Where was the solar eclipse on August 21st. Astrology of lovers in Life. The situations that will arise on this day are likely to have dramatic overtones. But there is a high probability of their further development in a positive way. So it makes sense to hope

The solar eclipse in August 2017 will have a positive impact on many areas of life. The results of solar exposure will be impressive, which will help you achieve your goals in the shortest possible time.

The solar eclipse will take place on August 21, 2017 at 21:21 Moscow time. Unlike the February eclipse, the August eclipse will be accompanied by a favorable arrangement of the planets. The Sun and Mars will be in the constellation Leo, simultaneously trine with Uranus in Aries and conjunct the Moon in Leo. The Universe itself provides a good opportunity to improve life and reach unprecedented heights. Astrological recommendations will help you use such a powerful force for your own good.

Solar eclipse from the point of view of astrologers

The energy of the upcoming eclipse is favorable and optimistic. This astrological event will bring more joy, pleasure, courage and determination. The conjunction of the Moon and the Sun in the constellation Leo will require you to become a leader, push yourself to the fore, stand out against the background of the gray mass, attract attention.

Do not hide behind doubts, fears and complexes. The energy of the day will give purposefulness and strength for something that had not been reached before. Lack of motivation will be replaced by a surge of enthusiasm and the need to act. Trine of Uranus in Aries will contribute to the liberation from prejudices, dependence on other people's opinions and stereotypical behavior.

On the day of the eclipse, there will be negative aspects of the planets, which, nevertheless, will complement and strengthen inner harmony and universal balance. Venus in Cancer and Mercury in Virgo form a semi-square, which will find expression in the material and social spheres.

In astrology, both positive and negative aspects of the planets are located on two bowls. Tense alliances in space objects will stimulate decisive action, while positive relationships will provide good opportunities.

Features of the solar eclipse in August

Solar activity will reach the apogee of its positive influence, which will be reflected in every living organism. At the time of the eclipse, the Sun will be in the zodiacal Leo. Leo is a talented and purposeful sign of the Zodiac, so creative manifestations are one of the main topics of the upcoming eclipse. This area is not limited to skills in a particular area of ​​art. A genius sleeps in every person, and the hidden talents laid down by nature will help awaken him.

Feelings and emotions will intensify. The sign of Leo has a direct connection with the heart chakra, which is responsible for love. In a relationship, people can feel a positive renewal. The solar energy of Leo will give an incentive and the opportunity to follow the dictates of the heart. It will also be a wonderful moment to release destructive relationships and heal a broken heart. Any obstacles will be met with optimism and faith in the best.

Solar Eclipse Impact on Zodiac Signs

Aries, Sagittarius, Leo, Aquarius and Libra can feel the brightest solar eclipse. Astrologers warn that solar activity will not necessarily make itself felt on August 21st. This can happen a day earlier or later than the set period.

The combination of different energetics will give the eclipse intense activity and a powerful impetus to move forward. Rapid events will overtake many people. There will be chances to direct energy flows to your advantage.

Creativity, love and creation are the three main themes of the upcoming eclipse. Productive will be the desire to express yourself in creativity. Take up a hobby, try yourself in a new business, or find like-minded people in your hobby. You can also confess your love, be creative in solving business problems and decorate your home beautifully.

Spiritual practices will help perk up, find a way out of impasses and improve the quality of life. Plans will have to be slightly adjusted taking into account the increased activity, so that the energy does not remain unrealized and does not go into a destructive direction.

A solar eclipse is one of the brightest astrological events. It has long been given a mysterious and magical meaning. It was believed that at this time you can change your fate. A simple ritual will charge you with powerful power and tie good luck to you for a long time. We wish you great mood and success. be happyand don't forget to press the buttons and

Eclipses carry a powerful energy charge. How exactly it will "shoot" is determined by the nature of the eclipse and the interaction of the eclipse card with the state or a specific person.

Essence of a solar eclipse determined on the basis of its astronomical nature. A solar eclipse is, first of all, a new moon. The new moon in astrology symbolizes the beginning of the cycle and is considered a negative period.

New moons occur approximately every 29 days and precede a new lunar month.

How are eclipses different?

A solar eclipse is a new moon that occurs near the lunar nodes.

The lunar nodes are the intersection points of the ecliptic with the lunar orbit. There are two such points. Thus, we get two eclipse seasons.

This year the eclipses are in February and August.

Before analyzing this eclipse, let's take a look at history. Eclipses tend to repeat themselves. Let's consider a cycle of a meton which repeats itself in 19 years.

19 years ago there was an eclipse in the same degree of the Zodiac. Indeed, on August 22, 1998, there was a solar eclipse at 29 degrees Leo (as is the current one).

What happened in our country?

A rhetorical question. The default happened on August 17, 1998. We all remember well what followed.

Remember also what happened directly in your life? What period did this eclipse mark?

Next solar eclipse on August 21, 2017 echoes the eclipse of 1998. Let's hope that such catastrophic events will not happen again in our country, however, with regard to the fate of an individual, analogies are extremely appropriate.

So, the eclipse on August 21, 2017 will occur at the 29th degree of Leo, at the northern lunar node at the 25th degree of the same sign.

This means that the eclipse will especially affect those born in the interval from 17 to 22 August. After all, it is in these degrees that they have the Sun.

The eclipse point receives a partile trine from Uranus. In the eclipse chart, we see a Mars-Saturn-Jupiter bisextile and Mercury retrograde in Virgo.

How to interpret it?

Next Solar Eclipse August 21st will bring updates related to love, creativity, hobbies, children. The energy of liberation, going beyond the routine, is coming to us. Now is the time to start from scratch if you have long wanted to do this.

An eclipse can bring us surprises, both positive and negative.

Social promotion, efforts that will be crowned with success - this is an incomplete list of the characteristics of the next eclipse.

Retrograde Mercury can somewhat slow down processes, incline us to revise ideas, actions, force us to return to what has already been passed, or simply bring chaos to current affairs.

The overall picture of the eclipse is quite positive. In a nutshell, the eclipse on August 21 brings love in the broadest sense and renewal.

View of a total solar eclipse through a telescope

Total solar eclipses have always been the most interesting astronomical phenomenon for people. But if in past centuries the onset of darkness during the day caused fear, now a total eclipse of the Sun is eagerly awaited to see the magnificent solar corona around the daytime body eclipsed by the Moon, as well as stars and planets in the darkened sky! A total solar eclipse lasts only a few minutes (a maximum of seven and a half minutes at the best positions for such an eclipse of the Earth and Moon in orbit and an observer on Earth), but because of these minutes, sometimes you have to move thousands of kilometers from your place of residence. But this extraordinary celestial spectacle is worth it to cover long distances to the place where the eclipse is visible.

Total solar eclipses (unlike lunar eclipses) are visible only in a narrow band on the Earth's surface and in the same settlement can be observed no more than once every 200-300 years! Although there are exceptions. For example, in the American city of Carbondale, a total eclipse of the Sun can be seen twice with a break of only 7 years (in 2017 and in 2024). In Russia, Gorno-Altaisk became such a city, where total eclipses of 2006 and 2008 were visible (the interval between eclipses is only 2 years!). But such combinations are rare, and most astronomy lovers and all those who are interested in total solar eclipses, one way or another, have to prepare for a big trip in order to feel the greatness and splendor of the world around us within a few minutes on the day of the eclipse! This will be the case this year as well. On August 21, 2017, residents of our country who want to see the total eclipse of the Sun will have to travel to the United States. Those who, for various reasons, will not be able to reach the American continent will have to be content with the online broadcast of the eclipse, which will certainly be transmitted along the entire path of the lunar shadow across the Earth's surface.

The described total solar eclipse is a repetition through saros (eclipse 22 145 saros) of the total solar eclipse on August 11, 1999, which was observed in Western Europe and Central Asia (slightly short of the Crimean peninsula). The next eclipse of this saros will occur on September 2, 2035, and will be observed in China, Korea and Japan (partial phases will be visible in the eastern half of Russia). This total eclipse will only be visible in the US and will peak at 37 degrees north, 87.7 degrees west, with a maximum totality of 2 minutes 40 seconds. The maximum width of the total phase band on the earth's surface will be 115 kilometers (about a third of the maximum possible width). The length of the lunar shadow in space is about 373,320 kilometers, and the distance between the Moon and the Earth during the eclipse will be slightly less, namely 362,235 kilometers. As a result, the Moon will cover the Sun by 1.0306 of its part. This means that the maximum phase of the total eclipse will be 1.0306. In this eclipse, the central axis of the lunar shadow will pass at a distance from the earth's center of 2785 kilometers (to the north of it), so the Gamma parameter will be 0.4367 (part of the Earth's radius).

The lunar penumbra will enter the Earth's surface at 15:47 UTC in the Pacific Ocean (near the Hawaiian Islands), starting to move eastward, reaching the shores of North America after some time. The shadow of the moon will touch the earth's surface also in the Pacific Ocean at 16 hours 48 minutes. At this point, a total eclipse of the Sun will begin on Earth. The lunar shadow at a speed of about 1 kilometer per second will quickly reach the west coast of the United States and the inhabitants of this country will have the opportunity to observe the most beautiful celestial phenomenon! Moving from west to east, the shadow of the Moon will cross the territory of the United States through a fairly densely populated area, reaching the shores of the Atlantic Ocean north of Florida, passing the maximum of the eclipse at 18 hours 26 minutes universal time. From the surface of the Earth, the lunar shadow will descend in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean at 20 hours 02 minutes universal time, without reaching the coast of Africa. But until 21:04 UTC, a partial eclipse will continue, which will be seen in small phases by residents of the western coast of Africa and the coastal countries of Western Europe. After the specified time, the moon's penumbra will leave the earth's surface, leaving only memories of this interesting astronomical phenomenon.

Map of the band of the total phase of the eclipse

The table below (indicating time, height above the horizon and the duration of the total phase) shows some cities in the USA where a total solar eclipse will be observed (UTC)

Locality Time UTC Height Duration Sun of total eclipse Salem, Oregon 17:18:16 39.9 1m 55s Madras, Oregon 17:20:26 41.6 2m 02s Idaho Falls 17:33:52 49.5 1m 41s Casper (Wyoming) 17:43:51 54.0 2m 25s Grand Island (Nebraska) 17:59:48 59.9 2m 34s Carbondale 18:21:23 63.7 2m 38s Nashville 18: 28:18 64.2 2m 00s Columbia (South Carolina) 18:43:03 61.9 2m 30s

In the eclipsed sky, you can see several planets and the brightest stars. The sun and moon will be located in the constellation Leo near the brightest star in this constellation - Regulus. But it will be most difficult to see it because of the bright crown. To the left of the eclipsed Sun in the constellation Sextant will be Mercury, and much further and to the left in the constellation Virgo (near the star Spica) - bright Jupiter. To the right of the Sun in the constellation Leo, you can see Mars, and even to the right in the constellation Gemini - Venus. Venus and Jupiter will be the easiest to spot due to their brightness. Mercury is very weak on the day of the eclipse, because is near inferior conjunction with the Sun and is a difficult task to see, but Mars is comparable to bright stars and will be easy enough to see. Of the bright stars available will be Castor and Pollux in the constellation of Gemini, the mentioned Spica in the constellation of Virgo, Arcturus in the constellation of Bootes, Procyon in the constellation Canis Minor and Sirius in the constellation Canis Major. Perhaps other stars will be visible, but two minutes of a total eclipse is not advisable to spend searching for other luminaries. It is better to enjoy the spectacle of the eclipsed Sun and the solar corona!

Surroundings of the eclipsed Sun

In our country, partial phases of the eclipse on August 21, 2017 can be observed in the Far East, namely on the Chukotka Peninsula. Below is a list of the largest settlements that fall into the partial eclipse band (universal time).

Settlement Beginning Middle End Maximum phase Anadyr 16:35 17:19 18:04 0.393 Providence 16:31 17:18 18:06 0.428 Beringovsky 16:31 17:16 18:03 0.43

Eclipse Live Stream http://www.eclipsewise.com/eclipse.html

We wish clear skies and successful observations to all who will observe the total solar eclipse this and next year!

For those who are going to travel to the eclipse area, and at the same time visit the USA (maybe for the first time in their lives) -

A solar eclipse is an amazing phenomenon that is watched by millions of eyes, unable to tear themselves away from the wonderful view! It is as beautiful and amazing as it is rare. Only, on average, once every 350 years can a total solar eclipse be observed at the same point on the globe.

Moreover, the eclipse is interesting not only to astronomers and lovers of astronomical topics, but also to anyone who wants to see a real miracle in their lives! But how to do that? Where and when can you see solar eclipse in 2017?

Total solar eclipse in 2017: date, place

A total solar eclipse is an extremely amazing thing. This is a real event in the world of astronomy. Yes, and ordinary inhabitants are happy to watch this amazing phenomenon with all their eyes when they have such an opportunity. And there are people who "hunt" for total solar eclipses.

Every year they travel the planet from one country to another, in pursuit of a truly delightful spectacle. Witnesses of solar eclipses claim with full confidence that, at least once in a lifetime, everyone should see this phenomenon.

Residents of America will be able to observe such a phenomenon for the first time in 40 years. This phenomenon has already been dubbed the Great American Eclipse. According to scientists, this rare astronomical phenomenon will be able to see about 200 million Americans from South Carolina to Oregon. In fact, the United States has become a "monopolist" on this eclipse: it will be fully visible only on the territory of this country.

The settlements are already fully preparing for the upcoming event, because they will have to receive hordes of tourists and everything must be done to make the guests comfortable. The authorities of the cities where the eclipse will be observed are planning to make multi-day festivities.

Where can you see the eclipse in 2017?

Fun fact: Carbondale will experience the first of two total solar eclipses in 2017, with the second in 2024. That is, Carbondale will become a place where two total solar eclipses will be observed in 7 years.

Unfortunately, the solar eclipse of 2017 will not be visible in most of vast Russia. It will be lucky to see the partial phases of a solar eclipse only on the Chukotka Peninsula and in the extreme north-east of Russia.

August 21, 2017 will be a total solar eclipse and it will be the 22nd eclipse of the 145th Saros. The best view of this phenomenon will open from the subtropical and middle latitudes of the northern hemisphere. The peak of the solar eclipse, which will last 2 minutes 40 seconds, will fall on a point with the following coordinates: 37 ° N.L. 87.7°W And the width of the satellite's shadow on the surface of the Earth will be equal to as much as 115 km.

At the same time, the height of the sun above the horizon will be equal to 64 °, the azimuth to the sun at the point at the moment of the peak of the eclipse will be 198 ° at world time 18:26:40 (the error in time is 70 seconds).

The essence of a solar eclipse

An eclipse is an astronomical situation in which one celestial body obscures the light of another celestial body.

A solar eclipse is observed when the Moon enters the field between the observer from the Earth and the Sun, as if eclipsing it, blocking it with itself. A solar eclipse occurs on the New Moon. Moreover, at the moment of a solar eclipse, the Moon itself is not visible, and a feeling is created that a certain dark object is blocking the Sun from us. The shadow from the Moon at this moment falls on the earth's surface and the entire region, which is in the shadow, can observe the eclipse.

According to astronomical classification, if a solar eclipse can be observed as total at least somewhere on the surface of our planet, then it is called a total solar eclipse. Despite the fact that the Moon is 400 times smaller than the Sun, at the time of a total solar eclipse, the Moon completely covers the solar disk. How is this possible?

The answer is simple - the Moon is much closer to the Earth than the Sun (to be precise, 390 times). Thus, the distance completely compensates for the size, which is why, appearing in the sky, the Sun and the Moon become almost the same size for us.

Annular eclipse in 2017

In addition to a total eclipse, earthlings can also observe an annular solar eclipse that will occur February 26, 2017. This eclipse will be the 29th eclipse of the 140th Saros.

An annular solar eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon in which the cone-shaped continuation of the Moon's shadow crosses the surface of the Earth, and the Moon at this moment is so far from our planet that it is not able to cover the Sun completely. That is, in diameter, the Moon turns out to be smaller than the Sun and, passing between the Earth and the Sun, forms the appearance of a “ring”.

In addition to total and annular solar eclipses, there are also partial solar eclipses - an astronomical phenomenon in which the cone of the moon's shadow passes close to the earth's surface, but does not touch it.

The impact of the eclipse on people

The action of absolutely any eclipse (not only solar, but also lunar) can be compared with the effect of a foggy haze. These days, the adverse effects on the psyche and health are significantly increased. The state of mind noticeably worsens.

On eclipse days, it becomes more difficult to understand what is good and what is bad. It is not clear what suits or does not suit us. Often during this period we are easier to succumb to bad influence, we want to break and destroy everything. That is why it is worth refraining from serious decisions on the days when eclipses occur. New business should also not be started at this time.

A solar eclipse is observed near the New Moon. Most of all, the solar eclipse affects men, affecting career issues, social processes, and general health. The total eclipse of our luminary has the strongest negative impact. A partial solar eclipse has a weaker effect on people, and an annular one has an even smaller effect.

In August, space objects form a "corridor of eclipses". This time will be filled with both harmonious and destructive energy flows. It is necessary to protect your energy and direct the activity of the heavenly bodies to your advantage.

An eclipse is a bright astronomical event accompanied by an energetic tension that can literally be felt in the air. August is marked by two eclipses at once: lunar and solar, one of which has already happened. Astronomical phenomena, replacing each other, form a difficult and exciting period for all life on the planet.

Solar eclipse on August 21

On August 21, a solar eclipse will occur on the axis of Leo. The lion is a symbol of creativity, power and pride. Quite a burning energy will fill people born under the auspices of the fire element or the Sun.

On the world stage, this will affect the mood of the society: there will be a desire for renewal, dissatisfaction with the existing state of affairs will increase, and local conflicts will escalate. The end of the month will be filled with fateful events. Much will depend on personal qualities and zodiac features. You should be ready to take a leading position, calmly respond to everything that happens.

The impact of a solar eclipse on human energy

Proper energy distribution

The solar eclipse will pass through the element of Fire in Leo. This will certainly affect the emotions. Various kinds of confrontations are possible both at the domestic and at the global level. Bioenergy specialists urge to maintain self-control and prudence. No need to dwell on negative experiences, make hasty decisions that you may regret. It is advisable to tune in to an optimistic mood and practice positive thinking.

Solar activity will give a powerful surge of strength, which borders on emotional and physical burnout. Do not try to embrace the immensity - it can deprive you of vitality. On this day, consistency and slowness are at the forefront. Shift important things for one day, correctly distribute your inner strength, allow yourself to relax.

It is reasonable to send part of the raging energy to strengthening the biofield and health. Let the solar eclipse give you a starting day for giving up bad habits. Moderate physical activity will help improve the tone of the body. Proper nutrition will give rest to the digestive system.

During a solar eclipse, you should not expose yourself to emotional and physical stress. This is the time to release the accumulated negativity and aim for new victories. Improper management of the energy of this day risks leading to complete devastation, bordering on apathy. We wish you a great mood, success, good luck. Take care of yourself, be happyand don't forget to press the buttons and

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