Analysis of the availability of labor resources and their relationship with economic indicators. Foreign experience of labor motivation

In order not to be left alone in the office one day, every boss needs to know how to interest his subordinates in working for the good of the company. Of course, each manager chooses his own way of motivating the staff: someone feeds employees with gingerbread, and someone threatens them with a whip. What is the best tool for managing a modern worker: to encourage or constantly keep in fear, threatening with dismissal or a pay cut. The West has long understood that valuable employee must be respected and cherished, because the success of the company in the market largely depends on his knowledge, ability to work and loyalty.

Unfortunately, in Ukraine, which has a significant human and intellectual potential in the world, companies do not use enough tools related to increasing employee motivation, focusing on “wage manipulation”: increasing or decreasing depending on the success of the structure in the market. Only large companies today, when applying for a job, they offer high-level specialists not only a high salary, but also “abundant” social package covering part of the important costs of human life. But sometimes the young generation of modern managers is not satisfied with this: they must see the prospect of career growth in this company, and if not, then, as practice shows, such an employee will look for another job.

Note that many Ukrainian companies do not want to spread widely about the employee incentive system that exists in the structure. Therefore, it is difficult to generalize this practice in the all-Ukrainian context.

Need a reasonable balance

It is not surprising that the weak motivation of the staff to work takes the third place in the list of reasons hindering the growth of the business of any company.

The question is how to make a person appreciate his place in the company? At first glance, it seems that there is no need to be smart. Pay more and that's it. But it turns out that's not all. Yes, a decent salary should allow ordinary personnel to live with dignity. But even today, such an ancient principle as material remuneration for work requires compliance certain conditions. According to Herzberg's theory, it is not worth increasing salaries in connection with indexation, since life indexation, aimed at maintaining "hygienic (life) factors, does not at all inspire employees to increase their productivity.

In addition to salaries, as you know, they also pay bonuses. But the bonus must be correctly positioned in the mind of the worker. A bonus that is paid episodically is not considered a motivating factor, since it is perceived as part of the salary. When a person receives a bonus, he realizes that the management appreciated the results he achieved and at the same time did not spare money for remuneration. At the same time, the main thing for the employee is not the amount of the bonus itself, but the fact of receiving it.

Assume a situation where all employees are well received. Then the motivation to "rush upward", to spend time and energy on the transition to the middle and upper levels fades into the background. At the same time, experts note one negative and dangerous trend for the company: the emergence of a danger in which getting a lot of money will become an end in itself, a kind of fad for most employees. And if so, then in emerging markets, employees with this way of thinking are always ready to leave the firm. “We need money, more money, because we, like the whole country (by the way, this is how many employees of Eastern European companies think), have not yet eaten,” say the workers. And many employers fall for it. They think in a simplistic way: if you give a higher salary to an employee, then he will work better. Although there are big doubts about it.

Let's consider such a situation. The employee earned a lot with his labor and mind: an apartment, a car, and also replenished his bank account. And, it is clear that the monetary motivation ceases to work for him. As you know, business is a routine, everyday life. People get fed up with this and start looking for freedom. The employee is interested not only in the realization of himself as a professional, but as a person in general. And then you need a match between the basic values ​​of the company and the personal interests of the employee. For example, not everyone wants to work from Monday to Friday, from 8.00 to 17.00. Therefore, the management of Western firms is going to establish a flexible work schedule: it allows its employee to work in the morning or at night: the main thing is that he has inspiration. The time worked is determined by the card. Each employee has a web page. Looking there, he can get information about how long he was at the workplace - but not less than 40 hours a week. As for Ukrainian firms, they still adhere to a strict work schedule.

How Ukrainian firms encourage employees

The most attractive for adaptation in other companies may be a thoroughly developed and tested motivation system used in Kyivstar.

According to Sergei Tovstenko-Zabelin, a responsible employee of Kyivstar, the employee is hired for a position whose duties are clearly defined job descriptions and for which a certain level of salary (grade) is set. Each position and each grade has a certain “fork” of size wages, which may vary depending on the success of the employee in this position. In the process of work, an employee has the opportunity to move to another position by participating in an internal competition, and the competition for filling a vacancy is, first of all, announced among Kyivstar employees. All payments in the company are made completely legally with the payment of relevant taxes, and thus a Kyivstar employee can easily use such additional features such as bank lending, pensions, etc. In addition to wages, each staff member of Kyivstar, depending on the individual results of work and the results of the work of his unit and the company as a whole, can count on bonuses. Usually quarterly and annual bonuses are paid, which is a significant addition to the salary. In addition to salary and bonuses, each full-time employee receives a social package that includes medical insurance, vacation supplement, pension funded insurance, accident insurance, and mobile services for family members.

An employee of the company has the opportunity to receive targeted financial assistance in special cases, for example, an anniversary, the birth of a child, a wedding, as well as support in case of a serious illness. Also, Kyivstar, actively contributing to the professional development of its employees, pays for relevant seminars, trainings, as well as special programs development; holds competitions for business ideas with incentive prizes and the opportunity to put these ideas into practice.

According to a survey of Kiev law, attorney and consulting firms regarding the increase in employee motivation, most of them have career advancement scheduled for years ahead, i.e. everyone knows what they can claim in the coming years of work, and what salary and fee they can receive . This is due to the fact that these companies compete fiercely among themselves for employees, since high rewards and, let's say, a "thick benefits package" are attractive factors for moving from one company to another.

After the purchase by the Austrian Raiffeisen Bank of the Ukrainian Aval, according to Vladimir Lavrenchuk, the head of the newly created "Raiffeisen Bank Aval", the improvement of the personnel incentive system has begun. The bank decided to stimulate the staff to productive work by raising salaries: the incomes of middle and top managers increased several times, and the work of risk managers became especially prestigious and highly paid. According to Lavrenchuk, the bank encourages its hardworking employees by improving their professional skills: trainings are organized for them (for this The educational center, which employs 8 trainers). In addition, the bank signed an agreement with the Kyiv-Mohyla Business School to train 220 bank managers in strategic, functional and personnel management. And this provides an opportunity for successfully working managers to claim a higher position in the bank system and, accordingly, to higher salary

What does an ordinary Scandinavian need?

According to Christer Furling, consultant of the Swedish Economic and Financial Consultants for International Development agency, in companies with a cyclic structure, personnel (team or team) are created for the duration of a certain task. A top manager sets only the direction of work, sets tasks, not forgetting the main thing - creating favorable conditions. Such an organization rests on three "p" - people, purpose & process (people, purpose and process). But the classic vertical structure is built on three "s" (like in the military) - structure , system & strategy . So, for example, in the CIS countries, companies operate according to the classical type, and not cyclical. In Sweden, labor costs have always been high. Working with unmotivated personnel is quite expensive for the company. By the way, the social package provides the Swede with 80% of the ballot pay. True, the Swedes will not take sick leave without need - local entrepreneurs are doing everything possible to increase the motivation of employees to work. Ferling argues that today in many Swedish companies in the hierarchy of corporate values ​​it is the team spirit that leads. For an employee, values ​​such as friendship, partnership and teamwork are of paramount importance. In second place - interesting job, on the third - the realization that the employee himself cares about the quality of the task. Salary is in seventh place. Today, many companies in Sweden allow staff to work from home. No one is surprised by the work process on a flexible schedule: if the competent group considers it possible to grant such a right to a team member, then the management will not object, since the entire team is responsible for the results of the work.

Mckinsey experience

Ways to encourage employees and a coherent system of career development operate in the company "McKinsey". It is clear that at present the low level of personnel management in most domestic companies does not allow borrowing many of the principles developed by this international structure. Note that McKinsey employees are paid not according to the results of the work of the unit, but to the results of the work of the entire company. The "higher authorities" are guided by the main principle: the company needs people who work not for the sake of earning, but for the sake of the organization. A person must make every effort so that new knowledge and an improved product are born inside the structure. “Relying only on the stimulating effect of material rewards in such a situation is stupid,” says McKinsey.

The company has worked out clear rules for hiring employees. She tries to select not just people with knowledge and certain experience. She is interested in people with a dominant personality characteristic, in other words, with the makings of a team leader. What is the difference between the company and other similar ones: it does not have a rigid hierarchical structure. The company allows a person to independently organize the creative process, here they encourage the initiative of the employee. Everyone who comes to McKinsey aims for self-reliance. For example, there is no boss as such, who points and checks, since frequent instructions and checks can irritate employees, and accordingly postpone the goal in time. In his activities, the employee is guided by the mission (task) and fundamental principles. He wants to have freedom of movement, thought and action to deal with unpredictable situations on his own. Therefore, the company's management seeks to gather professionals under one roof, and not just employees. And everyone hired by McKinsey is treated like a professional and required to be professional in their work.

To ensure that employees do not linger in one place, the company has a career development system - six steps. And each of them has its own area of ​​responsibility. Simultaneously with career growth, the zone of independence expands in strict accordance with the increase in professional skills and cognitive resources.

Employees who come to work start with a business analyst. The next stage is “associate” (from English - comrade, colleague). Then - manager and junior partner. Each rank corresponds to a range of duties. Unlike a business analyst, "a ssociate" takes part in the discussion of related and general problems, manages projects. But the manager's competence includes not only managing the accumulated knowledge of the team, but also searching for the best methodological knowledge. By the way, if a person does not have the “leadership” traits, then the issue of transferring to managers can be postponed for a while. The junior partner is a multi-machine. His duty is to manage several projects, work with the client, set goals for new projects. He must prepare articles, analyze completed projects and multiply the company's database. He goes to the goal of 6-7 years. The partner of the company is a key figure. He has the most important thing - freedom. But she, according to a company analyst Eberhard von Leneisen is inseparable from responsibility. He is an expert in a particular area (it is not allowed to be an expert in all areas). In addition, the partner of the company determines which projects more needed by the company and in what order they should be done.

The Partner Director is the Master of the Order. He, like a father, suggests to partners promising directions for finding clients, maintaining contacts with the most important of them. He works with office staff and spends a lot of time on it.

What is "profit-sharing"?

A new system for increasing staff motivation introduced by a Russian telecommunications company deserves special attention. It concerns the payment of a certain percentage of profits to all employees (this is the method of stimulation that is widely used in world practice). In a Russian company, due to this factor, it was possible to solve the problem of selecting employees and strengthening their motivation, strengthening the corporate culture as a whole. By the way, the company also uses a program for evaluating the contribution of each employee - "perfomance management". The size of the payment of bonuses and salaries depends on it, but this program has other conditions.

What is “profit-sharing” (“profit-sharing”)? The quintessence of the system lies in the distribution of profits in equal shares among all participants in the program. At the beginning of the year, the company declares its plans for 360 days and determines the following: if the net profit after paying all taxes exceeds a certain amount, then a certain percentage of this profit will be equally distributed among all staff members companies that signed the document (this program is valid only during the calendar year). By the way, the program has a minus: if something does not work out, then the company may refuse to fulfill its obligations to employees.

According to the management of a telecommunications company, profit sharing is a very strong motivational factor that allows people to consciously participate in the company's business. Moreover, the distribution of earned profit and its payment is an equal share, regardless of the position and position of the employee. Perhaps, for the head of the department, the amount received will be insignificant, but for young employees, the incentive can be 3-4 monthly salaries. This program is designed for beginners and the average composition of the company (top management and some high-ranking managers do not participate in profit sharing, since other compensation and motivation programs are provided for them).

As time shows, profit-sharing is a fairly strong tool. If an employee knows that he will receive a large amount of money at the end of the year, then he will definitely complete it until the end of it. This program is needed not only to encourage employees, but to maintain the image of an innovative company in the field of telecommunications.

According to studies conducted by some Western recruiting companies, small companies with 60-100 employees. pay more attention to the monetary component than large ones. They are forced to pay 20-60% more than well-known brand companies in the world. Typical Strategy small companies- this is the attraction of highly qualified employees and a sharp increase in their salaries. At the same time, it was noticed that employees who receive an increased salary are not at all loyal to the company, and the turnover among “overbought” specialists is much higher than among employees grown within the company.

To avoid the development of such negative aspects, experts recommend creating a favorable psychological climate in the structures. The worker must feel ownership of what the company is doing. Then the size of the salary will fade into the background (perhaps temporarily), and the employee will stop thinking about applying his abilities in other firms where labor is paid higher. According to experts, the range of human aspirations and desires is so huge that it is not worth measuring it only in money. It is no coincidence that today many famous international companies when hiring a “valuable person”, they try to find out their internal motivation. The management is not against a high salary, but it must be sure that the employee, first of all, is driven not by love for big money, but by interest in a new business

Experience of labor motivation in the leading countries of the world and the feasibility of its application at domestic enterprises

The article discusses the main forms of labor motivation in the leading countries of the world, their effectiveness and necessity. The optimal types of motivation for their implementation in our country are proposed.

IN modern conditions To ensure the effective functioning of any organization, a motivational mechanism for employees is necessary. Human resource management, constant increase in labor productivity, employee interest in the final results, is of particular importance and relevance.

In the economy, along with the processes of the economic crisis, a significant change in the field of personnel management has affected. State, private, corporate enterprises in practice felt that the development and success of market relations is impossible without the search for new modern forms of motivation and stimulation of labor, which are now used by foreign companies. At present, in many countries of Western Europe, the USA and Japan, the motivational aspects of personnel management have become great importance, and these methods and experiences of motivation can be successfully transferred.

Study of the experience of personnel motivation in the leading countries of the world

In modern conditions of development of society, the use of personnel motivation methods makes it possible to stimulate employees of an enterprise to achieve its strategic goals, and affects the efficiency of an economic entity. Note that in relation to the individual, according to R. Daft. Motivation should be understood as a combination of internal and external driving forces, which encourage a person to activity, set its boundaries and forms, and also direct the employee to achieve goals. At the same time, in relation to labor process, Boychik I.M. believes that motivation involves the implementation of a set of interrelated measures. Stimulating the workforce to achieve the personal goals of each of its members and the overall goals of the enterprise.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of the managerial impact on the employees of the enterprise is largely determined by the current system of personnel motivation, the use of the mechanisms of which makes it possible to form a conscious attitude to work. So, for the effective functioning of the motivation system at the enterprise, the formation should take into account the fundamental scientific approaches to models, methods, functions and other elements of the system under consideration. So, as a basis for creating a model of motivation in an enterprise, we propose to consider the theory of the hierarchy of needs by A. Maslow. According to which the success of inducing employees to productive work depends on how fully the actual needs of a person are taken into account, brought together by scientists into a hierarchy: physiological needs, the need for security and protection, belonging to a certain social group, involvement, support, the need for respect and recognition, as well as self-expression.

The main motivating factors of employees

At the present stage of the country's development, the main motivating factor for employees is to receive guaranteed wages. Therefore, as a rule, domestic leaders consider the motivation system as a tool based on personal payments to the employee, that is, the motivation process is carried out only with the help of material methods. At the same time, managers believe that this element is the main one and must satisfy all the needs of employees in motivation.

In the new economic conditions, the practical use of foreign experience in material incentives for personnel is gaining real importance.

The key elements of the formation and application of the system of material motivation of personnel in the leading countries of the world are:

  • use of the tariff system,
  • application of progressive forms of remuneration,
  • dissemination of original systems of bonuses and incentives for innovations,
  • higher mental pay
  • significant individualization of wages.

In almost all European countries, the tariff wages of workers are based on tariff scales with a bit-rate wage billing. In some countries, uniform tariff scales are applied at the state level (Belarus, Poland, Hungary), at the industry level (France, Italy, Spain) and at the level of enterprises ( Russian Federation, Ukraine). A feature of the organization of wage rates for commercial and technical employees and craftsmen in Germany is that wage rates based on the accepted qualification classification (pay group) are set for each year in industry agreements, taking into account regional characteristics (in the lands).

Motivating factors of employees in foreign countries

Noteworthy is the experience of Sweden, where the policy of "solid wages" is used. Its basis is following principles: Equal pay for equal work and narrowing the gap between minimum and maximum wages. The formation of wages is carried out on a collective-contract basis and the state does not directly participate in this process, with the exception of individual cases.

For example, in Italy, in such industries as metallurgical (8-digit tariff scale), oil refining (7-digit tariff scale) and mechanical engineering (8-digit tariff scale), there are 4 such combined categories. At the same time, in metallurgy and mechanical engineering, only workers enter the first category, up to the 2nd and 5th categories - both workers and employees, up to the 6th and 8th categories - only employees.

In addition to the tariff system of remuneration, there is a growing trend towards the individualization of wages, based on the results of assessing the specific merits of an employee. It is indisputably proven that employees of a firm who have the same qualifications hold the same position or perform the same work. Thanks to their natural abilities, initiative, experience, etc. can achieve different results at work. This difference is reflected in the level of wages of specific workers.

In the United States, material incentives for employees are the main methods of motivation

As a rule, they are realized in the payment of basic wages, bonuses and allowances are established. In addition, various schemes for the participation of personnel in the profits of the company are widely used; analytical wage systems are used, the peculiarity of which is a differential scoring of the degree of labor complexity, taking into account the qualifications of workers, physical effort, working conditions, etc.

In foreign firms, such forms of staff incentives are widely used as participation in profits or in the share capital of an enterprise. The purpose of which is to create in the employee a sense of attachment to the achievement of the organizational goals of the enterprise. They also use material incentive systems based on the theory of bonuses, which provides for a direct linear dependence of incentives on the result of labor. Bonuses usually range from a third to 75-100% of an employee's earnings. For example, in American companies, the practice of distributing material remuneration in half is common: for basic wages and additional payments in the form of bonuses, "sharing in profits", additional payments, etc.

When determining the base salary, they analyze the labor market, and not the average in the country as a whole, but the main competitors. Profit-sharing payouts are not one-time bonuses, but extra payments above the norm. This is a variable part within the market-conditioned average level of wages for a certain category of workers, closely related to the final results. Another type of work motivation in the United States is, for example, enterprise-subsidized "cafeteria", loans with reduced interest rate for college education for employees' children. Also, providing paid legal services, physical rehabilitation programs, paid sabbaticals after a certain number of years worked in this organization, etc.

In Japan, within the framework of the so-called integrated tariff scale, used in many industrial enterprises for the tariffing of all categories of workers (except for top managers), the following gradation of tariff categories is assumed:

  • workers are charged from the 1st to the fifth categories;
  • from the 3rd to the 9th category, engineering and technical workers and employees are charged;
  • managers are charged from the 7th to the 9th categories.

In Japan, human capital is recognized as a priority

Since human capital is recognized as a priority in Japan, all enterprises have an extensive system of material and non-material incentives for employees. The basis of material incentives are the following elements:

- Wages - it belongs to the main place, since firms allocate to it, on average, up to 85% of all funds spent on labor resources;

- Bonuses - they supplement the monthly salary and are paid twice a year (the so-called bonuses) over the tariff earnings of the established working hours and overtime surcharges; tariff earnings consist of the tariff rate and allowances to it;

- Dependence of wages on length of service and age. All new employees are assigned the same salary, which is supplemented annually with experience bonuses;

– Optimal wage differentiation. For example, the wages of the management personnel of Japanese companies exceed the wages of new employees only by 7-8 times, and in American companies - by 10-70 times;

– The use of an extensive system of benefits for permanent employees: allowances for the maintenance of the family, payment for travel to the place of work, medical insurance, social insurance, payments for social needs. And also, providing vacation vouchers, paying for car parking, providing food for employees, issuing bonuses and valuable gifts, etc .;

– Use of payments in kind (free provision of goods) and others.

Top wages in many foreign countries, according to the experience of these countries, is largely a consequence of the use of forms and systems of remuneration with a large motivating effect. Such a progressive approach to the organization of wages would be useful in our state.

The relevance of non-material incentives

At the present stage, non-material incentives are of particular relevance for the country, since national enterprises often operate in conditions of limited resources. That's why the main objective managers not only to keep valuable personnel at the current level of wages, but also to motivate them to work more productively. Therefore, the foreign experience of non-material motivation also deserves attention.

Achievements in the field of labor motivation in US companies are especially widespread, some methods and forms of stimulation of which are studied and applied throughout the world. So in the USA there are two main directions in non-material incentives for staff. The first of which is to create a trusting relationship between the leader and subordinates, which is achieved by establishing common, that is, workers are placed clear objectives and goals of activities, the achievement of which is carried out as a result of high-quality, efficient work and continuous professional development.

At the same time, each employee, if possible, is selected the most interesting, meaningful, feasible work, taking into account his psychological characteristics. Also, employees have the right to participate in decision-making on various topical issues enterprise activities. This is achieved through surveys, brainstorming methods and generally allows them to feel their involvement in the company. Now almost 25% of American firms with more than 500 employees have a workers' council or joint committees of workers and management in their structure. They mainly solve production problems, and also perform information and consulting functions. The participation of workers in the management of the company in the United States is realized by delegating their representatives to the highest management bodies and, first of all, the board of directors.

The development of individualism in the worker

The second direction of non-material incentives for personnel is associated with the development of individualism in an employee. To do this, US enterprises take into account the opinion of each employee, the employee at all levels is delegated additional powers in the management of production. The distribution of profits, trust in the preparation of projects, allows the employee to feel his importance in the functioning of the enterprise. It also creates awareness that all employees are in the same conditions.

These areas of non-material incentives for personnel are used by companies such as IMB, P & G, which encourage and support enthusiasts, innovators and inventors, which allows creating advantages in the implementation of innovations. At the same time, IMB Corporation offers a wide range of programs and courses, provides talented employees with the opportunity to improve their skills and allows them to develop their career within the enterprise.

An important feature of the methods of non-material incentives for personnel in the United States is the widespread use of methods such as team building or teambuilding and moral encouragement. Teambuilding provides for the organization of corporate events, out-of-town and sightseeing trips at the expense of the company, makes it possible to rally the team and prepares for teamwork. Moral encouragement is manifested in the form of verbal praise, compliments, special badges. For example, at Walt Disney Co, the following practice is used: on the central street of Disneyland Park, there are portraits of the most valuable employees on the windows of cafes, and at Southwest Airlines, a special aircraft has been released, inside of which the names of employees are carved. As a result of the active introduction of non-material incentive methods into the personnel management system, these companies are characterized by low staff turnover.

Non-material motivation of personnel in Western European countries

The non-material motivation of personnel in Western European countries is in many ways similar to the American one, but still has its own characteristics. Which consists in a wider distribution of partnerships between employers and workers. This is manifested in the active participation of personnel in ownership, profits and decision-making. Thus, in Austria, Denmark, Holland, Luxembourg, Sweden, the participation of workers in the boards of directors of companies with the right to vote is legally fixed. Employees of French companies have their representatives on the boards of directors, but without the right to vote in decision-making. In Germany, production councils are being created, where, together with the management, such issues as the charter of the enterprise, the organization of production, issues of working hours, determining the vacation schedule, issues of introducing technical means of monitoring labor productivity, and social security issues are approved. The practice of managing German enterprises shows that such a policy of involving employees of the enterprise in management contributes to the development of their labor activity, which ultimately leads to an improvement in the final results of production.

The Japanese personnel management system is fundamentally different from the American one, the basis of which is a qualitatively new paradigm of relations between the manager and employees. Based on humanism, respect for elders, universal consent, devotion to the company, which in general allows revealing the personal potential of each employee. This system consists of such integral elements as lifetime employment, salary by seniority, trade unions.

Note that the traditional Japanese system is giving way to a new model of labor management. More effective in modern conditions, however, it is premature to declare the destruction of the personnel management system traditional for Japan.

Production circles and movements

The measures of non-material incentives, which are widely used in Japan, include the active involvement of workers in various production circles and movements, such as “For increasing labor productivity”, “For working without marriage”, “Control over product quality”. Note that the main task such activities is the regular Gathering of individual members of the team on a voluntary basis in order to identify problems affecting production efficiency and product quality. As well as preparing proposals for their elimination. According to the results of the activities of the circles, a direct economic effect is achieved, but an indirect effect is much more important. Which is manifested in the creation of a positive moral and psychological climate, conducive to the revitalization of workers to improve the organization of labor in their own area.

An important component of non-material incentives is the establishment of "human relations". Thus, the management of Japanese companies adheres to the style of informal business communication with the staff, is achieved by the daily communication of the manager with his subordinates by exchanging greetings and information directly at the employee's workplace.

Thus, the experience gained by the leading corporations in the USA, Japan, and Western European countries should be used in the formation and development of a system of non-material incentives for domestic enterprises.

The effectiveness of staff motivation worries many scientists

For the past few decades, the problem of the effectiveness of staff motivation has been of concern to many scientists, and its complexity lies in the fact that it is impossible to develop a single algorithm for motivating employees. Each employee has different needs, as well as individual character traits that must be considered when choosing a type of motivation. It is impossible to motivate the same employee with the same stimulus for a long time, since the employee develops and, accordingly, his needs change. To improve the motivation system in the country, it is necessary to take into account the experience of the leading countries of the world. Which have already achieved significant success in motivating staff. In addition, the results of their activities are visible in practice.

We believe that it is expedient for domestic enterprises to introduce such methods of motivation that would allow taking into account all categories of the needs of the employees of the enterprise indicated in the theory of A. Maslow. At the same time, first of all, a constant salary should be provided as the basis of motivation at the enterprise and as a method that satisfies the physiological, vital needs of a person.

Employee commitment to the organization

The need for safety forms the employee's commitment to the organization, so it is important to use such a measure of motivation as informing the team about the long-term prospects for the enterprise. This will give the employee confidence in the stability of his workplace. This is especially true for domestic enterprises due to the instability of the surrounding political and economic environment.

Satisfying the need for respect and recognition forms the self-confidence of the enterprise personnel, a sense of their usefulness, recognition of their abilities. To do this, managers must organize anniversaries, celebrations, and encourage work by presenting prizes and awards.

For effective management the need to belong to a certain social group at the enterprise, such methods and techniques of motivation should be used, such as providing feedback between employees and management through joint decision-making. This will involve employees in the management of the enterprise, and intensify their labor activity.

It should be noted that the greatest attention in domestic enterprises should be paid to satisfying the need for self-expression. That would allow to fully reveal the potential of each employee, to increase the level of competence. The management of this need should use such methods of motivation as providing meaningfulness to the work performed. Opportunity for vocational training and advanced training, provision of responsible work, stimulation of innovation and invention.

Motivation is a mandatory tool for personnel management. It is one of the main points that determine the relationship between employees and the company. In Russia, it is generally accepted that the best reward for work is money. But the best Western practices show that this approach is not the only correct one.

To date, there are a large number of motivational theories about how to encourage staff. The application of these theories and approaches to labor motivation created by foreign scientists in Russia and in the West have their own nuances.

In the West, the problem of staff motivation is understood much more broadly than in Russia. In our country, it is generally accepted that a person works solely for the sake of money. Of course, the question of salary should come first, because only very rare enthusiasts work for an idea. But if the company provides its employee with the opportunity to attend corporate courses to study foreign language or a subscription to the pool, then, of course, the employee will take advantage of this offer with great pleasure, and his loyalty will increase.

Apart from financial side, abroad, a significant role is given to non-material methods of motivation. Western HR managers have long come to the conclusion that employees are the main value of the company, they need to be groomed and cherished, because the success of the company depends on the ability of the team to work.

What does motivation look like in a foreign language, and what do they pay the most attention to abroad?

American style gingerbread

The United States of America is the ideologue of modern business practices. They are the founders of such concepts as "HR" and "internal corporate culture". In the 60s of the 20th century, the United States developed the basic principles of working with human resources, systems of material and non-material motivation, and ways to increase employee loyalty.

Almost all American companies, in addition to the reward system, provide their employees with health insurance at the expense of the company, advanced training programs, corporate lunches and much more. For example, IBM and AT&T, in response to changes in the demographic situation in the country, developed and successfully implemented the so-called family programs. Most of the employees of these companies are people under the age of 40, many of whom have small children. Corporate management provides these employees with the opportunity to work on a flexible schedule, assistance in the selection of nannies, corporate kindergartens and nurseries, and also organizes holidays for employees with babies.

Americans also pay great attention to improving the skills of their employees. In each of the above corporations, the cost of all types of training is almost $ 800 million a year. Training, according to the Americans, helps to increase individual labor returns and increase company profits.

But what is the practice used in the largest American corporation Walt Disney Co .: on the main street of Disneyland Park, cafe windows are dedicated to the most valuable employees.

A little about the French

It's not that the French don't like to work - they just prefer not to overwork. This is evidenced by the 35-hour work week approved by most French companies. This is despite the fact that in many EU countries the working week is 40 hours.

The French treat additional attention to their person from the side of the company as something taken for granted.

Almost 69% of French residents consider a sliding or flexible work schedule, up to freelancing, to be the best non-material motivation.

The French consider medical and social insurance at the expense of the company, as well as assistance in repaying loans, to be no less important. Corporate catering has also become widespread in France.

By the way, the French are not at all interested in additional education and advanced training at the expense of the employer, although many companies are trying to introduce numerous training programs. Automobile companies Renault and Peugeot are famous for this.

Japanese stability

“First of all, serve the emperor and the country, secondly, your company, thirdly, your family, then you can pay attention to yourself,” this basic principle of the psychology of Japanese society comes from the era of feudalism. This message is reflected in the modern corporate culture of the Land of the Rising Sun.

In Japan, a person gets a job for life. Once accepted into the company, the Japanese stays there until his official retirement. The firm in which the specialist works becomes practically a second family. Consequently, the non-material motivation of employees is carried out according to the psychological scheme "father-son", where the company is the father, and the employee is the son.

The company facilitates obtaining a loan, and often provides interest-free loans to its employees. The company also bears all expenses in case of expensive education of the employee and his children. Many Japanese companies finance family celebrations of their employees - weddings and anniversaries, as well as organize sporting events. Some businesses provide housing for their employees.

It is curious that in some Japanese corporations marriages between employees are welcome. Thus, the corporation binds the specialist even more strongly to his workplace - in this case, the work becomes practically a home.

Provide high motivation to work ample opportunities for career and professional growth. Raises may be small, but their regularity is a great motivator for employees.

The Dutch - benefits, the Swedes - a friendly team

In the Netherlands, the main role that determines the interest and labor activity of employees is given to benefits and compensation.

If an employee needs to consult a doctor, the company provides its employee with two paid hours - during which he can safely go to the hospital. And if a subordinate was absent from work for three months - for example, due to illness - then he receives one additional paid day of rest.

But in Sweden, friendship, partnership and teamwork are paramount values. In second place in the ranking of priorities for the Swedes is an interesting job, and only in seventh position is the amount of wages. Today, many Swedish companies allow their employees to work from home.

Back to the Soviet Union?

In the USSR, payments for meals were widespread, and benefits such as free vouchers to rest homes and sanatoriums were standard. At present, many Russian companies pay almost no attention to their employees, do not try to keep them, believing that there are no irreplaceable specialists. Russian companies often use fear as a motivation - they scare employees with pay cuts and dismissals. Abroad, this is unacceptable.

Of course, Russia should be guided by the experience of Western colleagues, but in no case should it be copied, because the mechanical transfer of foreign experience to our conditions will not give any effect. However, do not forget that intangible instruments Incentives for company employees can and should be used only when the financial needs of employees are met.

Motivation of labor is one of the problems, the solution of which in world practice has always been given great attention. Domestic theory and practice of labor motivation, as a rule, come down to remuneration based on fixed tariff rates and official salaries, and are ineffective. Therefore, when forming labor motivation systems at enterprises, especially large ones, it is necessary to use the experience already accumulated by world practice.

Of the variety of models of labor motivation systems in the market economy of most industrialized countries, Japanese, American, French, English, German, and Swedish models can be distinguished as the most characteristic.

The Japanese model is characterized by outpacing the growth of labor productivity in relation to the growth of the standard of living of the population, including the level of wages. In order to encourage entrepreneurial activity, the state does not take serious measures to control the property stratification of society. The existence of such a model is possible only if high development for all members of the society of national identity, the priority of the interests of the nation over the interests specific person, readiness of the population to make certain material sacrifices for the welfare of the country.

The system of labor incentives in comparison with other industrialized countries in Japan is very flexible. Traditionally, it is built taking into account three factors: professional skills, age and length of service. The salary of a worker, engineer, manager of the lower and middle levels, depending on these factors, is carried out according to tariff scale, with the help of which the salary (a conditionally constant part of the employee's salary) is determined as the sum of payments in three sections: for age, for length of service, for qualifications and skills, characterized by category and category.

Most Japanese companies in the policy of material incentives use synthesized systems that combine elements of the traditional (age and new) labor rating of employees. In the synthesized system, the amount of wages is determined by four indicators - age, length of service, professional grade and labor productivity. Age and seniority serve as the basis for the traditional personal rate, while professional grade and labor productivity are the basis for determining the value of the labor tariff rate, called the "skill rate".

Thus, the use of the labor rate excludes the possibility of an automatic increase in wages unrelated to the employee's advanced training and labor contribution, thereby increasing the motivation to work, which in this case directly depends on the results of work.

The American model of labor motivation is built on the full encouragement of entrepreneurial activity and the enrichment of the most active part of the population. The model is based on the socio-cultural characteristics of the nation - a mass orientation towards the achievement of personal success for everyone, as well as high level economic welfare.

At the heart of the system of motivation in the United States is wages. Most widespread received various modifications of the time-based wage system with normalized tasks, supplemented by various forms of bonuses.

Today, one of the most common forms of remuneration in the United States for both main and auxiliary workers is wages that combine elements of piecework and time systems. In this case, the daily wage of an employee is determined as the product of the hourly wage rate and the number of hours worked. If the employee fails to fulfill the daily norm in kind, work continues until the norm is fulfilled.

This system wages does not provide for the payment of bonuses, since, according to American economists, these amounts are already included in the high wage rate of the worker and the salary of the employee. hallmark The system under consideration is the simplicity of accrual of earnings and planning of wage costs. However, most firms both in the US and other countries tend to use systems that combine pay with bonuses.

Collective bonus systems are widely used in the USA. Thus, when applying the Scanlon system between the administration and employees of the enterprise, the standard for the share of wages in the total cost of conditionally net products is determined in advance. In the event of a profitable operation of the enterprise and the formation of wage savings, a bonus fund is created due to the achieved savings, which is distributed as follows: 25% is sent to the reserve fund to cover possible overspending of the wage fund. Of the remaining amount, 25% is directed to bonuses for the administration of the enterprise, 75% - to bonuses for workers.

Bonuses are paid monthly based on the results of the previous month in proportion to the labor participation of the employee on the basis of the basic salary. At the end of the year, the reserve fund is fully distributed among the employees of the enterprise. The use of this system by Midland-Ross made it possible to increase labor productivity by 16% on the same equipment, reduce staff turnover from 36 to 2.6%, and halve the number of violators of labor discipline.

When using the Rucker system, bonuses are accrued regardless of the profit earned for the past period. Bonuses are set in a certain amount of conditionally net production: while 25% of the fund is reserved, and the rest is distributed among the workers and the administration. Unlike the Scanlon system, this system does not provide for a collective discussion of the distribution of the premium.

The flexibility of the remuneration system is given by periodic appraisals of employees, on the basis of which the level of remuneration of employees for the subsequent period is established. The salary is reviewed, as a rule, in the first year of work every three months, after a year of work - once every six months or a year.

Some American enterprises are using a new system of remuneration, in which the increase in wages depends not so much on output, but on the growth of qualifications and the number of mastered professions. After completing training in one specialty, a worker is assigned a certain number of points. He can get a salary increase by earning the corresponding amount of points. When determining the amount of wages, the determining factors are the number of mastered "qualification units", the level of skill in each of them, and the qualifications in the mastered specialties.

The main benefits identified during the implementation of skill-based pay are as follows: increased mobility work force inside the enterprise, the growth of job satisfaction, the elimination of intermediate levels of management, the reduction in the total number of personnel, mainly due to workers and foremen. At the same time, intra-production relations are noticeably improving, and the quality of work is increasing. According to 72% of the surveyed managers and workers, as a result of the introduction of such a system at enterprises, the level of output increases, and the costs and labor costs for manufacturing a unit of output decrease.

The French model of labor motivation is characterized by a wide variety of economic instruments, including strategic planning and promotion of competition, flexible system taxation. Distinctive feature her - inclusion strategic planning into the market mechanism. The basis of market relations in the French model is competition, which directly affects the quality of products, meeting the needs of the population in goods and services, and reducing production costs.

There are two trends in the wage policy of French firms: indexation of wages depending on the cost of living and individualization of wages. Consumer price indices are included in wages in almost all large enterprises which is reflected in collective agreements with trade unions. The principle of individualization of wages in France is carried out by taking into account the level of professional qualifications, the quality of the work performed, the number of rationalization proposals made, the level of employee mobility. There are three main approaches to the implementation of the principle of individualization of remuneration:

  1. For each job assessed on the basis of a collective agreement, the minimum wage and the “fork” of salaries are determined. The assessment of the work of each employee is carried out in relation to the work performed, and not in relation to the work of employees employed in other jobs. The criteria for the labor contribution of an employee are the quantity and quality of his work, as well as participation in the social life of the enterprise;
  2. The salary is divided into two parts: a constant, depending on the position or workplace, and a variable, reflecting the efficiency of the work of employees. Additionally, bonuses are paid for high quality work, conscientious attitude to work, etc. The staff takes an active part in the discussion of wage issues within the framework of special commissions;
  3. Enterprises carry out such forms of individualization of wages as participation in profits, the sale of enterprise shares to employees, and the payment of bonuses.
In the French model, the method of labor assessment (which, as a rule, is multifactorial) and the criteria used are of interest. The content of this methodology in general terms is as follows. Enterprises use a scoring of the employee's labor efficiency (from 0 to 120 points) according to six indicators: professional knowledge, labor productivity, quality of work, compliance with safety regulations, production ethics, initiative.

The personnel of the enterprise is divided into 5 categories. The highest - the first - include workers who scored from 100 to 120 points; to the second - those who scored from 76 to 99 points, etc. At the same time, a number of restrictions apply: at least 5 and no more than 10% of employees of one department and one profession can be attributed to the first category, from 30 to 40% to the second, from 35 to 45% to the third. In case of absence from work from 3 to 5 days per month, the allowance is reduced by 25%, for 10 or more days - by 100%.

The advantage of the French model of motivation is that it has a strong stimulating effect on the efficiency and quality of labor, and serves as a factor in self-regulation of the size of the wage fund. In the event of temporary difficulties, the payment fund is automatically reduced, as a result of which the enterprise painlessly responds to market changes. The model ensures that employees are widely aware of the economic situation of the company.

Currently in the UK there are two modifications of the wage system, depending on profit: cash and equity, involving partial payment in the form of shares. In addition, it provides for the possibility of using a system of fluctuating wages, completely dependent on the profits of the firm.

In the UK, profit sharing is introduced when, in accordance with an individual or collective agreement, in addition to the established salary, an appropriate share of the profits of the enterprise is regularly paid. Depending on the basis for calculating the amount distributed through the profit sharing system, a distinction is made between participation in profits, participation in net income, participation in turnover or generated value, labor share participation, and purely labor participation.

Equity participation involves the contribution of part of the personal savings of employees in exchange for shares or bonds of the company using these funds to purchase fixed assets and working capital. Equity participation in the capital entails the transfer to the participants of the corporation of a part of the profit (income), including in the form of dividends or interest, the payment of benefits or bonuses of the enterprise.

Labor share participation combines the above forms. The employee of the enterprise receives income in three directions: the basic salary, the share of participation in profits based on labor, the share of profits based on the capital invested by him.

The practical application of these models of the new wage system in the UK has shown that the income of employees from participation in profits is on average 3% of the base salary, only in some firms it has reached 10% of the salary. After the introduction of the profit sharing system, the number of jobs increased by 13%, while the average salary in companies with this system of participation was 4% lower than in ordinary firms. At the same time, profit sharing in the form of share distribution has a positive effect on both the company and its employees, improves their attitude to work, creates a favorable atmosphere in the company, and stimulates more efficient work. As a result of the application of the participation system, a significant increase in labor productivity can be expected.

The German model of labor motivation proceeds from the fact that at its center is a person with his interests as a free person, conscious of his responsibility to society. Freedom in the economic sense means understanding the interests of society and finding one's place in the production-consumption system. But not every citizen is able to work in accordance with the requirements of the market.

The German market economy is called social because the state creates conditions for all citizens, suppresses the manifestation of injustice and protects all the disadvantaged and defenseless: the unemployed, the sick, the elderly and children. Social justice and solidarity are indispensable prerequisites for social consensus. Western researchers have come to the conclusion that a harmonious combination of labor incentives and social guarantees is one of the most optimal models ever known in the history of economic theories. This model provides equally both economic well-being and social guarantees.

The Swedish model of labor motivation is distinguished by a strong social policy aimed at reducing wealth inequality through the redistribution of national income in favor of the less well-off segments of the population. Since the 1950s, Swedish trade unions have been pursuing a policy of so-called solidarity wages in negotiations on the renegotiation of collective labor agreements, based on the following principles: equal pay for equal work, reducing the gap between the minimum and maximum wages.

The policy of solidary wages is aimed at solving a number of targets. First of all, along with market competition, it additionally stimulates the process of constant renewal of production based on the latest achievements of science and technology. At the same time, the principle of equal pay for equal work is respected, which in the Swedish interpretation means that employees of different enterprises with the same qualifications and performing similar work receive the same wage, regardless of the results of the economic activity of the enterprise. If, for example, out of 10 enterprises in one industry, 3 are highly profitable, 5 are at an average level, and 2 are unprofitable, then at any of these enterprises they receive the same wage for the same work, namely, at the average level fixed in the industry agreement.

Swedish trade unions do not allow the owners of low-profit enterprises to reduce wages below those set in the negotiations on the renegotiation of collective labor agreements general level. This encourages entrepreneurs to either modernize production or close the enterprise. Thus, the policy of solidarity wages contributes to the growth of profitability of enterprises.

One more characteristic feature solidary wages is to reduce the gap between the minimum and maximum wages. The very system of determining a single level of wage increases contributes to its equalization: wages rise for low-paid workers and are held back for highly paid workers. In addition, in the course of negotiations on the renegotiation of collective agreements, trade unions, as a rule, achieve the inclusion in them of special clauses on faster wage growth rates for low-paid categories of personnel. All this creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of highly skilled labor both in the material and non-productive, intellectual spheres of production.

Modern trends in the formation of foreign systems of labor motivation in a generalized form are given in Table. 1.

Table 1. Features of the formation of foreign systems of labor motivation

A countryThe main factors of labor motivationDistinctive features of labor motivation
Japanprofessional excellence
Labor productivity
Lifetime employment
Lump sum at retirement
USAEncouragement of entrepreneurial activity
Quality of work
High qualification
Combination of elements of piecework and time-based systems
Profit Sharing
Technological allowances
Premiums for trouble-free operation, long-term operation of equipment and tools
Compliance with technological discipline
Double betting system
Quality of work
Number of rationalization proposals
Mobilization level
Individualization of wages
Scoring of an employee's work in terms of professional skills, labor productivity, quality of work, compliance with safety regulations, work ethics
Additional remuneration (raising children, providing a car, providing for old age)
Great BritainIncomeProfit Sharing
Equity participation in capital
Labor share participation
Pure labor participation
GermanyQualityStimulation of labor
Social guarantees
SwedenSolidary wagesDifferentiation of the system of taxes and benefits
Strong social policy

Foreign experience labor motivation

Motivation of labor is one of the problems, the solution of which in world practice has always been given great attention. Domestic theory and practice of labor motivation, as a rule, are reduced to remuneration based on fixed tariff rates and official salaries, and are ineffective. Therefore, when forming labor motivation systems at enterprises, especially large ones, it is necessary to use the experience already accumulated by world practice.

Of the variety of models of labor motivation systems in the market economy of most industrialized countries, Japanese, American, French, English, German, and Swedish models can be distinguished as the most characteristic.

Japanese model characterized by outpacing the growth of labor productivity in relation to the growth of the standard of living of the population, including the level of wages. In order to encourage entrepreneurial activity, the state does not take serious measures to control the property stratification of society. The existence of such a model is possible only with the high development of national self-consciousness among all members of society, the priority of the interests of the nation over the interests of a particular person, the readiness of the population to make certain material sacrifices for the welfare of the country.

The system of labor incentives in comparison with other industrialized countries in Japan is very flexible. Traditionally, it is built withthree factors: professional skill, age and length of service. The salary of a worker, engineer, manager of the lower and middle levels, depending on these factors, is carried out according totariff scale, with the help of which the salary (a conditionally constant part of the employee's salary) is determined as the sum of payments in three sections: for age, for length of service, for qualifications and skills, characterized by category and category.

Most Japanese companies in the policy of material incentives use synthesized systems that combine elements of the traditional (age and new) labor rating of employees. In the synthesized system, the amount of wages is determined byfour indicators - age, length of service, professional grade and labor productivity. Age and seniority serve as the basis for the traditional personal rate, while professional grade and labor productivity are the basis for determining the value of the labor tariff rate, called the "skill rate".

Thus, the use of the labor rate excludes the possibility of an automatic increase in wages unrelated to the employee's advanced training and labor contribution, thereby increasing the motivation to work, which in this case directly depends on the results of work.

American model labor motivation is built on the full encouragement of entrepreneurial activity and the enrichment of the most active part of the population. The model is based on the socio-cultural characteristics of the nation - a mass orientation towards achieving personal success for everyone, as well as a high level of economic well-being.

At the heart of the system of labor motivation in the United States issalary. The most widespread are various modifications of the time-based wage system with normalized tasks, supplemented by various forms of bonuses.

Today, one of the most common forms of remuneration in the United States for both main and auxiliary workers iswages, combining elements of piecework and time systems . In this case, the employee's daily earnings are defined asmultiplying the hourly rate by the number of hours worked . If the employee fails to fulfill the daily norm in kind, work continues until the norm is fulfilled. This wage system does not provide for the payment of bonuses, since, according to American economists, these amounts are already included in the high wage rate of the worker and the salary of the employee. A distinctive feature of the system under consideration is the simplicity of calculating earnings and planning wage costs. However, most firms, both in the US and elsewhere, tend to use systems that combinesalary with bonus .

Collective bonus systems are widely used in the USA. Thus, when applying the Scanlon system between the administration and employees of the enterprise, the standard for the share of wages in the total cost of conditionally net products is determined in advance. In the event of a profitable operation of the enterprise and the formation of wage savings, a bonus fund is created due to the achieved savings, which is distributed as follows: 25% is sent to the reserve fund to cover possible overspending of the wage fund. Of the remaining amount, 25% is directed to bonuses for the administration of the enterprise, 75% - to bonuses for workers. Bonuses are paid monthly based on the results of the previous month in proportion to the labor participation of the employee on the basis of the basic salary. At the end of the year, the reserve fund is fully distributed among the employees of the enterprise. The use of this system by Midland-Ross made it possible to increase labor productivity by 16% on the same equipment, reduce staff turnover from 36 to 2.6%, and halve the number of violators of labor discipline.

When using the Rucker system, bonuses are accrued regardless of the profit earned for the past period. Bonuses are set in a certain amount of conditionally net production: while 25% of the fund is reserved, and the rest is distributed among the workers and the administration. Unlike the Scanlon system, this system does not provide for a collective discussion of the distribution of the premium.

The flexibility of the remuneration system is given by periodic appraisals of employees, on the basis of which the level of remuneration of employees for the subsequent period is established. Salarybeing revised , as a rule, in the first year of work every three months, after a year of work - once every six months or a year.

Some American enterprises are using a new system of wages, in which the increase in wages depends not so much on output, but ongrowth of qualifications and the number of mastered professions . After completing training in one specialty, a worker is assigned a certain number of points. He can get a salary increase by earning the corresponding amount of points. When determining the amount of wages, the determining factors are the number of mastered "qualification units", the level of skill in each of them, and the qualifications in the mastered specialties.

Main advantages , identified in the process of introducing wages depending on the level of qualification, are as follows: increasing the mobility of labor within the enterprise, increasing job satisfaction, eliminating intermediate levels of management, reducing the total number of personnel, mainly due to workers and craftsmen. At the same time, intra-production relations are noticeably improving, and the quality of work is increasing. According to 72% of the surveyed managers and workers, as a result of the introduction of such a system at enterprises, the level of output increases, and the costs and labor costs for manufacturing a unit of output decrease.

french model labor motivation is characterized by a wide variety of economic instruments, including strategic planning and promotion of competition, a flexible system of taxation. Its distinctive feature is the inclusion of strategic planning in the market mechanism. The basis of market relations in the French model is competition, which directly affects the quality of products, meeting the needs of the population in goods and services, and reducing production costs.

In the wage policy of French firms, there istwo tendencies: indexation of wages depending on the cost of living and individualization of wages. Consumer price indices are taken into account in wages at almost all large enterprises, which is reflected in collective agreements with trade unions. The principle of individualization of wages in France is carried out by taking into account the level of professional qualifications, the quality of the work performed, the number of rationalization proposals made, the level of employee mobility. Applythree main approaches to the implementation of the principle of individualization of wages:

1. For each workplace assessed on the basis of a collective agreement,the minimum wage and the “fork” of salaries are determined . The assessment of the work of each employee is carried out in relation to the work performed, and not in relation to the work of employees employed in other jobs. The criteria for the labor contribution of an employee are the quantity and quality of his work, as well as participation in the social life of the enterprise;

2. Salary is divided into two parts : a constant, depending on the position or workplace, and a variable that reflects the efficiency of the work of employees. Additionally, bonuses are paid for high quality work, conscientious attitude to work, etc. The staff takes an active part in the discussion of wage issues within the framework of special commissions;

3. Enterprises carry out such formsindividualization of wages , as participation in profits, sale of shares of the enterprise to employees, payment of bonuses.

In the French model, the method of labor assessment (which, as a rule, is multifactorial) and the criteria used are of interest. The content of this methodology in general terms is as follows. Enterprises usescoreemployee's labor efficiency (from 0 to 120 points) according to six indicators: professional knowledge, labor productivity, quality of work, compliance with safety regulations, production ethics, initiative. The personnel of the enterprise is divided into 5 categories. The highest - the first - includes employees who scored from 100 to 120 points; to the second - those who scored from 76 to 99 points, etc. At the same time, a number of restrictions apply: at least 5 and no more than 10% of employees of one department and one profession can be attributed to the first category, from 30 to 40% to the second, from 35 to 45% to the third. In case of absence from work from 3 to 5 days per month, the allowance is reduced by 25%, for 10 or more days - by 100%.

The advantage of the French model of labor motivation is that it has a strong stimulating effect on the efficiency and quality of labor, and serves as a factor in self-regulation of the size of the wage fund. In the event of temporary difficulties, the wage fund is automatically reduced, as a result of which the enterprise painlessly responds to market changes. The model ensures that employees are widely aware of the economic situation of the company.

CurrentlyIn Great Britain exists two modifications of the wage system , depending on profit: cash and equity, involving partial payment in the form of shares. In addition, it provides for the possibility of using a system of fluctuating wages, completely dependent on the profits of the firm.

In the UK, profit sharing is introduced when, in accordance with an individual or collective agreement, in addition to the established salary, an appropriate share of the profits of the enterprise is regularly paid. Depending on the basis for calculating the amount distributed through the profit sharing system, a distinction is made between participation in profits, participation in net income, participation in turnover or generated value, labor share participation, and purely labor participation.

Equity participation in capital involves the introduction of part of the personal savings of employees in exchange for shares or bonds of the company using these funds to purchase fixed assets and working capital. Equity participation in the capital entails the transfer to the participants of the corporation of a part of the profit (income), including in the form of dividends or interest, the payment of benefits or bonuses of the enterprise.

Labor share participation combines the above forms. The employee of the enterprise receives income in three directions: the basic salary, the share of participation in profits based on labor, the share of profits based on the capital invested by him.

The practical application of these models of the new wage system in the UK has shown that the income of employees from participation in profits is on average 3% of the base salary, only in some firms it has reached 10% of the salary. After the introduction of the profit sharing system, the number of jobs increased by 13%, while the average salary in companies with this system of participation was 4% lower than in ordinary firms. At the same time, profit sharing in the form of share distribution has a positive effect on both the company and its employees, improves their attitude to work, creates a favorable atmosphere in the company, and stimulates more efficient work. As a result of the application of the participation system, a significant increase in labor productivity can be expected.

German model Motivation of labor comes from the fact that its center is a person with his interests as a free person, aware of his responsibility to society. Freedom in the economic sense means understanding the interests of society and finding one's place in the production-consumption system. But not every citizen is able to work in accordance with the requirements of the market. The German market economy is called social because the state creates conditions for all citizens, suppresses the manifestation of injustice and protects all the disadvantaged and defenseless: the unemployed, the sick, the elderly and children. Social justice and solidarity are indispensable prerequisites for social consensus. Western researchers have come to the conclusion that a harmonious combination of labor incentives and social guarantees is one of the most optimal models ever known in the history of economic theories. This model provides equally both economic well-being and social guarantees.

Swedish model labor motivation is distinguished by a strong social policy aimed at reducing wealth inequality through the redistribution of national income in favor of the less well-off segments of the population. Since the 1950s, Swedish trade unions have been pursuing a policy of so-calledsolidary wages based on the following principles: equal pay for equal work, narrowing the gap between the minimum and maximum wages.

The policy of solidary wages is aimed at solving a number of targets. First of all, along with market competition, it additionally stimulates the process of constant renewal of production based on the latest achievements of science and technology. At the same time, the principle of equal pay for equal work is respected, which in the Swedish interpretation means that employees of different enterprises with the same qualifications and performing similar work receive the same wage, regardless of the results of the economic activity of the enterprise. If, for example, out of 10 enterprises in one industry, 3 are highly profitable, 5 are at an average level, and 2 are unprofitable, then any of these enterprises receiveequal pay for equal work , namely at the average level fixed in the industry agreement.

Swedish trade unions do not allow the owners of low-profit enterprises to reduce wages below the general level established in the negotiations on the renegotiation of collective labor agreements. This encourages entrepreneurs to either modernize production or close the enterprise. Thus, the policy of solidarity wages contributes to the growth of profitability of enterprises.

Another characteristic feature of solidarity wages is the reduction of the gap between the minimum and maximum wages. The very system of determining a single level of wage increases contributes to its equalization: wages rise for low-paid workers and are held back for highly paid workers. In addition, in the course of negotiations on the renegotiation of collective agreements, trade unions, as a rule, achieve the inclusion in them of special clauses on faster wage growth rates for low-paid categories of personnel. All this creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of highly skilled labor both in the material and non-productive, intellectual spheres of production.

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