 units per day. And after attracting 1 more employee, they began to produce 1500 units, i.e. 1500/5 = 300 units. PT increased by 20%, the measure is justified.

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